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Aura and Edge

Aura and Edge Summary

a part of “Aura and Edge”, a fictional universe by daathkil.

They have come. New York is in shambles. The Eiffel Tower rests in the grass of the Champ de Mars and 1000 sq. acres of the Sahara Desert have been turned to glass and they're just getting started...

Characters Settings Story
This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Aura and Edge”.
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[OOC] Aura and Edge Summary

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby daathkil on Mon May 23, 2011 6:18 pm

Well the tale started in New York with a woman named August Rayne Smith and her young, autistic brother Charles Smith being attacked in their apartment north of Central Park by a large man with completely black eyes and superhuman strength Her powers awakened and she managed to blow the man's arm off with manifested energy and throw him out of a sixth story window.
Her uncle, Chip, works at the 25th police precinct and had August brought to his station by pulling some strings.
Forensic scientists found that the blood left on-scene was already coagulated and it suggested that the man had been dead for at least three days already. The man also simply got up and left, pulling himself from the Porsche that he landed on top of.

In TriBeCa, New York, a woman named Edana McCarthy was attacked by a little girl that seemingly picked up cars with her mind and threw them at Edana but she proved to have electrical powers that manifested from her body. She blew up an automobile but the small child disappeared as Edana collapsed.

Chip called in Alasdair McCarthy before that happened because he needed some detectives he could trust. When Alasdair and August met, she freaked out and admitted that Alasdair's boy had talked to hers and it made her reacted violently.
Connie, Chip's right hand woman came with news of the event in TriBeCa and when Chip found out that Edana was Alasdair's sister, he moved forward with getting her brought to the precinct before being taken to the hospice.
Chip got his fingers dirty and called a few friends, tapping into all of his unpaid favors and got Edana brought to the 25th precinct in order to meet August. As she arrived, news began to circulate about a strange event taking place at Times Square where a young man was supposedly fighting a small girl with powers much like those reported from TriBeCa.

Chip, Alasdair, August, Charles, Connie and Edana all quickly went down to Times Square in a Dodge Durango and witnessed he event with thousands of people. After talking to the Chief, who was unconvinced of August and the others' involvement, was convinced, just as the others, when Charles began to say strange things, making August believe that she could fend off the threat. This made the chief give the go-ahead and August made the trek alone, willing to fight off this little girl. After a struggle and after Edana and Alasdair joined August in the battle, the little girl nearly killed her original assailant who happened to be her brother. The girl had been missing for three years and still looked the same as she had when she disappeared. The young man was killed the in process of combat but August and the others managed to nearly defeat the girl before a clawed paw-like hand shot from the girl's neck and another from her face. The hands literally peeled her skin away from her bones and the blackened coagulated blood in her body became an oily, sickened flesh that comprised a creature that they would later learn was called a Shade. After a tough battle and August showing a glimpse of untold power, they managed to defeat the creature.
The Chief and Chip called in a favor, procured a chopper and flew August and the others to a safe house in Hoboken, New Jersey.

This was at about 8 p.m.

In San Diego, at about 5 p.m., a young man named Gallardo Guidry was spending time at Balboa Park with his sisters when women named Maya and Heather came to Gallardo and told him that he was going to be in grave danger if he didn't leave the park with them. Maya and Heather, not too good with words, excited his sisters so that they began to panic and within wasting time, two figures with elaborate powers attacked. A strange battle took place, as Samuel Chambers and Alexis Black found their way to the battle and they were suffering from dealing with freshly released powers. The enemies were defeated with a degree of difficulty and when the police began to arrive, Maya and Heather learned that they needed a way out very quickly.

Now, we skip to the Sahara desert. A young man named Nathan Gray found himself combating a powerful enemy on a jet liner flying from Egypt to the Americas when his powers released. His power, Flame Burst Body, allowed him to engulf his body in flames. Within doing so, he destroyed the jet, killed his family and his enemy all in one instance. he was hurled from the jet but his powers saved his life, slowing him before he slammed into the desert but the impact released an instinctual blast of flames that transformed a large portion of the desert into glass.
Fearing that the man would be found, Isis Negredeaux, an Aura living in Cairo, Egypt, went into the desert to found Alasdair. Her powers are Black, allowing her to control the darkness as a physical entity and to teleport from darkness to darkness. She gathered Nathan, covered herself ina specially made cloak and teleported them to her house, as she always keeps it dark. When Alasdair awakened in Isis' home, he was not happy and she had to explain to him that they are Auras adn Edges, humans who have developed abilities based on the laws of physics, chemistry, physiology and other applied sciences. Her explanation was not that great, as not even Auras and Edges that have had their powers since 1985 know where they come from or what they actually are. Then, she got a phone call. It was Maya, in San Diego, needing a way to escape the city. So, Isis went for Maya, Heather, Alex, Sam, Gallardo. Mary and Rebecca and teleported all of them to Paris, France.

In Paris, Maya and Heather did the best that they could to explain the powers to Gallardo and the others but after a heated discussion, Heather left the room, only for Isis to return, collect the girl, and take her back to Cairo in order to fight a Shade that appeared there.
Maya showed little interested, as she understood how powerful Heather and Isis were and she sat with Gallardo and the others. Her explanations did little but she explained that Molly and some of the others had their powers since 1985 and they'd been fighting to stop the public from learning of the existence of the Shades. The Shades feed off of human fear. The more people that know they exist, the more they had to feed on and more of them will come.

Still in Paris, Liliam Graham is attacked by a hulking figure and learns that she controls the Hydra Edge, named for its ability to let the user create as many swords of as many shapes and sizes as they see fit from red, burgundy and pink ring formations. She kills her assailant and instead of going to the police and explaining what happened, she decided to do the human thing and go home to shower. Molly Guidry was waiting there for her but instead of a warm welcome and explanation of what Liliam had become, she was attacked by a Shade still trapped in a human host. Molly relaxed, as she wanted to see what Liliam had in store but when the girl was almost killed, Molly jumped to action. She commands Skill Edge which turns off aura based effects and only leaves passive skills that always work. She is one of the fastest and strongest fighters and she can scatter wave, beam and particle energy with her dual blades and she can throw one of them. No one else can do this. She kills the Shade and takes Liliam away.
Molly decides to take the long way home and fancied a drive down the Avenue des Champs Elysees but that proves to be a horrible idea. She almost slams into the back of a car but swerves to avoid it. The man driving is thrown from the car when another slams into the back of him. When Molly realizes what is happening, she makes Liliam get out of the car and the man ejected from the car, though lying in a pool of blood, gets up and fires a beam fo energy from his mouth, carving her Porsche in half. From there, a battle ensues but when another Shade appears and a young man named Cameron Wilkerson appears, things quickly escalate. Cameron can meld his hands with solid states of matter and lift large objects, using them as weapons. He attacks a Shade that he has no hope in defeating but Molly learns that these Shades aren't attacking Auras and Edges in Paris, they're just destroying things. This suggest intelligence. That is a problem.
With one Aura killed by Molly and another still attacking, Molly is literally tackled into a building by a AUDI a6 just as Maya, Gallardo, Sam and Alex arrive in a Peugeot. Liliam goes nuts and attacks the remaining Shade by herself. nearly dead, she manages to take the monster down, cutting its head in half longwise. She collapses as Gallardo realizes that his mother is probably dead. In a trance, he moves toward the AUDI that is still jammed in the front of the Versace store.

A Shade comes to Molly as she dies and asks her if she wants to live. With so many things left to do, she says yes as the Shade explains to her that his kind are energy eaters and that human fear is nourishing to them, almost like a delicacy. He is not voracious like his brethren, he just wants power. He can get it with Molly producing her Edge energy. He wants symbiosis, not parasitism. Agreeing, Molly is told that she will have to fight the Shade for control. he uses her body to hurl the AUDI at Gallardo but he defends himself. Now, Maya, and a myriad of fresh releases must fight off the most powerful Edge on the planet....unless she takes control of her body. She will not be talked down...

In New Jersey, August and the others, comfortable in their safe house, wake up to find that Charles, who builds with thousands of Legos per day, has constructed a reconstruction of the Eiffel tower. Chip, pulling so many strings that the sweater had unraveled, pulls in a huge favor from a Senator he helped years ago. He has a Chopper waiting for the group at a private airport. The destination of the group; Paris. All they need now is a pilot, as one cannot be provided. Chip has a man in mind but the detective, Sleggar Frost, is in TriBeca, trying to find out some facts about the incidents plaguing the world. He's soon to have some problems, as he's just pulled over a person and he doesn't know that they have abilities.

The Battle of Cairo has ended with the worst possible conclusion. Unbeknownst to the two, Isis and Alex take part in a last ditch effort to save the city and its surrounding suburbs from the wrath of the released Shade. Alex is pinned down and badly injured as Isis used her powers to pull the rubble away from Heather. Then she saves Alex in his moment of need and proceeds to engage with the Shade on her own. The battle begins to go her way as the sun sets but the worst happens when the Shade sprouts wings and take to the skies. Isis brings the creature down to ground level as Heather appears and asks Isis to take Alex and leave. Isis protests but Heather shows that she has a mortal wound and that there is no way she can survive with internal bleeding. Isis reluctantly takes Alex and leaves. Heather attacks the Shade with a dislocated shoulder and a raggedly broken ankle. She begs of her body to just last long enough to destroy the Shade but a terrible chain reaction destroys Cairo and Giza, transforming the area to a flaming portrait of death. Over 16 million were killed in the disaster.

The battle with Molly is still moving along but in New York, in TriBeCa of all places, a detective named Sleggar Frost stopped a woman named Daniella Marie Ipatova but before he could question the woman about her speeding and failing to yield his police cruiser was rammed from behind. The cruiser slammed into Daniella's car and Sleggar pulled the woman free of the car as a man named Rollo Jameson teleported himself free of his Maserati, the vehicle which slammed into the back of the cruiser. Rollo "Jam" Dante Jameson incited a battle with man who'd shoved a sword in through the roof of his car but was thrown against a van. After Sleggar placed three rounds into the forehead of the attacker and he slapped the detective away, Daniella released Arc Wolf and took the man's arm off. Even after the electric wolf sawed through the man's chest he kept trudging forward until Sleggar went nuts, tackled the man to the ground and beat his face in with his own release of Blaze Blue Edge. After this, simply reacting, Sleggar attempts to place Rollo under arrest. Rollo lets him. As they all need answers from one another.
I say we take off; Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure...

Skype: alpha.player86

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