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Apocalypse Radio

Apocalypse Radio: Post Record

a part of “Apocalypse Radio”, a fictional universe by CyraEm.

The snow owl against the gale.

Characters Settings Story
This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Apocalypse Radio”.
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[OOC] Apocalypse Radio: Post Record

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Senior Citizen on Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:23 pm

The following is a record of all none accidental posts submitted for the role play Apocalypse Radio. Please save any and all commentary for the regular OOC thread, but do feel free to keep this going if I forget to keep it updated. :) Silent Shivers if you read this, thanks I 'stole' this brilliant idea from you. :D

# Twenty Story Walk-Up, 1 day 3 hr ago, as written by CrashMe
Chilili Crow Dog flopped over, arm hanging limply over the side of her twin bed. The room was small, cramped with debri from the battle of education versus exhaustion. Textbooks were flipped open and littered with highlighted notes. Papers were scattered. Pens and pencils dotted the cluttered landscape. Empty carcasses of chip bags and fast food containers made their mark as well. Sunlight filtered through the closed blinds, casting long shadows across the barren wall. Aside from the mess, there was no trace of identity within her own room. Her roommate had barely cast a shadow in the apartment since she had hooked up with a drummer boyfriend. Even the absence did not give her incentive to claim ownership. This was a way station, a waiting room, anywhere but home. And it looked it.

# Twenty Story Walk-Up, 1 day 2 hr ago, as written by CrashMe
A small clock radio began spitting an alarm in a broken staccato. Instinctively, she attempted to reach out her hand and smack the little bastard shut. She never got it on the first try. Not the second either. But as an eye creaked open, breaking apart the crust of the night before, she smacked the sucker good. The time blinked at her benignly, letting her know that she was already late for whatever she had to do that day. Ever since she had moved to the city, she was always running late for something. Time had never moved so fast before. Back home, it crawled with anticipation. It pulsed with life, just waiting to bloom. In the city, time was already decaying within her grasp.

# Twenty Story Walk-Up, 1 day 2 hr ago, as written by CrashMe
It hit her then, in the dawn of waking. She was at work... faced with several people but they weren't people... No, that wasn't right. She sat up with a start. Chilili took in her surroundings but they hadn't changed. What did she do last night? She was at work... did she leave? Did she go home? She crawled out of bed, dropping to her knees on the floor. She had a test... Right? She looked through her homework, noting her own particular organizational pattern. The essay was left undone but that wasn't it. Something was just on the edge of her mind. Absentmindedly, she switched on the radio for the white noise of news. She had to get ready. Whatever pressing matter she had, it would have to wait. She was late... She had something important to get to. Work... right? Was that right? She stood up, looking around for clothes. It took only a moment to realize she was already wearing them. She looked down at her t-shirt and jeans. Chilili was still wearing her shoes. Her apron was still intact. What the hell?

# Twenty Story Walk-Up, 1 day 2 hr ago, as written by CrashMe
She was at work... faced with several people but they weren't people... Gods? That's ridiculous... Familar faces, asking her to prove humanity was worthy. No, that was a dream, right? There was an argument... the apocalypse... she was chosen... Why her? She felt sick. Chilili sat down on the edge of her bed. "Don't be silly," she said to herself, "You've been studying to hard, working too hard... you came home and you were so tired that you fell asleep in your clothes... it's not the first time... You are not crazy... You are not... crazy,"

# Twenty Story Walk-Up, 1 day 27 sec ago, as written by Utility
Radio Greetings girl, if I have calibrated this properly which I have undoubtedly done so, you should be hearing my voice clearly and at a conformable amount of hertz. I'm sure your response to this stimuli will be a paralysis induced by shock, but I haven't the time for you to undergo the natural process of assimilating to the reality of your situation. No, what you experienced last night wasn't a dream, some of us just felt you required sleep, your sanity is relatively intact, and...You know what, I think this whole process of explanation can be sped up efficiently if we simply communicate in person for now...

# Orchard Lake Reservation, 1 day 9 min ago, as written by Senior Citizen
Infinitous-Zero "Quagmire Jones" Briskly went up the flight of stairs making his way to the twentieth floor of the apartment complex, with the enthusiasm of a 13 year old, and the manic excitement of a mad scientist fueling him. He could have chosen the elevator or to simply have materialized at her door, but with young Quagmire's heart pounding so, he needed the release of energy. Although slightly sweaty now, Quagmire looked far more refreshed then on the previous night, he wore a fresh white shirt, and pair of black pants identical to yesterday's. The latter being firmly tucked into the former, this time baring no evidence of a bully attack. As he made his way across the hallway he was panting almost in rhythm to the light thumps of his book-bag hitting his back. "Aren't you suppose to be in school kid," the custodian mused, looking down at him from a top a latter, as he fiddled with some wiring. (Twenty Story Walk-up oops!)

# Orchard Lake Reservation, 1 day 8 min ago, as written by Senior Citizen
Infinitous-Zero "Quagmire Jones" raised an eyebrow "shouldn't you make certain the appropriate, circuit is opened before working on it?" he rolled his eyes and moved on. He heard a "OUCH!" and the man hopped off the latter he knew it was to check the circuit breaker. Quagmire smirked he ordinarily didn't bend his rules and slow the flow of electrons simply because someone was careless, but that was one less for Death today, who was without a doubt watching. He came to a stop in front of Chilili's door, and slammed the knocker four times. (Twenty Story Walk-Up)

# Twenty Story Walk-Up, 15 hr 35 min ago, as written by CrashMe
Chilili Crow Dog turned her head towards the radio, catching the traffic report until it was interupted. She screamed with a start, jumping to her feet. She caught her rapid heartbeat in her throat. "Crap, I am crazy," she said to herself. A pencil snapped beneath her foot. Chilili shook her head as if it would stop the anouncement from happening. She could feel her old life slipping away from her. Why the hell did she agree? Why?! At the time, she felt cornered. It was fight or flight and she had to fight. But as the reality of her contract came to fruition, she had the panicked desire to leap out of the building. "No..." she said to herself, "Stop it... He has twenty stories... That gives you plenty of time to think..." And think she did. With the calm of a death-row convict, she took a shower and changed into another indistinct t-shirt and a clean pair of jeans. Chilili made herself some coffee. "You can't say no," she said to herself. This wasn't just about her anymore. And yet as Infinitous knocked on her door, her life began flashing before her eyes. Her childhood, her parents, her grandmother, college, the city, her job... Like a wheel spinning in her mind, it spun upon random memories of her old life. A life lived for herself. After the fourth knock, her mind stopped on a single memory. It was the last time she saw her mother. The last words she ever heard her say. Chilili paused, straddling between two worlds of reality and dream. She walked to the door and took a deep breath. The door opened wide upon a 13 year old boy. "Hi, come on in," she said.

# Twenty Story Walk-Up, 15 min 2 sec ago, as written by Senior Citizen
Infinitous-Zero "Quagmire Jones" Stood their for a instant, and craned his head up to make eye contact, he let out an annoyed sigh at seeing her expression. He rushed in clutching one of his book-bag straps with his right hand. "Good morni- ugh!" he tripped over an open book on the floor, however the fall was softened by a myriad of papers strewned all over the place, none the less the glasses became airborne.

# Twenty Story Walk-Up, 13 min 50 sec ago, as written by Senior Citizen
Quagmire let out a petulant wine and pushed himself up to kneeling position. Quickly he grabbed his glasses and raised them to eye level in order to examine them for damage. "My glasses!" he screamed when he realized their was a missing glass. Frantically he began searching the ground for it, pushing the papers gently away from the likely spots the clear thin object might have landed on. "I take it back, communicating over the radio would have been more prudent! If this is a measure of your organizational skills it doesn't bode well for you." He said irritably, and then snorted. "I might think Maisie, was taking out her displeasure on me, but considering the statistical odds of having accidents of varying degrees of lethality in this mess, I have only myself to blame." A second after his tirade he found his missing glass.

# Twenty Story Walk-Up, 9 min 56 sec ago, as written by Senior Citizen
nfinitous-Zero "Quagmire Jones" ignored Chilili as he popped it back into place, and affixed his spectacles to his face, muttering to himself as he did, "How I detest disorder." He turned around and made his way towards the paper frosted table behind him, absentmindedly rubbing a bruise on his forearm. "Anyways lets get this over with so we can commence the testing. Listen carefully the less questions you have to ask at the end the better!" He removed his book-bag and slid it onto a chair unceremoniously pushing some folded clothes onto the floor as he did so. "You remember what was stated at the meeting last night correct? Each of us all will administer a test specially formulated to test the extent of the defect that we disapprove most of in humanity. Well I'm here now to brief you on the details of how this process will be carried out." He spoke as he walked, without permission or preamble he audaciously stomped his way into her bedroom. "Ah there it is," he said triumphantly. He reemerged from her room baring the alarm clock radio, Chilili had wrested with minutes before. "It would have been interesting to see whether or not you would have, noticed the lack of a plug and battery case if given enough time." He snorted and placed the radio on the table. "This," he said pointing at it as if Chilili was to dumb to realize what he spoke of. "Is not the receiver device you had, yesterday. Though identical in appearance externally, I made this. Oh you can use it as an alarm, and listen to music if you wish to...Although that would be rather imprudent considering the situation don't you think? Anyway it has one very significant difference, it can tune to a frequency outside of normal space. Allow me to demonstrate."

# Twenty Story Walk-Up, 4 min 28 sec ago, as written by Senior Citizen
Infinitous-Zero "Quagmire Jones" hit the seek button repeatedly going down the AM frequencies, he flew through the 8.0s until, the '8' on the digital screen fell to the side taking on a horizontal position. He looked up towards Chilili to make certain she had taken notice of the odd display and grinned broadly. "Infinity Point Zero! get it?" He cackled at his own joke, doubling over with laughter, then he took a breath so deep it came out as a gasp. "No matter what station you have it on, there will be a very distinct loud and abrupt noise. It is actually not sound, but electromagnetic waves in perfect sync with your brain waves I should add, this way only you can hear it. This will let you know that a test is about to commence. At that time the one who's turn it is to examine you will broadcast a set of instructions for you, another alarm means the test has commenced and the third one, will signify that your time is up. However you can turn to infinity point zero, at anytime you want, for a repeated recording of the well as for clues, and useful information that might assist you with your tests." He sat down in the chair next to his book-bag, he placed his hands on the table, or on top of the stack of books that laid on the table, interlocking his fingers. "Now do you have any questions?" He looked up at Chilili expectantly.

# Cafe Kafka, 5 hr 13 min ago, as written by eleniel
Edelia had finally gotten to earth, although her body was less then ideal. it really had been Infinitous's rather rude barb towards the gods that had not already shown up that had finally gotten her to go. If not for that she probably would have not bothered, despite intending to come. As she finally arrived at Chilili's door she did not bother knocking, she simply opened the door and walked in right as Infinitous finished his little speech about the radio."Hello Infinitous!" She said, grinning at him. "It has been a while has it not?" For this once she was concentrating, hence she could be a bit more direct. She had not seen Infinitous in eons, and had a few questions for him. She simply nodded at Chilili upon noticing them before turning back to Infinitous, waiting for a response. (Twenty Story Walk-Up)

# Twenty Story Walk-Up, 10 min 29 sec ago, as written by Senior Citizen
Infinitous-Zero "Quagmire Jones" Was startled by the sound of the door opening abruptly. "Now what," he muttered irritated by the interruption. He shifted his position on the chair so that he was facing the door whilst remaining seated, as soon as he saw who it was his eyes widened slightly. "Edelia, what a relief! I saw the black hair through young Quagmire's peripheral vision, and I thought Maisie or Danse had come to aggravate me prematurely. Indeed it has been a long time...I suppose you could tell me precisely how long, down to one one-hundredth of a second further even if we wanted to get real technical." he smiled broadly, like an over joyed nerd who was meeting up with perhaps his only friend. Moments later his expression hardened, he narrowed his eyes and his mouth contorted into a scowl. "However your timing is horrendous! And you're the last person who can possibly have an excuse for that! Can't you see I'm in the middle of explaining the terms of the test to the Girl!" He blinked twice and fixed his gaze on Chilili remembering the fact that she was in the room. Then he looked at Edelia and back at Chilili, exhaling rather loudly it was reminiscent of a balloon being deflated. "I suppose a quick introduction would be the next logical step." He pointed at Edelia with his hand. "Edelia meet girl-erm Chilili Crow Dog," now he pointed at Chilili. "Chilili meet Edelia, the fourth-dimensional alignment re-alignment, and aligning engineer, one of my colleagues and yes the title is only accurate if spoken in all tenses, but in your case it might just be preferable to think of her as...the goddess of time. Excellent, now that we have that out of the way, did you have any questions?" In a after thought he added clearly speaking to Edelia "I admit I am rather pleased to see you, we're in desperate need of more level-headed individuals! The girl Justice irritatingly shrill as she might be, at least has the same appreciation for order we do, it's most unfortunate she saw it fit to not participate."
So you're fiddling with the 3 pennies in your pocket, depression's hitting you hard, you run into a pack of disgruntle girl scouts, they demand you buy their cookies but you ain't got no stinking money. You tell the little leeches to go away, they beat you up...Who do you trust to heal you, devil medic or angel medic? :P
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