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DA3: Rise of Tevinter



a part of DA3: Rise of Tevinter, by CNAGamer.


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Ferelden is a part of DA3: Rise of Tevinter.

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Leo [0] "I know what the Divine wants, and she's wrong."
Jake Forlon [0] "Only the victor writes history."
Andra Vahanian [0] "We are the last of the Elvhenan, and never again shall we submit."
Duran Kereth [0] "Because of two selfish desires, the world is burning."
Lucas Narmolanya [0] "I've faced an Archdemon...and hordes of really think YOU are going to slow me down?"
Marian Hawke [0] "Stay out of my way. I don't take kindly to idiots."

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For the hundredth time, Hawke wondered just what she was doing here. In Denerim. In a bar. She had to admit, it was a lot cleaner, but it was no Hanged Man. That place had the best swill ever. She recieved a lot of glances from the other patrons, especially the warroriors. Even in this high-tensed, no-mage air today, she basically flaunted that she was a mage. Truth, she wasn't too worried about being recognized. The years had aged her. While she was as powerful a mage as ever, she wasn't as youthful as she had once been. Then it actually hit her why she was getting stared at. She wasn't, Fenris was. Then, she heard a comment. That comment set her blood boiling. "Hey lovely. Why'd you bring your slave in here?"

She froze, and turned to the man with a glare. She walked over to his table, and grabbed him by the throat. Fenris had remained where he was. He' learned in the many years he'd spent with Hawke to just stay out of her way. She leaned forward and spoke to the now squirming man. "Fenris isn't a slave. Got that? He's my friend. Understand? You'd do well to not make assumptions so hastily. You'll end up pissing off the wrong person. Like me." She hissed in his ear, and shoved him forcfully back into his seat. She quietly walked away from him, and continued her journey up to the bar. Fenris shook his head slightly and sighed. "What exactly did you tell him?"

Hawke shot him a backwards glance and a sly smile. "Only need to know. Not everyone needs to know about my sex life, Fenris."

Fenris shook his head again, and took the stool next to her. Three ales later, both were in a lighter mood. However, that didn't stop Hawke from watching everyone in the bar, and those who left, and came in.


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#, as written by Soki
It was a Cold day at Vigil's keep, the Fortress having withstood the Mother's brutal army. Lucas; The Warden commander who had slayed not only The archdemon but the mother as well. An Elf with no equal as others had mentioned to him. Lucas stood in the throne room his arms crossed over his chest. He wore his custom made armor, crafted by the finest leather-workers and smiths that he could find. The Dalish leather was worked by a nimble and crafty Dalish elf, the leather dyed Teal in coloration. The chain-mail that covered his left arm down to his leather gauntlet hand worked by the finest smith at the keep; Wade, as well as the metal plates at his knees and covering his boots. The swords on his back were both finally crafted and made from the finest materials. First Vigilance forged from the bone of an elder dragon and shaped to perfection, the second was an ornate Dalish longsword forged by the smith of his clan; Master Ilen.

He had been listening to the words of Captain Carevel, about the situation in Amaranthine. Though the attack by the mother had been sometime ago; repairs were still being made to the city, and bandits as well as pirates were popping up all over the city. This had began to occupy his time, not to mention refugees fleeing the civil war in Kirkwall. He raised a hand to silence the captain rubbing his gauntlet hand along his right arm. "Fortify the town, and give out rations to the refugees...and send a small group of wardens to patrol the town for the night." He said watching as the captain went off to do his wishes. Lucas was restless; no more great battles to be fought, no more archdemons to battle and slay. He was at a loss for things to do. He was Dalish, he wished to travel, but his new status and existence gave him not the chance. He sat down hard on the steps in the throne room brushing a hand through his black hair. "What I wouldn't give for another blight.." He mumbled to himself. The situation with the mages had not grown so bad where he was, and with that He had no cause for fear, Alistair was in charge, he could handle it. When he was needed, he would go; and gladly fight; but for now his place was here, ruling Amaranthine. playing with the shoulder pauldron on his right shoulder trying to get it to fit right he sighed. He stood once more turning his attention towards the entrance to the throne room. He should go train, but feeling rather lethargic currently he moved to the throne removing his sword and laying them against the chair and sitting down, resting his left elbow against the arm of the chair and his chin in his hand; waiting for something exciting to happen.

He had heard news from Alistair, upon his return from his visit to Kirkwall, The lady champion; Hawke, it was interesting to hear of a mage rising so far in the hierarchy; but then again it was the same thing said about him; because of being an elf. He closed his eyes his mind slowly going over the details he had heard from his old companion; and now the shift in the demeanor in the mages here, this was going to cause a lot of strain; on an already damaged economy, he was just glad that he had convinced Alistair to wed Loghain's daughter; he trusted Alistair, but not with an entire country, at least not by himself anyhow. Ferelden was in for a rough new start; and it hasn't even had the chance to properly stand on it's own two legs. He rubbed at his temples with both hands and slouched in the throne. "This, is going to drive me to an early grave..." he mumbled to himself out loud; the empty halls making it sound much louder then it was.


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Fereldan was cold that morning.

Colder than it had been earlier that year, as light snow flakes drifted down from the sky. The snow had formed on the ground weeks ago and the sun had yet to manage to melt away the landscape's cold, white blanket. The city of Denerim had recovered remarkebly well, considering the last Blight had torn it to shreds not too long ago. The crops fields were empty, long since harvested in preparation for the winter that now covered the land, and the chimneys of the houses billowed out whispy clouds of black smoke that drifted up in to the cloudy day's sky. Vendors stood bravely on the cold streets, plying their goods to passer-bys, and the smiths were obviously busy as the heavy black smoke coming from their buildings proved. Young children ran about, throwing snow balls at each other, making snow angels, or whatever else they felt compelled to do to enjoy this yearly "treat" to the region. In fact, most of the villagers were so caught up in their day that they paid little to no mind to the arrivals coming in to the town from the south. It was a trio of travelers, moving by foot. The one at the lead was the tallest of them: a tall man, wearing navy blue robes, with gold trims, and no visible markings of affiliation that could be seen with his cloak on. Over that, he wore a heavy black cloak to protect from the cold winds, and a red and white sash peeked out from beneath the cloak. Strapped in a leather scabbard on his back was a rather wicked-looking sword, with a shoulder-to-hip strap to keep it in place. His heavy, fur-lined leather boots crunched snow under his feet as he walked through the towns northern gate totally unempeded. The two men behind him were members of that nameless legion that people knew simply as the Templar Order. They were silent guardians who were keeping close step behind their leader, Seeker Leo. However, as he approached the town Chantry, he gave a simple wave of a gloved hand, and the two Templars silently headed for the Chantry. There, they would wait and rest until their appointed leader sent word for them, or came to find them himself.

Leo had gone through too much to end up back here in his home village, looking for the one woman that all Seekers wanted to find.

She had disappeared according to most people. Both her and the Hero of Fereldan. Yet Leo had managed to find out where some believed the apostate mage who made a name for herself in Kirkwall was residing for the time being. How had he gotten that information?

With pockets filled, vices preyed upon, and heads smashed together.

He moved through the streets by himself: doing his best to stay away from the crowds. For the most part, locals left him alone, and he gladly returned the favor. He passed many vendors, who called to him in an attempt to catch his interest, but his eyes were focused on wooden store signs hanging from the front of shops. He was looking for one in particular . . . and his lyrium addicted eyes lit up as he saw what he was looking for. The bar was a nice looking, two story affair: typical. The windows up front were frosted but glowing with the promise of warmth inside to those who were passing by. Reaching out with one hand, Leo pulled the door open, and his entrance was announced to those sitting near the door with a small gust of cold wind. Of course, he didn't stand in the doorway. To avoid suspicion, he let the door shut behind him, and walked with a purpose between the tables to the bar. On the way, he bumped in to a passing man, but didn't stop on his way to the bar. All the while his eyes were scanning patrons, and as he pulled his hood down and reached the bar he spotted something very peculiar. An elf, with tattoos across his body, and a young female keeping him company. Glancing quickly away, Leo ordered a mug, and set down the appropriate coinage from beneath his heavy looking cloak. He sipped silently on his ale and tried to keep the two in the corner of his eye, while striking up conversation casually with the bartender who was happily serving him.


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"He's watching us..." Fenris muttered quietly through his mug. Hawke smiled. "I'm aware. Want to play with him a little? It has been dreadfully boring lately."

The elf smled darkly. "I do always enjoy this. Same as usual?"

Hawke nodded, and the two exited the bar together. But as they hit the door, Hawke turned directly to Leo, and held his eyes with hers. Her eyes were daring him to follow.

You know what you're after, as do I. Come and get it if you truly are a man of faith.

She smiled, winked, and turned and left. She wondered if he really would follow. It would be interesting indeed if he did.


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As they saw he was watching them, Leo almost wanted to grin.

So she had noticed him. She wasn't called the Champion for nothing.

He watched her head for the door and she made eye contact with him. Neither broke eye contact for a moment, with blue eyes daring blue eyes, and then moments later she slipped out the door in to the streets of Denerim. Finishing his pint, Leo left the bar silently, and was at the door before it had even fully shut. Pulling his hood up once more, he headed out in to the cold. The wood door slammed shut behind him and he quickly caught sight of Hawke and her companion once again. Unfortunately for her, the streets weren't particularly crowded, and so it wasn't hard for him to spot her. He kept his distance, though he knew better than to try concealing himself. She had already seen his face, already could guess from a short list about why he might be there, and she already knew that he would move to follow her. So he kept her in his sights, but yet he was also vigilant of his surroundings. She likely wouldn't recieve him too kindly. Most likely, he expected there to be traps, or an ambush at some point. He still followed her, however, and just prepared him for any sort of surprises she might happen to throw at him.


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"And there he is." Hawke smiled, and led the man back and forth through the streets, and eventually to the inn. She spoke to the guy at the counter, and eventually walked straight up to Leo.

"I don't know your name, nor do I truly care to. I know what you've came for, and I'm willing to talk. Don't give me a reason, and I'll stay my blade, so to speak. Give me a reason, and your life will flash before your eyes quicker than you can realize you're dying. We'll be in the room on the third floor, second one on the right. I promise nothing but talk. Which of course, garuntees no answers."

She silently walked away from him, taking Fenris' hand. None of the seekers and templars ever expected it when she walked right up to them and offered time to talk. They always expected ambushes, being attacked, death, yada yada yada. She did enjoy the looks of surprises on their faces.


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Leo couldn't help but curse at himself when Hawke confronted him.

He had followed her too closely. By rights, he should have delayed when she entered the building, and so that way that she wouldn't just have somebody hit him right when he walked through the door. However, what had been done was done. She turned and confronted him almost instantly. At first he had tensed for a fight, yet he was surprised when one didn't occur. If Hawke had been looking for satisfaction from an expression of shock, however, then she wouldn't find one, and instead would find herself being watched by blue eyes with the tell-tale twinkle of lyrium addiction hidden within while the rest of his face was an expressionless mask. He stood in the lobby, with his cloak still pulled tight around him to conceal any clothing signature of the Chantry, and waited as he watched her and the elf both ascend the stairs to the third floor. Meanwhile, he could onnly think of what she had to say. She spoke with confidence, yet she didn't know who she was talking to. She was far too brash and had no idea what Leo knew, or what he could do. Yet she thought she was capable of being able to threaten him so carelessly. If she did try anything, then she would find herself (and her elf) facing a world of hurt the likes of which they had both not likely seen in quite a while. Even if they managed to kill him, he would make sure that they hurt, and he would take at least one of them down with him if he could manage it. However, he wasn't there to fight. He just had to pray that Hawke felt the same way. Only time would tell on that, however.

Giving her time to get to the room in question, Leo waited patiently at a table on the bottom floor. Once he was sure she had gotten to the room, he rose up silently, and headed up the stairs himself.

He was mostly ignored by the few patrons of the inn who were out in the halls, who were all to busy focusing on their own lives to pay attention to some apparent nobody with a sword walking around. Mercenaries were a common sight and he had no doubt that was what many of the locals saw him as. Being Fereldan by birth, he knew much about the culture, and knew how to blend in when out in the open. So he made it to the third floor with no incident and approached the second door cautiously. Closing his eyes for a brief moment, Leo muttered a small prayer to the Maker. However, he did not put a hand on his blade, or cast any sort of dispelling affects on the door. If he were to gain Hawke's trust at all, then he would have to show that he trusted her enough to keep to her word. He approached the door and, with the heavy toe of one leather boot, pushed it open on it's well-oiled hinges, and stepped inside slowly to see what awaited him.


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Hawke was sitting on a chair, staring intot he fire. The bed was behind her, and Fenris was staring out the one window. It was on the back of the building, so there wasn't much light comming into the room other than what the fire provided. Hawke didn't even look up as the Seeker entered.

"You can sit down. This is casual, Seeker. Now, I know why you are here, but I would like to hear it in your own words."

She finally looked at him. "So tell me, Seeker, just why are you here? What is it that you want from me?"


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#, as written by Belynta
Andra Vahanian slowed to a stop as she neared the fortress known as Vigil's keep, it was not that she feared entering but more that she wanted time to prepare herself for what she would say. In the days and months since she had left her clan her determination to aid in destroying the Darkspawn never wavered but now standing at the edge of the Grey Warden's home, she wondered. Would they take a Dalish elf? She had of course heard rumours that the Hero of Fereldan had been a Dalish elf but she had never seen him. Her clan kept too much to themselves for that and so she could not say for certain where he had come from. All she could say was that she would not leave until they did what she asked.

She ensured her bow and quiver was still secure at her back and that her twin daggers were loose in their scabbards. She was not expecting trouble but was always prepared for it. Her leather armour was worn from long use but was obviously well cared for showing no signs of cracking or rust, it was standard armour for a hunter of the Dales. She took a deep breath mentally calming herself and then continued walking towards the fortress. As she entered its courtyard she could see that it had suffered damage recently and Andra wondered who they had fought.

She saw two guards standing at the entrance to the keep and she strode purposefully towards them, head high and meeting their gaze with her own. As she reached them she nodded slightly in respect.
"I wish to join the ranks of the Grey Wardens. Who do I need to speak to about this?"


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#, as written by Soki
Lucas had been ready to retire for the day, finding no urge to train, or to listen to the babbling of the visiting nobles and their problems; that was until one of the younger warden's made his way over to the throne leaning in close. "Commander, an Elven woman is here, she wishes to join the wardens." The young male's words made him rub his chin slightly. This could be quite interesting; and with new energy he pushed himself from the throne. "Alright, I'll see to her myself; return to your post" He said in a clear voice to the young warden who scurried off to due his command.

He made his way out of the throne room and towards the the large gate; memories of how it had been splintered by armored ogres during the raid by the mother's forces vivid in his mind. "Open the gates!" He called out to the two guardsman at it, who began to push it open as he descended the stairs, upon the last step, and as the doors were finally open he could make out a person who was not familiar to him, he quickened his pace. Once he was closer he stopped studying her, but she was indeed Elven, much like him, and not just any elf; but one of the dalish; he smiled broadly, wondering what clan she was from. He finally opened his mouth to speak. "Welcome to the Vigil, I'm Lucas, Warden Commander and a Dalish much like you are; though..I don't remember you from any of the gatherings.." He said as he took a few more steps closer. "What is your name Lethallan?" he asked his arms now crossed casually over his torso.

This was quite exciting for him, this would be one of the few elves that have chosen to join the ranks of the wardens, he could count on his hands the ones here at the keep already, and to be honest it was a little disheartening to not see more elves willing to pick up the banner of the grey warden, but alas not everyone enjoyed the rush of battle, much like he did. He looked over his shoulder at the keep, and at the wardens that were doing what was needed, as well as the shops and smiths going about their business. He couldn't help feel like he had to run two cities, and each with their own politics to deal with. Though this wasn't the time to be thinking about that, turning his full attention back to his fellow elf as he awaited her name.


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#, as written by Belynta
Andra had begun to wonder if the guards at the gates were going to leave her standing there all night and she would not have been surprised if they had. They were human after all and humans generally disliked elves as much as elves disliked them. But Andra was determined not to be put off and so she stood calmly arms by her sides and waited. After a time she was surprised to hear footsteps and a command to open the gates and it looked as though the guards had actually fetched someone to talk with her. As the gates opened she had a clear look at the one who had come to meet her and was pleasantly surprised to see that he was Dalish. When he introduced himself as Warden Commander she realised she was looking at the Hero of Fereldan and she inclined her head respectfully before she spoke.

"Andaran atish'an Lucas, I am Andra Vahanian of Clan Stalehri and I would not have expected you to know me. My clan kept itself apart from other clans and rarely went to the gatherings. They preferred to keep themselves apart from the world including their fellow Dalish."

Her expression though calm twisted slightly at her last words and to another Dalish it would have been clear that she had disagreed with the decisions of her clan's keeper. Andra believed that if her clan had been more open to trading with the other clans and with the Shem then perhaps Lira would have survived. For a moment her sister's face flashed before her eyes and Andra forced it away unable to bear the sight of her sister in her final moments. On her journey from the Brecillian forest she had hoped that whoever commanded the Wardens would understand her request and her need to join their ranks. Now, seeing that their commander was a Dalish like herself, she felt hope and a trust she would not have felt had he been human. She did not hate humans as many of her kind did but she also did not trust them, the distrust bred into her from an early age.


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#, as written by Sibrand
The room was empty and quiet. The few torches threw shadows across the stone walls and the floor itself. However, the room was now completely drown in silence for there were occasional grunts coming from the room. The room itself was filled with shelves which in turn was filled with books, there were shields hanging upon the walls, each with its own insignia upon it and by the end of the room there was a armor stand where a large plate armor and all the robes with it had hanged firmly attached to a tree pole. Next to it a Claymore had proudly been leaning towards the tree pole waiting to be feed with the blood of darkspawn or other scum. The man who stood by the end of the room was having a hard time putting all of his things together and equipping his armor, but in the end he succeeded and turned to leave when he noticed his most precious possession that lied on his desk.

It was a pedant filled with blood, darkspawn blood, his own enemies blood from the Grey Warden joining. It served not only as a reminder of what he fought for, but also those four other men and women who all died during the joining while he was the only one surviving. It was a painful thing to watch to say the least, but the man kept those kinds of feelings to himself these days. Turning around, the man left his room and walked out into the corridor of Vigil’s main keep. The halls were beautiful decorated with paintings, red carpets hanging from the ceiling and green carpets with black stripes covering the floor. However, the man had seen it all too many times before and he didn’t find it as beautiful as he once did.

The mans name was Jake Forlon, Arcane Warrior and Senior Grey Warden under the command of Grey Warden Commander Lucas Narmolanya, the Dalish elf who defeated an Archdemon and became the Hero of Ferelden. Jake respected his commander and his loyalty to him was firm and steady, but he these days he wouldn't always follow his commanders orders. However, for now he did so and he did in fact have a mission to do out in the wilds. Raiders had been spotted killing and burning the nearby village and Jakes mission were to travel to that location and begin his investigation.

When the Arcane Warrior finally found his way out to the courtyard he found himself looking at a curious scene to say the least; Warden Commander Lucas was talking to a Dalish elf that which Jake had not yet had the chance to meet. A smile grew over his face that was concealed by his mask as he approached the couple. Upon arriving he heard something mentioned about the Dalish, but he allowed it to pass by as he bowed before Lucas and turned his gaze towards the young elf. The girl didn’t seem to be much of Grey Warden material, but then again, Jake was not the one to judge that. He turned his attention back at Lucas.

”Sir, I’m heading out to check out the village that was raided. Anything you need of me before I depart?” Jake asked with his firm and dark voice as his eyes darted towards the young girl and then back at the Commander.


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#, as written by Soki
He nodded his head to her name and smiled. "Welcome to Vigil's keep; I'm sure you know already, but this is the home of Ferelden's Grey wardens, I'm going to guess, because your here you wish to join us." He said, but continued on. "I will not deny you the chance to try the joining, but I only ask you tell me your reasons before hand." He relaxed his position, before realizing that this would not be the place. "Forgive me, it has been to long, I'm not use to offering hospitality right away to new guests, I never have the chance to leave the throne room now a days, politics and all." He said with a laugh, and turned towards the courtyard. "Come, come, We will talk inside, where it's warm; and you can explain your desire to join the warden's in private" He said, though as he turned; a voice rang out, and a familiar one; Jake. He nodded his head at the man's question.

"Yes, actually, we've some troubling news, Things are getting worse down in Denerim, and I've been asked personally by our king; to help stabilize the situation; I'm only going to take a few wardens with me, the situation here is just as bad; but not because of." He paused slightly and shook his head. "Because mages, but because of politics and nobles that judge my rule to be...unjust." He chuckled at that statement. "We'll have to leave soon, and if you don't mind me asking, I'd like you to rally up five good warden's to take with us, while I talk to my new friend here."

He walked by patting the man on his armored shoulder, offering a friendly smile, "Do please join us after you've found our companions." as he waved Andra with him, The outside of the keep was not in it's best shape, but it still showed great condition, they had been rebuilding the places, and repairing damages around the keep, as well as repairing Amaranthine. Things were quite difficult being who, and what he was. He slowed his steps upon reaching the doors of the throne; his mind literally keeping his eyes frontwards to keep him from falling, instead of watching the progress of repairs or the people going on with their business. When he did reach the throne room, he turned his attention to the front, and to Andra. "So, now; do tell me why have you come to join the wardens?"


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#, as written by Sibrand
Jake was not shocked over this sudden change of plans. He was used to being moved to a more important assignment in the last minute these days. It was why he always came to Lucas before heading out, to make sure that he didn’t want him to anything else and this he wanted him to something else. Jake nodded at the Commanders order and then again at his invitation before leaving the two elves. Being one of the more Senior Wardens, Jake knew which grey warden in the keep that was good, mediocre or still in training. They trained even after being accepted into the grey wardens ranks and passed the joining. Everyone had to be at their best once the next Blight comes.

Jake moved across the courtyard and ended up in the barracks. In here he found Jolly and Bravask, both good men who were sparring the moment Jake walked in on them. Bravask favored the sword and shield style while Jolly used a Halberd to attack his enemies swiftly and precisely. None of them got the upper hand and none of them seemed to lose as steel clashed with steel and the sound repeated itself more times than Jake could actually count in a minute. Suddenly both of them ended their duel and turned to Jake. They bowed slightly, realizing that they stood before a Senior Warden and the only Arcane Warrior left in Ferelden, as far as anyone else knew.

”You are summoned to be in the courtyard by dusk and not a minute later.” Jake ordered and bowed too as he left the room. Jolly and Bravask knew what they had to do but first they had to finish something. As Jake closed the door he heard the sound of clashing steel erupt once more. He shook his head and smiled behind his mask. He moved on.

Jake made his way out from the barracks and took a sip of fresh air as he once more crossed the courtyard. He walked in his own slow pace and as he did so he watched events unfold around him. The cook chief was screaming to his apprentices to pick the right ingredients next time instead of blaming their failures on each other. The smithy was working just as heavily as usually and the same sound Jake had heard from the barracks came from the smithy as well. However, the sound was not quite the same seeing as it was now iron slamming against hot steel. Jake guessed that the smith was busy doing weapons or armors for the new guard recruits that would soon graduate. From the new built tavern laughs and loud voices came crashing out into the courtyard every time the door opened to it. This was the Senior Wardens next destination for he had already picked out which Wardens he would choose for this mission.

Jake moved slowly towards the door and before he reached it a man opened it and was about to walk out when he caught the sight of Jake. He stood still for a moment as he watched the armored Arcane Warrior who were slowly walking in his direction.

”Jake! How Ya’ been?!” The man shouted, obviously drunk and the horrible alcohol smell confirmed it as well, ”When did you come back from that... that mission down in the- *hick*, -the Korcari Wilds?”

”Two months ago Harold.” Jake answered and patted the man on his shoulder, ”You’re drunk. Go home and get some sleep it off.” Jake ordered the old guard as he moved past him into the tavern. Harold only nodded and stumbled away. Jake now found himself in the tavern known as ‘The White Wolf’ and the aroma of alcohol sneaked past his mask and hit him straight in the face the moment he walked in. Jake was used to the smell of it, but he didn’t like to drink alcohol, no matter what. He always wanted to be alert and ever let his guard down, not even amongst those he trusted. It just wasn’t his way of doing things.

At the end of large room he had just entered a group of five sat and drank beer together and laughed at each others jokes. The Senior Warden walked up to the group and their attention fell on him quite quickly. Most of them were either too drunk to recognize their superior officer or too drunk to stand up and give him a salute. However, there was one woman who had the strength to pull herself away from the table and stand up to give Jake a salute. Her name was Anna, Grey Warden.

”What do we owe you for the pleasure of your presence, captain?” She asked and winked at him jokingly as she sat down again. Jake remained untouched and if this had not been her off-duty hours he would have punished her right here, right now for drinking on the job.

”Nothing, Anna. You are simple to be out in the courtyard by dusk and wait for further orders.” Jake explained and turned his back on the group as he started to walk out. Anna watched him leave while the other guards that she hanged with started to tell jokes again. After finding his way out of that pleasant place, Jake made his way towards the Keep itself where he did not only have the two last Grey Wardens to summon but also where he would meet up with Lucas and the new girl.

The trip was short as any trip was here in Vigil’s keep and after climbing the many stairs and entering it, he made his way over to the Archery range where he found Emily and Eadon, the twins. Emily were using her bow to shot at targets while Eadon used his destructive magic to blast his targets to dust. Not the best thing seeing as making new targets cost them money, but everything was taken from Eadons salary anyway so Jake didn’t mind it. Besides, it made him stronger when it came to using his magic. The moment Jake got up close Emily stopped shooting and turned to salute Jake while Eadon continued to shot fire at several targets at once.

”Captain?” Emily asked shortly and tried to ignore her twin brothers shamefully ignorance to Jakes presence. Jake stayed quiet for a while as he watched Eadon continue his training, oblivious to Jake and his own sister. Suddenly he rose his right hand into the air and it seemed as if he caught a small bolt of silver in his hand. The bolt grew into a small ball and continued to grow larger. Suddenly Jake was holding a silver ball in his right hand and it seemed as if something was moving around inside it. Emily’s eyes grew wide as she watched her Grey Warden captain as he threw the silver ball at her brother, and she did nothing to stop it.

Eadon never saw the ball coming and once he was hit he was launched to the ground a few feet away where he had once been standing. He rose slowly from the ground and grunted angry as his eyes darted off towards Jake. Eadon moved his hands backwards and then forward as if he was trying to send magic at Jake, but nothing happened. He continued to try but it was all in vain; Jake had silenced his ability to use magic for a while. Eadon grew furious and launched himself at his Captain with his fists all over the place. Jake dodged everything Eadon had to toss at him and in the end he hit the young warden across the face. Eadon fell to the ground once more, unconscious.

After the little fight Jake turned towards Emily who walked over to meet her captain. Her eyes moved over to her brothers body and then over to Jake.

”You silenced him?” She asked curiously seeing as she had never expected Jake to posses such powers since he was a mage himself. ”So what? Are you too--?”

”Yes, I’m also silenced for a while after using the spell, but I have enough experience to use my weapons and my body where as your brother only relies on his magical origin to protect him.” Jake explained as he cut the girl short.

”Ah, I see.”

”However, I didn’t come here to fight your brother. No, I came here to tell you both that you’re being summoned to the courtyard by dusk.” Jake ordered and looked over at where Eadon lay, ”Tell your brother this.” Jake finished and saluted at Emily who did the same before he departed. He had one final place to go and it was close. He walked past Eadons body and moved up towards the open gates leading into the small fortress. Jake walked past all the servants and the guards that came in his way and once he reached two large gates he pushed them open. He now found himself in the throne room and in the middle stood the elves and they were speaking with each other. Jake walked slowly up to them and as he reached them he saluted at Lucas and bowed to the new girl just for courtesy's sake.

”I’ve summoned Jolly, Bravask, Anna and the twins to the courtyard by dusk.” Jake explained and looked over at the girl, ”Now would you care to explain why this young lovely girl is here in Vigil’s keep” He asked still speaking with Lucas as he kept looking at the other elf.


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#, as written by Belynta
Andra followed Lucas into the keep proper and struggled not to feel claustrophobic by the sudden feeling of being surrounded and not being able to see the open sky. She kept a firm control over her emotions however and her face remained blank showing none of the turmoil she had felt for a brief moment. Since leaving her clan she had of course spent some time in towns and other settlements but nothing as large or grand as Vigil's Keep. Even in its clearly damaged state, with holes in the walls, scorch marks and even walls that had collapsed, the Keep still possessed a gravity and ancientness about it that awed Andra. The throne room was understandably impressive but a little ornate for her tastes but then used to camps in the forest most buildings were too ornate for and at least this one seemed less so than others she had seen.

As they reached the throne room Andra was suddenly unsure of what to say which was very unlike her, it was not that she was afraid as such but more that she was concerned they would refuse her request. As far as she was concerned it did not matter what her reasons were as long as she hunted Darkspawn and helped reduce their numbers. But if that was what it took for him to grant her request then she would tell him why she wished to join. It was not in her nature to lie or to hide from the truth and so as much as it pained her to speak of Lira she would do so. She was just about to speak when an armoured man strode up to them, the same one who had spoken with Lucas earlier, and informed the commander that he had gathered the wardens. She bristled at being called a girl even if he had said she was lovely. She may look young and perhaps given how long her race used to live she would be considered a child but she had been a competent hunter far younger than many in her clan. But this man did not know that she reminded herself sternly not to judge simply because he was not Dalish.

"The Stalehri Clan is one of the more elusive of the Dalish and most humans do not know of its existence and whist other clans know of it they rarely see members of my clan. This is both a blessing and a curse though I have begun to feel more and more that is more a curse and less a blessing. My sister Lira was a skilled hunter in my clan, one of the best, and she was known for exploring ancient elven ruins in search of our lost heritage. During one of these explorations she came across a band of Darkspawn and though she managed to kill them it was not without cost. She became tainted and hours after she returned to camp she was dead. I ended her life. As you may now guess one of my two main reasons for becoming a Grey Warden is vengeance as I want to see the Darkspawn wiped out for good. But my other reason is that perhaps if my clan had known more of the outside world then we may have been able to save Lira."

Andra stopped talking then and clenched her fists in order to stop herself from raging or worse...begging, she wanted this so much and did not know what she would do if she was refused. She was no longer welcome in her clan and a life of wandering alone seemed like hell to her. She stood silent and waited for the commander's response.


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#, as written by Soki
Lucas had noticed she was about to speak, when Jake made his return to them; he chuckled at the man's words, "Fine work Jake, though I do hope you and Eadon can get along, I don't want one of our young warden's being a stain on your shield." He stated with a slight smirk, but at his question of what Andra was here for he waved his hand towards her. "She was just about to explain to us my friend." He said, and after that she did. He listened to his words, his smile turning into a frown slightly; not only because of how she lost her sister; but how it mirrored his own reasons for joining the wardens. Once she was finished he crossed his arms over his chest sighing a little, before turning his full attention to Andra. "You remind me of another elf I knew, she became a warden for the exact same reason as you, but with different circumstances." He said then rubbed at his chin, "You come to join us out of revenge, I understand; she did too, but, the problem is with wanting revenge, it clouds your judgement, it did her's." He said with a shake of his head.

"Though, I will not deny you a chance at the joining, Jake; You have no complaints I presume?" He asked wanting to have the blessings of one of the seinor wardens at the keep, and seeing as Jake was the closest Senior here; and he trusted Jake's opinion he had no other reason to find someone else. He knew how it felt to loose someone to the taint, he had lost a clansman, and a good friend; close enough to be his brother, it was a horrible feeling, but he knew revenge, and hatred would only lead you to death, and with the taint inside you that road came twice as fast. While waiting for Jake's words he moved to the throne grabbing his swords from their resting place and returning them to their place on his back, and made his way back over to the two, The joining would go quickly, and hopefully if Jake gave his blessing she would survive it. He could only guess that if her anger, and hatred for the darkspawn was strong enough, that she'd survive, they could only hope right?
