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Hiteikei Kirano

"Oh, got a job? Depends on the pay, my friend."

0 · 1,433 views · located in Heartlia, Gajeel.

a character in “Battle of the Guilds”, as played by Jedly


Full Name: Hiteikei Kirano

Nicknames: Hite, Kira, Keino, Commonly-mistaken-gender
Gender: Male
"I know, it's hard to believe, but I'm a guy. What, do you not believe me? No, I won't wear that blouse."
Age: 16
"Pretty young to be killing monsters. Meanwhile, most kids my age are reproducing by accident."
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
"Unlike my daggers, I don't have dual-preference."

Guild: Echelon
"Monsters giving you problems? Are they ruining your life, interrupting your casual strolls, and relieving themselves on your lawn? Well don't fear, 'cause Guild Echelon is here!... Note to self, don't let Airyl write up our advertisements."

Role: Warrior
"Swish. Swish. Stab. Not too much to wrap your mind around. Although, I'm not sure if such a highly regarded title such as 'Warrior' is fit for me."

"Come forth, let us spring towards victory, my comrades!"

Hair Color: Cyan
"I swear, if you call it 'light blue' out of laziness. There's a slight tint to it, if you look close enough. And to many people's surprise, it's all natural. No dyes whatsoever. I never knew my mother, so I would be surprised if my old man got a little too feisty with something non-human. Maybe a naga with cerulean scales? I'm pretty sure he had a thing for snakes, and I do hiss randomly from time to time. I keep it in a pair of pigtails most of the time, since it can block my vision."
Eye Color: Azure
"Slightly darker than my vibrantly colored hair. People say I give the stare of a snake from time to time... Maybe it was a Nuwa he reproduced with? Jeeze, I'll have to ponder this throughout my whole entire life."
Height: 5'6"
"Can't say I'm too tall, which just adds onto my androgynous physique. You know it's bad when women begin to compare their body mass with you. You know it's also bad when women want you to try on dresses. I'm starting to lose faith in my self-pride."
Weight: 108 lbs.
"Let's just say, I'm light-footed. Definitely haven't tried to put on weight back when I was a child. No siree. But now I've come to terms with the fact that I'm as light as a feather. In all honesty, it's a hell of a lot more helpful than being an obese glutton. I'm more nimble, compact, and less noticeable. Perfect for my job."

Tattoos: None
"Think I'd trust somebody with perforating my skin with a needle?"
Piercings: None
"If I didn't want anybody to even touch me with a needle, why would I relent with a piercing? A monster could rip out my metaphorical belly ring, and then what would we have? A belly button-less boy, and a lot of blood."
Scars: A few embrasions spanning his back.
"...Onto another topic."
Oddities: Androgynous Complexion
"Oh, what, seriously? This was the next topic? Well, I guess I do have more of a youthful face. Can't really call it a baby face, I do agree it does look very... feminine. I don't gain muscle easily, regardless of my ability to out perform most males of my age and above. I'm not really sure where my strength originates from, my father said it was from sheer perseverance and capability. Also, I don't really know how to cut my hair. I manage to rile up people of both genders when I undo my pigtails. How did Eth phrase it again? 'You are so cute, it's unfair.'


{Tactful, Patient, Compassionate, Observant, Tolerant, Solemn}
Despite his innocent and pure demeanor, Hiteikei approaches most in a very formal way, contradicting his age and looks. Although he does come off as a neutral entrepenuer, who just so happens to bear two daggers and heads a guild, he is an extremely emphathetic individual. The boy naturally takes into account the mood and aura others give off, and acts accordingly. If anything, the boy seems too overly benevolent, backed up by his unlimited patience and understanding persona. In a sense, a moment isn't wasted before Hiteikei stretches out a helpful hand. But, depending on the person receiving his assistance, there might be a price tag attached to that purchase of aid and support.

Aside from his formal composure, Hite considers himself a realist. Seeing the world for what it is, a realm full of hardship, betrayal, and deceit. But within this cruel terrain there are those which are good at heart, individuals the boy befriends by default. Within this spectrum of morals, Hite is still conflicted on which category to file himself into. To skip such necessities, he has simply labeled himself as 'neutral', remaining unswayed by opinions and conceptions. As a facade to those around him, he keeps a straight face most of the time, although the slight sliver of a smile surfaces once in a blue moon.

The boy is guided by an undying sense of commitment. Whether his promises be to the legacy of his father, his guild, clients, or even common bystanders. Most question why the kid acts with such determination, but instead receive a reticent tone and a distraught look on the boy's face. Even though he has been following in his father's footsteps, he is still not contempt with his passing nor the ideals forced onto Hite's shoulders. At times, he can act sheepish when caught off guard or thrown out of his comfort zone. Of course, constantly traversing from place to place in a nomadic fashion with an animated doll and a pre-teen brings about its own slew of sporadic events. Hite has learned to always be on his toes, and never let his guard down, no matter if it's propped up against monsters or sudden cross-dress assaults.
  • Tailoring:
    Hiteikei is surprisingly skilled with a thread and needle, able to sew considerably fine clothing with the few resources at his disposal. His vest, tie and dress shirt were all a product of this skill, which he took up at a young age. The boy is secure enough in his masculinity to boast about his accomplishments in the clothing world, though others would say it adds onto his feminine charm. To say the least, such a hobby brings conflicted opinions with it.
  • Teaching:
    Before Hiteikei decided on starting Echelon, the boy aspired to be a teacher at some point in highschool. He personally believed that such a profession coincided with his sympathetic approach to other people, and his always calm voice would sooth those going through anxiety. Since he is quite the patient one, taking time to teach his future students wouldn't be a hassle. Of course, after instating the guild, the boy had to cast aside dreams of the career path. But, luckily for him, a certain pre-teen is in constant need of his teaching, which he happily applies for. The boy spends a decent amount of his free time teaching Airyl and Eth about scholastic credentials, and other assorted topics.
  • Brewing Coffee:
    "If monsters were smart enough to institute their own currency system, and were more intelligent, they would be lining up for miles just to get a sip of the stuff I brew. This stuff's better than ambrosia. Better than oolong tea. Better than cow milk, and we all no that stuff is super good. This. This is a godsend."
  • Bartending:
    Out of the many professions and ways of income Hite picks up, bartending is one he majors in. Although he isn't a drinker, since he is quite young, mixing up a cocktail lies in technique and consistency.
    • Recurring Attire:
      If one was to peer into Hiteikei's closet, they would be taken aback by the amount of vests, uniform in appearance. His set of attire rarely changes, a consistent style which is rarely seen worn in combat. Most would say that such formal wear would be constricting, and lessen his effectiveness in the heat of battle. But by some stretch of reality, Hiteikei works his way around the laws of physics, and never ceases to amaze others.
    • Flustered Supremacy:
      As serious or formal as Hiteikei tends to act, from time to time the boy can blush when thrown out of his comfort zone. And, said zone is smaller in diameter than he leads on most to think. The stoic businessman-assassin-bartender has quite the amusing embarrased side to him.
    • Unconditional Seriousness:
      It's a good perk to remain at an upmost calm, in situations where such reticence is called for. But for a majority of the time, Hiteikei keeps a straight face, to the point where he could easily pass for a monotonous doll. Of course, the only talking doll he knows has an especially vibrant personality, which kinda makes the analogy meaningless.
    • Tugging at his Pigtails:
      Whether it be out of disdain, disagreement, disbelief, or mere denial, Hiteikei has the tendency to pull on his hair when he is stumped. It's actually pretty comical."
    • Coffee - "Touch it, and I'll do more than just stabbing you repeatedly."
    • His Guild Members - "By some stretch of the imagination, I managed to stumble upon those two. In all honesty, they're my greatest friends. Kinda like a family, I guess. You know, I'm the father, Airyl's the mother, and Eth is our adopted child which uses Airyl's chest as a pillow. Quite the happy family."
    • Assassination "I'm not too fond of the 'head-on' tact most warriors utilize. Why not silence your enemy before they even realized your presence?"
    • Music - "A good shanty once in a while always boosts my morale."
    • Mind Games for Teaching - "...It's good to force your student off of a stable footing. Gives them life lessons."
    • Hunting - "Well, sometimes my pocket can get pretty low on cash. Have to resort to hunting from time to time. The sport just requires a lot of patience, perception of one's surroundings, and the ability to follow feces.
    • Apathy
    • Biased Individuals
    • Monsters - "They've taken many lives. It's natural to hate those which are hostile. I wouldn't mind having a small one as a pet."
    • Cheapskates
    • Going the Extra Mile - "I always do it. I always take that extra step, whether it be down a road or off a cliff. I have people I need to protect, and my own well being fails to become a priority. Can't saw I'm fond of the path I've chosen to traverse, just my job to guide those behind me through it."
  • One-handed Weapons - "Although it has been proven that it's more efficient to wield a two-handed weapon, utilizing such a large armament requires sufficient strength. Also, it doesn't help when the weapon is larger than myself. I personally fancy daggers, which are more compact and can easily be hidden.
  • Silver Tongue - "Sometimes, you have to barter with people to get what you want. I have quite the finesse in this category. Just got to play people like an instrument. First you must tune them, then you have to check how they sound, and then you play the piece."
  • Tactician - "To be tactful, is to wait until the right moment to strike. You must take all variables into account, check for any faults in your plan, then follow through flawlessly."
  • Sympathy - "I'm a very understanding person. If you have a problem, just talk to me and I'll give my humble opinion. Can't say I'm a guru, just a guy with decent common sense."
  • Teaching Teacher - "Oh, I'm also good at teaching. No matter your pace, I'll match it."
  • Compact and Petite - "I'm not gonna lie, I have quite the miniscule composure. But I guess that's more of an advantage than a hindrance, since I'm more nimble and can't be noticed as easily. In my eyes, I have a more preferable physique for my career."

  • Hand-to-Hand Combat - "...Let's not go into that. Sure, I can wield blades pretty damn good. Buuuuuuuuuuut. Punching."
  • Ranged Weaponry - "Hah, no. Do you know how many times my father shook his head out of shame, after I hit myself with the string?"
  • Hot Chocolate - "BURN FOR YOUR SINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  • Hugs - "Every had somebody strangle you to death with a hug? I'd rather get eaten by a dragon rather than succumb to that fate."

Hiteikei's parents weren't the best at thinking up names on the spot. In all honesty, what kind of name is Hiteikei? It's a mouthful, has too many consanants, vowels, and rolls off the tongue as smoothly as rolling a boulder. Anyways, regardless of their bad taste in the organization of syllables, the boy lived up to the meaning of his first name. "Atypical." The boy is a living prime example of the word, whether it be his natural cyanic hair, his mature composure at a young, or the fact that he wasn't by the fact he never knew his mother. And how could he? He had no memories of her, and the only ties he had to the woman was his audibly challenging name and the fact that she bore him. After she up and left, coincidentally leaving the man who had no parental qualities to fend for himself. Hiteikei's father was the leader of a renowned guild, commonly referred to as 'Potentate', a fine warrior nonetheless.

With such a highly regarded hero as a father, Hiteikei's indulgence into training was almost instantaneous. A miraculous feat made by the boy was his ability to balance the expansion of his versatility in combat with scholastic strives. Hite was a generally above average student, a rarity in the world revolving around weaponry and survival. Literacy wasn't highly valued, but years of classes began to bear the fruit of tactfulness. The boy became more cunning than most, decisive and picky with his words, as if each person he conversed with was an equation he could fluently solve. One of the largest influences of his youth was his teacher who he had throughout the entirety of his highschool career. An oddity among the faculty, as he wasn't a human by the slightest, but a monster which was civilized to the extent where others appeared barbaric in comparison. The yellow cephalopod shined the light, which spurred the ideal that not all beasts of inhumane origin were enemies of humanity.

But of course, all heroes come to their own extravagant ends, and Hiteikei's father wasn't exempted from this principle. The man and his guild died in combat, saving a satellite village from an attack by a high tier monster. At that point, the boy truly had nobody to lean on. Sure, he had his own circle of friends who sympathized with his loss, but Hite knew there was truly nothing they could do. Rather than relenting to wallowing in despair, the boy took it upon himself to continue his father's legacy. After filing the sufficient paperwork to the Capitol, he departed from the town which he once called home, all on his own to manifest his own echelon in society. And then he realized that being alone really, really, really sucked. But by some stretch of reality, he came across Eth and then Airyl, and the trio have continued to fight unworldly beings while turning a profit in a few categories of business. May coffee have mercy on his soul.

Face Claim: Nagisa Shiota | Ansatsu Kyoushitsu

So begins...

Hiteikei Kirano's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiteikei Kirano Character Portrait: Ethniu Buara Character Portrait: Nimshi Ophni Character Portrait: Jrya Okumura Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou Character Portrait: Kouhara Okumura
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The Courageous Nine


Alright, and so we flip the first page of our vibrant story, a peer into the point of view of nine, somewhat young guild members, aspiring to become renowned. But first, let’s state the setting. We inhabit the beautiful yet cruel world of Gajeel, a land that can make anybody’s dream a reality. Although humans are still a prominent species within these lands, they must share the world with beats of sporadic nature and figure. Whether they may be passive, aggressive, or have even been integrated into our lifestyle, they are still here to stay. With death always lingering overhead, humanity has adapted to survive in this harsh reality. Children are born with unique qualities and characteristics, which makes them unique, each a diamond in a pile of, well, more diamonds. Within their cribs, infants slumber with tools at their sides. Rather than teething on bibs, they suckle on sword hilts. They awaken their powers at a young age, and do their part in the bettering of their species. Academics and studying are recurring practices, just not as highly valued as it is in fictional novels. Actually, one time I read this extremely hilarious folklore, where children actually went to these institutions known as ’colleges’, just to get a job! I swear, whatever that writer was on, I want in on i- sorry, getting off track. Continuing on, our story begins in the satellite village of Heartlia, located on the outer rims of Gajeel’s Rings of Humanity, a system of towns surrounding the Capitol. The central hub is the largest city in existence, and this small minescule town dwells in comparison. But everybody in Heartlia knew eachother to great extents. Villagers left their doors unlocked at night, they assisted in the survival of the community, and graciously welcome outsiders.

Now you lot come in. All nine of you have wound up in this village. May it be because you have a shop stationed there, or you were raised in the town, maybe you were even stopping by to take a leak? Although you are all young, versatile individuals, suddenly being robbed with your undergarments literally on the floor is a tad bit embarrassing. Anyways, all of you are pieces which will fall into the intricate puzzle, in do time, though. But this morning was different from the generic rest. For the most part, is was ordinary. Villagers were working in the fields, children were running around like a bunch of moles hyped up on milkweed, the livestock were taking their routine shit- anyways, somehwat was peculiar. Overnight, the city had been covered in posters. No town corner was left uncovered. Even worse, the advertisements were crudely drawn, even the King’s five year old grandson could draw better. But after further analysis, you realize that they are all nearly identical. They weren’t drawn because of godawful taste in artists, but they were mass-produced. Words needed to get out, and fast. And if the government placed so many in an irrelevant village such as Heartlia, you couldn’t even fathom how many were plastered in the larger towns. The ad happily welcomed guilds to join a contest, to see who could rise to the top among others. Yeah. There’s your queue. Make your worthless existence somewhat meaningful, kick some ass, hone your skills, and don’t get gutted to death. But it will take a day or two to traverse the distance between the outer rim and the Capitol. The curtains have now risen, the spotlights are shining brightly, now time to roll out our protagonists. Let's hope this isn't their final story.





Jrya whined as her legs hurt from the long journey to Heartlia. Omega had been traveling throughout Gajeel, as they were trying to make their way to the Capitol. Kouhara smacked her whiny sister on the head, as Kouhara was getting piggy backed by Jrya. "Hey! Koharaaa.." Jrya said, while taking one hand to rub her smacked head. "Stop whining Jrya! Woman up!" Kouhara sung, and smacked her sisters head once again. Jrya felt like complaining one more time just to annoy her sister, but she decided to not, because Kouhara has a really hard whack to the head. Jrya heard Kouhara start to sing a small tune their mom taught the sisters before she died. Kouhara sung with a beautiful voice, making Jrya want to fall asleep. Kouhara kept singing, but soon she died it down to her humming voice.

Once Jrya walked over the hill she saw a small town come into vision. She rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing anything weird, it might just be her eye tricking her."Jrya!" Kouhara said, and pointed forward. "Over there! It's a real town!" Kouhara cheered, and got off Jrya back and started to sprint past Jrya, while Jrya tried keeping up, waving her guild over. "Cmon guys~! Lets go!" Jrya smiled, and finally caught along with Kouhara.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiteikei Kirano Character Portrait: Ethniu Buara Character Portrait: Nimshi Ophni Character Portrait: Jrya Okumura Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou Character Portrait: Kouhara Okumura
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#, as written by Ignetio
Maxus "Bones" Izyal

Maxus looked over to where the girls were running to. "Wait up! Come on I'm old!" He yells as he sprints to keep up with the girls. He sprinted to catch up. eventually in arms reach he tries to stop them. "Hold on keep your cool we don't want to look like a bunch of idiots sprinting to them." He stops out of breath. He looks up at the city "By God its beautiful" he says in between breaths. "This is where we met...." He looks away for a moment wiping away a tear. when he looks back she puts on a big smile."Welcome to Heartillia" Finally caught his breath. he stood up and walked to the town. The town in which he lived in for years. The town in which his wife and kids died. Looks like soon history would repeat itself. That is without the wife tough.

((OOC sorry about this being only 150 words (and i did not count this) but i'm working on a project and wanted to introduce my character. so there he is.))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiteikei Kirano Character Portrait: Ethniu Buara Character Portrait: Nimshi Ophni Character Portrait: Jrya Okumura Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou Character Portrait: Kouhara Okumura
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#, as written by Jedly

It was a normal, ordinary morning. All was tranquil. The birds were chirping, townsfolk were making their way through the streets, the sun was peeking through the apartment’s window. Actually, rather than a subtle peek, it was rudely intruding upon the premises, blaring its bright rays onto bed sheet. It was as if the beam of light was sentient and was targeting the individual attempting to lie in slumber. After the figure below the sheets rolled over a few times, he let out a groan of displeasement as kicked the sheets off. Hite narrowed his eyes at the blinding light, which even pave its way through his unknotted hair. The boy squinted and stretched out with a prolonged yawn, then proceeded to get into his morning routine. After fitting his hair in its common double-pigtails, he dressed himself in the same formal attire he had sowed himself. With a buttoned down shirt and a perfectly woven tie, he was ready for business. He quickly took in the state of his bedroom, making sure everything was neat. The boy was fond of keeping things in mint condition, and he constantly passed that mindset onto his fellow guild members. Of course, there are things which one can’t keep intact. A few coffee mugs or dishware once in a blue moon due to a certain care-free doll.

After he made sure he looked presentable, the boy checked in on the rest of the rooms. Echelon resided in the upper portion of a two-story building Hiteikei had bought with a decent amount of his funds. Just two bedrooms and a living room. But the trio have definitely turned a profit, since the lower floor was a mixture between a cafe and a florist shop. They equally served sweets, beverages, and rare plants which they were able to grow en masse thanks to Eth’s ability. In addition, since Airyl fancies sweet foods, all three are versed in the art of confectionaries, but the other two fail to ascend to the same level of the doll’s undying passion.

Due to the fact it was morning, Hiteikei had to open up shop. The boy let out a sigh as he descended the flight of stairs leading down to the lower floor. With each step came its own clank, produced by the sheaths tapping against his thighs. He was too tired to tie them tighter, as he was still waking up. With yet another yawn he entered the back kitchen and instantly got to tending boiling water and brewing coffee. The aroma and scents produced by the array of beverages helped to wake the boy up. His movements were still sluggish, since he nearly stumbled a couple of times whilst carrying hot drinks. ”Alright Kirano, right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot
” The boy trailed off as he continued to follow through with the motions. He left the coffee to sit, and in the meantime decided to step outside for a breath of fresh air. All seemed usual, excluding the armada of posters blotched against every single wall. The boy raised an eyebrow and examined the one attached to his own door, running his eyes across the page.

?” The boy rubbed his chin while analyzing the poster. It was quite the interesting, yet crudely drawn advertisement. He wouldn’t blame anybody for dubbing it a rip-off or fake, but the amount of parchments posted around town would say otherwise. Hite shrugged, a little part of him considering the offer as it was directed at guilds. ”Sounds interesting. I wonder what Eth and Airyl would say
?” A slight smirk spread across his face as he nodded, but abruptly remembered his obligations. The boy lightly swung the door open and slipped his way through the opening. He dug into his vest pocket and procured a notepad, with a to-do list hastily drawn on its surface. "Coffee, nearly done. Still have sweets and I have to check up on the plants..." He glanced at the entrance to the upper level, wondering when his friends would stir. "...Hope she didn't wet the bed again. Haven't had an 'accident' for a few months, please don't break the streak." It was a worry the boy had grown accustomed to, since it had occurred a few times during their time as a crew. "Oh well, back to work." And with that, the boy proceeded with his duties.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiteikei Kirano Character Portrait: Ethniu Buara Character Portrait: Airyl
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Everything was so comfortable, the blanket thinly coated over her providing the pleasant veil of warmth. The pillow she rested the side of her head on seemed so perfectly flumped, her arms and one leg rested wrapped around Airy who was laying almost completely still. Despite these blissful conditions she had still slept plenty long and her eyes no longer stayed shut, instead gently gazing into the side of her sleeping companion. She sat still for good while, gently breathing as she took in the wonderful life that she had be granted.

Finally she pulled her arms away from Airy and sat up in bed, plopping her pillow against the headboard as she stretched her arms into the air followed by a hearty yawn. "Good morning Airy," the girl said as she pulled the blanket off herself, rolling over to the edge of the bed and plopping her feet bare down on the wooden floor. With a little hop Eth stood up, then proceeded over to a dresser into order to clothe herself. Honestly she wouldn't mind staying in pajama's all day with her messy hair strewn about, but it was apparently 'indecent' to show up in a workplace like that. Hite and his stupid decency, not everyone wanted to dress up in a vest everyday! Still while she complained in her mind Eth went about throwing her pajamas on top of the dresser and putting on a white dress with her yellow sweater over top. While her hair was still a mess she didn't particularly feel like brushing it just yet so she turned to Airy who was still engrossed in a book, "I'm gonna go say hi to Hite, help me with my hair later kay?"

Ethniu skipped her way out of the room, leaving the door ajar behind her. She wasn't exactly silent so Hite probably knew she was awake already. Her boots sat at the top of the stairs leading into their living quarters on the second story, she had been told to not walk on the same floor customers trek their muk in without her boots on. Taking a seat at top stair, she slipped each one on before heading downstairs. Hite met her at the bottom of the stairs, unluckily for him he had shown himself while she was still a few steps from the bottom. Eth lunged from the third step into the air, crashing into Hite's body as she wrapped her arms around the back on his neck and her legs clinged around his waist. She looked into his eyes and smiled, "Gooooood morning!"

The greeting ended with the unpleasant screeching of a kettle, knowing Hite would want to deal with that Eth made an executive decision to stop hugging him like a parasite. Landing with a soft thud Eth followed alongside the older boy towards the kettle, however when he stopped she continued past him heading towards the plants. It seemed in the gap of time between when Hite and Eth had awoken the older one had already went about watering them, the soil was damp around them. Satisfied the the plants were okay the tiny girl returned to the coffee mans side.

Spotting a clear part of counter she hoisted herself up onto it as she watched Hite perform his tasks. Her legs dangled over the edge as she gently kicked them back and forth. After nearly being thrown off of his footing, Hite saved the day by stopping the kettle from combusting. The boy breathed a sigh of relief then spun himself around to face his unamused friend. "Good morning to you too, Eth. Slept without any interruptions?" He asked while tending to other dishware. Producing quite the pout Eth glared at the boy, "I've been sleeping rather well yes! Maybe you shouldn't assume the worst out of me, I know you're jealous of my good looks but please!" She let out a snicker, "Anyway, Airy will probably be down shortly." Eth continued to sit atop the counter top while Hite went about his business.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiteikei Kirano Character Portrait: Ethniu Buara Character Portrait: Airyl
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#, as written by Keen

After another rather typical day of pleasant work and baking, it was time to close up and go to bed. Being that she was a construct sleep was not something that Airly needed however. So, as she usually did during these nights with her guild she laid in bed beside Eth as she slept, curled up at her side, and read. A low light was all she needed to see, and it seemed to even provide Eth with a bit of comfort from the darkness of night. It wasn't uncommon for Airyl to read through the entirety of a book in the hours her companions slept, she read exceptionally quickly and with 6-8 hours of uninterrupted reading, she could get quite a bit done. As was so often the case she hardly even noticed when the sun began to rise, far too absorbed in the text before her. Tonight's was a fictional tale set in another world, it contained magic and monsters much like their own, but with a twist. All in all it had captured Airyl's interest quite easily, the author had a certain of describing the beauty and despair in that world that instantly pulled her in.

So engrossed was she that the movement at her side went unnoticed. Eth's words fell on nearly deaf ears as Airy gave a quite delayed and distracted, "Good morning..." in return. She was nearly finished with the book and with the conclusion rapidly approaching her focus could not be broken for anything. With Eth awake now however Airyl sat up only to lean in closer to the book in her hands as she rapidly read and flipped to the next page. She heard Eth say... Something, to which she replied with a simple "Uh-huh..." before the distant sound of the door opening and closing signified the young girl's exit. To Airyl however that sound and those concerns were worlds away. What was real and important in this moment to her was the fate of the beloved hero, would he manage to destroy the evil ring of power forever? The answer could only be found by flipping the page.

With the final page between her finger tips she read the last word and exhaled. She closed the book with a satisfying 'Thup!' before dropping it into her lap and stretching back straight and her arms up into the air. She smiled and glanced around the room, now fully registering what had happened while she had been zoned out, it seemed Eth was up and awake already, and... Mentioned something about hair? Airyl wasn't sure but she could easily imagine the girl running downstairs hair a mess and clothes hastily put on. The cute image of course only made her smile as she hopped out of bed and moved to quickly get dressed and brush her hair. After making sure everything else in the room was in order she headed downstairs, brush in hand. The sound of her comrades talking in the distance made her smile brightly as she shouted out to them from half-way down the stairs, "Good mooooorniiiiiiiing!"

From the sounds of their voices it seemed they were in the kitchen, so Airyl made her way there. The pleasant smell of coffee graced her nose as she walked in and approached the pair. She nodded towards her blue-haired companion as she approached, "Morning Hite." As her gaze wandered over to Eth however she let out a small sigh but smiled nonetheless at the girl, counters were not for sitting! She held her arms out as she walked into jumping distance of the young girl, "C'mon, off the counter." Eth grumbled as hopped down from the counter, running her fingers through her hair, "Yes ma'am, hey did you bring the hairbrush downstairs?" A small giggle escaped Airyl's lips as she nodded and moved to place her hands on Eth's shoulders to gently move the small girl in front of her and facing away. As she began to brush the red hair of the small girl before her she turned her attention back to Hite, "So, what's the plan for today boss?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiteikei Kirano Character Portrait: Ethniu Buara Character Portrait: Nimshi Ophni Character Portrait: Jrya Okumura Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou Character Portrait: Kouhara Okumura
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#, as written by Jedly
(This would occur after Envoy's opening posts. Just wanted to get this up here to keep things moving.)


Offer Your Soul

Regardless of how or when you entered the lively town of Heartlia, you instantly notice the abundance of posters, plastered onto every wall, corner, and even tied with a rope around a random child’s waist. Poor kid. Didn’t even notice who was looping the rope around him. Anyways, that’s enough sympathy for an astigmatic youth. Back to the story. You all notice the crudely drawn posters, barely legible in their design. The contest would be held in the Capitol itself, the central hub which outsiders are barely given entrance. Some say that the citizens there eat diamonds and poop gold. Other say they’re a bunch of cunning swine, completely refusing to commend guilds for their constant protection of the city. Whatever people say, it’s unknown territory to the satellite villages. So, what shall you do? Shall you uptake the two week journey, and possible die in the contest itself? Or will you sit on your rear and image yourself consuming jewelry out of despair? The choice lies in your hands alone.



As if on cue by the youthful redhead, Hite’s ears picked up the familiar thumps of somebody stirring overhead. Just as quickly, the footsteps proceeded downstairs and into the kitchen, belonging to no other than his other guildmate. The doll was serenaded by the beverages Hite had concocted, and gave the boy a quick nod. His face lit up as he gave a response, ”Good morning, Airyl.” Although, his formal tone didn’t match his friendly expression. Airyl’s motherly instincts seemed to go into overdrive after they exchanged greetings. The doll set her eyes upon the pre-teen innocently sitting on the counter’s edge, insouciantly swinging her legs back and forth. Chances are she was imaging the cyan-haired boy in a maid’s outfit. But before she could go on a spree of envious thoughts, she willingly hopped off the counter and allowed Airyl to brush her hair. Hite smiled at the sight, comparing it to a heartwarming scene between mother and child.

He was definitely thankful they had found Airyl in that abandoned building. During the months prior, all of the tasks concerning Eth’s which would usually befall a parent were to be complete by Hite alone. Since his father wasn’t the best at the role, he had absolutely nothing to reference and barely skimmed by. Now caring for the girl was equally distributed between the two older members, but there have been countless times where Hite cried out to the doll for assistance. The three had been getting by pretty smoothly these past few months. They were all extremely versed in their own fields, whether it running a cafe, selling plants, or fending off the town from packs of low tier monsters; they ended up with a profit in the end. Of course they were all hard workers, and reaped the rewards they deserved. Hite simply had to hand it to the two, since they were both relatively young in their own spectrums. Regardless of age and experience, they were able to adapt to drastic changes of scenery and lifestyle. Now they were used to the daily grind.

Speaking of ordinary routines, Airyl's voice snapped Hiteikei out of his trance when she asked him what was on their agenda. The boy tapped his chin in thought and glanced up at the ceiling. "Hmmmmmmmm..." His humming was obviously drawn out. It was an attempt to create some sort of comical effect, but the boy just ended up shrugging. "Well, aside from the usual pastries and drinks we serve, there isn't much. We haven't received any new requests for plants as of recently. Neither has the mayor burst into our store, crying his eyes out and begging us to offer him our help. Nor have their been any crimes or monster attacks. Pretty much the normal routine. Setting tableware, jamming out food, shun old men who wish to sully our innocent, young heroine here." As he was about to tend to another coffee press, the image of the posters outside flashed in his mind. He instantly spun around on the ball of his foot and snapped his fingers, locking gazes with his comrades. "Actually, there's something. Be right back." The boy blurted out before making his way for the door. He weaved himself through the table and eased open the door, then tugged the poster off of the window. Almost as soon as he had left, he returned with the paper in hand and placed it onto the counter. He glanced up at his comrades with an excited complexion, then returned his sight to the page.

"It's an advertisement issued by the Capitol's government. Whole lot of these posters covering the town. They were placed overnight, and the officials are nowhere to be seen." He stared at the picture more intensely, trying to make a deduction from the advert, "It's a contest for guilds. A battle, if you would. We haven't done anything too eventful in the past month or so. I'm not saying we have to do this, but think of the result if we do find ourselves near or on top. We would definitely make a name for ourselves, thus bringing in more customers, which would further make Heartlia more traversed. I have faith enough faith in our abilities that we can come out with some form of achievement." Hite leaned back from the sheet, his entrepreneur way of thinking shining in full bloom. He glanced over at his comrades, who he wouldn't blame if they were suddenly taken aback by this sudden change of concept. "It'll be nice to out of town for a bit. Besides, neither of you have ever gone to the Capitol, right? I've only gone there a few times with my old man. Wonderful place. Lots of delicious foods, it's like paradise. But, there are a decent amount of pompous elitists. But that's something we can overlook. We can bake something special, a limited time offer if we decide to depart. So, anyways, what do you both think?" He asked quizzically, cocking his head to the side as he awaited a response.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiteikei Kirano Character Portrait: Ethniu Buara Character Portrait: Airyl
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Eth stood fairly still as Airy shifted behind her and began to brush through the tangled forest of hair. Silence prevailed for a few moments before the hair brusher inquired as to what they would do for the day, to which the boy responded with a drawn out hum and a shrug. Hite then went on for a bit about their being no new developments in town, as he mentioned the sullying of the young heroine, the young heroine herself let out a small laugh. The boy about to return to his routine spun back around, snapped his fingers, then spoke before heading towards the outdoors. Eth was curious what he had forgot that was outside, she was tempted to follow him but sprinting away was not ideal if she wanted Airy to keep brushing her hair.

Luckily she wasn't left in the dark for very long, Hite came back in and placed a paper on the counter as he looked at them with beaming excitement. He seemed absolutely enthralled by the piece of paper he had brought in from outside, even as he rambled on he continued to look at. Hite wanted to take them to battle, that was hardly new the trio had slain quite a few monsters and apprehended a few criminals, but this battle was with other guilds. Monsters were stupid, unorganized criminals are usually weaklings, if Hite had taught her anything guilds were most certainly not full of stupid weaklings. Still, Hite seemed to trust in their abilities to take out these other guilds, and Eth would have to trust him in that assessment, she only knew of guilds because of him so why should she assume he had no idea what he was talking about.

Still the blue haired boy continued on, now at least taking his face away from the sheet. Eth reached over to the sheet and pulled it off the counter in front of her, holding it far enough away from her face that Airy could read it over her shoulder if she pleased. The picture on it was the the most terribly drawn piece of art she could think of, the small girl probably drew better when she was first told what in heck a pen and paper were. Hite was going on about the capitol and it seemed he got caught up in himself, throwing out some vocabulary that this youngin' didn't fully understand, but she apparently couldn't overlook it. Finally he finished, asking the girls opinions.

First things first, Airy seemed to have finished with brushing her hair. Eth spun on her heel, her freshly brushed hair twirling around with her as she stopped facing the taller girl. While the distance between the two was short it hardly stopped Eth from lunging into Airy's body with a tight hug, holding the warm embrace even as she turned her gaze back to blue haired one. "Alright mister, what does 'pom-pous' and 'el-it-ist' mean," she gave either of the more educated parties a moment to respond before going on, "This competition doesn't sound terrible, if Hite thinks we can do well then I think we can THRASH the competition! I guess I could do with a chance to stretch my legs. The plants aren't going to appreciate us leaving, they have that awfully rude habit of dying without a gardener. And uh... one minute." Eth finally released Airy from the hug and ran across the room, then up the stairs, turning into the room she slept in and grabbing two hair pins before dashing back to the main room. While she went about putting her hair into the usual twin tails using the gathered pins she looked up at Airy, "So whadda you want to do!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiteikei Kirano Character Portrait: Ethniu Buara Character Portrait: Airyl
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#, as written by Keen

A warm smile formed on Airy’s lips as she brushed through Eth’s hair, a task she had grown accustomed and fond of doing in their relatively short time together. Such affections had grown to be something she was quite fond of, such things were never available in her time in the tower, alone with her father. Despite the task at time her focus was upon the blue-haired boy who stood nearby and recounted the usual daily tasks the groups shared before he seemed to come to a rather sudden realization. Airy gave him a rather quizzical look as he ran off and out the door. She was curious but she knew he would be back soon.

After only a few more moments of brushing the job was finished. Airy gave a satisfied nod as she looked the girl’s long, red hair. She glanced over at Hite as he re-entered the cafe, letting out a small ‘oof’ as the small girl before her lunged at and hugged her torso. Her gaze turned down to Eth as she set a hand gently on the girl’s head, "Well, pompous means they’re very full of themselves, very self-important. Elitist means they believe they’re greater than others and don’t wish to associate with those seen as ‘lesser’. Basically Hite is saying they’re snobs." Airy smiles brightly as she finishes explaining and turns her attention to the matter at hand.

She regards the poster for a few moments and taps at her chin in thought, "Hm..." Her sounds of thought were punctuated by a shrug as she looked up to Hite. "Well, I trust your decision making. If you think we this is a good idea and a good chance for us I’m of course ready to give it my all, I’m sure we can win." She balls her hand into a fist and nods confidently. She glances over at the plants that sat off in the distance, "We don’t
 Is there anyone you know Hite who we could trust to come in and water the plants while we’re gone?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiteikei Kirano Character Portrait: Ethniu Buara Character Portrait: Nimshi Ophni Character Portrait: Jrya Okumura Character Portrait: Kouhara Okumura Character Portrait: Airyl
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#, as written by Jedly

Alright, sorry, had to go grab a mug of coffee. Now we’re a little bit closed on time here, so we’ll have to skip through a few chapters. We’re not missing anything tooooo important. Well, aside from Cobra being smushed by the tree which abruptly fell on him. Poor bastard didn’t have enough time to react. Although he was actually still alive after being crushed to the brink of death, he was thereby bitten by an
 actual cobra. Bet his parents feel like they’re to blame for choosing such a shoddy name. Along side the fallen warrior, Atsuko found some berries in the woods, which produced quite the amusing side-effects. Legend has it there’s a crazy woman who lurks within the forest of Heartlia, who’s cackles can be heard from miles away. Only a few have seen her and were able to escape with their lives, as most succumbed to death-by-scarf. Um, let’s see
 Anything else? Maxus got dragged along by his younger companions, making him feel like the child of the group. Echelon sold an unfathomable amount of sweets before their departure and temporary closing of the cafe. Taika has remained a sole guild member, the solemn leader of Envoy.

And now we arrive at our current juncture in this lovely novel. For the past two weeks, the nin- Sorry, I mean seven of you have been travelling to the Capitol. All of you started off in the minescule town of Heartlia, one of the outermost satellite villages. During this passage of time, you have had a few run-ins with monsters, fought your way through thick and thin, and have taken refuge within various towns. Throughout your travels, you have heard of a plethora of guilds joining the contest, some with more intimidating reputations than others. But you keep your determination held firmly to your chest, your head high, and your eyes on the prize. Regardless of your form of transportation, may it be servant, horse, carriage, or Maxus, within two weeks’ time you arrive at the renowned Capitol, the central hub of humanity’s foothold. As you make your approach, the first thing you instantly spot is the unsurpassable wall surrounding the city. It seemed as if its rim kissed the sky and reached out to the clouds. Alright, you got me, I’m overly selling it, it’s not that high. As you get closer, you see the crowds of people filing through a gate almost as large as the wall itself. All of the individuals entering the city vary in shape, size, and armament. They are surely competing guilds. You’re left dumbfounded by the amount of competitors. How will you rise above them, as most of them seem to outclass you? I personally bet on the underdog, but that’s just my preference. I mean, this is a pretty thick book, probably a few hundred pages in here. Since it revolves around you lot, you must be of some importance and make some progress in the battle.

The wall is heavily guarded, with regiments of soldiers stationed at each tower. They were all men of the Government, or more commonly referred to as “The Common Men”. Those soldiers lack the zeal and special abilities guilds are composed of. All they know how to do is wield a weapon, and pray to whatever deity they believe in. The chivalrous footsoldiers just stand idly as you pass through, into foreign territory. You stop in your tracks, frozen in awe at the amazing sight before you. A lively city, bustling with thousands of people, shops were selling items and delicacies of your wildest dreams. Buildings bordered the sidewalks, cobblestone developed the streets on which you stood. You have an hour or so before the gathering, might as well kill some time and enjoy yourselves for a bit, eh? We’ll move onto the next chapter shortly.

Your reaction right about now

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiteikei Kirano Character Portrait: Ethniu Buara Character Portrait: Nimshi Ophni Character Portrait: Jrya Okumura Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou Character Portrait: Kouhara Okumura
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#, as written by Ignetio
Maxus "Bones" Izyal

"Only an hour left. Only an hour to go back." Maxus looks around to some of the guilds he smiles and then chuckled sarcastically. "Are you kids freaking out yet?" he then starts going into deep thought. Don't scare them you ass he thought to himself. Scowling and tapping on the hilt of his blade. I need to find a way to spy on the other guilds. Uuug.... I'm not sneaky. Sitting down from the walk to rest he looks to the kids. "So what do you guys want to do?" what he really wanted to ask was. "Can't we just take another low paying job. Can't we go back." he then laughed a bit inside knowing he was acting as a child. He then looked to the other guilds once more. He studied them, Who liked who, What used what, And the weak spot in their armor. He only had an hour to do so. He hopes he can memorize these things. This was going to end badly for a lot of people now Maxus thinks about it. There will be a lot of deaths. For what? the entertainment for the king. Gods I hope The show will be good enough to let multiple guilds win. But knowing how the fat greedy bastard is the answer is no. he thought to himself. What sick idiot gets off to kids dying? Even more importantly.....

.........what was the prize again?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiteikei Kirano Character Portrait: Ethniu Buara Character Portrait: Nimshi Ophni Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou Character Portrait: Airyl
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#, as written by Ignetio
R.I.P rp.