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Snippet #2434485

located in Ashariel, a part of The Gods: The Beginning, one of the many universes on RPG.




Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ulmo Character Portrait: Kaira Character Portrait: Sargon Character Portrait: Niueis Character Portrait: Braun Character Portrait: Karkorthi Character Portrait: Ragon Character Portrait: Nuri Kementári Character Portrait: Nocte Character Portrait: Anansi, The Spider Goddess. Character Portrait: Ai
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The land paved on and on, an infinite distance the world did stretch. Everywhere untouched by him was of something new. The sight, the sound, the smell, every aspect of sense etched new information into his mind. Such was the way of a predator, but his prey was not of his making. The rapid succession of paws upon the ground, the inhaling of six lungs, the jet black fur of these canine-like creatures. Ragon was proud of these beasts, for they had proven far more enduring than he originally believed. Still they ran, till finally the scents grew stronger. More were here, more..... things wakening. Each new one that came forth made the Great Circle skip, as if unsure what this boded for the balance of all things. Ragon had to know what they were.

The pack of dire wolf-like creations neared the edge of the woods, taking in deep wiffs of the air. They were near, in the clearing not far off. Ragon had found his prey. Each massive beast took it's place in a circle, all facing each other, and then let loose a thunderous howl. The raw, seemingly unnatural intensity in their howl sliced through the air like sharpened bone. Out from their throats lingered a dark smoke, glowing with a vibrant red energy, the essence of savage rage. The creeping smoke swirled and gathered within the circle of beasts, slowly taking shape and form. A terrifying beast, made of ethereal flesh, roared out to the skies, and from it's chest formed a second head, which swallowed it's predecessor, and from it's chest was formed a third head. This cycle continued for several moments, with each form consuming the last before finally taking solid shape.

A short muzzle filled with sharp teeth, aided by a set of mighty jaws. His mane did sway ever so slightly in the breeze, and thickened muscle was clearly visible beneath his golden fur. A powerful claw clutched at his chest, as it felt like Ragon's heart stopped for a moment. Something... happened. Something was wrong with the Order. An imbalance had formed. He cupped his two pawed hands and breathed deeply into his claws. His essence lingered and hardened, his claws tracing the edges of the stone disk to behold a crack in the side. As he touched it, he felt all he needed and knew..... Something not his had killed what was his. His child, his Great Lion, had been slain. Ragon had yet to make any creature which could hunt it, and it's death was too violent to be from starvation. No, something had come, and that same something had killed it. Scavengers claimed what was left, the life of one beast sustaining the life of others. The crack in the Great Circle partially mended itself. He would hunt the being responsible for this, but later.

In the distance he heard them. Low noises of different tones and pitches. A great thump which made the Earth quiver slightly, and the clicking of stone and something hard. He could smell..... things, like his children beside him. He did not craft these new canines, but if they were like his own then they must have keen senses. The warg-beasts were great stalkers in the tall grass, and Ragon did not doubt that his were the stronger of the two, but still he felt it better to go alone. He turned his head and nodded at the creatures, as they scattered off into the dense and untamed wilds. His own form, mighty though it may be, was ill-suited to these new lands. The grass here was not brown and golden, but rich and green. His massive size would scarcely find cover within it, but this was of no worry to the Father of Beasts. He had made both those that hunt and those that hide, no creature nor being would know of his presence should he not wish it.

Ragon knelt down to the grass, and as his touch did meet it's blades his skin stole it's color. His fur faded into his flesh, his bones shrunk to a lesser form, his forelegs placed themselves down as padded paws, and his movements became that of the grass itself. With each wave of the coastal breeze did it's fields sway, and with each pulse Ragon kept pace. His scent was that of his surroundings, his moves left nigh the sound of a ghost. He slithered and circled the gathering of creatures till at last he came to a small rise in land mass. From this gentle hill he could spy them, and if only he could tell what in the world they were. They all looked alike, save for only two. These things were strange indeed. They walked upright, slightly similar to how Ragon did sometimes, but that's where the similarities ended. No.... no, that wasn't quite true. They had a scent to them. It was to each unique, but something all connected them. They smelled ever slightly as Ragon himself did. They were related? By what way could that even be?

They wore loose dangly things which draped over their bodies, all of brilliant and very noticeable colors. Though why? Would they not hinder movement? Would their colorations not be better as their surroundings? Could they not shift their skin as he had done? Where were their claws? Fur? Scales? The only one which made sense to Ragon was the being of pure stone, though she still defied his basic reasoning in standing out so abruptly. Her and this strange female with many legs, whose top portion looked so weak and vulnerable compared to the rest of her body. Still, they seemed to like looking as they did, else surely they would change. Ragon looked at himself and shed his skin into the form he recently took liking to. His hardened scales peeled out from under the dry green skin, his tail swaying low but freely. He looked to many of their clothing, deciding he too would take color, stealing the blue of the shallow waters. He did tussle with the thought of confronting these new beings, until his eyes fell on... him.

The large male, possibly their Alpha. He was draped not in clothing, but in fur. Golden fur, which once held powerful and predatory muscles. A glorious mane he had gifted to his newest and strongest child, of whose face did now decorate this murderer. Rage. A single word, born again with new meaning which pierced and sundered all knowings of it. A feeling of such raw and indescribable fury, of emotions no other may ever come to posses. Ragon was enraged. His fury manifesting itself into a sort of unseeable-yet-perceivable red haze which emanated from his very body. It was this lumbering creature which defied his Primal Order, who had taken the life of Ragon's child without the need to. He, who Ragon thought kin. He would be the first to know the Wrath of the Primordial. An Earth-shaking roar, the cacophony of all of his children's cries Ragon bellowed. Such sound bore his full anger, a deep and deafening sound which this world had not heard before. It was as the sort of noise which resonated within oneself, vibrating in a sort of sickening way. Had even the swiftest head turned to spy it's source, it would behold all-ten-feet of the God of Savage Fury, Rage-Incarnate in full-sprint on all four surging legs and already within lunging distance of it's target.

The large mountain of muscle barely had turned when Ragon impacted against him, the Lizard-God's skull thickening and sprouting horns in preparation for the collision. Surprise and momentum granted Ragon the force needed to plow the hulking God into the shallows as both forms disappeared underneath the foaming blue. There was no hesitation from the Beast-Father as he bore larger fangs than he previously owned and bit down on his prey's arm with all his Godly might. Pain. Arching, shooting pain radiated from his jaw, dissipating quickly into even more anger. Braun's skin had barely given at all from Ragon's bite, without so much as shedding blood. Before any retaliation could be made, claws furiously lashed out as the two stood above the waters. With serrated talons of steel, Ragon tried to rend this being into ribbons. His claws sparked off Braun's hide like a sword blade against solid granite, but never once did the Savage God let up. There was no moment where a claw was not leaving a fresh streak of sparks, a flurry of sheer ferocity which only Ragon could manifest. Finally did the God of Strength clasp onto Ragon's forearms, the impact sounding of a faint thunder clap.

A test of sheer might, and for a moment neither gave an inch. The divine and limitless strength of Braun contested with the savage and unending determination of Ragon. Slowly, though, the bones in the massive reptiles arm's did start to show signs of cracking under such force. A battle of physical strength alone Ragon could not win here, but Fury was not simple might alone. It was the will to never stop, to fight Tooth and Claw for victory, and so Ragon did. Snapping down his jaws at Braun's face, Ragon forced the God to back away and break his hold. Ragon's free claw brought down a thunderous slash across Braun's chest, leaving the first signs of damage inflicted. Small yet definable scratches which gave only a single drop of the God's blood. Both parties backed away for a moment, finding their way back to the sandy beach. Ragon's snarling continence staring down at what looked to be an amused grin. Was.... was this thing enjoying itself? Ragon had sought to remove a limb at least for Braun's crime, yet Braun himself seemed to be entertained by their conflict like it were some kind of game. This infuriated Ragon in ways even he himself thought unreachable.

Both sides let out a roar of challenge as they charged. Though surprise was to Braun when Ragon did not directly meet him, slipping instead to his side. Ragon spun and slammed the weight of his tail against Braun's back, lurching the giant of a man forward. Talons sunk into Braun's back, finding perch in the ripples of his muscles as if they were features on a cliff face. Ragon's fangs began to clamp down on the back of Braun's neck, when the titanic grip of the Indomitable One dug into the sides of the Beast-Father and slung him forward, spiking Ragon's back hard upon the ground. The grip of Braun did not let up, however, and despite Ragon's talon-bearing feet leaving a matching set of neat scratches on the tree-trunks Braun called forearms, Ragon was still pulled back-first into a bearhug. This hit ever possible wrong cord there was, and every deep-seeded primal instinct of Ragon's screamed one thing. Must Be Free! He let loose an Ungodly howl, more deafening than the first if that were even possible. It shook the air with such intensity that the sand around the two could be seen visibly vibrating. Ragon unleashed a primal might that for a moment matched Braun's own enough to loosen the Strength God's grip, and when that wasn't enough, Ragon adapted to survive. Long spikes of bone burst from his skin, one poking Braun right in his forehead while the others pushed his arms apart. Finally freed, Ragon spun with a deep hiss of sheer hate, a swear not known to human tongues. He spoke...

"No Right! No Right Have You! Kill What Is Your Own! You Do Not Hunt! Do Not Need To Hunt! Kill What You Make, Skin-Taker! Leave My Children Be!" Ragon bellowed out in a truly guttural voice, a sound like rocks grinding together mixed with several different animals growling in unison. It was a displacing voice for any with ears, even Ragon would admit to this. Speaking of any with ears, his rage had simmered down enough to remember there were others here as well. Others like the large one he fought. Maybe they were much like him. Maybe they too would do as he'd done. Maybe Ragon was wasting his time here with them. Returning to his wild lands sounded like the wisest idea here, for he had likely not made any allies within these strange beings. "Thought I That We Share Blood, That We Kin. But We Do Not, Are Not. Thought Wrong. I Try Make. You...." he hissed as his eyes hit Braun again. "You Break. Break What Is Mine. Do Not Break Again." Ragon uttered a low, throaty growl as he turned in preparation to make his leave......