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Dragonball: Saiyan Might



a part of Dragonball: Saiyan Might, by Displacer.


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6 Characters Here

Thunder [3] A full blooded Saiyan who works for Frieza's kind
Serett, Klene's Student [0] A young, firey-hearted Saiyan warrioress. What she lacks in experience she makes up for sheer unfaltering willpower and determination.
Celarah [0] Full Blooded Saiyan. Raised by an old saiyan woman that doesn't know much about her past. "I will show you the true power of the Saiyan Race!"
Rayl [0] Son of Nappa
Klene [0] Full blooded saiyan, daughter of Raditz
Serett [0] A young mutt saiyan, grandaughter of Tora.

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::The first thing he would remember as his eyes opened was a familiar thing, a thing he had kept to his mind and set it there as if his life depended on this very way of existence. He felt water slowly drain away around his form as he looked at his hands slowly, remembering. It was time. As the pod opened and he took his first step out, he knew the day had come. He was ready. After this long period of training, the day for vengeance had arrived. As he exited out of his pod and landed on his feet, he would glance over towards that familiar armor of his:: It is time to fight. ::He would walk over and put on his armor all in all, looking himself over as he felt stronger then he had in the past. He looked over as he saw several mysterious figures enter, one being short and with it's arms behind it's back as it's tail swung from side to side lazily:: Is it finally time you proved your worth as a saiyan to us?

His mind remembered that voice. He hadn't heard that voice in two months and now, it was time for a change to happen. It was time for him to prove just who he truly was to Lord Chill, a man who had been waiting two months after attacking that planet and killing innocent people along the way for this one, single day:: ... I have never been more ready in my entire life, my lord. I will see to it that they are brought down, and that they are eliminated from the face of this galaxy. ::He spoke with a harsher and darker tone in his voice, the aggression could be heard, the anger was finally broken.

Lord Chill chuckled silently, more to himself then all else around him. Very well... Your pod awaits you, and the coordinates are set. You may leave whenever you desire. ::He bowed to Lord Chill after those words were spoken and he couldn't help but smirk. He would spread his arms out as he gripped his hands into two fight fists and let out a loud battle cry, his new power being unleashed on the spot. If there was an aura, a dark one would be seen surrounding his form. Thunder was back. Thunder was ready. Thunder was a full blooded Saiyan, and it was time to prove just how strong he was!::


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Klene heard Serett's morning greeting and felt the familiar hand on her shoulder. "I slept fine." She said. Klene stood up and and stretched once more, trying to rid herself of the stiffness from sleeping. She eyed Serett and said, "I trust you slept well?" Klene had grown close to her pupil in the two months that they had spent together. For her the bond was just beyond that of a master and student. Serett had filled that empty hole of boredom in Klene's life. She thought back on all the training that she had put Serett through. Klene had seen the young saiyan get stronger by leaps and bounds. "Hey, Serett, I want to show you something special today." she said. "After these two month of training, I think you are finally ready for the surprise."


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Serett smiled as the greeting was met with a rather passive attitude. Usually that ment they were going to enjoy a day of relaxation; the days that the younger saiyan cherished. She was always sore. "I slept great, actually. Slept like a log." She responded to her master. She walked to the other side of the fire's edge, and looked her mentor up and down. But as Klene's words entered her ears, she kind of perked up. Special? She thought, rather intruiged. She thought she had already seen all of the other Saiyan's tricks. But then again, one of the things she loved about Klene was that she was full of surprises....

"Shoot. And I was looking forward to a day off!" Serett said playfully, rolling her arms. She knew it was too good to be true, a small vacation... but there was a reason the other Saiyan was in charge. "But alright: Let's do it. I think that I can take another day of training!"


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::They made their way to hell. They made their way to war. In the time's absence since Lord Chill's attack, he had recruited more soldiers, conquered more planets, and had more power then ever before at his side. That meant an advantage to his new and readied army, an army that was meant for one purpose: To conquer the entire galaxy. But they were currently training, while one domino was still standing in their way for an entire domination of the entire galaxy. And Thunder was the answer to that last domino problem that still stood untouched by Lord Chill. Lord Chill's top men followed him as he followed Lord Chill, making his way through the gigantic alien ship and stopping before the pod station, a place where all the pods were kept and secured and readied for whatever mission their master's had. Lately, the production of the new generation of pod's was going at a such a high rate, Lord Chill may have been considered rich if he hadn't been too busy wasting most of that money on preparing for a war on the entire galaxy itself.

He looked over his new generation pod as he saw his symbol on it, knowing that it was his and his alone to use. He looked towards Lord Chill and his top men, as a nod came from him slowly:: The coordinates are already set, as I have stated before. But I must warn you, this new type of pod is faster then how your old one use to be. We are, after all, preparing for a war on the entire galaxy herself. Now then, once you familiarize yourself with this pod, make sure to head straight for their location. Once you arrive, bring them back to me. Without any bodies, as slaves, or as new recruits for my ever growing empire. Are you ready now, Thunder of the Saiyans?

He felt honored, for the first time in his life he knew it in his heart. He knew it in his mind. He knew it in every physical being of his body that he was ready to take on a familiar foe, one who he had been looking forward to fighting for two long agonizing months now:: ... I'll be back soon, sir. ::A simple nod was given then as he entered his pod and sat down, taking in a deep breath before pressing a button as the pod would close. He closed his eyes, a smirk forming on his face as he felt the pod exit the gigantic ship that belonged to Lord Chill and contained nearly everything that made him a destructive force of the galaxy. It was time to see just how he dealt with finding that old rival of his::


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Klene crossed her arms and grinned, in her typical fashion. "Not to worry, its all we are going to do today. If you do well enough today you and I will have a mini-vacation." she said. Klene floated up into the air and started to fly away from their camp. Once Serett followed she would fly to their usual training spot. The older saiyan landed softly on the ground and waited patiently for her pupil. "Let me know when you are ready." said Klene. Klene started to breathe deeply as she prepared herself for Serett's surprise.


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Serett smirked herself. "Oh! Alright then. So I only get a swift beating today!" She said, with a light giggle. She too lifted from the ground, and set off towards their typical training spot, the ground beneath them ragged and torn in many places where struggles had ensued. Watching the older saiyan land, Serett followed, her feet clapping lightly on the ground as she landed. She raised her eyebrow, watching Klene. "Alright. I suppose I'm as ready as I'll ever be." She bolted to a defensive fighting stance, ready for this fight. Or what she thought was going to be this fight. She waited eagerly for Klene's action....


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::Lord Chill had been correct about one thing at least; the new generation of pods were indeed faster. They were restricted of course, only sold to those who swore their loyalty to Lord Chill himself and all that served under him. Planets had been destroyed before, planets had been enslaved before, planets had joined up with an alliance just so they could be a part of the great big growing army that was Lord Chill's magnificence. He opened his eyes as he saw a map of the galaxy, and it was pretty neat. A hologram like design, with 3-D images and the perfect space background to make it all the more fitting. He would see his position inching closer and closer to the planet, every time he got even closer and closer to it, his saiyan blood boiled more and more until finally... the planet was nearing his sights. The pod soon entered it's atmosphere and headed straight down toward the planet. Once it landed, the ground around it seemed to shake as it left a rather large crater around it, while the pod remained unshaped at all. He took a few seconds, enjoying the glory of taking in that sweet smell of victory before watching the pod slowly open as he let out a yawn once he got onto his feet, taking a simple look around::

... I am Thunder. I am the voice of reason. I am the hope that will help Lord Chill conquer the galaxy, and possibly more if he sees fit. This is the beginning of the end, and a new starting life for everyone.


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Klene opened her eyes to see Serett take a fighting stance. "No fighting today Serett." she said. She took a powering up stance and continued to breathe deeply. "Today is a demonstration. First you'll watch me do it, then I will try and teach you how to do this." she said, her voice unusually calm. Klene began to power up. Vivid green energy swirled around and consumed her body. The ragged and torn ground beneath her feet began to rise. Normally she would have let out a battle cry when doing this, however she remained silent. The green aura grew larger. Massive chunks of earth were ripped up from the ground. Klene's hair was spiked upward and her breathes were long and calm. Her normally green aura was now flashing yellow, along with her hair. After a few drawn out moments she bared her teeth and started to let out a mighty saiyan battle cry. Her powerlevel spiked, causing massive shock waves to fly out all around her. As Klene's battle cry reached its peak there was a flash of yellow. She stood erect and arms crossed before Serett. A yellow aura danced wildly around her body. Her eyes were now a greenish-blue and her hair was spiked up and blond. She smirked at Serett and said, "Surprise."


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Serett watched as her master powered up before her. She had felt the power level increasing. She had not yet learned to sense power..but she could feel it... if that made sense. As Klene's power rose, she felt her heart racing. Skyrocketing, even. Soon enough, the ground itself was quaking at the woman's might. Her green energy flashed deep yellow, radiating fiercely in all directions. Serett raised her arms to shield herself from debris, as well as the intense light show. As the shaking ceased, the young saiyan moved her arms, to see her master transformed. She gasped. She had only heard legend of the super saiyans. She never thought that they were true. And to think: The woman whom had been training her was one!

"Klene....! T-that's.... Amazing! Beyond spectacular! It's overwhelming! How in the galaxy are you able to do that?!" She exclaimed eagerly.


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Klene's smile only grew when she heard Serett's words. She held up her hand to cease the comments. "This came naturally to me." she said. She calmly walked over to the young saiyan and placed her hand upon her shoulder. Klene looked down at Serett, straight in the eyes. "Now I am going to teach you how to become a super saiyan." she said. Klene powered down, returning to normal. "Do as I did and listen to my instructions, alright?" she said to her trainee.


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::He slowly rose out of the crater that was made by the pod, slowly landing down on his feet as he glanced over his shoulder back to look at it, looking back forward as he pressed a button on his scouter as it, too, was a part of the new generation of things just like the pods were. During the last two months, Lord Chill's reign had grown, and so too had his empire, along with everything in it. His warriors, his technology, everything about it just seemed to scream 'better and improved.' But his mind was only focused on finding the targets, as he kept his powerlevel down to about 20,000 to not throw anyone off:: Well, not bad it seems. Those girls could become great warriors after all. Perhaps it's time for a reunion, or maybe I should relax. Nah, no time to relax now, there shall be plenty of time for that later. ::He slowly rose off the ground again, making sure to hide most of his own powerlevel still as he began to slowly fly towards their locations, knowing that hte closer he got to them, the closer he got to finally ending this little game::


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Serett nodded fully, and smiled widely. This was extremely exciting! Her? A super saiyan? It was beyond imagine. She turned her head to look to Klene, ready to follow her instructions. She felt her body surging with excitement.

((Sorry for short post. Not much really to write other than that.))


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Klene watched Serett. "I want you to start powering up until you get to what you feel is your full power." she said Her eyes would stay on the young saiyan. "When you get there I want you to push your limits. Think of your planets destruction, Mr. Felix, your mother. Think about how angry it made you. I want you to get angry and let your power explode!" she practically barked at the girl.

[[Its fine. My post isn't much longer.]]


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Rayl was sitting quietly in his pod, blasting at incredible speeds through the galaxy, the only sound that could be heard within the ships confines was the fast, frantic tapping of Rayl's foot as he grew impatient, though anyone would be being followed by some of Chill's low level goons. They had spotted his ship, and attempted to contact him through his ship's communication relay, but Rayl had only unpleasent things to say back, hence the chase.

"Damn thugs... I can't fight them in space, and I'll run out of fuel if I don't stop soon and fight them..." Rayl said quietly to himself, bringing up his navigation map to pick a planet to land on. After a few moments, he picked out a planet that was supposed to be uninhabited, just a big ol' rock floating about in the ether of the universe. Just as good a place to stomp those soldier's heads in.

His pod crashed into the planet, with Rayl jumping out as soon as the pod's door opened, and was then promptly brought back down to the ground by it's heavy gravity.

"Crap... Not good" He said, having to raise his power level a bit to accomodate since he didn't have time to get used to it. He looked up into the sky and could see the pods chasing after him as they began to fall as well, but Rayl would make sure this was one on one. He raised his hands and gathered a dark purple energy into his palms, charging the attack to make sure it took one of the pod's out.

"Oblivion Wave" He shouted, releasing the blast and completely wiped out one of the pods. The other crashed near his own ship before Rayl could fire off another blast, so Rayl instead focused his energy into his index and middle finger on his right hand, aiming for the door of the pod that had just crashed down. The instant the soldier stepped out and was surprised by the gravity, Rayl took the chance to blast his Oblivion Bullet into the thug's head, causing him to drop immediately.

"Easier than I thought... Glad they weren't elites" Rayl said, taking a moment to relax before activating his scouter and scanned the planet, surprised to see three energy signatures, all of them very high. There seemed to be a group of two with a third flying towards them, at a very high speed. the two's power levels were both high, with one rising fast.

"Geez... Don't like where this is going" Rayl said, flying towards the two power levels, knowing he couldn't catch up to the traveling one if he tried.


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Serett nodded, listening to her mentor's words. She spread her feet, slamming them on the ground, and clenching her fists. Her entire body tenses. The young girl's body began to muscle out lightly, as her power level rose. "Huuuurrrrraaaaaaaaaaaagghhhh!" Here voice echoed angrily through the barren wastes. Her powerlevel began to skyrocket from her base. 50,000. 60,000. 70,000. Finally, the powerlevel began to crest out about 75,000, obviously nearly reaching her peak. Her voice deepened, her anger fueled this maximum power of hers. 78,000. Her teeth gritted in her mouth, remembering the pain that those men had inflicted on her. Her mother. The closest thing she had to a stepfather. Both gone. All of her friends, family. Her entire plannet fell at one man's hand. Deep pink energy radiated from her from, shaking the ground under her. Bits of rubble around them would rise.

Her powerlevel hit it's maximum, just at about 80,000. A strong glow now encompassed her form. The energy that seeped from her almost seemed like a dark pink flame as it reached out heavily. Her eyes wide, and face angry, she had her mind set upon the horrors that had been visited upon her. Her powerlevel was only rising by single numbers at a time...and at a slow rate.


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Klene watched her pupil power up before her. The angry voice not only echoed not only through the surroundings, but through Klene as well. As the powerlevel of the younger saiyan shot up she had to raise her arm up to shield her eyes from the rubble. "Keep it up Serett" she shouted encouragingly. Klene could see the anger in her pupil, her aura was unusually dark. However she knew that it wouldn't be enough, she needed more. Serett needed to let her anger and grief consume her. "Think about the THING that took everything away from you. Think of what you have left, what you hold close. Picture him taking that from you and let your power explode!" she would shout the last part.


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Serett's upper body curled heavily, trying to focus on Chill. How much she hated him. How much she wanted to hit him so hard it'd knock him back into space. She roared, her head jolted back, letting her voice ring to the heavens. But her power level wasn't going anywhere fast. The fire in her soul was yet to be fully lit. She pictured it in her mind. Chill taking away the last thing she truly cared for. She would never let that happen. Her power level began to rise faster, but it was still not even to the 81,000 mark yet.

She felt like a match - she was trying to light something bigger inside of her, with something that could only bring forth little changes. She tried, with every ounce of her might, every breath dedicated to ending Chill....


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Klene continued to watch. She knew that it wasn't very likely that Serett would be able to achieve the transformation. Part of the equation had to be necessity. However it did not hurt to try, she thought. "You could never lay a finger on Chill the way you are now, you have to push yourself harder." she said. Klene knew that this was a stretch, to think this would work. 'Just a little longer, a little more.' she thought to herself.


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::He stopped, nearing the girls as his scouter started to beep, reading one of their powerlevels rising up suddenly as he could only slowly smirk:: ... Very amusing indeed. So, it seems something's happening. Well, whatever it is their doing... I might as well let my presence be known to this entire waste of a rock! ::He laughed to himself as he then spread his arms slowly while still in mid-air, a dark purple aura surrounding his form as he began to scream out then, no longer feeling the need to hide anymore. His powerlevel suddenly skyrocketed as it went from the simple 20,000 he had been hiding at, and becoming towards the 100,000 he was known for. His eyes were widen with the need for vengeance behind them, his entire body literally shaking with excitement as he couldn't help but chuckle out some madness that he had been wanting to let out for weeks. Once his powerlevel hit 80,000, his scouter had detected a third powerlevel, heading for the girls. But he didn't care. All he cared about was the girls, those annoying, little, brats. Not even waiting for his powerlevel to stop completely, he raced off towards the girls as fast as he could, his powerlevel nearing 90,000 as he went:: No more hiding girls... It's time to show you both true fear!!!


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Serett roared again, trying as hard as she could to press herself to the next level. But alas, no transformation would come, after a few seconds, her power level stopped increasing, and balanced out at 80,000 again, before starting to fall. She dropped to her knees, breathing deeply, panting even as she sat there. Tears came to her eyes, and the mixture of sadness and anger welled up inside of her finally came out.

"I... I don't think I can..." She muttered....

Meanwhile, back in her space pod, her scouter was going off, trying to warn the absent wearer of the power level that approached.


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Rayl stopped as he neared the two power levels, touching down close to them, but was still giving them some space. No need to give off bad vibes right off the bat, especially when in the presence of women... though they still didn't seem exactly glad to see him there. They had probably shared his belief about the planet's lack of inhabitants when they first arrived as well. From the looks of things, they were using the place as a training ground.

"Sorry... didn't mean to interupt anything. I got chased here by some of Chill's goons, but I took care of them already. Thought this place was supposed to be barren, so imagine my surprise to detect three huge power levels on this little rock" He said, then used his scouter to find the third power level again... the moving one. Rayl's eyes widened, then looked back to the two girls.

"There's a pretty huge power level heading this way... and it's getting bigger. Looks like 90,000 and climbing... Tell me they're with you" He said, knowing full well they probably weren't. And if this were the case, then the women might need back up... though from the looks of them, they might not need it. The weaker of the two wasn't that far from his own power level, and the other...

Tails?, Rayl thought, just now getting a good look at the females. Tails meant saiyans... and one of them had blonde hair. But that could only mean one thing... and the implication ticked him off, to be honest. It's not a pleasent feeling to go from believing yourself to be strong, only to find someone on a rock floating in space that could wrap you around their finger and use you as dental floss. He grit his teeth, trying to push the fear he was feeling away, but he couldn't.

"You're a Super Saiyan, aren't you?" He asked Klene, obviously frustrated.


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Klene approached Serett and placed her hand on the girls shoulder. "Don't beat yourself up too much over it....You can always try again." She smiled down at her pupil. An unfamiliar voice came from behind, causing her to turn around and taking a defensive fighting stance. Klene stayed between Serett and the newcomer. "Didn't anyone ever tell you, you shouldn't sneak up on girls?" she said. Afterward he warned the two of a third powerlevel, fast approaching their location. "You sure that you just didn't get followed?" she said.

[[Klene isn't actually super saiyan right now. She had powered down after showing Serett.]]


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::That was when he arrived, flying straight over them and stopping, his back turned to them as he slowly flew towards the ground quietly until his feet hit the ground, his cape not blowing as he turned around slowly to face them all, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared at them all separately; the two girls he knew and hated, and the unfamiliar saiyan who had just arrived at the scene. He then focused his eyes on just Klene, making sure to make eye contact with her at all times as he kept his arms crossed, not even saying a word as he just seemed to... wait. That was all he did. He was waiting for a response at his sudden arrival, or some remark about his arrival. It didn't matter either way, the other two didn't seem to matte right now, his attention was just focused on Klene, who brought back so many uncomfortable memories that had occurred just two months ago::

Thunder's current Powerlevel: 100,000


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Serett looked up, smiling lightly at Klene...before she spoke to the newcomer. She was ready to power up, and take action, but the fellow really didn't seem too intent on harm. She simply stood, and looked him over. She desperately wished she had the ability to sense energy about now. She had no idea how strong the man was. But she digressed, as he warned the two about a second power level. She raised her eyebrow. Two people on this planet? Very, very rare indeed. But wasn't long before the power level showed itself.


Serett's powerlevel jacked up back to it's maximum of 80,000. "You! Dog's breath! What brings scum like you here?"


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Rayl scoffed at Klene's comment.

"No yeah, I didn't realize I was being followed while I had a scouter on. Give me some credit, will ya?" He said with a chuckle. the laugh was cut short as that third power level arrived, and his body tensed as the scouter read the man's power level. Six digits... Which did not bode well for Rayl. He looked at the women, who seemed to dislike the man as well, especially the younger one, who was openly insulting the man. Rayl took this to mean that this man was not a nice person, and after a moment of studying the man, he saw Chill's insignia on his armor.

Every time Rayl had seen trouble getting started lately, Chill's men were involved, and so Rayl had kind of started a war against his men whenever he found them, but he mostly ran into grunts and an occasional elite, but he'd never found a soldier whose power level got past 25,000. Rayl widened his stance and began to power up, his power level shooting up from 15,000 to his maximum, as rocks slowly began to rise from the ground and the ground beneath him began to shake, his body surrounded in a dark purple aura as he charged. when he hit 91,000 he stopped, not wanting to reveal all of his strength at the start. He waited to see what developed, not all that eager to throw the first punch against this guy.