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Mental Institution/Rehabilitation Center


a part of Committed, by bambi_xrave.

Vilnuris Psychiatric Hospital and Rehabilitation Center

bambi_xrave holds sovereignty over Mental Institution/Rehabilitation Center, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,965 readers have been here.


Located in the suburbs of Denver, CO. Has one floor, and a large outside area for well-behaved patients to use. Staff of five doctors and 20 nurses. Each patient has their own room and bathroom, but can request to share a room. Both patients must be interviewed in order to share a room. There are two group therapy session rooms. Guys and girls are in separate wings of the hospital. Each doctor has their own office in which patients can have private discussions about their progress or any other concerns they have.
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Mental Institution/Rehabilitation Center

Vilnuris Psychiatric Hospital and Rehabilitation Center


Mental Institution/Rehabilitation Center is a part of Committed.

23 Characters Here

Robin Nichole Barnes [79] " day..."
Nathaniel Drake Black [76] Don't make me mad. You won't like me when I'm mad.
Kaylee Fey Lewis [66] "Oh, come on. I'm 'Next to Normal'!"
Felix Reginald Smit [55] "Life is death as death is life, and I love life"
Mindy Haline [49] Fight with Fire and expect to be burned
Alise Kennedy Hayden [42] "Just let me die already!"
Harper Calloway Fields [38] It's a mistake, see? I'm not crazy at all!
Lace Marie Noland [37] *Shakes head.*
Benjamin Steward [27] Just sit down, be quiet, watch...just like god
Misera Devon [26] I am Pzich, daughter of the mighty Psyche, and you! You are nothing!

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3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Kaylee Fey Lewis Character Portrait: Felix Reginald Smit
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Robin's heart beat in her chest, Felix gave her the creeps...she was frightened. In an instant, Bobbi was free.
"Hmmm, and who might you be pretty boy?" she asked leaned over the table, "And what's up with your fucked up face?"
laughing she sat back and lifted her feet onto the table, crossing her ankles ans resting her head on the hands. As she stretched a bit of Robin's porcelain midrift, her shirt clinging to her skin as her robe parts and the strings dangle just above the surface of the tiles.
["I feel like you have creeped my sweet Robin out before in the past, you're gas mask guy right? Weird fucker." Snatching up the rest of the toast she took a bite and chewed it, staring Felix down.
"Robin will be upset if she finds out I wasn't I'll play along...for now. The name is Bobbi, and Robin. She is just asleep now."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Kaylee Fey Lewis Character Portrait: Felix Reginald Smit
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Felix was taken aback by the sudden, unplanned change of Robin into Bobbi. At first when Bobbi started talking it showed in his face, a quick expression of panic and comfusion, before realising the situation and losing his act. Laughing, loudly, not across the whole room, but louder than the average laugh. Some faces looked toward the table's direction, others further way didn't notice.

"You want to give me more entertainment? How awfully nice for you to come out."
Becoming more casual, he put his folded arms against the table.
"My face is like any other, it reveals my feelings, I've just lived through enough that I fucking love to live."
He was staring Bobbi in the eyes, with a manic smile again.

Turning his head towards the newcomer.
"What I said may be true, but don't think any of us are normal."
He slammed a hand down onto the table, pushing himself from the seat and leaning across the table, face close to the newcomer.
"Nice to meet you, tell me your name. And try not to get fucked by just anyone."
He flung himself back into the chair, arm over the back of the seat while the other leaning on the table, no longer a cheerful, friendly posture.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Kaylee Fey Lewis Character Portrait: Felix Reginald Smit
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Kaylee watched the interaction between the guy in the suit and Bobbi. Robin had slipped away again. But then the attention of the German man was directed towards Kaylee. Leaning back uncomfortably, Kaylee replied, "Um, I'm Kaylee Lewis. And I'll try not to." She looked the man up and down, judging him to be... disturbing. And not only that, but there was something under it that she really didn't like. Was it... arrogance? No, more than that. "So... why are you here?" she asked him as calmly as she could. She got the feeling these people were trying to freak her out, and she would not let him succeed.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Alise Kennedy Hayden Character Portrait: Nathaniel Drake Black Character Portrait: Kaylee Fey Lewis Character Portrait: Jeffrey Campbell Character Portrait: Felix Reginald Smit
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“May I sit with you?” Nate looked up from the table to see a frail girl in a wheelchair. Her hair draped over her shoulders, which were mostly bones. Before Nate even had a chance to register the question, Jeffery told her she could join them. He watched silently as she went to grab herself some breakfast and joined them at the table. He wondered why she was here. Anorexic? It's a good chance, but usually new patients that were anorexic wouldn't eat for at least the first couple days. Perhaps that was only a small part of the demons she carried.

Peeking up at the clock, he saw that it was near time for breakfast to be over and recreation to begin. He knew that after his outburst, he wasn't going to be able to go outside after all. Nate sighed, craving the fresh air that he hasn't breathed in as long as he can remember. He watched the other patients finishing up their breakfasts. Nate had barely touched his. His appetite was gone after waking up to find himself surrounded by nurses with a butter knife in hand.

He watched the two girls, Robin and the new girl. He never did catch her name. Felix had decided to join them. The thought of what that man had done sent shivers down his spine. Syn could only chuckle. He watched Robin, her soft blonde, almost white hair falling gently on her shoulders, framing her face. He felt like she was the only one who could ever possibly stand to understand him, but he never had the nerve to talk to her. He had a feeling that Syn had probably scared her off a number of times, so he didn't even bother. Even her “other,” Bobbi, while a complete different personality from Robin, was beautiful in her own way.

The jingle of a bell woke him from his daydream. The nurse announced that breakfast was over and that recreation was starting. She listed out the rules, more for the newbies than for anyone. It was the same as always. No one is to be in their rooms, no causing problems for any other patient, no one is to be outside without permission, blah blah blah. Nate had heard it about a thousand times since he had been admitted. He could recite it in his sleep.

Nate got up and emptied his tray into the trash can, then put his tray on the tray cart. He left the room, not looking at anyone else. He wasn't sure what he was going to do during recreation. He had his heart set on just breathing in the summer air since waking that morning, but that dream was long diminished. In the main room, there was a tv surrounded by several couches and chairs, several tables with board games and sets of cards, a decent sized selection of books, movies, and video games, and an area for arts and crafts.

Nate decided he would do what he normally did, which was arts and crafts. He made his way to the table and rummaged through the art supplies. He picked out a sheet of paper and some drawing pencils. He had no idea what he wanted to draw, so he just doodled whatever popped into his head. He loved drawing eyes, so there were several of those on the page, as well as random things he saw in the room, like the television, and even quick sketches of patients.

Normally, no one would join him at the art station. Most of the others played cards, watched whatever was on the television or read. No one had ever seen his sketches, except the nurses, who were supposed to look at them to make sure he wasn't drawing anything that would hint at anything dangerous. They all thought they were wonderful, but Nate only saw them as sketches. Quick glimpses of what was going on in his head. Rarely would Syn come out when he drew, which was probably one of the reasons Nate enjoyed it so much.

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Character Portrait: Ali Watson
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Ali jumped as the bell rang, he still want used to the sound. It shook right through his body, rubbing his hands he fnished the bagel and threw the apple core in the trash. He yet again waited for an opertunity to move again, he noticed a gap in people before he stood and walked quickly and quietly to the recreation room.

He paused just outside the doorway looking around the room, he really enjoyed doing jigsaw puzzles yet again in the corner of the room it was the only confirmed place of safety for him he could still watch for danger and be sure that nothing would get him from behind.

Taking a deep breath Ali walked quickly over to the puzzles, selecting one at random he had completed a few of them during his stay and could figure out which ones he had already done. He cradled the box to his chest and walked to one of the corners of the room tipping out the puzzle peices onto the table. Now the process of sorting out the edges from the normal peices.

He slowly rocked back and forth as he filtered the pieces in his hands he looked up every now and then to check the room.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Nathaniel Drake Black Character Portrait: Kaylee Fey Lewis Character Portrait: Felix Reginald Smit
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"You want to give me more entertainment? How awfully nice for you to come out...My face is like any other, it reveals my feelings, I've just lived through enough that I fucking love to live."
Bobbi simply stared him down as he spoke, as she always has for Robin. Anytime she fet threatened, Bobbi would come to save her, and existed as the emotional buffer Robin depereatly needed in her time of need. However, there is one thing Bobbi fears, and that is Robin letting her go forever...because in order for Bobbi to truly exist, Robin has to accept her. As she stares into the cold eyes and the ominous smile, a little sense of pride fills her, At least I'm still needed...

Her eyes flicked back over to Kaylee, her lids low as she spoke, "I'm sorry for the way I treated you earlier, it was out of line and it made Robin very upset.
Flicking up to the clock as she heard the bell, "She truly is an amazing girl though" she smiled, "And you are about to see some of her talent."
With a sincere wave, her face gazed over as Robin returned. The smile lingered as she saw the time, and she said, "It was so nice to meet you, I'm allowed outside for activity time...if you st by that window..." she said motioning with her outstretched arm, "You can listen if you want."

The smile still clung to her lips as she stood, with a distant look in her eye she walked over to the garbage and dumped her tray, sliding the tray across the counter before turning to the nurse.
The young woman smiled at Robin, "Are you going to play again today?" as she handed her a black case.
Yes, I was wondering if I could use one of my outdoor activity days this week." Her eyes crossed over to the window, and the colorful world just beyond the doors.
The nurse gave her a nod and opened the door for her, letting the intense sun fill the open doorway and spill across the floor.

Gripping the case with two hands she made her way across the stone blocks and onto a green field. Some of the other patients were taking walks, or playing basketball, but she payed no mind. The far off look still lingering on her face. As she reached a large tree, bursting with blue flowers she placed the case on the ground, and flipped open the locks. The routine was pleasant, and one of the only times Bobbi would sit back and listen, truly allowing Robin time to herself. The name of the institution was sprawled across the inside of the case, taken from one of the music therapy rooms. Out of the velvet cradle she lifted a beat up, faded violin. The woods was worn, and the strings had been replaced many many times, but she truly loved it. It was the one thing she truly enjoyed during her three year stay. The melody she wanted to play flowed through her thoughts as she rosined the bow, and lifted the instrument to her shoulder.
Please Robin...that one is my favorite...Bobbi cooed, and Robin began to play.

The melody danced across the strings, as it did everyday at this time. The sound is carried across the field, and can be heard faintly inside the building if one pays attention. Smiling as she plays, Robin thinks about life after the institution, and her fast approaching eighteenth birthday. Images of Nate flash through her head, she knows how Bobbi feels about him...but Syn frightens Robin, plus Bobbi won't let her get close to him. Robin longs for the day she can be close to someone else...longs to experience the things other girls get to experience. A blush forms on her cheeks, as she thinks about the day she can finally have a true first kiss, one without Bobbi cutting in. Glancing up to the window, she wonders if he ever listens to her play.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Alise Kennedy Hayden
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Alise cleared up as the nurses announced recreation time. Recreation time was, frankly, boring. Alise knew she'd rather be doing other things than watching television or listening to the radio. Sports were off limits for her too, though she was sure she'd be able to play basketball if the rest let her. Or at least stopped laughing long enough for her to explain.

Ignoring the large group around the television, Alise went straight for the art stuff. Being an avid artist, Alise enjoyed drawing anime characters. The only good thing about recreation time was the amount of art supplies they provided. Sticking her hand in the art supplies, she pulled out a box of colour pencils, paper and drawing pencils. She saw that other guy who she sat with at breakfast at the table, but she ignored him, knowing that he probably wouldn't want to talk to her either. I'm that 'anorexic freak in a wheelchair. Right. I'm just skinny, not not anorexic. Yeah, I wouldn't want to talk to me if I were them either.

Conjuring up an image of an anime boy, Alise started sketching in. She paid close attention to the small details, knowing that they only made the drawing nicer. She started colouring in the lines, and that was when she heard the music. Looking up, she saw a beautiful girl with soft yellow hair playing the violin. The music was haunting and sad, and Alise drew closer to the girl unconsciously, drinking in the beautiful melody. Before she knew it, Alise was right beside the girl, though she didn't know if the girl had noticed her yet.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Alise Kennedy Hayden
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Turning Robin saw the girl from the cafatereria, and smiled. As she finished out the tune, she lowered the violin and held in it her hands, giving a small bow, her grin from ear to ear.
"I'm so happy you liked it," she said as she passed the bow into her other hand and held out out to the girl, "My name is Robin, I learned how to play here actually," she paused for a moment as a nother tune passed through her head. Lifting the violin to her shoulder she began spoke as she played.

"I have been here for three years, and everyday I cried for three months, the only feeling I felt was alone...Then a nurse took me to the music room for the first time, and let me use this violin. They said I could use it during my free time, as part my therapy."
She closed her eyes and smiled as she played,"As I got better and better, I felt more and more alive. Everyday I practice. It has made my stay here...a little more bearable. When I was lost, I always had the music to guide me back."

As she finished her second song she looked to the girl, thinking back she remembered her first day. It had been raining, a drop for every tear she shed. Crying in her room, she stayed holed up, and refused to eat. It was the scariest day of her life...
Those signs were all around her today, as many new comers cried.

"Hey,"she said smiling,"This ones for you,"

As she played she danced a bit, and grinned at the girl, in every effort to see her smile.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Alise Kennedy Hayden Character Portrait: Nathaniel Drake Black
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Nate was caught up in his sketching, but heard the one sound that gave him a sense of joy that nothing else in the hospital ever could. It was faint, but he recognized it all the same. Bow danced on string, as Robin played one of his favorite melodies that she had learned since she arrived at the hospital those three years ago. He glanced up from his paper and peered through the window. He found her under a tree, surrounded by blue flowers. A small smile crept onto his face, something that Nate never did. Oh, how he wished to just be able to enjoy the fresh air and actually hear her play not separated by glass. But he never dared get that close. One of the few fears that Nate had was that he would try to talk to her, get to know her on a personal level, then Syn take over, and Nate have to wake up to Robin frightened, crying, running away. He could never forgive himself for causing anyone pain, especially her, even if it was Syn's doing. He was still responsible for letting him take over.

Suddenly, the girl from breakfast appeared at his table, rummaging through the art supplies. He had never had company at the art table before. He saw that she had noticed Robin's melody as well. "She - I mean, it's beautiful, isn't it?" Before he knew it, she had disappeared and reappeared with Robin, obviously taken by the music. He was angry, upset even, that she could go outside and not him. She could hear the music up close, and perhaps even talk to Robin, and he could never dare be so bold. He could hear Syn chuckling. "I could change that for you. You know I could make you go over there." "Don't you dare. If she saw you, or me, coming, she'd cower, run even. Besides, you don't stand a chance against Bobbi's defenses." "Bobbi loves me, loves you." "Keep dreaming, Syn. Neither of them want anything to do with either of us." "Oh, how little you know, my little hero." There was that word again. Usually it bothered Nate, but because he was drawing, and listening to Robin's beautiful melody, he could stay calm.

Nate glanced down at this paper, taken aback by what he found. Without even realizing it, he had sketched Robin playing the violin underneath the tree. He had hoped no one noticed, but knew the nurses had to see it for safety measures. What would they think? He could always play it off as just sketching life. He found the subject matter interesting, and therefore sketched it. It's not like it mattered anyway. It's not like Nate was going to pursue anything, and there was no way that Robin would ever come to him. Besides, her 18th birthday was coming up. She could have a chance to leave, and he'd never see her again, never hear her play again. Nate was on lock down. Labeled unsafe for regular life anymore. His outbursts became so bad, so violent, so rapidly, and hadn't seen any improvement in the entirety of his stay at the hospital. He was lucky if he'd even get to touch the grass and breathe the air of the outside recreation area.

He glanced back through the window, back at Robin, and noticed that she was looking in, at him. His face grew flush and his body froze. He couldn't look away. His heart raced and he was finally able to break the stare. Surely she wasn't looking at him. Probably just looking inside as a generally thing, at no one or nothing in particular. And if she was, surely it wasn't him. But what if she was? She probably thought he was a freak, a creep, for staring like that. He didn't know what to do, so he folded the paper of the picture of her, still hoping no one caught a glance at it, and stuck it in his pocket to hide until the nurses came to see it. He quickly grabbed another piece of paper and began drawing something else.

He looked back up, watched her exchange a few words with the girl. She began another tune and moved around with grace. He sadly smiled again. She seems so happy. He was sure she'd be able to leave. If only he could tell her everything, how he's always watched her and wanted to help, but feared it backfiring for all these years. Just so that she knew that someone cared, even if they'd never meet again.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Alise Kennedy Hayden
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Alise looked blankly at the girl. Wow. She didn't even know her name, and she was smiling at her? This was one heck of a nice girl. Still, it was a change from those staring people. Robin, huh? "Nice name," Alise complimented her.

Alise tried to listen to the music and Robin's words at the same time. As Robin spoke, she gt envious. "Wow. I wish I could play the piano here, but I've never asked." She paused. "Do you think the nurses would let me play the piano if I asked?" Robin started a new song. This one's for you.

Alise grinned as Robin danced around a little. She was nice, but was it a front? Alise could have sworn that it was Robin that she'd heard screaming earlier that morning. Also, she'd seen Robin being violent on a couple of occasions. Alise wondered if Robin could be trusted. Still.

As the song ended, Alise pulled out a notebook and started to jot down music notes. Oh, wait. Alise looked up a little guiltily, and stuck out a hand awkwardly. "I'm Alise. It's nice to meet you."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Kaylee Fey Lewis Character Portrait: Felix Reginald Smit
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0.00 INK

Felix sat patiently as Bobbi's attention went back to Robin before answering. As Robin came back and walked away.

"I'm here for my own reasons, as all of us are Kaylee ."
He stood up and walked back to put away his tray.
"You should come outside at every chance you get here, Once you've come to appreciate the out-doors it will do more good than just make you physically healthier."

He let his gubbins fall into the bin and placed the tray away. He decided he would do chalk drawing outside today. The nurse had already opened the door first for Robin, she stood there checking that it was only those who have been behaving were getting outside. As he walked towards the door the flesh air hit his face, taking it in as a relieved deep breath, refreshing. The sun was strong shining through the door, making from the inside anyone who stands or passing the door appear with a dark silhouette.

He did not look at the nurse as he got closer, despite her staring at him only to bring to mind whether Felix had been behaving. Robin started as Felix got to the door, he stopped to listen, as most people around did. Standing beside the nurse, who was also now looking out, made Felix's low height more noticeable to anyone behind him, particularity with the contrasted out-line of his silhouette next to the average height nurse. He folded his arms, left on top, as he stood there listening for the first song. Feeling as though time itself had stopped.

It ended.
"Depressing." He let out. Then turning to the nurse with a friendly smile.
"Please, get some chalk from the arts area, and some gloves as well?"
The nurse stared at him for a few seconds before accepting with a "Wait right here."

As she walked back along the corridor Felix took her place against the wall at the side of the door. Imitating the nurse until she returned, checking those who attempt to go outside, although with his small silhouette still dark from the the bright incoming sun, it was hardly frightening coming towards the door from the corridor.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Alise Kennedy Hayden Character Portrait: Nathaniel Drake Black Character Portrait: Kaylee Fey Lewis Character Portrait: Felix Reginald Smit
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"Her talent?" Kaylee said in surprise. Then Robin came back out and said that she was going to play some sort of musical instrument. So there is music here! Kaylee's heart leaped up with joy at the mention of any kind of music. It soothed her emotions and made the Form go away. At least for a little while. Robin left and then a short while later beautiful violin music started. Kaylee closed her eyes and let her soul drink in the music. Felix's advice was lost in her ecstasy and she sat for a while. Then after a little bit she made her way into the recreation room. She saw all of the choices and decided on the television. No Lord of the Rings. No Star Wars. What was wrong with these people?? She asked a passing nurse, "Hey, I guess 'Frances Farmer' isn't in here, right?" The nurse gave her a weird look and walked by. "What about 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?' " Kaylee called after her. Shaking her head, Kaylee turned her attention back to the room. She didn't belong here. At least, that's what she kept telling herself. Soon her parents would come by and it would all be over. Surely.

She turned away from the TV and viewed the whole room. There were art supplies! Interested, Kaylee walked over. Glancing at the two other people's drawings, she noticed that the skinny girl was drawing a very nice picture of an anime boy, and the boy who had almost threatened her with a knife was drawing a girl playing the violin under a tree. After a moment he stopped, staring at something... Robin. He was drawing Robin. Amazed, Kaylee stared at the picture until he folded it up surreptitiously and put it in his pocket.

Pretending like she didn't see any of it, Kaylee came up behind him and sat down at the art table across from him. She began to draw some of her hallucinations. An asian boy walking away down the hall with books under his arm, a reptilian-man pointing straight at her accusingly, a demonic looking baboon. All of them came alive on the paper in her crude sketching form. Their rough edges seemed to vibrate as if they wanted to peel off the page. Then she looked up at the boy across from her. "Um, hello." she started timidly. "I'm Kaylee. I uh... I don't think we met very well earlier. Do you want to have another go at it now?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathaniel Drake Black Character Portrait: Kaylee Fey Lewis
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Nate jumped slightly when he looked up and saw the new girl from breakfast appear across the table from him. He glanced down at the table in front of her and saw that she had been doodling, which meant she had been here for a little bit without him noticing. He looked longer at the pictures on the pages, demented drawings. Perhaps this girl was more than just depressed after all. They were really fantastic drawings, very detailed and interesting. He shifted in his seat, the paper in his pocket crinkling as he moved. Just how long had she been there? Long enough to see the drawing, or was he in the clear?

"Um, hello. I'm Kaylee. I uh... I don't think we met very well earlier. Do you want to have another go at it now?"

Nate flinched. So she was the one that Syn had his way with. At least she was brave enough to confront him now. Usually if Syn got a hold of anyone, they wouldn't even look at Nate for a day or two. He scratched the back of his head and smiled nervously. "I'm terribly sorry about what happened. I... wasn't really myself. I'm Nate, it's nice to meet you. I guess I didn't give you a formal warm welcome, but it's better late than never, huh?" He chuckled lightly, feeling a little more at ease. He hadn't really had casual conversation in god knows how long.

He picked up his pen and began to doodle again, no real purpose for his pen strokes. What appeared on his page was a sad excuse for a lion, or at least he thought. He was never as good at animals, especially from memory as he was sketching people. He sighed, and put the pen down. "I, uh, like your drawings. Very intriguing and extremely well made. Are you an artist or do you just draw for fun?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathaniel Drake Black Character Portrait: Kaylee Fey Lewis
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"That's okay." Kaylee said. "I don't think anyone can really be themselves around here. It's nice to meet you too, Nate." Then the boy went back to drawing. He seemed to draw whatever came to his head, not really drawing anything specific like she was. It was obviously a lion. For a moment Kaylee felt incredibly foolish, sitting at a table doodling during "recreation time" like a kindergartener. She shook that feeling off. But not before The Form had seized the opportunity - the moment of weakness. All other sounds went away except for a strong staticy sound behind her head. Her vision went dark as she squeezed her eyes shut tight against the vision the Form was about to show her: Another face - not her own. It was young, maybe 5 years old. It was streaked with tears, and next to her was a shabby stool with the word "rainbow" spelled like "reignbow" on it. Kaylee heard her own voice in child form speaking to the crying girl. "No, that's wrong. You're so stupid, Danielle. You're always wrong. Your drawings are all wrong. Your drawings, your drawings, your drawings..."

'I, uh, like your drawings. Very intriguing and extremely well made. Are you an artist or do you just draw for fun?' Nate's voice pulled her out of the vision and she opened her eyes, breathing deeply. It was like she had been underwater and he had pulled her up. Like a hero.

"Oh, um, my drawings?" She looked down and saw the drawings, remembering where she was. "Oh, right. Yes, I, um..." The Form threatened her with another vision, and she flinched. "Sh!" She said sharply. Then she went back to talking, oblivious to what she had just done. "Yes, I just draw for fun. And thanks." she added. "These are some of my favorites." Her face suggested otherwise. Whenever she looked at them, her face looked slightly as if she was in pain. "I draw them a lot. These are the things I see."

Listening to herself, Kaylee was surprised. She really did sound like a looney. Maybe she belonged here, after all. Wasn't this what she had wanted all along, anyhow? She shook that thought from her mind. It was ridiculous. They all told her - her parents, her teachers, her friends - that she was sane. So what would suddenly make them wrong and her right?

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Alise Kennedy Hayden Character Portrait: Nathaniel Drake Black Character Portrait: Kaylee Fey Lewis Character Portrait: Felix Reginald Smit
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"Wow. I wish I could play the piano here, but I've never asked." She paused. "Do you think the nurses would let me play the piano if I asked?"
Lowering the instrument to her side she replied,"Well, in order to use the instruments you have to behave yourself. I'm sure the doctor will explain the whole system to you in group today since we have many newcomers today."

She lifted her hand and blocked the sun as she looked up at the blue sky,"Cherish days like this, you don't know how lovely colors are, but you will. The white...drives me more insane than Bobbi sometimes." With a chuckle she bent at the knees and returned the instrument to its case, clicking the locks shut.
"I'm only allowed to play for the first 20-30 minutes, the Doctor says I have to socialize, and if I'm playing I usually don't talk to anyone." The case was light in her arms as she gripped the handle, gesturing to Alise,"I have to bring this back to the nurse, and talk to at least four different people. Looks like you are number one," she smiled as she spoke, hopeful that this would be her last year at the facility, "You can come with me if you want."
With the turn of her heel she began walking toward the door, her blond hair bouncing on her shoulders.
"That was beautiful dear," the nurse said as she took the instrument with a smile.
"Thank you!" Beaming she looked around, noticing Felix she felt her breath get heavy.
"I'm not ready for that yet..." she said, clutching her heart and dipping her head shamefully. She wasn't sure why he frightened her, but Bobbi most defiantly did not like him.

Dipping back inside she noticed Nate and Kaylee sitting at the art table. Robin was no good at drawing, but loved to do origami. Donning a small quaint smile she walked over to the supply cabinet and pulled out a few pieces of colored paper. There was quite a selection of origami paper for her to choose from. Her step-fathers, sister whom she called Aunty Carol, send her gifts every now and then. It was the only family she still had communication with, and she happened to be the editor in chief of The New York Times and felt extremely guilty about her brothers actions. Robin received gifts every year for her birthday, and Christmas and various other random holidays throughout the year. The nurses opened them at first...but after they got to know Robin and Caroline, it was the one thing she got to open herself-with supervision of course. Last Easter she received the paper, though it had to stay out in the supply closet. Robin didn't mind, it was enough to share; two long rows of colors, patterns, double-sided, and even some with eyes, she settled on two pieces, one with fading red and orange on one side, and the other one a greenish-yellow.

Robin...come on...let me talk to him, I'll have him in your bed tonight!
Shut-it Bobbi.
Fine but I'm watching you...

Pulling up a chair she nervously glanced over at Nate, wondering how long Bobbi was going to control herself. She started to blush a little bit, to her he was mysterious. Though they had both been treated here for some time, they never spoke. Anytime Robin tries to Nate, one of two things happens. One, Robin's heart starts beating faster, and her mind wanders...thus Bobbi steps in to interrupt and always says something crude. Or two, Robin begins talking to Syn, who absolutely terrifies her. Bobbi is out in an instant...and Robin really doesn't know what Bobbi does after that point...As she began flattening the paper she said,"Hi again Kaylee," glancing her amber eyes over to catch Nate's she smiled sheepishly,"Hi Nate, Bobbi told me you spoke with her earlier. I'm sorry if she was rude."
Quickly she averted her gaze to the drawing on the table, folding her own paper gently.
"Wow, you guys are pretty good, I can't draw very well."
Her hands worked nimbly on the second paper now, as she smiled at the two.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Nathaniel Drake Black Character Portrait: Kaylee Fey Lewis
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Nate watched Kaylee as she seemed to fade off into her own mind, then snap back into reality when he spoke.

"Yes, I just draw for fun. And thanks. These are some of my favorites. I draw them a lot. These are the things I see."

Things she sees? Hallucinations, no doubt, but why? These weren't the kinds of beings that belonged to a person like Robin or he. Was is a sort of PTSD thing? Possible. He was sure to find out more about it in group today, so he figured he wouldn't pry. He didn't want to upset her when she came up to him to right the wrong Syn had done earlier, whatever that was.

Nate glanced up from the table when he heard the door to the outside area open, and a cheerful voice say thank you. It was Robin. Her violin time must be up. It was always a shame when she had to stop. It kept Nate calm and in a good state of mind. More importantly, it kept Syn away. He shyly watched her come his direction and shuffle through the paper cabinet. His head fell when she turned to face him, to face his table, not wanting to lock eyes. His heart was already pounding, his throat tight. He heard a chair being pulled up to the table, and saw the brightly colored paper appear on the table. Origami, another wonderful talent Robin possessed.

"Hi again, Kaylee! Hi Nate, Bobbi told me you spoke with her earlier. I'm sorry if she was rude."

"Hi, Robin." His face was starting to get warm. He had never spoken to her, never been this close, and here she was, apologizing for something that wasn't even her fault. He chuckled. "It wasn't me she was talking to, I can guarantee you that much. I'm not even sure what happened." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously and glanced up. Robin adverted her eyes, so he did as well, blushing. He watcher to tiny hands gently creasing the paper. He was always amazed at what she could make.

"Wow, you guys are pretty good, I can't draw very well."

He looked up again, surprised. She was smiling. A genuine compliment, from a girl he'd been creepily watching from a distance for years. He smiled back, sheepishly. "Well, I wouldn't say I'm that good. Kaylee is a bit better than I am. I can only really sketch people from real-" He stopped, and it seemed like his heart followed suit. He felt his stomach turn. Not another word, you idiot. What if she asks to see your drawings, and finds the ones of her? What if she thinks you're a creep and never wants to talk to you again. Nate internally slapped himself, and subconsiously placed his hand over the pocket with the drawing of her within it. Please don't let a nurse come over and ask to see it.. He could hear Syn laughing, waiting for Nate to screw everything up, without any of his help.

You're more pathetic than I thought.
Fuck off. I don't need your help.
You always need my help. If it wasn't for me, neither of these ladies would be sitting here talking to you. Don't forget that.

He realized Syn was right. Had he not taken over and did whatever he had done, neither of these girls would have come. Kaylee wouldn't have asked to start over, and Robin wouldn't have apologized, even if it really wasn't her fault at all. Maybe he did deserve to give Syn some credit. She shook the thought from his mind, not wanting to give him that kind of ego boost. That was the last thing that Syn needed right now. And the last thing that Nate needed was for Syn to come out and ruin everything.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Nathaniel Drake Black Character Portrait: Kaylee Fey Lewis
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"Hi Robin. Nice to see you again." Kaylee said, and she meant it. She really disliked Bobbi, and Robin's coming over here was wonderful. The girl who makes the beautiful music was now over here talking to her.

'Wow, you guys are pretty good, I can't draw very well.'

'Well, I wouldn't say I'm that good. Kaylee is a bit better than I am. I can only really sketch people from real-' Then Nate stopped. He seemed to be having some sort of internal struggle. Kaylee filled in for him. She was beginning to get the vibe that these two really liked each other.

"Well, thanks! But I always thought origami was way cooler than what I can do. I guess you could say that I'm spatially challenged." She smiled, becoming entranced by Robin's fingers moving quickly, turning over the formless paper in her hands. She couldn't tell what it was going to be yet. That was the magic of origami. It was a mystery until it was done, and then it was perfect. "All I know how to do is a swan." She picked up a piece of white drawing paper and began to make a crude origami swan. "But that's all. Maybe you could teach me?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Nathaniel Drake Black Character Portrait: Kaylee Fey Lewis
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"Hi, Robin....It wasn't me she was talking to, I can guarantee you that much. I'm not even sure what happened."
Looking down at her work her hart skipped a beat,
If you did anything Bobbi...
Cool your jets, I wanted to...but I figure you wouldn't want Syn as much I do. she chuckled in her head.

"Well, I wouldn't say I'm that good. Kaylee is a bit better than I am. I can only really sketch people from real-"
He seemed nervous for some reason, and she blushed seeing him act in such a way, but before she could repsond Kaylee cut in.

"Well, thanks! But I always thought origami was way cooler than what I can do. I guess you could say that I'm spatially challenged...All I know how to do is a swan."
"But that's all. Maybe you could teach me?"

"Sure, you can use some of the paper in there if you want."

As she finished the two pieces she slid them in front of the two. To Kaylee she presented a little folded rose, and to Nate she placed a frog, flicking it with her finger to make it hop. Smiling she said,
"These are pretty easy to make."
She smiled tenderly at Nate and said,"Maybe you could draw something for me sometime..."she held her gaze for a few moments, then looked back over to Kaylee, handing her a piece of orange paper. "I'll show you how to make a lily."

She slowly began folding, pausing to show her what she was doing. Shyly she watched Nate from the corner of her eyes, glancing down at his work and thinking about how blue his eyes are...and the color variation on his hair...


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Nathaniel Drake Black Character Portrait: Kaylee Fey Lewis
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Luckily, Kaylee spoke before Robin had any time to ask what he meant about drawing from life. She had asked her to teach her how to create origami, and Robin obliged her. She watched her carefully construct a rose and placed it in front of Kaylee. It was beautifully constructed. Before he knew it, there was a frog before him and Robin made it hop. She smiled playfully. "These are pretty easy to make. Maybe you could draw something for me sometime..." She was staring into his eyes, and Nate held it before she looked away. His face flushed and became hot again. "I'll show you how to make a lily." This was directed at Kaylee.

He watched her begin the process, turning and folding the paper with expert grace. He grabbed another sheet of paper and began to sketch her creations. Every now and then, he'd sneak a glance at Robin. "I wouldn't even know what to make you." He shrugged shyly and shaded in the sketches.

A nurse walked by, noticing the small gathering at the art table, something that rarely happened. Especially the fact that there was actually talking going on. "How is everyone doing today?" She smiled warmly and leaned in to see what everyone was working on. "Origami? Very excellent Robin. And those sketches are good, Nate. And it's wonderful to see you drawing as well, Kaylee. It's something we believe is very therapeutic. And you're so good at it! May I see it so that I can show the doctors?" It was partially to show off her talent, but also to let them see what they were. It was important for her therapy in case they had anything to do with her recovery process. All early drawings of a patients are taken by nurses to be documented.

She turned back to Nate. "I saw you drawing something earlier and noticed you put it away." Nate froze. He knew this was going to happen. "May I please see it?" Nate slowly removed the folded up paper from his pocket and handed it to the nurse. She opened it in front of everyone, which is exactly what he didn't want to do. "Nate this is wonderful. You are definitely improving. Is this Robin?"

His eyes widened. Fuck. Well, he was screwed out of that escape. Syn cracked up. "Uhm... yeah." He didn't know what else to say, so he left it at that.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ali Watson
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Ali hardly noticed what was going on in the room, usually he was very observant of changes that occurred but he was concentrating on his puzzle, he had found most of the edge peices and was slowly putting them together. His eyes looked over to the arts table making origami animals, he watched intently but didn't look for too long incase they may have go the wrong idea.

That's how everything started with a wrong idea, a misunderstanding a wrong place at the wrong time scenario. Ali shivered and looked around the room again. He rubbed his hands nervously and continued linking the edged peices together carefully, still looking every now and then at the origami animals.

He did begin to wonder what would happen at group therapy he had a few uncomfortable experiences during therapy either ending up with him sobbing his eyes out or just shutting everything out, if he actually managed to get out of the room he would feel much safer, he couldn't deal with too many people at one time it was like he had no control of anything.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Nathaniel Drake Black Character Portrait: Kaylee Fey Lewis
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"And you fold it here, and here," Robin said to Kaylee as she pointed along her creases. They were almost half way done, "You're not too bad at this Kaylee" she added with a smile.
Turning her head as Nate spoke, she smiled coyly "I wouldn't even know what to make you."
"Anything really, I'm sure it will be beautiful."

A nurse walked over to their table, always smiling of course. "How is everyone doing today, Origami? Very excellent Robin. And those sketches are good, Nate. And it's wonderful to see you drawing as well, Kaylee. It's something we believe is very therapeutic. And you're so good at it! May I see it so that I can show the doctors?"

"Thank you," she replied with a smile. Recently she had become much more open to the nurses and the doctors. Anything to give her a better chance at leaving. Collecting up the little pieces she handed them over to the nurse, who spun the little rose in her hand.

"Those were gifts," she added, "So you can bring them back to Kaylee and Nate when you are done."

The nurse smiled and nodded, turning to Nate she said, "I saw you drawing something earlier and noticed you put it away. "May I please see it?"
Robin watched as he pulled a piece of folded paper out of his jacket and slipped it into the nurses outstretched hand. Unfolding it Robin caught sight of the blonde hair, and the blue fowers of the tree outside. "Nate this is wonderful. You are definitely improving. Is this Robin?"

The instant she heard that she froze, and a blush rapidly formed across her face, her heart began beating much faster as she softly looked over at Nate. It was too much for her to handle, and her eyes glazed over in the moment.

["Awww you drew us! I want to see!" Bobbi's voice chirped from her mouth as she leaned over and smiled at Nate. She exuded the confidence that Robin didn't have, openly flirting with Nate. It was a talent Robin could never master, and always envied Bobbi for.
"Come on Big Boy, show me the pretty picture."

The nurse looked down to Bobbi, "Hello Bobbi, I was talking to Robin, do you think I could see her again?"
Bobbi looked up at the nurse and scowled,"Maybe she doesn't want to talk to you. You would be better off just going away, and leaving me with cutie-pie here."
"Now Bobbi, I could just dose you, and make Robin come out...but I don't think either of you would like that too much."
"Now that just abusing your power sweetie, didn't they teach you anything in crazy ward nursing school?" she added with a laugh, turning to Nate she said, "I guess I'm not allowed to play anymore...but I'll be back to see you."
She waved teasingly, and then Robin returned. Her face flushed again as she looked up at the nurse,"I'm sorry!"
As she remembered the picture she dropped her gaze and asked Nate softly, "Do you think I could see it..."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Nathaniel Drake Black Character Portrait: Kaylee Fey Lewis
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Kaylee nodded and manipulated the paper as Robin showed her, slowly making an unpracticed lily. She was delighted with the rose and wanted more of them. Maybe she would keep them in her room... No. That's ridiculous. You're getting out of here, I promise.

'And you fold it here, and here, You're not too bad at this Kaylee.'

'How is everyone doing today, Origami? Very excellent Robin. And those sketches are good, Nate. And it's wonderful to see you drawing as well, Kaylee. It's something we believe is very therapeutic. And you're so good at it! May I see it so that I can show the doctors?'

Kaylee's heart caught in her throat. It was just like 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.' She had made the mistake of letting someone see her drawings, and now she was going to pay. The Big Nurse would see it, and then it would all be over. She didn't even hear Nate and Bobbi's conversation because her blood was rushing through her ears. Then, once she had calmed down again she heard Robin ask Nate, 'Do you think I could see it?...'

Kaylee held very still, clutching her drawing tightly. Maybe if she held still the nurse would forget that she had asked to see the drawing and then it would all be okay...

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Nathaniel Drake Black
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"Awww you drew us! I want to see!" It was obviously Bobbi. The tone had changed, the attitude. Nate had seen the switch enough times. "Come on Big Boy, show me the pretty picture." Nate chuckled. Big boy? He listened to the back and forth between her and the nurse, and finally Bobbi gave, and Robin was back. He wondered if the nurses ever threatened Syn with that. They probably wouldn't dare unless things got really out of hand, given Syn's history.

"I'll be back to see you." He wondered what that meant. Was it a threat or was it more positive?

She probably wants to either screw you or screw me. Ha!
God, you're so disgusting.
Don't act like you don't want to. And even if you don't, which is a fucking lie and you know it, I do.
Doesn't mean you're going to.
Just try to stop me.

He closed his eyes tightly and waited for the blackout and the sudden realization that a period of time had past. He waited to open them and realize that Syn had taken advantage of Robin. When he opened them, everything was the same. He was still at the art table, everyone was still there. He let out a sigh of relief. He knew the threat wasn't empty, however, so he had to be careful.

"Do you mind if I still see it?" It was Robin. She wanted to see his picture.

He glanced over at her, and gave a sheepish smile. "Sure.. you can have it if you want it. I understand if you don't, though." He shrugged his shoulders, and waited for her reaction.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Alise Kennedy Hayden
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"I don't really know if I'm classified as 'good' or whatever..." Alise trailed off uneasily. She'd always tried to blend in, not trying to use her privileges for being 'good' or 'bad'. As Robin chattered, Alise mulled over her words. Who's Bobbi? Anyway, she was nice. Really nice.

Alise smiled. "I guess you're my number two. Jeffrey was my first, though we only spoke, like, one sentence to each other. Oh yeah, and Nate, but that doesn't really count." Seeing Robin walk off, she hurried after her. As the nurse took the violin back from Robin, Alise debated the idea of asking if they had a piano she could use. As she thought about it, Robin walked off without even looking back at her once. Alise's heart sank. Did you just want to meet that deadline, or were you really being friendly to me? What the heck, I'm not even worth talking to for ten minutes. Anger bubbled up inside, and Alise made up her mind.

Alise planted herself in front of the nurse. "Excuse me, do you have a piano I could play here?" She was starting to lose her nerve now, but it was too late. The nurse smiled gently. "Sure, honey, you've been exceptionally good all this time. Come with me." Alise sighed in relief and followed the nurse off.

The nurse led her to a room where a beautiful grand piano was. Alise's eyes lit up. "Oh, it's so pretty! Can I really play it?" The nurse nodded. Pulling away the piano bench, she pushed Alise over to the piano. "You just leave it when you're done. I'll come back in an hour." Maybe the nurses weren't so bad after all. An hour! Alise sat up straight an began to play.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin Nichole Barnes Character Portrait: Nathaniel Drake Black Character Portrait: Kaylee Fey Lewis
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"Sure.. you can have it if you want it. I understand if you don't, though."
"Don't be silly," she said as gently took the picture from his hands. Flipping it over, her eyes fell on the most beautiful rendition of her, playing the violin under the blooming tree just an hour ago...Just then beautiful piano music drifted in from the music room. Ahh...good for you Alise, I knew that nurse would be kind to you...And though I gave you the choice to follow me...I knew you would find your happiness in the music...and great timing by the way... she smiled over at Nate, then looked at it once again. The sketch was beautiful, and delicate...with hints of yellow in her hair, and cherry red in the violin, blue in the blossoms. Though the true beauty lay in the sketch, not the color.

The moment hit her like a ton of bricks, when she realized what this sketch proved...the question she had asked herself that very day, So he does watch me play...A cherry blush ran from cheek to cheek over her button nose as she responded,"Nate...thank you so much..."

Please tell me you're going to fuck him soon, I'm dying to get a taste of the Syn boy...Bobbi snickered from inside their head.
"Why would I even won't let me never let me even kiss anyone..."she mistakenly said out loud, her face then turning an interesting shade of red as she covered it with her hands. In an only a moment or two she lowered them and glanced over. She saw Kaylee trying to hide her art, a cruel grin formed over her lips.
"Oh nurse, isn't she going to share her work too,"Bobbi said as sweetly as she could perfectly imitating Robins voice. The nurse turned to Kaylee and began questioning her about the art with a smile.

As the nurse spoke with Kaylee, Bobbi switched over to the seat next to Nate and tugged on his color seductively, "Oh Syn baby...Bobbi wants to play," she purred teasingly, "I know you don't want to stay cooped up in there all day...come talk to me for a while."
