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December 'Ember' Rose

"I am finally Free" ~Meth User

0 · 818 views · located in Van Nuys, California

a character in “Angel of Darkness”, as played by Echo_Rose


December "Ember" Rose


Drug of Choice:

Quiet, Reserved, Needy, Impatient, Feisty, Angered easily, Intolerable, Agitated

Personality on Drugs:
Overly happy, Feels like she could do anything, Risktaking, wants to be around others, giddy, constantly moving, rapid speech
being 'free'
her friends

her flashback/memories
not being able to have her fix


Picture: Image
She has many scars on her wrists from self harm
She has scars from the constant injections of meth
She has a tattoo on the outside of her thumb that says I am Free
She has snake bites, nose, eye brow, gaged ears, and 9 piercongs on each ear

December was born to abloving family, she had it all until she got kidnapped when she was ten years old. She was raped and tortured by the man that took her for five years until the police finally found her. December was never the same person she used to be, when she got back into school she got involved in the wrong crowd. At first she started on the light drugs and drinking but when she was 18 shw tried meth for the first time and that is when it took over her life. At the age of nineteen she left her home and moved in with some friends, shes been living with them since and theres not a day goes by that she isnt high.

So begins...

December 'Ember' Rose's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Reggie Dugan Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Ember felt arms around her, it felt good, good to be in the arms of her best friend. "Ive missed you star...didnt think id see you...tonights been awesome.." she laughed "I met a boy...he sings...and we hit together...god that shit was good" she was mumbling as they walked. She was trying to find Syri, her eyes looking around the crowd when she finally saw her at the bar in the lap of another guy. As they walked over she laid her head on Reggies shoulder. "Syri im headin home...Reggie is staying for a coming" Syri looked up, the girl was obviously as messed up as Ember "Girl imma stay at Davis house tonight, you have fun Emmy".

Ember nodded "Lets go then my Star" she looked up at Reggie then started walking outside then stopped at O's limo and knocked on the window "O its me Ember".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Reggie Dugan Character Portrait: Kara Matthews Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Ember smiled at O, feeling the hand against her cheek "Hey O" l, then hearing the second question that O asked she pondered in her mind for a few minutes. "Well Reggie wants to catch up with me tonight and I still have to talk to my roomie..but maybe tomorrow? I need to make a run to my person in the morning...that reminds me" she took out her phone and sent her dealer a text. "Hey you think you could get me some ice for the morning? if not ill get some crank" after sending the message she saw that her arn has been written on and she looked up to O. "Thanks O..dont know why you want me to move in but I think itll be fun" she giggled. Then she looked to Reggie then O and waited for either of them to say something then she noticed Reggie shaking and remembered the last time Reggie was like that.."Reggie wheres your medicine?" she asked soundng the most sober she has sounded in days and her face had a look of concern.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Nessa awoke with a startling wake, not realizing she had been asleep. She looked around at her surroundings, noticing she was in a limo, her last high gradually weighing in on her. She thought to herself how sad it was that she had fallen asleep, and most likely missed all the fun when she looked up, noticing O sitting there. She let out a sigh and finally remembered what all had went down. "Hey," she said sleepily, then slid on her shoes as she sat up, pulling her hair to the side and yawning softly. "How long was I out for?" she asked curiously before leaning back into the seat. "...where did Ember go?" She was more than confused, and only knew one thing. She wanted to get that high feeling again she had had less than an hour..? Half hour..? She didn't know; all that was known to her in that moment was that she felt like utter, and complete shit. (OOC: Sorry for the shorter-ish post. I'm trying to catch up on everything I missed!)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Reggie Dugan Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Ember didnt say anything when Reggie left, she just laid there shaking, there was no eay she could sleep. She knew it was to good to be true for Reggie to be back in her life, knowing that Reggies promise not to leave again was just another lie. Taking out a piece of paper she wrote a note to Reggie.

Dear my Star,
Im sorry but I just cant stop...I will always love you and always be in my heart
but maybe its to good to be true for us to be together. Im not going to be here
when you come back..or if you ever do. Im going to a friends.
It might be better if you just let me go.
Love your babydoll

She got up, put a pair of jeans and a shirt on, grabbed hr jacket, taped the note on the door, on the front of the note it says 'My Star', and went downstairs and just started walking. Last night she was happy to be with Reggie, it was the happiest shes been in awhile but nothing stays good for her for a long time. She looked at the address on her arm and decided to go there, at leaat O and Nessa wouldnt make her stop.

Forty-five minutes later she was walking up O's driveway, shivering and went up to the doorway and knocked on the door.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Reggie Dugan Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Reggie waited about 45 minutes and made her way back to the apartment. She felt like shit for the things she said and having to leave but it was all out of love. She hoped she knew that atleast. She knocked on the door and waited but there was no answer. She tried the door and thankfully it was unlocked although for Reggie, it put her on edge. She flipped her keys in her hand, held them between her fingers so in case of an attack, she could jab someone with them. She noticed a note waiting for her. She read the note and sighed. "Dammit, Babydoll." She said. " I'm not giving up on you." She said to herself and decided she'd find her. It shouldn't be too hard...right? She figured she'd look for that kid. O. He was a druggie too, clearly, She'd made sure she avoided his trackmarks when she met him. She made her way back to the bar and with relative ease, she found where he stayed. There were perks of being a celeb. People told you whatever

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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After O explained to her that they were now at his place, she smiled slightly and nodded. He seemed to feel a bit awkward as he spoke the words, although she didn't hint on that she had heard it. "You know, you could have just brought me inside..I didn't mean to make you wait out here." And with those words, she watched him leave and head toward the...mailbox, then inside. She gathered her belongings, sliding back on her heels which were only irritating the blisters more that were now permentantly embedded in her skin, or so it would seem as much as she wore heels.

She made her way inside, taking in her surrounding as she walked in. She felt a bit dazed, and knew she needed her next fix soon..She hated feeling this way. It was her most vulnerable points. She felt so alone and depressed when she wasn't feeling the high of cocaine. She could tell as soon as she stepped foot inside the door that this was a party house, no doubt. It reminded her of a few places she had been before, and woken up at. Brushing the thought aside, she spotted a couch; then evidently O, who was passed out, clearly not wearing anything. She smiled slightly, then let out a soft laugh and made her way to the couch across from his. Settling down on it, she looked around, zoning out to a song she sang quietly in her head.

She awoke suddenly, now layed out on the couch. A voice had awoken her; she could tell how tired she must have been to fall asleep twice in one day. Then she noticed Ember inside, underdressed, and looking extremely upset about something. She sat up quickly, brushing the hair out of her face and frowning. "Ember...are you alright?" she motioned to a spot next to her on the couch, once more sliding off her shoes. The temperature must have dropped increasingly since she had came inside. She could feel the wind from outside blowing in. The door.. she thought, then she noticed O had awoken. Something must have awoken him to, because she was sure he hadn't noticed her. "What happened to you?" she layed her eyes on Ember. "You were with us, then the next thing I know, your gone!" She frowned even more. What all HAD she missed?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen
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Ember heard Nessa before she saw the othrer girl, she looked over to the couches and got up and sat next to her bringing her legs up so she was sitting crosselegged and sighed, still shaking. "No im not alright...alot happened last night..." she bit her lip and looked to Nessa. "My beat friend that I havent seen in years because shes famous found me last night...she came to my place and we talked then..." she started thinking over last night and couldnt help the emotions going through her. "Then we both finally gave into the feelings we have for each other...she kissed me...then we had sex....then i passed out but woke up from a nightmare...I thought she wasa hallucination, my mind fuckin with me..I needed a fix...then had sex with her again...then we got into a fight because of me using drugs and she left and i gave into another addiction I had". She felt like crying but she wasnt going to cry, she doesnt cry anymore "I just cant give it up...its the only thing that keeps me alive...and I ran out last night and I am due for a fix but cant get a hold of my dealer." Looking down to her lap she shivered a bit and her hands were shaking bad, there were dark circles under her eyes "You passed out for awhile...are you okay?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen
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Nessa listened to Ember carefully, taking in each word. She was always a good listener, although she never took the time to praise herself for it. "Wow.." She had been in the same situation as her friend. Only it was her father trying to stop her. She wrapped her arms around Ember, pulling her into a tight hug, although she, herself, was freezing and knew it would do no good. "Non-users will never understand, Ember..they don't need drugs like we do. They don't see that although the drugs are killing us, they may the one thing keeping us alive.." she knew herself these words were true as she spoke them. Without something to cover her lonlieness and depression, she lnew she would have been a goner years ago. When she asked her if she was alright, she only nodded. "I was just exhausted. I don't get much sleep." She looked around the room for any sign of O. She couldn't spot him, so she leaned into the couch, looking at Ember once more. "Speaking of fixes..." she bit her lip and made no attempt to pull her dress down, which was making no attempt to cover her now exposed thighs, making her only colder. "I wonder where O is. I think we could all use a good fix right about now."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Ember leaned into the hug from Nessa and sighed, she listened to what Nessa said and nodded but one thing of what Nessa said wasnt true for Reggie "Well Reggie does need a drug to keep her alive...shes diabetic so she has to use she kinda undeestands but she doesnt think I need the meth which she is wrong...if I didnt have my fixes these cuts" she shrugged off her jacket and held out her arms, one was bandaged "these cuts may have been yeah we go in a big fight and she left...she left when she said she wouldnt leave again" she pulled her jacket on and she knew she was rambling once again. "Yeah i understand the sleep thing...I dont get much either".

When Nessa mentioned O she couldnt help but laugh "Well he went go help a girl that was leaning against a wall.." she chuckled and leaned against the couch "A fix and some sleep would be good right about now...this shakings driving me nuts" she said as she closed her eyes and slightly leaned against Nessa, waiting for O.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Reggie Dugan
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Ember heard the familiar voice travel to the living room, she looked to Nessa "Speaking of who..." she stood up, wrapping the jacket around her but her legs were bare excwpt for the sleep shorts. She went over to the open door and looked up to Reggie, not sure exactly what to say. Reggies words dug deep in her heart and hurt her "Reggie if you are here to lecture me then save it...I am tired and I am in need of a fix, I am cranky and upset and I dont need to get into another god damn fight with you". She was irritated and cranky, its what happens when she doesnt get her fix in time and she can come off pretty rude and intolerable, she was still shaking but it didnt seem to be bothering her. "I do love you my Star..but this is my life can come in if you want" she then went back into the living room next to Nessa, at least Nessa knew where she was coming from.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Reggie Dugan Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Ember grabbed a blanket off the other couch and went over to O and gave it to him "O its okay shes just looking for me...shes my gir...i mean you might want to get a pair of shorts or something on" she chuckled then looked to Reggie. "Options. Ive heard that before...therapy...medication...its all the same except I have choices when using ice or crank or other stuff then being drugged my a doctor and having limits on how much I can have". She looked back to O "Nessa and I are in need of a fix and was wondering if you had anything my dealer hasnt got back to me and I just need something to calm my nerves...anything will do....even the stuff we did last night".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Reggie Dugan Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Nessa held onto Ember, that being the first time she'd hugged someone in a while, and actually meant it. She felt sorry for the girl, and she'd hardly knew her. But, she did know what it felt like to not have someone there, or atleast feel that way. When the girl Ember had obviously been having a fight with arrived, Nessa just raised her eyebrows. She hate dealing with confrontation; and she didn't plan on it.

Ember got up and went to speak with her, as Nessa pulled her knees up to her chest. I can't forget to ask O for some clothes later.. the thought came to her as she sat there, and felt the wind blow against her. Of course she hadn't packed anything. Why would she have? Her life was planned day by day. She never knew where'd she end up or who she would be with wherever she did go.

Although Ember returned to the couch, she could tell her thoughts were still on the girl. Everyone seemed to be dealing with their own problems. Why couldn't life just be simple for once. But no, instead she was at a guy's house she had met only a day before; and feeling more alone than ever. Pulling her thoughts away from that, she noticed Ember covering O with a blanket, which made her laugh softly. She then layed out on the couch once more, her petite body leaving plenty of space for Ember to sit as she looked off towards the darkened window which made the room seem almost darker.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Reggie Dugan
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She could hear the arguing outside. Really, what was going on?! Nessa nodded as she felt the ink of a pen run over her skin. She glanced at the number, already memorizing it. That was one thing that hadn't been ruined by her addiction; her memory. She smiled weakly. "Alright, I'll see you around," She nodded and smirked at Ember, realizing that there must be something between the two of them. She now also remembered the girl Ember was leaving with as Reggie, and smiled slightly at her, before shrugging and grabbing a small blanket off the edge of the couch, and wrapping it around herself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Kara Matthews Character Portrait: Orael Moody
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Kara Matthews
Kara sighed, it was a long day. Or so it seemed, it seemed as if the day wouldn't end. She had spent most of that night selling drugs and making a lot of money other than what she would need to pay for more drug supplies. It was time to head home though, the people that had texted her would go and take the things that she had hidden in specific places just for them then they would pay her. If they didn't pay her she had her ways to finding them and making them pay up. She had her ways of doing things and didn't mind getting her hands dirty if she didn't get what she needed. Getting a few more text messages from her clients and a text message from one of her more frequent buyers she organized a few things then locked up her hidden area and started down the dark alley where her black motorcycle sat waiting for her.

Once she made it to her motorcycle she ran her fingers across the studs that covered the edge of the seat to the motorcycle. She slowly climbed onto it and sat there for a moment while she pulled out some of her drug and took a hit the put it back into her pocket. She then put her helmet on and put the kick stand up. She felt so much better now that she took a hit, she didn't feel like something was missing and was trembling even just a little. She put her key in the ignition and started the motorcycle before she started off onto the street and to her apartment which was pretty far away. The need for an adrenaline rush was gone, for now, but she knew it would return. She at the moment just wanted to get home and go to sleep. She planned on getting a huge adrenaline rush the next day though and possibly go visit a few friends, or a better word would be probably be clients. Not to sell but just to hang out with other drug users. It was the only thing she could think about at the moment as her hair wisped behind her in the wind because of how fast she was driving. She darted past cars and made her way home as fast as possible.

Soon the drug dealer pulled up to her apartment complex. She turned off her motorcycle and secured it in its spot, the last time she didn't secure it, it was stolen, and she had to go find it. She loved this vehicle and couldn't stand it if it was taken again. She had only a certain amount of money from selling drugs and that left over money was to pay for her bills. She couldn't afford another vehicle, and she also didn't really want any other vehicle other than her motorcycle. Finally she went to her apartment, waving to a group of people she saw that was staring at her as soon as she pulled up. They just continued to stare at her except for one girl, a tiny blond pixie styled hair girl waved back. She knew it was one of her clients but she couldn't remember which one. There where only few people who she remembered their names.

The drug dealer stopped at her apartment, pushing the door open to the large apartment and closing it as soon as she stepped in the door. She looked around the room; she was in the living room which had a night stand on both sides of the large couch and a recliner near the couches. In the middle of the couches and recliners was a coffee table and not too far in front of that was a table with her 34 inch TV. It wasn't really all that fancy but she liked it. She locked her door quickly, knowing that where she lived wasn't all that safe. She quickly tossed her keys onto a table next to the door and went straight for her room. Her apartment had 2 bedrooms, both of which had their own bathroom, then she had a living room -of course-, and she had a decent sized kitchen which also had her dining table. She stopped in her room, tossing off her shoes and her leather jacket as she went to her bed where she collapsed on it and pulled the blanket over herself. Instantly she was asleep and was actually sleeping quite soundly that night.

In the morning, she still felt tired. She wanted to sleep more but she couldn't bring herself to sleep any longer because honestly her body was aching for an adrenaline rush. Some people would define her as an adrenaline junkie since she needed a lot of it and loved facing death but living through it with minor scratches. She had wondered what people would be doing this early in the morning. She slowly stood up, throwing on a dark tank top, a pair of dark jeans, combat boots, black thin leather gloves, and she threw her hair up into a messy bun before slipping on her leather jacket. She squirted some perfume on herself and hurried out the door, grabbing her keys and locking the door on her way out.

As soon as she was outside, she climbed onto her motorcycle again and instead of going to her place to sell drugs she just started driving around. She felt like taking a so called adventure, she wanted to see different places, and learn her area; she even thought she just might visit O, or Ember, one of her clients that bought quite often from her. She didn't realize that she was kind of day dreaming and began to swerve into the other lane till it was almost too late, everything came rushing back to her as soon as she heard a knock. She laughed and gasped softly, swerving away from the oncoming car, "Oops." She thought with a small smirk playing on her lips. Almost getting hit by a car seemed to not be enough though; she felt her hands shake a bit and had to pull over. Soon she was on the side of the road taking a hit off of her drugs that was always in her back pocket. She was doing drugs right where everyone who passed could see but honestly she could care less. After taking several hits she was back on the road, better than she was before. What was she supposed to do now? Thoughts and questions filled her head as she drove down a road.

(Sorry it took me so long guys. I am back now though. I just wote this really long thing for from where I left off, so yeah.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Reggie Dugan Character Portrait: Kara Matthews Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Having not heard anything for three days she fwlt lost, not knowing was killing her mentally, so she needed an escape and her only escape was the drugs. It felt wrong but she didnt want to think didnt want to deal with anything. So the last three days Ember has been staying in one of the rooms in O's house and there wasnt a minute that passed that she wasnt high.

She was passed out on the bed, blinking her eyes, she was unsure what day or time it was but she really didnt care. She sat up and got a needle and her arm ready, and injected herself with her drug. She noticed she was running low again so she decided to see if Kara was around.

From: Ember
Hey. Was wondering if you have any ice or crank. Im running low.

Putting her phone back down on the bed she flopped down andlet the drug run its course, she hasnt talked to O or Nessa the past three days but she just couldnt get herself out of the bed, her body was shaking worse over the last few days but it didnt matter to her. If Reggie was dead then she really had no reason to live either.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Kara Matthews Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Orien had been tending to Nessa for the past couple of days, letting Ember be alone, occasionally checking to see if she was ok. Today was the first day he had been sober from his drugs. He started making some homemade ravioli in order to get everyone to eat. Truth was, he was just outta drugs. He had been giving himself some horrible injections. He was out of everything. Finishing up the ravioli and mushroom dinner, he made three plates.

He took one to the room Ember had stayed in, occasionally coming out. "Ember..... I made some dinner.... er... it's just gonna be infront of the door." He said as he knocked on the door. He left the other two plates in the kitchen as he pulled out his phone and texted his dealer.

K.... its O, Heroin and syringes asap... Money is in the know the drill. He sent the text and went to go see if he could get Nessa to eat with him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Nessa was more than willing to go eat with O. In fact, she'd been hoping to speak with him alone, what with all the crazy shit happening. Embers' friend in the hospital, all three of them going out it outside.. she had chosen to stay out of it for once. What good would it do to get into the middle of an argument that didn't concern her. Sitting with O at the table, she realized he was quite cute ...sick, maybe, but attractive. Although it wasn't something she spent much time concerning herself with, she had to admit he seemed like a cool guy, and surprisingly more decent than the losers she usually spent her time with.

She wanted to know what all had went on with Ember, and her girl. Not to mention O's sister...she looked over at O, then shrugged. "Is there usually this much shit going on around here?" then smirked and ate quietly.

(OOC: Sorry for the short post. It's hard to tell the time and shit with so much going on x]! I will be sure to post more in the future!)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody Character Portrait: Anthony Fellor
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Anthony was now blasting dubstep on his car radio and barely paying attention to the road. The E had kicked in and he wasn't anywhere near Ember's house. Then his phone buzzed and picked it up. It was a reply from Ember. She was at O's house. He stopped the car in the middle of the road so that he could reply. People were honking, but he didn't care. the address was literally down the street.

To: Ember
From: Anthony
I is buzzed! Oh and I think I know O and Nessa. Hopefully there is a lot of food. GTG I am in the middle of the road see you in like 10secs.

He sent the reply and tossed his phone in the passenger. He shifted the car into drive and sped over to the address Ember gave her. He weaved in between cars and tried to make a sharp turn into the driveway, but he almost crashed into the mailbox. He crookedly parked on the side of the street and got out of the car. He walked up to the front door and knocked on it hoping someone would open up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anthony Fellor
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((Name is Anthony not Andrew, but the nickname is cool!))

Anthony hugged Ember back and then let go of her. She asked for his car and he had to process what she said. Then when it registered in his head he back up to the car. "My baby! YOU want to DRIVE my baby. No way." He rubbed the car door slowly then he kissed it. Then he thought he had a spider on his car and he screamed liked a little girl. The illusions were kicking in with the ecstasy so now he was seriously not able to drive. He took out the keys and tossed them to her. "Fine, but I wanna come." He commanded sounding almost like a child.

He skipped to the passenger seat and got in. The E was taking full effect so the mood swings and the illusions are going to hit hard pretty soon, but for now he has the mind of a 10 year old. "In the car December."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Kara Matthews Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Kara flinched and almost got into an accident when her phone buzzed which signaled that she had a notification. She groaned then pulled over once again; she pulled her phone from her back pocket. She looked over her text messages and smiled. Finally, she thought and shrugged. She proceeded to text her two clients back.

To: Ember

From: Kara

In fact I do! Come see me when you can, you know where I usually sell and if you can't find me than text me.

She flipped through a few more things on her phone right after she sent Ember the message then sighed softly. She smiled when she saw O's name, and she made sure to quickly text him back.

To: Orien

From: Kara

Hey O, I'll take care of that right now.

After her last text, she revved the engine, and sped off towards her usual selling spot where she would get both Ember's and O's drugs and syringes. She had only gotten a little bit of an adrenaline rush, but she knew that would have to wait because she had better things to take care of instead of taking care of her need for adrenaline. She sighed softly, thinking to herself while she took the very long drive back to her apartment and to the places that she was supposed to go, first she would stop by to get the needed drugs and syringes, then she would go to O's and hopefully come back to the alley to meet Ember. If that wasn't possible than she would probably bring it to Ember if she really needed to. The drug dealer smirked to herself as she drove a little faster.