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A different kind of Love

A different kind of Love


Do you like someone of the same gender? Do you get beat everyday at school because your that way? will you ever find love?

2,472 readers have visited A different kind of Love since ~Nutty~*Green Neko* created it.


Alright, This is totally Character driven! so there's really no plot Except for there is only same sex romance here!
Okay Characters!
Gay Guy 1~ Taken
Gay Guy 2~Taken
Gay Guy 3~Reserved
Gay Guy 4~Reserved
Gay Guy 5~Taken
Gay Guy 6~Reserved

Main Jock/Bully~Open
Jocks Friend 1~Open

Lesbian 1~Taken
Lesbian 2~Taken
Lesbian 3~Reserved
Lesbian 4~Taken

Head Cheerleader~Open
Cheerleader's Friend 1~Taken

I will also accept teacers and parents and stuff like that if you want thatnk you!


apperence~(real pics only please)
short discription of apperance~
Theme song~
Take it to PM~
Class Schedule~
1st period-

2nd period-
3rd period-
4th period-
5th period-
6th period-
7th period-

~Be nice, nothing to rough
~No sex in the rp take to pm if needed
~You can swear just not to much
~no oneliners
~Ask if you have any questions
~Have fun!!

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 12 authors


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Sage shook his head. "Nope, never." Sage answer yet again. "We just don't eat out, we cook at home." Sage added. He thought for a moment, what was his favorite foods. "Hamburgers. I like hamburgers, with french fried onions, cheese, and honey mustard. I know it sounds wierd. Thats what i like." Sage said proudly, answering her question. "My parents don't like them, they said we'll get fat on it. I kinda have to sneak around to get one." Yet again, Sage admitted another secret.


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#, as written by Celedia

Sav laughed as Sage's reply. "Hamburgers? Then we'll go to the diner down the street! They have amaaaaazing food." She drew out the word, licking her lips dramatically as if she could already taste the food and winking at the boy playfully. "How about milkshakes?! They have the most amazing milkshakes too!" If they were going to indulge, she was going to make sure that they did it in style. Especially since this was Sage's first time eating out of his house.

As they left the school, she took a right, walking with him down the sidewalk on their way to the diner and when they got close she pointed it out to him with a smile.

"Best artery clogging food around!" A grin spread across her face as she pushed open the glass door. It was a 'seat yourself' type place and she saw several other kids from school already seated at the tables and booths. The place was quickly filling up.

Savannah grabbed two menus, handing one to Sage. "Like I said... My treat!"


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Sage followed Savannah to the diner. He looked around seeing that there were a few other people in it. "I think i'll try a milkshake. I never knew about this diner." Sage said, as he followed her to a table and sat down. Sage knew his parents was out of town and that his grandparents were in town. Since he was the only grandchild in the family, he usually was able to do what he wanted, but he wasn't the kind of kid to cause trouble or anything, mostly just take photographs.


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Bueard looked to the side, he really didn't want to talk about it.
"Well,". He sighed, "when my parents died, my brother, Gregory took custody of me, even though he's a crazy, and brought me here, end of story," he told him.


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#, as written by Celedia

Sav smiled brightly at the waitress as she came to their table. Since she had just eaten her lunch at the end of the day, she wasn't very hungry. "A toasted marshmallow milkshake, please!" She folded her menu up and looked over at Sage, giving him time to place his own order before she gathered both menus and put them back into the holder at the middle of their table. The waitress was snapping her gum as she waltzed off and Sav shook her head, wondering how the girl got a job working around the public.

She turned to Sage, both brows arched as a grin swept her lips. "So where do you live? Close to school?"


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Sage looked to the Menu. "Mint Chocolate Chip Milkshake please." Sage wasn't really that hungry, so he didn't really want anything. He looked around and then to Savannah and shrugged some. "I guess you can say something like that..." Sage answered, watching the waitress walk off rudely. "Are all waitresses like that?" Sage asked quietly, not really wanting other people to hear his question and think that he was like some freak or something. He continued looking around, taking in the environment.


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#, as written by Celedia
Savannah laughed and shook her head. "No, not at all. A lot of them are nice, I promise! She must have just had a bad day...." She smiled as she turned back to face Sage. Always believe in the good in people, that was her motto. "So, tonight you're going to be fixing that camera while we watch the movie, aren't you?" A quick laugh escaped her throat, signifying that she was teasing him and she rested her chin in her hand as they awaited their milkshakes.

A quick glance around the diner had her recognizing a couple of kids from their schools but no jocks or cheerleaders at the moment. A rarity, she was sure, since this diner was always crowded. Perhaps the 'in crowd' had elsewhere to be today.


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Sage shook his head. "No, i left the camera at school. I'll fix it tomorrow. Almost done with it though" Sage looked around, he also noticed some kids from school, and was surprised that he was probably the only one that didn't know about the diner. Sage looked at his phone, no call yet so he was sure that his grandparents were at the house. His parents didn't care for him staying late at school or even going out with friends directly after school. His grandparents on the other hand, knew that he love walking and taking photos of the area, so they always expected him home late.


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Zane winced slightly at the other boy's answer, resisting the urge to slap a hand to his face. God, he felt like such an ass right now. "I'm so sorry," he apologized quietly, feeling horrible for making Bueard recall something like that. He figured he could at least meet the Brit halfway, if nothing else. "My mom died when I was seven years old. Heart disease. We were really close." He'd never really talked about his mom since she passed away. It was still a sensitive subject, but somehow he felt as though Bueard had a right to know more about him. "Now it's just me, my dad, and my big bro. Dad was raised Catholic, so things with him can get a little... tense. It's even worse with Trevor, seeing as he's damn proud to be a homophobe, but he's in college, so it's not so bad anymore. Holidays are a real joy, though." The American hoped that a little humor might lighten the mood a little. Not likely, but it was worth a shot.


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Bueard sighed, "Sorry for your mum, Zane," he turned to him, "looks like we're in the same boat," he laughed, but the atmosphere around them was thick. Depressingly thick, Bueard noted, and a bit annoying. After a bit of thought, he grabbed the other's hand, "but, at least you have your dad, I'd do anything to get my dad back," he smiled rather weakly. He didn't think he would see another person like him... Maybe choosing Zane to be with him was a good idea. He let go when the waitress returned with his tea, "here ya go, hon," she gave him his tea, "did ya want some lemon with that?" he asked. Bueard shook his head, "no, but thank you," he smiled politely.
"Oh, okay dear, just call me when ya need me, okay," and she scuttled off. Bueard shivered, was she hitting on him?


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Zane blushed slightly as Bueard took his hand, but returned the smile. "I don't know if it's any consolation, but you've got me." He was happy to see that he'd made the right choice in falling for the Brit. He was a real sweetheart, nothing like those jerks at school. And to think that someone could go through losing their parents, staying with a psychotic brother, and moving to a new country, and not let any of those things keep him from being a decent guy... well, he gave him a little hope for the messed up world they lived in.

Unfortunately, their nice little moment was ruined when Cathy the Trashy Waitress showed up with their drink orders. Scratch that: just Bueard's. Now, that was a shocker. If that wasn't enough to tell him that the girl had no love for homosexuals, slightly hostile looks she kept getting from her were. Apparently, she didn't realize that Bueard was also on the gay bandwagon. It made him physically ill to watch her flirt with him so shamelessly. Was that being hypocritical? Not really. He only flirted like that to annoy people, not because he expected it to work. As Cathy strutted away, Zane stuck his tongue out at her. Immature? Most definitely. But he felt better for it. "Wow, your British charms are a dangerous thing," he joked to his table mate, trying to hide the fact that he was really and truly bothered by the waitress' advances. "I bet you've got people just flocking you constantly."


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"Ah, I try, really," he chuckled, "so... what's it like to live at your house?" He asked, trying to lighten the mood. He felt kind of bad, since he had made Zane remember such a horrible thing, of his dear mother... Bueard turned to him, and gave him alittle hug. It was short, sweet, but a bit, erm, unplanned? He has been a bit hasty towards the boy, already making out with him and all. The same sensations that he had before in the bathroom have now returned to him. He really want to do... something! This was annoying, they were in a public place, for God's sake!


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Zane giggled, then shrugged. "Eh, not too bad. Dad and I don't really interact too much, not unless he's nagging me about getting a driver's license or focusing on school work so I can get into a good college like my 'wonderful' older brother. It's kinda nice, not having him on my back for every little thing." Though he tried to seem nonchalant, he struggled to remember the last time he and his father had been on better than neutral terms with one another. It'd been two years since he'd come out, but the way things worked at home, it seemed like an eternity. "Sometimes I get this disappointed vibe from him, but at least he's got Trevor, right? The perfect, star athlete, ruler straight son."

The American tensed as he was suddenly pulled into a hug, but quickly relaxed into it, enjoying the comfort while it lasted. So this it how people felt when he randomly glomped them. He didn't see why they made such a fuss; it felt wonderful to be held. Zane smiled when Bueard pulled back, butterflies fluttering around in his stomach. Letting his eyes slip shut, he leaned in for a kiss...

Only to have them fly open again as he was doused with something wet and really cold. "AAHG!!"

"Oh my God! I am so sorry about that! Do you need some help?" Struggling to recover from the shock of the having his banana milkshake dropped (or, more likely, dumped) over his head, Zane didn't even look at the waitress, though he could easily picture the sinister glint in her eye. That envious, evil little-- He let out a slow, steady breath, trying to stay calm. He wouldn't stoop to her level. She was just a bully, and as such reacting would only give her entertainment.

"No, thank you. I've got it." He gave Bueard a blank, very fake smile. "Excuse me for a minute." He gave the Brit a quick peck on the cheek before standing up, shooting Cathy a triumphant smirk as he made his way to the bathroom. It wasn't until he was out of the public eye that he let the tears he'd been valiantly holding back fall. God, he was sick of this shit. For the past two years, he'd been constantly bullied and ridiculed. When was it going to end?


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#, as written by Celedia
While Savannah had been talking to Sage, she looked up just in time to see their waitress standing at a table with a milkshake in hand. Though instead of lowering the milkshake to the table, the woman lifted it high above one of the boy's heads and upturned it, spilling its contents all over the boy's brightly colored hair with a smirk. The smirk was quickly replaced with an obviously fake look of regret and the boy turned to the guy he was eating with before walking off towards the bathrooms.

Sav made a soft sound, somewhere between a growl and a sigh as she turned to look at Sage and smiled. "Will you excuse me for a sec? There's something I have to do..." She slid out of her chair and walked over to the table where the waitress still stood with empty glass in hand though she now eyed the remaining boy at the table rather flirtatiously as she slid another full milkshake down in front of Buerd.

She caught the glass as it slid across the table to Buerd and though she didn't know him, she winked at him to signal that she was on his side. Then, with full milkshake in hand she turned towards the waitress with a fake smile of her own.

"Oh no! This milkshake is quite warm. That won't do... See, I am sure your boss, who just happens to be my cousin, wouldn't like it one bit if you served something like this to one of his customers." She held the milkshake aloft, glancing sideways at it then back at the waitress. "So, here's the deal. You bring both of these boys milkshakes and you pay for them out of your pocket since now that one poor guy will have to go buy a whole new outfit because of your clumsiness and I will consider not telling my cousin what a horrible, horrible person you are."

Once she finished, she pulled the waitress' top open just enough to pour Buerd's milkshake down the front of her shirt, shaking it twice to make sure everything had come out as the waitress' face mixed with an expression of pure malice and shock. The waitress had obviously seen her in here before and her cousin did in fact own the place. It was the reason her mom had dragged her to this town to live after her dad had died since her uncles and aunts and cousins all lived in the area. Family was quite a good thing to have on your side in situations like these.

She handed the emptied glass back to the waitress with a smile. "Thanks....." she glanced at the girl's name tag, "Cathy." As she turned back to her table to go sit with Sage, Savannah gave a quick friendly wave to Buerd before crossing the room and sitting down once more.

"Sorry, I just hate rude people." She said, blushing softly, hoping that Sage didn't think any less of her.


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Sage watched the whole thing between Cathy and Savannah. He was in shock, not knowing what to say. His first time out at any diner and this all was happening, he didn't know what to do. "umm.......note to self, don't get on your badside with a milkshake in your hand." Sage said jokingly, still in shock what was happening. His bright blue eyes scanned the diner one last time, and then back to Savannah. "Umm.......does this kind of thing happen every day here?" He asked, kind of worried about the answer he might receive.


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Bueard waved back, kind of lazily. He chuckled, "Cathy" wasn't what he would call cute, in any way. He much rather be with Zane, anyway, but yet, she waltzed over to him, "So, where ya from?" she asked. Bueard looked up at her cheap looking face, "Britain…" he mumbled.
"Ohh, so that's where the funny accent came from," she chirped. Funny accent… Bueard clenched his teeth, she was now annoying him!
"Ah, yes… you Americans have peculiar accents too," he said to her.
"Peculiar? D'awww!" she chuckled. She didn't know what that meant, anyway...


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#, as written by Celedia
Savannah laughed at Sage and reached over, ruffling his hair a bit as she said, "Don't worry! I have a feeling you're too sweet to get on my bad side. Besides, did you see her? It wasn't an accident. She was smirking when she dumped the milkshake on that poor guy..." Her nose wrinkled in distaste but she shook her head to push away those thoughts. "And no, it doesn't happen often. At least, I hope it doesn't!" Her eyes widened slightly as she thought about the possibility.

"Usually it's just a bunch of people having a good time sitting around their tables talking to one another. Sometimes, if it's busy, people will float from table to table to chitchat. It's usually a friendly atmosphere, I promise!" She grinned at Sage and shrugged. "Today was just... unique."


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Sage nodded "yes sure....the one day i attend, is the one day hell breaks loose? What a good first impression..." Sage said, almost sarcastically. He looked around as he sipped his milkshake. "At least the milkshake is good." Sage said. He looked around and shook his head some as Cathy went back with flirting with the british guy. "does she even get the hint that he's not into her?" Sage mumbled to himself.


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Sticking your head in a bathroom sink in order to get a banana milkshake out of your hair is neither fun nor easy, but it wasn't like Zane had a whole lot of options. The hand soap was absolutely useless as shampoo, but at least it got the frozen beverage out of his hair, more or less. His clothing was another story; that he wouldn't be able to clean until he got home. Pressing the button on the air dryer, he stuck his head underneath, trying to get his head at least semi-dry. God, he must've looked like a drowned rat, and he knew it. Sighing shakily, he wiped the tears from his eyes, making sure he looked somewhat presentable before exiting the bathroom.

Zane grimaced when he saw Cathy sitting down across from Bueard, chatting him up like some kind of prostitute. Although, he noted with a dark sense of pleasure, it looked as though someone had given her a taste of her own medicine, judging from the chocolate ice cream splattered across her shirt. Unfortunately, that didn't stop her from flirting up a storm with a Brit, and Bueard didn't seem to have any qualms about it. Wouldn't he stop her if he did? Suddenly, Zane got a horrible thought: what if he'd picked her over him?

...Well, fine! If he wanted to spend his time talking with that little bitch, so be it! Keeping his expression blank, Zane strode over to the table and grabbed his backpack, not even glancing at either of them. "I'm, uh, gonna head home now. Stuff to do. Have fun with your girlfriend, Bue." With that, he turned on his heel and left, slamming the door behind him.

So this was what heartbreak felt like? Yeah, it sucked. Big time.


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Sage watched Zane walk out. "excuse me Savannah." Sage got up and ran after Zane, seeing that he needed something to do, Sage thought about inviting him over for the movie. "Hey, Wait up!" Sage yelled trying to catch up with the purple headed human. Once Sage caught up to Zane, he looked around and took a deep breath. "I'm Sage, and Savannah is my friend. I saw what just happened and well, I was wondering if you'd like to come over and watch a movie with us. Movie and popcorn. It'll be fun." Sage tried to convince himself, even though he met Savannah only a few hours ago. "What do you say?" nSage asked, waiting for a reply.


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Zane looked up as someone called out to him, a voice he didn't recognize. He turned to find a younger boy running up behind him. "Oh! Uh, hi. My name's Zane." He winced slightly when Sage explained that he'd seen what had happened, but quickly covered it with an embarrassed smile. "Ah, you saw that, huh? Yeah, not one of my better days." He considered the other boy's proposition for a moment. Well, Bueard was enjoying spending time with his little slut, so why shouldn't he try to have some fun? "There won't be any milkshakes, right?" he joked smiling sweetly. "Honestly, that sounds like fun. As long as Savannah doesn't mind, of course."


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Sage smiled. "no of course there won't be any milkshakes. I drink sweet ice tea at my house." Sage said jokingly. He looked back at the diner "I don't think she'll mind. I still have a milkshake left if you want half." Sage said turning back to the diner to rejoin Savannah at the table. He wasn't sure why he did that. he guessed it was probably because the kid looked as if he needed a friend at the moment.


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Bueard wanted to slap himself, "uhg," god he hated 'Cathy'. He stood up, staying here was now pointless, he couldn't shake her off. He exited the building, wanting to kill himself. He had to admit, he really like Zane... and when we got home he would have to listen to Gregory's rants all night long. Cathy came after him, "Ah, sir! What about your meal?" She called after him.
"Keep it, and here's the few American money I have," he handed her a tip and the price of the tea. She blinked, and then he was gone, as he walk lonesomely down the side walk. He now hated America....


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#, as written by Celedia
Savannah gathered up her things as she saw Sage bringing the other boy back to their table and she walked to the counter while they were talking to retrieve two to-go cups. Bringing them back to the table, she flashed a smile at the stranger and handed one of the cups to Sage so they could take their milkshakes with them. "Heya, I'm Sav," she introduced herself as she poured her own milkshake into her cup, snapping the lid on tightly. Fishing a twenty out of her pocket, she left it on the table to pay for their milkshakes and to give 'Cathy' an undeserved tip.


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Zane gave Bueard a longing look as he trudged down the sidewalk in the other direction, but quickly shook it off. 'Probably got rejected by that little tramp. Serves him right.' Now, if only he could find some way to remedy that painful throb he got in his chest every time he tried to think badly of the other boy...

He looked up when Savannah approached, smiling kindly. "What's up? I'm Zane." The purple haired boy ran a hand through his wet hair. "So, uh, Sage told me you guys were having a movie night, and said I could tag along. Is that cool with you? I don't want to impose." In all honesty, he really wanted to go with then. It'd help him get his mind off of Bueard, which was proving next to impossible right now.

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View All » Add Character » 19 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Dylan Chi
Character Portrait: Echo Rapheal Maddow
Character Portrait: Britney Redding
Character Portrait: Alexander Feilds
Character Portrait: Zane Durant
Character Portrait: Eddie Marray
Character Portrait: Avery Jacobs
Character Portrait: Bueard Mathis


Character Portrait: Bueard Mathis
Bueard Mathis

"Yes, I'm a brit, and I have a french sounding name. Nothing wrong with that, right?"

Character Portrait: Eddie Marray
Eddie Marray

"Yo. Dude... you seen that chick?"

Character Portrait: Zane Durant
Zane Durant

"Life is good. Don't let anyone try and tell you otherwise."

Character Portrait: Alexander Feilds
Alexander Feilds

'' Screw you, you stupid meat brain!''

Character Portrait: Britney Redding
Britney Redding

"You're not one of us... So... urm.. why you still here?"

Character Portrait: Echo Rapheal Maddow
Echo Rapheal Maddow

'' Why is who i like any of your business anyway?''

Character Portrait: Dylan Chi
Dylan Chi

"Music and art is my passion, but there will always be a spot for you"


Character Portrait: Echo Rapheal Maddow
Echo Rapheal Maddow

'' Why is who i like any of your business anyway?''

Character Portrait: Eddie Marray
Eddie Marray

"Yo. Dude... you seen that chick?"

Character Portrait: Dylan Chi
Dylan Chi

"Music and art is my passion, but there will always be a spot for you"

Character Portrait: Britney Redding
Britney Redding

"You're not one of us... So... urm.. why you still here?"

Character Portrait: Alexander Feilds
Alexander Feilds

'' Screw you, you stupid meat brain!''

Character Portrait: Zane Durant
Zane Durant

"Life is good. Don't let anyone try and tell you otherwise."

Character Portrait: Bueard Mathis
Bueard Mathis

"Yes, I'm a brit, and I have a french sounding name. Nothing wrong with that, right?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Britney Redding
Britney Redding

"You're not one of us... So... urm.. why you still here?"

Character Portrait: Eddie Marray
Eddie Marray

"Yo. Dude... you seen that chick?"

Character Portrait: Bueard Mathis
Bueard Mathis

"Yes, I'm a brit, and I have a french sounding name. Nothing wrong with that, right?"

Character Portrait: Alexander Feilds
Alexander Feilds

'' Screw you, you stupid meat brain!''

Character Portrait: Zane Durant
Zane Durant

"Life is good. Don't let anyone try and tell you otherwise."

Character Portrait: Echo Rapheal Maddow
Echo Rapheal Maddow

'' Why is who i like any of your business anyway?''

Character Portrait: Dylan Chi
Dylan Chi

"Music and art is my passion, but there will always be a spot for you"

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