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Chandler Hamilton

0 · 487 views · located in Rose City & Moon Forest

a character in “Bitten”, as played by 106.Whit(;


Full Name: "In my line of work I've learned a name is immediate power over someone. So tell me, why would I give you mine?"
Chandler Nathaniel Hamilton is his actual, full name. However, most of the time when he is out he uses a "fake" name, like when introducing himself to complete strangers. Especially on "business trips." Do not be surprised if you hear one week his name is 'Jacob,' the next it being 'Roland.' You never know with him.
Nickname: "Just call me by whatever name I give you, got it?"
Jackass, Pompus Jerk- Hee, getting carried away. Over the many, many years Chandler's worked with The Cacciatori(which has been his whole life) he's been called many things. Most of which he does not care to repeat. However, most he works with either call him Chan or simply Chandler. He's not too fond of nicknames, honestly.
Age: "Seriously? You need to know my AGE now? Gah- I'm twenty-three, okay! Anything else? My pants size, favorite breakfast, maybe?"
Chandler turned twenty-three(23) two weeks ago.. "Yeah, I think I'm getting old then I see some old ass immortal running around. Thought gone."
Gender: "Why don't you ask me just to pull down my pants next time?"
All Male, clearly. And he's not afraid to prove it.
Role: "A proud member of the Cacciatori, at your service! Or.. Maybe not."
Liam Hemsworth ;D
Chandler stands at the height of six feet three inches(6'3") and weighs anywhere around two hundred thirteen pounds(213 lbs.). His weight, due to training ever since the young age of thirteen, is mostly in pure muscle. He doesn't look overly "bulky," however, just firm and toned in all the places needed to be. His shoulders are broad and a bit squared, leading down into a wide exapansion of chest and a lean stomach consisting of six abs total. He has large hands, rough due to the time he has spent outside doing God knows what, and taut, strong arms from driving blade after blade into an unsuspected immortal. Everything from his defined neck and down is covered in multiple "battle scars" in which earning many of those out of his pure stupidity. That stupidity being him letting his guard down during a fight. The one scar that travels across his firm stomach is deep, he has had it for years now. but it has yet to fade at all. His skin, obviously not flawless, is a gentle tan color, being not dark nor light. As for facial features, Chan has a rounded jaw/jawline with a wide nose and rather full lips for a male, everything seems evened out in the long run, grant you. He tries shaving regularly but on the days he doesn't feel like it, he dons a very light five o'clock shadow.
His hair is dirty blonde in color, always kept short, and unkempt..Clean looking though, believe you me; hygenine, although being a hunter, is something Chandler tolds dear. His eyes are deep blue colored pools that tend to look like melting snow one minute and then the brightest blue waterfall the next. Out around his pupil burst domiant streaks of silver; if you're close enough, they're easy to see. Chan's teeth are straight and white, due to the fact that he brushes them at least twice a day. As for his voice, it is deep and on the line of being husky.
As for attire, Chandler is a simple guy. A pair of jeans, tee shirt, and a leather jacket will do. He always has some form of a weapon on him, no matter what. May it be the spring-loaded knife/blade at his wrist, or a thinnly pointed dagger strapped to his back. Never can be too careful. Wherever Chan goes he carries around a strong, masculine aura. One hard glare from the guy can intimidate many. Mix a dominant aura and the inviting smell of Axe cologne, and you'll find one healthy, fine specimen.
Chandler is a hard one to decipher because he’s so fluently changing all of the time. One moment he may appear to you as completely approachable and friendly and at another time he might radiate the need to be left alone. A lot of that has to do with the fact that he’s rapidly adapting to the situations that he’s being placed in, the rest is more focused toward the reality that he never really had the experience of socially adjusting. Chan doesn't really believe in long term friendships and bonds that extend past family. He doesn’t keep to one standardized image and tends to vary between his personality flaws and habits.
The man is stubborn and biased when it comes to his own belief systems, he prefers to think that his opinions and his assumptions are resolute simply because he’s had to rely on only himself for so very long, and the very few "family members" he has. (however, he only feels he can count on himself) It’s not an issue of elitism, he just knows his ideas and evaluations to be true in 90% of the situations that he’s faced. It doesn’t mean he’ll immediately cast aside an offering of ideas or leads but he’s one to always want and have the final say in expressing and acting upon them. This mule headed tactic is often involved in his social connections and family relations as well. Chandler doesn’t like to surrender himself in an argument and won’t bend to anyone’s will. History has proven the only one to successfully get him to put aside his idea of the way things should be is his brother, and even that wasn't without a struggle. He isn't fond of peer pressure or others swaying him into doing what they think is more preferable and has even gone so far as to do the exact opposite of their wishes if he doesn’t agree with it. His views on himself and the supernatural world (vampires, werewolves, faeries, witches) are treated very much the same. It's not without heavy evidence supporting another theory or standpoint that he'll relinquish his opinionated high ground. He loves the thrill of the hunt, and usually doesn't ask many questions when faced with an immortal before slaughtering them.

Always the prideful creature, whether it comes to just his ideals or people that he respects he can’t see wrong in feeling the way he does about them. Chandler behaves like he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread; he carries that ego in his posture as well as in the bridge of his shoulders and is so open about it that it's become very evident. He’s no stranger to what he’s done for everyone and everything and even though the aftermath has dropped this pig headedness down a great degree, it’s still there and true. He's learned to value himself as a person despite the scorn that he has for his mistakes.
The hunter has a knack for making a crude comment or sardonic joke in the midst of a tense or emotionally stressful situation. While some might contribute this to immaturity in many ways it’s a coping mechanism. Chan doesn’t have time to take every heavy psychological blow that’s thrown at him and instead of allowing it he’ll turn it into a joke to make it easier for himself to deal with. He does this fairly often, despite circumstance, and it’s gotten to be a regular part of his personality.
It's not obvious at all or ever admitted but Chandler’s very insecure, not just about himself, and not about anything physical… but more so emotionally. He knows just how liable he is to snap, that he isn’t made of stone and cement and that he can be broken. He doesn't like to admit this, however, and won't. Keeping everything bottled up until finally something or someone makes the walls that he’s set up crumble.
Outwardly, he may appear almost vainglorious in his reactions to people and things. Inwardly, this certainly isn’t the case. Chandler is genuine in what he does and says despite the fact that he tries to shroud this part of himself away. You would never know, but he likes making people laugh and smile. It's with cocky superiority and incandescent sarcasm that he keeps the real struggle with who he is well hidden. He's always been good about keeping himself calm in the face of danger or distress and is very used to facing impending doom and severe situations. Throughout his experience with them he’s learned indefinitely to treat them with a placid recognition. He’s calm, smooth talking, deliberate in everything that he does in these circumstances and in many ways it helps him carry on through them. He doesn’t lose his head as easily and he’s better about accepting the ammunition that’s thrown at him when he’s involved in them. On that same note, Chan can’t be shot down when it comes to being involved in such an issue or situation. He’s head strong, strong willed, and determined. He can’t be diverted from what he’s doing and he won’t stop with it until he’s reached his goals and the priorities he had for what he’s dealing with. It takes death or near death to coerce Chandler away from something he’s actively participating in or fighting. He’ll carry out an order or a task until it’s completely finished. He's never liked leaving things hanging and finishes what he starts, no matter how much the circumstances might bother him.

Regardless of how he feels about himself, or about something that he’s involved in, Chandler is heroic and altruistic. He’ll put his life on the line to ensure the safety of another person or that they’re freed from whatever is tying them down. He spends hours of his time looking into the things that he’s facing and working against so that he has a better chance of defeating it and saving the people that can be harmed by the immortal. You could say the hunter is more cunning than he lets on, that he plays his stupid and arrogant jackass routine to divert people away from the fact, but the things supporting this lack of intellect are usually replaced by the excess of street smarts and survival skills that he has in spades. While Chan certainly isn't well versed in book learning and has no college degree he's ahead of most when it comes to simply living and brilliant in his line of work.

Species: "The last time I checked, babe, I'm all human. And it's going to stay that way. However, I can see where you got me confused with a god."
Chan is indeed human, despite the powerful aura and confident stride he carries. Although he's great with swords, daggers, bows all the way to your cross bow, polearms, etc.. He has no extra power. "Besides kicking ass.."
+ His Job
+ Hunting, in general
+ Adrenaline
+ Himself
+ Food
+ Training, Working Out
+ Staying Healthy and In Shape
+ Women
+ Making people Smile and Laugh
+ Sarcasm (only if it's himself using it)
+ Steak (his favorite food)
+ Dogs "Don't get me wrong, I hate wolves, though."
+ Control, Power
+ Night time
+ His Weapons
+ etc..
- Immortals
- Definitely Vampires (bad, bad, bad experience)
- Whinny Women
- No Control
- Things going Wrong
- Surprises
- Most Vegetables "Green... Disgusting."
- Being Told What To Do
- Losing
- Bitches
- etc..
-Losing a "family" member.-
-Actually feeling something for someone.-
-Relationships in general.-
-Dying doing something he doesn't love.-
-Showing weakness-
-Letting people down.-
I'll have one up soon! :T
Theme Song(s):
Everybody Loves Me- One Republic
One Last Breath- Creed
Will Add Soon

So begins...

Chandler Hamilton's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Caprice Morelleni Character Portrait: Christipher Voltaire Mórrigan Character Portrait: Samantha Violet Lestat Character Portrait: Isabella Ebony Mórrigan Character Portrait: Alphonse Zachary Padraig
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Aurora Mortenson emerged from her bathroom in a cloud of steam. With a sigh, she ran a thick black brush through golden blond hair and sat on her bed, checking the clock. Two in the morning. Not a bad time for a vampire to be just getting ready for bed. Not bad at all, in fact, most of her coven was probably still wide awake. She'd just gotten back from a midnight investigation into the murders and disappearences that had been happening lately . Her findings had shocked her and she'd needed a good bath to think. Now, sitting on her bed, she placed the brush down and picked up the small figurine sitting on her bedside table.

The figure was one of a woman, pulling a bow back, ready to shoot. She closed her fingers around it, squeezing harder and harder until there was a brief second of pain and then the thing snapped in two. Just like that. A month ago, her closest friend had gone missing, vanishing out of no where.

Tonight, Aurora had found the huntress figurine laying beside her mangled body. She had had to use all her willpower to force herself to inspect the wounds and after careful examination, found exactly what she'd feared. None of the marks were werewolf claw marks or bites.

Meaning someone else had done this. Someone who'd left the figurine. Aurora glared at the broken thing in her hand, demanding it to provide her tired mind with a logical answer. Sadly, it did not answer her and she sighed, setting it aside and standing to change into her white nightgown.

As soon as she stood, Aurora was forced to sit again. A blinding white light seared through her eyes, burning her, and making her scream. As a vampire , one of her greatest fears was blindness, but just as she'd thought she'd never see again, the light dimmed and the pain subsided.

Aurora found herself panting hard and she slapped a hand down on her bed to reassure herself that she was okay. Her hand struck paper. She looked down to see that she'd smacked a yellowed letter that had certainly not been there a moment ago. What the hell had just happened? Confused, Aurora lifted the letter delicately and read through it.

She dropped it, letting it float gently to the floor at her feet. For the first time in a hundred years, her hands shook with shock as she quickly threw on her lace nightgown and grabbed the letter. Without even stopping for slippers or a robe, Aurora marched straight down the hall, white lace billowing behind her as she moved purposefully.

She didn't stop until she'd reached Julien's door, her second in command. Outside, she pounded on the door urgently. "Get your lazy ass out here Julien, I don't care what you're doing!" she barked through the door. Another second and no answer. Too long. Without another word, Aurora shoved the door open and stepped inside. "Downstairs in the livingroom now." she ordered impatiently before turning on her heel and heading back up the hall.

As she did so, she made sure to jiggle the handle of each door, giving the others her sign for "get downstairs , meeting.
Once Downstairs in the main livingroom, Aurora selected the largest of the many velvet chairs all wrapped in a "U" shape around the grand fireplace. The fire was still popping soft, bathing the room in a warm glow. The open windows let in the cold night air and for the first time since reading the letter, she realized she was shivering in her nightgown and scooted her chair closer to the heat of the fire.

As she waited, Aurora crossed her legs daintily and thought. What was she going to do? She glanced down at the letter. You know what you have to do Aurora. She thought to herself. Yeah, but is that what's best for my family? The idea made her cringe, but she knew what to do. Based on the letter, it was her only option.

Slowly, the members of her coven started pouring in and Aurora lifted her blue eyes from the letter. She waited until everyone had arrived before speaking, voice as casual as if she was talking about the weather. "We're moving in with the werewolves." She said bluntly, letting hee crystal clear blue eyes make contact with each one of theirs , knowing it would enraged most of them, if not all. "There's a race of humans." She lifted the letter for them to see. "They know our secrets and they're hunting us. These disappearances have been due to them. They're called the Cacciatori and they're absolutely deadly." She lowered her eyes and sighed deeply. "I don't care how strong you think we are, we can't take them on ourselves. I've received this news from the lost princess Daniel herself." She said, lifting the letter again and raising her eyes.

She rested her gaze on Julien's, then the others one by one challenging them. "I'll hear your protests out, but you won't change my mind. I don't like this just as much as you don't, but it has to happen or we"ll all die. Anyone who doesn't believe me can read the letter." she looked up to Julien for support. He was her right hand and no matter how crazy he drove her sometimes, he was good at his job otherwise she wouldn't have chose him.

A cold breeze flooded in through the window, cutting through Aurora's nightgown , making her shiver. Silently, she hoped it wasn't a bad sign .


Caprice Mornelli sat in her office, a stack of files in her lap. Her clock read two in the morning, and as she worked, she held a cup of coffee in one hand, heels propped up on her desk almost carelessly. Large brown eyes scanned line after line of tiny 8 pt font, not even tired despite the late hour. She was used to late nights. Not only was Caprice a workaholic, but there was also no better time to catch a vampire or slay a werewolf than two or three in the morning.

Or apparently read files.

A disturbance at her door made Caprice look up, one eyebrow hooked upwards as if to say: "can't you see I'm busy?" At her door stood her messenger. He wasn't good for much, but he knew how to protect himself at least. Sad really, what became of her fellow Cacciatori members who really had no skill. "What is it Albert?" She asked rather impatiently.

"Its Bryce, Miss Mornelli. The man said sheepishly.

"And? What about him? Because short if him being dead, there is absolutely no reason for you to bother me while I'm working." She said annoyed. As if to prove a point, Caprice stood, towering over the man.

"uhm.. Actually.. He is dead. Killed by a vampire just now."

And with that, Albert scampered out of the room barely missing the vast that was pitched at his head when she'd registered what he'd said . "WHAT?!" She shrieked at the top of her lungs, the photo on her desk rattling violently. Bryce was dead? How? He was her top man. Her right hand. She shook her head. Dam vampires, if you wanted something done right you had to do it yourself.

Sitting, Caprice managed to calm herself again and think logically. Papers forgotten, she grabbed for the phone. The secretary's voice came, adding her who she wanted. "Chandler please." she said an waited a minute. Since most agents were at the office either for last minute paperwork or a late night hunt, it only too Bryce's brother a second to answer. "Chandler , yes, its Caprice . I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you, but Bryce has been killed by a vampire. I would like you to take his place as second in command. It would do your brother proud." Her voice was pleasant and sympathetic as she spoke. Sure, she could have chosen her own sister to take bryce's place, but she hadn't. Mila was too soft for the job, and while she loved her, probably the only person Caprice ever had loved , she wouldn't give her a job she couldn't handle.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keira Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Caprice Morelleni Character Portrait: Samantha Violet Lestat Character Portrait: Isabella Ebony Mórrigan Character Portrait: Alphonse Zachary Padraig
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Chandler Hamilton

It's funny how when you work in the dark for so long that's all you see. Your days become small vapors before your life is completely consumed by the darkness that lay awaiting, hungrily. That's how Chandler Hamilton's life was, how it always had been since a very young age. He was drowning in the darkness, choking, without a way to scream. Then again..Why would he want to? He had become one with the night, it was probably better that way. He was not worthy of the sunlight, and prefered sleeping during those tedious, bright hours, anyway.
For the night being, instead of darkness Chandler was drowning in research and reports. Reportings of the latest unsolved murders, patterns that followed, and so forth. A deep crease seemed to have permanently settled into his forehead, just above his brows. He was in deep concentration, like always around this hour, if he wasn't out slaughtering some God forsaken immortal, that is. The thought of them use to make his skin crawl. Of course, that was when he was younger, naive, afraid. Now the thought simply pissed him off, made him want to beat the living crap out of something; preferably, someone. His large, slightly calloused hand hovered over a file. He had read over it three times already. With the rough exhale of air past his lips he finally gave up, reaching down and flicking open the cover of said file. The name of the immortal was unknown, but their picture resided on the paper in front of Chandler. In this picture they were- she was clearly, not aware of a camera nearby. He snorted in digust at how innocent the creature looked. Defenseless. As if.
He rolled his eyes towards the ceiling off his office, smashing the file shut before carelessly tossing it across his desk. You could not see the sturdy, oak piece due to the many papers that littered its surface. Time for the nightly work out ritual, he thought. With another sigh Chandler pushed away from his desk and went to stand up when the telephone on his desk beeped, button blaring red.
"Mr. Hamilton?" the secretary's voice, loud and high-pitched, called.
"Caprice is on the other line, she-"
Chandler cut the annoying woman off as he picked up the phone swiftly, cradling it between his right shoulder blade and ear. "Caprice?" He answered in his regular, deep, unconcerned monotone, as always.
"Chandler, yes, it's Caprice. I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you, but Bryce has been killed by a vampire. I would like you to take his place as second in command. It would do your brother proud."
He almost didn't hear the rest of what she said as the phone began to numbly slip from his fingers. Byrce. Dead? He swallowed hard, gaining a tight grip on the phone. A deafening crack confirmed Chandler had, once again, cracked the phone. However, this time it was not from dropping it accidently when he was getting worked up over something. This was from his own firm grasp.
He cleared his throat, quickly finding his voice. When he spoke, it remained cool, calm, and collected, as if she had just spoke of the weather. "Of course, I'll gladly take his place, Caprice. Should I-.." He trailed off momentarily, running his free hand roughly through his hair. "Should I come by and pick up anything I might be needing?"
Ever since the age of eight Chan was taught to keep his emotions on lock down, at all costs. Ever to show weakness, not through body language, monotone, and definitely not through tears. He had not cried since he was seven. The sudden assault on his eyes was maddening. Bryce was honestly the only member of Cacciatori Chandler gave a rat's ass about.. And now?
He swatted at the tears before they could actually fall, clenching his jaw; it felt as if his teeth were about to shatter.
".. Bryce has been killed by a vampire."
The words mingled along his thoughts, swam through his brain, causing him to move the phone away from him briefly so he could take a deep breath. He didn't know which vampire killed his brother. But it didn't really matter...
They all were going to pay.


It was one of those never ending nights where there was absolutely nothing to do. Keira Delgado was doing what she always done, guarding the house- mansion? For the time being she resided in the main living room, not her room, laying by the fire. She was in her wolf form, like she was most of the time. The fire warmed her pelt and she was becoming a little too comfortable, on the verge of drifting off into a deep sleep. Her large head laid on her heavy front paws, ears flicking once, twice. Her eyelids began to droop..
She knew the coven, well most of the members, were not too fond of her. It was because of the obvious reasons. Half of her blood was that of a werewolves. What she was suppose to be. But now, of course, that werewolf blood of her's mingled with the strong blood of a vampire's. Keira didn't really mind it. She felt strong, she felt..Good. However, it had just caused her problems, and she did feel a bit lost.
She tried putting herself in the coven's shoes though. If she was a vampire.. And a werewolf was secretly thrown into her home, then accidently turned.. Then her problem for the rest of their life, she would be..Angry too, to say the least. But still. When the coven was around she tried staying in her human form to leave them with more ease. Only when she was "on patrol," alone or around Aurora did she reside in her wolfy body.
Sleep had stolen Keira away, but only for a short period of time. Before she knew it yelling was heard. Her ears pricked forward. Then began the distinct jiggling on door handles. A meeting.
She hopped to her feet and spun around, for the moment looking like she was chasing her tail. Then, the large, thick-furred wolf began to transform. Its body contorted and morphed, in its place appeared a young, smooth-skinned woman with wild hair. She brushed a few strands of the chestnut mass from her face, smiling timidly when Aurora entered the living room. Only the slightest wince confirmed the shift had been a semi-uncomfortable one. Keira immediately took the seat to the coven master's left.
Feeling just a little uneasy as the rest of the coven filed in, she tugged up her long legs into the chair, which were covered by a simple pair of black sweatpants, holding them to her chest. You would think after almost four years of being with the vampires she would feel better, and she sort of did. In a weird way they were her family whether they liked it or not. She rested her chin on her knees.
Once everyone was there and the meeting started all Keira could do was stare at Aurora in shock. Move in.. With the werewolves? She blinked once, twice, three times, slowly glancing at the others. They were definitely not happy. Biting back a whimper, she sunk more into the soft, velvety cushion of the chair. The members clearly, openly shared their disliking of the werewolf species. It almost made the wolf feel bad. However, she put on a brave front.
"Aurora, when must we move in with them?" she asked, voice full of curiosity. She cocked her head fully to the left, a wolfish gesture. She had the right to know, right? Keira wondered, however, if she shouldn't have spoken at all. Usually, the coven forgot about her, but speaking up didn't help them do so..

(Sorry my posts are short, it's late, I'm tired. @__@ Next post will be much better, promise! :) )

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keira Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Caprice Morelleni Character Portrait: Christipher Voltaire Mórrigan Character Portrait: Priestly Character Portrait: Samantha Violet Lestat
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Aurora took their complaints in silence. Being a vampire, it was hard for her to bite her tongue while being challanged. Especially as a coven leader. But Aurora had two hundred years of practicing patience on her side so she listened to them all, letting them each speak their minds. Her face, as she listened, was passive and one could easily say that she cared as much aboutthe conversation as what color the sky was. That was just Aurora. Always cool and hard. Like an icicle, she was delicatly beautiful, and yet hard, cold, and needle sharp as well. Untouchable she made herself seem. Men were either frightened of her or excited by the challange of being the "first" to crack the ice queen. Sometimes she let them. Other times she remained impenatrable.

So she sat with a winter cold demeanor. Not cruel, just calm and collected. Perfectly put together even in the dead of night after having seen the death of her oldest friend. "Aurora why do you smell like--" The question on Julien's voice froze her. Her body stiffened as he paused. Of course he would smell her. She'd just spent an hour inspecting her wounds. She'd been foolish to think that a bath would hide that scent. "Did you find her?" Of course he would be the one to ask that question. She turned to look at him and her facade slipped ever so slightly. Something caught in her blue gaze, her eyes always her tell, and she lifted her hand to fiddle with her necklace as she often did when upset.

Silently she willed herself to answer him, but thankfully, Alphonse began his onslaught of objections to her plan of action. Not soon after, Cassie stood up to defend Aurora, always on her side faithfully, but again that tedious question came up. "Did you find her?" She glanced around the room as silence fell over them. Beside her, Pup spoke up, asking tentativly when they were going to move in with the werewolves. Again, the room was silent as Aurora struggled to find the right thing to say. She squeezed the letter in her hand and averted her gaze from them to look down at it's yellowed surface and scrawled lettering.

She'd made many mistakes as their leader, but always did her best to do right by them. She glanced at their faces, awaiting her reply. She wasn't even related to any of them, except Alphonse through some distant cousin-ship, and they trusted her with their leadership. Was it because she'd been around so long or they honestly believed in her? It didn't matter. She had no doubt that the threat in the letter was real. She'd seen it with her own eyes, and as much as it pained her, if they needed her to recount it in order to see that she was doing the right thing, then she would give it to them.

She lifted her eyes and looked at Julien, finally finding the words to speak. "Yes." She said a little softly. Her face was calm, but her eyes shined with the threat of tears. "I found--" Just as Julien had, Aurora caught on the name. Charlise had been more than just a close friend. She herself had changed the girl a hundred and fity years ago and had helped her rise to power as the leader of a nearby coven. When her home was destroyed mysteriously in a fire, the Coven of Rose City had given her refuge until a month ago, she'd gone missing. "I found Charlise." Even though she said it, her voice wavered on the name. "By the time I reached her, she was already dead, but there was a man. Retreating into the trees." Her hands shook and she tucked them under her legs to hide it. "I killed him in blind rage. He'd dropped a little figurine. Of a huntress. I'm not sure what it means, but I know it's a symbol for something." She paused and ran her fingers through golden blond hair. "When I'd reached Charlise's body, I took extra care in-" she winced "inspecting the wounds. Gold burns and holy water. Nothing a werewolf would have done. We've been blaming the werewolves falsley all this time. I'm not saying they're not disgusting creatures, but I am saying that whatever's out there is dangerous and we need their protection as much as they need ours."

Aurora stopped to breath and propped her elbows on her knees, dropping her head into her hands with a deep sigh. She couldn't even remember the last time she'd been so shaken up. When she lifted her head again, she met Alphonse's eyes. "I'm not asking you to like it. But I am asking you to trust that I'm doing the right thing by you." She let out a sigh and leaned back in her chair, ice cold facade slipping over her again as she crossed her bare legs calmly and twined her fingers. "If you don't want this, have it your way. Find yourself a new coven." The threat hung in the air and her eyes challenged them. Even if it was wrong to throw them from their family, she would do it, they knew she would. There was no other way to convince them. Sometimes being leader was glorious, other times it was nothing but stress and pain. All Aurora wanted to do right now was head into the city and distract herself with the humans. Maybe find a man to bring home, let him think he'd cracked her ice-cold shield. Or maybe she would just go on a frustrated slaughter. A good, old-fashioned hunt like she used to in the old days. Before the coven. When she was on the path to self-destruction.

A knock at the door yanked her from her thoughts and Aurora raised her head. She could smell them before she'd even stood. Humans. Unless this was one of the coven's persistent human visitors, most likely hers, Julien's, or Belle's, no human would dare disturb their household in the dead of the night. So she decided to ignore it and leaned back into her seat.

But the knocking grew louder, more rapid and she honed her sense of hearing in on the door. Heartbeats. Pounding away as if the owners had just run a marathon. Well that was interesting. Unless they'd sprinted all the way here from the city, she doubted they could have gotten their heart rate that fast. A little too persistent perhaps? Maybe she should tie off a loose end? As the pounding grew more rapid, Aurora rolled her eyes. "All right all right. Shut the hell up!" She shouted as she stood and simply disappeared, reappearing before the door. "You humans never do st-" Her fangs had already slid out and she'd been ready to attack, but she was stopped up short in shock as she looked down at the two faces behind the door. "Well you're not an obessed lover." She smirked and stepped out into the night, closing the door behind her.

"What the hell are you doing here Gabe? I told you not to come here. Not even Julien knows about you and after the bomb I just dropped on them, dragging the two of you into the mix would practically put me on their hit list." She jerked her hand towards his sister, Sam. "Speaking of which, why are you bringing her? She doesn't know about us. Our little agreement was based on secrecy." She advanced on him slowly, white lace billowing about her knees as a breeze shifted by, making her shiver. "Don't make me end that." She glanced at the house. Her coven would be asking questions by now. No doubt they'd already smelled the humans. "God dammit Gabe, you really couldn't have picked a worse time."


Caprice felt the pain in his voice like a knife, feeling temporarily sorry for him. "Of course, I'll gladly take his place, Caprice. Should I-.." At that moment, he paused and Caprice smiled. Albert also seemed to think it would be a good time to come rushing in, panting and out of breath. She held the phone slightly away from her ear.

"Was the vase not a good enough indication that I would like you to stop bothering me Albert or would you like a stapler too? I won't miss this time." She quirked one eyebrow and tucked the phone between her ear and shoulder, lifting the stapler in one hand and popping it open. "This better be good."

Albert shifted nervously and contemplated telling her. Caprice rolled her eyes and raised the stapler. It had the desired effect and got him to get on with it. "Bryce's partner just returned. We know who killed him."

Caprice smiled. "Good boy. Bring him here." Alber scampered off and she turned her attention back to Chandler on the other end. "Hang on Chandler. Dealing with something." She placed the phone on the wood of her desk, not handing up, but not talking to him either, as Bryce's partner entered the room, looking shaken. "You said you know who killed Bryce. Well?"

He shifted uncomfortably. "It was a bloodsucker for sure. We were out hunting and found this one... She was familiar. You remember that old coven we'd burned a while back, a few cities off? She had been their leader. Apparently she got away." He paused, whether for dramatic affect or to irritate her, she didn't know. "So that's who killed him?" She rolled her eyes. "No ma'am. He killed that bitch, but as he was retreating another one showed up. I was well gone by then, but I turned back to see what was taking so long. When I'd arrived she was crouched over his body, holding his Artemis lucky figurine. Then she just took off. I'm lucky to be alive."

Caprice groaned. "That's great, but you do realize if it had been you and not Bryce I would still have a second-in-command? Now who killed him? I might forgive you if you give me a name."

He looked shocked, but stepped forward to the files on her desk. He shifted through the vampire ones before he came to two blond girls. Here he hesitated and Caprice leaned on the edge of her seat. One was the vampire coven leader herself and the other was Isabelle, one of the coven members. After close consideration, he selected the picture of Aurora. "This one." He stated plainly before turning and leaving.

Caprice held the photo in her hand with a smirk, them went back to the phone. "Alright I'm back."

"Should I come by and pick up anything I might be needing?"

Caprice thought a moment. "Yeah. I've got the file of your brother's killer here. Why don't you come down to my office and we'll talk." And withou another word, she disconnected with a sigh, thunking her head on her file-littered desk.

Not a second later, the phone rang again and she groaned loudly. "UGH!" She hissed and picked up. "WHAT?!" She barked impatiently. "Mama Eagle, this is Renaissance Man. The Men's blood Bank is closed for business, repeat, the Men's blood bank is closed for business. Got the trash in the bag and the house is shiny." It was Priestly. Great. Just what she needed. And was he talking in code? Where was he? She rolled her eyes. "Awaiting orders, Ma'am."

"Priestly, your code talk is a little obvious don't you think? No one refers to their mother as 'mam eagle'." She gave a sharp laugh and sighed. "Anyways, good job. Hmm, why don't you come down to my office and I'll give you an assignment. Don't keep me waiting." She hung up the phone and sat up to clean off her desk, putting away all but two files. The file of Aurora Mortenson and the file of Emmanuel Cross.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keira Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Caprice Morelleni Character Portrait: Christipher Voltaire Mórrigan Character Portrait: Samantha Violet Lestat Character Portrait: Isabella Ebony Mórrigan
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Aurora watched him push his twin sister behind him defensively and gave a wry smile, about to keep going until he threw a hand up. He was brave to cut her off, especially in her current mood, after the night she'd had, she had to give him that. “Aurora, I found out more information on Charlise’s death like you told me to, But Sam and my life got threatened..if you..if you promise to keep her safe, I’ll tell you everything." At this Aurora raised one delicate eyebrow and stopped in her tracks.

Again, she was about to open her mouth when Cassie rushed outside, running off into the woods. Aurora instinctivly stiffened, but the girl didn't seem to care that she hadn't killed the two humans yet. Her second instinct was to charge after Cassie and drag her back inside. After what she'd just talked about she was going to go out alone? I don't think so. Aurora took a step forward, ready to spring after Cassie, but this time a voice stopped her.

"I don't like it when you keep secrets from me, Aurora," Julien's whisper tickled her ear and she shivered briefly before raising her blue eyes to his, the same expression a guilty puppy wears when it's been caught projected on her face. "especially when you know all of mine." The truth of that made her break eye-contact. Not something she did often. "I'm going to get Cassie, she doesn't need to be out alone. I hope that when we get back, you'll talk to me. Keep them out of the house if you want to keep them. Al's mouth is already watering."

And then he was marching off and Aurora was left feeling guilty. How had he managed to make her feel so terrible with just a few words? It's not like the humans were a huge secret. She groaned and rolled her eyes. He wanted to talk to her when he returned. She could only imagine the fight they would have. Sometimes their fights got heated, other times they were over before they started, but they were never pleasant, and, being in the mood she was in, she had a feeling her temper wouldn't last very long if he said anything to piss her off.

Trying not to think about it, she turned back to Sam and Gabe, reconsidering their offer. "Gabe, I hope you know I'm not going to let you stay with us because you're blackmailing me." She stepped up close to him, placing a nail gently to the vein in his neck. "You know that if I wanted to, I'd have no problem getting my information from you. Don't try to outsmart me. I've lived two-hundred years, I know every trick in the book." She stepped back, giving him his personal space again and sighed. "But quite frankly, I'm not up for torture right now, and what kind of person would I be if I didn't help someone who helped me?" He eyes landed on Sam. "If she stays, you do. I have a hard time believing she'll adjust to us without you around. Oh. And this will most definitely piss off my coven so I suggest you keep your head down. Got that?"

And with that, she ignored Julien's request to keep them outside and turned towards the door. What was she supposed to do? Make them sleep in the gardening shed? No, her vampires would have to behave themselves. Inside, she found Kiera with her face to the window, Fox just behind her. Were they spying? Guess it didn't matter so much now. With a sigh, she gestured to Sam and Gabe, announcing them to the coven while at the same time, searching their eyes for any silver, a sign that they were hungry.

"This is Gabe and his twin sister Sam. They've been helping me investigate the disappearances that have going on lately, not just Charlise's but everyone's. I've had a weird feeling it wasn't werewolves for a while so I got Gabe to do some investigation on the human side of things. Anyway, these Cacciatori have threatened him so now we're taking him and Sam in. No questions. If you don't think you can handle yourself around them, try harder. The first one to lay a hand on them answers to me." She turned away from them and back to Gabe, pointing to the stairs. "Those are the stairs. Head on up and pick an empty room to get some sleep in for now if you want or just hang out. Don't get to cozy though. We'll be leaving in a few hours anyway."

Now she turned to Fox and Kiera. "Fox, stop teasing Kiera, I actually have a job for your uselessness." She said with a smirk. She liked Fox, and actually didn't mind having her around, but she never missed the opportunity to snark about her hanging around them. Since Fox wasn't exactly part of the coven, Aurora couldn't order her around, but she never objected when Fox wanted to stay and never complained when she left so she doubted Fox would refuse her. She held up Danielle Cabelle's letter. "Take this to Emmanuel and tell him my plan to move in with them. Tell him I wont take no for an answer and he'd be stupid to refuse. I don't care what you say, convince him it's the only way." Fox was perfect for the job since, like her, she could teleport so it wouldn't take ages.

She turned to Kiera. "Pup, sit up for a while and wait for Julien and Cassie to get back. When they do, tell Julien if he wants to talk, I'll be in my room. If it takes them more than a few hours, come find me." And finally, she turned to the rest of them. "As for the rest of you, you may either go back to bed, go hunting, or pack, but we'll be leaving a little earlier than ten tomorrow."

And with that, Aurora turned on her heel and went up to her room.

Once safely inside, she plopped down onto her four-post bed and dropped her face into her hands with a deep throated groan. Sometimes, when she was alone, she wondered if being coven master was really worth all the stress, but she quickly pushed the thoughts aside and lay back on her red silk sheets, golden hair splashed across her pillow. Her crystal blue eyes examined the ceiling as if it held the answers to her problems while she waited either for Julien, or Pup.


It didn't take Chandler long to show up, and she smiled when he did. Prompt as always. Her smile dropped though, when he looked her up and down. Big, innocent-looking, brown eyes caught his and she smirked, raising from her desk and crossing to the counter on the other side of the room to fill her coffee. She knew he wanted the file to his brothers killer and nothing more, but she rather enjoyed keeping him waiting. "You know Chandler, women will only distract you from your duties." She said with a smirk, returning back to her desk and taking a seat.

"Besides, short of you killing every Immortal in Rose City, there is nothing that would make me sleep with you. So don't waste your time." She laughed lightly and lifted her mug, eyeing him over the rim as she took a sip. "Don't get me wrong, it's not your looks." She said, placing a hand gently on Aurora's file and pushing it towards him.

"That's Aurora. The woman who killed Bryce. Ironically, your brother had been trailing her for weeks. She was his target." She shrugged. "Guess he turned into hers." The cruel joke hung between them, but she hadn't expected him to laugh. "Anyway, you may take her case, but the tricky part is this: I don't want her dead. She's a coven master. At least a hundred and fifty years old. Think of all that information. I want her brought in for imprisonment. Bryce had been busy trying to figure out a way to do that when he'd died. Getting a coven leader away from their coven is a tricky thing. It's what makes them so hard to catch."

She placed her coffee down and leaned back in her chair, lacing her fingers delicately over her stomach as she looked up at him with large brown eyes and tilted her head slightly, crossing her legs daintily. Everything about her spoke of innocence, delicacy, and softness, but Caprice was a double edged sword. For every drop of sweetness her appearance and voice held, she had a gallon of wickedness and mischief. "Any ideas or are you just going to wing it?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keira Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Caprice Morelleni Character Portrait: Samantha Violet Lestat Character Portrait: Isabella Ebony Mórrigan Character Portrait: Alphonse Zachary Padraig
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Chandler Hamilton

Having been caught eyeing Caprice, Chandler gave a boyish grin, as if he'd been caught with his hand in a cookie jar before dinner. He cleared his throat, having his arms tightly crossed over his chest. His blue eyes challenged her own brown ones when she stood and moved towards the counter. She looked so innocent, almost like an immortal, in a weird sense. Completely alluring but once you got close to them they were deadly; fatal. He tried reminding himself of this known fact often. He watched her fill up her mug patiently, wondering if she was ever going to speak, ever going to mention the file.

"You know Chandler, women will only distract you from your duties."

Chan's lips twitched, hinting at a grin. Oh, how he knew that. Watching her smirk deviously he simply shook his head, letting a broken chuckle tumble past his lips. "Besides, short of you killing every Immortal in Rose City, there is nothing that would make me sleep with you. So don't waste your time." This made his laugh stop short. At first, he was a bit offended. He straightened his shoulders, nodding once.

"Of course, I-"

"Don't get me wrong, it's not your looks." Chandler exhaled when this was told. Of course it wasn't! You do not mix business with pleasure, naturally. His gaze flickered to the file Caprice pushed towards him. Without thinking he moved forward in large strides until he was across from her at the desk. He did not pick up the file right away, simply reached forward with a large, rough hand, carelessly flicking open the cover. He caught his breath, but only for a short second. A female? He didn't think..- How foolish of him, of course it was a woman! Bryce was always doing cases that involved feminine immortals. He was worse than Chandler himself. Though, Chan admitted, his brother had good taste. The woman in the picture in front of him was fairly attractive; most vampires were, however. "That's Aurora. The woman who killed Bryce. Ironically, your brother had been trailing her for weeks. She was his target." He glanced up in time to watch his leader shrug nonchalantly. "Guess he turned into hers."

Tension immediately set in between his shoulder blades as she spoke, only the slightest clench in his jaw confirming she had hit a cord. It was like Caprice to say something like that. "Ha ha," he grunted sarcastically, picking up the file, gazing along the information set in front of him.

"Anyway, you may take her case, but the tricky part is this: I don't want her dead. She's a coven master. At least a hundred and fifty years old. Think of all that information. I want her brought in for imprisonment. Bryce had been busy trying to figure out a way to do that when he'd died. Getting a coven leader away from their coven is a tricky thing. It's what makes them so hard to catch."
Chandler gave a snort. You don't want her dead? He thought acidly, stony stare of the leech's picture once more. What if I want her dead? he wondered, of course, he did not speak this aloud. "I always like a challenge. You of all people know I like the chase. And dragging them into imprisonment? Mmm! Gets me every time!" His voice was thick with heavy sarcasm, yet his light blue eyes shone with goodhearted humor. He wasn't there to piss Caprice off.. This time. He watched curiously as his leader placed her coffee down and leaned back. What was it with women, and moving the way they did?? Chan tucked the file in under his right arm, grinning wolfishly. She screamed everything fragile and soft, but his instincts knew otherwise, they screamed.

"Any ideas or are you just going to wing it?" Caprice then asked him.

He was already brewing up an idea. Remembering a rather brutish vampire he brought in a couple weeks ago, one of the oldest in the line, an idea punched him in the gut. It was risky, yet. Foolish? Maybe just a little. Everything would be on the line. His humanity, most of it taken. His life? Maybe just that. But to avenge his brother.. ?
Chandler placed both his large hands on Caprice's desk, leaning forward, closer to her. His blue eyes danced with amusement. Maybe it was because of how simply dangerous he felt. Moving close to Caprice was like slinging yourself into a horde of bloodthirsty vampires. He didn't mind though. That's what his plan consisted of, anyway.

"Believe in or not, I actually do have an idea." The left side of his mouth curved into his signature, lopsided grin. "Just promise you'll listen to all of it before you go crazy on me?" he pleaded, blue eyes smoldering. It was something no other Cacciatori member ever thought of, dreamed of doing. Chan took a deep, needed breath.

"Remember that rogue vampire I brought in a couple weeks back? The one cursing in a different language? Real strong.. Took at least five guards to hold him off?" He didn't wait for her to confirm she remembered, he launched into his plan full force.
"Well, I'm going to need him after all, his blood. You want this Aurora girl aliv-.. Well, un-undead, right? I know how I'm going to do it. How I'm going to get myself close to her to bring her in. Doing so, however, I must become.. One of them partially." He leaned back an inch or two just in case she wanted to start swinging. The Cacciatori never thought of becoming one of the vile scum they devoted their life to hunt and kill. The mere thought made Chandler's own stomach clench and twist. He had to do this.. For Bryce. "I know me saying it aloud sounds completely idiotic, but just hear me out, Caprice." He used her name for effect.
"Bryce, obviously, done everything he could think of doing to bag this vampire. Everything but going behind enemy lines. You know I can do this. All I have to do is inject a vial of vampire blood. It would mask my human scent, making me, yes, a h-half breed.." His voice wavered just barely, causing him to mentally kick himself. "But it will get my foot in the coven's door. I can say I'm a loner, a rogue they needs a coven. Caprice, you know I'm strong.. Think of if I had leech blood running through my veins. Practically unstoppable," Chandler was tooting his own horn, naturally.

"Once again, I know it is risky. It will be a lengthy process. I will have to earn the head leech's trust, but it can be done. Plus, I can feed you back information behind the lines. And! Think of all those immortals we can wipe out after awhile." Chandler did not even mention the cons to his pros. His life on the line, none of that really mattered. Once injecting vampire blood he would be damned anyway. Leaning back Chan nodded slowly,

"So, what do you think, boss?"


Keira was entertained by watching the humans and Aurora. She found herself absently leaning closer to the glass, eyeing the male carefully, then the female. They had to be related somehow. Cousins, maybe? By the way the male, obviously known as Gabe, pulled the female behind himself, the word "siblings" mingled along the hybrid's thoughts. She smirked a little, only to stiffen when two dainty hands appeared to either side of her own. Resisting the urge to snarl when the faerie spoke, her hands slowly curled into fists.

"Is little Lassie coming, too? Will you play nicely with the other puppies?"

Keira went to answer with a snide comment, more than likely going to say, "Oh yes, but I cannot be quite sure that you'll not be my next chew toy." Alas, Fox began talking once more before she had the chance.

"Are you eavesdropping, Lassie?"

She wanted to scream, "I'm not a dog! Not. A. Dog! I'm a person too.. A girl! I have feelings.. I have- I don't need to..-" Her own thoughts began to jumble together, not able to form a coherent sentence. Her shoulders were still tense as she tried drawing her attention back to the scene that lay in front of her. "- most definitely piss off my coven so I suggest you keep your head down. Got that?" Keira came in on the end of Aurora and the human's conversation. What would piss them off? Her emerald eyes shone with curiosity as she twisted around to face Fox.

"Mistress won't be happy," Fox had just finished saying to her.

"At the moment I'm not happy you're in my face, Tinkerbell." Keira grumbled, eyeing the floor. The hybrid called Fox Tinkerbell, since she was called "Lassie" by Fox. She figured they had a Disney theme going. Keira eagerly turned towards the door when Aurora walked back inside, trailed by the humans. The male was much bigger inside the house, and both their scents were much stronger due to the fact the hybrid had smelling fifteen times better than the average bloodhound. She watched with piqued curiosity, eyes dancing, consumed in liquid silver; she couldn't help it, it had been almost five days since she last "fed."

"This is Gabe and his twin sister Sam. They've been helping me investigate the disappearances that have going on lately, not just Charlise's but everyone's. I've had a weird feeling it wasn't werewolves for a while so I got Gabe to do some investigation on the human side of things. Anyway, these Cacciatori have threatened him so now we're taking him and Sam in. No questions. If you don't think you can handle yourself around them, try harder. The first one to lay a hand on them answers to me."
Keira shuddered at Aurora's threat, eyes trailing back to the curious humans. She couldn't help but feel slight fear, which was odd. Humans were nothing. Yet, with these new found "Cacciatori" she was starting to believe otherwise. She listened to their heartbeats, placing a slim hand of her own to her chest. No heartbeat resided there. The vampire blood had provided her with that much, at least. She forced herself not to frown, eyelashes fluttering as she peered up at Aurora when she spoke to Fox. Keira did not hide the cocky grin that crossed her lips, glancing at the faerie as if to say, "Ha ha," Yet, what was said next killed her sudden buzz.

"Pup, sit up for a while and wait for Julien and Cassie to get back. When they do, tell Julien if he wants to talk, I'll be in my room. If it takes them more than a few hours, come find me." What the "Pup" really wanted to do was get back to her peaceful sleep. But, she did not reject to Aurora's wishes. You do not bite the hand that feeds you. Her silver gaze roamed over the humans once more, swallowing hard, glancing at the rest of the coven. Moving in with a bunch of werewolves, now this? What else??
Keira snorted gently, shuddering as the familiar tingling sensation started at the tips of her toes, then shot upward. That tingling turned into fire, consuming her spine. Giving a slight whimper she took a step back. In this motion her human form wavered. The dainty, smooth-skinned girl was replaced with a rather large, thick-furred wolf. Her eyes were still silver. With a huff she turned towards the door, plopping down so she could watch it intently, waiting for Julien and Cassie to return. Though, her predatory gaze strayed towards the heartbeats here and there.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caprice Morelleni Character Portrait: Priestly Character Portrait: Chandler Hamilton
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Priestly nearly jumped out his skin when he heard Caprice shriek at the other end of the phone, but his voice didn't betray a thing. After he had finished telling her what she needed to know, she seemed to calm down. "Priestly, your code talk is a little obvious don't you think? No one refers to their mother as 'mama eagle'." She gave a sharp laugh and sighed. "Well NOW, it's obvious, since you've pointed it out! Do you know how long it takes me to come up with these code words? Like 5 seconds! You try to come up with something more discreet in 5 seconds." Priestly said in his usual Priestly tone. She spoke again. "Anyways, good job." Priestly smiled a bit. "Well thank you for the recognition of it. I actually had to go to Banana Republic to go undercover. I feel like my skin is burning from all of these casual spring colors." Priestly said, in a mock disgusted tone. "Hmm, why don't you come down to my office and I'll give you an assignment. Don't keep me waiting." Priestly's voice then changed to that of a man from the hood. "Shit, guurl. When do I evah keep you...." the call was cut off from, she had hung up. He looked down at the phone. "Yeah, she wants me." he said to no one in particular with a big cocky grin on his face. He then pulled off the brown wig he had on and took off the wig cap. Revealing un-styled red and brown hair.

He pocketed his phone, then pulled out Veronica's phone he had taken from her body. He skimmed through the contacts until he found what he was looking for. He leaned against his car. "Knew it. Just like the last two." it was a contact in her phone that had no number, just an odd sequence of letters and numbers. It was a different sequence than the other two, but all three had the same contact name for it. They were all connected, different vampires from different covens. They were all connected with this "Big H" whoever that is. All the texts between them seemed nonchalant and rather normal.....too normal. There was a definite code there, but he hadn't been able to figure it out yet. He shook his head and pocketed the phone. He then jumped into his 1970 Dodge Challenger HEMI through the window and landed in the driver seat. He reached into the back and pulled out a huge metal case. He opened it, inside was a huge collection of cassette tapes. He sift through a few, then pulled one out and popped it into the car. Queen started to pour out of the speakers as Priestly turned the volume up, along with all of the windows down. He took off at a very unsafe speed.

He was zooming down the roads of Rose City, screaming the lyrics at the top of his lungs. " LIKE A TIGER, DEFYING THE LAWS OF GRAVITY! LIKE A RACING CAR, PASSING BY! LIKE LADY GODIVA! I'M GONNA GO GO GO, THERES NO STOPP'IN MEEEEEEEEEE!" He sang as loud as he could. No one would call Priestly a bad singer, then again, no one would call him a good singer, either. He came to a red light and he stopped at it. He was still singing when another pulled up next to him. It was a bunch of girls in a convertible bug. They looked at him like he was crazy. Priestly then immediately looked over at them....and started to sing louder. He then pointed at them and bobbed his head. "I'M LIKE A SEX MACHINE, READY TO RELOAD! LIKE AN ATOM BOMB, I'M GONNA WOAH WOAH WOAH EXPLODE! SHOOTING THROUGH THE SKY, YEAH. 200 DEGREES THAT'S WHY THEY CALL ME MISTER FAHRENHEIT!" He never broke eye contact with hem. They all giggled and then gave him a thumbs up. He returned the favor, then sped off as soon as the light turned green.

Priestly had arrived at his place before the end of the song. He pulled into his garage and shut the door behind him. He then popped his trunk and pulled the body bag out of his trunk and into his house. His house was nothing special. It wasn't in the best neighborhood and the second story was just a loft and two bedrooms. It was covered in band posters from across the ages and several signed guitars, some on walls, others in glass cases. He carried the body over to a bookshelf absolutely covered in books of the occult and several different religious books, including Torah, the Bible and the Koran. One book was out of place, though, it was a children's book called "Oh Little Rabbit!" He reached up and pulled the book right next to that one. He then turned around and saw the marble floor descend into a staircase. He went down the staircase, bag over his shoulder. As he entered a dark room, the stairs ascended. He hit a big industrial light switch and blinding lights came on consecutively. The room was was incredibly long with a rather low ceiling. It was stark white, the ceiling was made of light fixtures. One wall house hundreds of physical weapons, another had guns and long range weapons. One was covered in palm sized red bags hanging from the wall with name tags on them. On that same wall, tails hung from nails of different size, shape and color. In the middle of the room looked like a massive command center with computers and several boards with maps with pictures stuck on them with red yarn connecting them. He walked through the entire expanse of the room to a single door. He opened it and descended a large metal stairwell in darkness. He walked down into a room covered in brick and had a large oven looking thing in it. Oddly enough, right next to the oven was a steel bath tub. He unzipped the body bag and dumped it's body into the bath tub, Priestly then started to fill it up with water.

Priestly then walked away and started to undress, feeling very uncomfortable in these name brand clothes. His skin was cracked and betrayed hundreds of small scars, some larger than others. All of his tattoos were visible and he shook himself. He noticed the tub was almost full and he turned off the water. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a wooden rosary. He held it over the water and began to speak in a very low tone. "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. AVE MARIA, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Domini nostri, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen." he then dropped the rosary into the water. The water then started to bubble rapidly and the body inside seemed to start melting. He smiled slightly. "Instant Holy Water. Just add Rosary." he chuckled to himself as he walked over to a big metal drawer. He pulled it open. Inside was several small red bags, similar to the ones hanging in the room above. He pulled one out and then grabbed a pen. He wrote the name "Veronica Val Jean" on it. He noticed the water only held a skeleton with fangs. He grabbed one of the many plastic jugs set up next to the tub and put it under a faucet sticking out of the tub. He turned the handle and the tub started to empty into the jug. Priestly then gathered the skeleton out of the tub and brought it over to the oven. He opened a hatch, pulling a tray out. Fire could be seen swirling inside the oven, Oddly enough, the flames looked purple with tints of green in them. He placed the skeleton on the tray and pushed it into the oven, closing the hatch.

The hunter then grabbed a plastic chair, flipped it around and leaned on it, waiting for the oven to do it's job. He pulled out his form and brought up Caprice's personal number. He texted her, "Finishing up evidence, be there soon. Priestly." He sat there with a sort of dead look in his eyes, his face completely placid. He rubbed his eyes a bit. How many times had he done this, too many times for someone like him to count. He takes out one, picks up another case, takes it out, pick up another. On and on and on and on. Sure it was to protect humanity and all that, but why did he have to do this? He was forced into this life. He wasn't born into it, he had a taste of a normal life, then was thrust into the night. He sighed. He was tired, he always got like this when he was tired. It would be better after he got some rest.....or food. He then heard his stomach growl a bit. "Yeah, definitely food." He was thinking about the pies he had upstairs when a ding was heard. He stood up and walk over to the back of the oven and pulled out a hand held tray. It was covered in black ash. He pulled the red purse out his pocket and poured the ash into it. He then re-sealed it and then ran back upstairs, grabbing a hammer and nail on his way up.

He reached the white room and jogged over to the wall of identical bags. He then picked an empty spot and placed a nail into the wall with the hammer. He then hung the bag by it's straps form the nail. He nodded to it, smiling then ran over and hit a big red button, causing the stairs to descend again. he ran back up them into his living room and pushed the book back into place, turning the stairs into the floor once again. He ran up to his room and got changed into his normal clothes. He put on a pair of red and black tartan pants along with black combat boots. He then threw on a black tee that has written in bold white letter on the front " HUNT NAKED". He then put his studded leather bracers on with knives hidden in them. The hunter then walked out of his room and into his bathroom. He dipped his hand in a large pile of gel and started doing his hair. Two minutes later he had parallel red Mohawks. He then re did the eye-liner around his green eyes, and ran down stairs and grabbed a pie out of the fridge. He made pies as a hobby because he loved them so much. He would occasionally bring a pie to Caprice when she had a job for him, but it had been months. He knew she liked Pecan, so he decided to grab one of his Pecan pies and bring it wit him.

Soon enough, the rainbow-haired warrior was back in his trusty metal steed and was zooming along highways towards "The Office". He was blasting "Wanted" by Bon Jovi. After about 15 minutes, he had arrived at the building. He pulled into his parking place and ran into the building, Pie and files in hand. He danced awkwardly in the elevator to it's music as he waited for it to get to Caprice's floor. It dinged open and he walked out in a brisked pace, his trademark smile stuck on his face. He trudged towards Caprice's door with abit more spped and purpose than he should've had. Albert was sitting at his desk outside her office, he saw him coming and a sort of panic spread on his face. "Priestly, you can't go in there! She's speaking with..." He was suddenly cut off by Priestly. "Silence, Albert! I don't have time for your warnings and logic! For I have Pie!" he then walked straight over to her door and bicycle kicked it open.

As he burst in the room, he said. "Nobody panic!" He stopped, then did an odd flailing tap dance, pie and files still in his hands. He then jumped up and landed on the couch on the side of her office. He then put his hands behind his head, pie and files on his stomach. His smile ever wide. "I'm here." he said incredibly nonchalantly. He then noticed Chandler was in the room as well, He then noticed their expressions, especially Caprice's. His smile faded. "Ah.....I'm interrupting something. He then sat up and placed the Pie and files next to him and folded his hands into his lap. "Well............go on. Don't stop on my account. I'm not even here." He then placed his chin into his hands and looked at them with a waiting smile of a child.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caprice Morelleni Character Portrait: Priestly Character Portrait: Natahlia Alexandera Ramos Character Portrait: Damien Gabriel Faolan Character Portrait: Fox Character Portrait: Adrienna Tessa Montgomery
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A few hours earlier...
(Vampire time)

Emmanuel Cross woke with a groan. Someone was shaking his bed, and he'd just fallen asleep. He sat up and rubbed his eyes sleepily, letting them adjust to the dark. "Wake up darling, I have a message for you." He knew that voice. Emmanuel's eyes snapped open, and, just as he'd suspected, Fox was perched at the end of his bed, a letter in her hand.

"What are you doing here Fox?" He grunted somewhat rudely and stood, crossing to his dresser. Since he wasn't ever going to get to bed, there was no point in not dressing. Cranky when his sleep is interrupted, Emmanuel yanked the drawer open a little too hard, causing the wood to splinter. He groaned. "See what you make me do Fox?" He smirked at her before slipping out of his pajama bottoms and tugging on a pair of jeans and a white cotton t-shirt.

Once dressed, he walked back to his bed and sat in front of her, grabbing the letter from her hand. It was crisp, yellowed, and even smelled old. His night-vision allowed him to scan over it in the dark, and when he was done, he raised a single eyebrow at Fox. "Alright, I'm interested. What the hell is this about?"

(Werewolf time)

Emmanuel watched his packs reactions. Rose wanted to run out and cause a fight. Of course. Alex didn't want to, and Natalie started playing music at some point, but it was Damien who asked the million dollar question.

"What are you talking about? We know to stick together. Is there something else?"

He'd planned not to tell them until the vampires actually showed up, but that didn't seem to be an option anymore. He wouldn't lie to his pack. "Uh. Yeah." He replied, not too sure on the best way to break it to them. In the end, he chose bluntly. "The vampires are going to be moving in with us a bit later today." He paused, allowing the news to sink in before running a hand over the back of his neck and continuing. "I've gotten a message from Aurora," he said, remembering Fox's visit earlier that morning. "There's a band of human hunters after us. She got a magic letter from the lost Princess Danielle Cabelle that explains how strong they are. She's convinced that the only way to stay safe is to join forces."

He looked at Rose, knowing she would probably disagree the strongest, his green eyes pleaded with her to understand before he turned back to the others. "I'm going to go ahead and trust her on this one. Aurora and I have hated each other for two hundred years, but hey, if this turns out to be a trap, they're all just that much closer right? It'll be easy to finish them off if things go sideways." He shrugged and pushed his hands into his pockets, awaiting their reactions.


"Believe in or not, I actually do have an idea."

Caprice smiled at the same time as Chandler, she knew he'd been a perfect replacement for Bryce. "Just promise you'll listen to all of it before you go crazy on me?" That made one eyebrow raise, what could he be planning that would make her crazy? She leaned forward, elbows on her desk, prepared to listen. His blue eyes burned on her brown ones and she gave him a slight nod and made the motion of zipping her lips and throwing the key away.

"Remember that rogue vampire I brought in a couple weeks back? The one cursing in a different language? Real strong.. Took at least five guards to hold him off?" She did. It had been a great catch, but what did he have to do with any of this? Confusion clouded her eyes for a second until he explained.
"Well, I'm going to need him after all, his blood. You want this Aurora girl aliv-.. Well, un-undead, right? I know how I'm going to do it. How I'm going to get myself close to her to bring her in. Doing so, however, I must become.. One of them partially."

That shocked her. He'd leaned forward while he was talking, their faces merely inches apart. When he said that though, he'd leaned back as if she would hit him, but she just sat waiting cooly, as if they were talking out their favorite sports team. "I know me saying it aloud sounds completely idiotic, but just hear me out, Caprice." His blue eyes pleaded with her, and she gave him a nod, urging him on.

"Bryce, obviously, done everything he could think of doing to bag this vampire. Everything but going behind enemy lines. You know I can do this. All I have to do is inject a vial of vampire blood. It would mask my human scent, making me, yes, a h-half breed.." She caught the wavering in his voice and one eyebrow shot up slightly. "But it will get my foot in the coven's door. I can say I'm a loner, a rogue they needs a coven. Caprice, you know I'm strong.. Think of if I had leech blood running through my veins. Practically unstoppable," Caprice smiled lightly. He was cocky, but then again so was she. Pride wasn't always a bad thing.

Her usually unreadable eyes had widened to twice their, already huge, size, shock clearly displayed. He wanted to make himself a monster and expected her to just let him do it? She rose out of her seat to object, but he beat her to it.

"Once again, I know it is risky. It will be a lengthy process. I will have to earn the head leech's trust, but it can be done. Plus, I can feed you back information behind the lines. And! Think of all those immortals we can wipe out after awhile." That halted her for a second. He was right. With someone on the inside, they could kill practically all of those vermin.

"So, what do you think, boss?"

Caprice grinned slowly, crossing around to the front of the desk where she leaned on it's edge in front of him. "Okay." She said with a quirk of her eyebrows and a sigh. "It's risky, but we could kill almost all of Rose City's pests." Her brown eyes twinkled. "Not just Miss Aurora." Her head turned slowly towards him and she raised a challenging eyebrow. "Maybe I will have to sleep with you." She smirked, referring to the comment she'd made earlier about his killing all the Immortals in the city.

Just then, Priestly barged in, making a wild entrance. As usual. She rolled her eyes, but couldn't keep the amused smile off her lips as she pulled away from Chandler and wrapped back around to the other side of her desk to sit again. "Ah... I'm interrupting something." He said and Caprice gave him a sarcastic look, as if to say: Really?. "Well... go on. Don't stop on my account. I'm not even here." She sighed and turned back to Chandler.

"Alright, well. I'll let you do this, but if you get in trouble and have to sink ship." She shrugged. "Don't take me down with you, because if you do..." She stood, brown eyes suddenly menacing as she leaned over her desk and pressed a nail to his chest. "So help me God, if you take my opperation down, I will jump in there, save your ass, then drag you back here and make sure you get the slowest, most painful death I can provide." She paused, letting that sink in before sitting again daintily. As if she hadn't just threatened his life, her nonchalant coolness fell over her once more as she pushed him the file and waved her wrist. "You can go."

Caprice now looked at Priestly. "Nice timing, as usual Priestly." She said sarcastically and lifted the second file in one hand. "Are you going to put on another little show or do you want your assignment?"

Oh, and Aurora's just kinda chillin' in her room 'till Julien and Cassie get back

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keira Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Caprice Morelleni Character Portrait: Priestly Character Portrait: Julien Horne Sangrey Character Portrait: Chandler Hamilton
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Chandler Hamilton

Chandler arched a brow, blue eyes swarming with curiosity as Caprice stood, and made her way around the desk. The muscles in his stomach immediately tensed as he crossed his arms over his wide chest instinctively to keep his hands to himself. Whenever she got close, which was rare, he always reacted that way.

"Okay." Chan's eyes widened, tripling in size when he heard that simple word. He could have swore she would start swatting him, cursing and saying how foolish he was. But she did not. "It's risky, but we could kill almost all of Rose City's pests." He nodded, almost mechanically like, watching his boss. She was close enough to touch, yet he wouldn't dare unless he wanted to lose a few fingers. Then again..He would have seven more if that happened. Nah. However, her next words blew him out of the water, and he had to swallow hard, keeping himself from gaping like a fish. "Maybe I will have to sleep with you."
Chandler immediately met her challenging gaze, a wolfish grin slipping across his lips.
"Oh, if you have to, I don-.." Chandler began, yet trailed off as Priestly barged through the door. Tension immediately set in between his shoulders as he glanced over at the dancing monkey. He grinned a bit.

"Ah... I'm interrupting something." What was your first clue? Chandler thought, but he did not say it aloud. Instead, he decided to play along.

"Of course you did! I was about to ravish her body, and have her right here on this desk!" He tossed his arms into the air to add effect before laughing huskily, shaking his head. He turned back to look at Caprice, blue eyes now bright, swirling with amusement.

"Alright, well. I'll let you do this, but if you get in trouble and have to sink ship." Inclining his head forward, he listened as she went on. "Don't take me down with you, because if you do..." Chandler watched her stand, sighing inwardly. Here came the threat. He dropped his arms to his sides casually, letting her go on. His eyes followed her nail to his firm chest. "So help me God, if you take my opperation down, I will jump in there, save your ass, then drag you back here and make sure you get the slowest, most painful death I can provide." When she spoke her voice was deadly, but Chan could not help the grin that crossed his lips.

"Will you be wearing one of those sexy, leather outfits while punishing me?" he asked, trying to break the sudden tension in the air. Once again, taking a step back, however. He watched her sit, then reached forward for the file she pushed his way.

"You can go."

Chandler gave a casual nod. Same old Caprice. "Yes, ma'am," he teased gently, turning and moving towards the door. He took slow, deliberate strides, pausing with his hand on the gold door handle. Glancing over his shoulder, his eyes fell on Priestly. "Hey, Priestly," he called, waiting for him to look at him before he continued. "If me injecting this vampire blood turns me into a mindless monster, kill me, alright?"
Chan didn't wait for an answer though, simply left the room, letting his words hang in the air like a light fog. He wasn't afraid to die, not really. He was afraid, yes, of what he was about to do. How stupid can I be? He wondered, thinking of what Bryce would say. What he would do. Bryce would call me an idiot, try kicking my ass, and he wouldn't let me do it. Chandler thought with a slight grin, making his way down the hallway, towards the elevator.

Once inside said elevator he pressed the button with the large number ZERO printed on it, heavily black. Floor zero was where the Cacciatori kept their prisoners. No, they never saw the light of day once down there. Chandler leaned back and when the doors slid open he stepped out, being met my two Cacciatori members who always guarded the prisoners.

"Chandler! You're back! .. Empty..Handed?" Shawn, the shorter, red haired guard shouted as Chan came into view. He just shrugged, walking over to a long strip of counter space to the left. It was right before you got to the cells where all the prisoners were. From there Chandler heard growling and screams, causing him to roll his eyes upward, towards the ceiling. Did he really want to become one of those monsters? Could he..Do it? By this time he was rummaging through a cabinet, pulling out a syringe and a couple needles. Of course I can does this, I'm Chandler Hamilton.

"Chan, man, what are you doing?" Marcus, the tall, dark skinned guard asked, behind him. Chandler sighed, not liking to be questioned. He scooped up the supplies in his hands, turning around.

"Is it really any of your business?"

"We're not allowed to let you back with the prisoners unless you give us a good enough reason." Shawn called from the gate him and Marcus guarded to keep the immortals in, people out. Marcus just nodded, crossing his overly muscular arms. Chan snorted, walking past him, going towards Shawn and the gate.

"You'll let me in or I'll notify Caprice, and your asses will be grass." he stated with a devious smirk. At the mention of Caprice both the guards stiffened. Shawn turned, quickly unlocking the gate, and stepping back.

"G-Go on in," he stuttered. Chandler chuckled lowly, walking past him sporting his cocky, lopsided grin. Once he began walking down the line of cells the immortals began calling, screaming, growling, and hissing.

"Chandler Hamilton," a sickly sweet voice purred, getting a mere glance from him. It was the vampire Chan brought in exactly a month ago. Female. Vampire, small brunette with chocolate brown eyes. She had almost got the best of him, but he, naturally, won in the long run. Walking straight ahead he came to a quick stop at the seventh cell to the left. Slowly, he turned on his heels, smirking at the immortal inside the cell who was starring back at him. It a swift, sudden motion the vampire lurched forward, slamming into the bars of his prison. His eyes glowed silver, and when he spoke his voice was a loud, angry screech that hurt Chandler's ears.

"Te! Te misellus excusationem ens! Rapiet tibi cor, et illud convivium ante oculos tuos!! Et ut vita tardius leav-" Chan held up his hands, and the vampire immediately stopped screaming, puzzled.

"You're speaking Latin," he murmured nonchalantly, and the vampire snarled, as if offended. "I researched it a few days after I brought you in." He went on, moving closer to the bars. With the motion the rogue vampire hissed like a frightened cat, backing up a bit. Chandler laughed, dropping his hands back to his sides. "I need to take some of your blood.." This statement did not go over well. In the next second the sickly pale vampire had its body slammed up against the iron bars again, arms through as he reached for Chan's neck. Mr. Hamilton did not move.

"I will kill you!" he screeched, causing the hunter to quirk a curious brow.

"So you can speak English." he joked, shifting his supplies to one hand as he ran his free one through his short, thick hair. "Just listen to this proposal," Chandler had always been a smooth talker.
"If you let me draw some blood, I'll let you go.." This piqued the rogue vampire's interest. He stopped trying to break Chandler's neck, easily leaning forward some, face pressed to the bars.

"I'm listening," Chan smirked.


Almost twenty minutes later the elevator button made a soft 'tinging' sound as Chandler Hamilton made his way back up above ground. In his right hand he held a clean needle and a syringe full of crimson liquid. On his left jacket cuff was a quarter-sized blood stain from the kill he made not ten minutes ago. It was safe to say he did not let the vampire go. Outside he took a deep, soothing breath, glancing down at the syringe. Inside, held the main object of his plan. Walking over to his smooth, black Camaro he slid into the driver's seat, tossing the other file in the passenger seat, yet he didn't shut the door. Slowly, Chandler shrugged out of his leather jacket, opening the small packet that held the needle. I can do this, He was trying to convince himself, popping the needle in the syringe, in place. Holding out his right arm he squeezed his hand into a fist, relaxed it, squeezed it into a fist once more, working up the large vein in his arm.
After three minutes the vein bulged, and he was ready. Raising the syringe to his mouth his pulled the cap on the needle off with his teeth, spitting it in the passenger seat of his car. Chandler was giving up more than half of his humanity. Possibly his life. And what about once this was done? Cacciatori was his life. If they didn't take him back because what he was..He would belong nowhere.

Enough thinking.

In a swift motion Chandler plunged the sharp needle into his skin, sucking air in fiercely through his teeth at the immediate burn. And then he pressed in the end of the syringe, injecting the vampire blood into his system. It happened quickly. He jerked the needle from his arm, slinging it across the car as he cringed, yanking back. His blood had to be on fire. On fire and coursing through his veins like wild horses on a rapid race. "Ahh!" he cried out softly, leaning his head back. His body twitched and twisted, black splotches dancing before his eyes, threatening to take away his vision. He. Was. On. Fire!! His heart was beating way too fast. He could hear it pounding in his ears like a quick drum. Chan groaned, head lobbing to the side.
The pain had started to ever so slowly subside, but his heart..It was still rambling at a terribly fast pace. Then..It just stopped.

It was weird, hearing your own heart stop, yet not dying. Feeling yourself take your last breath..Surely he was dead. But he wasn't.
Chandler blinked once, twice. His vision had increased tremendously. He took a unneeded breath, turning his head at the sudden attack on his nose. All the scents.. And the burning! It had left his body, yet was settling in the center of his throat, smothering him. Get to the Coven's House. he thought immediately, reaching forward. His body moved too fast for his mind to comprehend. Chan snatched his hand back momentarily, blue eyes wide. It was so strange.
Reaching forward again he typed in the address of the leeches mansion in his GPS, he had it memorized. Now, all Chandler had to do was convince the coven master he wasn't a newborn vampire, just a rogue needing a place to stay. A coven. This was just perfect.


Chandler didn't drive his car up the long driveway up to the mansion. Instead, he left the Camaro down by the main road, slightly in a ditch, and disappeared into the woods. His speed was exhilarating. He felt as if he could run forever and ever, not getting tired once. He wanted to try it. Yet, the burning in his throat was so distracting.. He decided against it. I have a job to do. He reminded himself sullenly, appearing beside a tree back behind the coven's mansion. Looking at the looming building Chandler crossed his arms, leaning against the elm tree he was beside. He scented the air, taking in the scents in the house. More vampires than anything-he thought- but there were other smells too. One smelt absolutely mouthwatering, which made Chandler disgusted with himself. He rubbed the back of his neck. Now being partially what he hated, he felt extremely dirty. Gazing along the building he eyed a balcony, perfect climbing distance, jutting out just enough. Instead of simply knocking on the enemies door, he was going to swing into their home.

With a boyish grin Chan ran, grasping the ivy going up the side of the mansion. He then began climbing, halfway up leaping, grasping hold of the ledge. Being in the physical state he was he easily pulled himself up, hopping over the balcony's railing. He landed with a soft grunt, not the graceful of hybrids, apparently. Having the success of making it up, Chandler easily strode towards the double doors leading into the bedroom the balcony was outside of.
Both hands on the doors, Chandler stopped short, blue eyes widening the slightest bit. Two figures were in the room. Two vampires. And one he recognized from a certain picture: Aurora.

Amused, lopsided grin falling into place, Chandler dropped his hands from the door handles, giving the coven master an easy wave.

Oh shit.. Was his only thought..


Keira's ears had pricked forward, and she lifted her head from her paws as Julien entered. He looked annoyed. "I'm going to find Aurora. I don't care if she told you to tell me not to," Assumptions confirmed, she tilted her large head to the left, watching him pass with the roll of her eyes. Once he was up the steps she stood, shifting back into her human form. Doing so it seemed as liquid fire shot up her spine. She gave a slight hiss. Damn, She thought sourly, glancing around. Alone at last.

Keira moved towards the living room, running both her hands back through her thick hair. Her mission was accomplished, it was time to wind down, she hoped. Then again, I should pack.. The thought was quickly veto'd as she sunk into the soft, velvety love seat. It caressed the visible skin of her long arms, causing her to yawn. She was more tired than she thought. Everything that had happened was a lot to take in. Everyone was off on there own, and the hybrid was left by herself once more. It was honestly nice.
She leaned her head back on the arm of the love seat, still silver eyes gazing upon the ceiling intently. For some reason she felt like wrestling. A good, just-because fight. The sudden want for it surprised her, but it was easily ignored. No one wanted to bother with her at the time being. She didn't even want to bother with herself! Keira's eyes traveled to the fireplace, its flames licking the inside. Watching the flames dance with one another, her eyelids began to grow heavy. She turned on her side, curling up into a loose fetal position.

A nap wouldn't hurt..

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caprice Morelleni Character Portrait: Priestly Character Portrait: Chandler Hamilton
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Thankfully it seems that Caprice was amused by his antics instead of furious. It seems he was starting the day of good.....for once. She simply sighed and turned back to Chandler. Priestly didn't move from his listening position. "Alright, well. I'll let you do this, but if you get in trouble and have to sink ship." She shrugged and Priestly's eyebrow immediately shot up in an inquisitive way. "Don't take me down with you, because if you do..." She stood, her amber eyes suddenly menacing as she leaned over her desk and pressed a nail to Chandler's chest. "So help me God, if you take my operation down, I will jump in there, save your ass, then drag you back here and make sure you get the slowest, most painful death I can provide." She paused, letting that sink in before sitting again daintily. Hairs rose on the back of his neck. He had faced down entire covens and packs without batting an eyelash, but Caprice was the one thing that could instill fear into was kind of hot. As if she hadn't just threatened his life, her nonchalant coolness fell over her once more as she pushed him the file and waved her wrist. "You can go." As if he just brought her coffee. Priestly turned and he gave Chandler a spirit finger goodbye, batting his eyelashes in a joking manner. Before he left, he said something...odd. "Hey Priestly, if this Vampre blood injection thing turns me into a monster, kill me. Alright?" Priestly just raised his hands with a smile without giving it a second thought. "Sure thing man." In his mind he simply screamed WHAT!?!?

As soon as he was gone, Caprice turned to him. "Nice timing, as usual Priestly." She said sarcastically and lifted the second file in one hand. Priestly raised his hands up in a dramatic shrugging position, then lowered them. "You know me, I always aim to please." He stated with a cocky grin. She spoke again. "Are you going to put on another little show or do you want your assignment?" Priestly's expression immediately changed to sensual. He slowly stood up and cocked his chest out. "Well it depends..." he moved closer to her desk in a very exaggerated strutting fashion, his hands on his hips. He spoke again, his voice incredibly deep and sensual sounding. "Why kind of show do you want?" he then immediately turned around and jumped backwards onto her desk, making sure not to knock anything over. He then shook his ass in her direction for a few seconds and rolled it around. He made odd undulating sounds to highlight his little show. He then jumped off her desk and began pelvic thrusting while doing the disco fever with his hands. Needless to say, it was quite a sight. He only did for about 5 seconds before stopping. He laughed for a bit and smiled a genuine smile, no smugness in it. "I guess there's a time and a place for everything." He looked over to the couch. He then picked up his file and pie. "Speaking of time and place.......I brought pie!" He said in an Oprah sounding voice, pulling off the tinfoil to reveal a pecan pie. He placed it down on her desk, a giant open smile still on his face.

Priestly then composed himself and then handed her the file. He cleared his throat. "Anyway, that's all the data I got on my latest kill. She had the same contact as the others and the same code pattern as the other texts. I'm not sure what it means exactly, but I have a theory." He then sat down in on of the chairs in front of her desk and crossed his leg. "I think it might be some kind of.......secret....Vampire.....spy network. All of the targets were from different covens and I doubt knew about each other. So it's nearly impossible for it to get back to their leader.....this "Big H", this Vamp must have a good amount of influence." He then looked down and made a fist of his mouth, as if thinking hard. His eyes seemed serious. "Every time Ive tried to contact Big H, about 7 minutes later, the phone disconnects. I did it twice now, once on the others phones." He pulls out Veronica's phone. "This one is still intact." He places it down on her desk. He then looks her in the eyes, a look that was genuine....almost apologetic. "I'd be able to give you more, but as you stated earlier, I'm not very good with codes. That's all Ive got.....sorry." he said sounding genuine. Even though he had done his job to the letter, he wished he could give her more. Something that would make al of this easier....but he couldn't. He had to accept that he had done all he could.

Priestly shook his head for a brief second then blinked a few times. "Umm, right, yeah anyways. You said you had a new assignment for me?" He said looking up at her with a normal expression, with a slight smile. He now felt it was an appropriate time to ask the question. "Oh yeah, that thing Chandler said.....WHAT?! Why did he say he was injecting himself into Vampire blood?! Were you just okaying that!? WHAT IS GOING ON!!!????" He then immediately changed his posture to one completely at calm. "You know.....if you can." He said with a very theatrical smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Caprice Morelleni Character Portrait: Priestly Character Portrait: Natahlia Alexandera Ramos Character Portrait: Julien Horne Sangrey Character Portrait: Damien Gabriel Faolan
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(Vamp time)

Fox's reply to his harsh questions was a pout. Why was he not surprised? "Must it always be business first between us, Lover?" she said. "I haven't seen you all day. Didn't you miss me?" He just looked at her. Sure, he was being rude, and he had missed her, but he wasn't about to admit that. He was angry with her for waking him up at four in the morning. She then leaned forwards walked two fingers up his arm to his shoulder and then heaved herself so that she was draped across his lap.

The smile she flashed him was innocent and angelic, and he finally gave in. "You're right Fox. I'm sorry." He said and gave her a slight kiss on the cheek. "I missed you, now can you please tell me what this letter is about?"

"Although, maybe you're right. I'd hate for either of us to be distracted... Now, what was it that I was supposed to tell you..." She tapped her lips for a moment as she thought. "Oh right. Aurora Mortenson proposes a deal. She will be here tomorrow morning to join her Coven with your Pack. You will protect each other from these humans, these Cacciatori. And she said something as well about princesses and that magic letter, but I wasn't really listening. Either way, she was not asking. She'll be here at ten."

That had caught him completely off guard. Aurora just expected to show up at his house and move in like everything was okay? They'd been fighting for almost two centuries and she expected him to just throw up his hands and let her bloodsucking family in his home, near his pack? He shook his head. "Tell her no." He said plainly. "It's not happening." He held up the letter. "How do I know this isn't a trap?"

(Werewolf time)

“Okay, so when?” Damien asked, not objecting, but clearly not happy about it either. Emmanuel breathed.

"Ten." He said, glancing at the clock. 9:30 am. "Half and hour."

"So, let me get this straight..." Emmanuel turned his eyes on Alex. "We're going to let a coven of powerful, blood-sucking vampires who have always been nothing but trouble for our kind into our home in order to protect ourselves from a secret group of 'human hunters', all because of some magic letter? Look, Emmanuel, I trust you with my life man, but this is crazy! All of this just screams 'trap!' to me! Why take the risk? Haven't we lost enough to them?"

Now there was the argument he'd expected. Emmanuel sighed. "Look Alex," he held up the letter "this letter is real. It even smells like magic and old age." He shook his head. "Even if Aurora is just trying to pull one on us, there is no way she could have faked this letter. And if she does try anything, we'll be ready. What if we do what you say Alex, and refuse them," he paused, "And you're wrong." He shook his head. "If these humans are out there, we will need them whether we like it or not."

"Are you two insane?! I mean,Emmanuel I love and trust with my life but,come on. Humans tiny little humans can not know how to kill us. How do you know that this isn't a trap,you wouldn't just be putting my life in danger but more importantly you're putting your life,my cousin's,your sister's, Adrienna's, and my brother's lives all in danger. Hell,if I die I couldn't care less but if I lost you guys to those bloodsucking demons I would have nothing left. " Natalie's sudden outburst made Emmanuel jump a bit and he turned to look at her. "I trust you almost as I trust Alex but,we have all hated those spawn of Satan ever since we changed and now you and that blond headed witch are trying to get us to play nice!? Look this is crazy and damnit haven't we lost enough already!"

And with that, she stormed out of the room, cherry red hair trailing behind her. The slam of the door rattled in the silence and Emmanuel pushed his hands into his pockets, looking at the ground. That question again. Haven't we lost enough already? He sighed and looked up. "I'm not asking you to agree with me, but we have to do this. You'll see. I wont let them stay here long if nothing happens, but if Aurora's telling the truth and this group of hunters is after us, we'll need everyone we can to finish them off. They're a huge operation and we've lost a lot of pack members to the feud. Not that I don't want to fight." He grinned mischievously. "We just need a common enemy. Think of how unstoppable we'd be."

"And afterwards," he added, "if you guys want, we'll kill the vampires. Rid ourselves of all possible threats. Rose City and Moon Forest would be ours. Not to mention, we could take their house." He said with a slight laugh. While the werewolf mansion was massive, the vampires's made it look like a hovel.


The look on Priestly's face instantly changed in that way of his. Now, instead of being a goofball, he was giving her a sensual, smoldering stare. It shocked Caprice and she looked at him, confused. What had she said...? "Well it depends..." Oh. She should have guessed Priestly would make a joke out of her comment. "Why kind of show do you want?"

She didn't respond, merely leaned back in her chair with a slight smile as he did his little dance. When he finally composed himself, she simply looked at him and quirked up one eyebrow. It was hard not to laugh. "You done?" She asked with a smile.

"I guess there's a time and a place for everything." She laughed lightly and rolled her eyes.

"Yes, but your judgement of that seems to be completely mixed up." She smiled.

"Speaking of time and place... I brought pie!" Pie? She watched with brown eyes as Priestly brought a pecan pie over and placed it on her desk. She'd been half hoping that it would be raspberries, so that she could throw it at him and complain about how she was allergic. Pecan however, was her favorite so she was forced to give him a smile and a thank you instead.

After giving her the pie, he sat on the other side of her desk and looked suddenly serious. His ability to switch moods so quickly annoyed Caprice, but he was always good for a bit of amusement if she ever got bored around the office and there was nothing to hunt. He threw a file on her desk and Caprice lifted it open with two fingers and looked at it. Veronica. She dropped it again and looked at him, listening. "Anyway, that's all the data I got on my latest kill. She had the same contact as the others and the same code pattern as the other texts. I'm not sure what it means exactly, but I have a theory. I think it might be some kind of... secret... Vampire... spy network. All of the targets were from different covens and I doubt knew about each other. So it's nearly impossible for it to get back to their leader... this "Big H", this Vamp must have a good amount of influence." Spy network? She'd never heard that one. Interesting... "Every time Ive tried to contact Big H, about 7 minutes later, the phone disconnects. I did it twice now, once on the others phones." He placed a phone on her desk and Caprice reached forward, grabbing it and looking it over for a second before setting it down again and returning her chocolate gaze back to him. He looked apologetic and sincere. "I'd be able to give you more, but as you stated earlier, I'm not very good with codes. That's all Ive got.....sorry."

It's true, she wished he had more, but he had done a good job so she just nodded. A gesture that could be taken either way. Not a second later had he gone straight back to the Priestly that annoyed her. "Umm, right, yeah anyways. You said you had a new assignment for me? Oh yeah, that thing Chandler said.....WHAT?! Why did he say he was injecting himself into Vampire blood?! Were you just okaying that!? WHAT IS GOING ON!!!????" He then immediately changed his posture to one completely at calm. "You know.....if you can."

"Not that it's any of your buissness..." Caprice said with a small smile of amusement as she leaned back and crossed her legs. "But Chandler's going undercover. And yes. I agreed." She shrugged. "As long as he doesn't use his new gifts to kill innocent humans, he's extremely valuable to us. Not a target." She pushed the file on her desk towards him.

"Anyway, as for your assignment, I think we've let up on the werewolves a little too much lately. You're going to be going after Emmanuel Cross. Their leader."


Of course Aurora heard Julien coming, but she didn't care. She just stayed where she was, gloden hair splashed across red silk sheets as she stared up at the ceiling. And that's exactly how he found her. "So, let's just get straight to the point. Who are they?" He said plainly and she sat up, moving to the center of her huge bed and sitting there, looking him over. He was going to argue with her. Why not? As if her night hadn't been stressful enough. At least it would feel good to yell at someone.

"They're humans." She smirked, blue eyes challenging, daring him to fight with her. "Or could you not tell by the smell?" She rolled her eyes and quirked her eyebrows. She knew that hadn't been the answer he was looking for, but she didn't care. "Spies." She said with a shrug. "I hired the boy to do some looking into things. To see if something was... suspicious. The Cacciatori found out and threatened the sister." She pretened to yawn. "Are you mad that I brought humans in or that I didn't tell you?"

She rolled her eyes and flicked her wrist dismissively. "Men." She said plainly. "Always think they have to know everything. You know Julien it's not th-" She was cut off short.

Standing on her balcony was a man. She looked at him in confused shock as he gave her a little wave. What the...? A cold breeze floated in, rustling her sheets, tugging at her nightgown and hair, and bringing Aurora the mans scent. Vampire. But not a full vampire... She tilted her head to the side and raised an eyebrow at him. He'd interrupted her argument. She'd been so looking forward to screaming at someone.

"Who the hell are you?" She hissed, trying to control her boiling anger. "And why are you here?"
"You better have a damned good reason."