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Theodosos the Cursed

"I am Fortune's chewtoy."

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a character in “By Blood or By Gold”, as played by almostinsane


Name: Theodosius the Cursed

Age: 25

Appearance: Theodosos is what one might call "dark and handsome". His bronzed skin and black hair marks him as a native of Ithaca, the second largest city in the Drake Kingdom. He wears his hair long and possesses a long scar along his chest.

Build: Slim and muscular

Personality: When one first meets Theodosos, or "Theo" as he likes to be called, one is struck by his light-hearted and humorous personality. Quick with a quip and not one to let even the most dire situations paralyze him into submission, Theo doesn't seem to have a care in the world. However, once one looks at him further, one realizes he is a deeply depressed individual. ImageHis laughs at times have a distinctly unhumorous quality about him and his jokes and comments can be surprisingly dark. Theo is quick to drink and quick to jump into bed with random women, but this doesn't seem to make him truly happy. Still, he retains a semblance of the man he once was. The question is whether he can regain it.

Where they live: Currently traveling in Nassau.

What/ who they are: Pirate/Wanderer; Ex-Priest and Magi

History: Theodosos was born into a well-off family in Ithaca. From an early age, he had been fascinated by the gods of Drake and magic. As he grew older, he showed a talent for magic and Imagetheology and was taken in by the priesthood. He served many deities such as Kiel, god of thunder, Mardu, god of Wisdom and the Sun, and Bellona, goddess of warfare. He was an honest and forthright man and never questioned the gods or his vow of celibacy. This came to an end when he drew the attention of Lila, the goddess of love and beauty. She became enamored of him and visited him a show of divine glory and beauty and attempted to seduce him. Fearing the consequences of breaking his oath to the gods, he refused. This enraged Lila, who left him and prompted her to place a spell on Bellona, goddess of warfare, who became enamored with him as well and tried to seduce him. While Theo still refused, Bellona did not take no for an answer and forced herself on him as Lila alerted Mardu to what had happened.

The consequences was catastrophic. Mardu cursed Theo for his perceived offenses even as Bellona joined him, having regained her senses, but humiliated by the whole episode. Theo left his home, pursued by the curses of the gods and Lila, who continues to toy with him. He has resolved to live, but for what purpose, he does not know.



So begins...

Theodosos the Cursed's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandrine Corvin Character Portrait: Dominic Bane, Captain of The Anamaria Character Portrait: Mary Snow Character Portrait: Theodosos the Cursed Character Portrait: Kalila-si-Ishka Misantri Character Portrait: Jarrak Hassar
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When he was younger, Theodosos never imagined that he would be in a place like this. The taverns of Nassau were filled to the brim with thieves, whores, and scoundrels of every shape and size. The type of scoundrel that held sway here was, of course, the pirates. Pirates were scum in the eyes of the world. A convicted one was hung quickly if he or she was lucky. If they were not ready, they suffered longer punishments, though, no punishment could compare to his.

"Hello, lover. You seem down," a sweat voice whispered in his ear. Theo was not surprised to see a beautiful figure sit across from him. She was dressed provocatively and wouldn't have looked out of place here among the whores save for the aura of power he could feel coming off her in waves. He nursed his pint. Once, he might have thrown it at her, but he knew it was no use. He could not harm a goddess.

"Your curse does have that effect, Lila," he said dryly. She laughed lightly. In all fairness, she should have attracted unwelcome attention by now, but none could see her. None but him. He stared in his pint. Was there a true God? Lila had taught him that the gods of his people much too petty to be divine. Once, such a question might have interested him, but now, he was beyond caring.

"I wouldn't call it a curse so much as a game. You are so interesting, Theo. I like interesting."

"That is not all that you like about me. How did it feel to be rejected?" he asked with a light smile. The goddess frowned at him.

"How does it feel to lose so many friends? Honestly, with mortals so short-lived and us gods immortal, I am unfamiliar with the loss humans experience. Losing a mortal to death... It's like losing a pet. There are plenty more."

"Captain Black Bart was a good man, Lila. He did not deserve to die. You will pay. Maybe not by my hand, but you will pay. Now leave, whore!" he snarled, thrusting forward with his fingers to cause a bolt of lightning to spring out of them at her. But, like so many times before, she simply vanished, leaving a smoking chair behind.

"You are mine, pet. You could have experienced pleasure far beyond a mortal's wildest imagination. Now, you are reduced to this. Be careful, that little display attracts a lot of attention in places like this.

Theo finished his drink, nonplussed. He laughed wildly and stood up.

"I still live! Now, a round of drinks on me!!!!" he cried, much to the delight of the onlookers he attracted. He made a pile of coins on the table.

"To Black Bart!" he whispered as he was brought another pint.