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A 2nd Tale of Transmutation



a part of A 2nd Tale of Transmutation, by Soul_Alchemist.


Soul_Alchemist holds sovereignty over Amestris, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Amestris is a part of A 2nd Tale of Transmutation.

5 Characters Here

Blythe Meraine [0] The Tainted Alchemist
Riley Bane [0] The Blackfire Alchemist
Darna Shaelladh [0] The Seeing Alchemist
Issac Kain [0] The Healing Alchemist

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Issac smiled as he watched Taven's reaction to his sculpture. He had been afraid the man would scold him for doing something like that, but seeing that he didn't took a great weight off his shoulders. Darna, however, by the look of things, wasn't as pleased. Had it been the fact that she couldn't see the statue? Or maybe she and Taven had spoke of something not so nice before he had come into the room. Either way, she didn't look pleased, and when she spoke, she confirmed things for him.

"I know diamond is a bit much, and I am well aware of the rules against a state alchemist using alchemy for personal wealth...but I wasnted to be sure I could repay Taven for all he's done..." Issac began, watching the woman as she searched for the water jug. Standing quietly he walked over to it and picked it up, then her glass in the other hand, and poured her some water. It was about now that she asked for help.

With a small laugh he sets the glass down before her, and the jug nearby. He then takes her hand gently and places it against the glass.

"I already poured you some water, but if that isn't what you wanted, the jug is now close to your left arm." He says, moving the statue a little closer to her. "You should at least feel the statue, I think you'll like it..."

Taking his own seat now he relaxes a little, though in the back of his mind he was still keenly aware that he would have his talk with Taven after dinner, something he wasn't exactly looking forward to. Although, it would be nice to have someone to listen to him, if only for a short time.

-=-=-(Time Warp!)-=-=-

The dinner proved to be both enjoyable and enlightening, as stories and jokes were shared around the table. Everyone seemed, on the surface at least, to really enjoy themselves, and the food was remarkably good. It had been a very long time since Issac had shared a meal with such good company. But, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end, and eventually the lights were turned out and everyone turned in for the night. The next morning, Taven had been up since before dawn, working on a grand breakfast for them. Again the food and atmosphere was wonderful, and again the good times had to come to an end, as it was soon time for them to head back on their quest.

"Thank you again for everything Taven." Issac says, shaking the older man's hand. "Especially the talk after dinner. And as I said before, feel free to do as you like with that statue, keep it or sell it, whichever makes you happier."

(hope the time skip is alright with everyone. after people post War will be attacking as we leave the house)


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(AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *is time warped* *lands face first in mud* @.@)

Riley disposed of the assassin, and then left for the house. He could see the smoke of another nearby house. He went inside, and taking out a key. He knew that they had about figured out this hiding spot. He opened the safe, and took out the Philosophers stone. As he left, he heard some laughter. He looked to the side, and he saw himself (so yes, this is a memory) and his parents, playing with some of his friends. He stared at this, saddened by what had happened to them. He looked as it got dark, and decided to stay in the house for now. Hopefully he wouldn't run across someone hunting or taking an evening stroll. But after all, this was is old house......

(HA HA, I GOT A POST!)(Hmm, idea! I could run into war first and he hits me into someone/something and we meet again. Only now i have to be even more careful because i picked up the Philosophers Stone :3)


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#, as written by Edamame
ā€œGo, go, gooooo~!ā€ Blythe cheered merrily, pumping her hand over-dramatically in the air as she made her way. Mornings in the country were always so much more pleasant than the cities dull grey mornings, truly. ā€œTowards our next destination we go!ā€ Perhaps the pose wasnā€™t exactly neccesary, but a girl had to keep herself entertained somehow and Blythe had found the best way to do such was completely confusing those around her. Plus, she was sort of a bit strange to begin with, there wasnā€™t much denying thatā€¦

There was, however, somewhere she wanted to be and people were taking much longer than the currently overtly hyper Blythe would like. So, with her usual complete disregard for personal boundaries and the desire to travel faster, was it that the small girl latched her way onto Vincentā€™s arm. And promptly began leading him ahead of the group they traveled in, while continuing to chant all the while for quicker movement of the rest of the group. Perhaps sleep might have been a good descion for her afterall, not that it much mattered by this point in timeā€¦Blythe was a somewhat functioning insomniac anyways~


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With a growl and a shove, Darna made her way daringly out the door. Taven was already up and in his garden, tidying up a few flower beds as everyone was getting their things together. Now it was obvious by the enormous snores issuing from her bedroom that she'd slept wonderfully and peacefully the night before, but it didn't seem to matter. Darna was simply not a morning person.

"Good morning, love." Taven smiled, leaning against a rake. She hissed at him and swung her jacket over her messily buttoned up shirt. Sitting on an old tree stump she sighed and let her elbows rest on her knees. Taven, on the other hand, waved off her response and turned to Isaac who'd just spoken to him.

"You are more than welcome to come into my home. It is open to all Darna's friends."

"Coworkers." She snarled loudly. He chuckled, and patted the back of Isaac's hand.

"I will keep the token. It is very beautiful and I'm sure you'll return soon. I don't want to look like a bad host, now do I?" With another laugh, he turned and leaned his rake against his house. "Thank you all for staying and giving the old man some company!" Smiling he walked over to Darna and dropped his hand on her shoulder. Instinctively she leaned in and rested against his hip.

"Miss you old man." She spoke through a yawn. He leaned over and kissed the top of her head and patted her one more time on the shoulder. Like always, he would stand outside the door, leaning on his rake, waving good bye as they walked away. Darna stood up and smiled at him and clicked out her new walking cane. It was very nice indeed. Taven always did good work. Still hating the idea of being up in the morning, Darna snorted as she walked passed the others.

"I'm leaving with or without you all." She stated plainly. It was obvious the Colonel wasn't one for long goodbyes.


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Soon the group was off again, though be it at a slightly sluggish start. It was still rather early in the morning. The air had a slight bite to it, a chill, but the birds in the trees all around where singing brightly, as if it were the first day of spring, and not so close to winter. Ahead of them lay their path; from Taven's home they would trek to the next stop along the railway along the main road, then travel by train to Belfast. At least, this had been the original plan, but as the group topped a small hill along the wooded path, a figure in a black hood anc cloak stepped from the trees to stand before them.

This figure seemed the have the same height and build of Issac, despite the shape the cloak lended to him, and although his face was hidden in shadow thanks to his good, his eyes could be seen. They seemed to glow some dark color, a mix of brown and blue. Opening his cloak and tossing the right side of it over his shoulder to give his right arm freedom, he reaches to his left side and draws a sword with glowing blue streaks in the blade.

"So, I have finally caught up to my pray..." The man says, his voice sounding much older than his body would have you believe. Under his hood he looks the group over, his eyes finally coming to rest on Darna and Issac. "You two, you are the ones I have come for. Step forward, otherwise I may kill your comrads by accident!"

Instinct, no, it was something else, caused Issac to step forward and raise his arms before him in an X shape. A second later, there was the metallic clang of metal striking metal, and the man with the glowing sword was before him, the blade of his weapon forcing it's way against Issac's arms, and closing in on his skull. With a grunt of effort, he manages to throw his arms to the side, the sword following them. No longer pinned in one place, he claps his hands together and manages to just grab the mans cloak. There is a flash of light and the crackle of alchemy at work, and then the cloak catches fire, and as the man leaps backwards, sword clasped in his right hand still, it smokes and turns to ash in nearly an instant.

Now, standing before them is a man that looks very much like Issac, save for the tight black clothes, short dark hair, and dully glowing blue marks.


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With a lifted eyebrow, Darna listened to the man talk. He was an older man, perhaps a little younger than Taven, but not by much. But that didn't matter as much as what he said. He came for them? And not even the entire group, just Darna and Isaac. What kind of freakish-- Then it hit her, but before the thought could come to complete fruition, alchemy was in play.

Isaac was obviously one for action instead of speech and started the game off quickly. As instinctively as the young man, Darna clapped her own hands and turned her cane into a wonderful little dagger. Holding it up she watched the alchemy in their bodies bounce back and forth. Something strange was connecting the two. A golden string of something tying them together. Darna wasn't about to get kidnapped by some psycho! As she aimed her dagger at the peak of his form, she noticed another strange thing, but this time only about the assailant. He wasn't using any alchemy at all. His body was infused with it, his blood and muscles all beating with alchemy, but it was not focusing outward.

"Isaac!" She spoke in shock. "He's not human!" With another clap of her hands, the cane changed from a dagger to a thin sword for defense. Throwing a dagger at him wouldn't kill him, but she'd defend herself as best as she could. Gazing at his make more, and trying to tie everything together Darna's heart almost stopped.

"No... he's not human... They want us because of what we've done." This time her voice was lower, less shock in her voice as there was realization. Did this have anything to do with the dead or missing Alchemists? Did they expect them to do it again? Hardly fearful in the face of battle, Darna felt the familiar emotion creeping up into her muscles. She wouldn't do it again. Ever.


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#, as written by Edamame
Positively wonderful. Just what Blythe needed in the early hours of the morning, a random assassin-wannabe after her companions who apparently happened to not be 100% human either. At some point in time, she should probably work on turning her karma around, as her karmic scales seemed dangerously set on punishing herā€¦Or rather on punishing the ones around her, whose punishment in turn ended up inconveniencing the poor Brigadier General.

With a dark grimace draped across her face and a slight twitch in her brow, a now considerably irritated Blythe dug wearily through the folds of her bag. There were places to be, things to do, and people to kill, all of which would require her two companions to be alive and for the most part intact. Now, with Mr. Mystery-Assassin threatening both Darnaā€™s and Isaacā€™s safety, he was thus threatening to jeopardize the entire mission and that Blythe would not allow to continue. She had a reputation to uphold after all.

Brushing against the hilt of her desired dagger, a small piece of almost pure strontium worked into a blade accompanied by an intricately crafted ivory base, Blythe quickly retracted the weapon from her bag, wincing ever so slightly as it grazed her inner arm. Sheā€™d never much been one for weapons, simply as they turned on their masterā€™s with a flick of the wrist, and part of her realized her inexperience with the tool probably showed. The other part of her, that being the decidedly more psychotic side of her, was more preoccupied with theories on what would occur if a corrosive substance was to make contact with inhuman flesh. Her current, most favored theory was that it could perhaps create a small explosive effect if the flesh was made of the same synthetic organic molecules she suspected.

Only one sure way to find out though~! With a somewhat unnerving expression on her face, that being of absolute glee in the midst of a battle field, the girl fetched yet another item from her expansive bag, this time a small vile of Hydrofluoric Acid. It seemed to her it would be best to approach the situation as though he was primarily human first, before attacking as though the man was a being of inorganic matter, if only for the fact human-damaging substances were a butt-load cheaper to produce then the universal solvent she carried in her bag.

A flick of her wrist and the contents of her small vile dripped off the edges of her gleaming blade, mixing with the etched designs that decorated the length of the blade ever so slowly. As the liquid spread, it became progressively more clear that the designs were in fact transmutation circles, and with the addition of a few drops of a certain crimson liquid and the touch of Blytheā€™s hand, the alchemical process began. Sparks of scarlet danced around the blade as the liquid that had once covered itā€™s expanse seeped into the metal itself, which had only remained unreacted by the coating surrounding the strontium blade. Now, in her hand rested a blade capable of not only liquefying bone, muscle matter, and destroying flesh(though the process would take a few hours), but also of causing extreme irritation to the eyes, flesh, and respiratory system as well! Hopefully the man had some similarity to humans in his composition, otherwise Blythe probably just made a blade capable of crippling her in a momentā€¦

Up to the point of activating her transmutation circles, Blythe had been fairly sure that the assassin man remained unaware, or more accurately uninterested in her existence, both with sparks of brilliant light shooting from her blade and the fact she was standing only a few meters behind his actual targets, she wasnā€™t entirely all that sure anymore. Oh well, hopefully heā€™d just write it off as an oddity of humanity women and go on trying to kill her companions as she tried to find an opening in his defense. Which, honestly, she was hard pressed to find as of the moment, even with Isaac keeping him preoccupied. This was exactly why she hated battleā€™s in which she couldnā€™t just release an area of effect attack to completely annihilate her opponents, to much risk, not enough fun. Plus, sheā€™d forgotten her pistol back in central and without a gun, the Brigadier General was forced to rely on outdated weaponry not fit for even a child.


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"I...can tell..." Issac says quietly, a slight awe in his voice, a mixture of shock and confusion. "There is no way that this man- no, this creature is human...because-" Before he could finish his sentence, War was upon them, letting out a battle cry as he leapt inhumanly high into the air to bring his sword down on top of Issac.

Luckily, and unlickily, after setting the cloak on fire Issac had bent down and gathered up his cane with his left hand, which left only his right arm free to defend against this attack. Thrusting his right hand up into the air, making it into a fist as he attempts to knock the sword away, something goes very wrong. Instead of the same metallic noices as before, the blade, somehow much harder and sharper now, slices through his automail hand, down into the wrist, before the homonculus hits the ground again and pulls his sword free.

"Damnit!" Issac cries, as a synthetic pain races through his arm. Synthetic, because he didn't really have any nerves in his hand, but the automail he had was attached to his real nerves, and when damaged, it sends a signal along them as a sort of warning. "He can change the density of that's a part of him somehow!"

"Oh, this thing? Call it the spoils of war," the creature says with a laugh, stabbing the sword into the ground as he grabs Issac suddenly by the throat and lifts him into the air, "I have the ability to warp this sword to my will, and without the use of alchemy! If I had a soul, I would say it was an extention of that...but I don't. None of us do, except for that girl over there with her shiny dagger." Raising his voice he moves Issac aside so that he looks at Blythe. "I don't know what you plan to do girl, but you had better try very hard!"

Having either overlooked it or from simple arrogance, War has forgotten about the cane Issac holds in his left hand, and while his right hand is split from between the middle and ring finger to the wrist, alchemy can still flow. As best he can with so little oxygen getting to his brain, he grasps the cane in both hands, and in a flash of light it starpens and extends, until the tip of the now steel cane turned spike presses all the way through War and out his back.


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Darna had moved out of the way when she heard Isaac scream. Alchemy was all around her, but she couldn't mix it up with the strange flow inside the assassin. He was sticking out like a sore thumb and she needed to get rid of him. Her puny cane wasn't much in any shape against him and she had a limited amount of time to think of a good strategy.

Watching him choke the life from Isaac made her heart pound maniacally and her breaths were short and shallow. What should she do? Blythe was doing something, Isaac, even in his broken and trapped state was fighting back!

Come on, idiot! Come on! Then it hit her like a ton of bricks. His alchemy was too familiar. So familiar it made her skin crawl. They had to get the upper hand, get questions answered. With another clap of her hands, Darna laid her palms on the ground and it moved like a wave under the assailants feet. All the dirt and rocks clasped like hands around his ankles and started to pull his body forward, taking Isaac's cane with it. When he fell to the ground, Darna pushed Isaac away and sat on top of the perp's chest, her hands tight around his neck.

"Isaac, are you okay?" It felt wrong touching the man, squeezing his throat, knowing he wouldn't die from it. Darna wanted to scream at him, punch him, even kill him, but it wouldn't be worth it. It was so obvious. How she'd missed it at first she would never know.

"He's..." She started softly, the word burning as it came out of her throat. "He's Homunculus." So it still happened.

Would she be out there? Would she try to kill them as well?