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An Assassin's Story

An Assassin's Story


Vdekje Academy of Assassins was nearly destroyed by a notorious group of assassins, and now the students want revenge, but will love get in the way?

1,611 readers have visited An Assassin's Story since Masquerade created it.


Don't get mad, get even

Vdekje Academy of Assassins is a school well-known for that line of work, it is home to some of the brightest minds and most skilled fighters in the world. That's why no one saw it coming. It was around midnight, three hours after everyone's curfew, when the school was ambushed. Few managed to survive the vicious attack, and the school was reduced to ashes. The assault was carried out by a rival school, simply known as Red Academy. Angered, the surviving few students of Vdekje decided to go undercover and infiltrate the enemy school, but problems arise when their affection for each other stops them from carrying out the plan.

Vdekje Students-
Girl One:
(Taken by Rain Dance)
Girl Two:
(Taken by Emily3456)
Girl Three:
(Taken by Lady_Vengeance)
Girl Four:
Guy One:
(Taken by Cheeseymonkey)
Guy Two:
(Taken by R3aper)
Guy Three:
(Taken by Vladamir)
Guy Four:
Red Students-
Girl One:
(Taken by PrettyLiar)
Girl Two:
(Taken by Valkyrieknight)
Girl Three:
(Taken by Lurelle)
Girl Four:
(Taken by Violentious)
Guy One:
Guy Two:
Guy Three:

Character Sheet:
Code Name:
Weapons, if any:
Theme Song:
Anything Else?

-Do NOT join if you have no intention on staying active! I like sequels and roleplays that make it to the end!
-Romance is allowed but don't get too freaky, we don't wanna be blinded
-No oneliners EVER, they are frowned upon ΰ² _ΰ² 
-Let's all be friends and get along β™ͺ┏(・oο½₯)β”›β™ͺ

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


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It was barely a week later, what used to be the lovely Vdekje Academy was now a pile of ash. There was police tape surrounding what used to be the main gate, the rest of the campus was too big to contain inside of yellow tape. The official police report said that an unfortunate explosion in the boiler room had engulfed the whole building in flames, and since all the buildings were in such close proximity, they all eventually caught on fire too. As a former student, Ayumi knew what the real cause of the fire was. Since the birth of the academy, Vdekje always had a rivalry burning with Red Academy. There had been fights in the past, but nothing as severe as this. The young assassin-in-training was indecisive about how to handle the tragedy. Most of the teachers had been killed and a great number of students, some of the survivors even chose to forget about all of their hard work and go back to living normal lives.

Ayumi had made up her mind, she wasn't just going to accept what happened, she had to get even. Her, now deceased, brother always used to tell her revenge was never the answer and it was even an element in his death, but she felt this was a rare case where she could ignore that. Just after the fire Ayumi contacted some of her classmates and asked them if they would take part in her idea of payback. She wanted to just set Red's campus on fire, but it wouldn't be easy. So she came up with the idea of all of them enrolling in Red as new students; they could befriend a few students, learn the layout of the school, maybe a few secrets, then strike when they least expected it. This wouldn't be easy and it certainly couldn't be done in a week or even a month, no this would take at least a few months.

"I guess there's nothing more left for me here." Ayumi ran a hand through her raven hair as she took one last glance at her old school. She had her own transportation to the school, she just hoped she wasn't the only one to show up. Today was the last chance for new students to enroll, it had taken her that long to make her decision.


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#, as written by R3aper
Joss sat on top of a large pire sticking out from the burnt wreckage of the school he'd once attended. His mind was fluttering and flickering with the battle.

'Joss, help me! These guys are trying to gang up on us!'
'Backtrack, dumbass! Gimme time! Gimme time!'
'Brice! Tray, go help Brice!'
'Tray's dead!'
'Damnit, we're surrounded!'

Slowly, Joss calmed down enough to breathe normally. He stood and readied himself. Then he launched himself off the pire and landed squarely next to Ayumi without a sound. "I'm in," he said, voice rough still with the smoke from before. "They need to die, and I'm gonna help them do that."


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Kanan was up in one of the last of the healthy trees around her beloved academy. The wind blew back her beautiful long wavy brown hair that the Tamer was trying to tame and put into a ponytail. She would miss the school, sure, but at least she still had all of her beloved pets.... Most of them at least. Out of all twenty of the animals she had professionally trained for assassin work, only seven had survived. Her heart ached for them. Pan, the masucline panther, helped her barry the others, which included his mate and two cubs, Kyla, Sooni, and Ty. So did Ace, her handsome and witty red tailed hawk, who was currently taking Sasha, a female white tigress, and Maia, a female lion, out hunting. The two dobermans, Jaws, male, and Krystal, female, were being babysat by her sly and grumpy king cobra, Crimson, who has a crimson birthmark in the middle of his back/body.

She sighed and jumped down from the branch, her long flowy black skirt and black and red lacy strapless top swirling around her gracefully. Kanan had given up on her hair and left it down, brushing up against her gorgous bronze skin along with her panther tattoo on her right arm. Pan followed her obediately, growling every once in a while. Her fingers carressed the panthers head and he let out a soothing purr of thanks and appologies. "It's ok, Pan." She smiled down at him. "I understand." Then she stopped walking and whistled real loud. Animal noises could be heard from the distance. Kneeling down to Pan, Kanan whispered "Go show Joss and Ayumi that we're in." With a wink and a laugh, he was off, and almost ran into Joss. Pan rubbed up against Joss' leg and looked up at Ayumi with sparkling eyes, telling her in a way that he, his companions, and his mistress were in.


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Eunae's eyes shot open as her alarm went off. For the first time she was going to be late for her first class. She jumped up and brushed her teeth really fast, thew threw on some jogging pants and a sweat shirt with some sneakers. Eunae busted through her door and accidentally slammed it into an innocent bystander. "I'm so sorry!" Worriedly she looked at the person her door had assaulted for a second then turned to run. "Oh if you have any problems come and see me after class!" Eunae turned to run backwards and yell at the random person. After all she was also training to be a medical assassin too. She made it to her class just in time. Out of nowhere a poison needle was flying at her face. She dodged it by flipping over it then she turned to see her threw it. "Why did you do that?" She looked at her teacher her threw it with a puzzled look.

"You need to be early not on time." Her teacher said with a small smirk.


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Averie had jumped out of a building window just in time before the explosion occurred. She landed on one knee with her right arm up facing the side to maintain balance. Between her lips was a small knife in case she was to encounter anyone who would cause mischief..besides herself of course. Her light blue eyes shifted observing for any movement. There were bound to be survivors but the assignment was to destroy the academy and leave. Killing them off wasn't on the agenda thought it surely must have happened. It wasn't like the school was gonna explode without a fight.
She glanced down at her watch on her left wrist wondering where her comrades were. Had they done their part of the assignment?
She shrugged off that thought. It wasn't her mission to lead anyway. She slowly stood up, looking at the now wreckage of Vdekje Academy and vanished without a trace..

Averie was leaning back on her chair with a dull expression as Eunae ran into the classroom.. late for once. She watched the poison needle fly aimed at the girl's face.
Just a typical day at the Red Academy..
She leaned forward, her arms folded upon the desk and sighed. She hated the first classes of every day. They always tended to be so boring..


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Ayumi was just about to leave when she noticed Joss standing beside her. She offered him a smile though there wasn't much emotion behind it, she was too worn out and stressed to be happy. "Great, the more the better. If this works out I think we might be able to take down the whole school." Out of the corner of her eye she could see Pan, one of Kanan's many talented animals. She was in too, Ayumi felt like their chances were getting better with every second. "We should get going, I'll see you guys there." The dark-haired girl threw her hand up in a casual wave and hopped on her green Vespa, Red wasn't too far away, just a few miles north of Vdekje.


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Prussia grinned as he stood outside the burning school, ax resting on his shoulder as he watched the flames flicker. Dabs of the black oil and dirt dotted his skin, dirtying his Rammstein shirt. But, hey, it was worth it! He had a million of these things, and this one, dirty beyond repair was his new pride and joy. He laughed as he head yells from inside, barking and yelps of animals. Whoops? Oh well. He might love animals, but it was worth it to watch this school burn. He had his own back at school to love.


Despite his hatred of getting up early, John had been taking his morning jogs for quite some time. He would wake up when it was still dark in his sweatpants and wife beater to run the rim of the campus until the sun rose. Sometimes, he would put swords and axes on his back, loading himself with weapons to build strength. And, he loved every bit of the burn in his muscles.

As he ran back to the school, Omali quickly washed the sweat off of him before pulling on another one of his infamous wife beaters and slacks before hurrying to the classroom. Homework? Nope. Not done. When was it ever done? Luckily, he had made it on time, just sliding into his seat as Eunae dashed in.


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#, as written by R3aper
Joss nodded, paused a moment to stroke Pan behind the ears, and then launched himself high into the air. As soon as he touched down again, he was a blur of motion. He had always been a great runner, and easily kept up with Ayumi as she pulled away. But Joss kept to the shadows, as if stalking her. He was obvious about it, too. Speed was important here, and he wanted to show whoever was watching that he could be so quick it wouldn't matter if he was seen. Joss was sure some of the teachers at Red would see him coming, and wanted to make a lasting impression. 'Gonna be falling in with the enemy,' he thought, 'Might as well do it with style.'


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He was on a house over looking the wreckage of the nights work. He sighed as he looked at his former school, Vdekje. His hands clenched his bloody claws. He had killed a bit of the assasins. They overwhelmed the entire school. And now, with a renown hope he stood their on the roof top looking at the ruins. He smiled as he saw a familiar shadow leave the school's ruin. His new boss. Well, for now. He started to follow Ayumi's shadow. His quick speed wasn't going anywhere close to the vehicles speed but since she had to twist and turn and stop for the road lights. He was able to catch up.He wiped off the blood from his weapons and retracted the blades back into his gauntlets. He followed her until he saw the school of the enemy students... Red.


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When Kanan arrived to spot Pan, no one was there. Her eyebrows furrowed. But the swift feel of the wind blowing past her gave her a few answers. She grinned. "Come on, Pan. It's time to ride." The panther knew what to do and lead the pack of animals up into the trees and through the forest's branches, swinging, jumping, climbing, or even flying for a few. But one stayed behind - Sasha. She purred as she approached her mistress. Kanan's hand ran through the tigeresses fur as she knelt to her eye level. "Ready, girl?" Sasha rubbed her face against Kan's knees. Miss. Slade smiled. Quickly climbing onto the strong back of the giant white tiger, Sasha was off, running at lightling speed, hopping up into a tree as Kanan wrapped her legs around the tiger's belly and her hands gripping the gentle and soft furr. Hair flying behind her, each one of her remaining pets was slowly starting to lose pace, letting Sasha take the lead. Now they were up front, with a wild cat at each of Kanan and Sasha's sides and the rest behind or above them. Crimson, the King Cobra, was wrapped around the cobra handled sword disguised as a cane - one of her most priced possesions.


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Averie noticed Omali, another student that had arrived just on time in class. She lifted her arms off the desk to instead fold her arms under the table and blowed pink strands out of her face muttering. "Ridiculous.."
We're assassins..supposed to be experts in stealth and most of us can't even make it to class on time?
The teacher heard her mutters and looked up. Averie looked away not wanting to start drama over one spoken word.
Just ridiculous..
She drew her attention back to the front of the classroom when the teacher was no longer staring at her. The words on the board seemed to blur. It was knowledge they all knew already.
That's why I hate first lessons isn't's all revision.


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It wasn't long before Ayumi found herself pulling up to the black iron gates of Red Academy, it was ginormous and sort of intimidating, just like her last school. Eagerly she left her Vespa out front of the main building, a five story stone building with stained glass. Inside registration was easier than she'd expected and the female receptionist even appeared to be a pleasant person. After signing a few papers and receiving a thick file of information Ayumi was on her way to her new dorm, she just hoped she wouldn't have a roommate. "First class is in an hour, I should take a look around." She tucked the folder under her arm and walked quickly to her dormitory and tossed all of her belongings on the bed. It was a spacious room, rich red walls, a big window that almost took up an entire wall, private bathroom, desk, but there were two beds...and one side already looked occupied.

Inwardly Ayumi groaned, she didn't want to share her space with another girl when she would be plotting to tear down the whole school. "I'll find some way to work around her." Giving the room one last sweeping examination Ayumi turned and left her room. Outside again it was quiet, she guessed everyone was still in their first class now.


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#, as written by Lurelle
Akane was perched precariously atop the roof of the Red academy. She scanned the campus, grinning with the satisfaction of her missing classes. Again. She wondered if the school found it strange that she never attended classes but had straight A's and was the top of class grade wise, with an abnormal 120%.
"Oh, dear." A classmate stood behind her. His glasses shone. "Akane isn't at class today either."
"What do you want, Ian. Beat it." Ah. Ian was the jerk who competed viciously with Akane on a daily basis.
"Visiting an old friend."
Akane scowled. "I told you to beat it." Ian didn't move. Irritated to be pushed from her own secret place, she stood and let herself fall over the side of the roof. After a nice time of falling, she let her hands linger close to the wall before finding the perfect ledge. She swung herself up, using the momentum from the fall to propel her onto the ledge. Her arms and muscles had grown used to this torture and didn't hurt much as she slinked alongside the wall.

After opening her dorm room window from the outside, Akane lay on her bed with a sigh. School was the most boring thing ever. That's why she never bother to attend. Akane blinked as she heard someone making noise next door. "Everyone should be at class right now. Well, besides me." She decided hastily to check it out.

She peered into the room. A person. Urgh.
"Hey. I haven't seen you around. You new?"


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Khoal remembered the ruins of his home. It was gone, all of it, all of THEM. He never had any favored professors or was commended for being above average, however there was one person that understood him. That one person was the Dean. The Dean, she didn't exactly push Khoal like she wanted to. She knew he could exceed his current expectations but he chose not to. He found solace in self preservation. He'd rather take a "bathroom break" and go outside for some Tai chi than sit and listen about things he already knew. From the get go it was obvious that even in a crowd of misfits he didn't belong. But the school was his home and he had nowhere else to go. He remembered watching everyone in awe of the wreckage. Akane had got some friends together and they were plotting something, but he was unsure if he wanted in. He listened closely and heard key words: Revenge, Red Academy, Enroll. Instead of banding together, he found it more tactful to appear renegade. If he was caught, which he would never be, he would know nothing so he could SAY nothing.

"I've filled out your paper work."

Khoal slapped the pamphlet on the registrars desk.

"...Hold on...."

She touched the phone pad a few times then hung up the receiver.

"You start in thirty minutes. Here are your set of keys. Make sure you're done by the end of the day."

Attaining the maintenance job at Red was easier than he thought, granted he did erase his entire existence and create a false identity before even going near the school. It's interesting what a few hours in the local library will get you. He made a note to possibly transfer to the schools Archives in a month or so. He wanted to get a visual of the place before he saw the schematics.

With that he made his way to the roof, above all of the cameras, to practice his bushido.

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Earth by Masquerade


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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ayumi Oh
Character Portrait: Violet Tsunematsu
Character Portrait: Khoal "Firefly" Hart
Character Portrait: Raven Oak~Lightning
Character Portrait: Rin "Scar" Silver
Character Portrait: Joss Gray
Character Portrait: Max Metsumi
Character Portrait: Kanan Slade
Character Portrait: John Omali


Character Portrait: John Omali
John Omali

"A fight? YES- Wait. Boss said we had to? Lame."

Character Portrait: Kanan Slade
Kanan Slade

Vdekeje's Top Tamer

Character Portrait: Max Metsumi
Max Metsumi

"Eh, If I were you I would be thinking twice before using that blade against me."

Character Portrait: Joss Gray
Joss Gray

"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep, damn it."

Character Portrait: Rin "Scar" Silver
Rin "Scar" Silver

Rin has a scar over his right eye and his left eye is blue and his right eye is green

Character Portrait: Raven Oak~Lightning
Raven Oak~Lightning

" I Am a Avenger and I'll stop at nothing until I have my Revenge. "

Character Portrait: Khoal "Firefly" Hart
Khoal "Firefly" Hart

Risque artist with no passion

Character Portrait: Violet Tsunematsu
Violet Tsunematsu

"Do not call me short!"

Character Portrait: Ayumi Oh
Ayumi Oh

"An eye for an eye, right?"


Character Portrait: Joss Gray
Joss Gray

"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep, damn it."

Character Portrait: Rin "Scar" Silver
Rin "Scar" Silver

Rin has a scar over his right eye and his left eye is blue and his right eye is green

Character Portrait: Kanan Slade
Kanan Slade

Vdekeje's Top Tamer

Character Portrait: Ayumi Oh
Ayumi Oh

"An eye for an eye, right?"

Character Portrait: John Omali
John Omali

"A fight? YES- Wait. Boss said we had to? Lame."

Character Portrait: Khoal "Firefly" Hart
Khoal "Firefly" Hart

Risque artist with no passion

Character Portrait: Raven Oak~Lightning
Raven Oak~Lightning

" I Am a Avenger and I'll stop at nothing until I have my Revenge. "

Character Portrait: Max Metsumi
Max Metsumi

"Eh, If I were you I would be thinking twice before using that blade against me."

Character Portrait: Violet Tsunematsu
Violet Tsunematsu

"Do not call me short!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kanan Slade
Kanan Slade

Vdekeje's Top Tamer

Character Portrait: Rin "Scar" Silver
Rin "Scar" Silver

Rin has a scar over his right eye and his left eye is blue and his right eye is green

Character Portrait: Max Metsumi
Max Metsumi

"Eh, If I were you I would be thinking twice before using that blade against me."

Character Portrait: Khoal "Firefly" Hart
Khoal "Firefly" Hart

Risque artist with no passion

Character Portrait: Ayumi Oh
Ayumi Oh

"An eye for an eye, right?"

Character Portrait: Raven Oak~Lightning
Raven Oak~Lightning

" I Am a Avenger and I'll stop at nothing until I have my Revenge. "

Character Portrait: Joss Gray
Joss Gray

"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep, damn it."

Character Portrait: Violet Tsunematsu
Violet Tsunematsu

"Do not call me short!"

Character Portrait: John Omali
John Omali

"A fight? YES- Wait. Boss said we had to? Lame."

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Most recent OOC posts in An Assassin's Story

Re: [OOC] An Assassin's Story

I want to join this RP, i have a question though, can they have any powers? or are they just humans? i they cant, meh, if they can woot.

Re: [OOC] An Assassin's Story

I made my first post, everyone can start now! ^-^

Re: [OOC] An Assassin's Story

lol Thanks xD I'll go look at it, yeah! ^^

Re: [OOC] An Assassin's Story

xD I love your signature, Heluva! I bet you'd like to play a part in my Avatar RP too. <3 We need a Sokka. <3 Click on the link in my signature in one of my posts above.

Re: [OOC] An Assassin's Story

Sorry everyone! I know I promised I'd get the IC started on friday but I got really busy and didn't have the time =/

I'll definitely start tonight after dinner though!!!

Oh and October, sorry about that, I accepted your character!

Re: [OOC] An Assassin's Story

Just wondering my char ok? am i going to get accepted??

Re: [OOC] An Assassin's Story

BTW: I'm sorry if you guys get mad at me for commercializing (if that's even a word) but...

JOIN THIS OTHER ROLEPLAY THAT I'M IN! PLEASE! :3 We art awesome peoples. It's called "The Unit". It's kinda like a super hero RP but not and it's a thousand times better. :3 Please do check it out at the very least. roleplay/the-unit/ Thank you. :3

Re: [OOC] An Assassin's Story

I've had my eye on this RP for a while, and I really want to make a Vdekje guy, but that would make it rather weird for the Red characters. Also, could it be possible for my character, if you let me make one, to be a double agent? He'd either want to help Vdekje, and leave Red, after the attack, or destroy Vdekje from the inside out. Just wondering if I could do that.

Re: [OOC] An Assassin's Story

AWESOME! xD I cannot wait! So it's ok that my Assassin, Kanan Slade ( <3333 ), is the top animal tamer at Vdekje? I'm guessing so but you know... xP

Re: [OOC] An Assassin's Story

You can switch my character's placement if you wish. I can be the other Red one, and that would balance it out at least

Re: [OOC] An Assassin's Story

Everyone has been accepted! I'm so pleased with all of the profiles ^-^

We're missing four boys, one for Vdekje, and three from Red, buuuut I'm working on finding some more peoples.

Anyway, regardless of who's missing I'll more than likely start posting tomorrow!

Re: [OOC] An Assassin's Story

HI! Uhm, just thought I'd let ya know that I sent mine in. If there's anything that needs to be edited with Kanan for her Girl 3 spot then please let me know. <3

Re: [OOC] An Assassin's Story

Firstly: I haven't noticed but its been a year now that I joined... but its not an official year, couple of months missing.

Secondly: I sended my character and hope you let me in. This rp looks awesome and I'd be glad to be a part of it.

Re: [OOC] An Assassin's Story

^_^ I cant wait to get started this is gonna be a good rp

Re: [OOC] An Assassin's Story

Don't worry Violentious! I've gotten quite a few PM's from people who are kinda begging to join so I'm probably going to add at least one or two more spots to each gender. I'll save you a girl for Red ^-^

Re: [OOC] An Assassin's Story

I'm kinda sad now... I worked hard on my character, Violet, and then I find out that Girl Three on Red Academy is taken... I'm bad with RPing on a boy's POV