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Atlas: The Aegis Program

Atlas: The Aegis Program


(ALL SPOTS TAKEN) When the sudden death of a known superhero leaves the city of Atlas shaken, a group of young Superheroes must band together to unravel the dark truth behind her death. The only thing is, everything isn't how it seems...

3,499 readers have visited Atlas: The Aegis Program since Wolf's Bane109 created it.





Enemy | Whose Side Are You On | Undefeated | Will I Make It Out Alive | Watch Me Now | With You Till The End | Who Will Save Us | I'll Be Your Hero

Spoiler: show
The Upper-City of Atlas, what many consider to be home, and even a paradise covers an all too large expanse. Seemingly endless. Within the Upper City streets, lie some of the more pristine, state of the art and upper class buildings, as the name would imply. This being the more rich and upper class district of Atlas, even includes the low crime rate and high security, considering who much of its residents are. Politicians, Bussiness owners, Media Stars, the whole lot. If you are someone of note, whatever the occupation, you most likely live within the Upper City district. For those who do find themselves lucky enough to live here, whether it was through hard work of climbing the social latter that garnered you a spot among the ranks of some of the richest and most noted faces in all of Atlas, or you simply had the right connections to the right people, or were even born with money in hand. For one reason or another, you find yourself living amongst the finer things that Atlas have in store for you, and life couldn't be any less perfect.

Many people who find themselves in Upper-Atlas, do find themselves running successful businesses, CEO's, and even actors, musicians, and social influencers. Those who reside here, seem to hold a certain bias towards those born with special abilities. Often seeing them as odd, strange, abnormal, and even dangerous to society. Anyone born with these abilities among these families seem to be disowned once their abilities emerge, as early as seven years old, and sometimes late as 25 years of age.

But, there are those rare occasions, where one is born with these abilities, that they are admired and adored by the general public. Such a case in point with The Phantom, a superhero who works from the shadows, but keeps the city streets clean and safe. Not seen as the local menace that most supers are seen as. No one really knows who The Phantom is, but many have their guesses on one of the richest businessmen in Atlas. Both are reveered and powerful forces within Atlas, and not many would wish or want to get on either of the men's bad side. In short, Upper-City Atlas is the place to be, even with its many faults, but only if one is capable of having fate be so kind...



Spoiler: show
The Lower-City of Atlas, or as many call it The Underbelly, and for good reason. Contrary to the Upper-City of Atlas, the Lower-City is anything but a safe haven. With crime running rampant, little to no help in terms of resources, it is truly a hell-hole for anyone who finds themselves unlucky enough to be born among the filth that covers the streets. With little to absolutely no security patrols around this district, which often having a blind eye turned away from whatever crime does take place, there is little hope for those who cannot protect themselves. Murder, shoot-outs, stabbings, muggings, and worse, run rampant in this section of Atlas. And it seemed to be left up to the people to fight back against the lack of care and security for their own citizens. But even then, over time the average person stopped standing up and helping their neighbor, as it seemed to cause more harm than good.

It was only roughly twenty years ago that it began. People appearing from the shadows, always in the right time to stop a mugging or stabbing. The ones dressed in strange attire, always seemed to arrive whenever something bad happened, just in the nick of time. And often fleeing from the scene just as quickly as they appeared. And as the years went on, the sightings of these strange individuals became more and more relevant, especially as the crime rate increased. More and more people seemed to rise up and band together, refusing to let innocent people suffer because the justice system failed...



Spoiler: show
No one's exactly sure who or even really what Aegis is, or what their true intentions are. Even those who go through the program themselves are entirely blind to the dark truth that lies below their very noses. On the surface, Aegis appears to be a facility that seemingly appeared out of nowhere over night. Hell, no one even really knows where the base itself is, all they knows that is an Elite group of individuals, all with inhuman abilities and attributes. That, once proven to be in a stable enough state, are allowed to oversee and protect the city streets of Atlas. Residing over the crime ridden streets as its Protectors and Guardians, hidden away within the shadows. Always managing to arrive in time to save the day.

But that is all that the people of Atlas know, what they don't know, is just how these individuals come to be. And even then, those who are a part of Aegis, don't truly know their own dark history. Led to believe they had been born with these special gifts that they possess, while in reality, they had been artificially created through human experimentation. Whether it was simply taking the DNA of natural born supers, and running tests and experimenting on the subjects until they were perfect creations. And then put through training until they became the perfect soldier, in Aegis' eyes. Or, the subjects had been truly unlucky souls, picked off the streets as children, or even orphans, and turned into something else entirely through human experimentation, as those who work in the labratories of Aegis have no set scale of just how far they can go in terms of testing their limitations.

Those who have gone on to turn out how Aegis wanted; level-headed, killing machines who fight in the name of justice. Trying to be rid of the crime within Atlas, or at least it's what they believe. Those who have been created by Atlas, have had their real memories erased, and in their place have false memories and even a life implanted in its place. Believing they have had normal lives until they decided to join Aegis, or were recruited by one of the older Supers. While in reality, each of the members of the New Generation of Aegis, have actually grown up alongside each other their entire lives; not as siblings or friends, but as test subjects and experiments.

With the dark truth hidden from them, they have formed a new team within Aegis; forming patrol routes all across Atlas. Whether solo or working with a Mentor, usually being an older Super, or even another recruit. They help keep the genuine peace, and crime rate low, but are entirely blind to the truth of their origins.



Spoiler: show
Like most things in Atlas, no one has ever really heard of The Order. But, there have been whispers throughout Atlas, especially among Aegis, of an unknown sect of people, with intentions that are left entirely unknown. But what Aegis has been able to glean of this strange and rather worrisome group, is that they are attempting to bring Aegis down. In the past few months, figures that lie within the shadows, often watching those who work for Aegis as thy fight crime, and are gone before they can be cornered and questioned. They seem to be trying to gather information and intell on all of the Supers, but for what purpose? Aegis isn't sure yet. But they have their suspicions that it's to eventually reveal the identities of some or even all of the Supers. Which, could put all of them at risk of not only exposure, but safety as well.

Just within the past month, the body of one of Aegis' finest Supers had been found in an abandoned warehouse. Jet-Stream was a beloved and famed hero all throughout Atlas, and her sudden death was beyond alarming. No one had ever killed a Super before, and Aegis believes it to be members within this strange new group who they have called The Order. To Aegis, The Order is a threat, and they need to be eliminated. But if they are capable of brutally killing a Super, it is a threat they cannot just blindly charge into, or the casualties could be much more than they can afford...



Spoiler: show
• Skaði •


Mikey Santo | 24 | Homosexual | #197B5B | Katherine McNamara | Taken: (Wolf's Bane109)

She is originally from Lower-City, Atlas and has been with Aegis for three years. She possesses the abilities of Enhanced Human Condition, Enhanced Marksmanship, and Athletics. Since first joining Aegis, she had become the Side-Kick of The Phantom.

• Wiccan •


Morgana Ishida | 22 | Homosexual | #691B37 | Lyrica Okano | Reserved: (GrimBones66)

She is originally from Upper-City, Atlas and has been with Aegis for Two Years. She possesses the abilities of Witchcraft, Blood-Magic, and Shadow-Walk. Since first joining Aegis, she had become the Side-Kick of Kouzlo

• Sentinel •


Bella Clayton | 24 | Demi-Panromantic | #772222 | Arden Cho | Taken: (partially-stars)

She is originally from Lower-City, Atlas and has been with Aegis for about Three Years. She possesses the abilities of Telekenesis, Force-Field Generation, and Telepathy. Since first joining Aegis, she had become the Side-Kick of now deceased Jet-Stream.

• White Noise •


Casper Stein | 22 | Homosexual | #587DA8 | Dylan O'Brien | Taken: (sapphire)

He is originally from Upper-City, Atlas and is the son of Politicians, and has been with Aegis for about Three Years. He possesses the power of Ghost Physiology, Ectoplasm Generation, and Telekinesis. Since first joining Aegis, he has remained a solo Hero.

• Variant •


Cameron Jensen | 23 | Bisexual | #1a7572 | Maxence Danet-Fauvel | Taken: (phoenixheart)

He is originally from Lower-City, Atlas and has been with Aegis for about One Year. He possesses the abilities of Self Replication, and Self Fission. Since first joining Aegis, he has remained a solo Hero.

• The Druid •


Ada Forrest | 21 | Unknown | #b54ea2 | Abigail Cowen | Taken: (phoenixheart)

She is originally from Upper City, Atlas and has been with Aegis for about Two Years. She possesses the abilities of Elemental Manipulation, and Plant Manipulation. Since first joining Aegis, she had become the Side-Kick of Vesp.

• Spark-Plug •


Kit Cassidy | 19 | Heterosexual | #698B69 | Dylan Sprayberry | Taken: (therealmcdreamy)

Originally from Lower City, Atlas, how long Kit has been with Aegis is lost on him. To his knowledge he's been here for Two Years as that's as far back he can fully remember. He possesses the abilities of Bio-electricity Manipulation and Cyber Mind. He prefers being able to hide out in his lab, making gadgets and weapons for the rest of the Heroes. Since joining Aegis he has become the Side-Kick and student of Seven.

• Drake •


Bastien Delacourt | 24 | Bisexual | #360B0B | Dacre Montgomery | Reserved: (therealmcdreamy)

He is originally from Upper-City, Atlas and has been with Aegis for about Three Years. After a failed experiment went wrong, it left him possessing the abilities of Vampiric Physiology, and Blood-Thirst. Essentially turning him into a scientifically engineered Vampire. Since joining Aegis he has since become the Side-Kick of Bruce.

• Charon •


Kieran Gallagher | 25 | Demi-Biromantic | #757576 | Samuel Larson | Reserved: (partially.stars)

He is originally from Upper-City, Atlas and has been with Aegis for about Five Years. He possesses the abilities of Necromancy, Death Sense, and Retro-Precognition. Since first joining Aegis, he had become the Side-Kick of Maelstrom.

• Isimir •


Emeris Mikaelson | 27 | Non-Binary/Homo-Demisexual | #8e9091 | Lynn Gunn | Taken: (Wolf's Bane109)

They are originally from Upper-City, Atlas and has been with Aegis for about Eight Years. They possess the abilities of Enhanced Regeneration, Demi-Immortality, and Induced Insanity. Their reputation is more of an Anti-Hero than a pure hero, but since joining Aegis, their ways and morals have been slightly straightened out; especially since they became the Side-Kick of Reaper three years ago.

• Quantum •


Leona Lambert | 24 | Gender-Queer/Pansexual | #FFD201 | Amandla Stenberg | Reserved: (AbsoluteWhisper)

They are originally from Loweer-City, Atlas and have been with Aegis for about Five Years. They possess the abilities of Kinetic & Potential Energy Absorption. Since first joining Aegis, they had become the Side-Kick of Paladin.

• Wildman •


Clarence Lawless | 18 | Queer | #46C7C7 | Finn Wolfhard | Reserved: (༼つ◕_◕༽つ)

He is originally from Upper-City, Atlas and have been with Aegis for about Nine Years. He possesses the abilities of Random Power Generation, and Adaptive Physiology. Since first joining Aegis, he had become the Side-Kick of (TBD).


Spoiler: show
ImagexxxxImage xxxxImagexxxxImagexxxxImage

xxxxxxxxxxThe PhantomxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxJet-StreamxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPaladinxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThe CommanderxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxReaper







Spoiler: show
-Mature Content - Due to the premise of this story, this shouldn't be a shock. But I am going to preface this straight away. **TRIGGER WARNING NOW**: In this role play, your characters will be subjected to mature content and if you don't think you'll be comfortable with anything along the lines of what is hinted at in the above sections, I can only advise you to leave now. This RP in short, will contain Strong language, violence, and gore. Mentions of drug use, abuse, possible self harm and even suicide. As well as the obvious, murder and implicated assaults. As this is centered on crime and adult matter, keep it to adults only. No Minors of any kind allowed. Your characters will be involved in intense and adult situations, so be prepared now. If you think you can handle this sort of subject matter, then I am more than happy to welcome you aboard.

- Character Interaction - Just because your character(s) may not like each other, doesn't mean they can't interact with others. If anything that's more reason to put them together and see how they interact. This role play is very character relationship driven, but I will provide direction to advance the plot and story telling over all. I want everyone to be included, so if you have an idea for your character and another, do it! Just because your character may be a loner type doesn't mean they have to constantly be by themselves. While there is a supernatural element to this role play, it is realistic fiction so keep that in mind when writing your character's responses.

- Post Expectancy - Due to this being both a story driven and character driven role play, this won't be a fast paced RP in terms of posting and getting responses up. I get that life happens, people work, and have lives outside of online. As long as literally like, one person can get a single post up just once a month, I'm not too hard pressed. But, if you think you won't be able to respond for long bursts of time, just message me and I'm sure we'll be able to make a way to narratively progress until you're able to come back without removing your character from the over all narrative.

- Ghosting - I think everyone can understand the annoyance that comes with this. Even I myself used to be guilty of this. But, while we do get life happens and you may need to step away, as mentioned above in the last rule. But what is not tolerated, is either sending in a CS and never completing it because one dips without a word, someone reserves a spot and never submits a CS and someone else loses out on that spot due to waiting for that CS submission. Or, when it comes to posting and someone just disapears into thin air, never to be seen again. If you feel like you cannot respond to a post, make a character, or even just spare the time for an RP, you can always bow out whether temporarily or permanently with a simple "Hey, I don't think I can carry on with this RP because 'insert reason here', and everyone will be understanding. But disapearing without a word is not the way to do it, and you'll be immediately removed from the RP, if I need to get into contact with you more than three times and never receive a response from you for long periods of time. Plenty of my RP's in the past have died because people have ghosted. Someone ghosts for more than a month without responding to my message? Well, you'll be removed and we'll carry on without that character(s). I'll be able to come up with an easy enough explanation for their withdrawel in a plot like this.

- Reservations - I will be limiting how many roles will be allowed here, depending on how much interest this gains, may determine the result of reservation spots. As a start off point, I will be allowed 10 spots in total, 9 if we exclude mine. I will allow a max of two characters per writer, any other characters you may wish to be brought in will be counted as a secondary character, or even an NPC. Whatever NPC's you'd like to be brought in, will be under your control and writing, so keep that in mind for when the time comes. If this gains more traction, then I will allow more spots in total, but two main characters per writer. And please try to keep the ratio even. I don't mean they all have to be cis-men or women. Feel more than free to bring diversity into this, so I really don't wanna see a whole cast of all cis, straight, white men, ya get me? Have fun with it, but above all, be respectful. As someone who is in a minority group, it's advised to just be respectful, ya know?

- Character Customization - I left this very vague in the run-down of this story, and for a reason. I'm allowing just about anything, within reason, to be brought forth. Not everyone has to be human in physical appearance. As there is technology that does exist within the world, that can help those who don't entirely appear human, blend in. Usually in the form of a codex/watch they can wear, that can make them appear more human/take on a human form of their desire. And seeing as how human experimentation does exist, I will allow there to be some weird DNA mingling, such as animal DNA or whatever have you. This is a super-hero based RP after all, and some of the heroes can even be loosely based off of actual superheroes in our fiction and comic books. Just, give me a heads up/leave a reservation with a quick run down of your character, and I will consider it before accepting the concept or denying it. But I'm usually pretty chill and will probably allow it in the end.

- OOC Drama - This really shouldn't be need to be said, but here we are anyway. If there is any drama within the group that stems from the writing, or personal issues with another writer, keep it to DM's only. I know jokes can sometimes go overboard, or one can say the wrong thing, and then it can easily sour everyone's mood. If you have a problem with another player, bring it to me, the GM first, in DM's preferably and we can settle it like adults, and away from the main topic we all came here to even begin with. Roleplaying!

(Quick shout out; The CS here is provided by user Phosphene and has been credited within the sheet itself as well)

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[img][/img][color=transparent]xx[/color][size=135][i][color=#00000]a c c e s s - g r a n t e d[/color][color=transparent]xx[/color][/i][/size][img][/img]
[size=200][color=#00000]FULL NAME[/color][/size]
[i][size=120][color=#00000]"Quote"[/color] -Author[/size][/i][/center][color=transparent]xxxx[/color]
[img][/img][color=transparent]xx[/color][size=135][i][color=#00000]i d e n t i t y[/color][color=transparent]xx[/color][/i][/size][img][/img]
[left][color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Legal Name ||[/color] Here
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Alias ||[/color] Here
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Pronouns ||[/color] Here
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Age ||[/color] Here[/left][right][color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Sexuality ||[/color] Here[color=transparent]xx[/color]
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Mentor ||[/color] Here (If applicable)[color=transparent]xx[/color]
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Birth-place ||[/color] Here[color=transparent]xx[/color]
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Hex ||[/color] #00000[color=transparent]xx[/color][/right][color=transparent]x
[img][/img][color=transparent]xx[/color][size=135][i][color=#00000]a p p e a r a n c e[/color][color=transparent]xx[/color][/i][/size][img][/img]
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Height ||[/color] here
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Build ||[/color] here
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Description ||[/color] here
[img][/img][color=transparent]xx[/color][size=135][i][color=#00000]p e r s o n a l i t y[/color][color=transparent]xx[/color][/i][/size][img][/img]
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Likes ||[/color] Here
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Dislikes ||[/color] Here
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Quirks ||[/color] Here
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Fears ||[/color] Here
[img][/img][color=transparent]xx[/color][size=135][i][color=#00000]a b i l i t y[/color][color=transparent]xx[/color][/i][/size][img][/img]
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Ability ||[/color] Here
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Ability ||[/color] Here
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Ability ||[/color] Here
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Strengths ||[/color] Here
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#00000]|| Weaknesses ||[/color] Here
[img][/img][color=transparent]xx[/color][size=135][i][color=#00000]h i s t o r y[/color][color=transparent]xx[/color][/i][/size][img][/img]
[center][size=85][b]cs:[/b] phosphene - [b]fc:[/b] Here - [b]hex code:[/b] 00000[/size][/center]

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikey Santo Character Portrait: Bella Clayton Character Portrait: Bastien Delacourt Character Portrait: Morgana Ishida Character Portrait: Ada Forrest Character Portrait: Emeris Mikaelson Character Portrait: Kit Cassidy Character Portrait: Cameron Jensen Character Portrait: Kieran Gallagher Character Portrait: Leona Lambert Character Portrait: Clarence Lawless Character Portrait: Casper Stein
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0.00 INK

• Skaði • Mikey Santo • #197b5b • X
Hale Enterprises

Image Image Image
• 08/30/2140 • 8:45pm •


The sensation that filled the air was enough to set anyone on edge, at least for those that knew what tonight truly was. But, from an outsider's perspective, it was the annual dinner-party thrown at Atlas' very own Hale Enterprises company building. The guest-list itself was an accomplishment, seeing as how nearly every business owner, CEO, actor, model, and public influencer had been invited. If you were someone of note, chances of you being invited were high. Stereotypical, orchestral music played throughout the main dining hall that the event was being held.

Forty-Six, large circular tables were aligned, as eight chairs were seated with each that outlined the center of the room that held what could be considered a dancing floor, with an orchestra band stationed at the stage that ran alongside the large staircase that led to the room. Anyone who made their way upstairs, would be able to look down the old stone railing, looking down would see what would be notable as an indoor courtyard, of sorts. And down below, all of the tables and guests could be seen with little to no issue. It was a perfect placement for watchmen. And of course, this wouldn't be one of Xavier Hale's own parties, if personal guardsmen weren't spotted along the room. All in pristine, black suit and ties, accompanied with a hearing ear piece in their right or left ear.

The night was a buzz with energy, as guests had made their way inside already. Whether sitting at one of the many tables, speaking with other pristine guests, or sitting at a table. Waiters had made their way out of the ground-floor's kitchen, all with trays carrying an assortment of champayne, wine, and of course the finest samples of snacks that would be present all throughout the night. To the common eye, or well, Upper-City celebraties, were concerned, it was one of the finer parties anyone could and would attend. Whether to hear the latest gossip, and trade secrets, to being the first ones to hear whatever news Xavier Hale himself would reveal before the general public got word.

But tonight, it was anything but casual affairs. The Upper-Class party was simply a facade to help cover what was truly going on this night. Aegis had been alerted that a few of the pristine guests that would be invited tonight, could very possibly have some tie-ins with members of who they called The Order, and Aegis wanted whatever answers they could get from them. Assuming they'd be successful of course. At least tonight they couldn't accept failure...


Unsurprisingly, one of the many faces that would be present alongside Xavier Hale, would be one of his interns, Mikey Santo. She had become a notable face amongst the company and many other notable faces amongst Atlas. People's opinions on her had always been mixed, but people knew well enough to never speak ill of her when in the presence of those who belonged to Hale Enterprises, especially considering the blatant favoritism Xavier had shown towards her. She was someone many considered his right hand; wherever he was, she was right next to him. And this night was no different. Mikey had arrived to the party hours ahead of time. Helping reinforce security measures, keeping tabs of who was security, etc. As well as her focal duties of the night, which entailed making sure some of the bigger industry members ended up making deals with Hale Enterprises.

At least that was her role for the night on the outside. While in reality, Mikey was head of security, in plane sight. She would report to Xavier immediately if anything was out of the ordinary. And act on her role as a hero secondarily. As much as she wanted to play Hero tonight, she had her normal responsibilities to attend to tonight. Which is exactly why a team of Aegis members were also in attendance this evening. As more faces made their presence known, Mikey was able to spot a few in the crowd from where she was up on the balcony to the right that alongside the large staircase in the main room.

Bella was down below, keeping her eyes scoped out on the main floor. Leo and Paladin were somewhere else keeping watch. It didn't exactly take long for Mikey to spot the two Titans in the crowd. Looking over a few more, she could make out the all too distinguishable red hair of a tall and slim woman, with a male who stood by her side. He had darker but short hair, and rather clean shaven. They were both dressed up to the nines, brandishing some of the higher tech and jewelry Atlas had to offer. Their was no mistaking who these two individuals were. Iliana and Conroy Mikaelson. Two of the bigger names of notable faces in Atlas. As well as the very parents of Emeris Mikaelson, who was the bar-owner of Envy, as well as former hookup of Mikey. Those were two people she didn't want to see this evening, but not shocking that they'd be there tonight, all things considered. One face she was surprised she didn't see in the crowd, was Emeris themself. But she assumed they had better things to do than attend a party like this, even though they were invited, for all too obvious reasons. Even their own siblings, Sarah and Saoirse were around as well. Chatting with some A-List actors. Mikey gave a small sigh, and one last proper scan over the room, and Mikey had turned on her heels and began to make her way out of the main room, excusing herself before the main event of the night would would begin.

She raised her right hand to her ear, activating the cloaked ear piece by her ear, "Everything's looking good on the ground floor. How's out-side lookin'?" she questioned. A few short moments later another voice spoke up in the comms that were connected to all of those who belonged to Aegis, "All clear out here, boss. Will keep you up to date if-" the familiar voice of Shiloh crackled through the mic. Mikey raised her eyebrow, "Say that again? Your comm acted up-" silence fell over the comms for a moment. "I said I'd update you if we saw anything?" Shiloh repeated herself.

Mikey nodded to herself, "Alright, and make sure you check in with Sparky later. Your comms' fucked again." the blond retorted before making her way up a staircase off to the side. There was an exit door to the left, quickly punching in the six digit code, Mikey made her way through the door. It closing with an air-lock whoosh behind her as she stepped out into the cold air. Mikey's eyes trailed alongside the metal railing that kept anyone from falling off the edge, before turning to look ahead of her as she made her way alongside the outer perimeter. It was part of the route she needed to scout every few hours, just on the off chance anything happened. Xavier was being a paranoid bastard, she thought to herself. That was until she stopped walking for a moment, listened and then continued on ahead. Mikey can't believe she had been so careless, just in time as she turned on her heel and moved to the right, completely side stepping out of the way as someone's fist had been aimed right for her head.

Turning on her heel once more, Mikey saw a figure standing opposite her. They were wearing attire made entirely of black, that itself wasn't the odd part. What stood out, was the mask they wore. Half of it was black, the other was a dark orange. Mikey had only ever seen this figure once before, and it sent a shiver down her spine. The two locked eyes for just a moment, before they charged at her, and she was able to just barely step aside and out of the way. Pushing herself up against the cold stone of the wall. Her skin practically sticking to it, due to how far up they were, it was next to freezing. Her breath came out in deep puffs of white as she looked at the masked individual. Mikey cocked her head to the side, and the figure did the same.

With barely a moment's notice, the figure lurched forward once more, knocking Mikey nearly over the railing, but she was able to catch herself. "Could really use some help up here-" she was cut off mid sentence as the figure grabbed her forcefully by the side of her head, managing to take the comm by her ear and crushed it in their hand with all too much ease. "You fucker-" the figure took a few steps backwards, the railing stopping them for a moment. Mikey raised her eyebrow once more, only to see the figure look behind them once then back at Mikey, before raising their hand and retrieving two small daggers from their back. Just as another figure, dressed exactly the same way joined them by their side. Unsheathing their own weapons as well.

Mikey let out a defeated sigh, "So much for Plan A." she muttered to herself. Not only was Mikey now on her own, but outnumbered and without a way of communicating with the rest of her team. She just hoped they got the message in time...


• Isimir • Emeris Mikaelson • #8e9091 • X
Upper-City Atlas Museum

Image Image Image
• 08/30/2140 • 8:45pm •



Meanwhile across Upper-Atlas, the energy that filled the air was entirely in stark contrast. The air was silent and filled with tension as figures were spread out in various locations, hidden amongst the shadows that cascaded over the museum like a blanket. Aegis had been alerted of a supposed plan that would take place tonight. The goal? A group of individuals would be attempting to steal countless variables and artifacts. For what purpose? The heads of Aegis weren't exactly sure yet, but whatever it was, they weren't going to risk it. Alerting the police would have done nothing but cause even more tension and possibly alert the would be thieves if they so much as got wind of the police involvement.

But tonight, it just so happened that a famous artist was showing off some of their most recent and famous artwork at the local gallery that the museum had allowed new and upcoming artists to show off their work, as well as hold an auction afterwards for the art-pieces. It was a perfect occasion for a potentially robbery, but even more so, it allowed undercover Aegis members to sneak in. Whether posing as faux security, or even event attendees. It was all too perfect. Amongst the people attending the auction, there were notable faces in the crowd, from actors, public infuencers, and even some politicians that were interested in the art-show.

Throughout the rooftop of the Museum, there were three figures that were all in line of each other's sight. Two of them were stationed across the rooftop, making eyecontact with the one figure who was hidden off by themself in a perched position. They would have been entirely undetectable, if it hadn't been for the slight glint of the moonlight that bounced off of the jet-black metal of the sniper rifle in their hands, balanced perfectly behind a small border. The figure had been looking through the scope of the gun, the sight aimed through the glass pain window that filtered moonlight through into the ceiling. As the figure moved their head back from the rifle, they lifted up their right hand in a hand gun gesture, and silently motioned as if they made a shot. The lights of the LED mask lit up with a content expression as they did so.

"Isimir, quit fuckin' around and fuckin' focus." a deep and gruff voice crackled through the comms. The figure gave an over dramatic shrug across the way before speaking up, "Well someone is grumpy today, now huh? And for your information, I am focusing, Reaper. So well in fact, I know exactly what they're doin' down there!" the masked hero retorted back in return. The semi-robotic voice coming through the comms. Reaper simply shook his head as he brought a hand up to face palm the skull painted mask, which was partially obstructed by the hood of his cloak. "Then what are they doing down there, if you're so damn cocky?" he questioned back.

Silence filled both the air and the comms for a moment, before static crackled to life throughout the comms before a voice spoke up, "Well, if you must know, my dear friend! They're currently laughing with an obnoxious, clearly fake laugh as they drink some stupid champayne with their rich friends. What else do rich people do anyways? Except counting coins and being selfish assholes?" Isimir retorted sarcastically. A rough sounding scoff was returned for a moment, "Got me there, kid." Reaper responded before continuing:

"Well, if you see anything out of the ordinary, you know what to do-"
"What do you mean by that? Why are you sounding like you're leaving-"
"Well if you'd just-"
"You know how ansty I get whenever you leave me alone, especially when you leave me alone with him!" gesturing at Drake. Who clearly didn't look pleased with that comment.
"Well if you'd just shut the fuck up, you'd know why." Reaper grunted with an annoyed tone.
"Well don't need to sound so upset. But please go on. I like to hear your thoughts-"
An annoyed and tired sigh could be heard in response over the comms before it went entirely silent for a full minute before crackling back to life.
"I'm going to go in and personally scope things out."
Silence filled the air before a small chuckle could be heard, "Oh I bet you are-" was all that was said before it was clear that Reaper shut his comm off.

Isimir just looked across the way at Drake who was still in the shadows and gave another dramatic shrug in his direction. Looking back through the scope of the rifle they had in their hands, "Oh sweet jesus fuckin' christ, fuck me uuppp-" Isimir mumbled into their comm that was built into the headset that was inside their mask. "Drakey...I think you're gonna wanna take a look at this..." Isimir started back on the comms again, peering through the scope once more, "Mommy...Sorry...Mommy...Sorry, I mean Mommy, sorry-" they continued mumbling, as their eyes locked on to one figure in specific. It was a tall, slender and curvy woman with an entirely black dress. It hung snuggly to her body as she walked with a sense of purpose, effortlessly making her way through the doors and into the main room where the art exhibit was taking place. Isimir tracked the female with the use of the scope on the rifle, watching as the woman marched her way over to another woman before coming to a stop. Isimir couldn't tell what they were saying from this distance, but they were smart enough to have put the pieces together. "Oh fuck me..."

"What now???" Reaper's voice broke through the comms once more. "Uh...Daddy-I mean Reaper...You've got company-" An annoyed groan escaped Reaper, "Be more specific." he demanded. Entirely ignoring what he was called seconds prior. "I mean two very sexy and badass women to your left, less than a hundred feet away from you. Way too sexy to be simple party goers..." Isimir answered. Even with the distortion affect on their mic, the sign of clear worry could be detected in the tone they used. "...Do you mean-" "Femme Fetale? Yes! That is exactly what I mean, Reaper. Plus...I'd notice those asses anywhere from chasing them all over the god damn city...We got trouble, my good bitches."

A heavy sigh came from Reaper's end of the comms once more. Realizing just how serious his young side kick was being, in their weird, Isimir way, of course. "Everyone got that? We're not alone here. And if Isimir is correct...We got more problems than we initially thought. Keep your eyes out for them. The first sign of anything at play? We light them up. Minimal citizen casualties, as always. Fan out and keep your eyes peeled. Shit goes down, we go dark."



2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikey Santo Character Portrait: Leona Lambert
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0.00 INK

• Leo Lambert • Quantum •

“Remind me stop letting you drag me to these stupid things,” Paladin grumbled into the ice of her dwindling glass of water. Steely cold eyes brimming with irritation followed a pair of young women as they retreated from the brief but praise-filled conversation. They were what would now be the sixth and seventh pair of eyes to fall on the two heroes, and upon seeing them, approached to fill the air with more mindless chatter. Leo, of course, ate all of this up in stride, while Aisling on the other hand wasn’t one to participate in formalities such as these. They weren’t far from the main commotion in the center of the room; a few ways away to the side so they could survey their surroundings easily. In fact, Leo spotted some familiar faces among the crowd. They would get to greeting them afterwards; right now they were enjoying soaking in the limelight, per usual.

Leo’s gaze was locked on the same targets, though flitting up and down occasionally to take in more of the two women than they should. The exchange had been a touch flirty, but with the way Leo looks, it's not a revelation to anyone. Of course, Switchblade fitted them out nicely, with a mahogany colored suit, the star of which being the patterned jacket. It was well fitted, but perhaps a bit too much, making mobility more difficult, but it looked damn good. For the night, they assumed it would be suitable. Their eyes lingered as they opened their mouth to speak, “I didn’t make you do anything, you were invited by Xavier personally just like I was. Don’t put this one on me.” They raised their own glass to their lips, but the contents of said glass was nothing short of the finest champagne available.

Aisling’s scowl was ever present, even though she knew she was wrong. “Aren’t we supposed to be security? Should you be drinking?”

The response was noted by Leo; Aisling likes deferring to a different subject when she’s wrong. Their usual smile was starting to grow. “Please. I could drink two bottles of this stuff and feel nothing,” As if to punctuate their statement, they finished the rest of their drink in one swift chug. “Second of all, you were invited for security. I was invited because I’m an influencer,” They put a little extra annunciation on the final word, and the smile shifted into more of a grin.

“Whoever taught you that word should be drawn and quartered,” Despite their exchange of words, Aisling didn’t feel the need to turn to Leo. Although the two were bickering, there was comfortable air between them at all times.

“Hey, you can only blame yourself for this one. You’re the person who introduced me to this life,” Leo tossed a light tease as they waved down one of the many waiters in hopes of filling up their glass.

Another scoff. “You know, your voice gets deeper when you talk to pretty girls,” Aisling’s retort was hardly scathing to the younger super, and it was yet another subject change. One more point for Leo. She paused as she heard a buzzing in her ear. Were the comms acting up? It ended shortly after, so she figured nothing of it. Hundreds of years of technology, and nobody could get wireless data transmission to work perfectly.

“Is that so?” Leo’s tone displayed their lack of offense or surprise. They swallowed before continuing, this time pitch shifting their voice even lower than before by pulling from a deeper register in their chest, “That’s not the lowest I can go, you know.”

Aisling’s shock was apparent, though only for a moment, because she hid her emotions shortly after. Back to being indifferent. “You are too much, honestly,” She shook her head.

Another point to me. Leo left the conversation there because a rather cute waiter was approaching with another unopened bottle of champagne. Their excitement bubbled over as they swayed in their spot: maybe he would let them unseal it? Popping open a new bottle of champagne was too much fun. But, before he could take the final steps to reach them, the two women who they had spoken to just minutes before pushed their way through the crowd to make it back. Leo’s friendly, warm smile returned as they greeted them again, “Ladies, welcome back! Did you want to talk about something else?”

The both of them appeared frightened, and Leo’s brow furrowed in concern. “There’s something going on on one of the balconies. Maybe a fight or something? We heard shouting over there. We weren’t sure, we wanted to get someone more qualified to take care of it,” Their apparent distress wasn’t enough to keep another subtle compliment from leaking through, even as they gestured in the direction of the noises.

“Oh boy,” Leo sighed. “Probably some drunk suits arguing about stocks again. I’ll take care of it, Aisling.” They rolled their shoulders, allowing their suit jacket to fall off. “Watch this for me? It costs more than Switchblade was willing to admit, be a shame if I dirtied it before the party’s even started.” They held the garment out, and Paladin accepted it, though not without a roll of their eyes.

“Sure you can handle it?” Aisling asked, but she knew the answer she would receive already.

“Of course.” The white undershirt and vest hugged their form, but at least their shoulders weren’t restricted anymore. “Juice me a little, just in case.”

The older super quirked a brow. “For what? If they’re just drunk idiots, what do you need it for?”

“They could be drunk super idiots. I just wanna be prepared,” Leo held out their hand. In a setting like this, it would be a bit strange to see someone start punching someone else. So Leo and Aisling have a “secret handshake” that consists of several slides and bumps between their fists. If Leo did this to a normal human, it wouldn’t make much of a difference. But with Aisling, by the end of it, Leo had enough power worth a few of her punches. And they thought it was pretty cool too.

Aisling agreed, they did their little handshake, and Leo turned to leave. “Call me if you need anything. And hey, maybe grab some more of the bubbly. That usually smooths things over.”

Leo nodded in agreement and approached the cute waiter who they had seen earlier. And sure enough, he still had that unopened bottle of wine in his hand. It didn’t take much coaxing to get it from him; a few smiles, kind words, and his eyes were wide as he stared up at the charming super before him. Alcohol in hand, Leo set off in the direction the women had pointed to, and after a few minutes of listening, they heard exactly what was described. Shouting, the sounds of combat, but nothing slurred implying intoxication, growing louder as they climbed some steps. Leo’s hair started to stand on end. Although they were joking about it earlier, the presence of Paladin and Quantum were meant to be additional protection. Sense of duty in tow, they typed in the temporary code they were given, and sure enough, the doors popped open.

It was cold. The wind bit at their cheeks as their pace quickened, but they ignored it. Now wasn’t the time to whine about being cold. The energy bouncing around in their body would keep them warm enough for now. And before long, Leo spotted what the “commotion” was. They recognized Mikey in an instant; the two had met quite a few times before, earlier in the night included. (and it's not like Leo could forget her after what happened between her and Ris). She was being attacked by some masked men, and although she was holding her own, it was clear she was losing.

“Hey!” Leo shouted, pulling all the attention off of Mikey to them. It wasn’t a particularly difficult task, considering they were a lumbering beast in size with glowing eyes approaching from the darkness. “What in the world is going on here?” They asked, but they weren’t looking for an answer. They wanted time, time to get closer, and with each step, the assailants grew more prepared. Not like it mattered. “Don’t you know there’s a party inside?” Leo was close now, less than 10 feet. “Look, I even brought some champagne for us to share!” That was it. They were too close now, too close to not be considered a threat. One of the masked figures charged them, blades drawn. Leo’s grip shifted to the neck of the bottle, and before the attacker’s daggers could even strike Leo, they swung the bottle upwards. It shattered underneath the assailant’s chin, and with the extra force behind it, sent him flying both upwards and backwards. Leo side-stepped as quick as they could, but a bit of the alcohol got on their pants, which fouled their mood in an instant.

“I quite liked this outfit, you-” Before their complaint could be fully realized, the other attacker stepped over the unconscious body of their ally to run towards Leo as well. Leo humored them, allowing their blades to swing, but they were caught in their hands all too easily, no blood drawn. They couldn’t risk messing up their suit any more. The assailant let go of the blades, now tight in the grasp of Leo’s hands, to throw a punch at their head. Their fist simply bounced off of Leo’s face; they even heard a cry of pain underneath that mask as they clutched it to their chest and stumbled away, trying to escape. It was the only sound they’d heard these guys make, and they found that strange. The blades were tossed behind their back, out of arm’s reach of both of them. “You hit like a bitch!” Leo took a step, but rather than place their foot on the ground, they exploded forward. They released some force from their feet, allowing them to catch up with the masked individual easily. The two came crashing onto the ground of the balcony with Leo on top, and the attacker on their stomach. “I think it's time you take a little nap like your buddy. See you in the morning!” One of their thick arms wrapped around the assailant’s neck, and with a little upward force for a minute, they were limp beneath them.

Leo stood, surveying their handiwork, before remembering Mikey. With ease, they dragged the second attacker over to the first, lying them next to each other. Now that they were within eyesight (and punching distance in case they woke up), Leo could tend to Mikey. “Are you alright?” They asked first, the playfulness from their fight fading into genuine worry. “I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner, comms are all over the place right now. Can you stand?” They asked, but held out their arm regardless, just in case. “Who in the world are these guys? How did they even get up here?” Now that the danger was gone, Leo couldn’t help but wonder what the identity of these attackers was, and what their motives could possibly be. This just seemed so… sloppy. Surely they must have known there would be supers at this party?


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikey Santo Character Portrait: Bella Clayton Character Portrait: Emeris Mikaelson Character Portrait: Kieran Gallagher Character Portrait: Leona Lambert
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0.00 INK

bella clayton.
outfit. sentinel. #772222.
xxx the sun's starting to light up
xxx when we're walking home
xxx tired little laugh, gold lie promises
xxx we'll always win at this

This was Bella's first event without Page; both for Hale Enterprises and for Aegis. She'd been given time to recover from both, but the world had to stay moving, and now it was time for her to re-enter the world. She kept going to search out her mentor to make some smart comment about Dave from Admin or to offer to set her up with whatever handsome waiter handed them champagne. And every time, she would start to move, and then remember.

She tried to throw herself into work to distract herself from it. Officially, she was there to manage social media content for the event. Unofficially, she was also there as part of the undercover security team; although she had to question how feasible that would be in her dress and heels. She felt naked without any weapons. When Shiloh and Mikey said something in her earpiece about earpieces acting up, it just made her nervous. She'd barely been able to hear their voices. So instead, she focused on her cover.

"Can you send me a few photos to go up on our instagram? Preferably from when people were arriving? And can you also send me your instagram handle so I can tag you in them? Gotta get you that credit, right?" She said. The photographer grinned at her.
"Tell you what. Give me your number, and I'll text them to you," he said. Bella's smile became a little more forced, although it didn't change externally.
"Sorry, man. It's all gotta go through my work email, or else my boss will get mad at me. You know what it's like." She scribbled her work email down on a napkin and handed it to the photographer, who was shrugged a little.
"Shame. I'll send them on to you now," he said. He left the conversation at that, and Bella sighed with relief as she turned around.

It was as she turned around that her earpiece began to buzz, and she caught a strangled cry of Mikey's voice. That wasn't good. She turned around, scanning the room for a disturbance. She couldn't see anything, so she began to head for the door to see if she could get her comms to reconnect once she was outside. Then she heard someone whispering about some drunks having a fight up on the balcony. That seemed like a good spot to start. She calmly and coolly glided out of the room, before breaking into a run once she was out of sight.

The fight was over by the time she got there, and Leo had bet her to it. She sighed with relief at the presence of another hero there. "Mikey, the fuck is up with your comms? I barely knew it was you and I only got like half a word before the signal died altogether." She sighed, before turning to look at Leo. "Hello, Leo. You look amazing, as always."

kieran gallagher.
outfit. mask. charon. #757576.
xxx these are the eyes
xxx and the lies of the taken
xxx these are their hearts
xxx but their hearts don't beat like ours

The gods were apparently not willing to help Kieran out today. Somehow, he'd been one of the ones to end up inside the museum. He'd specifically requested he was kept out of the museum if possible, but instead, here he was, staring at a sword and being able to hear its final owner bitching about that "foul villain who hath slain" him, all while crouching in the shadows of a balcony overlooking the party. The noise of the ghosts, not just the knight standing beside him and striding up and down the corridor while swearing revenge, was significant, and he could feel a headache starting.

But even the noise of the ghosts wasn't enough to drown out the fact that Ris was on top form in his earpiece. He was having to resist the temptation to either take out his earpiece for five minutes of peace or tell them where to shove it. When they swore, he wasn't sure whether or not to wonder if they'd just seen a particularly attractive woman, or if there was something wrong. And then the hair stood up on the back of his neck, and his attention was drawn, as if by magnetism, towards a woman in a clingy black dress. She was stunning, her dress clinging in all the right places, but that wasn't why she caught Kieran's attention. To him, she positively reeked of death. It seemed that this time, it was both a hot woman and something wrong.

"My eleven o clock. Black, clingy dress. Just entered. Taking to equally hot woman. They're our targets?" Kieran confirmed, speaking into the mic built into his sleeve.
"Copy that and confirm. Good news is, we know she hasn't gotten any hidden weapons," Maelstrom murmured in response. The smirk was evident in his voice. Kieran scanned the room, before spotting the familiar mop of blue hair. He was on the other side of the room, but had a direct line of sight to her.
"You're probably the only person here who thought that, you realise that, Mael?"
"That's why you get a gay to be your lookout."

Kieran slowly crept along the balcony, careful to make sure he was still cloaked in shadow. "Confirm direct visual on her from my position."
"That woman... her attire... what woman would wear such a thing? She... she is a witch!"
"Thanks for that, Sir Percival," he mumbled, rolling his eyes.
"Give me my sword and I will slay her, for the good of the country!"
"No. You don't get your sword until we know she's going to attack."
"You would sabotage me, young page?"
"... yes. Now be quiet."


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikey Santo Character Portrait: Bastien Delacourt Character Portrait: Ada Forrest Character Portrait: Emeris Mikaelson Character Portrait: Cameron Jensen Character Portrait: Kieran Gallagher Character Portrait: Leona Lambert
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0.00 INK

Outfit The Druid Hex:#b54ea2

Ada slipped her phone back into her bag and rocked back and forth on her heels. Fancy dinners had never really been her thing, but this was Aegis. She couldn’t really say no, especially not when her parents were on the invite list as well. Ada took a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and took a sip. As much as she wanted to enjoy the night, she had to be alert. The Order had already come too close and now they were closing in even more. She released a sigh.

“Relax.” Ada nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard Kye behind her.

“Jesus Christ Kye, can you not?”

The smile faded from Kye’s face for a moment. “What’s up with you?”

Her tongue felt heavy. Telling him would be the easiest thing in the world, but she couldn’t. Not with Xander making his views on supers so well known. She couldn’t dump that on Kye. “Just nervous I guess.”

She pretended to not see the glance down to her leg before Kye put his arm around her shoulder and swiped a canape with the other hand. “You’ll be fine.” He took a bite. “These things always play out the same. People schmooze and make golf plans or whatever, a few people have too much champagne and then split off to whichever White Castle has the smallest drive-thru queue because there wasn’t enough food.”

“White Castle? Really?”

“What’s wrong with White Castle?”

Ada shook her head. “Nothing. You’ve just absolutely destroyed the image I had of you in my head. You know, the one where you have taste?” Her jaw tensed when she heard the electric buzz in her ear. She wasn’t exactly a tech expert, but she knew that it wasn’t good. The voices coming through were garbled like they were filtered through water. She looked around the room. Through the pockets of people, she saw Leo weaving through to the exit. Ok, ok, that’s gonna be fine. “I’ll just be a minute,” she said to Kye and excused herself from the room. She might have perked up a few of the flower arrangements on her way, no one can prove anything.

Ada locked the bathroom door behind her and slid her earpiece out. The casing wasn’t cracked, she couldn’t see any loose wire hanging out. It looked the same as it always did. Maybe a storm was rolling in, the electricity in the air interfering with the signal. She rolled the earpiece between her hands and slid it back in place. She quickly checked beneath the door. No one else was here. Good. “Guys, what’s going on?” She still kept her voice low. You could never be too careful. “My comms are acting up.”

Outfit Variant Hex:#1a7572

At any given moment, Cameron could be in a hundred different places. Well, maybe not a hundred. He’d tried that once and the memory rush at the end had left him with a migraine lasting for nearly two weeks. The point is, pinning him down can be difficult. At this moment in time, Cameron is collecting a delivery for the Word Exchange. He’s also tuning a receiver to tap into police broadcasts. He’s also trying to not be distracted by the suit Charon is wearing. But we digress.

Isimir’s voice crackled through on the comms from their highpoint somewhere above. "Drakey...I think you're gonna wanna take a look at this..." There was static for a moment before Isimir’s voice came back. "Mommy…Sorry...Mommy...Sorry, I mean Mommy, sorry-"

Cameron bit the inside of his cheek to suppress a laugh. “Think Drakey’s spoken for Isimir, you trying to get him in trouble?” He leaned back against the wall, looking down to the lower floor. There was a stone bench a few paces away. He could sit down, but knowing his luck it would be a modern art installation and alarms would start blaring as soon as he looked at it. His survival plan at this point was ‘Don’t Get Chewed By Reaper’ and it was working pretty well. Setting off an alarm during a stakeout would end that perfect streak.

It wasn’t often that Cam felt like the new kid that he very much was on the team, but when they started talking about being on eleven and fours, he got lost. Why couldn’t they just say ‘heading towards X exhibit’? Would that be so hard? He rolled his neck and slipped away from himself. Variant pulled his mask into place and headed back over himself. “Copy, Variant One in position. There was a second and then Cameron heard himself over the comms. “Variant Two, I’m heading to the security hub."

Variant cracked his fingers one by one as he slipped away to the back of the art gallery. The forced laughter from the party faded. The neon street signs lit the world outside. He normally wasn’t one for the Upper City. It was too loud, too bright, and it got dialed all the way up when you were seeing it from six different points of view. Stay on task Cam… Variant slowed as he approached the security door. He prodded the door with his toe and it swung open and back again. Clearly whoever was in there had been sloppy. Variant opened the door and slid inside, making sure to close it behind him properly.

Finally, the security guard noticed him. “Who the hell are you?”

Variant rocked onto his toes and swung his arms awkwardly. “You probably don’t believe that I got lost looking for the bathroom, do you?”


“No...didn’t think you would. I don’t suppose you could just step aside and let me use the cameras? Would be a lot easier for both of us.”

Very carefully, the guard began to reach under his desk. Panic button? A gun? Either way, Variant didn’t want to know for certain. A second Variant lunged forward and pulled the guard’s hand back, spinning him around and into his clone’s fist. They hauled the guard up and slammed him headfirst into the wall, just for good measure. Variant high-fived himself and then there was only one. A shiver went down his spine as he remembered the fight from another point of view. He ducked down and searched the space the guard had reached for. There was an assortment of candy wrappers and a taser thrown in haphazardly, and a panic button attached to the underside. Variant pocketed the taser and took the guard's seat.

He looked over the screens, tracking the people inside, and followed the path to the two women they were targeting. “Oh…shit...” He tapped his comm. “Variant Two, security hub is secured. I have a taser, a panic button, and visual on the targets and would also like to note that Charon’s hair is looking especially good today.”


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikey Santo Character Portrait: Bella Clayton Character Portrait: Ada Forrest Character Portrait: Kit Cassidy Character Portrait: Leona Lambert
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0.00 INK

xxxxxx[ The Monkey Dork ]

xxxxxx[ Name x/ /x Kit Cassidy ]

xxxxxx[ Code Name x/ /x Spark-Plug ]

xxxxxx[ Outfit x/ /x X ]

xxxxxx[ Music x/ /x X ]

xxxxxx[ Hex x/ /x #698B69 ]
Organized chaos. Kit zipped around his lab frantically but at the same time his calm aura made it appear completely controlled. Hence why he would be best described as in a constant state of organized chaos whenever it pertained to him in his lab. Truthfully, he should be attending the party and making small talk with investors about his latest creations but why would he ever want to waste his time on something like that? Socializing was already nerve wracking enough but it seemed like such a waste of his time. He’s much more useful in his lab after all.

Currently he is finishing up the prototype models of a new communications system he wanted the team to use. He figured it’d be more beneficial to the archaic system Aegis had them using tonight. During this time, he was also flipping through security cameras at the party and listening into conversations. Seemed like a better way to know what happened without the pain of human interaction. He stopped for a moment for a couple of bong rips because why not while he was here.

It was at this moment he became fully distracted when the camera landed on Bella. And it continued to be panned on Bella for far too long as Kit neglected what he was working on and just stared at his screen with the worlds goofiest look one could come up with. Wow, she looks so incredible. I should go down and talk to her. He zoomed the camera in a bit further before he rested his cheek into his palm and continued being the world's biggest creep. As much as he wanted to go down and talk to her. There’s no way he could. What would he even say? He can barely speak a cohesive sentence to people he despises. With her it’s even worse. He attempts but instead ends up running away if they aren’t sparring or that one time she snuck into his car but that was completely different circumstances.

Suddenly the screens tuned into the cameras started to act strangely. He’d barely heard Mikey’s comms go down but it wasn’t like he was entirely paying attention to where she even was given his current distraction. Instead it was seeing Bella leave in a panic that sent him on high alert and scanning the screens to find everyone’s locations before every screen of his that was connected to the security camera suddenly went blank in unison. Well that’s not good…

Just then, a hand came crashing down to the back of his head as a slap deserving of being on one of the anime’s he had queued up on one of his many screens. “Stop being a stalker, nerd.” Seven…

“Stop being such a jerk, jerk.” Kit retorted back as he rubbed the back of his head. Seven simply laughed at him. “Good one.” God she was so annoying. Why did he get stuck with her as a mentor again anyway?

“Comms are down. Not sure if you noticed while you were drooling all over your monitors. But somethings up and Mikey’s disappeared.”

“Thank you captain obvious. I had no idea.”

“Didn’t seem like it from where I was standing.”

“Whatever. Just hand me that screwdriver and quit wasting my time.” Kit rolled his eyes as he stuck out his hand. Seven complied but not without more added sass to give. “Not sure how building toys solves the missing team member issue...”

“Neither does arguing with someone old enough to be your child.” The fact that Seven didn’t slap him was more surprising than the fact that he even had the balls to make a comment on her age. Must be the weed. “Done. You go grab Ada from the party and anyone else if they turn up. I know where Mikey is and I need to get this to her. If this much of our system crashes I'm gonna need to get communications up fast before I can figure out who got into our system.”

Seven saluted him while he rolled his eyes. “Whatever you say ‘oh fearless leader’. I never realized how handsome you can be when you’re not an annoying ball of anxiety.” With that, she was gone and heading straight for Ada to clue her in on everything that was happening. She may not want to admit that Kit was right to be worried but why should she worry when she has luck on her side?

Kit b-lined it to Mikey’s location. He came running down with his favored bo staff in hand and his new invention tucked into his jacket. When he made it to the door he decided it would be a genius idea to use his bio electric powers to help him bust open the door and send it flying (if anyone is behind that door... he’s sorry) before jumping through the entrance twirling his no staff around and yelling out, “There’s no need to fear! Spark-Plug is here!” And grinning like the childish idiot he probably is. He looked at everyone and then came to the realization that Bella was right there and now any bit of confidence he may have had in that moment has now sunk down to the depths of hell where they belong. “I-I uh made this thing. It-It’s to boost your tel-t-telepathy p-powers so we ca-can all be mind l-linked.” His gaze met his feet as he presented her the silver band and then handed the ear pieces to everyone else. God I’m so stupid…


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikey Santo Character Portrait: Bella Clayton Character Portrait: Kit Cassidy Character Portrait: Leona Lambert Character Portrait: Clarence Lawless
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0.50 INK

“Clarence, you will be assigned to Team Skaði.”

The words had been music to his ears: a symphony of validation after years of trials, tribulations, and most importantly, training. Everything before had been either a simulation or errands of no true consequence. Whether it was rescuing cats from trees, returning lost goods, or helping kids find their way home none of it affected the big picture and nearly all of it involved the supervision of a random security guard or cop. There was no excitement or impact. None of these were things only he could do.

Blending into the party was easy, especially when half of the team was employed by Hale Enterprises or part of Atlas’s elite. Clarence however, was neither. Having slipped through the cracks and into Aegis’ lap he was a nobody and therefore, perfect for the role of the waiter. Per their instructions he was to be a fly on the wall, listening for suspicious activity and providing backup should something happen.

“Yes, Quillcoin is on the up and up these days,” a bespectacled man mused, “I might pick up a few thousand myself.”

“You can’t be serious Rembrandt. Money stored through the Internet? How will anyone verify its value?” his partner, a brunette woman asked.

“We already pay through cards and wire everything online. Athereum is the way of the future!” he exclaimed before downing the rest of his champagne.

God, this is so boring, Clarence held back an eyeroll as the two continued debating ecommerce. Was this what rich people talked about these days?

Before Clarence could walk away however, Rembrandt set his empty glass on the hero’s tray.

“Young man, please bring us another round of drinks,” the man said.

“Oh, and more of those lovely tapenade crostinis!”

Nodding silently, Clarence walked away from the couple and towards the back of the venue. Behind two hallways and a pair of black doors was the kitchen where the staff was having a celebration of their own (at least as much as one could while still serving the upper crust of Atlas). Empty champagne bottles, cigarette butts, and plates were all piled in the sink while a tray of stuffed mushrooms thawed on the counter top. Of the ten staff members working tonight four were in the ballroom, two of them called off and as it seemed, the rest were back here. One of the waiters had their feet kicked up on the table, the chef was missing, and the janitor was swirling a glass of red wine.

“We need more champagne and that olive paste,” Clarence announced, setting the empty glasses in the sink.

“Mmm, that’s a Kelsey problem, not a me problem,” one of the waiters yawned.

“Okay so where is she?” he asked.

“Smoke break,” the other staff member answered before pouring himself another glass.

Great. If there was one thing that people loved hearing, it was that something wasn’t available to them.

“But then... what do I tell them?” Clarence asked.

“Don’t tell them anything. Just wait for them to forget,” he shrugged, “we’re getting paid by the hour, not the plate.”

Strictly speaking, Clarence wasn’t getting paid at all.

Aside from the free food, he had no incentive to be on this specific mission. He would have been fine anywhere and if not today, he would have been happy to accept his first mission tomorrow. But being here, having this opportunity was more than just coincidence. He had no interest in bumping elbows with celebrities or learning to serve the rich. He only cared about one attendee: Alexa Lawrence. Outside of a cursory patrol around the ballroom, he had spent the last hour following behind her and her date, his plate a hodgepodge of drinks and Hors d'oeuvres he pilfered from other servers.

He wanted to say something, anything, but each time he opened his mouth he could only manage a whisper. Would she explain how she abandoned him so easily? Would she apologize? Would she even recognize him? Though they shared eyes and cheekbones, one wouldn’t have known they were related at first glance. As a child, she’d told him that he always looked more like his grandfather and given that she never met his father, it was hard to say that Clarence received anything from him.

He certainly didn’t step in, when Clarence was tossed out the door.


Glancing to his left, he saw the janitor gesturing for him to grab a glass.

"Come have a drink."

Nodding gratefully, Clarence put down his tray and walked over before downing the wine.


"Easy there, the party's still going on for another two hours," the janitor chuckled.

"Either way you look like you've seen a ghost," the waiter commented.

Well he was half right.

Before he could correct his co-worker, a garbled noise buzzed through his earpiece.

"Say that again? Your comm acted up-"

“Hello? Mike-Skaoi? Skaoi?”

More garbled noise followed through before cutting out entirely.

“Dude, who are you talking to?” the waiter asked, knitting his brow.


Shit. Shit. Shit. He was not supposed to use their real names or code names...or talk out loud for that matter. Was this guy going to find out that Mikey was Skaoi? Would Aegis have to kill him? Would he?

”Are you okay? You’re getting pale. Like even more than normal,” the waiter frowned.

I’ll be right back!” Clarence announced before tossing his glass (and missing) into the sink.

“What about your tapenade?” the waiter asked.

“Tell them I’m on a smoke break!”

Bolting out the back door, Clarence circled around the premises looking for signs of a brawl. He could feel his heart beating with anticipation, ears burning at the thought of bursting onto the scene with a superhero landing. Wildman would save the day with his patented "Serenity Inducement", lulling the villains into a false sense of security before taking them out with the one-two punch.

So naturally, the moment he finally arrived, all of the thugs were unconscious and the rest of his team (Ada aside) were wrapping up their discussion.

“Aw man, you took them all down without me?"

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Character Portrait: Clarence Lawless
2 sightings Clarence Lawless played by ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
lab monke

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Mikey Santo
Character Portrait: Bella Clayton
Character Portrait: Cameron Jensen
Character Portrait: Casper Stein
Character Portrait: Ada Forrest
Character Portrait: Kit Cassidy
Character Portrait: Bastien Delacourt
Character Portrait: Kieran Gallagher
Character Portrait: Emeris Mikaelson
Character Portrait: Leona Lambert
Character Portrait: Morgana Ishida


Character Portrait: Leona Lambert
Leona Lambert

"Lets lock and load and rock and roll, baby!"

Character Portrait: Emeris Mikaelson
Emeris Mikaelson

"There's a reason I go through that door first. It's to make sure everyone else walks back out of it alive."

Character Portrait: Kieran Gallagher
Kieran Gallagher

"It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life."

Character Portrait: Bastien Delacourt
Bastien Delacourt

"Fuck off before I bite your throat off."

Character Portrait: Kit Cassidy
Kit Cassidy

"So who wants to test out my latest gadget?"

Character Portrait: Ada Forrest
Ada Forrest

Peaceful, not harmless

Character Portrait: Casper Stein
Casper Stein

Sometimes dead is better.

Character Portrait: Cameron Jensen
Cameron Jensen

Rise and shine buttercup, there's fuckery to spread

Character Portrait: Bella Clayton
Bella Clayton

"I just wanna know, will it be alright?"


Character Portrait: Kieran Gallagher
Kieran Gallagher

"It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life."

Character Portrait: Cameron Jensen
Cameron Jensen

Rise and shine buttercup, there's fuckery to spread

Character Portrait: Leona Lambert
Leona Lambert

"Lets lock and load and rock and roll, baby!"

Character Portrait: Mikey Santo
Mikey Santo

"We break noses and accept the consequences."

Character Portrait: Bastien Delacourt
Bastien Delacourt

"Fuck off before I bite your throat off."

Character Portrait: Bella Clayton
Bella Clayton

"I just wanna know, will it be alright?"

Character Portrait: Emeris Mikaelson
Emeris Mikaelson

"There's a reason I go through that door first. It's to make sure everyone else walks back out of it alive."

Character Portrait: Kit Cassidy
Kit Cassidy

"So who wants to test out my latest gadget?"

Character Portrait: Casper Stein
Casper Stein

Sometimes dead is better.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kit Cassidy
Kit Cassidy

"So who wants to test out my latest gadget?"

Character Portrait: Kieran Gallagher
Kieran Gallagher

"It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life."

Character Portrait: Leona Lambert
Leona Lambert

"Lets lock and load and rock and roll, baby!"

Character Portrait: Bella Clayton
Bella Clayton

"I just wanna know, will it be alright?"

Character Portrait: Mikey Santo
Mikey Santo

"We break noses and accept the consequences."

Character Portrait: Ada Forrest
Ada Forrest

Peaceful, not harmless

Character Portrait: Bastien Delacourt
Bastien Delacourt

"Fuck off before I bite your throat off."

Character Portrait: Casper Stein
Casper Stein

Sometimes dead is better.

Character Portrait: Cameron Jensen
Cameron Jensen

Rise and shine buttercup, there's fuckery to spread

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