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Brentwood Asylum

Brentwood Asylum


(2 FEMALE ROLES OPEN. NO MORE MALES.)Brentwood Asylum for the Mentally Unstable was established in the 1800s. The hospital targets patients from the ages of 16-21 who face any sort of mental obstacle, from drug abuse to multiple personality disorder.

2,345 readers have visited Brentwood Asylum since Septemberism created it.


Brentwood Asylum for the Mentally Unstable was established in the early 1800s by Carl Jacobs. Dr. Jacobs founded the institute as a safe haven for his youngest daughter, who suffered from severe schizophrenia. The hospital targets patients from the ages of 16-21 who face any sort of mental obstacle, from drug abuse to multiple personality disorder. The institute was a well kept secret, hidden in the mountains and redwoods of Northern California. The asylum is no longer a sanctuary for the mentally unstable, but rather a last resort for problem children with parents that have given up on them. It’s not the rest of the world that the patients of Brentwood have to worry about. Can they protect themselves from one another?

Pre-made Character;
Character Name along with all other information provided all the way at the end of the RP introduction. (scroll down)

Original Character Application;
*- Please remember Rule o3: Do not overuse story lines. Read premade character bios before applying for an original character. if pre-made character is not taken , disorder/storyline can be used but inform me so I can change that character's.

Lobby/Check In: For patients under the age of 18, a parent must be present upon check in. No parents are allowed beyond this point.
101: Female Restroom
102&103: Medical Exam Room; Upon check in, patients are required to take a few standard medical exams. Rooms also used in the event that a patient becomes ill.
104&105: Individual Therapy Offices
106: Isolation Room; In the event of a psychotic break, breaking the rules, or a patient putting other patients in danger, they will be put in the isolation room for 24 hours.
107: Dining Area
108: Kitchen
109: Individual Therapy Office
110: Medication Distribution for last names A-M; All patients are required to take their medication.
111: Medication Distribution for last names N-Z; All patients are required to take their medication.
112: Male Restroom

Female patients reside on floor two. Males are only permitted during school lessons and in the event that a female sibling is in need of his assistance. Note that patients that are a risk to themselves will not be permitted to a single bed room under any circumstance. Siblings will not be roomed together. (room assignments will be discussed in the OOC thread)
201: Classroom
202-204: Single Bed Rooms - Malina Gunther
205-206: Four Bed Rooms - Sutton Monroe, Alex Brown, Elosie Quick
207-208: Isolation Rooms
209-210: Four Bed Rooms - Olivia Quick,Elisabeth Roberts, Adalya Johnson
211-213: Single Bed Rooms -Charlotte Pheonix
214: Staff Sleeping Quarters
215-218: Double Bed Rooms - Marni Rodriguez, Lorena Conners

Male patients reside on floor three. Females are only permitted during group therapy sessions and in the event that she has a male sibling in need of her assistance. Note that patients that are a risk to themselves will not be permitted to a single bed room under any circumstance. Siblings will not be roomed together. (room assignments will be discussed in the OOC thread)
301: Group Therapy Classroom
302-304: Single Bed Rooms - Johnathan Bradley
305-306: Four Bed Rooms - Jackson Griffith, Houston Shaw, Paul Maner, Anthony Silvers
307-308: Isolation Rooms - Drake Temple
309-310: Four Bed Rooms- Keegan Pheonix, Travis Neal, Carter Martins, Cody Soren
311-313: Single Bed Rooms - Greyson Ross
314: Male Staff Sleeping Quarters
315-318: Single Bed Rooms - Sean Poisyn


0630-0700 Wake Up/Dress
0700-0800 Breakfast
0800-1100 Morning Classes
1100-1200 Individual Therapy/Free Time
1200-0100 Lunch Break
0200-0300 Group Therapy
0300-0500 Afternoon Classes
0500-0600 Recreational Therapy
0600-0700 Supper
0800-0900 Free Time
0900-1000 Showers/Lights Out
0830-0900 Wake Up/Dress
0900-1000 Breakfast
1000-1100 Visitation for Females/Free Time
1100-1200 Group Therapy
1200-0111 Visitation for Males/Free Time
0200-0300 Lunch
0300-0500 Recreational Therapy
0500-0700 Free Time
0700-0800 Supper
0800-1000 Free Time
1000-1100 Showers/Lights Out
0830-0900 Wake Up/Dress
0900-1000 Breakfast
1000-1200 Church
1200-0100 Individual Therapy
0100-0200 Lunch
0200-0600 Free Time
0600-0700 Supper
0700-0900 Free Time
0900-1000 Showers/Lights Out

Female Pre-made Roles:
FC means face claim/appearance. All are well known people. ie - celebs, singers, models, actress/actor. If you want it changed just tell me. I only added FCs because just incase. Some struggle with describing appearances.

Elisabeth Roberts | 18 | Oneirophrenia | FC: Freya Mavor | TAKEN BY SEPTEMBERISM
At it’s worst, Elisabeth’s disorder made her see things, bad things. However, at it’s best, she could see people who had passed away. She saw her dad, her grandmother, but most importantly, her best friend. For days, she would purposely stay awake just hoping, praying that the sleep deprivation would be enough to see him. But when the hallucinations were bad, it caused problems for Elisabeth. These were the problems that landed her in Brentwood.

Alex Brown | 17 | Gender Identity Disorder | FC: Ellen Page| TAKEN BY XXJANEVISTAXX
There had always been a difference between Alex and the other girls. They were playing with Barbies while she splattered around in the mud. They played dress up while she played cops and robbers with the boys. For Halloween she was an army soldier, a fire fighter, the red power ranger. Never a princess. Alex didn’t want to be a princess. Alex wanted to be a knight in shining armor. But not everyone believed that she could possibly be a boy stuck in a girl’s body.

Iris Maxwell | 19 | Flashbacks | FC: Hayley Williams |
Iris was a bubbly sweet child and a huge daddys girl. At age 8 her parents split up which was tramatizeing enough as is. She happily went with her father but he became to ill to take care of her and her mother took her. Her mother was verbally abusive and her step father beat her regularly. She has flashbacks to her childhood and usually goes into a screaming fit and doesn’t stop until comforted. Her mother got tired of it and dropped her here.

Charlotte Pheonix | 17 | Clinically Insane | FC: Amanda Seyfried| TAKEN BY SLIGHTLYINSANE
Charlotte is a strange individual. She’s been in and out of 15 mental hospitals since the age of 12 for an unknown reason. She has a bizarre behavior pattern, but she is very intelligent. Her doctors cannot figure out what is wrong with her, nothing seems to match they’ve labeled her clinically insane

Summer Cielo | 19 | Perfectionism | FC: Cassie Steele |
Summer is a simple girl at first glance. She adores painting and taking polaroids of the people around her. She likes old movies, all movies really, and she loves animals. She was attending Standford University before she was sent to Brentwood. If any of her friends would have cared enough, they would have realized that Summer never takes pictures of herself. She doesn’t look in mirrors, and if she accidentally does, well, she pokes and prods at her body for hours, a sad pout on her face. Under her sugary sweet facade, there’s a scared little girl who wants to be as perfect as the Disney princesses she secretly strives to be. She’s been suffering from bulimia since she couldn’t get rid of her baby fat back in her junior year of highschool. The subtle put downs of her over bearing Latino mother and less than supportive boyfriend led her disorder to escalate, her constant strive for perfection becoming an obsession. No one noticed though. Everyone was actually encouraging of her great grades and better figure. Until her roommate found her in the dormitory bathroom stall, throwing up their dinner. As soon as her mother found out, Summer was sent away.

Sutton Monroe | 17 | Social Phobia | FC: Ashley Tisdale |TAKEN BY MGOODWIN2
Sutton was always afraid of being around people. Since day one of preschool she was always alone in a corner, if someone came near her, she’d freak out or get up and run away and lock herself in the nearest closet or bathroom. She doesn’t have any friends because she’s afraid of the people she meets will judge her so harshly. She was scared she wouldn’t measure up. To get rid of her social phobia that caused her to hide or tremble, she checked herself into Brentwood Asylum. She knew she wouldn’t get judged there.

Lorena Connors | 18 | Pyromania | FC: Emily Browning | TAKEN BY DARKNESSTODEATH23
Lorena was always the weird kid - the one who were always lost in her own little world. Not to mention her strange fascination towards fire. Something about seeing the flame tounges dance made her feel alive, too. It started out with her sitting for hours staring into the fireplace as a young girl, but it soon developed into something more. She started lighting things on fire just to see them burn. Small, unnoticable things at first, but after she tried to set herself on fire - not as a suicide attempt, but simply just to feel the flames - her father had her checked in to Brentwood.

Marni Rodriguez | 17 | Multiple Personalities | FC: Nina Dobrev | TAKEN BY AVALOVELACE
Marni grew up in a small town just outside of Dallas, Texas. She seemed to have a normal childhood until weird things started to happen. Her parents began to see two completely different sides of their baby girl. Normally Marni would be as sweet as could be. Always smiling and laughing but with the flip of a switch she would become violent and aggervated with out warning. Finally she was taking at a local doctor who diognosed her with multiple personality disorder, mpd. From then on Marni was to see a theripst to help her with her desease. It worked for a little while, actually until Marni fifteenth birthday. After that her parents send her off to Brentwood. They couldn’t deal with the emotional tole anymore as well as all the dristruction she caused.

Eloise Quick | 18 | Dependent Personality Disorder | FC: Mila Kunis |TAKEN BY XXJANEVISTAXX
When they were little, Eloise was always the one taking care of Olivia. Keeping other kids from picking on her, packing her lunch for school. But as the two girls grew older things started to change. Olivia was her best friend and just the thought of being away from her made Eloise sick to her stomach. She feels helpless without her sister, she can’t make decisions without her sister. After Olivia was admitted to Brentwood, it was only a matter of time before Eloise would follow.

Olivia Quick | 17 | OCD| FC:Lucy Hale| TAKEN BY XXJANEVISTAXX
Olivia had always been different from the other kids in school. While they were frolicking on the playground, having fun and enjoying being children, she was in the bathroom, washing her hands exactly six times before she could eat her lunch. Her foods couldn’t touch, everything needed to be sorted into alphabetical order, nothing could happen in odd numbers. Finally, her parents became fed up with her obsession and admitted her to Brentwood.

Male Pre-made Roles:
FC means face claim/appearance. All are well known people. ie - celebs, singers, models, actress/actor. If you want it changed just tell me. I only added FCs because just incase. Some struggle with describing appearances.

Jackson Griffith | 19 | Attempted Suicide | FC: Logan Lerman | TAKEN BY SEPTEMBERISM
To the naked eye, it would seem that Jackson had everything a kid could ever wish for. His parents were still happily married and he lived on the wealthier side of town. He had tons of friends and there was never a Friday night he sat at home watching television. But no amount of friends or partying could take away the pain he felt day after day. His girlfriend’s death was still a fresh and waking up each day to deal with the fact that he had been driving the car that night was just more salt on in the wound. He had only tried once, but that was enough to get his parents’ attention.

Declan Winter | 20 | Histrionic Personality Disorder | FC: Tom Felton |
Declan always needed to be the center of attention. Whether it entailed being the class clown or the ladies man. Declan was a man of many trades. He would be whatever it took to have all eyes on him, which made him a very complex individual. Sensitive to someone who longed for a sensitive guy, a badass when the occasion called for it, even a genius if he needed to impress someone. He couldn’t stand the idea of someone else stealing his much deserved spotlight. Did he really have a problem that Brentwood could fix though?

Anthony Silvers | 20 | Kleptomania | FC: Alex Pettyfer | TAKEN BY APPLES
It never started with anything big. When he was younger, Anthony would steal his brother’s things, toy cars, shirts, games that his parents had gotten his brother that he wanted. Then as he got older, he became bored with the things he was stealing and moved on to bigger things. He stole ipods and cellphones until finally, the big one. His neighbor had a nice sports car that he had just been itching to take for a joy ride. So he did. The only way to avoid jail was to come to Brentwood, so he checked himself in.

Houston Shaw | 18 | Sex Addiction | FC: Ash Stymest | TAKEN BY !LOVEMEHATEME!
It never was about the girls, or about the relationship, or the attention. It was purely physical. Houston had a sex addiction, and he was willing to fess up to that much. He didn’t see it as a disorder, or a disadvantage. It was normal for guys his age to want to have sex, right? Houston just cut the bullshit and acted on his impulses, but after getting a young girl pregnant and being accused of rape, he was beginning to think he might have a problem.

Paul Maner | 17 | Amnesia | FC: Jack O'Connell |TAKEN BY ALMOSTINSANE
Every piece of identification found on him bore the name Paul Maner. But when Paul woke up in the hospital, not a soul was there to claim him. There wasn’t even the slightest remnants left in his mind of who he was, where he belonged or how he ended up in the hospital. Underage and no family to claim him, Paul was a child of the state, and until he could remember who he was, the state wasn’t willing to finance his housing. It would take tough love and a lot of therapy to pull the memories from Paul’s head.

Austin O’Dair | 20 | Alcohol Dependency | FC: Ronnie Radke |
It started Austin’s first semester of high school.The whole first real party sha-bang had him as excited as any freshman would be. Between all the girls, weed and music, the one thing Austin liked best was the drinks. From that night on, he was hooked. The sense of freedom being drunk gave him was a desire, and at first Austin was fine with a party every weekend or so. Soon things at home started falling downhill. A physically abusive relationship with his father and a drug-addicted mother drove Austin to want to drink more, and if there wasn’t a party in town he’d find a way, even if it meant stealing. Now he’s 20, two years out of high school and no plans for college, Austin’s previous home was with his neglecting parents. But when a rough night of drinking led to his father finding Austin throwing up in an alley not far from the house, it was either go to Brentwood for treatment or get beaten senseless.

Greyson Ross | 18 | Night Terrors | FC: Freddie Highmore | TAKEN BY SYNNTINN
It was so much more than nightmares for Greyson. Of course, that’s what he thought they were at first, but nightmares were supposed to stop after you woke up. The creatures that haunted his dreams seemed to have made the leap from his mind to the real world. He figured the only way he could avoid it was to not sleep. Just how long could Greyson go before he fell asleep again?

Carter Martins | 18 | Body Dysmorphic Disorder | FC: Taylor Lautner | TAKEN BY R3LLY
Elliot’s dad always pushed him to be the best. Make the best grades, have the best spot on the football team, always have dates with the best girls. When he turned 16, his dad got him a gym membership and a threat to be disowned if he didn’t make the school football team. This caused him to have such a diluted view of his body that when he looked in the mirror he saw a man that needed to improve himself more and more. When his mother finally caught on to what was happening, she checked him into Brentwood.

Travis Neal | 19 | Drug Dependency | FC: Tyler Blackburn | TAKEN BY CHEATER0611
It was innocent at first, smoking a little pot here and there. Something to take the edge off of life. After a while, marijuana wasn’t giving Travis the high that he needed to keep from wanting to kill himself. So he tried harder things, but just like the pot, it stopped getting him high. Travis used to brag that he had tried every drug known to man, but now he was just ashamed. His parents barely knew him, his sister was disgusted with his lifestyle. It seemed that Brentwood was his only chance at winning his family back

Braiden Fletcher | 17 | Narcolepsy | FC: Luke Pasqualino |
It wasn’t a lack of sleep that made him tired every minute of the day. Braiden made sure of that. He slept 8-10 hours a night, the way doctors suggested him to do. He woke up feeling refreshed, but an hour later, he would feel just as crummy as one would after not sleeping for a day. He tried to hold off until he got home, but sometimes he would fall asleep in school, at doctors appointments, on the bus… After trying everything they could think of, his parents checked him into Brentwood. Surely they would get to the bottom of his disorder.

Toggle Rules

o1. Stay in character. There is a reason the OOC thread exists.
o2. Stay active. If you’re going to be gone for more than SEVEN (7) consecutive days, you need to let us know. Otherwise, your role will be re-opened.
o3. Do not overuse story lines. Tweeking your story line is allowed, but there is no need to have four pregnant girls or three orphans. There’s also no use for one person to have 10 problems.
o4. Check the OOC Thread Daily if possible. Discuss ideas/ storylines.
o5. Do not God Mod. The only person whose live you control is your own. Do not play God, or you will be booted.
o6. You can only have up to 2 characters at a time.
o7. Roles can be reserved, but they will not be held for more than 2 days.
o8. Have fun. Keep things interesting
o9. Type at least 70 words per post. I understand if you have writers block so don't worry.
1o. Feel free to ask/tell me anything in the OOC thread or though PM.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 16 authors

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Charlotte frowned and stuck her tongue out at Paul. It wasn't her fault that he didn't like her singing. But on second thought, it probably was keeping Greyson awake. "Greyson! You awake? You awake? You awake?" she asked, while repeatedly poking his shoulder and biting her bowl. She liked trying to eat things that weren't edible. It was fun to see how people reacted to it. Plus, what if her teeth were really strong? She'd once left a bite mark on a TV she'd bitten in one of the other happy homes. But she got in trouble. Poop. Why were people so uptight? "When is church?" she asked, still poking poor Greyson.

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Malina sat there and sighed. She hated waiting more than anything else. She tired not to be impatient or to let it show. But she didn't like her therapy sessions, she didn't like therapist for a matter of fact. They always made her feel either stupid or weak, and she hated the feeling of both.

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'this is a lovely morning' thought drake. the sun was shining down as the wheels on the armored car rolled along. drake could smell the fresh grass outside as the car stopped and the back opened. 'what a nice man' he thinks as the security guard grabs him by the straight jacket and pulls him out of the van and it drives off. 'wow this is a nice place' drake thought 'i wonder who lives here.' the guard pulls him into the front lobby and checks him in at 9:00, to late for breakfast but not to late for church. drake always loved church. why wasn't he allowed to go again? oh that's right he almost killed pastor Williams. or that's what they said but he didn't look dead to drake. but this is a new church, and a new hospital, full of new beginnings and second chances. the guard pulls him along and into the dining hall to wait for church. he sees some lovely people, a nice girl singing and a boy talking to himself. wow this place must be amazing, so many happy people.

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#, as written by R3lly
Carter woke up on his floor. His knuckles throbbing from doing pushups till he fell asleep. Standing Carter looked at his clock 9:30. He had time to go to breakfast but decided to wait, "Food makes you fat." He says thinking on the subject. Walking over to his dresser Carter pulls out a small black muscle shirt from the second drawer and tosses it onto his bed. getting back onto the floor Carter begins to do crunches punching the air as he rises. After about 25 minutes and severe ab pain Carter gets back up. Putting on the tight shirt he steps out the door and begins jogging in place. His breathing even Carter jogs down to the cafeteria for some fruit.

Arriving with 2 minutes left Carter notices that just about everyone is there. Carter stops jogging and grabs an apple from a small wicker basket before he heads over to and sits next to a girl on the wall. "What the hell is this." He asks her biting into his apple hungrily, "it's the same crap everyday". Carter looks at the girl, she was decent enough but as those thoughts entered Carter's head his father's voice flooded his ears, "Girls are a distraction, all they're good for is heartbreak and failure! And if you even think that she is acceptable you need to have your head examined!" a typical lecture from his father, bash anything he was interested that wasn't related to "first". "did he care when he won second in the science fair? No. Why would he, second place was for failures." Carter thought bitterly still looking at the girl.

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Travis was pacing back and forth, he was having withdrawls from Heroine and Meth. He wanted to vomit. Travis knew he couldn't eat or else he would vomit. When Travis finally worked up the courage to eat, he looked to see if there was any crackers. His dealer was very 'disappointed' when Travis said he was done, he was so 'disappointed,' his dealer had to beat the ever living daylights out of Travis.

When Travis got up there he saw there was an entire bowl of saltines. "Sweet, sweet saltines." He said as he grabbed a few packets. He saw his roommate, the one who did the ungodly amount of exercise. He went over and leaned up against the nearby wall. When he saw what Carter was eating he didn't understand why such an atheletic kid would just eat an apple. "Man, I have a reason to eating so little. You on the other hand shouldn't be eating just an apple. You should be eating a freaking 3 course meal." Travis said eating a saltine packet. The food didn't help settle his stomache, but it did curve the hunger he had been feeling.

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Dr. Anderson made her way into the dinning area, smiling at everyone we saw. she went though the doors and looked at all the patients, "Good morning. Most of you seem pretty happy today!" There was singing and patient interaction,everyhing seemed to be going well. "So, I need everyone who is going to church lined up against the wall. Everyone else, make another line next to them." everyone got in line and Dr. Andeson led them out, droping one line at the church area and taking the others to the common area on the first floor. "Everyone wait here, read, talk or do something as you wait to be called in for your indvidual session." Anderson walked into one of the rooms, looking over the notes nurses take thoughout the day. She read the ones from yesterday evening and the ones for this morning at breakfast.

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#, as written by Smiley
(I got kind of confused, so I'm just going to say I somehow made it to wherever we are right now.)

John saw Dr. Anderson walk in, and tell everyone to line up. He got up from where he was seated and started to walk to the line where you were to line up for church, when he started arguing with himself again. "Do we have to go to church?" "Yes. Yes we do." "I thought it wasn't required." "I don't think it is, but it's where we go on sunday." "Why?" "So we can learn." "I don't want to!" "Well, you're going to, regardless of what you say." "But, why?" "Because I said so, now hush, and let's line up."

John got in line and followed Dr. Anderson to the church area, then took a seat close to the front. "Can we sit in the back?" "No. We're sitting up here, and that's that." "But I wanna sit in the back!" "We're not sitting in the back, okay?" "...fine." He argued with himself a bit more, before regaining his composure and waiting for church to begin.

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Paul groaned under his breath as he stood in the line of patients heading for church. Dr. Anderson wasn't too bad, but, for some reason, he just didn't like him. The good doctor seemed to see them all as objects to study rather than people. A rather dangerous position given that a few of his fellow patients could be dangerous or at least easily angered.

"I think we know where to go, Doctor. Do we really need to stand in neat lines?" he asked curiously.

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Sutton flipped through another page of her book, she had brought with her when she entered Brentwood Asylum. Her room was so quiet you could hear a pen drop. Her room was always this quiet because she never had any visitors. See Sutton is very people shy, I mean if you just go up and say hi to her she will either break down crying or run to the bathroom and then start crying. Sutton brushed back a piece of her curly long blonde hair that was blocking her view. She then heard her iPod alarm go off, little church bells started to fill her room with loud noise. Sutton closed her book then cut off her iPod. She went into her bed side table to grab her schedule. She. checked under Sunday and saw that she had church today." Oh no" Sutton said with a sickly worried look on her face." So many people." Sutton tried to calm herself down with slow breathing "in then out" Sutton said in her calm voice. Once Sutton calmed down she went in her closet, she choose to wear a coral pink dress with white sandals. Sutton got dressed then brushed her long hair. Sutton blonde hair looked good with pink. She grabbed her book off her bed and decided to place it under neath her pillow. Then she checked herself in the mirror one last time, then left for breakfast.

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Drake watched as the doctor came in and told everybody to get in line. he stands up and gets in line right behind the crazy singing girl. drake started humming along to whatever the girl was singing now as his guard pushed him along from behind. once in church he started walking up to go sit next to the guy that talks to himself. he sits down and says through his mask. "hi im drake, whats your name?" luckily the guard is taking care of some last minute business with the doctor so he doesn't notice drake.

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Charlotte got up quickly and skipped over to line up for church, still biting her bowl and planning to bring it to church with her. She liked church, sometimes big houses like this didn't have the church services, and nobody had any faith. She liked having faith. It was some sort of hope, even for the psychos in here. She started singing a song she had learned from one of her asylum buddies. She had no idea what the lyrics were, so she just added in 'la' for every syllable. She was hardly aware of the strait jacket boy behind her humming along. If he wasn't so weird, she'd like him. He liked singing and music and rhymes, oh my! She liked movies, like The Wizard of Oz... And Nightmare on Elm Street... And Barbie...

Once inside the church, she stepped to the side and looked around. She grinned a bit. "We're all guilty until proven innocent. We're all dead until proven alive." It was some sort of truth, underneath the near nonsense of her words. Char wasn't quite sure who to sit with. John wasn't a good choice, and neither was the killer kid, since he was sitting next to him. She'd just have to wait until everybody filed in to see who was where. She saw her brother come in and sit down alone in the back.

"Keeeeeee-gan!" she sang/called. He looked over at her and she waved. He gave a weak smile and quickly turned around. He was hoping that nobody would try and sit near him, especially not one of the crazy ones like his sister. He loved her, no doubt, but she had her moments.

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Alex watched as Dr. Anderson came into the dining hall. She smiled... she didn't know why but she "liked" the doctor. "So, I need everyone who is going to church lined up against the wall" Dr. Anderson smiled. Alex immediately got up, using her stalky "Alexander" walk. "Sup, Doc" she smiled, pushing hair from her face... If it was up to her, she would get a buzz cut. But the other therapists refused, thinking long hair would help her become the girl she was born. As they apporcahed the church, she heard Charlotte start to sing, followed by humming from a boy in a mask. Well he's new... she thought...

Entering the church, she saw the new boy sit next to John. This should be interesting she smiled, walking towards the guy. "Hey, I'm Alexander" she smiled, sitting down next to the mysterious boy.

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Elis lined up against the wall with Jackson following her, "I didn't mean to make you angry. I'm sorry but I don't even get why you're mad in the first place." She ignored him as they all headed out to where church as held. Jackson sighed and went over to where Cater and Travis were, "She's so confusing." Elisabeth over heard him and gave a quick glare. Note to self: Watch what you say around crazy people.

Elis quickly got her thoughts together and sat next to Charolette, "Morning Charlotte. You look so lovely today!" She smiled and then said hello to Keegan, hoping he noticed. It must be terrible not to know what is going on with people around you, or even knowing there are people around you to begin with. People were still coming in and finding a spot to sit in. She crossed her arms and slumped on the back rest. "I'm still sleepy, " she managed to yawn out.

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Charlotte had finally chosen to sit in the back a row in front of her brother when the delusional Elis came along. "Hello! Hello!" She looked at the bowl in her hand then in a confused manner. "I thought this was a cookie?" she asked Keegan and Elis, while looking around for Jackson, John, Crazy Killer Guy, and well, anybody who would listen to her nonsense. "Jackson! Stop eating my cookie for breakfast and replacing it with this bowl!" she yelled over to him, standing and waving the glass bowl around in the air. She hadn't picked on him yet today and now was a good opportunity.

Keegan sighed and looked at his sister. At least she had stopped trying to bite people's feet. That had to have gotten her upgraded to this nuthouse. "Char, stop-" "Thanks Elis! You look lovely like a cupcake! I could just eat you up, but I'm not a cannibal," his sister interrupted. He groaned and looked at his sister, tugging on her long blonde hair. "Sit down, we're in church Char."

Charlotte pouted, but sat down reluctantly, arms crossed over her chest. Keegan smiled, glad his sister was under control now. He looked over at the girl next to her, having hardly identified her. "Excuse me, but who are you?" he asked, not used to the clothes or voices of those around him yet, though the strait jacket and mask guy stood out pretty well.

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After receiving no answer from Dr. Anderson, Paul followed the others to the church and took a seat next to Elis. Quietly, he knelt and said a few prayers, finishing with the last prayer, God, if it be your will, let me regain my memories without having to visit that nightmare. Please. But let my will, but your will be done.

He sighed and sat back up. Once again, it was good that he remembered the parts of the Bible he read before he lost his memories, but he wished he could remember the times he actually did read it. Maybe then he'd be able to pull more memories from it.

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Houston woke up at 7:30 and was still tired. He sat up in his bed and looked around a little disoriented. He rubbed his eyes while getting out of bed and headed towards the bathroom he noticed none of his roomates was in the room with him. After a very...'pleasant' shower he dressed into a pair of black jeans and a red plaid flannel shirt. As he was walking out the room he grabbed a pair of red and black vans that he put on his feet as he was walking down the hall. As soon as he got downstair into the cafeteria he saw everyone lining up for chuurch. He quickly grabbed a granola bar and made his way to the church line a bored look on his face as he was to tired to be his usual hyper self. he looked over at the group as he approached them.
"Hey which line is for church?" He asked wondering if they switched up this week. This was his 5th week here and he still wasn't used to it.

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"Man, I wish they let me keep my deck of cards." Travis said eating another saltine packet. Now he started feeling like he wasn't going to vomit. Damn, being in the nut house really isn't as bad as they say it is, Travis thought to himself. He looked up and looked at the few people who had stayed behind. "There is no God, they said we are all made in his image. Then He must seriously have some bad problems." Travis muttered to himself.

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#, as written by Smiley
John turned to the person who sat down next to him, who had addressed himself as Drake. "Hi, I'm John!" "I'm John." He said twice, then turning his head a bit, saying, "Hey, he didn't ask you, he asked me." "He was talking to both of us." "No, he was looking right at me!" "He was talking to BOTH of us!" "No he wasn't!" "Yes he was!" "Quiet, you." He said, then turning back towards the front of the area.

He looked back at Drake for a moment, noticing the Mask and Straightjacket. "Cool mask. Where did you get it?" "He probably has some horrible disease, or is a zombie, or something." "Don't be rude, it's probably just a fashion statement." He began arguing with himself again, saying, "I'm telling you, he's got something bad going on for him!" "If he did, I'm sure it wouldn't have anything to do with his choice in what he wears!" "I'll bet he's all crazy, and that he'd kill someone if they let him outta those things!" "and I'M sure that he wouldn't, because it's just something he chose to put on today!" "Just be quiet! Church is probably going to start soon." "Hmph..." He regained his composure, but sat cross-armed, like he was upset about something.

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Speeding down the road, heading towards the Brentwood Asylum, was an ambulance. The lights and sirens were on, the driver on the phone with the front desk of the Asylum. "We're 10 minutes out, the patient is becoming violent. My Emt's are doing everything to keep him down, and sedate him, but he's too violent at the moment. I need any doctors and nurses available to assist when we arrive." The drive finished saying. Cody, the patient in the back was throwing the emt's off of him, not liking the fact they are taking him to an insane asylum.
"Get off of me!" Cody said as he punched one emt, breaking his nose. The other two emt's was putting their entire body weight on Cody, just to keep him still, even if it's just long enough to sedate him.
"Max, we need a seringe to sedate him." Emily called out.
"i'm on it." Max replied, fumbling around the ambulance to get the needle and medicine. Once Cody saw the needle, he became more violent.
"Oh no, you're not sticking me with that! Get off of me!" Cody grew angerly. The ambulance rushed through the drive way of the Asylum and came to safe but suddent stop just outside the front doors. Four nurses came rushing out to assist. Once they got the gurney out of the ambulance, all emts and nurses jumped ontop of the Cody, as one put the restraints on his wrists and legs.
"Where's the Doctor? Go get the Doctor!" one of the nurses ordered the another. The emts and nurses continued to wrestle with Cody as they took him into the building. They all tried to pin Cody down as they waited for the Doctor to arrive.

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Malina deiced to go down to rest room. She didn't feel like staying in her room, and wanted to see who less choose not to go to church. Once there she took a seat by a the guy she believes name is Travis. He made some comment about god and nodded in agreement. She looked over to her right and looked into one of the windows in the door that lead to the check in room. She saw a girl with long black hair, that looked unhappy, and a little sad.

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Dr. Bradford was on his desk reading over the notes the nurses wrote about his patients. He heard a knock on the door, "Come in." A nurse peered though, "The new patient, Cody Soren, is here." Bradford sighed. He had been reading the file that was sent over all morning. It seemed like Cody would be more problematic than the rest of his patients . He head all the commotion outside and ran over to the check in room where everyone still was at. He saw who he believed was Cody, trying to restrain all the Emt's. He stood in front if him calmly, " Mister Soren, you might want to calm down, otherwise your stay here won't be very pleasant. You do not want to be under constant watch and isolated from the other patients. You can choose to resist and waste your time here or actually try to get better."

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after john was finished talking to himself drake thought. 'what a nice kid, or kids, or...whatever' "apparently i almost beat a man to death, but he didn't look dead to me. sure he was covered in his own blood and sure his face was unrecognizable but he didn't look dead. so whats wrong with you?" drake turns to Alex. "hello, im drake, now do you have like a knife or something? this straight jacket is bugging the crap out of me." he squirms in the straight jacket.

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Cody looked to Dr. Bradford and shook his head, trying to take deep breaths. "Here's an idea, you let me go, and you'll never see me again, deal?" Cody said trying to get free of the restraints. By this time, some blood was beginning to drip from his wrists as he continued to pull away from the restraints. "There's nothing wrong with me. I'm perfectly normal, i'm not crazy or insane or whatever you call it now a days." Cody continued to say. An emt ran over with a sering with a sedation medicine. "Dr. Bradford, we'll need to sedate him. He's going to hurt himself more, possibly hurt another person." The emt said while handing the sering to the doctor.

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#, as written by Apples
“Yooooooooooo, anybody home?”

A tanned youth swaggered down the long unfamiliar hallway, tapping bare toes against the floor with each step. Anthony was clad in only boxers, a shoulder-towel damp from his shower, and a hemp-necklace - customary of his morning-self. In the House, he'd done as he liked. Why should it be any different here, yeah? He'd be outta this nut-cage soon anyways.

Back at the House.....MAN did he wanna be there right now. Anthony hadn't lived at home since he was 18; hell his parent had helped haul his stuff. Anthony and his buddies all moved in together. They threw in some rent money every month and gotten their own crappy little shed near the beach. They'd even put in couches and pirated someone's wireless internet – score! He and the guys had lain around, gotten sky-high, surfed until the sun went down, and brought over a few ladies for pizza and nighttime-snuggles. School? Naaaaw. He'd gotten a GED. What else was The Man gonna say he needed, pants? Ha, dude. Clothing bloooooows. Even in his mind he spoke like a sun-baked Californian.

…..and a Californian he was to the very core. The man had never worried much; even now, fleeing from the law, he wasn't twisted up in knots over his future. So he'd stolen some. Well. Ok, He'd stolen a lot. A lot more than anyone else he knew, but hey! That was his thing, man. He had talent! None of the other guys coulda stolen all that shit and gotten away with it. So he got caught ONCE....with a stolen sportscar. So. Easymode, dude – say I'm nuts and hide with the crazies till everything blows over.

And blow it certainly does around here. Man, places that aren't the beach get cold when you don't wear clothing. Bogus. Anthony cracked his knuckles and rotated his jaw, looking down to contemplate his situation whilst admiring the bright yellow happy-face printed over his crotch. “Well. I guess the Man finally caught me.” He tugged at his boxers, absentmindedly adjusting everything around while pushing a door open. He raised a hand to his eyes and rubbed the sleep from his eyes ruefully at the sunlight filtering through the windows.

The door creaked open – there were people here! He stepped out of the hallway into the common area , yawning into the back of his hand and shaking out his towel-dried hair.

“Dude-bros.” He offered a sleepy wave to a few boys, turning to the girls with a wink. “Lady-dudes. Morning.” He shuffled forward slowly, stretching his arms over his head and popping his shoulders once again. “'Sup, my crazy-buddies? How goes it in the house-of-therapy this bodacious day?”

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Dr.Bradford stood there, looking at his new patient and gave a nod to let the emf give him the medication "Put him in an isolation room until he calms down." Dr. Anderson and Dr. Erickson had just arrived to see what all the comotion was about. "George, I don't think it's a good idea . He is already freaking out." Erickson believed in helping fee the patients from the 'crazy' and 'insane' labels. " She's right, why not let another patient try to get though to him?" Anderson was too nice for Bradford's liking but they had a point. He sighed "Fine," he showed Cody a list of all the patients," just choose any name and that person will show you around."

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Brentwood Asylum

Brentwood Asylum by RolePlayGateway

Brentwood Asylum

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Character Portrait: Sutton Monroe
0 sightings Sutton Monroe played by mgoodwin2

Character Portrait: Drake Temple
0 sightings Drake Temple played by draketemple
*humming the tune to ring around the Rosie through his mask*

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View All » Add Character » 31 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Johnathan Bradley
Character Portrait: Alex Brown
Character Portrait: Greyson Ross
Character Portrait: Houston Shaw
Character Portrait: Paul Maner
Character Portrait: Charlotte Pheonix
Character Portrait: Jackson Griffith
Character Portrait: Malina Gunther
Character Portrait: Keegan Pheonix
Character Portrait: Lorena Connors
Character Portrait: Travis Neal
Character Portrait: Carter Martins
Character Portrait: Olivia Quick
Character Portrait: Eloise Quick
Character Portrait: Anthony 'Tony' Silvers
Character Portrait: Adalya Johnson


Character Portrait: Adalya Johnson
Adalya Johnson

"You wont leave me right?"

Character Portrait: Anthony 'Tony' Silvers
Anthony 'Tony' Silvers

"DUUUDE, rightious!"

Character Portrait: Eloise Quick
Eloise Quick

"Don't touch, talk, or even look at my sister. Understood?"

Character Portrait: Olivia Quick
Olivia Quick

"Don't mind me... I'm just knocking on this door seven times for good luck..."

Character Portrait: Carter Martins
Carter Martins

"Good, isn't good enough"

Character Portrait: Travis Neal
Travis Neal

"I gotta beat this, or I may never be real again."

Character Portrait: Lorena Connors
Lorena Connors

I can't resist touching it.

Character Portrait: Keegan Pheonix
Keegan Pheonix

"Erm, I-I wasn't ignoring you. Really!"

Character Portrait: Malina Gunther
Malina Gunther

"Hi. It's nice to meet you my name is Malina." "Shhh not now Nina."

Character Portrait: Jackson Griffith
Jackson Griffith

It was the accident that changed my life.


Character Portrait: Eloise Quick
Eloise Quick

"Don't touch, talk, or even look at my sister. Understood?"

Character Portrait: Charlotte Pheonix
Charlotte Pheonix

"There is a knife in your back. Let me get that for you."

Character Portrait: Anthony 'Tony' Silvers
Anthony 'Tony' Silvers

"DUUUDE, rightious!"

Character Portrait: Jackson Griffith
Jackson Griffith

It was the accident that changed my life.

Character Portrait: Greyson Ross
Greyson Ross

"What day is this again?"

Character Portrait: Lorena Connors
Lorena Connors

I can't resist touching it.

Character Portrait: Keegan Pheonix
Keegan Pheonix

"Erm, I-I wasn't ignoring you. Really!"

Character Portrait: Paul Maner
Paul Maner

Who am I?

Character Portrait: Carter Martins
Carter Martins

"Good, isn't good enough"

Character Portrait: Travis Neal
Travis Neal

"I gotta beat this, or I may never be real again."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Adalya Johnson
Adalya Johnson

"You wont leave me right?"

Character Portrait: Greyson Ross
Greyson Ross

"What day is this again?"

Character Portrait: Travis Neal
Travis Neal

"I gotta beat this, or I may never be real again."

Character Portrait: Jackson Griffith
Jackson Griffith

It was the accident that changed my life.

Character Portrait: Eloise Quick
Eloise Quick

"Don't touch, talk, or even look at my sister. Understood?"

Character Portrait: Malina Gunther
Malina Gunther

"Hi. It's nice to meet you my name is Malina." "Shhh not now Nina."

Character Portrait: Charlotte Pheonix
Charlotte Pheonix

"There is a knife in your back. Let me get that for you."

Character Portrait: Lorena Connors
Lorena Connors

I can't resist touching it.

Character Portrait: Anthony 'Tony' Silvers
Anthony 'Tony' Silvers

"DUUUDE, rightious!"

Character Portrait: Keegan Pheonix
Keegan Pheonix

"Erm, I-I wasn't ignoring you. Really!"

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Re: [OOC] Brentwood Asylum

I posted for Adalya, Malina is waiting for a reply.

Re: [OOC] Brentwood Asylum

Same. Where did everybody go??

Re: [OOC] Brentwood Asylum

I'm still here. Just waiting for people to post.

Re: [OOC] Brentwood Asylum

Got room for a pair of "crazy" siblings? :)

Re: [OOC] Brentwood Asylum

Alright. And I hope so too. I always enjoy playing characters that are insane. It reflects myself. :)

Re: [OOC] Brentwood Asylum

Well... I'm new to this RP, and I'm about to put up my intro post :D so I haven't left yet since I technically haven't started... Lol but I hope everybody gets back to posting soon :)

Re: [OOC] Brentwood Asylum

Where has everybody gone?

Re: [OOC] Brentwood Asylum

Then assume I'm sitting on the other side of him; my bad!

Re: [OOC] Brentwood Asylum

Just to clarify Malina was talking to Apples character Tony, and she is sitting next to Travis.

Re: [OOC] Brentwood Asylum

I like your idea and your character. I'm trying to think of a person what will sort of go with her but I can't. So just go ahead and use that picture.

Re: [OOC] Brentwood Asylum

Actually, would you mind if Skern was a psychiatrist instead of a psychologist? This would allow her to prescribe medication to the patients as a way of helping the process of therapy without actually getting involved. That way someone else could still be a psychologist if they so desired, and Skern could be mainly located in the medication distribution centers bossing around a few nameless techs in between popping into therapy sessions in order to understand the natures of her patients' disorders.

Like it? No? If not, I can be a normal doctor.

Re: [OOC] Brentwood Asylum

Sure thang: done.

I understand completely. I'm really not into the more....cartoonish/chibi-like anime. This one is more of a fantasy-style, if you will. But please, tell me if you like it.

Re: [OOC] Brentwood Asylum

Apples wrote:Ahh, excellent.

Septemberism, would you mind if the psychiatrist I make uses a drawn picture as opposed to a photograph for an appearance-reference? I can really only find one picture that I think captures her attitude properly, and it's an anime drawing.

Can you pm it to me first, please?

Re: [OOC] Brentwood Asylum

I'm am EXTREMELY interested. But you're full... :/
Could you notify me if a spot opens or if you can make an exception? I would LOVE to be in this role-play and I'd post at least once every day :D
Thanks! :)

Re: [OOC] Brentwood Asylum

Ahh, excellent.

Septemberism, would you mind if the psychiatrist I make uses a drawn picture as opposed to a photograph for an appearance-reference? I can really only find one picture that I think captures her attitude properly, and it's an anime drawing.

Re: [OOC] Brentwood Asylum

if you go to the front page you can like it

Re: [OOC] Brentwood Asylum

...aaaand I just posted.

Re: [OOC] Brentwood Asylum

Also, I have no idea whether I'm aligned with everyone's timezones, but it's now 1100 where I'm sitting.

Re: [OOC] Brentwood Asylum

So wait there's no like button on here?!?!? I thought there was, though i haven't been on for almost 6 months so that could be it. Though we can one up everything?