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Dragonball: Saiyan Might



a part of Dragonball: Saiyan Might, by Displacer.


Displacer holds sovereignty over DBZ, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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DBZ is a part of Dragonball: Saiyan Might.

6 Characters Here

Thunder [3] A full blooded Saiyan who works for Frieza's kind
Serett, Klene's Student [0] A young, firey-hearted Saiyan warrioress. What she lacks in experience she makes up for sheer unfaltering willpower and determination.
Celarah [0] Full Blooded Saiyan. Raised by an old saiyan woman that doesn't know much about her past. "I will show you the true power of the Saiyan Race!"
Rayl [0] Son of Nappa
Klene [0] Full blooded saiyan, daughter of Raditz
Serett [0] A young mutt saiyan, grandaughter of Tora.

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Serett nodded, walking over to the boulders. She moved to one, and placed both of her hands on it, and pushed hard against it.The young Saiyaness gritted her teeth as her feet beared hard against the planet's surface as she tried to push the mighty stone. It eventually started to inch, little by little the rock began to move, continuing it's path of being pushed. The small Saiyan tenesed up as she pushed the rock about three yards, before letting out a sigh, and moving to the other one, repeating their process.

Once she had moved the rocks, she let out an even louder sigh, as she turned around, resting her back against the rock.... She would then look over at Klene, waiting to see her reaction....wait a minute....weren't they sparring now? Serett jumped to a defensive stance, ready for strife.


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Klene nodded approvingly as Serett took her defensive stance in front of the boulders, she was pleased how well Serett was doing. In the blink of an eye she went from being several yards away from the young saiyan to just six feet to her left. Klene drew her right arm back then thrust it forward, shooting a small a ball of green energy at Serett. afterward she would charge, at less than a quarter of her speed, behind the energy ball and throw a punch at the girls torso.


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Serett gasped as the woman teleported in front of her, before launching an energy attack at her from almost point blank. Serett immidately launched herself up into the sky, out of the way of the glowing green orb, and into the air, the rock behind her shattering completely. She turned her attention back to Klene just in time to have her chest smashed with a fist, launching her back significanly. She recovered her balance midair, and preformed an flip through the air, back to her fighting stance. She would focus her energy in her arms, before forming the energy into a ball. She then reeled back, and threw the ball forth, being a moderately sized energy attack for the young Saiyan.

Meanwhile, while Klene would (hopefully) be distracted by that attack, she would fly up int othe air, and reeled both her arms back, charging Ki in each hand, before they shot forward in a explosive rain of ki blasts, peppering the area with small explosions.


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Klene focused her ki in her right hand in preparation for deflecting Serett's attack. She easily slapped the attack away with one hand. However she didn't notice Serett peppering the area with ki blasts until it was too late. Four ki blasts smashed into Klene, taking with them chunks of her armor. She quickly recovered and began to charge Serett, slapping away the ki blasts as she went along. She would attempt to grab Serett by the legs and throw her to the ground. If she succeeded, she would follow up by flying down to the younger warrioress and sending a kick her way.


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::Six pods saw the planet nearing sight as Yansor smirked then:: "Alright, twenty minutes til landing folks! Remember, we are here to make sure they pay for there crimes against Lord Chill! They shall suffer greatly for this, they will be brought to justice, and furthermore, they will perish by our hands! Now then, let us prepare to fight these little saiyans and we shall emerge as champions!" ::He shouted as the other five shouted by with a cheer to him as Yansor could only smirk then. It was pitiful that they had to kill them, but then again, a wish from the dragonballs was worth killing off two little monkeys that were oh so pitiful to his eyes::


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Serett watched as Klene was smothered by her pink energy orbs, but not slowed. Before she had a chance to react, Klene had grabbed her by the leg, and tossed her towards the ground. Her flight ended, and she allowed herself to be thrown, twirling through the air. Her balance was messed up on the planet, but she thought she could figure it out.... She waited and waited...

Finally, she felt herself hit the ground, and she thrust her hands out, launcing herself off the ground, unto her fighting stance. She saw Klene flying straight at her, foot jabbed out, meaning to kick her. She sidestepped the kick, and wrapped her arms around the leg. "Rrrruuuuaaah!" She yelled, flinging the Saiyan away from her(or at least she hoped!) and began to charge yet another energy attack.


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Klene was thrown a few yards by Serett. She regained her balance and flew up it the air. 'Shes getting better...' Klene thought to herself. She began to charge her ki in her hands. They flickered to life as she threw them back and then forward, this time as a beam rather than orbs. She aimed it for Serett and waited to see if she would dodge or try to force back, maybe even something different.


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Serett watched Klene come up with her own energy blast, the green energy forming in her hands, shooting out as a beam. The young Saiyaness was expecting something along those lines, but not precisely a beam She smirked as she had figured this out. Her hands separated, energy coming from each one. She roared, her saiyan blood pumping as she forced her right hand towards the ground, the energy shooting off, and propelling her off the ground, in a high 'hop'. Her other hand came back behind her, like she was going to pitch a baseball. "Eat THIIIIS!" She screamed, launching the attack towards Klene.


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Klene missed entirely as Serett countered with her own attack. She ceased her own attack and focused ki in her right hand. She caught Serett's attack in her right hand and reeled her arm back. "Back at'cha!" Klene yelled as she threw the blast back at Serett.


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Serett began to charge up her own Ki wave as she saw her attack closing in on Klene.... She snickered, and brought a hand forward, and laughed. "Now eat thi-..." She watched her own attack.... Was it coming back at her? She growled as she began to abandon her attack...but then thought it over... She thrust her hands forward, and fired the wave she was charging into her oncoming reflected attack. "HAVE IT!" She yelled over the sounds of the coliding forces, as the attack was forced back down towards Klene, now with the power of two attacks behind it.


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Klene saw Serett shoot a beam straight at the returned attack. 'Good job kid.' Klene thought. She charged up ki in her own hands and shot her own wave straight for Serett's. The two energy attacks collided with a massive force, destroying several of the natural stone pillars. Klene was glad to see that the young saiyan was making good progress, just a few more weeks of this and she just might be able to beat Klene.


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Serett watched as Klene fired her own energy wave, causing the beams to clash against each other, causing massive shockwaves to pulse through the air. The beams would be balanced for a while, before starting to bend in Klene's favor. Serett's arms struggled against the mass force pushed against her, pink and green meeting to create some odd color. The young Saiyan wouldn't give in just yet. She poured in all of her energy behind her blast, yelling fiercely over the attack.

But yet, it still wasn't enough. Klene was too strong for her, and she was too exausted from training. The girls arms buckled, and she soon felt the huge blast of energy overtake her.

Soon the attack faded, and the smoke was clearning. From the bottom of the cloud of smoke, you could see the young Saiyan falling towards the planet's surface, her armor completly gone, and th limbs of her jumpsuit were torn to bits. She must've curled up into a ball to block the main of her body from the front. She hit the ground with a heavy thud, and didn't move. But anyone with a scouter could tell that she was simply exausted and weak, not dead.


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Klene watched as Serett was overpowered by the attack. She had held back enough of her power to not kill the young saiyan. She reflected on the events of the day and thought it was rather productive. She looked over herself to see what damage, if any, Serett had inflicted. There were a few minor scrapes here and there, other than that she was just suffering from a lack of armor.

Klene flew down to check on the exhausted saiyaness. The hard days training, coupled with their sparring match, had taken its toll on Serett. Klene purposefully fall on her back, next to Serett, with a bit of a thud. As soon as the younger saiyaness came to she would complement her on her progress.


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::That was when the six pods would land on the planet then as each would open to reveal a member of the 'Elite Armour Squad', all of them having a look around as Yansor would smirk:: "We are here at last! Alright, scan the planet for the powerlevels they possess!" ::He shouted out to the others as they all pressed there scouters and find the two powerlevels then as Yansor continued to smirk then:: "Yes, there they are! Alright men, take them down now and make sure nothing is left behind of them, understood?!" They all nodded as they all would begin to fly off then, heading off towards where the two currently were at then:: "Attack without mercy!"


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Serett sighed as she slowly came to, sitting up as she did. She would rub her head, before looking over to Klene. She must've been out for at least ten minutes. She would push herself off of the ground, and strech, looking over herself. She would strech lightly, before letting her arms fall to her sides. The quick break wasn't like a rest, but it restored her to about haflway of her new maximum power - 10,000. She would only walk back to Klene and sit down. "Whew! What a workout!" She said, smirking.

Her scouter had been destroyed in the training process, and she was currently unaware of the threat that currently approached her...


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Klene smirked as Serett sat down next to her and said, "Whew! What a workout!" she nodded in agreement. "You're doing well Serett. A few more weeks of this and you just might be able to beat me." she said to the younger saiyaness. Klene handed to Serett one of the many water bottles, she looked like she could use it.

Klene sat there, unaware of the approaching danger.


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"There you are!" ::A voice shouted out then as a sinister laugh came out before Ralph would appear then, with a smirk on his face as he would land and crack his head then, scanning there power levels using a scanning process that was placed within his body to replace the scouter as he walked towards them slowly then with each step bringing him closer and closer to the two Saiyan girls who were possibly even too tired to mess with him:: "So, then, which of you brats is gonna be the first meal of the day? Or am I going to have to destroy you BOTH at the same time?! Because it doesn't matter to me, personally, I can do whatever I just wanna do to you two, any - single - thing." ::He said, a terrible smirk still on his android face as he didn't look human, humanoid sure, but nothing close to what a actual human would be like, or a Saiyan for that matter. He was more like a reptile then anything else, as he chuckled with that smirk on his face, ready for a fight; whether they wanted to or not::


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Serett smirked as she took a water bottle, few opening it up, and taking a long drink from it, smirking as she brought it away from her mouth. She would sigh, before a huge lizard thing landed before her and Klene, startling her a bit as he shouted. She somersaulted back, and into a defensive stance, and listened to the lizard speak. He seemed pretty high and might, too cocky to pull his head out of his ass. Her body was tired, but as a Saiyan, she'd never give up the fight. "Oh yeah? Just try it, scaley!" She said, tauntingly.


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Klene quickly stood up when the lizard man shouted at the two saiyans. He was way too cocky for his own good, she had thought. She hadn't even broken a sweat from her sparring match with Serett, so she had more than enough energy left to fight. Klene crossed her arms and smirked, in her typical fission. "I suggest that you get out of here unless you want me to bash in that tin can of a head you've got there." Klene said mockingly.


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::He moved his head in a cracking like motion as he let out a loud roar then, before dashing in towards them before a voice came out:: "Ralph, stop that! Leave them to me..." ::Ralph would look back to see Captain Yansor approach slowly without the others as he would go to his knees quickly and bow his head:: "I apologize, Captain Yansor, I did not know at all, I am sorry --" "Don't be, you ARE my right-hand man..." ::Captain Yansor would crack his neck abit before yawning:: "Hello children... How are you today? Good, sad, tired, lonley, angry, scared perhaps?"


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Can you see this?


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The sun began to rise over the horizon on the tiny planet, its warm light revealing the aftermath of a hard two months of training. Impact craters were scattered everywhere like scars. The ground was pitch black with scorch marks from energy attacks. The natural stone pillars that once towered above the land now lay in ruin. If there had been any life on that rock, other than the two saiyan girls, it would be long dead by now.

The only signs of life that would show up on scouters came from the small camp on the far side of the planet. The camp was little more than two saiyan drop pods and a common area for having fires at night. The pods themselves showed visible signs of accidental damage, a few dings here and there. The once large fire was now nothing more then a smoldering pile of ashes.

The door on one of the drop pods slowly began to open. Once open, Klene emerged from the within. She wasn't wearing her saiyan armor, only the body glove that one wears underneath the armor. She yawned and stretched, as most do in the mornings, afterward shambled over to the fire and sat down, poking at the pile of ashes with a stick. After a few moments of this she placed her hands behind her head and flopped back on the ground to gaze at the pink morning sky.


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Serett yawned, the light of the rising sun flooding into her saiyan pod, floding the sphere-like ship with crimson light. Her eyes closed tighter, trying to dim the bright luminescse that washed over her. Finally, her eyes began to slowly open, her head turning away from the pod's small red window. She gave herself a few seconds to adjust to the light, before clacking a few buttons on the pod's control system. As the door slowly "Whirred" open, she smiled as the warmth of the sun ran across her body. The suit she was wearing was a little tattered by now, but that was to be expected as she had been training with Klene very hard. What Serett concidered a short time...her power level had grown drastically. Then again, every day it was a push. Every day she was knocked around by her teacher like a ragdoll. But the next day, it was up and at 'em again.

She stepped out of her spherical makeshift bedroom, and set foot onto the planet. She barely had noticed the gravity here now. It wasn't even heavy to her. Streching, popping her joints, and yawning again, she sighed contently....before smiling brightly. Klene had already awoken. How long she had been awake was unknown.... But it honestly didn't matter. Serett felt her muscles tense as she set view on her mentor; expecting some sort of foreign attack. But these kinds of days, she was usually given a little warning. Which was better than none. She calmly walked over to Klene, walking over to her, stopping beside her, as she watched her poke and prod in the red coals of the night's fire.

"Good morning, Klene..." She said, reaching up to pat the other saiyan's shoulder. "Did you sleep well?" A simple question, which would probably recieve a simple answer. But it didn't matter. Just knowing how she was would be fine for Serett. She had grown quite close to her teacher. Very close indeed. She wanted to compare the feeling to one that she would have felt for a foster-mother.... But it wasn't that. It was closer. She couldn't explain the feeling. But instead of exploring the feeling, she simply ignored it, shoving it to the back of her mind, as she refocused. Klene was probably planning on giving her a surprise this morning.... She felt herself tense again, as she waited for her mentor's response.