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Alexandrine Corvin

"I will find my daughter...I will lift this curse...I will take his head."

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a character in “By Blood or By Gold”, as played by MaliceInWonderland


"As deadly as the devil....and just as pretty..."



Name :Alexandrine Corvin

Age: 25

Appearance: Alexandrine is a dark eyed, dark skinned woman, with long black brown hair, she is always dressed in her village's battle regalia, she has a scar on the right side of her face.

Build: Slender with womanly curves

Personality: Alexandrine is a quiet, reserved woman, with practice she has managed to close off her emotions due to her curse. She can not allow herself to get anger so it takes a great deal to make her so. She is cunning, with a slick tongue, having spent the better part of 5 years maneuvering through the dark world of pirates and thieves. When she is angered, she becomes something of a monster, her rage is something to be feared for it is something she herself can not control. When she comes down from her rage, it leaves her drained and depressed.

Where they live:No where in particular, Not anymore, at Present, she is staying at in Inn in Nassau.

What/ who they are: Formerly Commander of the small island nation off of the Velilia Kingdom.
Her people called her Keres, after demon woman who are said to cause violent deaths and disease.

History: Alexandrine was a celebrated commander to her nation's army, having fought and won many a battles for her people Independence. and king, along side her husband to whom she bore a child, a baby girl named Clea. Her life was perfect until one day,she awoke to a massacre, her husband, with a great percentage of her village decimated. She managed to survive but only barely, as she ran into the monster known only as Bluebeard Image, A wicked creature, who laid waste to her village, leaving only one to take the fall. Alexandrine fought hard but she was no match for his magic. Seeing the hate in her eyes, and the pain, he cursed her, that when ever she is angered, she feels the same hatred and madness toward whomever her opponent as she does him, the magic was so powerful, it knocked her unconscious. She awoke in a cell, covered in blood. She was questioned viciously, and blamed for the massacre, this frustrated her greatly. Clea was never found, and she just knew Bluebeard took her, yet, he was only a myth, and in her frustration was were she first tasted the curse. She went on a rampage, and viciously killed every guard that held her.
The king ordered her execution but she managed to escape. Disgraced and a rouge, Alexandrine vowed to find her daughter, be it alive or dead, and bring the king Bluebeard's head.

Sword Play
Military Tactics
Rage Curse- Her rage curse has given her the inability to feel pain during the course of her rage, she will fight and fight without feeling pain until her rage has calmed.

Other: She has a thick Velilia accent ((similar to that of the French))

So begins...

Alexandrine Corvin's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandrine Corvin Character Portrait: Kalila-si-Ishka Misantri Character Portrait: Jarrak Hassar
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Moving through the crowd like a phantom, Alexandrine stalked her prey. A so called magic man by the name Goldfinch. He greeted every passerby, as she followed a few paces behind him. She liked Nassau, it was a place where asking too many questions ended with a knife in the gut. Perfect for a disgraced warrior like her, framed for a massacre she did not comment. Keres...they called her now, portent of doom, death and destruction.

However that was not the case, she was a warrior, a wife...a mother, her world ripped from her by the bloody hands of one known only as Bluebeard. A myth, a legend, said to live but one victim alive to spin his bloody yarn and at the very same time, take the fall, marked with his curse.

Most have faced Bluebeard, and was brought to trail and excuted, some just excuted, luckily, Alexandrine was skilled enough of her home to escape before she met that fate.

Not that it mattered, she wanted to die, and wanted to be with her husband, Bluebeard's original fall man, who'd sacrificed himself to protect her. He was meant to live, not her.

She wanted to just close her eyes, forget the world and melt away but she couldn't. She was a mother, a mother to whose child was taken by the very man that slaughtered her village, if you could call him a man at all.


Alexandrine steeled herself to what was next.

Goldfinch rounded the corner, dipping into an alley behind a brothel. Alexandrine followed. The alley empty save for Goldfinch.


She rose her cloak, dropping the hood over her head, and unsheathing a dagger. One awarded to her when she made Commander.

She moved forward, reaching out and snatching Goldfinch by the collar, and hemming him against the wall in second.

"Tell me, Magic Man. You know of Bluebeard?" She asked, her dagger's tip pressed in the flesh between his fourth and fifth rib.

Goldfinch's eyes widened. "W-what? I don't know you are but Bluebeard...he's a myth?"

"You and I both know he is not a myth, You are of magic, tell me where he is!" She pressed her forearm against his throat, Goldfinch choked. "I-I, I'm not magic..." He relented with a gasp. "I make quick cash with palor tricks, I'm not a real magic man." He said quickly.

Alexandrine growled. "You have potions! Remedies! I saw them."

"All Lies, They are just some herbs I collected, I swear, I've got kids!" He pleaded pitifully.

Alexandrine huffed and let him go. A snarl twitching her lip. Goldfinch then rushed her against the wall and tried to run but Alexandrine recovered and snatched him backward.

Rage bubbling up inside her, her vision tinted red, as her grip on her dagger tightened. She shoved her dagger deep into his gut, over and over, until blood gushed over her hand. Goldfinch's gurgled up blood before life left him completely.

Alexandrine stood there, her eyes wide and manic, her breathing erratic as a few men heard the commotion, and soon her attention was on them, her dagger send ribbons of red spinning through the air.

Not too long, She stood in a pile of bodies, pirates by the looks of them, her arm covered in blood, dripping down from the tip of her dagger.

Her rage calmed and sanity came back to her, as well as guilt.

Goldflinch may have been a liar but he could have had childern, whose to say? It didn't matter now...he was dead and she was no further in finding Bluebeard then she first started.

Alexandrine quickly exited the scene, and was off to find herself a place to clean, when she bumped into a tiny girl, no older then 15 with a young dark skinned fellow not much older then herself.

"Sorry." She said quickly but her hand was caught, by the girl.

"Find the blood in the snow." said the girl, and Alexandrine looked at her, oddly,,the girl was unphased by the blood that now covered her hand. "Then we will meet again." She said, her large eyes seeming to reach into her soul. The girl then released her arm and Alexandrine took off.

"Blood in the Snow?" Alexandrine thought. Snow didn't happen in Nassau...and who was that girl...?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandrine Corvin Character Portrait: Dominic Bane, Captain of The Anamaria Character Portrait: Mary Snow Character Portrait: Kalila-si-Ishka Misantri Character Portrait: Jarrak Hassar Character Portrait: Marcus Bolo
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Kalila had just finished cleaning her hands after meeting with the rouge woman. She didn't like blood, too many thoughts, too much pain.

"Find her,"

"Help her."
The voices repeated in her head and a vision of a tavern flashed in her mind, as well as two pair of piercing blue eyes as she walked toward the large window of an Inn.

Kalila stood there, staring into nothingness, or that's what it seemed to most but she was listening.

Her hearing excedded far from normal standards but this girl was not the normal girl either.

She stood, wind whipping her old thin dress around her tiny legs.

"Just hope we don't drown while we wait for the wind..."

A thin smile crept on to Kalila's face as she suddenly lept from the open window, giving her poor guardian and best friend a heart attack in the process.

Her fall was broken by a overheard tarp,in which she bounced off of and landed safetly on her barefeet. She then ran off, maneuvering through the throngs of people with an inexplicable amount of grace, as if she knew exactly where they'd come and go. She made her way inside of the tarven were she spotted a large wolf.

She recognized the wolf and the woman she belonged to, she spoke not a word to the woman as she approached the large wolf, who damned near dwarfed her in size, and could rip her in two.

Kalila stood right in front of the wolf, and bent down, a full ninety degrees and kissed the wolf right on her nose.

In that same moment, the rogue entered the tavern and sat at the bar. Kalila grinned, feeling her eyes on her, hearing the thoughts of the rogue woman as she spotted her with the wolf.

"Who's that, the woman with the wolf?" She heard the rogue ask.

"That there be Bloody Mary Snow, First mate to Captain Bane of the Anamaria. Tread carefully stranger, that ain't someone who's keen on making friends." said the bar keep. The rogue woman looked at her and seemed to be waiting for the right moment to approach. Kalila could hear her thoughts loud and clear.

"Blood in the snow..."

Kalila grinned as the rogue woman thought and Kalila looked back at the large maneater dire wolf began petting her gently, focusing her attention to her owner and her owner's friend.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandrine Corvin Character Portrait: Dominic Bane, Captain of The Anamaria Character Portrait: Mary Snow Character Portrait: Theodosos the Cursed Character Portrait: Kalila-si-Ishka Misantri Character Portrait: Jarrak Hassar
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When he was younger, Theodosos never imagined that he would be in a place like this. The taverns of Nassau were filled to the brim with thieves, whores, and scoundrels of every shape and size. The type of scoundrel that held sway here was, of course, the pirates. Pirates were scum in the eyes of the world. A convicted one was hung quickly if he or she was lucky. If they were not ready, they suffered longer punishments, though, no punishment could compare to his.

"Hello, lover. You seem down," a sweat voice whispered in his ear. Theo was not surprised to see a beautiful figure sit across from him. She was dressed provocatively and wouldn't have looked out of place here among the whores save for the aura of power he could feel coming off her in waves. He nursed his pint. Once, he might have thrown it at her, but he knew it was no use. He could not harm a goddess.

"Your curse does have that effect, Lila," he said dryly. She laughed lightly. In all fairness, she should have attracted unwelcome attention by now, but none could see her. None but him. He stared in his pint. Was there a true God? Lila had taught him that the gods of his people much too petty to be divine. Once, such a question might have interested him, but now, he was beyond caring.

"I wouldn't call it a curse so much as a game. You are so interesting, Theo. I like interesting."

"That is not all that you like about me. How did it feel to be rejected?" he asked with a light smile. The goddess frowned at him.

"How does it feel to lose so many friends? Honestly, with mortals so short-lived and us gods immortal, I am unfamiliar with the loss humans experience. Losing a mortal to death... It's like losing a pet. There are plenty more."

"Captain Black Bart was a good man, Lila. He did not deserve to die. You will pay. Maybe not by my hand, but you will pay. Now leave, whore!" he snarled, thrusting forward with his fingers to cause a bolt of lightning to spring out of them at her. But, like so many times before, she simply vanished, leaving a smoking chair behind.

"You are mine, pet. You could have experienced pleasure far beyond a mortal's wildest imagination. Now, you are reduced to this. Be careful, that little display attracts a lot of attention in places like this.

Theo finished his drink, nonplussed. He laughed wildly and stood up.

"I still live! Now, a round of drinks on me!!!!" he cried, much to the delight of the onlookers he attracted. He made a pile of coins on the table.

"To Black Bart!" he whispered as he was brought another pint.