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Snippet #2700401

located in Miami, FL, a part of Another Year at Fulton University!, one of the many universes on RPG.

Miami, FL



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amaris Hamilton Character Portrait: Michaela Vaughn Character Portrait: Jazmyn Clarke Character Portrait: Eliana Bain Character Portrait: Charlotte Arnault Character Portrait: Cyrus James Character Portrait: Eliza Li Character Portrait: Blake Tyler Character Portrait: Cas Bajwa
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0.00 INK

_____ T H EXP E R F E C T I O N I S T _____

Outfit: Here
Jewelry {Not in above picture} : Necklace
Location: Theta Chi House
Dialogue Color âœĻ #06916C
Thought Color ✧ #985D5A

To: Blake
Such a gentleman. How ever am I going to repay you?

Amaris was just a bit slower than Eliza and Daisy in getting to the bar inside the venue, but it was definitely her destination once she finished schmoozing, as they all joked that the Alphas and Betas were wont to do at any chance that they got. Just the thought made her smirk, but there was no denying that that was exactly what Amaris was doing. The second they had all exited her Bentley and Nick had gone to park elsewhere (he had decided to drop them all at the entrance so that the girls didn't have to do too much walking in their heels) since the place was packed, Amaris had been swept away by a couple of alumni, the majority of whom were alum Thetas and Kappas, and two who were Alphas. As much as the cosmopolitan she knew Blake had gotten her was calling her name, there was no way in hell she wasn't about to charm her way into more money for the Thetas and at least several internship possibilities for her Theta and Kappa babies. Particularly since Ms. Ndoye, a former Theta Chi president, was living in Atlanta and had a host of charitable events that the girls could collaborate in.

"House of Ruth was such a...humbling and inspiring environment when I visited," she remarked upon their entrance into the rather spacious and luxurious modern home turned venue for the evening. "I am more than certain our girls would feel honored to come and volunteer, at least with providing an Easter meal for them in the spring semester. While it might be a bit last minute now for them to have to change plans for the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, particularly with the resurgence of mid-term and final cram sessions, I'm pretty sure if we sit them down before at least Christmas and incite a conversation on how they want to go about things during the spring, we will more than likely be able to participate." During a visit to Atlanta for a talk with Ntozake Shange and a host of other black feminists who sat on a panel at one of the schools in Atlanta, Amaris had happened upon a representative for House of Ruth who was incredibly close with one of the professors. After a conversation or two, and discovering their shared Fulton University affiliation, she had kept contact with the woman since last semester and they had promised to have more conversation on the Thetas participating.

"I look forward to the collaboration, my dear," Ms. Ndoye stated warmly and Amaris smiled at the hum of agreement in the air. "And might I just say, if I hadn't before, that this is a new look for you, Miss Hamilton. You look really nice." Amaris could feel the telltale flush alight her cheeks and her smile grew as she ducked her head shyly before swiping back a stray curl. "Thank you, ma'am." She glanced about them to see that they were only a room away from where she knew the bar was going to be and when she turned back to the group, a few more had been added. And Amaris knew then that that was when she needed to leave. Not because she couldn't handle anymore people, but their conversation wouldn't steer back into the direction that it had been in and it would take her the rest of the night to do so. "With all due respect, ma'am, I think you all did a wonderful job on the venue and you should enjoy your evening accordingly. I'll try to find you before the night is out or give you a call first thing tomorrow?" A response of affirmation was given and Amaris smiled cordially, shaking a few newer hands, and then parting ways with the crowd.

It didn't take long for Amaris to find the bar, especially considering the people lined up alongside it. Running a hand through her soft, dense curls, Amaris ran her eyes over the room, not particularly looking for anyone, just scoping out the room. It seemed that the louder and slightly more rambunctious music was being played outside as the atmosphere seemed jovial yet calmer inside. It made sense; considering how many people could be found inside closer to this bar and the various seating areas, this atmosphere required the networking and conversing crowds as opposed to outside where current students would probably benefit more from letting loose in lieu of upcoming exams, both for Fulton and for the various graduate studies institutions they would more than likely have to prepare themselves for. It was a bit of a reach as far as reaches went, but the thought of examinations and graduate school brought Eliana to Amaris' mind and she took the time out to text her girl before walking in the direction of the bar, smiling at a few familiar faces as she went.

To: Eli
I'm here. Nick's parking, but I'm getting a drink with Blake.

It didn't take Amaris long to find the aforementioned Sigma and while she wasn't necessarily close with the Sigma he was currently with, it wouldn't be Amaris if she couldn't identify one of the few Sigmas with stark white hair. Painted lips curving into a smirk, she approached from behind Blake, wrapping her arms around his waist and (with the assistance of her heels) resting her chin on his shoulder. "Good evening, gentleman," she greeted, eyes initially on Cyrus out of respect before said eyes lit up as she turned them to meet Blake's gaze on a grin. "Hello, handsome. I do believe I was promised a drink earlier."

_____ T H EXW I L DXC H I L D _____

Outfit: Here
Jewelry: Left Ear, Right Ear, & Right Hand
Dialogue Color âœĻ #C35817
Thought Color ✧ #730800

It wouldn't be Mickey if she didn't immediately find where the livest music was at any place a party was hosted at and considering she wasn't in the mood for rich snobs and networking on a Sunday night (that honestly could have been spent with the homemade cheesecake she was letting firm up in the fridge and the rest of her marijuana), she had immediately found herself dragging Jazmyn to the pool area. Not only was she more entranced by the outside air and general easy-going atmosphere, the music was a touch better, there was still a bar outside and there was a pool. Being near a pool where there were lounges and such meant fun. Being inside with a bunch of old wealthy people trying to both relive their glory days and act all high-and-mighty now that they were gray (which totally had her thinking that some of these guys were sipping from the fountain of youth because there was no way in hell you could convince Mickey that these men had been in the class of 1975) just wasn't the business and once she and Jaz had gotten at least two shots of tequila in, it was lit. At least, for Mickey, once she had wandered off and found herself talking (yelling) with the DJ over the music. Come to find out, they had even DJed for the same place once or twice before, and that he had been to one of the parties she had DJed at back in Los Angeles. She also made sure to text Eliana.

To: Mama Li
Good news, I'm here. By the pool. W/ the DJ. Bad news, tequila is bomb and my car keys are kinda in my wallet in my pocket. Don't worry, honeybear. You know I don't drink much.

It probably wasn't going to convince her Big to just let her drive home after the night was over, though it was debatable whether or not Mickey was going to feel like listening once the time came. This wasn't one of the times where Mickey just didn't bother with listening or adhering to authority. Unlike a few people in this world, Michaela actually respected Eliana more than most. It probably helped that this was her Big and so their connection had to be something for the two of them to work as well as they did, but still. Eli earned Mickey's respect and for that, Michaela listened from time to time. The music changed to a dubstep R&B mix and Mickey nodded in enjoyment, giving a thumbs up to the DJ. "Dude, that's sick," she commented loudly and he grinned, earning one in response from her. Michaela looked over the crowd outside before turning back to the guy, moving one of his headphones out of the way so that he could definitely hear her. "Headed to the bar. You want anything?" Once she got his order and gave a confirmation of its reception with two thumbs up, Mickey was sidling by the group of dancers and headed to the outside bar when it occured to her that she hadn't heard much from Charlotte yet, which just didn't do. There was rarely a party she had attended since meeting the Arnault that she didn't get to have the brunette by her side, so while one of the bartenders was focused on another guest, Mickey whipped her phone back out to text Charlotte and respond to Eliza, belated realizing that Cyrus and Cas had text her.

To: Lottie
I'm hurt babe. No response, no nothing. Starting to feel unloved.

To: Lizzie
hey babe!! I'm poolside

To: Cas
U already kno I'm down. Lemme know when u get here

To: Cyrus
Aint nothin but a word babe. Where u at?