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Alphas: Group Therapy

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a character in “CutUp's Cutlery Drawer”, as played by CutUp


Ain't No Rest For The Wicked | Short Change Hero | People Don't Understand(People Like Me) | Come With Me Now | Jungle
{"You are not 'screwed up', if anything you are all extremely gifted."}


My name is Dr. Francis Michaels. I'm a noted neurologist and psychologist, but I specialize in studing the Alpha phenomenon. An Alpha is an ordinary person with extraordinary abilities. Specifically, they possess a brain anomaly that has imbued them with superhuman ability. These abilities usually come with a difficult social psychology; the Alpha's perspective is skewed by their ability, making relating to other people more difficult. For some, this can mean inclusion somewhere in the Autism spectrum Disorder. For others, this can mean a short temper.

I've helped several of these incredibly gifted individuals. I've gathered many of them, and they're in a sort of Group Therapy. They help themselves, and others come to terms with their powers, and social problems. I have been known to consult with the government on the more dangerous individuals, and in return they don't bother the ones I, and my group helps. Though my group doesn't know about my dealings with the U.S Government. This arrangement has worked for going on four years.

The government hasn't asked anything from my group, until now. Now they need our help. A terroist group known as Red Flag has it's ranks full with Alphas. So the gvernment has given me an ultimatum; either me, and my group help stop these terroist, or they will all be brought in, as they can't have two groups of Alphas out there.


Acid Generator Alphas are able to secrete a highly corrosive acid through their salivary glands before spitting the substance at a victim. Acid in the human body is found mostly within the gastrointestinal system. The human stomach uses hydrochloric acid, usually at a concentration of around 0.5%, along with maceration, to break down food.

Acid Generators probably have a modified digestive system, along with a more active control of their autonomic nervous system. Their alpha mutation allows them to induce a sort of food-less vomit, ejecting stomach acid at will. This means their esophagus and mouth cavity are essentially immune to acid, their acid production is increased or more concentrated, and the muscles of their stomach and intestinal sphincters are under their control.

These Alphas are generally quick thinking, sly, and aggressive.

An Adomopath is an Alpha who can replicate movement after observation. The Adomopathic Alpha can copy any human movement after seeing it performed, including acrobatics, martial arts, and physical stunts. With these skills they can become masters and incredible at what they do, by combining several forms and movements in rhythmic motions instead of using the same thing over. These new abilities are never permanent, however, keeping the brain in a constant state of flux.

Neurons can store memory as an electrochemical charge. A neuron can be keyed to declarative memory, which is episodic (personal experiences) and semantic (factual information), or procedural memory, which includes physical, subconscious learned skills.

Procedural memory is the basis of most practiced physical activity, including martial arts and sports. In an average human brain, procedural neurons are usually separate from declarative neurons, so the parts of the brain meant for jump kicking are different from those reserved for remembering birthdays. In the adomopathic brain, however, neurons are more adaptable. An influx of new information overwrites neurons allocated for declarative memory. The ability to bicycle kick could erase the memory of eating dinner with a loved one.

Declarative memory is a strong element of human society, as past events are used as precedent and cause for social institutions. Financial debt helps establish governments. Personal arguments and charity form individual relationships. But the adomopathic has trouble fitting into society, as the alpha has no memories to use in society. It is social equivalent of having no credit score, or no friends, or no shared language. These Alphas are generally loners due to their memory issues, and are very clever.

Cognitive Interpreter Alphas are able to scan and read another person's thoughts and memories through touch. When we think, chemicals in our brains called neurotransmitters are released, which cause an electrical reaction. These neurotransmitters transfer signals and stimulate other neurons which create more charges and do the same thing again and again. Haptic perception is the process of recognizing organisms and objects through touch. It involves a combination of somatosensory perception of patterns on the skin surface (eg. edges, curvature, and texture) and proprioception of hand position and conformation.

Cognitive Interpreter Alphas are able to take this phenomenon a step further, being able to analyze someone's thoughts and origins rather than simply recognizing what and who they are externally. With their fingertips, they are able to connect the subject's brain to their own and read what they are thinking about (an extremely useful ability for interrogation).

This means the subject's neurotransmitters have to work twice as hard to not only work inside the subject but transfer themselves into the Cognitive Interpreter's mind as well, which means the electrical brain surges become more powerful. Unfortunately, these Alphas are never able to control this kind of ability, meaning anyone they touch with their bare hands will always be affected. Also, thanks to the intensity of the ability, the subject in question suffers immense pain while their mind is being scanned, often requiring them to be restrained in order to get the safest outcome. This can potentially make the Alpha isolated out of guilt. These specific kinds of Alphas can be considered as advanced living fMRIs.

Generally these Alphas can be described as serene, curious, envious, and regretful.

Electrogenic Alphas are able to produce and discharge large voltages, often at the cost of shorting out electronics for a short time afterwards as the static dissipates. The human body is an electrical system. The nervous system controls an electrochemical current, while the body processes food to generate electricity, using liquids as a conductive medium. We have often been compared to a battery, or an electrical engine. There are even cases where a human being can absorb large amounts of current and survive.

Electrogenic alphas are able to tap into this system, using it to influence other systems, and self-generate freeform electricity. On a physiological level, this means the alpha's metabolism is tuned to the production of electricity, and his body is toughened against electrical shock. On a neural level, the alpha's sensory organs are keyed to electricity, gauging its intensity and direction; other unknown neural functions allow them to change intensity and direction.

Generally they are generally aggressive, and quick thinking.

Empathetic Contagions can pass their emotions on to others and make the target feel what they are feeling. Human emotion can mainly be traced back to, physiologically, four neurochemicals: norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, and GABA. A balance of these chemicals can be found in any of a person's moods, and they drive basic human instincts like harm-avoidance, novelty-seeking, and reward-dependence. An empath has a special connection to this chemical equilibrium.

Using touch, the alpha can tap into this chemical system. First, they can sense emotion. This means that empaths have a sensitivity to the chemicals as secreted by our pores. Someone with severe anxiety would have a high level of norepinephrine present in their blood stream, and subsequently in their sweat.

This is followed by the alpha taking on the emotion of the other person. Touching the other person, the alpha can absorb some of the excess chemical present in a heightened emotional state. This changes their mood and emotional state, while siphoning off the excess, lowering the heightened state of the other person. Users are able to use their ability to their advantage. They can make anyone feel their feelings or selective feelings. After using this power, the user will feel pain. Drugs have been shown to help side-affects.

Generally these Alphas are kind, caring, while still caring around pain, and are more prone to addiction problems.

Healers are Alphas who can heal damage to other individuals. The human body is able to recuperate on its own in a variety of ways, but this process can be assisted dramatically with the help of others. The healer alpha takes advantage of existing immune and regenerative systems in the body, boosting them. Human touch, specifically controlled and directed massage, can encourage the human body to heal itself. There are three functions know to be connected to massage for the healing of injuries and disease: blood pressure, cortisol production, and white blood cell production.

Blood pressure and heart rate naturally increase when the human body is in danger. This can lead to muscle constriction (including heart attacks) and massive blood loss with physical injuries. Massage forces the muscle contractions to release and lessen in intensity, allowing for a more controlled flow of blood. Cortisol is one of the main biochemicals released during stress, especially during situations where bodily health is threatened. When the human body releases too much, the cortisol begins to damage mechanical and neurological systems within the body. Human touch helps release oxytocin, which indirectly inhibits cortisol production, allowing the body to exit the stress state, making a return to a base state faster and more efficiently.

Last, human touch, directed in a conscientious and focused manner, is hypothesized to increase white blood cell production. White blood cells are the main agent in the immune system, attacking antibodies and rebuilding damaged systems. When it comes to physical injury, white blood cells are important in the storage and release of platelets, the main chemical agents in the healing of wounds and severe internal damage.

Using a direct touch, the healer alpha is able to activate these systems with greater efficiency than most modern medicine. The methodology is unclear, but it may involve absorbing excess cortisol, linking into the cardiovascular system through incredibly fine targeting, and even promoting production of leukocytes or stem cells through targeted chemical secretions near the production systems. As a bonus, human contact also encourages the release of endorphins, which can be used as a powerful painkiller when necessary.

While touch is the only observed mechanism of the healer alpha ability, powerful neurological methods such as influencer-type eye contact, modulated speech, and pheromones may also be used by the alpha to supplement touch. Generally these Alphas are protective, and caring, although it's often considered overly.

Hyper-Accelerator Alphas have the ability of Super-Speed. These Alpha types move and talk fast, it is likely a habit or a sub-power of this.

The human brain is normally keyed to a 24 hour cycle, called a circadian rhythm. This regulates the cycle of bodily functions, including sleep, metabolism, and aging. Most of this function is centered in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, near the hypothalamus. The nucleus has a set number of neurons available to it. If enlarged, it is possible for the organism to observe time in a differentiated frame. Hyper-accelerators use this mutation to move 10 times faster than the average person (around 80 mph), even outpacing Hyperadrenals, and can see the world move around them at a relatively slow pace. This ability is not without any ill effects however, as it can strain the body. The downside of this power is an accelerated metabolism, requiring up to 200,000 calories per day (16 times that of an Olympic swimmer's daily diet). Alphas of this type may well age at an accelerated rate.

Generally they are fast-paced, and impatient.

Hyperadrenal Alphas possess extraordinary physical abilities that are activated by elevated levels of adrenaline. When hyperadrenals are in the "zone" they have high thresholds for pain and are unstoppable but when the adrenaline rush ends, hyper-adrenals become listless and physically drained. This power is comparable to a mild form of Intermittent Explosive Disorder, an genetic condition that allows the carrier to temporarily unlock the body's natural safety limits via trance or during extreme stress. And even when they are not "amped" up with adrenaline, Hyperadrenals are immensely strong, as their physiology requires them to be able to hold the strain when using their abilities.

Adrenaline regulates many of the bodily functions that allow a human to react to violent and dangerous situations; blood flow to give muscles power to perform at peak efficiency, metabolism to maximize energy use, air passage dilation to give the brain more oxygen, and endorphins to fight fear or anxiety. Hyperadrenal alphas are able to voluntarily induce the release of adrenaline, and use these physical conditions to increase their ability to fight or travel, the "fight or flight" response.

The constant dosing of endorphins effectively make hyperadrenals a type of addict. This can lead to quick tempers, high self-confidence (which can make teamwork difficult), and a reliance on their alpha ability even when real danger is not present. Health problems can also arise because of the consistent constriction of smooth muscle that lines most arterioles. This can lead to damage of the cardiovascular system, leading to heart conditions and hypertension.

Generally these Alphas are tempermental, and egotistical.

For Hyperkinetics the mind's imaging systems and muscle control are perfectly in tune with the motor skills center of the brain. Hyperkinetics possess flawless aim, perfect balance, greatly enhanced motor skills, and perfect synchronization between thought and action. The human nervous system is a collection of separate systems working to make the body and mind function. In the case of the hyperkinetic, the two systems affected are the somatic and sensory networks. This is augmented by a increase in precognition, imagining precise possible outcomes.

The somatic nervous system controls the voluntary use of muscles. When you want to pick up an apple, the somative neurons send a message to your arm and hand muscles, willing them to move the way you choose, gripping the apple and bending your arm to pick it up. The sensory systems take in sensory data and process it. Light bounces off of the apple, the retina processes the light, and transmits an image of the apple to your visual cortex. This is compared against your previous sightings of apples, and is put into the current context.

In the hyperkinetic's brain, both systems are much more efficient. The somatic system works more quickly, and is able to react to stimuli better than most olympic-level athletes. The sensory systems (usually hearing and vision) can process data much finely, allowing the alpha to focus on the data pertinent to their desired action.

Last, there seems to be some sort of increase in the ability to control cause and effect and envision future outcomes. When planning to jump over a short brick wall, the hyperkinetic can judge the angle and force of the jump necessary to vault the wall, as well as the probable energy required to land and roll safely. The hyperkinetic can judge very specific outcomes from physical actions. Hyperkinetics tend to have a deep mistrust in authority and typically resist seeking help with emotional and physiological problems. Hyperkinetics create troubling situations for themselves by not accepting assistance when needed.

Influencers are Alphas, who are able to disrupt the specific neural pathways in the cerebral cortex that leave the brain vulnerable to suggestion. In short: They always get what they want. When human beings make decisions, they rely on sensory data and memory to give them the information to make the best decision for a situation. Influencers are able to override this system, providing their data as the most important, biasing the target's decision-making. The observed mechanisms (so far) for influencers are eye contact, speech, and touch.

Eye contact is an intense human activity. By locking eyes, a person has to focus almost entirely on the other person, focusing all sensory neural energy on their partner. Studies have shown that the brain closely monitors the microexpressions of the human face, diverting most of its energy to the task. An influencer can flood the target's sensory inputs with only its intended data. With no other sensory data, the person has to make decisions based on the influencer's commands.

Speech is one of the basic human interactions. Like eye contact, the brain prioritizes the analysis of speech. Tone, pace, vocabulary, and other characteristics make listening to speech a energy-intensive neural activity. The influencer can modulate their voice to overwhelm any other sensory data the target may be taking in. Their voice then projects a context of extreme confidence, making the target sure of the alpha's command.

Touch between humans is an intimate exchange. Alongside the societal vulnerability of allowing someone to touch you, there are chemical reactions that only occur during human contact. Oxytocin, a neurochemical associated with happiness and trust, is released when human-to-human touch occurs. Alphas with touch-associated influencing ability can flood the target's brain with oxytocin, making them susceptible to suggestion. Influencers have addictive personalities and are extremely comfortable with their abilities. Influencer often use their strengths at the wrong time and sometimes take others for granted.

Osteo-Regenerators are Alphas who are able to heal and regenerate their bones. The human skeleton is an incredibly resilient system. Bone is living tissue, growing and replacing itself over the course of our lives, taking in minerals and nutrients. It can withstand over seven tons of pressure per square inch, and with most breaks, once properly set, bones are guaranteed to heal completely.

When a bone breaks, the body does three things:
◾ A hematoma prevents excessive bleeding and stabilizes the area
◾ The hematoma turns into a callus, introducing fibrocartilage that links the broken bones
◾ The callus turns into a bone callus, introducing osteoblasts to regrow the bone

This process normally takes anywhere from two to twelve weeks, depending on the bone and the severity of the injury. An Osteo-Regenerator can perform these three steps in a matter of minutes, restoring the bone to its baseline form with little effort. To do so, Osteo-Regenerators process calcium, a mineral vital to the basic structure of bone, at an incredible rate. They must consume large amounts of calcium, either by drinking milk or taking supplements.

Because of this rapid intake, an osteo-regenerator's bones are much denser than a normal human (probably bypassing programmed calcium ejection). To facilitate this rapid bone growth, the alpha's muscular system is also enhanced. Muscle strength allows him/her to force bones back into the correct position, immediately after the most severe trauma. They also have a high tolerance to pain, demonstrating the ability to function despite injuries that would incapacitate a normal human or drive them into shock. They are generally aggressive, protective, and stubborn.

Proprioceptive Inhibitor alphas are able to take advantage of the human "blind spot". There is a naturally occurring 'blind spot' in the human eye that results from the optic nerve passing through the retina. Normally this gap in vision is very small, and is automatically filled in by your brain using information from the area around it. A proprioceptive Alpha can somehow expand the blind spot to accommodate their size, possibly by enlarging the optic nerve so that it blocks a larger space. The name "proprioceptive" comes from the name of the 'sixth sense' that causes people to feel that they are being watched, and refers to the fact that this is the most common sign of their presence.

Pyrotechnic Alphas have the ability to set things on fire. These alphas' adrenal glands are in heavy use, their sweat produces chemicals that when combined with considerable friction (usually rubbing his hands together) produce combustion. They show no clear pain during this process because their hands are super-resistant to heat and fire. The rest of their bodies, however, are not.

Generally these Alphas are violent, aggressive, and have a compulsive pyro need.

Quantitative Aptitudinal Alphas are able to thoroughly and completely understand the basic and complex functions of any subject related to measuring the amount or number of a material usually estimated by spatial measurement. They have a knack for inventing the unthinkable; usually devices decades ahead of their time. They can be improvisational when inventing, efficiently constructing what they need with existing resources in their surroundings.

Quantitative Aptitudinals tap into astounding reserves of problem solving ability, focusing on technology or mathematics, a physical form of tackling problems. Neurologists are beginning to understand basic problem solving as performed by the human brain. Much of the activity required for problem solving, executive function, is based in the prefrontal cortex. As neurons transmit data to the cortex, it processes it with computer-like efficiency. The brain determines which pieces of data are important, which are useful, and then uses the data to create possible models.

For instance, a person standing at a security fence. The person can hear the buzz of the electrical field and smell ozone. They can read any security signs, and examine the structure and mechanisms of the fence. With this information, they can compare the conditions to their existing knowledge of how electricity is transmitted. After sorting all this data, they can compare it to their goal of getting to the other side of the fence. They can imagine several scenarios in a short span of time. Touching the fence will shock them, possibly to death. Cutting a nearby wire could trigger another alarm. Digging underneath would take too long and attract attention. Jumping over would be physically impossible.

The Quantitative Aptitudinal performs all these functions with higher speed and efficiency, and their ability to envision the future goes farther. Technology is a powerful part of this ability because things like computers and high-powered sensors can give the alpha more data to process, as well as freeing up other functions to give them more energy to focus on prefrontal cortex activity. Devices created by a Quantitative Aptitudinal are not dependent on their creator to maintain their function. Reverse-engineering and reproducing such devices may be possible, but likely difficult because of the logical and intuitive leaps taken by the Quantitative Aptitudinal to create them in the first place. They are smart, inventive, and generally anti-social, prefering to be left to their own devices.

Sonic alphas generate sonic waves different from normal speech. This can vary from infrasonic to high-powered blasts of audible sonic energy. The human body usually only makes audible sound with the vocal cords, and perceives audible sound (20 hZ to 20,000 hZ) using the mechanisms of the ear. A sonic alpha is able to generate sonic energy on a much more precise and powerful scale. This may involve a more advanced set of vocal cords, or an entirely separate set of organs that generate vibrations. Their ears are similarly adapted to cope with the generated energy. Sonic alphas rely on some form of echo location as they lack an optic nerve. And so they are blind.

Synesthete Alphas are able to enhance one of their five senses such as vision or hearing, while rendering the remaining senses temporarily useless — often leaving them vulnerable. The human senses are some of most finely tuned sensors in the world. The human brain is specifically keyed to intake enormous amounts of sensory data and process them into a picture of the person's surroundings. Synesthetes are able to compartmentalize their sensory nerves, increasing their ability tenfold.

Each sensory system works a bit differently, but works on a basic principle: the sensory organ takes in data, transmits a version of the data through the neural network of the brain, and then creates a sensory image for the brain to analyze. For instance, a sound is vibration through air. It enters the ear, hitting the eardrum. Tiny hairs within the liquid of the eardrum differentiate the vibrations, and transmit these differences as an electrochemical charge along the neurons. The neurons go all the way to the auditory cortex, where the information is processed. It's compared against sound data from the other ear, against past memory, and cataloged for its specific frequency and volume.

The synesthete's brain and sensory organs work much more efficiently then a typical human's. They can parse out very specific details about a sensory stimuli. For instance, instead of smelling a pizza, a synesthete can smell the fifteen ingredients separately, the freshness of the individual ingredients. They can then make more connections and assumptions based on this data; a strong acid presence could tell them how much or what kind of tomato sauce is being used. One of the main ways the synesthete is able to do this is compartmentalization. Normally, it takes considerable effort to focus on one sense. A person can sniff the air in a room, but they can still hear, see, and feel the room simultaneously, taking away neural energy from the olfactory cortex and nasal neurons. The synesthete can basically prioritize one sense over the others, funneling most of the brain's energy into collecting and processing sensory data for that one sense.

Out of all the Alphas, Synesthetes are typically the least comfortable with their abilities. Having to process the sensory data of the modern world can be overwhelming; the human brain is usually calloused by constant sensory input, but the synesthete brain seems to remain more fresh, considering some sensory data (smells, sounds, lights) as constantly offensive. Synesthetes tend to be people pleasers and will do anything to avoid confrontation. Their blindingly precocious nature tends to put Synesthetes in dangerous situations.

Transducer Alphas are human antennas that have the ability to intercept communications and encrypted messages with their minds. They can literally "see" electromagnetic wavelengths but have also been shown to hear noises produced from the frequencies that even a synesthete can't hear.

Transducers can read a wide range of frequencies but can become easily overwhelmed when they are unable to turn these signals off. Using this ability also produces headaches if the person uses it continuously for extended periods of time. Transducers can see wavelengths in colors and shapes. Essentially they are human computers. They are able to hack, and decrypt electronics. Generally they are sensitive, irritable, while also being highly intelligent.


Name: Dr. Francis Michaels| Age: 75| Gender: Male| FC: John Hurt| Status: NPC

Name: SSA John Cross| Age: 42| Gender: Male| FC: Idris Elba| Status: NPC

Name: | Age: 25-??| Gender: Female| FC: | Status: Open
*FBI handler assigned to the group. No powers*
Name: Chase Connolly| Age: 29| Gender: Male| Power: Hyperadrenal| FC: Jonathan Tucker| Status: Taken

Name: | Age: 18-??| Gender: Female| Power: | FC: | Status: Open

Name: | Age: 18-??| Gender: Male| Power: | FC: | Status: Open

Name: | Age: 18-??| Gender: Female| Power: | FC: | Status: Open

Name: | Age: 18-??| Gender: Male| Power: | FC: | Status: Open

Name: | Age: 18-??| Gender: Female| Power: | FC: | Status: Open

Name: | Age: 18-??| Gender: Male| Power: | FC: | Status: Open

Name: | Age: 18-??| Gender: Female| Power: | FC: | Status: Open
*New member of the group*

Name: | Age: 18-??| Gender: Male| Power: | FC: | Status: Open
*New member of the group*


Feel free to use your own, or add anything I missed.
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[center][img]Fontmeme or such: In The Mirror[/img]
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This includes general clothing style, etc.
[color=#][b]{O D D I T I E S}[/b][/color]
Could be something as simple as an accent, scar, or tattoo.[/font][/center]
[center][img]Fontmeme or such: Beneath The Surface[/img]
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[i][u]{Trait | Trait | Trait | Trait}[/u][/i]

At least two full paragraphs.[/font][/center]
[center][img]Fontmeme or such: What Makes Me Special[/img]
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[color=#][b]{S T R E N G T H S}[/b][/color]At Least five[list]
[color=#][b]{W E A K N E S S E S}[/b][/color]As many or more as Strengths[list]
[*]Weakness- Explain
[center][img]Fontmeme or such: What You Should Know[/img]
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[*]Hobby| Explain or in character quote
[color=#][b]{H A B I T S}[/b][/color]At least three[list]
[color=#][b]{L I K E S}[/b][/color]At least five[list]
[color=#][b]{D I S L I K E S}[/b][/color]At least five[list]
[color=#][b]{G O A L S}[/b][/color]At least three[list]
[color=#][b]{F E A R S}[/b][/color]At least three[list]
[center][img]Fontmeme or such: Skeletons In The Closet[/img]
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❖▐[/color][/size][/left][right][img]gif or pic[/img][/right][center][font=Garamound][color=#][b]{B I R T H P L A C E}[/b][/color]
Where are they from?
[color=#][b]{H I S T O R Y}[/b][/color]
At least two paragraphs, the longer the better!
[color=#][b]{F A M I L Y T I E S}[/b][/color]
Any family members?[/font][/center]
[center][img]Fontmeme or such: Behind The Scenes[/img]
[img]pic or gif[/img]
[left][img]pic or gif[/img][/left][right][img]pic or gif[/img][/right][center][font=Garamound][color=#][b]{F C}[/b][/color]

[color=#][b]{C O L O R}[/b]
[color=#][b]{P R O T R A Y E D B Y}[/b][/color]
Your username here[/font][/center]


  • Hello, hello, hello! First things first, ya need to go to the OOC for a reservation. Gonna need four passwords that are somewhere here in the rules. First: What is your character's power? This doesn't have to be answered right away, but I need it before you start working on your character.
  • You've got seventeen power choices, and I won't be adding any more. I might, MIGHT if it's one from the show, but other than that no. If you want telekinesis or whatever, sorry but this ain't the place for it.
  • FCs are to be real. No ifs, ands, or buts. If you need help picking an FC let me know, I've got like a green belt in FC finding. Also as a side note, everyone don't pick a bunch of eighteen/nineteen year olds. We don't need an RP full of them. Second Password: Who is your FC? Include a gif around the same size of those in the character list already.
  • No godmodding, meta playing, etc. pretty basic stuff.
  • Keep the drama IC! We're RPers not Youtube commenters.
  • This is a mature RP yes, and I don't mind romance, and swearing, but be mindful of our overlords rules of the site. Third Password: What's your character's HEX code?
  • Please, please, PLEASE be active! I'm not saying post everyday, just once a week. That's not too bad right? If you've got something going on that'll prevent you from doing such, let me know. I swear I'm an understanding guy if you work with me, and let me know what's up.
  • Alright kiddos before I let ya go your reservations last only about a week. If you don't have a WIP by then I'll give ya the boot. Now if you need more time for whatever reason let me know. Final password: If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

So begins...

Alphas: Group Therapy's Story