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A different kind of Love

A different kind of Love


Do you like someone of the same gender? Do you get beat everyday at school because your that way? will you ever find love?

2,473 readers have visited A different kind of Love since ~Nutty~*Green Neko* created it.


Alright, This is totally Character driven! so there's really no plot Except for there is only same sex romance here!
Okay Characters!
Gay Guy 1~ Taken
Gay Guy 2~Taken
Gay Guy 3~Reserved
Gay Guy 4~Reserved
Gay Guy 5~Taken
Gay Guy 6~Reserved

Main Jock/Bully~Open
Jocks Friend 1~Open

Lesbian 1~Taken
Lesbian 2~Taken
Lesbian 3~Reserved
Lesbian 4~Taken

Head Cheerleader~Open
Cheerleader's Friend 1~Taken

I will also accept teacers and parents and stuff like that if you want thatnk you!


apperence~(real pics only please)
short discription of apperance~
Theme song~
Take it to PM~
Class Schedule~
1st period-

2nd period-
3rd period-
4th period-
5th period-
6th period-
7th period-

~Be nice, nothing to rough
~No sex in the rp take to pm if needed
~You can swear just not to much
~no oneliners
~Ask if you have any questions
~Have fun!!

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 12 authors


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She sighed giving Lizzie a tired but thankful look "You managed to worm it out of me.. Like always." She gave a fake little pout then flipped her hair over her eyes. "My.. parents want to see me when I get in from school... But... I dont know if I'm happy by that... I got so used to just having Eddie and camping in the living room watching tv with him that I had almost.... Almost" She gulped. "Forgot them" She didnt want to seem selfish. She had almost forgotten them but she had known they werent there. Eddie had made her forget all of that.

"Of course Im staying" He muttered to Kace. He was worried about her a little. "Come on lets find something interesting to talk about... Like... What do you do when you're not working?" He shook his head knowing he was a pathetic excuse but he was trying. Trying was all he could do in times like this.


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#, as written by Lullyn
Lizzie's eyes widened slightly, the only way her face betrayed her. They rest of it was as calm as it could be, given what Britney has just shared. No one else would have understood what the big deal was, but no one else knew everything, or at least what Lizzie did.
Lizzie didn't know what to say, so she remained silent for the moment, letting everything wash over her.
"Tonight?" she said, thinking carefully. "Is Eddie going to be with you? Do you need someone to be there?"
It was like she was being pulled into the office, but this was far more serious.
Lizzie, beyond the sympathy she felt for Britney, felt deep guilt. When she'd walked away from the cheerleaders, she had also walked away from Britney.
"Maybe they want to be around more," said Lizzie gently. "Maybe they realise they've been...."
Neglecting you? Sounded too true to be spoken. Lizzie couldn't say it. It would be cruel.
"Does anyone else know?" she said.


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She sighed and mumbled. "I dont think they're staying Lizz..." She hoped they would. She really did but she doubted it. "I think they want to talk about me... moving... with...." She sighed they owuldnt ask her to leave school. "I just... wanted to talk to someone who wasnt eddie.. Im sorry Lizz. Real sorry to drag you in ... You must really hate me and.. and..." She started to stumble on words as she shook her head wanting to deny that her parents were here and leaving so soon that they werent going to stick around for her birthday and that she didnt mean anything to them anymore.


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#, as written by Lullyn
Lizzie pulled a face.
"Why are you sorry?" said Lizzie, hopping down and moving to her friend and hugging her. "I'm sorry. I should have been there. I just didn't want you to get dragged down with me."
She gave her a tight hug, then pulled her to arms length. "We'll show them. Fancy staying at mine? You don't have to tell anyone, you know, in case they think you've changed sides. Don't go home. You'll fit some of my stuff. I still have my old stuff, you know, the cheerleader wardrobe and all."
The cheerleader wardrobe consisted of all the clothes Lizzie used to wear, that were appropriate and pretty and what a girl should wear.
"Tell Eddie what you want, but don't tell your parents anything," she encouraged. "Let them worry."
Lizzie knew this was not the grown up thing to do, but since when did doing the grown up thing mean the right thing.
"We can watch cheesy films all night," she said, trying to tempt her.


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She listened to Lizzies propersition carefully and calmly not wanting to look like she was at akk tempted.. "How about... " She murmered taking her phone out her pocket and stepping on it. "I dont talk to anyone else now till I find them." She knew this was wrong of her and all of them would worry but she couldnt care less. "Cheesy movies sound good. And ice cream? I'l pay for pizza..." She grinned at Lizzie a little through all the tears. "Just like old times."


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#, as written by Lullyn
Lzzie looked at the broken phone and grinned.
"A little extreme, but I love it," she said, scooping up the pieces of phone and putting them in the bin, all except the sim card.
She hugged her friend.
"Whatever you want," said Lizzie with a grin. "I'll get my dad to pick us up, we'll do some grocery shopping, then back to mine for a girlie night."
She pointed to the stall, "get your face fixed. You're ruining your mascara."
Lizzie pulled out her phone and called her dad.
"Hey..... I..... I know dad..... yes, but I had a little emergency......"
There was some talking on the other side.
"No dad, I'm fine. Listen, can you pick me up?................ Dad, I swear I'm fine. You okay if Brit comes over..... Yes, that's the one..... No, dad everything's fine...... I'm sure...... Thanks dad."
She closed her phone, smiling. Her dad hadn't told her off for not being in class because he knew she never skipped. He just sounded worried. He had worried since they'd moved to the US, since it was his work that had put them there, and now everything that happened to her, he wondered if it was his fault.
"Brit, we've got about 10mins of our last class," she announced, looking at her watch. "Let's get to the car park. We can get out of here before anyone sees you."


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She sighed heavily and pulled Eddies hood over her face and sneezed. "Youre dads brilliant" She hugged herself tightly grateful to Lizzie. "So.. How is his work?" She grinned and started to walk out into the corridor.


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#, as written by Lullyn
Lizzie shrugged, pulling Sandy into the bag with her uniform. She was still wearing her black cheer leading outfit.
"It's okay. He says he hopes to get a promotion, but I know him. He'd be happy in that office the rest of his life," she said, rolling her eyes.
Lizzie opened the main doors, grinning because she couldn't see anyone around. She lead Britney up to the car park, moving so they were out of sight of the school. She didn't want to be spotted.
"You sure you don't want to tell Eddie," she said, looking out for her dad.


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Dylan sat in his English class, totally bored. If fact, he was so bored, he wouldn't mind banging his head against a brick wall, for surely that was more entertaining than listening to teachers drone on and on and on about stuff that no one cared about anymore. Today was Shakesphere and his play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.

Instead of listening to the teacher like a good student, he doodled on the corner of his notebook. Then suddenly, he started to write words on the page, song lyrics. Now and again, random, but good, song lyrics would pop into his head and he normally had to write them down quickly or he'll forget them. Most of the time he'll turn those lyrics into an actual song. But no one would ever listen to them because Dylan didn't want them to get out any time soon.

Soon, the bell rang for the horrible class to finally end, and Dylan was glad. But his head was still stuck inside his notebook, writing down lyrics.

((Yeah, I'll still do your song, once I figure it out. And sorry for not being on, I've got like a gazillion roleplays, and what time is it now?))


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(Sry for the late post)
"Sure, I don't mind," Bueard shrugged. He just assumed not stay near his brother any longer. He gripped the American's hand, "Where you going to take me?" he asked. He hoped to find good American food he could try, even though a couple of friends have told him that it was pretty much the same.


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((No problem ^^))

"Cool! There's a pretty nice diner not too far from here. Don't worry, American food isn't nearly as crappy as some people think." Zane was pretty sure he could've fainted from pure joy when Bueard took his hand. Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but it was nice; he wasn't even going to try to convince himself otherwise. Plus, the looks they got from people as they walked through the halls hand in hand: Priceless! "Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a car, would you? My dad's constantly saying how I should take my driver's test, but there are honestly, like, twenty things I'd rather do." He chuckled, realizing he was probably rambling again. "Or we could just walk. It's a nice day out."


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Bueard smiled, "I'd much rather walk," he smiled at the other, "I'd like to enjoy a nice walk through this contry..." he gripped it a bit tighter. God that go is so cute, he really wanted to take him somewhere and do rather shameless thugs to him, but he fought the urge to slam him against a wall and do him right there.


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Zane returned with a grin of his own. "Fair enough. LIke I said, it's not far. Plus, this place has the best burgers ever, so it's totally worth it the walk." The purple-haired boy winced slightly as the grip on his hand tightened. "Uh, Buea? I kinda need that hand for stuff. Mind not crushing it?" Not that he really minded. He thought holding hands was a cute gesture, and he was more than a little impressed by the taller boy's strength. He wondered what that could be used for in other situations...AHH, DIRTY THOUGHTS!! Zane quickly pulled himself away from that train of thought. Geez, what was it with him when it came to the Brit? They'd only just met! Well, he figured now was as good a time as any to get to know him better. "So, what do you think of America so far?"


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She stood next to lizzie and thought for a few minutes. "Maybe I should tell Eddie at least..." She murmered. It wouldnt be good for him to worry. "Yeah.. I guess I should shouldnt i.." She would explain why she was doing it and then leave it at that. She watched and looked out for everything to go past. Birds and animals. It was peaceful and she soon began to hum a little.


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"It's nice," Bueard answered and loosened his grip on the American. Though his feelings were strong, he felt like this was a bit too 'Romeo and Juliet', and a bit too quick, in Bueard's personal opinion.
(so short XC)


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#, as written by Lullyn
Lizzie handed over her phone without looking.
"Tell him you're staying with a friend and he can call you on my number," said Lizzie with a smile as she saw her dad's car pulling up.
He wound down his window, and smiled at the two girls, then frowned at Lizzie's outfit.
"You wore that to school today?" he said, as she opened the back for Brit and then moved to sit next to her dad, giving Britney some private time.
"You know me, dad," she said as she buckled herself up. "Mind if Brit stays the night?"
"Just the one?" he said with a grin, ruffling his daughter's hair and then pulling off. "Britney is welcome whenever she likes, just like your other friends."
Lizzie smiled, wondering if her dad would still think so if she wanted to invite Zane over. Her dad knew her preferences, but she believed that he still wouldn't like a boy staying in her room.


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She climbed in muttering a thanks to Lizzie and nodding at her dad. "Hey," She mumbled weakly and started to dial Eddies number. He didnt pick up so she frowned and bit her lip. "Hey Eddie.. I was calling to tell you that Im... Out all night... Dont wait up. Dont worry. Call this number if you need me... and dont tell Kace. Missing you." She hung up and looked at the phone glumly half expecting to hear it ring but it didnt. She looked back up at Lizzie and passed the phone back.


Eddie noticewd his phone ring but ignored it. "Hey Kace... Why dont you take a break... Now... Get changed... enjoy yourself?" He grinned shoving the ringing phone with Lizzies number on the caller ID into his bag. "My treat."


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#, as written by Lullyn
Lizzie took her phone back from Britney, noting the unhappy tone to her voice.
"Dad, can me and Britney have pizza?" she said, looking at him.
"Of course," said her dad with a grin. "Mind if me and your mum go out?"
Lizzie grinned. "You taking her out? Dinner?"
"And a movie," he said. "There's ice-cream in the freezer and popcorn in the cupboard."
Lizzie grinned. Her dad knew just what to say. They had a naughty cupboard, where there was all those things like chocolate and stuff. Her dad kept it well stocked, just in case Lizzie had a bad day.
At the lights, Lizzie climbed into the back next to Britney.
"So what shall we watch?" she said in a lower voice. "Horror or cheesy romance?"


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She shrugged and strectched a little. "Anything ... Just... take me far away." It was one of her favourite pharses and she remebered the last time she'd said that.
Eddie had sat next to her on the sofa arm wrapped round her a tissue at hand uselssly mumbling "Im really sorry Brit I diidnt.. I didnt know" She laughed and petted him innocently pausing a little. "So what can I do with you now my little Kitten?" His words had been soft and she smiled curling up close. "Anything... Just... Take me far away."
Brit smiled at this and then looked at Lizzie. "Lets skip the romances shall we... Nothing like a good scare." And she believed it. She couldnt cope with anymroe of the silly mush that teen girls were being fed. "Anyway.... You got your eye on anyobe lately?" She naturally said this and looked at her.


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"You think it's nice now, just wait 'til you see Fourth of July. Oh! Uh... not that there was anything wrong with British rule, of course. Eh heh heh..." Note to self: think before you open your mouth. Makes things a whole lot easier. "Um... Oh look, we're here!" More than happy to change the subject, he pulled Bueard into the diner, dragging him to the teen's usual booth. "So, what looks good?" he asked, not even bothering to glance at his own menu. After coming here at least once a week for the past two years, he already knew what he was getting.


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#, as written by Lullyn
Lizzie grinned and then shot a look at her dad.
"We'll talk when the 'rents have gone," she said, giving Brit a wink.
"You two plotting mischief," said Lizzie's dad. Sometimes Lizzie wondered if her dad still thought of her as the little 11 year old who used to come home, rather than his much older lesbian daughter.
She didn't mind the way he talked to her. Actually, she rather liked it.
"Nope," she said with a grin at Brit. "Not us!"
It took twenty minutes for them to get to Lizzie's. It wasn't a huge house, but there was room enough for the 3 people that lived there and a couple of guests. Lizzie's mum smiled warmly at Britney.
"It's nice to see you, Britney," said her mum, from the kitchen when Lizzie brought her in.
"So where's dad taking you?" said Lizzie with a wide grin.
"I don't know. He just decided we should go out," she said with a smile. "Not that I'm complaining. It will be a nice change. You girls will be alright, won't you?"
"Yes mum!" said Lizzie with a grin.
Lizzie had always been a happy person, but for a little while, when she was finding herself, her parents had been very worried. Now they were just pleased to have her back.
"Britney, just make sure she doesn't eat too much sugar," said her mum, kissing Lizzie's cheek.
"Mum," protested Lizzie, but giggled as her parents went to get ready. "You get the room next to mine. It has it's own bathroom!"
Lizzie dragged Britney upstairs and showed her the room, which was a good size with a double bed, which Lizzie threw herself on.
"We'll raid my wardrobe later for suitable clothes. Will we need to go to yours before Friday? You are going Friday, right?"


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She walked past all her parents nodding and smiling and answering with the correct formalities and greetings but inside she was starting to feel like a zombie. Upstairs Lizzie was talking about how great Brits room would be. Wandering dazed into a corner brit pulled her knees up under her chin and looked at her
"We'll raid my wardrobe later for suitable clothes. Will we need to go to yours before Friday? You are going Friday, right?"
Britney sighed. "I dont really go to the parties ... and I'll head home tomorrow or something." She felt like she was intruding and then watched Lizzie and laughed. "Its nice that your parents are going out." She grinned. "Gives us time and space and they get to be together."


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#, as written by Celedia

Savannah grinned to herself as Sage finally allowed himself to sing with her, loudly this time, and she was surprised to hear his voice. He had an amazingly clear tenor and he had an ear for music because he tried to harmonize with her as they sang along. When the song finally ended, she lifted her hands from the keys and folded them into her lap, turning to Sage with a surprised smile sweeping her lips.

“Are you in chorus? If not, you should be. You have a really good voice.”


Kacie smiled at Eddie as he tried to get her mind off of Britney by asking her questions at first. "Come on lets find something interesting to talk about... Like... What do you do when you're not working?"

She shrugged her shoulders, bringing her feet up onto the bench in front of her and wrapping her arms around her shins. “Gymnastics. Shopping. Hanging out with friends. The usual.” She chuckled softly, then lifted her brows in surprise at his next offer.

"Hey Kace... Why dont you take a break... Now... Get changed... enjoy yourself?" He grinned shoving the ringing phone with Lizzies number on the caller ID into his bag. "My treat."

“And where would you like to go?” she asked, picking up her phone and looking back at the screen once more to see if she had received a newer message from Britney. She hadn’t.


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He sighed and looked at her. He snatched her phone off her and chucked it with his. "Somewhere... Fun... How about that?" He got up and offered her his hand a lopsided grin showing he was serious. "You know what... What do you know about Lizzie these days Kace?" If he had guessed right then he wanted to know why he hadnt seen her around.


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#, as written by Celedia

Kacie arched a brow, first looking at Eddie's hand before looking up again to meet his gaze. Warily, she slipped her hand into his and stood up.

"You know what... What do you know about Lizzie these days Kace?" Her eyes widened and a quick scowl crossed her lips as she immediately retracted her hand and walked over to her duffle bag, zipping it closed and throwing the strap across her shoulder as she stood back up.

"You do come to school on a regular basis, right? I'm sure I don't have to be the one to explain to you what Lizzie did. Listen to the gossip. There's more than enough of it going around at this school."

And that was exactly why she couldn't afford to have Lizzie in the cheerleaders. Gossip was more powerful than anything else in high school. A few of the other cheerleaders had come to her with concerns about Lizzie after she had come out. They dressed in the same locker room with her! Lizzie was going to rape them or some other such nonsense. She had rolled her eyes at them at first but the worries never stopped until even Coach Richards had suggested that To ease everyone's minds, perhaps it would be best to let Lizzie off of the squad.

She had steeled herself for the task. Set herself into what she had called, 'bitch mode' and found Lizzie in the hall. They had fought, quite verbally, and for some reason at the end instead of running away crying as Kacie had expected. Lizzie had kissed her square on the mouth.

Surprised and stunned at the reaction, Kacie had just stood there, motionless and then turned tail and ran. She found the Coach and told her that the next time she wanted someone off of the squad for reasons other than horrible performance, she damn well better handle it herself.

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Character Portrait: Elizabeth
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View All » Add Character » 19 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Dylan Chi
Character Portrait: Echo Rapheal Maddow
Character Portrait: Britney Redding
Character Portrait: Alexander Feilds
Character Portrait: Zane Durant
Character Portrait: Eddie Marray
Character Portrait: Avery Jacobs
Character Portrait: Bueard Mathis


Character Portrait: Bueard Mathis
Bueard Mathis

"Yes, I'm a brit, and I have a french sounding name. Nothing wrong with that, right?"

Character Portrait: Eddie Marray
Eddie Marray

"Yo. Dude... you seen that chick?"

Character Portrait: Zane Durant
Zane Durant

"Life is good. Don't let anyone try and tell you otherwise."

Character Portrait: Alexander Feilds
Alexander Feilds

'' Screw you, you stupid meat brain!''

Character Portrait: Britney Redding
Britney Redding

"You're not one of us... So... urm.. why you still here?"

Character Portrait: Echo Rapheal Maddow
Echo Rapheal Maddow

'' Why is who i like any of your business anyway?''

Character Portrait: Dylan Chi
Dylan Chi

"Music and art is my passion, but there will always be a spot for you"


Character Portrait: Bueard Mathis
Bueard Mathis

"Yes, I'm a brit, and I have a french sounding name. Nothing wrong with that, right?"

Character Portrait: Echo Rapheal Maddow
Echo Rapheal Maddow

'' Why is who i like any of your business anyway?''

Character Portrait: Dylan Chi
Dylan Chi

"Music and art is my passion, but there will always be a spot for you"

Character Portrait: Alexander Feilds
Alexander Feilds

'' Screw you, you stupid meat brain!''

Character Portrait: Zane Durant
Zane Durant

"Life is good. Don't let anyone try and tell you otherwise."

Character Portrait: Britney Redding
Britney Redding

"You're not one of us... So... urm.. why you still here?"

Character Portrait: Eddie Marray
Eddie Marray

"Yo. Dude... you seen that chick?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Zane Durant
Zane Durant

"Life is good. Don't let anyone try and tell you otherwise."

Character Portrait: Eddie Marray
Eddie Marray

"Yo. Dude... you seen that chick?"

Character Portrait: Alexander Feilds
Alexander Feilds

'' Screw you, you stupid meat brain!''

Character Portrait: Dylan Chi
Dylan Chi

"Music and art is my passion, but there will always be a spot for you"

Character Portrait: Britney Redding
Britney Redding

"You're not one of us... So... urm.. why you still here?"

Character Portrait: Bueard Mathis
Bueard Mathis

"Yes, I'm a brit, and I have a french sounding name. Nothing wrong with that, right?"

Character Portrait: Echo Rapheal Maddow
Echo Rapheal Maddow

'' Why is who i like any of your business anyway?''

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