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Asylum,  This place reminds me of labs.

Asylum, This place reminds me of labs.


Okay so your a teenager and the government has found out your one of seven kids who've developed mental powers. They plan on using you for "The greater good." But what exactly is their real plan?

1,347 readers have visited Asylum, This place reminds me of labs. since PandaTheAwesomeAsu created it.


(I'm writing this sort of like a diary entry of my character.)

Dear Journal,
I'm not sure of the date anymore, I've been here for weeks and they've hooked me up to machines a couple of times, forced this gross green junk down my throat and hooked me up to Iv's. This place isn't a Asylum which is pretty much obvious as soon as you walk through the door, maybe it used to be a asylum but it smells more like a hospital, the sting of alcoholic antiseptic and bleach burns my nose and throat it's so strong. Everything is so well lit and they never turn the lights off, there are no normal doctors, just men in lab coats wearing nice suits under them. Well that's it for today.
Sincerely Ritsuko Hanabi

Dear Journal,
Today I heard a man in a military suit talking. Apparently I'm here because something I found out about myself. I learned I can control electrical currents and my body creates thousands of volts which can be discharged sort of like a rail-gun. I found out two weeks before they dragged me here, after I found out I practiced how to use it for awhile and now I don't lose control, but it seems like they want to train me, to use me for something he called the greater good, what could he mean? What's going to happen? Is that really the true reason I'm here or is it for something much darker? I need to get home, my brother must be freaking out by now.
Sincerely Ritsuko Hanabi

Dear Journal,
Today they brought in a new girl, I know her from school back in Japan. She said that we were in London England, why don't I remember being on a plane? Did they sedate me for that? I asked her why she was here, she said because she found out where I was. Because she found out that they were gonna use me as a weapon. I'm scared, I don't want to hurt people. I just want to go home and curl up beside my brother and my dog, what did they tell the public that happened to us? These experiments are starting to hurt more and more. They've even started doing tests and weird stuff to my friend Natsuki, they said it was to develop her, make her just as powerful as us "Freaks"

Sincerely Ritsuko Hanabi
P.S: I hope this isn't the last time I write in this journal.

Character sheet:::For teens with power::::

Character name:
Blood type:
Belongings taken with you:

Character Sheet :::For those who know:::

Character name:
How you found out:
If you know someone who was taken and who:
What they're trying to do: (Mostly body modifications or to heighten your mental being)
Blood type:
Belongings taken with you:

Character sheet :::Asylum (Lab/doctors):::

Character name:
Why you work such a horrible job:
Do you enjoy your work?:
Blood type:
Belongings seen with you:

Character Sheet :::Government officials:::

Character name:
Reason you don't care about the kids:
Blood type:
Belongings seen with you:

:::Seven kids with power:::
(This list doesn't count Ritsuko as one of the seven it counts her as the leader.)
Leader: Ritsuko Hanabi
Kid number one: Seiko Inoue
Kid number two: Robert Fredericks
Kid number three: Rave Smith
Kid number four: Alex Gregor
Kid number five:
Kid number six:
Kid number seven:

::::Kids given power::::

Natsuki Rhima

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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Ritsuko sat in the room they made the "Residents" stay in while they weren't be tested on and while they weren't in their individual rooms. She had heard rumors that more kids were coming, the thought made her frown deeply. "Natsuki, I think it's about time we start planning to take down this place." She said with a completely serious look on her normally serene calm perfect face. She snapped her fingers a spark of electricity sparking from her fingertips, for some reason it always helped calm her down to use her power. She sighed deeply and closed her eyes resting her head on the white table in-front of her, everything was white, except the clothes forced onto them which were green. She hated green at least it was a dark green. She wanted her black corset dress back, it had been so long since she actually wore her own clothes. She took out her sketch book and started to draw the high-school she had Natsuki went to.

Natsuki nodded a bit absently litsening to her, her white/purple hair falling over her shoulder onto the table holding her stuffed bunny. She opened up it's back revealing boxes of pocky handing one to Ritsuko who gladly took it and started munching. Natsuki soon started eating the chocolate biscuit snack and closed her eyes in deep thought, planning. Natsuki and Ritsuko often caused trouble for those who were keeping them confined to test their security and resources. She knew that Ritsuko would have to rally the new arrivals and help them, and tell them the only way to escape was to work as a team.


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Robert woke up in a weird hospital looking place. "Huh, where am i?" he said to himself. "the last thing i remember was..." he said as he thought of the fight he was in against a bunch of punks harassing some girl, and then he remembered the men who knocked him out from behind. this made him tense up, when he did this he noticed that he was cuffed to the operating table he was on. he tried teleporting out but his powers weren't working. a person entered the room followed by a group of people taking notes. the doctor looking guy was about to inject Robert with something but he broke the cuffs holding him and knocked down the doctor. Robert ran into the hallway to try and escape but the guards descended on him with their shock batons and beat him to the ground. the last thing he saw before he went unconscious was a girl with dark green clothes.


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Ritsuko frowned and stood seeing the boy Robert getting beat up, since her power was different her's wasn't controlled by the machines and drugs. She snapped her fingers and it zapped the guards. "How does it feel hmm?" She questioned the men and kicked one of them awhile he was done. She went and knelt by Robert and sighed softly giving his cheek a little jolt to wake him up. "Hey Kid." He was older then her, but she had been there longer. "Come on it's time to wake up." She said softly nudging him a bit.

Natsuki started playing a song from her bunny which doubled as speakers, a Luka Vocaloid song called I want to eat Tuna. A smile on her face as she clapped in tune with the music, she laughed waiting to see Ritsuko's expression. Ritsuko looked at her with a "Are you serious?" Expression. Natsuki only laughed at this and nibbled on her pocky. "Ritsuko-chi to the rescue!!!!"

( I wanna eat tuna track 102 )


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Robert opened his eyes and sat up. he notice a girl next to him. "thanks" he said as he got up. he saw a guard sneaking up behind her and he quickly knocked him out. after his punch he felt a pain in his ribs. he sat next to the wall and took his shirt off exposing all of his scars and used it as a makeshift bandage. as he looked up at the girl who woke him up and that he had assumed was the one who took out the guards beating him down. she was exceptionally pretty and she had sparks coming out of her fingertips. "i'm Robert, where are we?" he said in a calm, nonchalant voice for one who's ribs where just broken.


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Ritsuko stood and sighed. "In a renovated Asylum in London." She looked at the man Robert knocked out. "Thanks, I'm Ritsuko Hanabi, a pleasure to meet you." She thought a moment. "I just wish it could have been different circumstances that brought us together. Oh and you won't be able to use your power in here, only in designated rooms. I'm the only one so far who can use their powers inside." She said grabbing her box of pocky from Natsuki.


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"i was a top lieutenant in the american yakuza when i was 12, i think i can stop a bunch of low grade guards. even though this injury is very irritating." he said and then coughed out blood. "why am i so weak!?. what did they put in me?!" he tried to get up but fell on his face. he got up again and punched the wall in anger and made a big whole in the wall. he started using the wall as support to hold his body up even though it was in immense pain now, he couldn't show anyone weakness because he was taught that way when he was growing up. "thanks for the help beautiful." were his last words before he fell on the floor unconscious again.


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Alex Gregor… as far as the guards cared this one year veteran of adulthood was nothing more then a insane sadistic killer… guards and scientist feared his violent tendencies and merciless nature… however other test subjects might notice that violence only tended to end on those who employees who were abusive towards other admitted. Guards who didn’t add suffering to the daily lives of the seven other patients never ended up in the infirmary or the morgue due to his actions… their was a fine line and this man had drawn it clear… those who crossed it were shown no mercy… and given no chance of redemption.

Gregor sat within his heavily secured cell a strait jacket bound him tightly to help the guards keep him contained… he merely sat in the insolated shatter proof glass cage that was reconstructed to contain him after he melted his old cell’s bars. To keep himself busy he merely repeated the texts he had read before being sent off here. He however kept his eyes watching the cell block… vigilant of those who would put themselves above their captive… and thus inflict retribution upon them.

The Asylum seemed to fall deathly silent… insects stop their chattering… the floor seemed to grow resilient and stopped its creaking as a finely polished black boot stepped foot onto the cell block. Das Warden stepped calmly into the block… many who saw him walk in such a way compared him to the Angel of Death descending on the newly deemed dead. He breathed in a perfect tempo through his gasmask and his military decorations glistened in the sunlight against his black coat and uniform. He paused in front of Ritsuko and adjusted his hat. “Did you really just use your powers on one of mien guards? You filthy swine.” He said grabbing the girl by the wrist roughly with a smile… he had ordered his black leather gloves and coat have rubber added to them to deal with this special case. “You do not know what I’ve done for you… what I’ve sacrificed so that you all may live. Let me demonstrate the pain I’ve endured to allow you all to exist…” He took the riding crop from his belt and raised it into the air. “One lash… I think that is fair…” He brought the crop down with a brutal zeal and strength to split flesh. “Discipline is the only lesson that needs to be taught… it is a life lesson and should be burned into your minds as long as they hold on to their humanity. Please return your cells…”


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Rave woke with a start, not sure where she was.
"ah....hello?" she called as she slid out of the uncomfortable bed and walked silently to the door and opened it. She was still in her uniform from her school, a short red and black plaid skirt and a white blouse with a black tie.
"heeeelllooo?" she whispered as she stepped out of the room. She started down some random corridor and ran into someone.
"Hey, what are you doing out of your room?!" he said
"What was i doing IN the room in the first place?!" she asked back her natural deffensiveness kicking in.
"Your coming with me!" he said
"the hell i am!" she said and round housed him in the face, and took off not waiting to see if it took him down.


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Natsuki ran over to Robert and checked his pulse in case, she then saw Das Warden and scowled seeing him, flinching when she saw him strike her best friend. "Ritsu-chi!" She stood quickly in-front of Robert but didn't move, Das Warden frightened her but she cared more about her friends well being more then anything.

Ritsuko raised her arm so the crop came down on her forearm, it wasn't anything she wasn't used to. When ever she didn't do absolutely perfectly on everything her father hit her with a bamboo sword. Her back scared from the punishment over the years, plus she would much rather get hurt herself then anyone else. "Sacrificed for all of us hmm?" She laughed almost scoffed at his words. "You mean the other seven, I wasn't apart of your plan, was I?" The look in her eyes challenged him "You don't even know what I am or how I can do what I can." She grabbed his wrist hard enough to make him let go before shifting her weight and throwing him, she was around two decades younger then him, but that didn't mean she wasn't strong. "I'll kill you if I have to Das.... I'll kill you so we can go free." Her arm was bleeding from where he hit her, from the injury sparked a bit before it cauterized the bleeding vessels and closed up leaving a scar. One thing all of the lab workers were unsure of, whether she was human or not.


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Robert opened his eyes with an immense feeling of pain running through his body. a group of guards accompanied by doctors came and knocked over natsuki and grabbed him. "aaaahg" he screamed in pain. even though he had been beaten up worse than this before the effects of the power suppressor medication he had been given was weakening his body making the pain more prevalent. he coughed out a few barely audible words before he was sedated and carried away by the guards "hellllppp." and then his eyes closed for the third time and he was surrounded be complete darkness and for the first time since his parents had died he felt completely weak and helpless.


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Das Warden landed on his feet crouched with his right arm for support. “My Dear… your pathetic attempts of self expression are no good… I am your creator… you may believe otherwise but I sowed the seed of each and everyone of your creation. Kill me? Hmmm I suppose it is possible… but of course my men will simply slaughter your friends… unlike these pathetic orderlies my men are more then capable of keeping experiments under control… but trust me it will be much worse then it is… though to ensure that everyone understands my dominance I must discipline you for your reprisal.” He forwent the riding crop and struck her full force to the jaw. “Discipline is the only law… you will maintain yourselves with dignity and fealty to your creator and you shall live… once we are past basic testing you shall be moved to proper quarters to enter a world of adventure and exploration. You are here merely to ensure your powers have no negative attributes to your health nor inflict any form of radiation or substantial mutations… I merely have brought you all here to ensure your health… but I will not allow fear or defiance get in my way of ensuring your survival and health.” He patted his palm with the riding crop which he had switched his left hand when he struck Ritsuko. “Not so rough with my children you imbeciles each of them is worth ten if not twenty of you!”


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Ritsuko didn't even flinch when she was struck across the face, the look on her face was pretty easy to read. She felt the warmth of her blood flow from the new injury, she wiped it off on the back of her hand and licked it off tasting her blood. Her attention was drawn away when they sedated Natsuki and carried her off to her room, Ritsuko growled and glared at Das, she didn't want any harm to come to her friend so she walked toward her room, to plan and cool off a bit. She walked into her room and sat on her bed putting her head in her hands contemplating. "Tsk...."


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The next thing Robert new he was chained to another operating table in a dark room but this time he woke up his body wasn't in agonizing pain like last time. they had bandaged up his broken ribs nicely. Robert started to get out of the restraining cuffs keeping him on the table but it was no use, the sedative hadn't fully worn off yet and even if he did get out of the cuffs he was in an impenetrable room. he tried to scream "help, help" but it was no use because the room was soundproof. he tried extremely hard to use his power but it was no use, they had used the medication to remove his power, he was was helpless.


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Rave wandered quietly down the halls, avoiding guards and sneaking around, hopeing to find someone who wasnt going to drag her back to her cell. She hummed a tune under her breath and smiled as she barely avoided another guard, him only not seeing her because she slid behind his back and followed him a little ways. She felt like a super sly and she almost giggled at the thought.


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Seiko woke up in a laboratory looking room there was others around her but she could not make out how many or what genders, she got the her feet, Seiko felt a pain in her side, she looked down where she was lying and there was blood on the floor she then looked down to her side it was still bleeding bit not as much as it than it must have been but she still put her hand over it to cover it, Seiko walked over to the others and the first thing she asked was
"Does anyone have a dressing for this"
she took her hand away from her side to show the bleeding, when they all turned round she remembered the girl with the dark green clothes on from school but she never knew her name. and then she said
"Does anyone knew where we are ?"


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Ritsuko stood and walked out of her room, passing the room Seiko was in before stopping and kicking the door open, she looked at the lab doctors and flipped them off before zapping the crap out of them. She fished around in cabinet finding the dressing. "Yo Seiko." She said making a peace-sign, which was normally how she greeted her friends. She knew Seiko probably didn't even know her name but she didn't care, they were all in this mess together. She had been on her way to talk to Alex Gregor. She covered the injury dressing it before taking a step back. "Go to our room, down the hall for doors to the left." She said. "I need to go talk to someone before anyone realizes I'm out of the room." She said walking out of the room walking down the halls until she came to Alex's cell. "Yo Alex." She said sitting on the floor just outside his room. "A week from now I should have everything ready if we need to we can all leave sooner." She put her chin on her knees thinking. She had already stolen a shock baton from a guard and hidden it, as well as a map of the place and tequila from the guards as well. So what if this escape plan was something she saw in a movie, it was worth at least trying, and there was one thing in the movie that wasn't necessary here, a sacrifice to stay behind. Once they were outside the compound the others would at least be able to use their powers to some degree. She knew Alex's power was strong enough to use inside the place like her own so that gave them the advantage. Besides, everyone was too scared to poke Alex with a needle to give him the suppressant drug.


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after a little bit the effect of the injection was wearing off and a doctor came into the room and left the door. "HELP!" robert screamed so it would go into the hallway. the doctor then gagged him so he was unable to speak. and when the doctor went up to inject him with the serum he headbutted the doctor and knocked him out. but he still couldn't speak or brake the chains holding him down his only chance was if someone could hear the scream for help he had made earlier. and he hoped that if someone heard him that they would get here before the doctor woke up.


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the girl Seiko knew from school said
"Yo Seiko."
and gave her a peace sign and Seiko smiled but she was still in pain so she walked out of the door and walked down the corridor, she could feel the suppressant starting to wear off, she stopped and lifted her hand opened it and there was a small ball of fire in her hand and then closed her hand again and continued and then she saw a doctor and she tried to run but The doctor pulled out a syringe and Seiko bent down and ran for the doctor with her shoulder out in front and ran right in to the the doctor and they fell and Seiko got back up and ran to the nearest room and sat there and then she felt blood seeping though the bandage her wound hand reopened.


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“Multiple security breaches… Containment Unit detain patients to ensure the safety of themselves and staff.” The heavy set security door slid open and around fifteen men in insulated armor stepped in, all of them had taken P90s due to the relatively close quarters of the hallways… even though they could move in line of five with ease they still maintained close quarter protocol. “Patients please return to your rooms or prepare for disciplinary action.” One of them called as they drew their shock batons. “If you do not return to your rooms we will be forced to use force to ensure the safety of the staff and other patients… we’d prefer to keep things peaceful and civil.” The Containment Unit stood at attention awaiting the patients to follow orders… and if they resisted they would subdue the perpetrator and move them to their room which would then be locked. While the orderlys were your average mall cop in skill… these were actual soldiers trained and armed to kill if necessary.

Gregor idly nodded to her in confirmation of the planned escape. He really didn’t care… either way he was a prisoner… in a room or on the run how could they ever truly be free… sure a solution might be to wipe everyone out… but someone was paying for it… and it wasn’t anyone within the compound… and most likely a government was funding this. They could never escape… never find refuge.


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Ritsuko smiled a bit. "I'll figure out the rest when we get out of here." She stood and brushed her butt off. "I'll come visit you again, you must get lonely here all by yourself." She could hear the containment unit from where they were and she walked directly toward them. She noticed Seiko wasn't in her room and she frowned softly, Natsuki was still sedated and asleep in her room. She knew they were outfitted so they wouldn't be effected by her power, well her power itself, but maybe perhaps a high velocity gun-like hit would hurt, only thing was she didn't have any silver coins with her, it was most effective using quarters not only because the size but because how much silver was in them.


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“Patients please return to your rooms or prepare for disciplinary action. If you do not return to your rooms we will be forced to use force to ensure the safety of the staff and other patients… we’d prefer to keep things peaceful and civil.” Rave heard. It she rolled her eyes and almost sighed. Well that would be a problem, as it wasnt that she didnt want to go to her room...more that...she was sooo freaken lost. she didnt think she could find her room if she tried. she heard noise at the end of the hall and was for a moment, scared. she didnt exactly like the idea of getting her ass kicked, but she wasnt about to be like 'hey guys i dont know where i am so can you like, i dunno, show me to my room'. she didnt know if they where the beat first question later type and she wasnt about to find out. She stepped into a random room and closed the door, putting her back to it with her eyes closed as she whispered a silent prayer. The men turned around and went the other direction. she let out a breath of relief.
"thank god" she whispered and opened her eyes to find there was a boy in a strait jacket in the cell.
"oh....hi...sorry to intrude..." she said


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Gregor looked up at the girl he entered his cell his gaze almost apathetic… as if devoid of purpose. “Just so you know… that door can’t be opened from this side. Don’t worry about the intrusion I don’t get many visitors… the doctors don’t want to come near me… and I don’t blame them. Though you should get back to your room… the orderlies may be pushovers but those men will shoot you… but I guess because of your confusion you haven’t been brief on what is happening here. Government agencies have taken the privilege of detaining us here due to our gifts… and for some due to their knowledge of said gifts. Which is classified or so they say… thus anyone who knows of or is apart of these powers are being detained for testing. If you’d like further explanation talk to Sergeant Bleu… he is the only decent soul working for these guys.”


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"well arent you plugged in." Rave said frowning.
"all that is just fine and dandy not a fan of being 'detained' just ask my teachers, so im going to find a way out" She said with a confident smile.
"why, pray tell, are they scared of you? You seem aweful nice...a little closed off but nice none~the~less" she said tilting her head a little as she approached him and sat down in front of him, with a wide smile.


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Seiko heard alot of commotion from the little room she was in it was really dark so she decided to make a light, she made a fire ball in her hand and walked around the store room, she got to another door and she saw what looked like the nurses and doctors and they were working on a boy around her age she got a bit scared and ran the the store room and back out in the hallway and ran back to her room but she knew she was lost she put out the fire ball and ran to the nearest room and went in she turned round it was another dark room so she lit another fire ball, she saw two other people there she jumped when she saw them she wasn't expecting people really and then she said
"Sorry i was just trying to get away from the guards im sorry"
she felt a sudden pain from her side it was still bleeding, she grabbed her side and fell to the floor in pain, she looked at her hand with the flame its colour had changed it was now red flames.


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Gregor chuckled. “Me… nice… they are afraid of me because I’ve killed twelve of them and hospitalized another sixteen… violence is my nature… I merely direct it to fulfill my conscious… I am a weapon… and thus I am locked away. It is a hard life when you know you could kill everyone you meet… all living creatures have a drive… to dominate other life… it is innate and dominate those who have power such as myself will always have a want to use it… so I ask that you leave me alone… I am not something one could call human anymore.” His cold eyes drifted to the door as it opened again. “Hmmm…apparently I’m a woman magnet if both of you decided to hide in my quarters… and that… Ritsuko, I believe is what the doctor’s said was her name, visits me often enough…” He paused as he cringed and grasped his head, blood began to run down from his knows and eyes he breathed deeply before returning his focus on the two women. “I’m sorry… that tends to happen time to time… my body temperature isn’t static like a human… it constantly shifts… it generally builds up pressure and then… bam my face is covered in blood… its quite bothersome really.” He sighed taking a cloth rag to clean off his face and as he wiped his face the area around the wound became blistering hot as he seared the flesh closed. “That should stop your bleeding… and I can’t entertain my guests anymore… I’m not to fond of social exchanges… so I will no longer participate but you two may continued until someone lets you out.” He laid down, arms still bound, and stretched out on his back.

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Character Portrait: Alex Gregor
0 sightings Alex Gregor played by TheRavenandThePawn
You can't harm what you can't touch and you can't kill if your already dead.
Character Portrait: Warden Diederich Eckhard
0 sightings Warden Diederich Eckhard played by TheRavenandThePawn
No weapon becomes obsolete... it is merely that they can no longer satiate our growing bloodlust.

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Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Asylum, This place reminds me of labs.. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ritsuko Hanabi
Character Portrait: Robert Fredericks
Character Portrait: Natsuki Rhima


Character Portrait: Natsuki Rhima
Natsuki Rhima

"I know something, so they brought me here, at least I know Ritsuko is still alive"

Character Portrait: Ritsuko Hanabi
Ritsuko Hanabi

"I was here the longest, for now all I can do is help those who are just arriving cope...." Not considered one of the seven her power was something that developed in only her and it's stronger then the rest.


Character Portrait: Ritsuko Hanabi
Ritsuko Hanabi

"I was here the longest, for now all I can do is help those who are just arriving cope...." Not considered one of the seven her power was something that developed in only her and it's stronger then the rest.

Character Portrait: Natsuki Rhima
Natsuki Rhima

"I know something, so they brought me here, at least I know Ritsuko is still alive"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ritsuko Hanabi
Ritsuko Hanabi

"I was here the longest, for now all I can do is help those who are just arriving cope...." Not considered one of the seven her power was something that developed in only her and it's stronger then the rest.

Character Portrait: Natsuki Rhima
Natsuki Rhima

"I know something, so they brought me here, at least I know Ritsuko is still alive"

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