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A World Transmuted



a part of A World Transmuted, by Soul_Alchemist.


Soul_Alchemist holds sovereignty over Raithica, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Raithica is a part of A World Transmuted.

13 Characters Here

Zeph [1] "This will end."
Rowen Verrow [0] An Ice Alchemist who pretends to be a merchant for reasons he usually keeps to himself.
Kaitlyn "Fury" Windsor [0] An innocent looking young woman, wearing what seems to be a modified clergy-woman's outfit.
Tora Anderson [0] "Sparky! How many time do I have to tell you. Don't piss on the guys we beat up, no matter how funny it is."
Adam Langley [0] Mechanical Alchemist
Cale [0] A chimera looking for a purpose.
Hatsune [0] I'm in here, I'm calling out but you can't hear... Can anybody help?
Emma Tiir [0] A young alchemist and drifter. She has recently settled in Belhurst
Michaline Rain Walker [0] Flame Alchemist
Hyarin Silvercross [0] "Nature must always be treated with respect."

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Making sure Adam had a good hold on Tora, she nodded and moved slowly away from the two. Silf seemed nice enough, for a mechanical dog, and she awkwardly patted his head. A metal tongue dropped from the side of his machinery jaw and he sat, gimp leg drawn up to his body. Looking around, her brows furrowed and she reached her gloved hand inside the gears and guts of the alchemic dog and started to pull at the perpetrator harshly. Bracing herself against the dog she growled loudly and jerked one last time, releasing a stick. The dog barked loudly and hit her with his tongue. Hatsune was very aware it was supposed to be a lick, but it rather hurt and she rubbed her arm.

"It seems someone was trying to sabotage your dog." Walking back to Adam, she ducked under Tora's arm and held him up again. "I would think that's where the chimera went." Her face was stoic, only a tinge of light shining in her eyes. Happiness that her journals had been returned to her.

"Come on, let's go find him." Turning them around, she began to head slowly toward the wood.


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Adam winced when Silf tried to "lick" Hatsune. He had assumed that he would be traveling alone when he designed the dog, and it wouldn't hurt if a metal tongue licked a metal arm.

As they headed into the woods, Adam began to grow worried. "I know your friend is a chimera and all," he said. "And I know he can probably take care of himself, but wasn't he injured? I haven't had much experience with chimeras, so I don't know how quickly they heal.

"Another concern is what we're going to do now. That thing you did didn't look too pleasant for you or the bloke you did it to, and I'd imagine you're not too keen on doing it again anytime soon. Creating another miniature earthquake could be useful, but we don't want to draw too much attention to ourselves. Also, I'm completely out of ranged attacks. All I've got left is a smoke bomb. I'm no good in a fair fight. It might be best to just get your friend and find somewhere to hide for a while. The place where I've been staying for a while now is a good three days walk to the north. Might be a good idea to lay low there for a while."


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Hatsune nodded, her steely green eyes narrowed on the path ahead of them. Hiding did sound like a good idea; and he had been staying north? That's where she'd been needing to go for years now. To the mountains. Her dreams were pulling her in that direction but with little money it was difficult to start that journey. Perhaps now, even without money, was a better time than ever.

Hatsune chose to ignore the statement about her alchemy from before. If she were to dwell upon it, she would become it. Trying at that very moment to keep her mind on the man they'd saved, she nodded to his statement.

"We have to find him first. After that, I think we should do exactly as you suggest. Sounds like a great idea to me!" Giving him a half-hearted smile, she readjusted Tora on her shoulder, and continued on.

"I wish I knew where he'd gone to! I can feel him when he's a few feet from me. The alchemy in him in so strong..." She shook her head, eyes darting back and forth hoping to catch a glimpse of his enormous cat form. "But I can't sense anything." Her mind turned to the reason he'd left. "There was something else in these woods. That's why he ran."


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"Well it looks like Silf can track things, even though I didn't give him a nose," said Adam, "so he might be able to find him. Your friend seems to like you more than me, so why don't you run on ahead with Silf while I take Tora. All you need to do is tell Silf to find me and he'l lead you to us."

Adam knelt by the "dog" and said "Hatsune's in charge for now, do what she tells you. Find the chimera." Adam stood and took Tora's weight off of Hatsune, holding him in an awkward fireman's carry. Silf ran a couple of circles around Hatsune, barking excitedly, then ran off ahead at a pace he thought Hatsune could keep up with.


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When Adam took all of Tora's weight she smiled at him. "Thank you." Staring at his face for a moment more, Hatsune sighed. Where were all these people coming from? One moment she'd been alone and friendless and now all of a sudden they were coming out of the woodwork. Steering clear of Silf's heavy paws, Hatsune nodded in determination and followed behind the big dog. He had to be out here somewhere.


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Duster arrived at the clearing.
He crouched down and peered out.
They were gone?
All that had been left was the massacre of the poor soldiers.
"Great. I've got no idea if those freaks are dangerous or not..." he muttered, and looked at the turf.
he saw some deep treadmarks.
"Wow, looks like one of the weighs a ton..." he said smiling.
It would make his job easier if they left such clear tracks.
He began tracking after them, making sure not to make a sound.
After all, they might not be so far away...


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Adam walked for a good ten minutes before Tora's weight became too much for him to bear. "I'm an inventor, not a soldier, dammit," he muttered to himself as he lowered Tora as gently as he could to the ground. He propped Tora up against a tree and sat down next to the unconscious young man.

"You know, this would all be a bit easier if you would just wake up," he said. "Why couldn't I have come up with the plans for a mechanical person instead of a mechanical dog? That would make carrying things so much easier." No sooner had he said this, Adam sat bolt upright and rummaged around in his pockets for a pencil and one of his many journals. He began frantically sketching out possible designs for a mechanical humanoid, all the while muttering loudly to himself. He was completely oblivious to everything around him.


Silf had seen the chimera both before and after it had transformed, so he knew its heat signature. The chimera was actually warmer in its transformed state, making it easier to track. He made sure to run slow enough so that the kind lady who had fixed his leg could keep up, but it was difficult. While chasing the chimera, Silf discovered two things: he loved running and he loved hunting. This lead him to a third discovery: he loved doing both at the same time.

The chimera was about 100 yards ahead and moving quickly. Silf couldn't make up his mind about it. On the one side, he knew that the chimera was very dangerous and could kill his master easily. On the other, he didn't think that the chimera was bad. Silf got the sense that the chimera was a lot like him: it was made to do something, it just wasn't entirely sure what that something was.

As long as Silf had been conscious, he had been learning things about himself. He had learned that he could see the heat rising off of things, as well as their auras. When he was tracking something, he followed the trails of both its heat signature and its aura. He liked some auras better than others. For example, the man who jammed the stick in his shoulder had a dark brown aura: it was serious and rigid and was too hot. The kind lady's aura was a light green: it was cool and calming, but felt a little sad. Silf's first instinct was to try and lick away the sadness, but she didn't seem to like it when he licked her.

Silf's thoughts snapped back to the hunt when he noticed that the Chimera had stopped. Silf slowed his pace and circled around it. He saw another aura. This one was a bright red; it was hot and angry, but at the same time cold and reserved. Whatever the thing was, Silf didn't like it. He started growling quietly to himself.


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Duster sneaked, but the occasional breaking sticks were driving him mad.
"For the love of god, let them stop." He thought, but was quickly distracted from it.
Someone a little further on was talking.
Duster sneaked up closer.
Now he could see the one talking.
He was... drawing?
Duster silently drew his gun, and checked the magazine. Full.
He then rose from his cover, and aimed at the weird fella.
"Hands up?" Duster asked ironically.


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#, as written by Iandak
As Cale runs towards the man the bullets fired at the chimera hit his legs causing him to falter for a moment. As he entered the forest he smelled another chimera nearby, his instincts screamed at him to find and destroy it. If it found the girl Cale could lose someone who had saved him twice. He was indebted to the green haired women and maybe just maybe she could help him find a new purpose.

Hearing the loud roar Cale finds the other chimera in a clearing awaiting him. Not wasting any time Cale roars fiercely before charging at the other feline. He planned to go for its heart however as he goes to swipe for it, the other chimera seemed to have planned for this as he catches Cale in a hold and begins to try and break his back. With his one arm still free Cale goes to swipe at the other Chimera's face.


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#, as written by Seraph
The second chimera leap practically into his arms. Quickly, his large muscular arms went to work. Bolstering themselves, they bulged revealing themselves to be roughly the size of a small tree trunk. His hand-like paws, equivalent to trash can lids wrestled with the almost feral chimera that had ran and jump at him. Alderic's left leg had slid back, the talons of his boots having tore through the hardened leather construction. In this form he was well muscled and well defined and very much more physically stronger.

Alderic's face snapped to the side upon the other chimera's stroke. Would would break a human's jaw, would only send signals of throbbing pain through Alderic's massive head. In retaliation of this 'punch' Alderic dug his talons into the sof underbelly of his foe. Painfully shredding the flesh as he reached past the pelt of his enemy. He would pivot sharply letting go, and sending the other feline crashing through a small tree and roll as the initial impact had acted as a break, slowing his body's tumbling though not much.


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Silf circled the two chimeras in an aggressive stance, all the while growling at the silver furred chimera. He refused to get any closer than twenty feet from the chimera and he hoped that the nice lady would follow his example.


Adam continued to mutter and scribble frantically in his notebook, apparently oblivious to the fact that a newcomer had announced his presence and was pointing a gun at him.


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#, as written by Iandak
As his claws meet the other chimera's face, the sliver haired monster jabs his own claws into Cale's stomach. Growling in pain, the other chimera sends him flying into a nearby tree which snapped in half upon impact. Skidding to a halt Cale takes a quick glance at his wounds, the other chimera had done a number on his stomach as the front of his fur is covered in blood. However despite this Cale charges towards the silver chimera again. This time however he goes for the other chimeras neck with his large and sharp fangs .


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#, as written by Seraph
Alderic's cheek bled openly, but the copious amounts of adrenaline pouring into his blood stream let his reactions become sharper, clearer. His strength now amplified even further. The muscles in his legs tensed like springs being compressed. Once he saw the other feline land and then check his wounds over- he knew. He knew what was coming. His foe charged at him, he had to time it just right. His pupils widened, but not out of shock, but preparation. His tail lightly swayed behind as his massive build continued to tense. When Cale launched himself air borne to go for his throat with his teeth, he leaned down.

Talons ripping the earth apart as he sprung forwards with immense energy. Like a line backer taking off, Alderic used the broadness of his shoulder, when he stood up fully, catching Cales hind legs and folding him over his shoulder from due force before he stopped immediately. The exerted force would simply send Cale backwards, tumbling over himself.


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Hatsune kept following the giant dog, her heart racing, legs sweating. Where had he gone? He couldn't possibly have gotten so far in this short span of time?

Silf stopped, growling. Hatsune could just picture him in flesh and blood, covered in fur standing straight up at the neck. His mechanical tail was flipping back and forth wildly with intent. Hatsune moved to his side, looking in the same direction and screamed. It was blood curdling, loud and came from the belly of fear and terror. Her friend was covered in blood, gashes on his torso. He was laying in the ground. She'd seen him pushed to the earth by the other monstrous chimera.

"NO!" Hatsune screamed and rushed out to the fight. She maintained her distance, but made her presence known. "Stop! Stop it right now!" Hatsune's eyes were wide and she took a few steps closer to the stranger on the ground. Trying to get a better look in the dark, she bit her lower lip. By morning, the fleshy bit on her mouth would be sore and probably swollen with how much she'd chewed on it. Her nerves were fried, her heart tired and her mind blank from confusion.

"Oh my god..." she whispered, letting her eyes fall on every wound and drop of blood. "What have you done?" Dropping to her knees beside him, Hatsune lifted her hands unsure of how to help.


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Duster looked at the man sitting there. Could he possible be drawing in his sleep?
No! Duster decided to take him out. If he was so oblivious about it, then he'd better learn to pay more attention.
Duster circled around, so he'd be behind the man, then raised his gun for a hit, letting it slam down at the mans backhead, with enough force to take him out.
As the man toppled down, with nothing more than a grunt, Duster pulled a strip of rope up from his backpack.
"This'll do, although its made for my tent.." he muttered, binding the man at both hands and feet.
He then turned to look at the other man, who was obviously unconsious.
He then saw the book the first one had been doodling in... He picked it up.
An engineer huh? He could be great captive... although he'd rather have allies, than captives at this point.


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Adam was certainly stunned when a gun collided with the back of his head: it was the last thing he had expected to happen in the middle of the forest. This was far from the first blow to the head he had received, though, as well as far from the worst. Within a couple of minutes, he regained his senses to find that he had been tied up and a stranger was flipping through his journal. Unfortunately for his captor, Adam's arms were tied behind his back and he could reach one of the alchemic symbols on his arm. He had placed this symbol in a specific place for just such an occasion.

Adam touched a finger to the symbol which glowed dimly as the rope evaporated. He repeated this process with the ropes binding his legs. His captor didn't look like one of the soldiers who had been chasing him, but Adam didn't want to take any chances. He angled his right arm to be in line with the stranger's leg, then made a quick motion with his wrist. The sword shot out of his arm and went all the way through the man's leg. Adam didn't give him time to recover; he retracted the blade and pounced on the man's back, knocking him to the ground. Adam placed his right hand on the man's head and applied pressure, placing his left index and middle fingers on one of the symbols on his mechanical arm.

"If you haven't guessed by now," said Adam, "I'm an alchemist. I'm only good with machinery, though, so I don't know what would happen if I tried to perform alchemy on you. Probably nothing pleasant, so let's keep this conversation civil. Who are you and who do you work for?"


When the nice lady ran over to the good chimera, Silf was by her side. He wished the nice lady had followed his lead and stayed back, but all he could do was protect her now. The nice lady was hunched over the good chimera, leaving her back exposed to the bad chimera, so Silf placed himself between her and the bad chimera. He crouched in an aggressive stance and started barking angrily at the bad chimera. He knew that the bad chimera was a lot bigger and stronger than him, but it was Silf's job to keep the nice lady safe.


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The pain shot through Dusters leg, as something had hit him.
He himself, had been flipping over the pages of the book. Nothing he could understand anyway.
As the pain hit him, so did a heavy built man.
"Ugh." was all Duster got to grunt, before he was on the ground.
Normally he'd be able to hold this mans weight with ease, but the surprise of getting a sword through your leg...
The man then asked him of sopmething, many before him had too.

"Is that your best threat? I don't think you even got balls to do it.
As to who I am? MMIIV. and who I work for? Someone powerful enough to lay waster to entire kingdoms."
Duster squirmed a little, knowing that he couldn't rise yet. Although, comfort was allways good.
"Could you lift your knee? It's pressing my kidney." Duster said, his voice heavy with sarcasm.
Duster tried to squirm some more, but something on his belly was in the way.
. . .
His gun! He had it right there, although at his belly.
Duster relaxed for a second, then turned his head, as to see the face of his captor.
"Anyway, I'm pretty surprised you got out of those ropes. Although its a shame. They were needed for my tent." Duster grinned, again he was loading his speech with sarcasm


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Adam grinned right back at him. "It's true, I don't like killing," he said, "but I've developed weapons and alchemy to take out opponents without lethal force." Adam removed his hand from the man's head and grabbed his right arm. Adam's mechanical arm was surprisingly strong for its light weight. He pulled the man's arm onto his back and touched another symbol on his own arm. There was a brief surge of energy and the man's sleeve had fused with the rest of his jacket. Adam repeated this process with the other arm, but kept his position sitting atop the man.

"Now, I'd like to have a civil conversation," said Adam. "You'll answer one of my questions and I'll answer one of your questions. Once I run out of questions, I'll tend to your leg and let you go. If you make this too difficult, I'll leave you chained to a tree for those soldiers to find. Think you can handle that?"


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"I'll have to leave questions open you know..." Duster said.
"You ought to know that my kind can't tell the whole truth." Duster grinned evily.
"Besides. If you know what's best for yourself, you'd kill me, and finnish me off."
"I'm far too dangerous to keep alive." Duster said.
He tried the linen binding his arms together.
He'd be able to break it, but it'd require that he had space...

"You know... my friends, will be arriving soon. You ought to save yourself." He grinned sadistically.


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"So you work for the soldiers chasing us?" asked Adam. "If that's true, then I applaud you for your honesty but it's probably the worst thing you could tell me right now."


Silf didn't want the nice lady to get hurt, and not just because his master had told him to protect her. He decided that the best way to get her out of there would be to distract the bad chimera. Silf lunged at the bad chimera's throat and bit down hard. Hopefully, the nice lady would use this as a chance to run.


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Duster couldn't hold a laughing fit back.
"If I were one of them, then you and your friend there would be dead a while ago." Duster said, nodding in Tora's direction.
"You're in fact quite lucky that I'm ordered to team up with your kind, not exterminate them." Duster turned his neck again, to look at his captor.
"Besides, my friends are sharpshooters, and they might soon turn up." Dusters grin was ice cold, and his eyes clearly showed how much he liked this.


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"Funny thing about sharpshooters and forests," said Adam, "is that there's a lot of trees in the forest. Trees get in the way of bullets, so chances are I'll see your friends before they can hit me. Anyway, you've answered my question, so it's time to ask yours."


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"Okay..." Duster said, seemingly thinking.
"What's your price?" Duster asked, his grin growing wider by the second.
"I know a pair of people interested in skills like yours."


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"Gya...un..," Tora groans as he wakes. He brings a hand to his head. "Must'd been more tired then I thought." As he brings his hand down he trys to grasp what's happened. The girl was missing, along with Silf and Sparky. "Any idea where my dog is?" He asked Adam, turning his head over his shoulder, that's when he first took notice of the man pinned under him. "Two questions. Who is he? And what happened when I was out?"


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"What's your price?" Duster asked, his grin growing wider by the second. "I know a pair of people interested in skills like yours."

"Sorry," said Adam. "My brother always told me that it's a bad idea to take job opportunities from strangers who hit you in the back of the head and tie you up. If you can convince me that I have any reason to trust you, I might think about it. Right now, though, I want to get out of this forest and away from the soldiers chasing after us. If I let you go, do you promise to behave?"

"Two questions. Who is he? And what happened when I was out?"

"Ah, Tora!" said Adam, looking over his shoulder. "You're awake! Hatsune's off trying to find her friend and I sent Silf with her so she can find her way back. Don't know where Sparky went, I think he ran off once the chimera shifted and ran off into the forest. Your dog likes you, so he's probably not too far off. This bloke is MMIIV. I'm not sure who he works for, but I don't think it's the soldiers chasing us. If he behaves himself, I'm going to let him up and you can help me treat his leg. If he doesn't, I'm going to chain him to a tree and leave him for the soldiers to find. Tell me when you're feeling ready to move."