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Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper


Mordania, a once free nation taken over by the supernatural Exalted, a secretive cult claiming to be protectors. Serving under their goddess, they hold the land now under strict laws and a curfew. However, rebellion is brewing.

2,910 readers have visited Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper since MartinVole created it.


Mordania, a country founded on the prospect that all sapience should be considered equal in value. It was not perfect, not crime free, not without conflict, but people had a voice, and ears that listened. "No one man should decide the fate of the many," said a previous crown, his decendant, Henrick Mordaine, more an official representative of the country than a ruler, however his wife, Cecilia, more iron gripped than him. The nation's founding ideal was unity, and respect across all races.

However, a force arose against the crown to shatter these ideals. The Exalted, they claimed to be, saying they were ordained by the goddess Abaranne, the great mother, and led by her child, Gabrielle, to herald in a new age. Despite their ridiculous claims, their power was... undeniable. It took only a handful of them to push the Mordanian army into retreat, proving resilient to even potent magick. Their general, Balor, a one-eyed titan clad in iron made a mocking ultimatum, claiming that the nation was on the verge of collapse against a hidden enemy far worse than them and that they were the only hope. They never elaborated what this enemy was. Regardless, their power was too great, and with little choice, surrender was the only option.

The once active nation, now with curfews and strict laws. The crown now a prisoner in its own walls as they are told how to run the country. At times a person of considerable skill is taken to see Abaranne's child, to become Exalted. The process of which is unknown, but they are forever... changed according their desires, and eternally loyal. Fragments of the old loyalists and freedom fighters now try to band together in secret, to attempt to overthrow these usurpers and once again have some control over their fates.

Toggle Rules

This is a somewhat non-traditional RP with moral ambiguity as opposed to clear lines between good and evil. It is set in a medieval setting for some simplicity, blades, bows, and magic. Magic comes in a few different sets, but for simplicity it comes in elemental and purer forms without elemental affiliation, the latter of which can manifest in manipulation of form and empowering or extending the impact of a punch.

While I won't be stinky with races, I will say things like angels, demons, and vampires (and mixes of the three) are best avoided due to the tendency to become Mary Sues. Experience on different sites has left me iffy on these. :( What is allowed however is anything within reason, no OP things with no weaknesses, but you can play human and non-human alike, and it doesn't have to be human sized either... just sapient and not extremely oversized. Maximum height I'd say would... be around 16ft.

Suggestions and contribution is welcome but not necessary, participation from at least three active frequenters (other than me) however, is. Overall I want this to be a fun experience and an exercise for me to get back into the swing of things! =D

Also, if you must format your text, make it at least tidy and readable. Thank you!

(man this thing is the devil, had to put this back in 5 times)

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


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Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine
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It was dusk in Stulhelm, the capital city of Mordania, once bustling with activity was now desolate aside from a few Exalted patrols clad in their white and gleaming armor. All this silence is thanks to the curfew enforced by them. They say it is for people's own good, that it curbs crime but everyone knows it is to make it easier to sniff out suspicious behavior.

Elsewhere in a tavern cellar, away from prying eyes, the not-so-glorious hideout for those still loyal to the old crown and willing to fight for its return. Walking in and standing in the middle of this particular one was the son of Mordaine himself, Nigel Mordaine. He had been acting as a double-agent for the resistance for quite some time but had been under some scrutiny for his family's surrender.

"Listen," he says, breaking the silence, his tone exhausted and strangely shaky, "I know you feel like there has been no results but these things take time..." He sits down on an empty keg, his legs giving away. His expression turns grave as he pulls a note from his bag, on it describes clearly that he has been added to the list to officially undergo the Exalted ceremony, the time when this takes place is unspecified. He looks on at everyone, looking uncharacteristically pale. "...but I'm now open to any ideas more than ever now that they want me to be their... 'Justice'."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine Character Portrait: Godefray Hamonet
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It was dusk in Stulhelm and the once bustling capital of Mordania was now desolate and silent with their new owners, the Exalted. The Exalted were currently patrolling the street and enforcing their rules. They say its for the peoples own good, but as a rebel resistance fighter, Godefray thought differently. He though that it was just because they can have an easier time hunting down resistance members.

Inside a tavern cellar which as been designated as a hideout to those still loyal to the old crown and rebel forces willing to fight to rid the land of the Exalted, one man was talking to those inside the room. "Alright everyone, it is time for our progress reports." One man known as Godefray Hamonet was speaking, one of the few rebel captains fighting to free Mordania for its oppressors. "Today I have made some progress to our resistance efforts, today I have secured another supply route and recruited another resistance member willing to brave the new supply route." He addressed everyone in the room.

After speaking and listening to everyone's progress report, a familiar individual walked into the room who he knew him as Nigel Mordaine, the son of the crown. He noticed that Nigel seemed a bit off, his tone was shaky and when he paled at the face when he pulled out his note he could only imagine that there was only bad news waiting for them. Nigel showed the group his note and what was written on the note caused his blood to start boiling, what was written on the note was a list for people who were officially selected to undergo the exalted ceremony, and one of the names of the note was the young man sitting down in this very room.

"This is bad news indeed, to know that one of our trusted allied has been selected by the Exalted to become an Exalted is most troubling. I am not sure what to do but we can't give up hope yet! I am certain there are many things we can do to help you out but I am not willing to watch as you get converted by the Exalted and turned into...something else." He enthusiastically exclaimed.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine Character Portrait: Godefray Hamonet Character Portrait: Rak'ran Character Portrait: Reinhardt Arthur
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#, as written by ____
The sun sets, and dusk crept over Stulhelm, the capital of Mordania. The once bustling city was no more, and the streets were desolate from the curfew enforced by the Exalted. They roamed the street, saying that it's for the people's safety, but under that cover was the intention to sniff out resistance within the city.


Gathered inside a tavern cellar were the loyal subjects of the old crown and now a resistance group who seek to take back what was once theirs. The people had grown impatient over the years and progress seemed slow as ever. Individuals who took up the role of leading the fight had made their reports one by one, but with hardly much of a good news.

(Haha I don't know why, but I also paraphrased the first two paragraphs.)

A young man with blonde hair straightened his back as Godefray addressed him as the new recruit. "I am proud to be of duty, Sir!" He exclaimed and saluted the captain. He was a squire in the past, but for some reason he only decided to join the resistance now, he was hoping to prove that he can be a valuable asset to the group by accomplishing as many mission as he can.

(OOC: had to change his history cause I guessed the time the Mordania was under their rule to be around half a year, but after reading Nigel's profile I guess not. I made it fit his nickname better, and I took advantage of marine's post to introduce Arthur. I talk too much...)

Arthur's jaw dropped at what unfolds next, a man whom anyone would recognize anywhere has entered the room. He was none other than the son of the king! The rebels were familiar with him as he seemed to be a key player of the resistance, but what got his attention was how shaky and pale he was. The prince sat down on an empty keg and pulled out a note with great grief. Upon revealing what the note meant the people didn't hid their displeasure.


Around the ring of the gathering people were the taller sapient creatures. Among them was a man with the head of a lion. He was Rak'ran, the man who caused quite the commotion a year back. He awaited good news, but still nothing. He growled in disappointment as his revenge still seemed far away.

Again there was another new recruit who wishes to join the cause, they appear to only increasing in number, but so far they got nothing to show for it. Having more would only increase the risk of detection for as far as he can tell.

Then the son of the crown came in. He was an important ally and helped fight for the cause, his information helped the group more than once and he only felt more disappointed at the terrible news he delivered. If not averted the greatest ally will join hands with the enemies carrying all the information regarding the resistance.

"Things only grow worse as time pass." He sighed.


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Character Portrait: Vigil
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The flicker of a candle was reflected down a small alley, no doubt the service access for some three or four shops that faced the street running parallel to it, a haphazardly stacked pile of crates and a less carefully stacked large sack of what was probably rubbish, a rat or two, but nothing else.

The patrolman nodded to his comrade and they continued on their rounds, the flicker of the lanterns candle chased after them as though it was afraid of being left behind in the ally, and all was dark.

But there was not nothing...

The cowl covering Vigil's face pulled back to reveal two triangular slits against a shadow. the "sack" shifted and moved as he attempted to make himself more comfortable for the night. It wasn't the most uncomfortable of sleeping arrangements he had ever endured, but the constant threat that a patrol might decide to wander down the ally and take a closer look at that sack was less than comforting. He had managed to slip into the town just before the gates were closed but by the time he found any kind of inn or tavern the doors were all locked and windows all closed up. No one was willing to risk their business or their lives on account of a wandering stranger, not to speak of the legends that a strange shadowy figure in unnerving robes preceded the stuff of stories, both of the adventurous and horrible persuasion. The less of all that the better for business owners in this little town.

Vigil had heard the rumors of course, the stories of the overthrow of the crown, the Exalted, the curfews and oppressive laws. They had become the reason for his travels. When he had first set out it was curiosity of what seemed like a wonderful ideal, but news had traveled slowly to him from where his journey had started, far off across the world, the Exalted had already been in power for some time when he set out. As the news he received on the road turned slowly worse, the closer he got the quicker and fresher information came to him, he found his curiosity turn from that of wonderful ideal, to terrible events. How could a place take such a turn, seemingly, so quickly? It was a sign that something was brewing in Mordania, and he began to feel that it could change the balance of existence. His course was ever towards Stulhelm.

He was close now, having avoided the curfew by avoiding most towns at night, content to sleep in the woods and cover of the fields, but as he drew closer to the more populated area around the capital it became clear he would have to begin spending his nights within city walls, he wouldn't be able to escape the curfew by fleeing the city every night once he arrived. He had decided to use the next couple of towns to glean what he could about the state of things, and get a feel for how he could best blend into the common crowds. This would be his last night before reaching Stulhelm, he was almost glad that he had arrived so late, he had yet to actually brave the curfew in the street. He had taken the opportunity to his advantage and had spent some time assessing just how difficult it would be to move about at night if he needed to, not exceedingly hard for a Cambiregeist given their natural quietness it turned out. And so he had picked a spot, out of the way but in plain sight, covered himself about with his wing and taken to rest, before the patrol coming by had stirred him.

The cowl slipped back down over his eyes and he allowed himself to sleep. It would be day break in a few hours and he knew that what was well hidden in darkness may be well in view in the light...


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine Character Portrait: Godefray Hamonet Character Portrait: Rak'ran Character Portrait: Reinhardt Arthur
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Nigel looked up at everyone gathered there, a sense of guilt passes through him that he started things off like this, it wasn't at all good news. He got to his feet, trying to shake off a look of defeat, though he was conflicted inside. "Well... that isn't everything, from as long as I've spent around them, I've learned several things, some of which I wasn't sure of until now." His tone grows a bit more certain, perhaps trying to distract himself as well from his uncertain future. "Gabrielle seems to only hold some kind of religious power, but actual leadership seems to come from the red haired demon... who seems to spend a large amount of time sleeping or at least highly inactive."

He folds his arms and rubs his chin, trying to remember other things he's noted. "I don't think they are Exalted, either, they don't have the black eye or give off that weird magic they all have, in fact I don't feel any magic from her at all, as if she's just this vacant void. I mean, even the lowest affinity have at least trace amounts but there's just... nothing, and I always feel like I'm burning inside when near her." He continues, pacing back and forth, his tone shifting into agitation. "Worst is the fact that she knows my mother, they seem to have a long history that she never told me of before. Needless to say, my mother is far older than she looks and I wonder why it has to come from this... tyrant's mouth about some kind of bandit past life my mother had and being..."

He sits back down and sighs, rubbing his temples. "But that changes nothing... back on Gabrielle though... her blood is the key to making the Exalted, it seems to have some strange transformative property, but they don't just drain it out every time it is needed, they store it in a ceremonial flask and keep it in the prison dungeons where it is kept cold, and close should a prisoner... give in to them... the dungeons themselves go relatively unused and unguarded, suppose they figure that the last place anyone would want to go is there..." He puts his hands on his legs and leans forward. "And should it... disappear, replenishment will be a slow process given how they pamper their goddess, and perhaps we could use it as bait to get them to face us on our own terms for once..."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine Character Portrait: Godefray Hamonet Character Portrait: Rak'ran Character Portrait: Reinhardt Arthur
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Godefray listened to Nigel's report on the Exalted and he was very much happy to know all this information he had managed to gather. For one, Gabrielle did indeed have the power to transform people into exalted but not because of her own powers, it was because of her blood. What was also good news is that they kept vials of the stuff unguarded in dungeons, if he could spread the word to other resistance members, they could have a sort of bargaining chip like Nigel suggested. Godefray was also intrigued when Nigel talked about Gabrielle, it seemed that she was a mysterious individual who knew a lot about Nigel's mother. But disregarding everything for a moment, if they capture or eliminate Gabrielle he could only imagine the severe impact it would do on the Exalted, but that dream would be saved for another time.

"I have to say, you certainly pulled out some really great information that we can easily use to our advantage. Just like you said if we can get our hands on these vials then we would have an "ace in the hole" that we could use when we truly need it. If we can just get word to other resistance members then we could possibly stop them from turning more people into Exalted in different towns and sabotage some of their operations. To be honest if we did not know this information I would have planned to fake your death, but thankfully we don't have to do that." Godefray chuckled.

"Another thing to note, if Gabrielle does indeed have the power to make the Exalted with her blood then it would be wise to plan to take her out in the future. If we can eliminate her, then we may not have to fear any more people turning into an Exalted and it would have a serious effect on the enemy as well. Of course she must be well guarded every single second of the day so we can think of something when we cross that bridge."


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine Character Portrait: Godefray Hamonet Character Portrait: Helena Von Wintherheim Character Portrait: Rina Verrais Character Portrait: Rak'ran Character Portrait: Reinhardt Arthur
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0.00 INK

"Over here, Helena. The place was right up this street, I'm sure of it!"

Rina crept up the darkened alleyway, looking left and right for any guards that might be on patrol. Skulking around in the dark during curfew, especially in a city like this, was a fair bit more difficult than slipping by the less populated settlements on the way here. Still, they had come this far already. No sense in turning back now.

After waiting for a minute or so, the young sorceress was satisfied that the way was clear and gave her companion the signal to move, heading first for a parked cart at the side of the street.

And there she went, darting off into the vague directions a non-descript contact had given about the whereabouts of the resistance.

Helena walked calm and steady, much in contrast to the overexcited girl a few inches in front of her. She didn't quite get why she seemed so enthusiastic about sneaking around the place, then again with Rina it wasn't so much being a sneak as it was how far can you get without stumbling head-first into trouble, because the little sorceress was not exactly the most subtle. Then again, neither was Helena.

From her spot behind the cart, Rina could see the sign of the tavern, at long last. She was about to break cover when she heard footsteps. Not Helena's, but someone else's. Immediately she grabbed the other woman and pulled her behind the cart, covering her mouth with one hand. Mere moments later, a guard clad in the uniform of the city watch marched past in the opposite direction the duo were headed. Once Rina was sure he was out of earshot she breathed a sigh of relief and let Helena go.

"See? Sneaking about like this helped us after all," she told her companion. "We don't have to be so prim and proper when nobody will see us."

The knight raised a single, disapproving eyebrow. "Perhaps. I'm certain we needn't worry about the guards, my lady. I don't think they'd arrest us needlessly." Unwise at best, and it would only feed the resistance's influence. Regaining her composure from the sudden stranglehold, Helena proceded to make her way towards the tavern, signalling for Rina to follow.

"Perhaps. They might just punish my family instead." Rina followed her to the door and, after knocking on the door and reciting the code phrase they were given to the lookout who answered, they were in. The pair of them were led behind the bar, towards the back of the tavern. There they found a hatch in the floor that led to the basement, and opening it revealed a small crowd of wary faces, their eyes now turned towards the two newcomers. Obviously the meeting was already in progress.

"Ah... S-sorry we're late," Rina stammered, momentarily caught off guard by just how many people were down here. "We made sure we weren't followed." With little else to say, she descended into the basement to join her would-be comrades.


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Character Portrait: Vigil
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Vigil's eyes shot open.

The ally was still dark, the stars still bright, but he could tell the dawn was not far off. It was not however the dawn that had awakened him, it was the sound of a patrol. Someone was coming from the other end of the alley. He carefully looked around, measuring his options. He could cover himself and remain still, hoping the patrol didn't get to interested in the 'garbage' behind a shop, or he could try to sneak off before they got closer.

"...No, he said there was a stack of crates and a sack, but the cobbler never gets shipment in sacks; and he's got that boy to take out the trash before curfew every night..." Vigil could hear one of the patrolmen speaking, "Honestly, if you took time to know any of the locals you would know that. Could be resistance drop." They were definitely referring to him. "You know there's a bonus for us if we find and quell any resistance activity. Would be almost a shame, I'd have to find a new cobbler, he fixed my boots once you know, better than new."

Vigil rose quietly behind the cover of the crates, he didn't expect he would be able to go unnoticed strait ahead, so he turned his attention to the stack. If they could have seen him the patrolmen would have seen the shape before them seemingly grow taller, a foot or more, before reaching a hand up to the space between two crates and pulling himself easily up. Vigil hung there for a moment, trying to listen for the footsteps of the patrol to gauge when they would round the corner, so as not to lift himself up while they could still see the top of the crates.

"Bloody, what ever it is it's gone."

"Maybe there never was a sack, he did say he saw from the street, for all we know they had been hitting the grog before their rounds. A shame, could you imagine if we did stumble upon a resistance scheme that they had let slip?"

"Aye, I'm starting to think nothing so interesting could ever come about in this little place. Should we report back?"

"Why not, if it is something we'll get the credit for actually taking time to look. If not it'll teach them to make their rounds drunk..."

The guards wandered away to continue their rounds with Vigil crouched in the shadows above. There was no reason to return to his hiding place now, the sun would be up and he needed to find a better place to avoid being seen until the crowds came out. He lowered himself back into the alley and slipped carefully in the opposite direction of the patrol had gone. Making his way slowly through the town streets and alleys, trying to find a better place to hide. He carefully slipped by one guard and another patrol, then he saw what could be a good place. As he made his way around a building and down a side alley he heard the soft creak of a door which drew his attention, and then he felt something.

It was, strange, he was suddenly sure that he was near someone who would change the order of the world, he found himself wandering down the alley less cautiously, and was surprised to see a man cross before him, though he was still far enough away as to not be noticed. Clearly this man, who looked so very ordinary, who wouldn't even be mistaken for a guard, was much more in the order of things. The man disappeared, off to some unknown destination, and the pulse in Vigil's mind slowly faded, but it was too late, the unexpectedness with which the scene had unfolded had pulled him out of the present surroundings and he found himself standing at the edge of the alley staring off towards where the man had gone.

"The hell?" He heard a guard, "Hey, you just looking to get arrested then?" a strong hand wrapped around one of Vigil's arms, ripping him back into reality and reminding him of the curfew, the exalted, everything. "Uh, no, I'm sorry sir, I am but a vagabond sir, from a distant city. I was unaware..." Another hand wrapped around his free arm as two more guards surrounded him. "We'll see about that." the first, largest guard said, turning to one of his companions. "May as well go fetch him, he's not more than a block off by now, tell him we've got... a "vagabond"..."

Vigil was firmly ushered into the building as the third guard went off. They searched him, finding an unextraordinary sword of solid construction, a change purse, and nothing else, not uncommon for a traveler they had to admit, but it wouldn't hurt to let Mercy have a look.

Another guard entered, and upon seeing the cloaked figure sitting behind the table with his hands chained he let out an audible sigh, Vigil recognized him as one of the guards that had not investigated him further just a short time before...


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine Character Portrait: Vigil Character Portrait: Godefray Hamonet Character Portrait: Helena Von Wintherheim Character Portrait: Rina Verrais Character Portrait: Rak'ran Character Portrait: Reinhardt Arthur
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Nigel's eyes widened for a moment, he seemed somewhat bothered by something Godafray had said, but he decided to keep it to himself. "Yeah... that would be the ideal outcome, then we can reestablish the old laws, and be done with being locked in one's own houses." He said, a hint of hesitation within his voice. He looked down at his hands then took a breath, prepared to say something else, but is suddenly cut off by the new arrivals.

He gets up, seemingly cheerful all of a sudden, in part because he's getting distracted from some worrisome thoughts. He holds out a hand, as if expecting a handshake. "Oh, it is no issue, what matters is that you were uncaught and unharmed getting here, anyways, I bid you welcome."


The man who was dressed as a ragged commoner stepped in, permeating the entire room an unusual sense at his presence. It was the human Exalted, Mercy, who had once worked under the crown, a turncoat when the Exalted took over. He casually pulls over a chair and sits in front of Vigil and crosses his leg and rests his head on his arm, staring at him, his eyes look exhausted, a blue upon black. He then takes his hand and rubs his chin then waves a finger. "You are definitely Cambiregeist, aren't you, my friend? Long way from home I'd say, a spy perchance?" He is fairly softly spoken, his tone is calm but probing somewhat, as if he's testing Vigil. He then casts a knowing grin. "Or perhaps curiosity simply took your feet?"

"A... what? Him? But I expected something more..." One of the patrolmen stammers only to be cut off as Mercy raises a hand, signaling him to say nothing more.

Mercy shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head. "Whatsoever the case may be, whether you know of current matters or not, I hope you take no ill will that you will be detained for a while." He makes a motion to the guards to take him. "And please do not make this more traumatic than it needs to be, and equally I hope they will not give you a hard time." He glances over at the guards, being sure they understand he's serious.


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Character Portrait: Vigil
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The murmurs spread around for a moment before the man raised his hand. Most people had never actually seen a Cambiregeist, they may have heard stories, if you spent enough time in a pub or brothel you were sure to stumble upon someone who knew someone who had seen a Cambiregeist, but few people could actually claim to having seen one themselves. For the most part they kept to themselves with the exception of Pilgrims. Even so, Mordania wasn't a close neighbor of any Cambiregeist settlements.

"... a spy perchance?"

Vigil's face was expressionless, this was certainly the man he had seen in the street, though he was not nearly as taken off guard as he had been then. He was unsure why anyone would think he was a spy, as wild as stories became, usually they erred towards Cambiregeist being individual specters who preceding great misadventures or turmoil. More often than not people would be surprised to know there were enough of them to have any settlements at all. Those who knew of the Cambiregeist often knew them as secluded and uninterested in getting entwined with other nations on a political level. So this accusation, or suggestion, that he may be a spy, from a man who clearly knew something of Cambiregeist, was unforeseen at best.

"I am a pilgrim, I seek only knowledge and to record events, I am no spy. What information I gather has been gathered openly, and has been freely presented to me." It could have been debated that Vigil's use of "freely presented" and many others differed to varying degrees. But This is all he chose to say at the present time. He did not see a peaceable way to avoid being detained, and until he better knew the situation he was still unwilling to have a confrontation. He looked at the man before him with an almost dead expression, simply waiting for what ever happened next.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine Character Portrait: Vigil Character Portrait: Godefray Hamonet Character Portrait: Helena Von Wintherheim Character Portrait: Rina Verrais Character Portrait: Rak'ran Character Portrait: Reinhardt Arthur
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As the meeting went on, Godefray noticed the new arrivals and decided to greet them with a bow. "Nice of you two to join us, so please get comfy for we have some good news that you should know." He greeted them before continuing. "What our friend, Nigel has discovered, it seems he has found out how people become an Exalted. So far we understand that Gabrielle does indeed turn people into Exalted but not with some special magic, Nigel has discovered that her blood is the means for people to turn into Exalted. Now actually eliminating Gabrielle is out of the question, but it seems that vials of her blood are kept inside the dungeons of towns, they are even unguarded most of the time. But you might be thinking "Well so what, they can always get more blood right?" That is true, but she is a godess and gathering more blood from her seems to be the last thing on our enemies mind. With all the information we have discovered so far, I propose this." Godefray raised his fist in the air.

"I propose we assault one of these dungeons and steal these vials of blood, then we send word to other members of the resistance and tell them to do the same. Once we have these vials, we can use it as our ace in the hole and force our enemy into our hands! If anyone has any other plans I am all ears but this is our best plan so far and Nigel does not have much time since he was chosen to become the next Exalted. We can also rescue any prisoners captured by the Exalted and have more members with us. So, any questions? Or any alternate plans?" Godefray finished speaking.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine Character Portrait: Godefray Hamonet Character Portrait: Helena Von Wintherheim Character Portrait: Rina Verrais Character Portrait: Rak'ran Character Portrait: Reinhardt Arthur
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#, as written by ____
Reinhardt stared blankly at the others and pondered. He was having some doubts about this operation. "If I may, Sir." Reinhardt raised his hand causing people to turn toward him. "It might just me being paranoid, but..." He paused, having some second thoughts, beads of sweat started trickling down his forehead as he kept the people waiting. "I think, just maybe... this might be a... trap?"

He swallowed a lump and slightly turned his head to the side, embarrassed for not having a solid basis, moreover people might not like him for doubting Nigel's report and the leader's judgement. He was usually more assertive, but he was never good at important speeches. "I just think we should be careful, I mean what if the Exalted let the prince have that information? I could be possible that they found out that he is with us." He laughed awkwardly, thinking how dumb the words that are coming out of his mouth sounds. It is hardly possible that Nigel could be found out after all this years, really like why would they find out now? this thought made him slap his head. Reinhardt thought about how conceited he seemed to try to make a suggestion in spite of being a new recruit.

"Uh... Thanks for listening." Reinhardt shrink back to the crowd. He sighed heavily, thinking that he made a bad second impression of sort. He tried the cheer himself up by thinking of being active in the upcoming operation, already making a small smile at the thought. "Yeah, and then they'll forgot all about this embarrassing moment." He whispered to himself and chuckled. Making the person beside him back away.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine Character Portrait: Vigil Character Portrait: Godefray Hamonet Character Portrait: Helena Von Wintherheim Character Portrait: Rina Verrais Character Portrait: Rak'ran Character Portrait: Reinhardt Arthur
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0.00 INK

Nigel listened to Reinhardt's concerns, and it raced through his head. Could it be that he had become the unwitting accomplice in a trap set for them? Worries swim through his head once more, that he had been discovered, that he missed a step, that they planned the whole selection as a ploy to make him act, that all this time he's been allowed freedom was just for this. He turns pale and his face turns blank. He begins running a series of scenarios in his head. If Reinhardt were right, he would become a traitor, whether he intended to or not, and worse he'd be risking the people who trusted him, that had become comrades... friends. This is why he feared a leadership role.

"I... I..." He stutters, adjusting the collar of his suit. He remembered that the one, Balor, had always had their eye on him. But they couldn't know he's been a double agent for the resistance, they spend most of their time sleeping. "I've seen it myself, though, but... it is a strange place to break into, I admit... I mean breaking into a prison... i-is absurd... but... well, we must interfere with their supply as well."


Mercy holds up a hand for the men to halt their actions. He looks down with a frown holding his head, running a hand across his hair and scratching the back of his head. He seems conflicted, uncertain at this point on what to do. This uncertainty is, however, brief, as a sudden jarring motion runs across his body.

Mercy looks into Vigil's eyes and leans back with a sigh. "To be perfectly honest, I believe you. You went without resistance, you could have used any number of traits your race has to escape. You don't seem like a bad person, maybe a tad disconnected is all, but that could just be a... racial trait for all I know." He admits earnestly, his tone growing weary. "But that doesn't change certain facts about what has been foretold. Whether I believe you or not... I am to do as I must to protect this land, to protect her."

He turns his back and looks over at the guards signaling them to take Vigil away and they react immediately to take him away. "Honestly, perhaps this is an opportune twist of fate," he mumbles. "You'll be closer to more things of curiosity." With that the men begin to take him out to the dungeon.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine Character Portrait: Vigil Character Portrait: Godefray Hamonet Character Portrait: Helena Von Wintherheim Character Portrait: Rina Verrais Character Portrait: Rak'ran Character Portrait: Reinhardt Arthur
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0.00 INK

With the mention that the dungeon could be a trap, Godefray turned to Reinhardt before speaking. "You are right to think that this could be a possible trap, and even I thought that the information could be some type of trap. But we have to have to take the chance, if the information we had gathered is true then we have to take the risk, trap or no trap. It is our duty to beat the Exalted and I will not let a simple trap be the end of us. So even if this is a trap we will take down every single Exalted that jumps us, come out alive and show them that we are going to free the land from their control." He spoke with a large amount of vigor behind his words.

"So whatever the case, I still call it a win-win situation for us. We either eliminate the Exalted that was part of the trap or obtain vials of blood capable of giving us some sort of leverage on them. Of course I have full hope that it is not a trap and that the vials of blood are indeed hidden inside the dungeons. But thanks for speaking up Reinhardt, the ability to sense wenether something is amiss or not will be very helpful for you, especially for when you will become captain one day." Godray finsihed and gave and affirming nod that he was still dedicated on raiding the dungeon.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine Character Portrait: Godefray Hamonet Character Portrait: Helena Von Wintherheim Character Portrait: Rina Verrais Character Portrait: Reinhardt Arthur
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte
Admittedly it was a bit strange to be met with a warm welcome. Sure they probably wouldn't have gotten in if they had bad intentions, but still, it was a bit odd to be so forthcoming with supposedly secret plans when you didn't know the ones who just entered were friend or foe. Regardless, Helena managed to conjure up the effort to bow to her soon to-be comrades. Although she was skeptical, they seemed harmless enough and not worthy of caution.

Rina listened as the group filled them in on their plans, surprised that they were so readily trusting herself and Helena with such sensitive information. Truth be told, she got bored and tuned out a fair bit of the natter, but two main points stuck with her. First, the prince had been chosen to become one of the Exalted, and secondly the rebels had confirmed the whereabouts of the key ingredient to the process; Gabrielle's blood.

"If this is all true, then why are we all standing around gossiping?" Rina asked. "The prince only has so long until the ceremony!"


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine Character Portrait: Godefray Hamonet Character Portrait: Helena Von Wintherheim Character Portrait: Rina Verrais Character Portrait: Reinhardt Arthur
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0.00 INK

Nigel nodded his head. He had little other options than to agree. Time was of the essence, in more ways than for his own sake. "Yes, which gets to what I figure is the best course of action... two groups will be assembled, an infiltration and a backup in the case it is a trap. Thank you for your input by the way, Reinhardt." He holds up his hand and looks around. "As it was me who presented this in the first place, I nominate myself as part of the infiltration team. After all, if I go in first then there is a chance I'd give some diversion."

He then looks over the room then at Godafray. "I would ask that you be part of the backup team, in case things go awry, we would need someone to take immediate action." He didn't want to say that that he's also not exactly the most stealthy with all that armor.

"Now where will the rest group into?" He says holding out his hand among everyone gathered. "Remember, the key to the infiltration is stealth, we don't want to make a lot of noise or have too many people as part of infiltration."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine Character Portrait: Godefray Hamonet Character Portrait: Helena Von Wintherheim Character Portrait: Rina Verrais Character Portrait: Reinhardt Arthur
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0.00 INK

Godefray nodded as Rina asked them they were still standing in this room. "Agreed, since there seems to be no more arguments we can say that we agree to partake in this operation." He spoke before he listened to Nigel as he though of a plan. After Nigel finished explaining his plan, Godefray spoke up. "I had already planned to be part of the backup team, I will gather a group of soldiers willing to come with me, anyone else who knows how to stay quiet and sneak around are welcome to join the infiltration team. Now for a signal when things go wrong, if anyone has the capability to use magic, launch something in the air like a fireball or whatever magic affinity you have into the air, but if not just yell for assistance and we will come running. Now gather your gear, we head out immediately!" He slammed his fist on his chestplate and the few fighters gathered in the room went over to his side to join up with their captain.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine Character Portrait: Godefray Hamonet Character Portrait: Helena Von Wintherheim Character Portrait: Rina Verrais Character Portrait: Reinhardt Arthur
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ____
Reinhardt was glad that his opinion wasn't pushed aside and they actually thought about it. They considered the possibility and had decided to be careful and split into two teams so as to make sure that whatever the trap might be they'll see it coming.

Reinhardt went toward the backup team. "I have to make sure this uneasiness is just in my head." He looked uneasy for a moment as beads of sweat trickled down his cheek. If there's no trap then it's good, if there is... it's probably not something a moment of preparation can counteract against. Reinhardt could only brace himself for what's to come, still he is more than willing to play a big part in the mission. Looks like they've put aside some other missions for now. Reinhardt checked his reflection in his sword, still looking a bit nervous. He shook his head and grinned before putting the sword back in its sheath.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine Character Portrait: Vigil Character Portrait: Godefray Hamonet Character Portrait: Helena Von Wintherheim Character Portrait: Rina Verrais Character Portrait: Rak'ran Character Portrait: Reinhardt Arthur
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0.00 INK

Nigel nods his head. "Right then, we are to disembark immediately." He heads to the doorway, signaling the barkeep to close up behind them and looks out for a patrol. It looks clear, oddly enough, a strange feeling comes across him. To his knowledge there should have been a patrol just passing here. Something must have happened, gotten their attention elsewhere. Regardless, he looks back to the others to move forward and heads out into the streets carefully, an eye towards the Mordaine castle.

"Where is the patrols," he mutters, looking nervous. The streets were silent, when not long ago did they echo with footsteps. He slips up by the main gate and peeks in through the bars. He noticed something occurring near the royal dungeons causing a pause. Several guards were escorting a prisoner. Some of the younger recruits kept some distance looking reluctant to get closer as the rest take Vigil into the dungeon where he is most likely put into incarceration.

Nigel signals the others to get by the wall and wait. After a moment the soldiers exit and much of them disperse for their patrols. "That was... strange," he comments looking to the others. "Whoever that was, they really had them rattled." With that he moves some bushes and opens a latch under the gate wall revealing a dark hidden passageway, likely intended for evacuation in case of invaders, not that it was any good when it actually happened.

"Never thought I'd use this to sneak into that place," he mutters, creating a small fire in his hand for light as he heads in front.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine Character Portrait: Vigil Character Portrait: Godefray Hamonet Character Portrait: Helena Von Wintherheim Character Portrait: Rina Verrais Character Portrait: Rak'ran Character Portrait: Reinhardt Arthur
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0.00 INK

As Godefray finished gathering his team, he and everyone else letf the bar and onto the dark streets outside. What struck him as strange was the absence of the patrols, normally they would be hearing the footsteps of the Exalted guards but all they heard was the unnatural silence. He had decided that they must have rounded up some poor sap who broke curfew and decided to keep moving towards the dungeon.

Soon they arrived near the dungeon and noticed several guards escorting a prisoner. He or she must have been the cause for the guards absence, but knowing that the dungeon they were about to assault had a prisoner he wanted to save that person. "Alright, if you guys can try to save that person they just incarcerated. Another possible recruit is always welcome, or if they decide not to join at least we saved someone from the clutches from the Exalted." He chuckled a bit as he took position in the shadows of an alleyway, they were the backup team and they were going to assist in case the infiltration team got into trouble.

"Alright...Have to remember that this is a combat operation. Not a leisurely stroll through the woods to find a supply route." He told himself as he waited for a signal.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vigil Character Portrait: Bolin Thorinson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bolin
Looks up from where he has been chained to the wall in the city dungeon ever since he was captured while escorting a wagon train of illicit goods bound for the city of Stulhelm. Cursing the Day he was exiled from his home land and forced into becoming a common mercenary.

Through the bars of his cell he can see another prisoners being brought into the dungeon who the the guards very wary of almost as if their afraid of him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vigil Character Portrait: Bolin Thorinson
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0.00 INK

Vigil had been somewhat surprised at his last few hours. They had kept him in a small cell where he had been caught, not in the towns proper jail, this was tucked away in the patrol barracks. Nobody spoke to him, though they did bring him food twice, which he was content enough to eat. It wasn't horrible, it certainly wasn't what one might call good, but he had been treated worse all things considered. What he found most strange is that he was kept all through the day in the cell, but when the curfew was put into effect they came for him.

"Alright then, time for a ride." The guard had growled, they lifted Vigil to his feet, though he didn't resist, and covered him with a brown cloak, then led him quickly to a small side entrance of the town where a small closed wagon was waiting with a seal similar to that which he saw on the patrols uniforms, though slightly different. He was loaded into the wagon with the doors firmly locked behind him, and then they set off.

Glimpses of moonlight would sneak into the compartment occasionally, but that was all he could see. The wheels creaked softly, the horses hooves continued in a steady clop clop clop, but no one spoke. Even when they stopped and he could hear a gate being opened he never heard a command given, but he assumed he had been brought to Stulhelm, though he could not understand why they had chosen this time transfer him.

Eventually the ride was over, the door was unlocked, and he was led directly into a building. Down the stairs they went, winding deeper and deeper into some fortress or tower, he hadn't the chance to even look up at the building, but it was clear as they progressed that the dungeon was his final destination.

Finally they arrived, the night watchman unbarred the door to let them in. At this point everyone spoke in hushed tones.

"...Mercy had him transferred specifically."

"What is he...never seen..."

" the middle of the night?"

"Well you tell him no next time..."

Finally the guards all turned and looked at Vigil, who had been standing expressionless in the middle of the room. He could see that they were nervous, this was apparently not a common occurrence for them and the secrecy with which he had been transferred was clearly increasing their uneasiness about not even being sure what Vigil was. Some of them had fanciful ideas, many of the same he had heard countless times before involving Cambiregeist, some of them were even true.

Finally the night watchman plucked up his nerve and lead the way towards the cells. Vigil noted a dwarf in one of the cells, his black shadow of a face turned to the short creature and nodded ever so slightly, but he said nothing. A door was opened, a door was clanged shut, and finally Vigil was in his cell. The guards hurried back to their posts or their beds, glad to be done with this new prisoner.

Vigil turned his attention towards the dwarf, "I am called Vigil." He said in a matter of fact tone, thinking for a moment, but unsure of anything else to say, so he didn't say anything, he simply let himself slide down the cold stone wall of the back of his cell and stared ahead, lost in thought.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vigil Character Portrait: Bolin Thorinson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bolin
Bolin listened carefully to the guards leaving to make sure they were out of earshot. "Greetings Master Vigil, I am Bolin, I believe our hosts have returned to the Guardroom so we should not be overheard.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine Character Portrait: Godefray Hamonet Character Portrait: Helena Von Wintherheim Character Portrait: Rina Verrais Character Portrait: Rak'ran Character Portrait: Reinhardt Arthur
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0.00 INK

At Rina's insistence, she and Helena had volunteered to be a part of the infiltration team. The sorceress had reasoned with her companion that she was very capable of casting a fireball to act as a signal flare for the backup should they be discovered. They followed the group of rebels through the streets, Rina looking around every so often like when she had been sneaking around earlier.

Likewise, Helena was not too far behind Rina and the group; having taken the decision upon herself to watch their backs. She wasn't exactly ecstatic about infiltrating supposed enemy territory (especially if she wasn't familiar with the place) and had wanted to argue against getting in the thick of things, but Rina always had a way with words when the need arose and so Helena had reluctantly agreed -- despite the dangers. With a reassuring nod towards her companion, Helena awaited further orders.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vigil Character Portrait: Bolin Thorinson
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0.00 INK

For a long minute Vigil did not respond. He had heard the dwarf of course, but he continued to stare ahead from his place on the floor. He was going over what he knew of the story so far, the man called "Mercy", the strange carriage, the secret transfer, he had experienced the curfew, the caution in people eyes, the hesitation of the common folk to seem discontented. He was trying to fit it all together, decide what was greater and what was lesser, but he felt there was a vast void in his list, many things and many people needed to be ordered here, he had seen those near the bottom, and those near the top, but he knew there was much more.

"You are not in the order here. You are, like me, from the outside world, from other lands." Vigil did not turn to look at the dwarf, he simply spoke. "Perhaps," he paused for longer than was comfortable, "You may yet belong in this order of things. Yes, the guards will not hear, they fear me for they do not know what I am or why I was brought here at such a strange hour. They will not hear."

He was beginning to speak out of order, a habit of the Cambiregeist when they begin to ponder many things at once.

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View All » Add Character » 15 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Gabrielle
Character Portrait: Godefray Hamonet
Character Portrait: Reinhardt Arthur
Character Portrait: Rak'ran
Character Portrait: Balor
Character Portrait: "Joy"
Character Portrait: Zero
Character Portrait: Vigil
Character Portrait: "Mercy"
Character Portrait: "Fortitude"
Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine
Character Portrait: Bolin Thorinson
Character Portrait: Jonathan, the Magus


Character Portrait: Jonathan, the Magus
Jonathan, the Magus

A young, self-taught practicioner of magic; his curiosity knows no bounds, his thrist for knowledge infinite.

Character Portrait: Bolin Thorinson
Bolin Thorinson

Exiled Dwarf lord

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine
Nigel Mordaine

Son of Henrick and Cecilia mordaine, next in line for the throne, forced into a double life.

Character Portrait: "Fortitude"

A pinnacle of strength, he was on the front line and just walked forward into an unprepared army plowing through them.

Character Portrait: "Mercy"

A former Mordanian enforcer, turned Exalted voluntarily upon seeing Gabrielle

Character Portrait: Vigil

An enigmatic pilgrim from a distant city state.

Character Portrait: Zero

a skilled fighter with a liking of snipers and dual pistols.

Character Portrait: "Joy"

"You really should be happy, you can be free from strife, like birds!"

Character Portrait: Balor

Much of the army that still stood was struck down by a red-haired demon. A hellfire from its empty socket, a rage unquenchable.


Character Portrait: Zero

a skilled fighter with a liking of snipers and dual pistols.

Character Portrait: Jonathan, the Magus
Jonathan, the Magus

A young, self-taught practicioner of magic; his curiosity knows no bounds, his thrist for knowledge infinite.

Character Portrait: Vigil

An enigmatic pilgrim from a distant city state.

Character Portrait: "Mercy"

A former Mordanian enforcer, turned Exalted voluntarily upon seeing Gabrielle

Character Portrait: Bolin Thorinson
Bolin Thorinson

Exiled Dwarf lord

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine
Nigel Mordaine

Son of Henrick and Cecilia mordaine, next in line for the throne, forced into a double life.

Character Portrait: "Joy"

"You really should be happy, you can be free from strife, like birds!"

Character Portrait: Godefray Hamonet
Godefray Hamonet

The brave rebel captain, as fearless as he appears, he is always optimistic.

Character Portrait: Balor

Much of the army that still stood was struck down by a red-haired demon. A hellfire from its empty socket, a rage unquenchable.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: "Fortitude"

A pinnacle of strength, he was on the front line and just walked forward into an unprepared army plowing through them.

Character Portrait: Balor

Much of the army that still stood was struck down by a red-haired demon. A hellfire from its empty socket, a rage unquenchable.

Character Portrait: Vigil

An enigmatic pilgrim from a distant city state.

Character Portrait: Jonathan, the Magus
Jonathan, the Magus

A young, self-taught practicioner of magic; his curiosity knows no bounds, his thrist for knowledge infinite.

Character Portrait: Nigel Mordaine
Nigel Mordaine

Son of Henrick and Cecilia mordaine, next in line for the throne, forced into a double life.

Character Portrait: Zero

a skilled fighter with a liking of snipers and dual pistols.

Character Portrait: Bolin Thorinson
Bolin Thorinson

Exiled Dwarf lord

Character Portrait: "Joy"

"You really should be happy, you can be free from strife, like birds!"

Character Portrait: Gabrielle

Fragile as she may seem, she is the daughter of the great mother, and subject of worship of the Exalted. Now also functioning monarch of Mordania.

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Most recent OOC posts in Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

Sorry for the wait guys, I had planned on posting yesterday but the Internet went out, and tonight my schedule just didn't allow the time. I'll do my best to post tomorrow.

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

Jonathan has been escorted to the castle to aid Balor in a project of sorts.

-Foreshadowing intensifies-

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

The battle has begun! Rebel fighters to arms! Oooooo I'm so exited!

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

To those confused, I'm trying to bring Jeremiad's character into the main plotline, since we decided between us that it was better sooner than later. And waiting for other posts to acknowledge the conflict with Mercy to continue that scene.

If needed I could tag the posts that are apart from the main group for easier understanding.

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

Hey guys. I seem to be slightly late to the party. I... I'm not completely sure how to start. For now I'm just gonna do an intro post for my character and go from there.

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

Alright, kicking it into action.

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

So.. anything we've got to tie up before we all go off on a suicide mission? Don't think it's that important to let everyone mention where they stand as far as groups go.

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

To clarify, it is Balor that knows Cecilia and has history with her, and who Nigel refers to as a void in magic. Is also Balor who holds actual power over them as opposed to Gabrielle who holds power through being a center of worship. And that Balor is not even an Exalted.

Technically, back then between Balor and Cecilia, Gabrielle wasn't even born yet. Gabrielle is actually pretty young.

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

Yeah, sent one to Byte and Gamer_Templar. Sent one a while back to the other person too regarding their character Zero but I have a feeling they are not going to be back. Had people sign up, make a quick character, then never be heard from again many times before.

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

Like I mentioned in Chat I was trying to wait for some others to post before introducing Vigil, but I may just go ahead and get a first post up tonight with him in a different area for now and have him join the group proper later on; that way there's some activity. Might want to PM the others as well, unless you already have.

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

Waiting on everyone to post their starters by the way. Unless you want to hold off for something, if so state here.

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

Alright, I'm back and I'll be making the first post shortly as promised. There will be at least two more Exalted champions as well that will always work as a duo.

Edit: And posted. Everyone is free to post their character entrances and build interactions.

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

I am exited for this to start! And as your rebel captain you have absolutely nothing to fear!

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

I think I've got Vigil mostly fleshed out. Might get some tweeks here and there, but he's ready to go for the most part.

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

Well wrote the history for rak and fortitude was just the type of guy I was looking for! I can already imagine how rak will interact with him.

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

Agreed, I don't think they read anything on here before making that character.

Edit: Sent a message, but I'm not 100% sure they'll even be active. They just recently signed up to the site and created the character at the very same time. Is kinda odd.

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

Tnx! and yeah I think that character, Zero is out of place too.

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

I think these Exalted lads are individuals, considering several of them have been made as characters by now. Only took a handful of them to bring down the kingdom's army, as I recall.

Also, gonna have to say that FadedxDreamzz's character Zero is likely in violation of the rules set out in the OOC. I'd argue that pistols and sniper rifles would fall under being "futuristic or OP" in a high fantasy setting. And this is why it's always a good idea to turn GM approval on.

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

Each one I've listed are individuals who hold the highest status among them, considered something akin to the royal guard, or elites. As such they excel at some skill or power that places them apart.

Re: Abaranne's Cradle: Usurper

So these exalteds, do they lead an army or are there just them? and I'm confused as to whether the names of the ones you refer to is of an individual or a classification for a kind of fighter.