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Snippet #2424780

located in Upper Brookfield, a part of The Day We Die, one of the many universes on RPG.

Upper Brookfield



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Character Portrait: Nathan Miller Character Portrait: Violet Haring Character Portrait: Lacey Harvelle Character Portrait: Amber Breth
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Amber Breth
❝The hardest part of a business, is minding your own.❞

Amber waited more politely for Nathan than Lacy had, but she laughed as her friend honked the horn in order to hurry him up. He moved a little fast then, and gave them a wave before he slid into the back of the car. To her dismay he mostly talked to Lacy, only giving Amber a slight nod of his head. She could never really figure Nathan out in general, and he didn't seem like he'd want to answer any questions Amber had nor give her a chance to ask them. He always sounded sincere though, and she didn't think he'd lie to her. If anything he might be the one she'd confide in about what she'd been dreaming and thinking about since she turned 17. Maybe, just maybe, there was something to talk about. He was probably the main reason she even held onto the idea, just because she felt a weird pull to him. There was a familiarness about him, but everything she thought of him changed when they were together. She felt as if she'd once been close to him. But the way he acted around her now was so distant, regardless of how Amber felt. She occasionally caught him looking at her, with a caring but also sad or worried look. Like there was something bad happening and he knew it. She couldn't tell what this meant, maybe it'd be better if she stayed away. But how could she when he randomly emerged in her mind throughout the day? There had to be a reason he was in her head right? She then saw Violet coming over, so she waited as the girl hopped into the car too. She watched as the girl pulled her sleve over part of her hand, but she decided not to say anything.. yet. Maybe later if she remembered to ask. Which she probably would.
For now she shook it off and drove, to probably the best place to get milkshakes in town. It was a cute little diner, with somewhat comfortable booths and decent service. It was near the mall, and a few other big places that attracted people. Then again, it was kind of a small town. The drive only took about five or ten minutes, and she parked her car in a spot next to the building. She'd been going to this place ever since she was little, because her father loved it. He used to take her and her sister out on Saturday mornings for breakfast, until Amber turned about 14. Since then her and Lacy had always gone to cheer up with milkshakes, or just get them for fun. Going with all their friends would be different, but more fun nonetheless. She could only hope it'd cheer Lacy up though. She glanced at her before they got out of the car, to see that she wasn't still crying or close to it. She looked a bit half hearted, but Lacy put on a brave face when other people were around. She could only hope she was doing the right thing, or at least what Lacy would've wanted. She felt terrible about her not getting into stanford, but the truth was Amber had barely even applied to colleges. She still didn't believe she'd even live to see college. She only applied to ten colleges, and only opened the letters for a few. She was pleased to find that she made it into Dartmouth, but she didn't care when she hadn't made it to Stanford either. She didn't tell Lacy this though, because Amber would feel obligated to act very depressed or upset as anyone would if their dreams were crushed. When she still thought going to any college was a possibility, she would've been upset, but now it all seemed silly to care about it.
The four walked in the diner, and got one of the rounded booths that'd be able to fit ten in case their other six friends decided to join them. Amber sat on the end, to the left of Lacy, and Nathan and Violet sat on the right of her. Their waiter brought over a few menus, and asked Amber if they were ready to order or if they wanted to wait. He looked only a couple years older than them, and he was tall. Maybe 6'1" or 6'2". Amber couldn't really tell. He had dirty blond hair and a charming smile. His clear blue eyes looked icy colored, but he seemed friendly and warm. Amber answred him kindly, that they needed a moment and they were waiting for a few more people. He gave her a somewhat flirty wink, and told her to take her time while giving her a quick look over. She blushed as he walked away, and felt Lacy elbow her and giggle.
Amber wasn't extremely used to guys flirting with her, at least not so obviously. She was very beautiful, but she was usually focused on other things than boys. Usually when Lacy and her were together, Amber was more of a wing girl, because Lacy was a classic beauty. She had lovely blond hair, and gorgeous blue eyes. Amber was unique, vibrant red hair and dull green eyes. There was something fun and exciting about being around Lacy, that Amber sometimes lacked. She loved her best friend, and felt that together they made a wonderful pair. It kept things interesting, and Amber never really felt jealous of her, knowing Lacy constantly had a lot of pressure on her to be perfect. She didn't find this fair, and always supported Lacy to go on with a music career rather than whatever plan her parents were shoving down her throat. She avoided eye contact from the others a bit, staring down at her menu as if she were looking for what to order. She studied the flavors of milkshakes you could get, though she already knew what she was getting. She loved the smell and taste of vanilla, so that was easily her choice. Ever time she smelled it or tasted it really, a new memory came back. That's how it seemed to work with her, scents and other senses brought up memories from long ago. Not ones she'd experience in this life. There was no explantion for them other than her idea, so what else did she have to believe?
She glanced over at Nathan and Violet, slightly to see Nathan's reaction to the waiter flirting with her. She told herself Nathan wouldn't care, and wondered why she even cared what he was thinking. It's not like they were anything more than friends, and even then it seemed like Nathan didn't want much to do with her. He confused her, because he talked to her like she meant something more to him, but then avoided her often. He walked around her questions, and dodged her observations. He had a way to getting around whatever she wanted to know about him. She'd realized she was only slightly jealous by Violet and his closeness, but even then she noticed he'd become more distant to Violet too. She knew they'd grown up together and always been best friends, and she wasn't bothered by that at all. She liked both of them very much, and cared for them like any of her friends. She wondered what was going through Nathan's head, and why it was so easy around Violet when it wasn't around Amber. She looked back down at her menu, looking over the flavors once again.