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Gabriel Sinclair

"'No problem,' is what I want to say, but those words might as well be lost in my head, how can anything turn out good when we do things we shouldn't?"

0 · 232 views · located in Merryweather Academy

a character in “Academy for the Strange”, originally authored by Jakuri-chan, as played by RolePlayGateway


Gabriel(le) Quinn Sinclair
Theme: Rolling Girl ~ Music Box
Image Song: Rolling Girl

Species: Salamander Halfling
Gender: Female (But people believe she is male!)
Nickname(s): Gabe, Gabbie
Age: 16
Grade-Level: 11th
Dorm Number: 219

Appearance: Gabriel is a small woman, her height is nothing impressive; putting it bluntly she is a rather diminutive young lady. She’s very short for a boy, and still even small for a girl her age. She keeps her hair short thanks to the fact that she is enrolled at Merryweather Academy as a boy, it doesn’t even touch her shoulders. Thanks to the fact that she’s pretending to be a guy, she tends to make sure that her hair is a little on the unruly side at all times, but normally it’s so straight that it just sort of does nothing but what gravity tell it to.

From the back of her hair to the front; length is not very different, her bangs are kept to about the middle of her face and they produce gaps at her forehead that show her eyes quite well. Because she is pretending to be a guy, Gabriel is lucky for the fact that keeping her hair like this makes it look like she has a face that is just built androgynously, not quite soft enough to be a girl, but not harsh enough to be a guy. However, if she did have her bangs pulled up and away from the sides of her face, she would look very feminine, her face structure is undoubtedly that of a girl’s, high cheek bones, small nose and a very gentle sort of face, with large red eyes that make her look innocent. . . .

She’s quite the pretty thing really, but thanks to the practice she has had in acting as a boy, she is able to keep an expression upon her face that shows an air of mystery and mischievousness to it, a very slight smile and eyes looking placid.

Body wise, she’s small, though she sort of developed a little bit sooner than other girls her age so she does possess a well-developed figure and body for someone of her size, already having surpassed most girls her age. However, she keeps this hidden from the world with very tightly wound breast bindings, and baggy clothing that does a good job of keeping her curves and figure hidden from view; coupling this with her hair and her bemused expressions, Gabriel is easily able to pull off looking like a boy.

If she were able to dress like a proper lady though, Gabriel would honestly look like a frail thing, her joints are a bit bony and her skin is very fair, almost too much for a boy’s, and there’s barely a mark on it. However, this sort of frail appearance of hers that does carry on over when she has herself dressed as a boy has caused her to gain some unwanted attention. . . .

Preferred Clothing: Honestly, she loves very feminine clothing, skirts, shorts, blouses and such, but because she is hiding her gender, the clothing that she now wears is always baggy and made for boys.

Height: 5 ft 1 ins
Weight: 95 lbs
Measurements: 32-24-33 (83-63-86)
Hair Color: Golden Blonde
Eye Color: Ruby Red

ImagePersonality: Honestly, Gabriel is rather awkward and seems something of a loner, but this of course is because of her secret. The reality is that she is anything but what she seems; she’s just very careful of her secret. Because she is hiding her gender, Gabriel passes herself off as one of those anti-social types, some think of her as a rebel without a cause because of her attitude, even though she hasn’t ever remotely done anything in violation of her school’s rules. . . . Rumors will float around about her and why she acts the way she does.

Teenagers and their crazy imaginations, right?

The truth is though that Gabriel is genuinely sweet and kind, she never puts on a façade, nor does she fake how it is she is feeling. If she is angry, she sure as hell lets people know it; the very same can be said for however else she is feeling, whether she is happy, sad, scared, etc. In line with her bullheaded ways, she is not afraid to take a risk or two without considering the consequences; if she is dead set on doing something, she goes through with it! It is very hard to shake her opinion of people once she forms one.

If she believes someone is a good person, and truly kind she will not change her views for almost anything. She tends to maintain faith in people, even under the most horrible of circumstances. Frankly, it is hard to get her to truly hate someone. She knows people call her naïve for this, but she embraces it and often will just smile to their claims and say, ‘And I’m damn proud of it!’ she believes in people’s hearts; she truly trusts that between good and evil, people will choose the right path.

She’s highly spirited, rather blunt, she likes playing simple pranks on people she cares about from time to time, and she will sometimes do this to get them out of their doldrums or to release tension in a situation. Gabriel isn’t passed making herself look like a fool in order to get someone to crack a smile, to soothe a crying child, or to just dissolve a edgy situation; this involves her maybe tripping, falling in a comedic manner and possibly acting like she’s stupid. She considers herself a people person, likable and charming.

Gabriel is capable of making friends fast, and is able to bond with others rather easy, getting attached at the drop of a hat. Once she’s bonded with a person, she’s liable to latch onto them at random, give them hugs and at times, tease them. Well, she would be able to do this if she didn’t have to be so careful of her secret. At times, if things don’t go her way, she’ll pout.

Gabriel is a good girl with a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong; she is sensitive, bubbly and easily able to be moved to tears. She’s a kind-hearted youth who’s into things most girls her age might be. She loves watching dramas, romantic-comedies, reading girly and emotionally gooey manga. . . . She’s shy around guys, jealous of other girls and their good looks, and envious of couples she sees around her school.

If she had the chance to be herself, as in be a girl, Gabriel would be someone who smiled and laughed, played jokes on others and would gush over who her latest crush was, or how good-looking a celebrity was. One thing though that has not let up despite the fact that she is hiding as a guy is the fact that she has a very evident, and odd phobia of aliens. For those who know, no one can understand why she has this phobia, or how she even developed it. Also, because she IS a teenager too, it’s not entirely out of the question that she’ll take something with a second meaning, and wind up with her mind in the gutter. She’s extremely shy toward these matters and it’ll result with her having a reddened face, and going stark silent. If someone tries to talk to her when she’s in one of these states, she’ll tend to just whine and stutter out something that makes no sense.

One thing to consider about Gabriel too, is her fierce need to protect and look out for those close to her.

Quirks: Despite her fear of aliens, Gabriel tends to always watch programs on them and UFOs, she doesn’t know why she torments herself so; she simply does. Though, part of her rambles on about the fact that when Earth is invaded in the near future by the little green bastards; she’ll be ready for them.

Gabriel has been told that she sleepwalks. While she’s not aware of if this is true or now, it has been claimed she wanders around after she is suppose to sleep, a deadened look upon her face, and she’s unresponsive.

Despite disguising herself as a boy, Gabriel has maintained some rather feminine loves, such as the fact she greatly enjoys what is considered domestic work. . . .

Unlike most girls, she’s not even remotely frightened of insects or spiders.

Likes: Sweets, video games, manga/anime, shopping, stargazing, friends, television and the Internet.
Dislikes: Math, homework, bitter and spicy foods, drama, bugs, thunderstorms, pain, blood, and rain, Aliens/UFO stories.
Hobbies: Stargazing, shopping, reading, cooking and online roleplaying.

Acrophobia - Heights
Brontophobia - Thunderstorms
Neilasparophobia - Aliens
Aquaphobia - Deep water

Skills: She’s a very nimble girl, because of her small size, she’s agile and very fleet of foot. Also, she knows how to hit someone and make it hurt. Gabriel is not trained to fight, but she isn’t helpless.

If there is one thing Gabriel is skilled at, it is the fact that she is able to quickly read a book and retain almost every bit of information from the text right off the bat; she has a very good memory, and has had it her entire life. This is why she has such good grades despite hardly ever studying.

Gabriel finds herself quite gifted in the area of literature, she’s a capable writer and a little actress. From days spent alone, reciting dialogue from books, novels and movies to herself, Gabriel has found herself very skilled at the art of acting.

ImagePowers: Pyrokinesis; in line with her Salamander heritage, Gabriel is capable of wielding fire. There is a problem though . . . she has poor control over her abilities and thus, she rarely ever uses them. Also, she cannot use her powers if it is raining, she needs dry air to spark a fire.

Roommate: Adrial Alleyne


Father – Lucas Sinclair (Deceased)
Murdered one rainy day several years ago.
Mother – Adella Blanchet (Living; whereabouts unknown)
Walked out on Lucas when Gabriel was nine, has not been seen or heard from since.
Grandfather – Maxwell Sinclair (Living; Gabriel’s guardian)
Took Gabriel in after her father’s death; until then, Gabriel had never met her father’s father. Maxwell had great shame in his son for having a child who was only half Salamander, and he disowned him because of this happening. Upon finding out of his son’s death however, and the fact that his granddaughter was left alone in the world, Maxwell took her in so she could survive. He still holds much disappointment in her for being only half Salamander and also, for being a girl.



Love Interest

Personal History: Gabriel was born as a result of a one-night stand between the human Adella and the salamander Lucas. It was intended to be this, however, when Adella discovered her pregnancy she was kicked out of her home by her parents, then promptly disowned. She came to Lucas and admitted to him the state of her being, the fact that she was carrying his child. Upon this truth becoming known, Lucas took responsibility for Adella and the child within her womb. Even though she was human, Lucas knew what he had done and understood the obligations he had to ensure the woman’s health. Adella herself was unaware of Luca’s non-human blood, and believed the father of her child to be human. . . .

While Lucas was completely willing to assume the duties the situation called for and to take care of Adella and his child, Lucas’ father was not so keen on this. . . . Maxwell Sinclair would have preferred Adella to have an abortion, and then disappear from his son’s life. Maxwell was the head of his family, the Sinclairs, and was not happy with the idea of his son having a child who was only a Halfling. Lucas was his only son, and the one who would carry on their family’s name and bloodline. If anything, Maxwell did not want his family’s blood to thin out because of a stupid mistake . . . he did not wish for the name of the Sinclairs to be tainted by the existence of a Halfling.

Lucas would not have this though, he would not have Adella abort the child—she was healthy and so was the fetus, so there was no reason for such a thing to occur. Adella herself did not wish this done either. So, because his son refused to have the Halfling child aborted, Maxwell disowned his son and cut off all contact with him. From here on in Lucas and Adella were on their own; the former keeping the secret of his heritage an ongoing secret from the latter. Because they were on their own with a child on the way, the young couple struggled to get by . . . but managed to make it. After some hard months, Gabriel was born into the world, a happy and healthy little Halfling girl.

Her parents never married, but they remained together for some years, Lucas keeping the secret of his non-human blood under wraps. The small family was pretty happy together until Gabriel was nine, and her own powers as a Salamander Halfling awoke. With her daughter suddenly spewing fire, Adella learned the truth about Lucas, her daughter and why it was Maxwell Sinclair had been so upset about her pregnancy. Utterly horrified, she fled, then and there, leaving Lucas and Gabriel behind. This was the last time Gabriel ever saw her mother.

For the next three years, she would live with her father, being something of a daddy’s girl. Even though there were hard times, the father and daughter had each other, and that was enough for them to be happy. However, this meager lifestyle would abruptly end one fateful day when Gabriel was just twelve. While she was in school, her father was out—it was raining. . . . He was killed, having been mugged.

She was gathered from school without having any knowledge of what had happened . . . she was taken into the care of child services, while they tried to track down her mother, to no avail. The entire time this was going on, Gabriel was questioning what was going on, because she hadn’t the slightest idea, she was never told until later on. When it was deemed impossible to locate Adella, child services was ready to place her into foster care, but before this could happen, someone intervened and stepped in, offering to take care of her. A rather regal looking elderly man came from nowhere, and said he would take charge of the girl. Gabriel didn’t know who he was, and still did not know that her father had passed on. Gabriel asked him who he was, and why it was she was even there.

The man looked at her, eyes cold, and told her that he was her grandfather, and that she would be his ward because her father was dead.

Hearing her father was dead, Gabriel entered into a state of shock and subsequently fainted, her small body being caught by her grandfather, Gabriel was then taken by Maxwell to his abode and taken into his rigid care. Despite having come to take the girl into his care, Maxwell still was not pleased with the fact that the only living heir to his bloodline was a Halfling . . . and on top of that, a girl. He questioned her powers and her abilities at all, and wonder if she were worthy of even bearing the name ‘Sinclair.’ He had plans to see to the proper development of her powers, and making sure that she lived up to her surname.

As Gabriel came around from fainting; she was an entirely different girl, left in an emotional state of shock, she was rather doll-like, and unresponsive to whatever was said to her, whatever Maxwell told Gabriel to do, she did without question. The loss of her father wiped Gabriel’s personality clean.

When Maxwell had her demonstrate her poorly developed powers, he was nothing but enraged and ashamed of her for her weaknesses. It made him even more upset that she was a girl . . . he didn’t want anyone to know of this. Of her. A few years passed, Gabriel still in her grandfather’s care, he worked with her to develop her powers to no avail. She never seemed to improve because she lacked emotions. Fatigued of dealing with her, the elderly man looked into sending her off somewhere—it was then he enrolled the child into Merryweather Academy.

However, he filled out her forms and stated that she was not a female, but . . . a male. Maxwell didn’t want it known that his only descendant was a Halfling girl, he felt like it shamed him and his family’s well-known name. Gabriel retained her submissiveness from the emotional shock she went through years before and did not question her grandfather when he instructed her to have her hair cut and to begin binding her breasts at all times. Aspects of the girl’s personality had returned to her by this point, but she remained frightened of her grandfather and believed it best to not question him and his words.

Soon after this, the girl was shipped off to Merryweather Academy, disguised as a boy. . . .

Schedule: Algebra 1, Biology, Creative Writing, Literature and World History



So begins...

Gabriel Sinclair's Story

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- Gabriel(le) Quinn Sinclair –

She sat there silently, next to her grandfather in the car. Her small body was tense, hands balled into little fists on her lap while the silence persisted—it was an uncomfortable sort of quiet. Awkward and uncertain. But . . . between him and I, that’s how it always is. Gabriel reminded herself, her red eyes flickering over to the elderly man’s stern face, holding their gaze there for a moment before the man’s own eyes turned to her. A soft yelp came from her throat at this, her muscles tensing up as she looked away from him, and down to her feet. Face going red with embarrassment and shame, the little Halfling resorting to chewing on the inside of her cheek while awaiting whatever orders and words her grandfather had for her before she stepped out of the car, and took her first steps into her new life at Merryweather Academy.

“Haven’t I told you before that it is not your place to be timid?” he spoke, his voice terse.

The elderly Salamander’s authoritative voice sent a jolt through Gabriel’s body and she found herself inwardly flinching at his words, before opening her mouth up and forcing a response from her throat. “Y-Yes sir!”

Maxwell Sinclair’s head turned, slowly, and he fully looked upon his Halfling granddaughter, his own eyes showing no sadness that she was about to be gone from his life for the months to come. “Then Gabrielle, act with the pride your surname allows, do not shy away from the harshness you are certain to face in the coming days—you are the child of the Sinclair family. Even if you only possess diluted blood, you have in you the essence of our proud Salamander clan. Do not shame that.”

A soft sigh happened from the girl’s lips as she relaxed a bit, her head drooping as she heard his words, ‘diluted blood’ sticking with her the most. “I am sorry grandfather; I will do my best to act as you wish me to.”

His head turned away from her, “As I expect. Remember, here, you are to act the part of your name. The last heir of our line, the prideful son of the late Lucas Sinclair. Though your blood is not pure, you are strong and worthy of your name. Do not ever dare let anyone think otherwise by how you proceed.”

“Yes grandfather,” Gabriel tucked a bit of her short hair behind her ear, her words coming out softly. “I know what my place is here. I am Gabriel, the grandson of Maxwell Sinclair. Despite my human blood, I am a potent Salamander, my fire burns hot and the flames pure, I am a boy who is gifted in many ways. And, I am to never let anyone know of my weaknesses, nor shall I allow anyone to know the shame I inflict upon our name by having been born a girl.”

“Very good . . . now, it is time you leave.”

At his words, Gabriel turned her head and looked to her grandfather one more time, opening her mouth to say something to him before sighing a bit and simply electing to remain quiet. The last thing she wanted to do now was to enrage the man before leaving . . . she and him already didn’t get along as things were, and the last thing Gabriel felt like doing was upsetting him. I should just go. she thought, reaching out and setting her small hand on the door handle. The Halfling sat where she was for a moment though, turning and looking out the tinted windows of her grandfather’s limo. A glint of melancholy ran through her crimson eyes as she thought about what lay ahead of her, what her life was going to be, how she was going to be living. Mindful, secretive, always having to be on guard of the fact that she was female. . . .

She couldn’t act like a normal enough girl, hell, she couldn’t even dress like one. . . . Her hair was now short, and she herself was wearing clothes that barely stayed on her they were so baggy, a black shirt that’s neck hole hung off one of her shoulders, only to be covered by a white hoodie she could almost swim in. Along with a pair of black capri things that were barely staying on her by means of a belt—frankly, Gabriel looked like she was nothing more than a misanthropic little boy who didn’t know how to size his clothing. The only thing that did fit her were her black Converse . . . that was it though.

Things were going to be hard for her, very hard . . . but this was the way she had to live, right? Her grandfather was ashamed of her and the fact that she could not at all do anything worthwhile with her powers, so, it made sense that he didn’t want to put up with her anymore. Sending her away to ‘train’ seemed the best excuse to be rid of her. Haven’t I already come to terms with this? I know he wants next to nothing to do with me, only to make sure I don’t shame our family name.

Eliciting a soft sigh from her lips, Gabriel finally pulled on the door handle and popped the thing open before setting a foot onto the pavement below. Quickly she swung herself up and out of the back of the limo with a rather forlorn look on her face, she turned around and bent back into the car, grabbing onto her suitcase before looking at her grandfather again. Swallowing she turned her gaze away from him and spoke one last time, “Farewell grandfather, I-I wish you the best.”

To this, the elderly man merely nodded as his granddaughter backed out of the car and proceeded to shut the door herself. Gabriel stood there, at the entranceway to Merryweather Academy, watching the black limo pull away slowly, her shoulders drooping. It was time for her to face her new life as a boy head on, wasn’t it? Yes . . . it was unfortunately.

Breathing in very deeply, Gabriel steeled herself as she went ahead and spun around on the heel of her new shoes and looked upon the impressive school which was going to be her home for coming year. Hauling her suitcase up from the ground with a slight groan, the Halfling began her trek forward onto the campus grounds. All around her were people her age, a montage of teenagers whose heritages Gabriel could only imagine. Part of the girl could only wonder if some of them were Halflings, like herself. . . . Unfortunately, Gabriel had arrived a bit too late to hear the Headmaster’s announcement, but it weren’t as if she was someone who was going to be of much trouble.

“I guess . . . getting to my dorm room would be the best course of action to take first.” She mumbled to herself, stopping in place for a moment. A slight breeze blew through the campus, rousing Gabriel from her thoughts as it caught some of her too short hair. Sighing before shaking her cranium, Gabriel nodded to herself, “Yes, dorm first, other things come later.” A placid look upon her face, she adjusted the heavy suitcase in her hand before taking off in a rather hasty walk, walking toward the dormitory building. Luckily for her, Gabriel had already gotten over the whole thought pattern of how awkward it was going to be living in the same building as a bunch of teenage boys, as well as probably sharing a room with one. While it would indeed be uncomfortable for her, it probably wouldn’t seem so for whoever she lived with, as far as said person would know, she would be a he.

Walking through the halls of the building, Gabriel mentally recited her dorm number to herself as she passed by every room that was not hers . . . when she finally did come across good old number 219, she stopped in place and looked at the door for a moment before actually moving toward it. Turning the doorknob, Gabriel stepped inside what was now her new home, her head down. When she realized the room was quiet, that she were alone, she turned her gaze up and looked around the room before breathing a breathe of relief, entering the dorm fully, shutting the door behind her.

“Guess I got here first . . . or I don’t have a roomie?” she murmured to herself, moving to stick her suitcase on one of the lower bunk beds, she unzipped the thing while a blank look overtook her face and began digging through it, looking for the book she had been reading before having to leave. Frankly, Gabriel just did not feel like unpacking right now.

As soon as the novel was located, the Halfling hopped onto the bed she had inadvertently staked as her own, crawled back to the wall and situated herself against it so she was comfortable before cracking open the book and proceeding to pick up from where she had left off last.

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Character Portrait: Adrial Alleyne Character Portrait: Gabriel Sinclair
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- Gabriel(le) Quinn Sinclair -

Although she had intended upon actually reading the book she’d gone and dug out of the confines of her sloppily packed suitcase, Gabriel found her mind drawn to other matters, things that completely distracted her from the words printed on the pages before her. Being left alone in the pseudo-silence of her dorm room allowed her mind to begin wandering against her will, and she found herself thinking upon matters better left forgotten. Memories bubbled to the surface, though happy, they were simple reminders of a time in her life that had long since ended with the death of her father, and all they served to do was to leave her melancholy. Even if people always said that memories were always there to comfort you when someone had departed from life, all they did for Gabriel was leave her wanting to forget, and to return to the state she had been in before recovering herself.

At least when she was like that, she didn’t have to feel sad. But at the same time; she also didn’t get to feel happy. When was the last time I even felt like that anyway? she thought, sighing a bit as she shut her red eyes. Gabriel’s heart felt like it was sinking into the depths of her stomach. Honestly, she couldn’t really recall the last time she had a genuine smile upon her face, or a time in recent years where she had let out a true laugh. Not since a time before her father had been murdered. . . .

Ever since Maxwell had come and taken her in, her life had not been much beyond schooling and strict training, which always left her grandfather angered and upset with her for being a weak Halfling. “And for being born a girl,”

After four years of this repeated cycle, the failed regime and attempts to rouse a burst of unknown power out of her, Maxwell had simply grown weary of dealing with her and enrolled her into Merryweather Academy. He claimed it was to temper out her unrefined abilities, but Gabriel knew better . . . but as she was, she knew better than to say anything about it. She didn’t fight it when her grandfather had told her that she was to begin acting like a boy, nor did she protest to being told that she was to live like one when she was dropped upon the entranceway to the school.

She didn’t argue with him because she knew it was just easiest to go along with it. Her grandfather was ashamed of her diluted blood, her pitiable power, and her very gender. As it were, the Sinclair line would end with her—if she married that is. And that was something Gabriel knew that Maxwell did not want to admit. The elderly Salamander didn’t want to admit to the world that his family line ended with a Halfling. The Sinclair family was of the most well known of all Salamanders. If someone mentioned Salamanders, the first clan that came to mind was her family. Of the fire wielding supernaturals, it was said that the Sinclairs were the most powerful of the lot. . . .

They were well known, very much so, and very influential. At least . . . that’s what Gabriel had always been told and had heard. Because her grandfather was ashamed of her, she had never been in the limelight, never had been left to experience any sort of experience regarding her last name, she had never once witnessed if her last name were really so special. I guess, going here I’ll find out if that’s really true or not by how people react when they hear my name and find out I’m a Salamander. she sighed, opening her eyes back up to stare at the underside of the bunk bed above her. “. . . .geez, that’s not in very good shape, is it?”

The coming months weren’t going to at all be easy, especially if she had a roommate . . . did she? She wasn’t sure. Maxwell had failed to even inform her of that fact—only telling his granddaughter her dorm room number. All the old man cared about was maintaining his family’s pride and name, nothing else. Gabriel knew that, she knew that he only took her in because of her carrying his blood, and he didn’t want his only living descendant wandering around the world feeble, bringing more disgrace to him.

In the man’s efforts to keep his name safe and well, he had failed to expose her to their world. To put it blatantly, Gabriel was rather naïve in regards to much about a lot of supernatural families. She mainly only knew of the reputation her family bore, little else. Hopefully, she didn’t step on anyone’s toes with her lack of knowledge. Gabriel did know that there were many powerful supernatural families out there, and that many of their children attended Merryweather Academy, she’d be dealing with some people she could not afford to insult or offend. In line with how she acted, she needed to make sure she was polite enough at the same time in order to maintain decent relationships with people.

When the door handle rattled a bit, rather quietly, Gabriel found herself snapped from her thoughts and she remembered where she was and her current situation. It looked like she was getting a roomie after all . . . and that she was just about to meet him, whoever he was. She needed to maintain her ruse, and pay absolute heed to her mannerisms. If nothing else, she couldn’t the truth about her gender slip out so fast.

hello?” At hearing his voice, the Halfling sighed to herself and did her best to calm her nerves and her heart which had seemed to spring to life without her knowing. Tearing her eyes away from the book she had not been reading, she looked up at the door and to whom she would be living with for the coming months. Of course, she had no inclination to who he was so . . . to Gabriel, it was a new and unfamiliar face. Gabriel remained quiet when her roommate set his things next to the door, and simply stood next to the door in a rather uncomfortable silence for a moment before speaking again. ”I’m Adrial
” he introduced himself.

Remaining silent herself for a moment, Gabriel stared at him with her crimson eyes. Adrial looked like a normal enough guy, but then, most supernaturals looked pretty much normal. She herself looked pretty average, minus her rather vivid red eyes—which seemed to be a family trait, as her father before her had the same eyes, and her grandfather did as well. I wonder what he is. she thought to herself, before realizing her quietness and how rude she was being by staring. Face going a bit red, Gabriel shook her head with a slight yelp, and looked back to Adrial with a worried little grin on her androgynous face. “Ah, I’m sorry about that. I tend to get lost in my own head at times without meaning too.” She apologized abashedly, laughing a tiny bit while scratching the back of her head.

Quickly, the small girl went ahead and shut the book she had not been reading and scooted herself off the bed, standing to her full, yet diminutive height. She walked over to him and held her hand out, having to shake the sleeve of her too large hoodie down from over her it while doing so. A small look of frustration overtook her features at her clothing when this happened—the fact that it would be a routine thing to put up with was going to take some getting used to. Gabriel sighed, knowing that all chances for a half-decent first impression were ruined for her, hopefully she still came off as a normal enough boy to Adrial anyway. . . .

She sighed quietly before putting a smile back on her face, “Ah, I’m Gabriel Sinclair. And it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance Adrial, I guess we’ll be roommates for the next year, huh?” Keeping her hand held out to him she tacked on one little bit more to her introduction, “I hope that we can become friends.”