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Snippet #2614103

located in Earth, a part of The Chosen Elements, one of the many universes on RPG.




Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Eric Newman Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Remi Beaumont Character Portrait: Nathan Parker Character Portrait: Delaney Scott Character Portrait: Willow Harmony Phoenix Character Portrait: Damian Thomas Wright
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​Delaney awoke to the sun’s morning light streaming through the windows and going directly into her eyes. She rolled over on her stomach and buried her face in her pillow. She was still tired and did not feel like getting up. That was the last thing she wanted to do. Last night had wiped her out, and the lack of sleep she had gotten was not helping her case.

She could feel herself slipping back into unconsciousness when something was hurled at her. The object lightly hit her arm and she moaned softly. “Five more minutes.” She wrapped her arm under her pillow and sighed. Another object thrown at her, but this time it hit her hard in the back. “Ow! What the-” She lifted her head to see a young girl, about her age,l standing in the corner of her room, arms crossed, staring at her. The girl tapped her foot impatiently and Delaney jumped back on her bed. “Um, who are you?” The girl laughed half heartedly and flipped her hair over her shoulder. ”I’m your muse, and you have school.” Delaney looked the girl over. She faintly remembered Celeste mentioning each of them would be getting a muse. Delaney’s mind was more focused on training and potentially agreeing to be part of a death mission during Celeste’s visit rather than the muse she would get. Delaney repositioned herself and saw the objects on her bed. A pillow and an alarm clock. “If you wanted me to get up you could have turned the alarm clock on instead of throwing it at me.” She squinted her eyes at her muse and her muse shrugged. ”I didn’t think of that.” The stranger flipped her long brown hair over her shoulder and walked over to Delaney, pulling her off the bed. ”Get dressed. Clothes are in the closet on your right. I helped pick them out. I just hope you have a good fashion sense like I do. I’ll be outside your door and when you’re done we can go to the kitchen.” Delaney just stared at her muse blankly, and the muse rolled her eyes, disappearing from the room. The blond stood in the middle of the room by herself and sighed.



Nathan was still on his stomach, arm under his pillow, half asleep, when he heard two voices not too far away. He recognized the one as Ophelia, but he didn’t recognize the other. He turned his head to see a small figure on his girlfriend’s shoulder, just to see it disappear a few seconds later. Ophelia stood a few feet away from him and Nathan rolled onto his back to look at her. He rubbed the sleep from his eye with the palm of his hand and sat up. ​”Morning, beautiful.” He smiled at her. After everything that had happened the night before, he was hoping today would be a good day. He knew some must still be torn up about Talia, but maybe she could be visited today. He could go with Ophelia if she wanted him to, or if she needed him to. The sun was streaming through the window onto the floor, and it looked to be a promising day weather wise. He hoped it would be promising in other ways, too.

Nathan got off the bed and walked over to Ophelia, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissed her softly on the lips. He pulled away to look her in the eyes and grinned. ​”How are you this morning?” He could ask about who she was talking to a little bit. He wanted to see how she was doing first.



”Mommy! Mommy! Get up! Up, up, up!” Willow felt her leg being pulled on lightly by her son as he yelled for her to get up. ​ “Where’s the fire?” Lucas giggled as he climbed on the bed, bouncing a few times before throwing himself on his mother. Willow exaggeratedly groaned in pain and Lucas crawled to his mother’s side. ”Mommy?” Willow peeked an eye open and the sat up on the bed, tickling her son. Lucas squealed in laughter and rolled from side to side. She laughed with him and slid off the bed. She stood and stretched before leaning back down and grabbing Lucas off the bed. She placed him on the floor and he ran to the door. Willow still thought it was odd there was a room for her and Lucas to sleep in. She thought they would have had to share a bed, but when she found a room it had a bed for each of them. She went to the door and they left the room, finding a bathroom rather quickly. They both went through their normal morning routines.

Willow dressed herself and her son and she pulled her wet hair up into a bun. It would dry on its own. Lucas played with the sheets on the bed as she combed through his hair. When she was done, she walked to the door and opened it. “Come on, let’s get some breakfast.” Lucas quickly jumped up from the bed and walked over to her. The two made their way around the hall, and Willow smelled something being made before she even turned the corner. They followed the scent until they found the kitchen. Willow walked closer the kitchen, and she saw Greyson, Eric, Ezra, and Remi. Willow figured Lucas saw Remi before the others from the way the child walked over to Remi and wrapped his arms around the man’s legs. Willow walked over to Remi who was in the doorway, and grinned at him a little. “Hey.” She kept her voice low. She knew he was still worried about Talia. She was too, but not to the extent that he was. She couldn’t imagine being in her best friend’s shoes right now. “How’d you sleep?”



Damian walked around the room. He ran his fingers along the walls and sighed happily. After exploring the mansion all night, he had come across a large, empty room on the fourth floor of the mansion. It was nestled in the far right corner of the floor between a bathroom and storage closet. This would be the room he would use with Eva. It was perfect. He left the room and made his way down the steps and around the mansion. He had to find Eva. He needed to find out her answer. After everyone had cleared out of the ballroom last night, Damian had stayed behind and waited to leave. He had seen Eva and Willow in the halls looking for bedrooms, but had not seen them pick their rooms.

He walked down another flight of steps and stopped in front of a girl with white hair styled in a pixie cut. He didn’t recognize the face. She smiled at him mischievously and he stared at her. ”May I ask who you are?” She walked closer to him and placed a hand on his chest. I’m your muse. Pleasure to meet you, Damian. He lifted his chin curiously and scanned her over. She was tall, slim, clad in black. He took a step back and watched her hand fall. ”Pleasure to meet you as well, muse. Do you have a name?” She stepped away from him and folded her hands in front of her. Yes, actually. You can call me Gravity. We, muses, are named accordingly. Whichever ability you, or your peers, possess, that is what we go by. Damian nodded his head once and turned around, walking away from her. Gravity followed and Damian decided to ignore her. He had remembered the woman mentioning something about them each receiving muses, but his could just get in the way of training. If he were to train Eva and either of their muses interrupted, he would be furious. There was no need for them to be here. They would just make things difficult for him.