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Vivian Nowell Shepard

A human who never thought they would bond with a Terra Cat.

0 · 320 views · located in Hela

a character in “Big Cats and Other Difficult Things”, originally authored by thenotsoinnocent, as played by RolePlayGateway


Vivian Nowell Shepard


Since Nowell was born her father, a lead councilman from Hela, always spoke to her about bounding with a Terra Cat. He wanted that source of pride and status. He always had so much hope of her bonding when she entered the Terra Cat pen at 5 and 10. At 15, he was sure sheā€™d bond with one. Disappointment showed on his face when nothing happened once more. He actually couldnā€™t look at or even talk to her. When he did look at her, heā€™d only look in the general direction. He only spoke to her when needed, which wasnā€™t often.

Itā€™s been a couple of years, and finally he doesnā€™t look at her with disappointment anymore. Though, Nowell knows it is a sore spot for him. You can tell, as heā€™ll tense up when he hears of a child bonding to a Terra Cat or something of that nature. Now Nowell spends most of her time at her job, which she loves. Nowell works with the Terra Cats. Specifically, she works with the ones who stay at the shelter.

Nowell often deals with expecting mothers when they give birth if they need help. Her favorite thing is to play with and care for the cubs that are too young to get tested. She only deals with the troublesome wild Terra Cats when they need an extra hand to feed them. Recently there was talk of a new arrival, Rek. She heard he has been on a rampage of killing livestock the past few months. They say Rek is the worst of the worst since he is too feral. She even heard of how he almost killed a man when they went to capture him. Nowell volunteered to help out, as no one else was willing. If no one wanted to help or be responsible for the cat, it would be killed or die from lack of care. She had to give the cat a chance. Nowell loves Terra Cats and thinks they all deserved a good life.

Nowell always wondered how things would go if someone could just actually communicate with Rek. It would make it possible to make a truce with the cat and or to reach an understanding at least. If that could happen, he could be set free and trusted. He wouldnā€™t need to be trapped in a pen, as he wouldnā€™t bother the community any more. She honestly thinks itā€™s a shame.

Nowell is the calmest person you could meet. It helps her with her job a lot. It helps that she has a lot of patience, love, and understanding for living creatures too. She just wants to make the Terra Cats in her care happy. She feels like she may not be able to help Rek since she has not heard good things about him. After talking to the town peoples, she finally figured out he may enjoy elk. She does have plans on seeing if she can gain his trust with it. Hopefully this doesnā€™t cause her death. It may mean Rekā€™s death too if that happens. People seem tired of him causing harm. Also, her father isnā€™t the most forgiving person.

Considered tall to some, Nowell stands at 5ā€™ 7ā€. Nowell has light brown skin, black wavy/curly hair that reaches about an inch or so passed her shoulders, and dark brown eyes that often get mistaken for black.

So begins...

Vivian Nowell Shepard's Story


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  1. I see what you mean by Footsnotes. I never even noticed this feature until now.

    by thenotsoinnocent

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Nowell woke up maybe an hour before the sun rose. She had to walk home, go to a farm to get freshly killed and cut elk for Rek, and then walk to the shelter. It was the first day she dealt with the Terra Cat, and she wanted to do something nice for him. She had been busy the past few days trying to get a runt to be accepted by a mother who recently gave birth. Its own mother rejected it. Nowell finally found a female who lost its only cub to accept it. She had milk too, so it worked out perfectly. She spent the night with the two to make sure the cub was fully accepted.

When she entered the shelter for the second time that day, she was a bit tired walking so much. Nowell was known for walking everywhere. She didnā€™t trust horses after one threw her when she was five. Since she hadnā€™t bonded with a Terra Cat, her father decided it would be good to buy her a horse and teach her to ride it. So now Nowell was stuck with a distrust and small fear of horses. Before she went to feed Rek, she checked on a few mothers who gave birth. She noticed the other keepers feeding the cats, but decided to wait before she fed Rek.

Today was her first time dealing with a cat as bad as he supposedly was. Nowell was a bit nervous, but she was more confident that anything else. She knew sheā€™d be able to deal with the feral cat. Her hair was tied up into a messy bun. She wore a fitting cotton green tunic with short sleeves, black tights, and black leather knee high boots. She adjusted the tunic to be fitting as the last thing she wanted was for a cub to rip any loose clothing off of her. She picked up the two buckets of elk she had in a wagon before she walked over to Rekā€™s pen.

All eyes were on her as she made her way to the pen. She knew they were only looking at her as she was going to feed Rek. Nowell knew some found working at the shelter a bit boring, and Rek was the new thing to talk about. As she neared the door she sensed Rek pacing near it. Nowell felt a tingle in her heart, but ignored the odd feeling. She simply watched Rek as she approached. Nowell was ready to flash the cat a smile, but then she heard a voice in her head. All emotions left her face.

Rekā€™s pen was far away from everyone else, so no one was around. Did the cat just speak to her? Shock filled her eyes and made them wide. Did she bond with the cat? Wasnā€™t she too old to bond with a Terra Cat? She had long given up hope of bonding with one. Slowly she placed the buckets down while staring at him. She took a deep breath before replying to the rude cat. His words had irritated her. He was called Rek for a reason. It would be my luck to finally bond with a cat, and it ends up being a bad feral one. She cleared her throat, and she now gave him a stern look.

ā€œHavenā€™t you heard of not biting the hand that feeds you? The last thing I am is a stupid human Rek,ā€ she paused to move the buckets of food behind her. A small bitter laugh escaped her lips. She looked the cat up and down slowly.

ā€œI went out of my way today just to get you some freshly killed and cut elk, but since you are so rude, I can just give it to some cubs who can eat meat. Also, I am the only one willing to deal with you Rek. If you dragged me through and killed me or harmed me too badly, your death would quickly follow. No one in this town wants to deal with you. Lots of townspeople want you dead for killing their animals,ā€ she said.

She picked up an elk leg from one of the buckets and held it in her hand. Nowell examined it as if it was something interesting. A second later, she placed it close to the slot for feeding. She did make sure it was far enough so that Rek couldnā€™t grab it. She slowly smiled at Rek. It was a small smile.

ā€œIf you apologize to me, I will feed you. If you donā€™t, then you will go without eating today,ā€ she said in a matter of fact tone. Nowell knew sheā€™d feed him before she left for the day. Heā€™d likely be starving by then, but it would be his punishment.


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Character Portrait: Rek Character Portrait: Vivian Nowell Shepard
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#, as written by Wyatt
That was new and different! Usually when the humans made their mouth noises, Rek couldn't make sense of what they meant. This on the other hand, came through like a stream of water, his mind filled with the sound of her voice and understanding quickly following. Then he didn't like the things she was saying.

What? That's really dumb and you're dumb for saying it
, Rek said temperamentally. You should apologize to me and perform your function. Which is, to put food in my mouth and then go away, silly human.

Rek sniffed at the meat held close to his slot and he began to softly paw through it, his black claws stretching just the littlest bit, trying desperately to disobey her and reach the meal on his own. Frustrated, Rek huffed a heavy breath, stepping back to spin impatiently before the door.

What is your problem?
he asked irritably. What do you want? Why are you talking to me? I only talk to Cats. Don't you have any humans you can talk to and annoy? Why do you have to bother me?


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Character Portrait: Rek Character Portrait: Vivian Nowell Shepard
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Nowell just smiled like an idiot when Rek spoke to her once more. She honestly couldnā€™t believe he was talking to her. Deep down she had a ball of excitement ready to burst. Nowell had bonded, a bit late, but it happened. She wasnā€™t just an ordinary human. Her father would be so proud. Her smile slowly faded. She thought of how he may not believe her. She wasnā€™t sure she could prove she was bonded to Rek. The cat likely wouldnā€™t corporate with her. Nowell rolled her eyes Rek. Again, he was biting the hand that fed him. This cat was something special.

Her dark brown eyes stayed on the cat as he tried to reach for the leg. Rek was stubborn. An amused smile graced her lips. Nowell knew from the start this cat would be an issue. The cat was now more of an issue since they bonded. He was not polite. She placed the meat back into the bucket. Slowly she squatted down a bit to be eye level with the slot. She made sure to keep far enough so he couldnā€™t harm her.

ā€œI do not have to apologize to you for any reason. Perform my function? I do not need to perform it. No one will even care if I leave you unfed. Hell, a party likely would be thrown if you died,ā€ she paused to take a deep breath. This cat was pushing her buttons. She didnā€™t like being mean to him and that bother her.

ā€œRek, we are talking as we bonded. I am surprised it happened as I am passed the age for bonding. If your words didnā€™t enter my mind, we wouldnā€™t have a problem. I thought Terra Cats were suppose to be smart, I told you what I wanted already. Though, to remind you, I want an apology, but it doesnā€™t seem like you are going to apologize. I guess you do not want this fresh elk,ā€ she said as she slowly stood up straight. Nowell picked the buckets up and walked a few feet away from the pen. When she stopped, her gaze returned to Rek.

ā€œOh, and now you only talk to cats and me. I have plenty of other humans to talk to, but I am pretty I donā€™t annoy them. I will stop bothering you for today. I will just go and take care of more appreciative cats. I know the prefect group of cubs thatā€™ll enjoy this elk,ā€ she said, her tone a bit hushed. She was in view of other humans now. Nowell wasnā€™t too eager to tell anyone she bonded. Would they even believe her? Probably not.