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Snippet #2428614

located in Eden, a part of DarK PinK SKY, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Character Portrait: Toyotomi Oshin Character Portrait: Akim Filat Orlov
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Words were often whispered about my extracurricular activities concerning Dr. Akim Orlov. One time, I caught two young ladies pondering the idea of my having relations with the scientific researcher, and they promptly found themselves jobless. Itā€™s probably because Iā€™ve been seen in such situations with him that obviously generate the wrong sort of impression about our relationship. To lay it out straight, I hated him. Whenever I saw him, I wanted to snap his neck like a chicken. My abnormal ability to glare at him for hours on end stemmed not from the fact that he was a very good-looking man, or that it could literally take hours to wonder how heā€™d become such a twisted old crow, but merely because looking at him pissed me off. It was his attitude. I hated him even more every time he had something to say; that and the fact that it was his lab that kept me from getting the position I wanted at work. If he didnā€™t have to research then I wouldnā€™t have to load him up with subjects. That was common sense that somehow my underlings couldnā€™t seem to understand. It didnā€™t help, either, that he randomly popped over to my apartment for dinner a couple nights a week because Tsutsumi is an amazing chef for her young age. It pisses me off even more that she likes him and keeps calling to tell him whatā€™s for dinner because sheā€™s worried he doesnā€™t eat a balanced enough diet. I love my daughter. I do. But some days I wonder if weā€™re really even related. I think she was switched with someone elseā€™s kid ten years ago when I spent six days in recovery unlike most mothers who check in, have the kid, wait for a check-up, and walk out hours later. Maybe Iā€™m just special. Itā€™s a long and gruesome story, so I donā€™t plan on going into detail; but basically Tsumi decided she was going to wait forty-eight hours into labor to come out backwards and upside-down while the doctors dragged their asses attending to me because, ā€œOh no, Mrs. Harada, you should be alright for the next few hours.ā€ Like fuck.

I still hold a grudge about that. If I ever see that guy again, Iā€™ll introduce his face to his prostate; then Iā€™ll tell him he should be okay for the next few hours and leave him like that. Lucky for him I havenā€™t seen him again. Maybe heā€™s dead. That would be a little sad, seeing as I havenā€™t had revenge yet.

What am I complaining for? I have a genius child who does her homework without my help and makes meals for me. Iā€™m not saying I use her as a slave; actually, on occasion I let her relax and watch TV while I make dinner. These are the days that I bolt the door to the frame because Akim Orlov is never to see me in an apron ever, lest I scoop his eyeballs from his head with a melon baller and super glue them to his ass cheeks. One each. Then Iā€™ll tie his wrists to his ankles and draw a smiley on him with permanent markerā€¦. That would be really awkward-looking. Either way, Iā€™d then send him home like that. No! Iā€™ll lock him on my balcony where all the other residents can see while he struggles to find a way back inside; because thereā€™s a two hundred foot drop from my balcony to the streets of Downtown. Actually, we can see the entrance to the Lab Facility from my balcony, and I suspect thatā€™s part of the reason why Akim comes over for dinner so often. He lives at the facility, probably because heā€™s too stupid to get an apartment close by. That or heā€™s so infatuated with his work that he canā€™t leave shit alone long enough to actually relax. Funny enough, that sounds a lot like Tsutsumi, which makes me wonder if my child actually wasnā€™t swapped out for one of Akimā€™s science experiments. This concerns me to no end.

I scowled darkly as his lips touched the top of my head, and with my hands fisted, I began to shake. Not only that, but walking away after asking me a direct question! This was why I brought him half-dead mutantsā€”he deserved it. I remember the first time I met him, in that very lab. I was fresh from training, just beginning a final initiation course where I had the chance to learn all the ropes, including wrangling live sacrifices for research. That first time, I had been attacked by a man that I had to subdue by force, leaving him a broken, bloody mess. He was still alive, so we took him into the lab where I was introduced to the Head Scientist at the time; I remember that Akim was just a tagalong back then. It wasnā€™t until about five years later that I actually spoke to him. My first few years as a Private, it wasnā€™t my job to talk to anyoneā€”I just did what I was told and left. Of course, from the beginning Iā€™d been bringing my victims in war torn and most of them even dead. I brought the captives in for the day, dumped them on the floor and was about to leave when I saw him again for the first time in a long while. Covered head-to-toe in blood, telling me how unfortunate it was that his boss had just died. I had gained in experience, skill, and rank, so I was a little more comfortable staying for a little chat. When I examined him, I could respect that he was an intelligent man, if not a little messy. So no, I didnā€™t always hate his guts. It wasnā€™t until after Iā€™d actually talked to him three or four times that I decided that he wasnā€™t the kind of person that most people choose to keep around without some kind of incentive.

ā€œTsutsumi? Actually, sheā€™s the top of herā€” Hey! Donā€™t you walk away from me like that!ā€ I chased him down. Why? Because I can. And when I caught him, I grabbed him by the lab coat and implanted my fist in the side of his face. No oneā€”and I mean no oneā€” treats me like Iā€™m invisible.