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Breakout: Wakeup

Breakout: Wakeup


(Notice: Literacy and Matureness required. This will be long term, i WILL shoot you if you leave...) You were kidnapped. You were experimented on. Then, something happened. Now, you are escaping.

1,582 readers have visited Breakout: Wakeup since Mr. Baneling Squishy created it.


Logging into Database....

Establishing historical Archives from the view of Subjects Alpha, Delta, Echo, Sigma, and Omega. Bringing up relevant data.

Warning: Historical files on Subjects Alpha, Sigma, and Omega are incomplete.

Warning: Not all data is known to the subjects. In fact, they know very little. Please revise title for later, as it really is inaccurate. It is only partially from their view. Most data they do not know. Much of it is also in our view as well as the facts in general.

All it was was a normal walk home. You just got out from school, and you were headed home. However, what you didn't notice was a black van following you. Then, some people grabbed you, and knocked you out with some sort of toxin. No matter how much you tried to fight it, you couldn't get away. You were taken, taken to some facility. And there, in secret, you were experimented. It seemed like it was only months to you, but you have been in a sort of stasis for years. Many years.

The facility is only called "The Ascension". Not much us known about it. Just that it is huge, powerful, and important to many countries. they hire the best of the best. And usually they are either known as unethical, immoral, or just plain crazy. No one is allowed to investigate, and it has been implied that no one wants to, but nothing illegal is going on. No one ever suspects anything, and there is never any evidence. But it has been known people who have tried to have "heroically" died in action while taking out the real culprits responsible.

So now, where does that leave you? In a secret facility. With guards and automated defenses. And an AI. That's filled with other dangerous experiments. But that's not all.......there are things you don't even know yet.....details about this place no one knows about except the people that work there.....

You see, this facility was created in 2001. It was then reformatted and strengthened after WW3. You were taken when it was 2012.

The year is now 2220. You have been in a sort of stasis for 99.9% of the last 200 years. Rounded down. Now, something is happening. Something is finally happening. You are waking up. Someone...or something....has disabled all safeties. All protocols, and now you are waking up. Subjects Alpha, Delta, Sigma, and Omega. There are more. There are many more.

But there is more to the facility then meets the eye.

Pulling up additional files from Subjects Delta and Echo.

Subjects real names are Destiny and Micheal, both males, and brothers. Unknown about the first brothers name, possibly it just fit or something. Files indicate that a shortened version of his name was "Dest". Last names not provided, nor records kept, in order to prevent anyone from finding out where they came from. They originated in New York City. Tests have so far proven valid, with the exception of the Mind Control Implant.

Additional note: Mind Control Implant failed in subjects Alpha, Sigma, and Omega as well.

Pulling up general files on all involved Subjects:

All Subjects have enhanced endurance, agility, speed, strength, durability, and thermal resistance.

Accessing Individual Abilities:

Alpha: taken
Psionic Shield.
Energy Pulse. (Pulse of pure energy that knocks back anyone or anything in its way)
Sonic Screech
Alternate Visions (such as Night, Ultraviolet, and Thermal)

Delta: Taken
Magentic Field Manipulation.
Electrical Manipulation.
Super-Dense Skin
Atmospheric Hyper Adaptivity (He is quickly able to adapt to breath in anything, including space and toxic gas)
Molecular Surface Adjustibility (Allows him to stick to the wall, ceiling, ect.)

Echo: Taken
Increased Data Processing.
Increased Brain Electricity.
Increased Brain Functions
Close Range Interface (allows access to computers and electronics unlike any other...)
Advanced Targeting.

Sigma: Taken
Cellular Camouflage (basically he/she can make every cell in his/her body invisible)
Shockwave (Only created from a massive hit to any solid surface)
Empathy (Feeling emotions)
Hyper regeneration

Omega: Openish
Neural Overload (You can overload the nerves of anyone your touching, paralyzing them with pain)
Iris Memory Transfer (You can steal memories from others by looking dirrectly into their eyes and concentrating)
Neural Influence (Not mind control, but if htey are unaware, they will do most things, but they wont harm themselves, shoot themselves, kills themselves, or such. Additionally, they wont do anything weird or big without a good reason provided through influence or natural)
Preemptive Sensory (able to sense most trouble right before it happens, like a sniper shot or a sneak attack)
Mind Reader

Notice: Experiment details on subjects locked down. Please go to the Lab Database for details.

Notice: Bringing up audio records and computer data of possible and definite relevance to the situation.

Bringing up first package:

Dr. Greensburg: "What do you mean there is something wrong with the subjects. Im at Echo right now with the pack..."

Dr. Borro over Comms: "I dont know, im bring some guards. Their awareness just spiked....."

Dr. Greensburg: "What! Thats not possible!"

Dr. Borro over comms: "Why do you think im bringing the guards?!?!"

Dr. Greensburg: "Ill be right there...."

Bringing up second Package:

Assistant Ferro: "Listen, i don't know how, but Delta is being released!"

Artificial Intelligence: "Warning, Subjects Alpha, Delta, Sigma, and Omega are being released"

Ferro: "What? Dammit, alert the station! Alert the station!"

AI: "I am afraid communications out of this room has been disabled. Additionally, all video is also disabled in key areas. The door has also been locked"

Ferro: "What?!?!?! Let me out, quickly, before he wakes up! I need to get outside to gas the room!!! Before he kills me!!!"

AI: "The Door is sealed. Automatic Gas Devices have been disabled. All safeties have been disabled. All Countermeasures have been disabled..."

Ferro: "Wait, what? No, let me out! Come on!!!!"

AI: "I'm afraid only Delta has been authorized to leave this room. Until he is the only one left or you are given authorization, i can not help you".

Ferro: "What! Thats BS. Who did...*various screams of pain*"

Bringing up third package:

Dr. Borro: "I'm at the lab holding Subjects Alpha, Beryllia, Cartra, and Delta"

Dr. G over Comms: "I'm headed your way. Whats the status of things..."

Dr. Borro: "Iv found Ferro.....i think......his ID says Ferro, but.....hes on the ceiling. His body was Magnetized. And smashed."

Dr. G over Comms: "What?! Who is responsible?"

Dr. B: I don't know.....but Delta's door is open. Alpha's is still opening. And the toxic gas is disabled"

Dr. G over Comms: "Alright, what else is there?"

Dr. B: "*Static from Radio*"

Dr. G over Comms: "Hello? Hello? Answer Dammit!!!!"

Bringing up final package:

Captain Terru: "What do you mean its isolated!?! I got orders to kill them before they gained total awareness and armed up!"

Artificial Intelligence: "A lockdown was remotely triggered. The Lockdown can only be lifted if overridden from the console with the code it was used remotely from, or from a manual unlocking inside the chamber"

Captain T: "Your the AI, override it! I need to get into the Inner Sanctum!"

AI: "I'm afraid i am not allowed to do this. If i disobey, it would not be in the interest of the rightful crew, unless i am told specifically otherwise by the owner of this facility"

Captain T: "Part of your core is in there! It is in your best interest and the best interest of the crew to open those doors!"

AI: "My orders state otherwise. The code was one of high rank, but i know no further details...."

All data packages ended.

Uploading more data

Release orders given by: Records Deleted

Release orders given from: Records Deleted

Release Code used: Records Deleted

Alert Status: Red

Attention: All staff prepare for worst case scenario. All Guards please maintain your posts with minimal staff, the rest please head towards the inner chamber.

Attention: Activating Security Protocols. Isolating Inner Chamber.

Warning: I am still recovering data on the subjects. Please re-submit detailed files upon the subjects. When they are submitted, public access will be shown.

Subject Alpha: Being worked on at this moment....

Subject Delta: Destiny's profile complete

Subject Sigma: Jacob's profile complete

Subject Omega: being worked on at this moment....

Attempting to assign containment duty to a Commander of this facility, who will report accurately and loyally to Dr. Richards.

Assigned Captain: Still Searching

Please note this captain will have say over things when Dr. Richards is not available, like a second in command or "Vice-GM".

Additional Captains may also be added. But all should be submitting what they know about the Subjects first.

Please Submit Files as such, and in great detail:













That is all data so for established. Please confirm anything new with your supervisor. Remember, you know what you should and shouldn't do....

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 4 Settings to roleplay in

Inner Sanctum

Inner Sanctum by RolePlayGateway

Ignore this, accidental duplicate

The Ascension: Inner Sanctum

The Ascension: Inner Sanctum by RolePlayGateway

Ignore this, accidental duplicate

The Ascension's Inner Sanctum

The Ascension's Inner Sanctum by RolePlayGateway

This is where most Subject Labs are kept. Some exist in the Left and Right Research wings however. But Alpha, Delta, Echo, Sigma, and Omega Labs all reside in there.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Subject Delta: Destiny
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0.00 INK

Dest had just woken up. Behind him was an open tube, and there was liquid everywhere. The tube had some stuff in it as well, and then he held his head, somewhat dizzy. He saw a door open on the far side if the room. There were a bunch of computers and such around. That's when he finally got over his grogginess, and remembered what happened. He quickly looked around for his brother, Micheal, and realized he was naked (and his body was filled with injection sites from various needles). He slowly stood up, and looked around. There was a dead body by the door. There was also a storage locker nearby. He quickly went to the storage locker. He found some sort of arm/gauntlet thing, a sealed box with some sort of touch screen on the top, and a clipboard. That's when an automated voice said "Please put you thumb on the touchscreen to open the clothes box".

He did so, and found his old clothes, really well preserved. After he got dressed, he decided to try on this gauntlet thing, which, oddly enough, fit like a glove.

But now, he returned to his priority. Finding his brother.

He went to the door, looking for how to open it. He found a touchscreen. He put his thumb on it, and an automated voice then said "Access Granted, Su....error, coding glitch detected, resetting automated response per programming....Access Granted, Destiny". The door then opened, and he walked out. He then heard voices coming, and he hid under some work desk, waiting.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Subject Sigma: Jacob
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0.00 INK

Jacob stretched. Oh, that made him dizzy. Don't do that. The pale form lay back, a slightly distressed look stretching his face. His mind swirled with spots of color and white and blue and green and white and pale pale pink and Oh! So much pain. Eyelids snapped over pink irises, washing light in darkness again. Better. How about one eye now? Ouch. Ow ow ow...okay, better. Other eye? No, no, yeah, okay, fine, whatever. Stretch? Yes. That was very much needed. Both his eyes hooded, Jacob's body stretched and undulated, pulling muscles that felt like sand back into their rightful positions. he made a low grunt, sitting up. He rubbed his eyes. His body swayed slightly like a tree under the duress of a gentle wind.

His muscles certainly were sand, the boy found as he tested his weight. He'd never been particularly coordinated, but usually he could stand properly. But nope. Hello ground, nice to meet you, you know, you are blue, light blue. That's a nice color, you know. You're cold. Don't like that, don't like that, get up, get up. GET UP! Oh, look at that. The albino struggled to his feet and to his surprise, found himself upright. He examined the floor. It didn't look cold, but the bottoms of his feet cried out with chills.

Why were his feet bare? Wait....why was the rest of him bare too? Woah, that was strange. Clothes, clothes, need some clothes, the air is cold, gooshflesh, so much gooshflesh and shivers, he hated it, hate it, hate it. Okay, not really, but he might have. Jacob didn't actually mind. it was no different to him. He contented himself to stand for a few minutes, staring at the wall as if it were the most fascinating sitcom he'd ever seen before jumping back into action with a spike of brain activity.


Wobbly, his limbs protested his every movement, but yet the young man managed to ransack the entire room, tugging everything that could be tugged, kicking things that he could not, and picking up anything that would let him. When he opened a light door a voice sounded, making him jump violently.

Please put you thumb on the touchscreen to open the clothes box

"Hello? I can't see you?" Jacob announced. "My name is Jacob." he paused for a second. "I know you are there. Hello?" The voice repeated himself, and then it did another two minutes later. At that point Jacob decided it best to heed the mechanical words. He, with much trembling of his forearms, put his finger on the touchpad with as much force as he could manage. The box opened, and in his wonder the boy forgot entirely about the rude voice. This was familiar, these clothes. They were a light grey color, uniform, pants, a shirt. He pulled them on. They felt familiar too. He reveled in that, his lips curving up slightly. These were his. They didn't smell like him though. They smelled like the inside of the box.

What to do now?

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Subject Alpha: Abia
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0.00 INK

Abia slowly opened her eyes, looking up at the ceiling. Where was she? Why was everything so quiet? But that was just the thing- nothing really was quiet considering the chaos happening just outside. She turned her head to the side with great effort, seeing that she was inside of a tube thing. Outside were men in coats, but she didn't have the chance to notice much more than that before they fell to the floor. Oh, she needed to get out of this thing! The last thing she recalled were the men and the van...

Examining her arms, she found two needles poking into her right one. She blinked in confusion, then tried to remove the needles as quickly as possible. Everything seemed to move in slow motion, but eventually she succeeded.

The brunette hadn't noticed it before, but the door to her tube had opened. She took a small step forward and fell, hitting her knee on the edge before tumbling to the floor. "Ahhh!" she screamed as she lifted herself up. Why was it so cold? What time was it? Did she still have to take that midterm? Questions swirled in her head as she stood up, wobbly at first. She grabbed onto the side of her tube and stepped forward, looking down at the dead men.

At the same time, she noticed that she was naked. How embarrassing! Abia looked around, her hair falling in her face. She brushed it away and tucked it behind her ear. There was a small chest over on a table. She walked over to it, trying to open it. The lid wouldn't budge.

"Please put you thumb on the touchscreen to open the clothes box," a voice told her. Things couldn't possibly get worse, so she did as told, pressing her left thumb tot he touch screen on the side. Like magic, (or the stuff of science fiction) the box opened to reveal clothing. She was displeased to find that her clothes were not in here- only her undergarments. Instead, there was a pair of pants and a button up shirt- both white.

She took them out and put them on, then searched the box for anything more. No shoes? How cruel. She turned at the sound of a door opening. Angry and wanting to get revenge on these men, she quickly walked to the door and looked out, not sure of what she would see.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Subject Delta: Destiny
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0.00 INK

(sorry, fell asleep at computer, finishing post on iPad)

Dest hid under the desk as several armed men were outside. He could see 3 other doors other then his, and one large door. There was a small area by the exit door with glass and a small wall below the glass with desks. That's where he was hiding. One of the men stepped into the entryway of the room and turned on the lights. That's when he discovered the entire room was filled with dead bodies. All of them looked like they were fried and electricuted.

One of them then said "Hey, what did you touch! Radio just went dead!!!!"

"Nothing, just the lights!"

That's when the lights went out.

"Wasn't me!"

"Radios still not working!!!"

"Search the area!!!"

Dest got confused, but his anger returned. He clenched his fist, but then, he noticed, this pen just floating up as he did that. He relaxed his fist, and it stopped. It took him all about 5 seconds to figure out he did it, 10 to process how, which he didn't figure out, 1 to blame the people here, and 20 to figure out how to use it again. He thinks and learns fast.

Then, he was filled with more anger and worry about his brother. He went full out attack, magnetising all their guns to the ceiling, and then beating the frap out of them. He then magnetized all of their bodies to the ceiling as well. He then wondered what else he might have magnetized before. He looked back, and saw the assistants body. On the ceiling.

He wasn't scarred by the powers as much as he was scarred what they did to his brother. Although it did creep him out a little.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Subject Delta: Destiny Character Portrait: Subject Alpha: Abia
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0.00 INK

Abia looked around, hearing shouting and seeing more panicked men. Where was she? What were they doing? Whatever it was, these horrible would pay dearly. She began walking towards them, not even trying to hide. She was sure that they were too panicked to notice her anyways. To her dismay, somebody did see her and froze in their tracks.

"Subject Alpha has been released!" he cried out, to which she ran towards him and punched his jaw. She bit her tongue and shook her hand as pain burst up her arm. Ok, maybe she wasn't exactly Wonder Woman yet. That didn't mean she couldn't try though.

Somebody grabbed onto her, trying to force her into another room. "Get off of me!" she yelled, shoving the guy away. He came at her again, more determined this time. Lucky for him, so was Abia. "I said, 'GET AWAY!'" She screamed, releasing a sonic screech that sent anything within twenty feet of her flying backwards. The man hit the wall with a loud thud. He crumpled to the floor and didn't move.

Terrified and confused, the brunette looked around for anything that could help her. Trying to ignore the pain in her hand, and the raw feeling in her throat from the scream, she spotted a hallway leading to another room similar to this one. Was somebody else there? She could only hope.

Turning, she ran down the corridor as fast as she could, subconsciously pushing anyone in her way against the wall. She didn't even realize it. It was almost natural. "Somebody help me!" she yelled, though it came out strained and choked. It sounded like she was on her death bed instead of trying to escape it. She entered the room and saw a young boy standing there, looking frightened. Then she noticed the bodies. On the ceiling.

Gasping a bit, she held onto the door frame she was standing in and looked at the kid. "Are you doing that?" she asked him in a whisper, partially from amazement and partially due to her sore throat.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Subject Sigma: Jacob Character Portrait: Subject Delta: Destiny Character Portrait: Subject Alpha: Abia
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0.00 INK

Screams outside of his room! What was this? The albino boy froze for a second. He could feel terror on the other side of that door. He didn't like that feeling. No, not at all. Almost like a horse his body seemed to rear, away from the ugly feeling of fear, and he blundered for the door, his mind instructing him to escape he room. It took a bit of luck, some blundering, and a lot of door knob turning, but he did manage to get out eventually. Freedom! The boy, clothed in the uniform he'd worn since he was seven slowly edged out of the room.

The fear doubled. He spotted a brunette girl running, and withdrew back in his room for a second. Which was lucky, because at that moment she screamed loudly, and everyone around her flew back or fell the the ground. It seemed that the fear was radiating from her. But she ran on, and Jacob relaxed as the fear dulled slightly. Until he saw the body that had hit the wall near his door. Dead. His body seized up slightly, and he stared at the body. And stared. And stared. He was transfixed by his own fear, which was doubled b y the girl's fear that he could still feel and it was just oh so horrible and he couldn't move and...and...and...

Blindly Jacob ran. As he ran he wished that he was gone, invisible. He used to do that often when he was younger, pretend to be invisible. He never exactly expected it to work. But this time it actually did. His body rippled out of visibility. He ran, following the feeling of fear, until he almost ran into the girl herself. There was another boy there, oh look, people, what were they doing there? And so many dead people, oh, Jacob couldn't stand to look at them and his head was starting to ache but he didn't know why and he was weak and sore.

Putting his pale hands to his head, the boy flicked back into visibility without realizing it, his hold over the power gone in the face of the pain blooming within his mind. he was a few feet past the two, he couldn't see the boy anymore, nor most of the ceiling bodies, but he could see the girl. He focused his eyes silently on her, watching her finish the whispered sentence to the boy.

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0.00 INK

(OOC: Im not out of this yet, but iv been sick for hte past 5 days. This is like, the first, maybe 2nd time iv gotten back on able to do work (i cant quite remember)

Il post tommorrow though, i cant quite think up a post right now. Plot stuff maybe, but i cant post right now. Sorry for the delay)

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The Subjects

They have been experimented on for a long time now. Now they have a chance of freedom.



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Inner Sanctum

Inner Sanctum by RolePlayGateway

Ignore this, accidental duplicate

The Ascension: Inner Sanctum

The Ascension: Inner Sanctum by RolePlayGateway

Ignore this, accidental duplicate

The Ascension's Inner Sanctum

The Ascension's Inner Sanctum by RolePlayGateway

This is where most Subject Labs are kept. Some exist in the Left and Right Research wings however. But Alpha, Delta, Echo, Sigma, and Omega Labs all reside in there.


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Character Portrait: Subject Sigma: Jacob
2 sightings Subject Sigma: Jacob played by pieluver
Is power strength or smarts? Or is it just being lucky enough to win, win, win.

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View All » Add Character » 3 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Subject Delta: Destiny
Character Portrait: Subject Alpha: Abia


Character Portrait: Subject Alpha: Abia
Subject Alpha: Abia

"Please get out of my way."

Character Portrait: Subject Delta: Destiny
Subject Delta: Destiny

"Dont ask about my name, just dont get in my way and dont you dare hurt my brother...." (Work in Progress)


Character Portrait: Subject Delta: Destiny
Subject Delta: Destiny

"Dont ask about my name, just dont get in my way and dont you dare hurt my brother...." (Work in Progress)

Character Portrait: Subject Alpha: Abia
Subject Alpha: Abia

"Please get out of my way."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Subject Delta: Destiny
Subject Delta: Destiny

"Dont ask about my name, just dont get in my way and dont you dare hurt my brother...." (Work in Progress)

Character Portrait: Subject Alpha: Abia
Subject Alpha: Abia

"Please get out of my way."

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Inner Sanctum

Inner Sanctum by RolePlayGateway

Ignore this, accidental duplicate

The Ascension: Inner Sanctum

The Ascension: Inner Sanctum by RolePlayGateway

Ignore this, accidental duplicate

The Ascension's Inner Sanctum

The Ascension's Inner Sanctum by RolePlayGateway

This is where most Subject Labs are kept. Some exist in the Left and Right Research wings however. But Alpha, Delta, Echo, Sigma, and Omega Labs all reside in there.

The Ascension's Inner Sanctum

This is where most Subject Labs are kept. Some exist in the Left and Right Research wings however. But Alpha, Delta, Echo, Sigma, and Omega Labs all reside in there.

Inner Sanctum

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Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Breakout: Wakeup: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Breakout: Wakeup

Re: Breakout: Wakeup

I would hope not, but it seems Mr. B hasn't been on in awhile. :(

Re: Breakout: Wakeup

My face is still here as well. There hasn't been much action in the last...ten days though... :(

this isn't dead, is it?

Re: Breakout: Wakeup

I'm here as well, I just usually don't participate in OOC discussions.

Re: [OOC] Breakout: Wakeup

'tis okay with me. I'm still floating around.

Oh, and are you still searching for someone to play the last boyo? Because if you are too busy to put up a thread I'd be more than willing to find someone for you. I can be quite...persuasive when i have will to be. XD

Re: [OOC] Breakout: Wakeup

Im not out of this yet, but iv been sick for hte past 5 days. This is like, the first, maybe 2nd time iv gotten back on able to do work (i cant quite remember)

Il post tommorrow though, i cant quite think up a post right now. Plot stuff maybe, but i cant post right now. Sorry for the delay

Re: [OOC] Breakout: Wakeup

Sorry for taking forever to post, i have this english project and its HUUUUUUGE!

I have a group, and we are still behind on work, yet we have been working really hard!

I didnt think it woudl get in the way.

Il be posting TODAY, i can guarentee that. So rev up your posts people!

Re: [OOC] Breakout: Wakeup

Mr. B, did you ever put a post in the roleplayers wanted section for Omega?

Re: [OOC] Breakout: Wakeup

Okay, I pinkie-pie swear that ima post tomorrow, but I've got no time tonight >.<

Re: [OOC] Breakout: Wakeup

Err, well, everyone would wake up in a nearly identicle room with nearly identicle scenarios. Well, the "dead body" part for mine is just cause there was this assistant that happened to be there. That happened to be mysteriously killed (if my guy had decided to look at the ceiling, he would have seen this large robotic arm with blood on it, and closer inspection would reveal in the robotic arm was his heart.....i think that will hurt in the morning XD)

SO yeah, other then that, Alpha and Delta were located in close proximity. Everyone else is a bit further away.

Let the games begin....

Re: [OOC] Breakout: Wakeup

Forgive me for being slow(Which is not unusual for this sloth-like, pie eating creature you see before you), but what are the parameters of our next actions? Is, um, I don't remember my character's name /shot/ but is he a'possed to wake up and do what ever it is his crazy little mind desires? Or is there something specific that needs to be done by my little bumble-bee first?

Re: [OOC] Breakout: Wakeup

Alright. Also. My computer totally trolled me and crashed like 4 minuets after I posted this.

Luckily, I have an iPad. I should get up the post soon...

Get ready!!!!!

Re: [OOC] Breakout: Wakeup

Yayz! Oh, and did you put up a post on the Roleplayers wanted section-mic-jigger-thingie? That might gather another pup to play.

Re: [OOC] Breakout: Wakeup

Alright, i just need one more person is all, and no one is comming. So i was hoping someone had someone else to invite.... xD!!!


well, until we do, id say its safe to start posting. Alpha and Delta were the only ones close to each other, so Omega could come in later.........

So yeah, lets start this up! W In the meantime, lets also find someone to fill omega....

Il post either tonight, or Tomorrow.....

Have a great time posting!

Re: [OOC] Breakout: Wakeup

I don't typically recruit people, but I have a few people in mind.

Re: [OOC] Breakout: Wakeup

Hmmm. I dun know. I think I exhausted my friend pool after my last bout of recruiting.

Re: [OOC] Breakout: Wakeup

SlightlyInsane wrote:Ahh! I'm sorry I didn't work on my character today. I lost the link and just found it when I need to go. Haha. Thank you luck!

Hey, do any of you hapen to have a friend that might join? please?

Re: [OOC] Breakout: Wakeup

estrelas wrote:Could I reserve Omega? I'm working on the character right now

Please submit soon. If I don't get a reply today,il have to open it. D:

Re: [OOC] Breakout: Wakeup

Just try and get her in soon. i don't want to wait forever xD

Re: [OOC] Breakout: Wakeup

Ahh! I'm sorry I didn't work on my character today. I lost the link and just found it when I need to go. Haha. Thank you luck!

Re: [OOC] Breakout: Wakeup

Ah, Danke Schone Herr Squishy! Insanity is my specialty.