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Snippet #2613870

located in The Garden, a part of The Garden: Rise of The Nameless, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Garden



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Character Portrait: Ivan Witherbane
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The answers Vinn gave were.... Unsatisfactory to a certain degree, but would have to do for now. Ivan opened the door he had been leaning on whilst listening to Vinn. Immediately he was met by a plethora of familiar smells, burning candle wax, ink, parchment and a colorful mix of herbal and flower scents. As he entered he noticed how dark the entire room was, only dimly lit by a few candles spread through the room and the dark wood that dominated the room didn't do the room any favors in brightening it up. The only places that were decently lit were a scribes desk and the trays with plants in the furthest corner of the room. Ivan walked to the bed squeezed into one of the other corners footboard facing the door. He sat down on the bed with a sigh. Today had been quite a busy day so far, and it seemed it was far from over, too much to do before he could even consider sleeping. He took a few moments to think over the events thus far, and the flood of information that had crashed down on him.

Having taken in most of what had happened thus far and let it settle for a bit, he stood up again, left his room and head for the workshop. There was little time for dilly dallying, he needed to get to the point where he could get a reading out of that box, but even if that was possible for him as he was now, he'd need something however minor to be able to fight with any form of competence.

Entering the workshop Ivan found some tools he could use for his own handiwork. Though it was only a set of tools for cutting and setting gems, it was all he needed. He grabbed some iron and sand, not exactly the best choices for what he wanted, but even if he wanted to use better materials it would require more T-energy to infuse and work than he had available. He took the materials and the set of tools to one of the workbenches. First things first, he needed to make the base. He grabbed some of the iron and heated it to a forge-able temperature, making sure to redirect the heat spilling from the iron back into the iron.

With some audible protests of the metal Ivan applied force, turning the chunk of iron into a hexagonal prism. The protests continued as the sides of the prism narrowed down into six beams, one on each corner, revealing the hollow inside. With a snapping sound he then bend each of the beams outward along the length creating a sharp bend halfway down the length of the beams. Finally the flat hexagonal top and bottom were shaped, bend outwards from the middle, giving the entire figure the shape of a hexagonal bipyramid, about the size of a human head. He then grabbed some more of the iron and formed that into a ring large enough to be used as a handle and attached it to the top.

With the base completed, now it was time for the real magic. Slowly across the entire base indentations appeared, forming slots for gems to be set in. Then came the task of making the gems. He restructured the sand with a dash of iron to reform into crystals of citrine, the rough crystals that were formed then required to be cut to the right shapes and sizes. That's where the tools came into play, and Ivan cut the rough crystals into the very intricate patterns of runic symbols, making sure not to cut the crystals that could fracture the crystal. Afterwards he set each and every of the gems in their intended location, carefully making minute adjustments to ensure the direction and orientation of the gem was perfect.

To finalize the piece only a few more steps would be needed. He heated the apex of the downward facing pyramid and cut it off the rest of the piece. Using the iron and the remainder of the sand he formed an hexagonal pyramid of greenish black obsidian, and slotted that back where the apex had been cut out. Now it was time to finalize everything, turn this decorative piece into something with function. Using the last bit of T-energy stored in the crystals he had produced after the battle, he infused all the runic shaped gems and the obsidian apex at the bottom. The citrine crystals dull sheen became brighter and cleaner as if all minute impurities had vanished from the crystal, and the obsidian green sheen became stronger, but at the same time a lot darker.

Ivan grabbed the artifact by the ring at the top and a pale green flame appeared in the center of the bipyramid. He then spun the lantern around and looked at the runes, taking the time to carefully read and confirm he hadn't made any mistakes. "Heart of flame, heart of winter, Pale light in the darkness, Hear my legends, Speak my name, For I am Fen Fire." The runes read. It all seemed to correct, not that Ivan had enough power left to fix any mistakes right now. Satisfied with his creation he left the workshop with it in hand.