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Aesmund: War of Ages

Aesmund: War of Ages


Once long ago there was a war that shattered the very foundations of the world of Aesmund. One group of heroes rose to combat the evil, you are those heroes.

1,211 readers have visited Aesmund: War of Ages since Fatalfrost created it.


70 years ago a new King was crowned to rule over the continent of Aesmund. He was a kind and just king just as his father had been before him, and the people loved him.
When the king was 50 his wife bore him a son, but this young child had none of the kindness of his father in him. The child was cruel to his core, capturing and killing small animals just for the fun of it; always making them suffer before finishing them. When his father learned of what was happening he immediately started to discipline the boy and teach him the proper way of the world. And it seemed to work, but the child was faking.
Jump ahead to 10 years ago, the King suddenly falls ill and dies with no explanation and his son is crowned King. That is when the problem begins. Unlike his father the son rules with an iron fist, making laws that take away the freedoms from Aesmund's many citizens. He condones racism and feels that humans are the superior of the races in the world, he is raising an army at this moment to march upon the many different kingdoms who split away from Aesmund when his father died. The King is actively seeking out the tome of ancient knowledge that will allow him to summon and control demons so he can rule the whole world instead of just Aesmund.
Is there anyone who will rise up against the Evil Dictator? Or will the world of Aesmund be forever cast into the shadows and left to the demons? Grab your swords, its time to kick some ass.

Humans- The basic race. Capable of doing almost anything when they put their mind to it. They are a strong race and can cast magic along with being great with a blade. But humans are weak of heart and fall easily to corruption from outside sources. They have average night vision and make great leaders.

Elves- One of the oldest races on Aesmund. The elves are capable of great feats of agility and magic. The elvish rangers are known for their skills with a sword or a blade, specializing in either one or the other to be the best they can be. Elves are a distrusting race, and most dislike humanity for the destruction they cause and leave behind wherever they settle.

Dwarves- Dwarves are the oldest of the races. They tell stories of how the first dwarf was born from a rock when lightning struck. Dwarves are a stout breed who have tremendous stamina and are known for their great feats of strength. They prefer to stay within their mountain strongholds but will venture out at times when they feel the need to go on an adventure. Dwarves are quick to anger but are among the most loyal of friends one could have.

Orcs- Orcs are a race of large humanoids. They have tremendous strength and have been known to rip trees up from the earth and use them as weapons when all else fails them. Orcs are a race of very few words, and are known to sell their skills to the highest bidders.

Fairies- A race of small beings. They are about the size of a small dog and fly around faster than the untrained eye can follow. Due to their small size they need specialized equipment and weapons which can be quite spendy because of the care for detail that must go into it. Fairies excel at magical skills and are among the best mages one will ever find, able to use specialized magic that is only available to their race. The myth is that if you catch a fairy it will stick by your side until it feels it has earned its freedom.

Goblins- A race of small humanoids. Goblins stand at about 3 feet tall and are among the greatest thieves. They are quick with their hands and tricky. The will weasel there way into any situation they think could earn them some money. If you are traveling with a goblin keep your possessions close or they won't be yours for long.

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1. Have fun
2. No godmodding
3. Please don't win every fight you are ever in, that isn't realistic
4. If you want a warrior character do not make them also a mage, they can know one simple spell
5. Add the words Aesmund at bottom of character so I know you read rules
6. If you are going to leave the roleplay PLEASE either say so in the OOC or PM me. Don't just ditch out on us without telling anyone so we are stuck waiting forever
7. There is a limit of two characters per player
8. This roleplay will be rated R so there will be blood and gore, keep excessive romance to PM's. Just don't take it too far

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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Tsuinken swung his sword expertly, slicing the foliage in his way so that he could move easier throughout the forest; taking care to only break the branches enough so that they would regrow. "Will this forest never end?" He said to himself grumbling under his breath. The last time he had been through this area was fifteen years ago and at that time most of this thick brush had been but saplings.
"I need to find the leader of the Silverhawke Mercenary Company. Hopefully he can help me gather a force to bring down the king... If not, I'm more than enough for a couple of soldiers and a king." He continued to ponder as he finally found the path that led to the nearest town, Mulho. At that very moment two men dressed in all black jumped out from behind a large boulder and went to either side of Tsuinken.
"Give us what gold ye got, and maybe we will let you live!" Snarled the man that stood to Tsuinken's right and slightly behind him.
"Drop the pouch and leave the weapons," The man on the left said with a crossbow drawn and aimed at Tsuinken's heart.
"Are you sure you want to do this..." Tsuinken said, his voice losing its usual friendly lilt and replaced with a dark, dangerous voice, "I promise neither of you will live..."
"You hear that Charlis? This bloke here thinks he can take us both, the legendary Thief Brothers!" The one in front said laughing at the one behind.
"Last chance boy, drop the gold and go..." The other man said as he advanced closer to Tsuinken.
"Okay...just let me loosen the strap from around my waist..." Tsuinken said slyly as he moved his hands close to his swords and the suddenly pulled them from their sheaths dropping low as the crossbow bolt flew over his head, ruffling his hair.
"Missed me!" He yelled as he pushed off the ground and flipped backwards, avoiding the sword blow he knew was coming. As he landed he stabbed forward with both swords piercing the first Thief's lungs. Pulling his right handed sword out he flicked his wrist and sent the lightweight weapon slicing through the air and into the other Thief's heart.
"Sorry boys...I warned you..." Tsuinken said to the bodies as he gingerly pulled his swords from each of them. "May your souls forever rest peacefully..." Looking up he noticed the sign that pointed further down the path and said 'Mulho'. "Maybe Jager will be here...Unlikely but maybe." Tsuinken said and finished his sentence with one shrill whistle. From the sky dropped a hawk that landed lightly on his shoulder and rode there as he advanced toward Mulho, and toward his destiny.


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Duluk pulled the cover from the tip of his waterskin and took a long, hearty gulp. He had been searching for like-minded folk to "protest" the king of men and bring the beat of his black heart to an utter stop. The thought was a happy one, and deserved contemplation, but now was not the time. He shoved the waterskin into a pouch on his belt and began to walk one more; the landscape was covered in sparse forest and scattered creeks. The ground was moist and sludge-like due to recent rainfall. Duluk cross a small mass of water and came upon what seemed like an Orcish campsite, but something was different. The tools and makeshift bed were too large for even an Orc; it was likely trollkind or giant-make.

Duluk had little time to think however, he heard a slight rustle of brush before the form of a giant appeared. It looked like a grotesque, bulky human the size of a tree.

"Come 'ere, little Orc. Stealin' ain't tolerated." It stated in a blunt, accented voice. With a heave, it raised an enormous wooden club and advanced toward Duluk.

"I was-" Duluk managed to say this before sprinting off in fear of the beast. It was quickly gaining on him, so he turned to fight in likely vain. The giant bought its club down on Duluk's location with a grunt of anger. Duluk found just enough time to dodge the blow and took the opportunity to strike. He swung his axe into the giant's massive leg, cutting deep into the flesh and causing the giant to wail loudly. Duluk stepped back a bit before leaping up and sinking his axe into the giant's torso. The giant tried to stand, but fell back in its weak state.

Duluk felt a burst of confidence as he strolled back to the giant camp and salvaged some food before setting off again.


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#, as written by Thorait
Ngak sat on his throne like chair in the middle of his tent that was filled with iron locked chests that would make even the strongest Orc fail in opening it and stealing the gold in it. Ngak had a desk in front of him as he practiced writing and drawing with his fingers that seemed to refuse the task breaking the specially made pencils time after time. Ngak pushed the desk of the place and his massive foots toughed the soft floor of his tent and his eye's focused on a smaller but more massive Orc that was named Ubuk wind sprinter and his name already made it obvious he deliver the messages "Chief, the king gave me this." Ubuk handed Ngak a piece of parchment closed with the seal of the king but that didn't stop Ngak as he broke it easily and began reading slowly as that stupid that wrote these things for the king and had employed them to protect a caravan filled with stolen goods belonging to the elvish clans and sending humans would be suicide as Elves didn't take kindly to robbery but Ngak had made a compromise by giving them 50% of his earning to rebuild there economy as fighting would end horrible for both sides. Ngak cursed and he walked outside were his warriors gathered around him knowing he had bad knew "That blasted worm refuses to pay us finding our as he said "Love for Elves" as unacceptable." The warriors began to mumble bad things but Ngak went further "The king has demanded we deliver him the elves as prisoners." The Orcs were silent for a second wanting to see the the reaction of there chief. Ngak threw the letter into the flames "The little maggot can walk to the moon if he thinks we work for him for free!" Ngak looked to his warriors and the anger came "Were Orcs, proud Orcs not animals! We have minds! were not tools, he thinks we are we will let him see what a Orc can do to his royal guards and his maggot face if he tries to pull this again on us!" Every Orc roared to the Ngak as sign of support and the roar of brutal anger came over the field were the Orcs camped but then there anger was joined by a loud wail "Frederic?" He was the giant living some ground away from the camp not the nicest guy but also not a problem and Frederic acted a bit as a sentry "It must be a spy! Frederic must have spotted a spy!" The Orcs stormed the out of the camp leaving some behind to act as guards and as silent as the wind. Ngak was in the head of the spreading group that stopped by Frederic "What happened?" The giant was lying on the ground still holding his club Ubuk was leaving to take Zukor his brother that acted as the doctor of the camp but the giant managed to say "Little Orc came 'ere stealin." Ngak looked around and ordered Frederic to be dragged into the camp to be treated "We don't like thief's the weak minded maggots without honer are a insult for our race. Go search the Orc he is to be punished but bring him to me if it's possible I want to have a talk with the thief!" The warriors spread out following there chiefs orders wile Ngak focused on having the giant brought to treatment.


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He'd been enjoying a good meal in his tent when his Orcish advisor, Brulan walked in.

"Sir," the burly orc bowed.

Jager took a deep drink from his flagon of ale. "What news do you have, Brulan?"

"You may want to finish your meal first, sir." Even though Brulan had a reputation for being stoic, he looked uncomfortable. That was what worried Jager.

"No, deliver the news to me now. I won't mind."

"Very well, sir." The orc took out a canvas sack that was dripping ... blood? Jager instantly regretted not finishing his meal, but he had no appetite now anyway.

Brulan opened the bag and Jager motioned for him to come closer. The orc held the bag open.

A severed head was inside. Or at least, Jager thought it was a head, because its face had been so horribly mutilated that its features were almost completely unrecognizable.

"Who ... Brulan, who is that?" Jager asked, forcing back bile.

Brulan took a look at the head, frowning. "I think ... I think it's Fiorin. Or Rhurin. No, it's Fiorin. The remaining ear looks pointed."

"How did this happen? How ...?" the mercenary commander was unable to speak, and managed to gesture weakly at the head. Fiorin. He knew that boy, young for an elf and eager to join the Silverhawkes three years ago. The elf told him he'd been working to feed his younger sister; they'd been in poverty since their parents died.

"A courier came by, bearing the King's seal. Fiorin was sent on a scouting mission in the forests about two weeks ago, to check if there were bandits. He never came back."

Jager was quiet for a moment. "The King's seal, you say?"

"Yes sir. I've ... heard news that the King has been ... intolerant of non-humans."

"I see." Jager nodded slowly, like an old man. "You're dismissed, Brulan. Come by later and we'll talk. And give Fiorin ... what's left of him, a proper burial." Brulan bowed and left the tent, taking the severed, brutalized head of young Fiorin with him.

Even after he left, Jager kept seeing Fiorin's severed head, dripping blood, the remaining eye slack and blind, his face barely recognizable.

"What do you say, Jager?" he murmured to himself, swilling a bit of the ale. "Do you have the stones to rebel against the king?"


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A sigh of exhaustion escaped Duluk's mouth as he stopped walking and leaned on a nearby tree. His journey was tiresome and bland; forest was the only terrain he had seen in days. A sudden rustle of leaves broke the silence and Duluk caught eye of two armed Orcs approaching from behind a nearby tree. His immediate reaction was to attempt diplomacy, but he was suspicious of the strangers.

"Greetings, Orcish brethren; what is it you seek?" Duluk asked in a polite, stoic tone.

"Silence, thieving filth!" Exclaimed one Orc, who was visibly larger than the other. He approached Duluk menacingly and raised a shortsword to his throat, twsiting it around and causing a scratching sound on his beard hairs. Duluk gulped loudly and began to sweat in a tense fear.

"We're bringing you back to our great chief so that you may answer for your crimes." The smaller Orc stated darkly. He quickly made his way behind Duluk and pushed him, gesturing for him to walk. The larger Orc lead the way as they trekked through the forest. Duluk was upset and confused; he hadn't stolen anything from the giant, it was all a misunderstanding.


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#, as written by Thorait
Ngak stood in the opening of the camp when two of his more agile and skilled scouts came with the thief that seemed to be fair full and that was a bit of putting to Ngak as the Orc had just defeated a giant but then again a blade on your neck was different from a honest fight. The camp was surrounded by a wooden wall with a simple wooden door gate and the doors were open having Ngak standing between them. The two stopped in front of Ngak and he looked to the Orc "Brother what has happened in the forest? Tell me you seem a honest person but Frederic tells otherwise. We will of course treat you honestly and give your word against Frederic's with me to judge and I know giant can make like all living beings make mistakes. The two scouts backed away from the Orc but they kept being focused on the Orc "What is your clan? What is your name and why are you here? I would like to know but don't think we are a hotel also no king slaves are welcome here." If the Orc would be found guilty then he would end up died and if not then he would be welcome another hand was always welcome expect if he came from a hostile clan it was sometimes hard to keep out infighting of warriors from different clans having a blood feud condition.


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Duluk cleared his throat and tried to speak as clearly as possible.

"I am Duluk Wide-Gaze, and I belong to no clan; my father, my brothers, and I moved to mannish territory when I was young. I have been travelling throughout the land seeking folk who aim to bring down the racist man-king. The incident that occurred in the forest was a misunderstanding, I presume." Duluk took a deep breath before continuing his explanation. "Frederic seeems to have taken me for a thief, but that is not what I am. I was simply inspecting his camp."

The speech was long and straightforward, and Duluk was confident that the Orcs would trust him. He looked down at the ground, and then to the Orc chief, and then back to the ground.

"I can offer you my axe in service, if you'll accept it."

Duluk pulled his axe from behind a strap on his back armor and kneeled down, raising the axe to the Orc chief in a respectful manner.


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Tsuinken shrugged his shoulder as he caught sight of the approaching town sending the hawk soaring into the sky. "Go my friend and watch over me..." Tsuinken spoke under his breath as he approached the closed gate to the town. Reaching back he pulled his hood up hiding his pointed ears from sight just in case anyone in town happened to be pro non-human. He reached the gate and knocked against it loud enough for whoever was there keeping watch would hear.
"What be your business in Mulho?" A voice spoke from behind the door.
"I'm just passing through," Tsuinken said trying to quickly figure out what to tell the guard if he asked for more details.
"Where ya heading then?" The guard asked as he opened the slit in the door so he could see Tsuinken.
Damn...Now what do I tell him? Tsuinken thought to himself as he quickly thought of something to say. "I'm heading to the next down, Litar, to see my family. I received word my father was dying..." Tsuinken let his voice drop a tone to make it sound sad as he said the last part.
"I'm sorry son..." The guard said awkwardly as he opened the door, "The town bar is in the square if you want to drown your sorrows."
"Thank you..." Tsuinken said as he shuffled past the guard and headed straight towards the bar, 'The Dragon's Treasure'.
He entered the bar but no one seemed to notice, so he took a seat in the back dark corner far from the door but near to a window in case escape was needed. I should sit here and listen for word of where Jager is currently located, the head there as soon as possible. If there is no word by nightfall I shall take a room and leave at first light. He thought to himself.
"-me?" A voice made Tsuinken come out from inside of himself.
"I'm sorry what were you saying?" Tsuinken said as he looked at who had spoken to him. It was one of the bars serving girls, and she was rather attractive. She stood at around five feet tall and had raven black hair and slightly tanned skin.
"I was asking, sir, if you would like a drink? We can't really just let you sit here and take up space if you aren't having anything." Her voice was like velvet and was warm and inviting.
"Well in that case bring me whatever the house special for food is today and a glass of water, I don't drink."
"Yes, sir," The woman spoke softly as she turned away and headed into the kitchen. Tsuinken perked his ears up and listened for any word of Jager's location.


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#, as written by Thorait
Ngak was not angry or distrusting he could imagine what had happened and he would have done the same and then again Duluk seemed a able warrior and he had a grudge against the king. "Your axe is welcome just as you as a person I believe you to be innocent. I'm Ngak the deep thinker leader of this mercenary group that was just refused payment by the maggot that calls himself king so we support your perspective the racist king should bade in his own blood for the sins that are his live." Ngak smiled friendly and looked to the two scouts "Go and tell the kook that we will need much alcohol this night we will have a feast to make our new member feel at home." The two walked away obviously pleased and Ngak said to Duluk "You may sleep in my tent if you don't have anywhere to sleep until we can buy you one, I like sleeping under the stars but I take you would like to know the camp a bit more." Ngak walked to the center and gave a quick guide "That's were you can eat, there's our blacksmith Odick he's good with a hammer but not the smartest of the camp. The higher tent is the hospital were Alick Odicks sister takes care of our wounded but for the moment Frederick. The storage are next's to my tent and this is my little home." Ngak walked in the larger tent with a chair in the middle but only to walk into a much smaller tent that had only a hammock to serve as bed a cabinet filled with armor, weaponry and some thick cloths and a desk filled with some paper and parchment that contained the income and expenses. Ngak looked down on the human leaders living in luxury seeing them as weaklings and so he had made sure he didn't live better than his companions. "It's not very good but then the more you spoil yourself the weaker you get don't you think?"

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Character Portrait: Tsuinken Lefeath
0 sightings Tsuinken Lefeath played by Fatalfrost
"If you stand in my way, sir, I will kill you before you even see the flash of my sword."
Character Portrait: Ngak
0 sightings Ngak played by Thorait
"I'm an orc do you having a problem with that? Maybe you should go and look to what your kind has done still so sure?"

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jager van Eiswulf
Character Portrait: Duluk Wide-Gaze
Character Portrait: Vivi Ornitier
Character Portrait: Raphael
Character Portrait: Sokron


Character Portrait: Sokron

"Born into exile, I carry the elemental spirits along as my only guidance"

Character Portrait: Raphael

""Fear me mortal for I shall Hey can I have some of that food?"

Character Portrait: Vivi Ornitier
Vivi Ornitier

"The Black Mage shall rain fire down upon his foes"

Character Portrait: Duluk Wide-Gaze
Duluk Wide-Gaze

"The largest self-detriment is refusing to act on your concerns."

Character Portrait: Jager van Eiswulf
Jager van Eiswulf

"It is power that sets a man above all others; little else matters."


Character Portrait: Raphael

""Fear me mortal for I shall Hey can I have some of that food?"

Character Portrait: Sokron

"Born into exile, I carry the elemental spirits along as my only guidance"

Character Portrait: Duluk Wide-Gaze
Duluk Wide-Gaze

"The largest self-detriment is refusing to act on your concerns."

Character Portrait: Jager van Eiswulf
Jager van Eiswulf

"It is power that sets a man above all others; little else matters."

Character Portrait: Vivi Ornitier
Vivi Ornitier

"The Black Mage shall rain fire down upon his foes"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jager van Eiswulf
Jager van Eiswulf

"It is power that sets a man above all others; little else matters."

Character Portrait: Vivi Ornitier
Vivi Ornitier

"The Black Mage shall rain fire down upon his foes"

Character Portrait: Duluk Wide-Gaze
Duluk Wide-Gaze

"The largest self-detriment is refusing to act on your concerns."

Character Portrait: Raphael

""Fear me mortal for I shall Hey can I have some of that food?"

Character Portrait: Sokron

"Born into exile, I carry the elemental spirits along as my only guidance"

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Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

Guessing this died very quickly... Well we shall stop it then

Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

That's actually quite funny; my current D&D character is a Dwarf called Thlori, although he doesn't have a title he does enjoy challenging things larger than himself.

Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

After reading BumblingImbecile's post I was reminded of a person I knew who played RPGs like D&D, he had a dwarf character called Grim the Limb Trimmer, why did he get the name? because he cut off the limbs of giants. Be interesting if someone made a character like that, have to hell strong and would probably go into a frenzy at the sight of giants.

Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

Yes we shall seek out Jager for help in building the fighting force. I will post now

Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

Then I think it's decided as every one agrees the posting can begin

Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

Well Vivi could probably meet up with someone who recruits him for helping them. I mean who wouldn't want a powerful mage on their team? plus it is a two for one deal, because if you get Vivi on your team then Raphael will follow.

Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

well Ngak is a leader of a small group of Orcs so it would be logical Jager knew that a group of Orcs with a distaste for the king exist so it could be he thinks of them as worth to recruit as Orcs make good soldiers

Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

Ya we can meet together later, not right off the bat. I might make my character recruit everyone, or enlist the aid of Jager in recruiting mercenaries. Unless someone else wants to do the gathering of them, that is?

Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

It's a good idea. We need a way for the characters to meet up together (or they can start individual campaigns against the king and meet up later in the story), but perhaps we should wait for the GM to see if he wants to start the story off first.

Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

can happen to anyone. But I think we can start posting in the near future so should we not think of a way to let the story start? I thought that we two person being mercenaries and the other two (Possible three) are also good fighters so I think we need someone to act as hero gathering support from mercenaries wile picking up the other one or two on the way to make up a group so we can begin. What does everyone think of this?

Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

argh, didn't notice, damned stupidity

Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

I think that';s because Tsuinken is the GMs character so he made the rules

Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

Lol, I thought you said we had to add the word 'Aesmund' at the bottom of our character application, yet Tsuinken still got accepted when he didn't add it.

Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

I said go ahead, I wont stop you lol

Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

just because i want to make a homosexual character? please....

Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

Ya thats fine Shadow

And if you really want to Hirochi I wont stop you. But I get the feeling you just want to mess up my RP

Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

mind if i make a homosexual monk?

Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

Seeming as you mention demons would it be alright if I were to have a Mage character who happened to acidentally summon a demon who simply doesn't want to go back to the demon realm? or something like that, basically a demon character, he isn't bad or anything and he'd probably be far from serious, I can make it he doesn't like fighting and possibly add in some major fears here and there just to make him evened out.

Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

Go ahead and make characters, I myself am working on an elf.

And a dwarf mage is just fine

Re: [OOC] Aesmund: War of Ages

Would it be possible to join as a dwarf wizard?

Since I quite enjoy characters who defy convention and the image of a short, drunken, angry, racist slinging fireballs is just too good to pass up.