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Aura and Edge



a part of Aura and Edge, by daathkil.

TriBeca: Manhattan, New York... Initial reports were of a small girl, perhaps seven years old, being seen hurling a taxi cab into a diner. It didn't make sense....but then, nothing did.

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over TriBeCa, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

263 readers have been here.


Tribeca (sometimes stylized as TriBeCa) is a neighborhood in Lower Manhattan, New York in the United States. Its name is a portmanteau composed of the words "Triangle below Canal Street", and is properly bounded by Canal Street, West Street, Broadway, and Chambers Street.
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TriBeca: Manhattan, New York... Initial reports were of a small girl, perhaps seven years old, being seen hurling a taxi cab into a diner. It didn't make sense....but then, nothing did.


TriBeCa is a part of New York.


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The Tribeca neighborhood was just as busy as ever, people here and there, cars passing by but everywhere in New York seemed eternally busy. Compared to other areas though it was pretty safe, so her brother wouldn’t nag at her about a young woman walking around New York alone and blah, blah, blah. Edana rolled her eyes at the thought of her brother as she slowly paced down the sidewalk. That bastard, found my last stashed pack of cigarettes and then disposed of them! How does he always know where I hide them, how?! She yelled in her mind, trying to piece together exactly how her goody, goody cop brother deduced where her hidey holes were. Eh, no matter, he had been called into work so that meant she had the evening to do whatever she wished since she had the night off from work. Tonight she planned on trying to be the first person to develop lung cancer in a few hours by chain smoking just to prove a point to her brother. The point being she could do whatever she wanted and apparently develop a terminal illness because of doing what she wished. The sarcastic thought brought a smirk to her face, she knew she was being immature but dammit she was an adult and if she wanted to smoke and spend her life tending at a bar then so be it! It’s not like she was good for anything else anyway, she wasn’t a genius, wasn’t gifted at anything in particular really so what could someone that blended in so well with the crowd do with her life besides that, just blending. To add to her frustration her skin had been tingling all day, all over just underneath, like an annoying itch she couldn’t scratch. She didn’t know what the hell was up with that but it was frustrating.

After acquiring a pack of cigarettes, she leaned herself back onto a wall to relax and smoke. Taking out her old lighter, she flicked at the switch in order to light the cigarette dangling from her mouth. This damn thing always took forever to bring up a flame, click, clickâ€Ļclick. There was a pause after the second click of the switch as her eyes drifted up and focused on an individual across the street. Squinting her eyes, it was clear it was a child, a little girl and something was off about her. Edana swallowed as she watched the kid, taking in what she looked like. Dirty dress, stuffed animal, as creepy and off as the girl looked she had to wonder if she was lost. No one else seemed to pay her any mind though, just walking by as if she didn’t exist. What was the world coming to, now people won’t even stop to help a lost little girl? Fine, she thought exasperatedly, guess I’m just going to have to waste my precious energy to cross the street and help her out. Looking down she placed her lighter back into her pocket and when she looked up, it wasn’t what she expected.

A car spun towards her in the air, the cigarette fell from her mouth as she leaped out of the way with a shout of, “AH SHIT!” The vehicle barely missed her as it smashed into the wall where she had been previously standing, her elbow now bloody from skidding across the rough asphalt to make an escape. She didn’t even feel the injury, her adrenaline pumped through her veins, that damn tingling was getting strong and what THE HELL just happened?! Laying there on her side on the ground, she trembled with energy, her breaths coming in short, choppy bursts. “God, what just happened?” Looking over across the street, the child, she moved her hand up and with a flick of the wrist a parked motorcycle came blazing towards her. Her eyes grew wide as she barely skittered on her belly and half jumped out of the way, the air from the passing cycle blew at her shirt. God, oh God she had to hide! That was all she thought as she scrambled up and made her way around a corner to hide behind it trembling. Her brother wasn’t here to protect her, to calm her down; she had to figure this out on her own. She didn’t know what happened though, cars were flying at her and that girl had something to do with it as crazy as that sounded she just knew it! Maybe she was some kind of a demon; oh shit she should have been nicer in her life! Now some horrifying, car flinging, demon girl had come to drag her to hell! Her thoughts were interrupted when a cab smashed into the corner she was behind, prompting a strangled scream from her and sending a shower of shattered glass over her. She had to get out of here!!

A deep inhalation of breath to calm herself and.. God this tingling under her skin she couldn’t stand it! She moved now to run from her hiding spot but the moment she moved a bus was flung in her direction, it was so close, no where to run. Flinging her arms up in a feeble attempt to protect herself, the tingling under her skin grew until she swore she heard it crackle and burst from her. To anyone else who might have witnessed it, the moment she threw her arms up to protect herself, a burst of bright light shot forward. Wide like a barrier and it cracked like lightning when the bus struck it, sending the vehicle tumbling away from her.

Was she dead? That thought was at the forefront of her mind as her legs wobbled and she collapsed on the sidewalk. No, no not dead, not dead and the girl, she was just gone, was this a dream? No, no not a dream and the tingling was gone, it had left her in a burst, it had felt hot, like electricity almost. For some reason her mind focused on the feeling of that release as she laid there on the cold asphalt. Letting out one more shaky exhale of breath, everything went black.


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Officer Frank Martine was signalling for traffic to keep moving. He hated to be out here on the street normally but today was like one from a crazy sci-fi movie. The press was there already. they'd swarmed in like locusts, arriving faster than most of the police. He held his hand up for a car to stop, as the events of the day had caused the power in the area to go out. He looked back over his shoulder, unable to comprehend what happened. Cars began to honk as he held traffic for too long and he finally looked back toward the cars and signaled for them to move along. From what he understood, a small child had stood along the street and automobiles began to fly through the air. Crazy, yes. It sounded impossible. Hell, it was impossible...but it was happening. This was almost as crazy as the thing he'd heard about from earlier in the day. One of the guys from the 25th had explained to him that Lieutenant Smith's daughter had been picked up by EMS after a call had gone through about a man falling out of a window. When the uniforms arrived they found his niece amidst a mess of rubble and the man that had fallen six stories apparently just got up and walked off. Today was the craziest day he'd ever had. The woman from this incident was reported to have been set on fire but she wasn't dead now and there wasn't a scratch on her. She'd damn near blown up a bus and the street and then collapsed. Of all things, there wasn't a single burn on her. Smelling salts quickly brought the girl back to reality...or whatever reality was. All that Frank knew what that he was terrified.
He wondered if Chip would get his hands in this one as the ambulance sped off. The cars were honking again.

*Continuing in NYPD 25th Precinct


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Sleggar had been out working all day and it was beginning to wear on his nerves. They had sent him to check out the times square incident and see if he could question any of the people at hand. Of course when he had shown up Chiparific and the rest of the crew had rolled out without so much as a goodbye. He sighed and scratched his head as he sat in his car trying to think of where they would have gone to. "Well I can rule out the station, seeing as I called and they said that he stepped out of the office." He thought aloud. The engine fired up as he turned the key. His unmarked unit was a piece of crap in his opinion, but hey not having to pay a car note every month had its perks. He pulled out into the street and was almost rammed by some dipshit who decided speed limits where for chumps. He fired up the take down lights and sighed. He hated doing it because it was a waste of time but he couldn't just let it go. He got out of the car and tapped the window. The driver rolled down the window and it was a young woman. Sleggar grinned uncontrollably and began putting some game down. He figured if he had to work may as well have some fun.


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Daniella was on her phone as she turned her Mercedes SLK 230 Kompressor onto Franklin off of Hudson and she said to Hanna, her agent, "Well, I don't know what they expect me to do, Hanna. I took the shots that they wanted me to and they were great at the time." She waited, rolled her eyes and then said, "Well, I don't have time to do that tomorrow. I'm supposed to be in France tomorrow. You know how much time I spend traveling. They want me to go back to Bucharest for four photos? Well, alright. I'll have to let Micah know. What? Oh, you already did?" Daniella finally smiled and said, "Okay, well...oh, aww, shit. Hanna, I'll have to call you back... No, nothing like that. I'm being pulled over again by the damned police." She listened, laughed, and said, "Ha, I wish. I only learned how to drive once I was out of College and I wish I never had. Well that's because I like doing it but I'm horrible at it. Okay, alright, I've gotta go. He's coming... Bye."
Daniella flipped the phone closed and tossed it onto the seat next to her before pushing some photos over it and pressing her hair into place. She couldn't believe she'd gone through that traffic light with a police car right at the corner but it was unmarked and she really didn't want to have to go back to Romania for four photos of a pretentious little cunt of a model. She would never just tell them no so she had to deal with it. She sighed as the officer tapped on her window. When she looked at him she was surprised to see that he was a plainly dressed officer and it seemed like he was a detective. Why the hell was he pulling her over? She didn't even know that detectives pulled people over. But she figured that breaking the law was breaking the law either way. She rolled the window down and she couldn't believe it. In less than fifteen seconds the officer was trying to get into her pants. She could use this to get out of the ticket though. She already had two that she kept forgetting to pay. "Here's all of my inform-" she began to say but she appeared not to need it because the detective was looking her over.
"I know that I ran the light and all... I was just in a hur-"
The detective made a pass at her, saying, "You must have seen me, right? So you blew through the light?"
"Yes, sir, that's what happened... I was taken aback..." Daniella said, hoping that she could just get out of the ticker but she thought she may have lain down a veil of sarcasm a little too thick. She smiled at the detective but before he could say anything else she was rammed from behind by a van.


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Maybe he could open a portal in a jewelry store at night and rob the place blind, having his way with the insides like a cheap Vegas hooker. He could go in with one little bag and take his time stealing what he wanted. The alarms would still go off when he cracked the display cases open but if he got all that he could in one, three minute go-round, then he could clean up and escape without anyone knowing. He would still have to deal with cameras but he could always wear a mask through his portals. Or what about that movie Jumper. That kid used his ability to move into vaults and rob them from ear to ear. The only problem with Jam's idea was the fact that he hadn't been able to teleport to a place that he couldn't see in his head or at least remember. He could go back to his room at the mansion in Daytona whenever he wanted to but his father didn't know that he was doing it. He could go to jewelry stores, case the joint and that night, teleport in, steal as much as he could and get out. it would baffle the authorities. They would look over the cameras and be utterly confused. Well they probably wouldn't be as vexed as he'd have wanted because the others like him were all monkey wrenches in his plans. Maybe he could kill all of them. He would be the only one left. He could even wear a bad-ass mask and call himself Doctor Doom. That would be bad-ass. He was pretty sure that there was a villain in Marvel comics named Dr. Doom. Maybe something catchy-Mr. Malice. That was a little too nineteen-eighties Christopher Lambert. It didn't Goddamn matter! He didn't need a name.
He just needed a sure fire gimmick. Perhaps he could pull the cat-burglar card. That would grant fame and fortune. He could steal only the most expensive items. He could nab the priceless items. Priceless didn't mean anything in the criminal underground. The best part was that his father was already digging his mitts into the blackmarket. Now, there was no way that jam could convince his father that he'd learned to become a number one cat-burglar overnight so he'd have to act as an impressed middleman. He'd been sent to New York in order to look over the drug trade and meet a few higher players and dealers so he could simply say that he'd mat a "guy". Meeting a "guy" was always expected when you were on a trip like that which Jam was on. It was perfect.
Jam was actually taking a detour at the moment. He wanted to drive through TriBeCa to see the damage dealt to the area by some broad with powers just like his. Well, not just like his. The bitch could shoot lightnin' from her hands. Jam could wield a sword that looked like obsidian and it could slice into the universe or existence or whatever you was gonna call it. All he knew was that he could move and spit himself out wherever he'd been before. So if he took a trip to somewhere like Tokyo or Berlin and he remembered a landmark or something like that then he could slash his sword in the air and a tear would appear in the air. He could move into the fissure and come out where he wanted to. He was going to make it his business to see as much of the world as he could. The poor dame that he was banging in Rio was gutted by some crazy Brazilian guy. jam thought it may have been her pimp but the guy just gutted her, shoved his bare hand into the broad's chest, destroyed them beautiful pale breasts. It was a shame.
Jam bolted off of the bed in just his aeropostale underwear and pulled his pistol from the dresser. Five shots didn't dead the guy and that was unheard of from ten feet away. The dude shrugged off the rounds like they was sticks of warmed butter thrown at him by a pissed off L.A. house wife. Next thing you know, Jam was ready to run like a sad puppy with his tail between his ass cheeks but that damned to hell blade exploded in his hand. Jam ain't never use no Goddamned sword before. He had stuck a few guys over in Seattle and even plugged a guy with a Machete in New Orleans on a Big but he'd never used a sword. He was waving it at the man like a lunatic, like a kid waving a stick at wasps. It was all instinct from there when the guy crashed through the living room of the hotel room and that huge black fissure split open. All that Jam could see was a sky of stars and a gray desert in the fissure. All he wanted to do was be at home. he hurled himself into the fissure and the next thing you know, he was spit out of another black tear in space. He dropped right on his bed, the place he was wanting to go. It was that simple. But he was still trying to gain control of this ability.
He was about to round a corner when the Maserati he was driving jerked. "What the fuck!?" Jam yelled and a red blade slid into the top of the sports car like it was cutting into flesh. The blade began to glow red when Jam turned a corner and the damned thing was squealing-screaming-purring like it was charging up. This was it. There was one of those damned men with the black eyes on top of his fucking 135 thousand dollar car. He undid his seat belt, formed his blade, turned a corner sharply and saw the back of a police car. This was really happening. The blade barked as it burned through the ceiling of the Maserati, causing the roof to melt, metal dripping into the car. It was too hot for Jam. He saw the roof of the police cruiser, slashed his blade out the best that he could in such tight quarters and managed to move through the portal. The Maserati slammed into the back of the cruiser as Jam was ejected from the fissure which formed a few feet above the roof of the cop car. He shot out toward the Shade as its blade caused an explosion on the interior of the Maserati. It pulled the blade free faster than Jam wished he'd have been able to and their blades met, Jam still in midair. The blade released an explosion and Jam flew over the cop cap, over the car that the police cruiser had smashed into the back of and then, against the back of a flower delivery van. At least he dropped to his feet. Jam watched as a man pulled a woman from the car that was hit by the police cruiser.
"This is a shit deal..."


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Sleggar was surprised to see the blond was damn good looking. He hadn't wasted time checking her over, he wasn't being subtle, but it was obvious she was going to play along to avoid a ticket. Sleggar wouldn't have written a ticket anyway because he didn't like dealing with all the hassle of actually writing the damn thing. He was about to wrap up the conversation when suddenly his car was hit from behind he turned to watch as his car slammed into the back of the woman's. He watched as a man was thrown into the back of a van. Sleggar pulled the woman out of her car and put her down on the ground. He was using more force than he was used to. He let go of her and pulled his pistol. He stood up and turned to see a man standing on the car that rammed him from behind. He trained his pistol on the sword wielding manic. "NYPD! put the weapon on the fucking ground now!" He shouted at the manic, but no dice the man simply came running towards him. He let three rounds fly from his gun. They all hit him square in the head, Sleggar even watched as his head recoiled from the shots. Sleggar hesitated in shock only to be greeted by a punch in the face and then being violently tossed to the side. Sleggar hit a newspaper stand and papers went flying. The man simply ignored him and went after the man who hit the van earlier. Sleggar was in shock and for some reason his right arm felt like it was on fire.


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Daniella felt as if the detective was going to rip her arm off when he yanked her out of the car. She landed hard on her buttocks and yelped. The detective quickly drew his weapon and Daniella felt like she'd been dragged into a bad movie from the nineties. The man in the trench coat was standing on top of a Maserati with a bright red sword in his hand and the other, the man who'd flown in above her car and hit the back of a van was also carrying a black sword. This wasn't a bad dream was it? Was this Highlander? She hated Highlander and Christopher Lambert* was terrible. Three shots were fired and they all struck home. Daniella was sure that the man should have been dead but he jumped from the roof of the Maserati and slammed a balled fist into the cheek of the detective. He soared across the street and struck a newspaper stand with enough force to break his back. Daniella was terrified. She took in a breath too fast and found it trapped in her chest before she scooted away from the trench coat man with the red sword and as he moved toward the van-man Daniella realized that she wasn't having trouble breathing. Her entire body was seized and she was having trouble moving at all. She cried out when green electricity lurched against the concrete around her. She looked around for the source of the electrical energy and her eyes went wide when she realized that it was her. The man stopped in his tracks and looked toward her. No, there was no way that it wanted her. This was not fair. She put her hands up in order to dissuade the man with the red sword but she only stammered out incoherent words before the green energy burst from her chest, between her hands and into the ground as the man raised his sword-wielding arm. The energy arched away from the ground with a wolf-like howl and launched toward the trench coat man. The green energy sliced through the man's arm and it went flipping away with a shower of blood. The wolf turned in midair, slammed into the sidewalk beyond the crashed cars and slid to a stop before it lowered its wolf-like head and growled.
Green energy exploding from Daniella forming a wolf? A Maserati slamming into a police cruiser parked behind her car? A crazed man in a trench coat with a burning red sword and some other guy in an expensive Italian-looking suit with a dark-as-night blade of his own? This was a terrible nightmare.
The trench coat man was pissed off now. He looked toward his nub-for-an-arm and back toward Daniella as she attempted to get to her feet. Then, she was yanked free of the concrete and lifted to where her feet dangled inches from the ground. The trench coat man had moved faster than she'd ever seen a human being moved. Hell, she'd blinked and he was in her face, grabbing her around the neck and lifting her into the air as if she were paper. She pressed her hands against the man's face and flailed madly. She was terrified and fearing for her life when the green energy slammed into her from her left side and then exploded from her hands, tearing the man away from her and burning through his chest.
The wolf slammed into the concrete between the man and her Mazda and then onto the hood of the Mazda where it turned around. It was fighting for her. She took a step back, holding her aching throat. This man should have been dead. He was bleeding profusely from his nub-for-arm and a huge hole in his chest but he got up from where he was kneeling. The wolf arched into the concrete and toward the man. Daniella couldn't believe what happened next. First, a wolf of electricity, green electricity at that, exploded from Daniella and slammed into this huge man. It had torn his sword-wielding arm free of his body. The sword should have gone along with it. But now, the man simply created the sword out of thin air. He turned, fast, and the blade fizzled into existence and he tore into the wolf. An explosion burst free of the blade and the wolf was no more, burned away into leaping tangles of electricity. Daniella screamed, grabbed the sides of her head, slammed to her knees and then her face slammed into the street. The wolf was a part of her. She felt its pain rocket throughout her body. Her vision fading, she pulled her aching face free of the concrete and looked toward the big man as he came toward her again. She could see straight through the hole in his chest. How did this man move with no heart to pump his blood?
Daniella was in bad shape. She needed help.


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Sleggar was dazed from the attack the man had hit him with. His arm felt like it was burning off. He stood up and the developments of the fight had left him in awe. The other man had a huge hole in his chest. That had to be impossible it was simply to much for anyone to survive. What the hell had happened to him that could have done that much damage. He watched as the girl from earlier had fallen to the ground. "Son of a bitch." He grumbled. He couldn't sit around and wait for the thing to kill her. He rushed the man in the trench coat and tackled him to the ground. He began beating him with his right hand. The burning was intense now, almost to much to bear. He lifted his hand and suddenly as if from nowhere a blue orb was hovering a mere inch above his palm. The burning was gone but this orb seemed to be the source. He didn't know what else to do so he began beating the man with the orb. He was shouting profanities at him and the thing's face started becoming mush and the ground started cracking. He raised his arm and the orb extended into a sort of blade. Sleggar was completely confused as to what the fuck he was doing now. He stood up and looked at the now dead man. "Oh holy shit. What the fuck did I do!?" He stumbled as the blade didn't retract. He walked over to the girl and held out his left hand to her. "Are you okay?" He asked her, then he remembered the other guy who may have been the same as the dead one. "Stay here I have to get back to work, don't move." He told her as he helped her back to her feet. He left her at her car and walked to the black sword guy. He pointed his energy weapon at him. "Don't move a fucking muscle, your under arrest." He told him.


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Jam laughed lightly. He had a few choices. First of all, he could take the cop down. In a one on one fight, he would lay the police officer to rest with ease, as the overly emotional release of his powers was a sign of his lack of experience. That was a little unfair but it was only true. There was the hot ass Goddamn blond cuddling the camera hanging from her neck. The woman seemed to still be in pain after her impressive display of power. That woman, whenever Balto regenerated, was going to be a force to fuck with.Jam sure as hell didn't want to take her own. That seemed to have been the first time her powers erupted and damn was that sweet. She'd taken that damned man's arm clean off with Balto and Jam was impressed. He had the option of carving a fissure between himself and the officer of the law, escaping to new Orleans, Los Angelas, Borneo, Turk and Caicos, a list of places in Florida and a few other locations; but that would get him no where. He still didn't know what he was, where his powers had come from or where he was even going. He was just as lost as the officer and the beautiful blond broad. That woman was slammin'. That was the last thing Jam needed to worry about. He always rolled with an alias but he was attempting to look legit in New York so all of his information was current and legal. He wasn't wanted for anything either. A trip to the precinct wasn't a bad idea. Was this cop really going to go to his base of operations and try to explain what happened to his superiors? If they'd been the first people with powers then Jam would have called the guy crazy. But with the Cairo thing and thinking about the fact that TriBeCa fell victim to an event like this already, it wasn't so crazy now. jam hated the movies where someone encounters something extraordinary and the first thing they do is tell someone that won't believe them. It's horse bananas. A ride in a battered Interceptor could prove useful for Rollo Dante' Jameson's cause. If he was going to do away with the rest of this powers freaks then he was going to need to know everything about the lot of them. He would be nice to the detective as is. The man was probably still in shock and he was just doing what was most normal. Though normalcy was no longer the name of the game.

It was settled. Jam was going to go along with this little charade. At anytime he felt threatened, a flick of the wrist would allow him to open a fissure and escape a sticky sitch-
"Alright, detective, you're just doing your job," Rollo said with a smile, released his blade back into himself and held his hands out to be cuffed. "I'm not going to do anything. Can you at least cuff me up front. Me, you and the gorgeous gal over there have plenty to talk about on the way to the station..."


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Confused, Daniella began to back away from the cop and the black sword guy that was leaning against the van still. The detective yelled that the man was under arrest and after a second or two of contemplation, the man simply held his arms out. This man probably could have gotten away if he wanted to. This was a little too much. Daniella knew about those people who were running around with special powers. Cairo was a dust crop and Times Square was still on lock-down. But not her, right? Never someone like Daniella? Hell, why her? She'd never done anything and there was no way that she could fight. What about the energy that escape her, that she felt beneath her flesh, aching to get out, to help her. She could still feel the pain in her chest from when the dead man ripped her wolf of energy to pieces. Was the wolf dead?
No, I'm indeed not dead, Daniella.
Daniella looked around. She was being talked to but no one had said a word to her. He was within her, talking in her head. Who are you? What the hell are you?
Don't be alarmed, Daniella...
Don't be alarmed? Are you really telling me not to be fucking alarmed. You just....I mean, whoosh, came right out of my hands! Daniella yelled at the being talking in her head.
I'm a part of you, now, Daniella. I am here to protect you. I am here because you are like the others but you can't defend yourself like they can. So I am what you cannot be.
Daniella turned her attention away from the wolf for a second, watching the two men. She looked around as if she actually needed something to look at in order to talk and she asked, W-well what should I do now?
Go with them. There is very little else that you can do. You are stronger in groups.
Stronger against what?
Against those that I hate-against the Shades. I am here because I need you to exist here. Daniella, if I die I can come back to you after time. But we are linked. It will hurt you. If I cannot protect you, and you die, I will die as well...


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Sleggar didn't like the fact that this man was so cheery about being put in cuffs. Sleggar looked at the energy that seemed to just constantly flow from his hand. How the hell do I make this stop? He thought to himself as he contemplated his next move. It was almost as soon as the thought appeared in his head that the energy just vanished. Sleggar didn't stop to worry about it. He grabbed the man and spun him around cuffing him from behind. "You'll be lucky if I don't cuff your legs too, after all I don't want you trying to pull anything you and I will both regret." He told him as he yanked him from off the van. He led him over to the girl from earlier. He considered stopping to talk, but figured that wasn't smart so instead he put the man in the back of his beat up unit. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law, you have the right to an attorney if you cannot afford one you will be appointed one. I don't particularly care if you understand the rights I just read to you now be a good alien or demon or whatever the hell you are and wait for a second." He said to him as he went to check on the woman. He decided that he needed to offer her some serious help since she was most likely shaken up. "Hey are you alright Ma'am? I hate to drop this on you now but I'm gonna have to take you back to the station for questioning, sorry but it's protocol." He told her as he jerked his thumb towards the beaten cruiser. "You can have shotgun though." He joked. He made his way to his car and checked his phone. Chip had called him and left him a voicemail, he probably wanted to know what the hell was going on. He sat in his seat and hit the redial button and waited for Chip to pick up. It was going to be one hell of a day.
It only rang twice before Chip picked up. Sleggar didn't even get a chance to say hello before Chip was talking. "Sleggar I need you to do me a favor."
"Look I didn't....."
"Be quiet. I need you to fly a helicopter for me."
"Wait now?"
"Yes now meet me at the airport in Jersey, you know the one." Chip had hung up before Sleggar could explain anything to him so he had no choice. He turned to the man in the back. "It's your lucky day friend, I have business to take care of in Jersey so your coming along. I'll have an officer there to pick you up." He said turning the car on. The girl had gotten in the car already. "Listen slight detour but don't worry you'll still get to sit through the delight of a good old fashioned questioning." He said as he drove off. Why couldn't he just catch a freaking break.
(Continues in Jersey)


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*Continues in Hoboken, New Jersey