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Dream or Reality?

Dream or Reality?


The year is 2249 A.D. and Doctor Albert Castle has found a way to tap into the people's mind and put them into a deep sleep that can last up to years and sustain the body. This causes many questions to rise... do we live in reality?

800 readers have visited Dream or Reality? since Enkisama created it.


The year is 2249 A.D. and the world has discovered that reality is not what they known. People begin to ask questions when a scientist finds a way to put people in a deep sleep for days at a time and their body sustaining itself. Are we living in reality or is this just a dream as well? Some people accept that this world is reality and continue on their daily lives when more people begin to fall into a deep slumber without any of the equipment that the doctor has use, and it becomes known as the Dreamstosis, a disease that slowly kills its victim.

Strangers then begin to find themselves in this so called dream world which sometimes when they arrive is so real, much like the common world, but other times it is so much different from what they could even imagine. Unlike others these select individuals don’t come down with Dreamstosis. Doctors in what is to believe to be reality try to figure out why they don’t come down with this illness and die like all the other victims, which eventually lead these individuals to gather together, not only in the dream world, but in the real world as well.

More questions arise, why wouldn’t they, if you can be put into a deep sleep that will sustain your body for the rest of your life in a perfect life, then what makes reality… reality? What if this is just a dream as well… what if they are in Doctor Albert’s invention to cause these slumbers in some other realm which has created this almost perfect life… and so on and so on.

Though our characters are basically immune to this disease, does not mean you can’t give your character the disease and have them try to cure it on their way. If you want an infected character have fun with it. ^.^

ο‚“ True Reality: Unknown
ο‚“ Common Reality: 2249 A.D year, advanced society across the world with robotics being the current slaves to humanity. Mythical beings: unicorns, vampires, wereanimals, fairies, all prove to be complete false tall-tales
ο‚“ Dream Realm: many different dream realms some have the fantasy characters above, others are like 2249 A.D, and even others can be controlled by very harsh emotions because this realm is still being studied by Albert and has not become a stable environment, which is why some people are catching the Dreamstosis disease.
o Rules on the dream realm
 Try to go with the dream that we start off in; though anyone’s emotional state can affect areas of the dream.
 Even though it is a dream realm and you can basically indestructible, remember, that you can kill your own body in this realm, so no Godmodding your character. No one can think fast enough when in danger to come up with all the solutions…

I'm only going to approve three other people for this roleplay other than myself. Remember you can have multiple characters... so don't be afraid to submit two or three characters to me. Thank you!

1. Enkisama
2. Kobochi
3. Open

Character Sheet:

Nickname: (what you want to go by in your dream? If your character does not have a nickname)
City and State: (Where your character lives in the real world)
Car Description: (small paragraph)
House: (small paragraph of your home)
Pets: (small paragraph)
This is only for when you are in the dream world really, some of the items can be in the real world, like a backpack that you may carry with you or something. But remember, you won’t have this equipment right away, not until the characters start to figure out the dreams a little more.
We all have a past, something that has shaped our personality and who we are today. You’re characters are not complete unless they also have something to go off on. Remember, we don’t remember everything in our past, some people repress them, so write what you know on your character now, and when they figure out more you can add it later.

Toggle Rules

1. Have fun
2. Follow site rules
3. Even though it is a dream world you don't get to god-mod, be reasonable.
4. Answer as soon as you can, I can get on once a day or so... so anyone who does not respond within a week will be kicked off.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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238 years in the future the world has changed much. No longer are we in an economic distress, but rather in an out burst. The cities have grown three to almost four times the size they were once before, some cities have stayed the same. New York, being an example, has not really changed much, it is more of a historical place now that builders are only allowed to repair but not build anything new. Robots have been created to help in every aspect, they even fight our wars for us now, though they are used more often as cleaning supplies or more explicit functions, which are not seen often.

Flying cars have been invented, and over the past hundred years now look like ground cars ranging from Ford-Honda. The world is revolved around Doctor Albert's new discovery in deep dream sleeping, though it cause an outbreak in Dreamstosis. The deep dream treatment is usually through a machine, but has lately been happening to normal people who are appearing the the same dream realm, which is not common.

Other places range depending on the cities that the characters live within. Though a big city will be Lexington, Kentucky because it is the center of the dream revolution along with the virtual game world.


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Lisa Taylor came on 2news with the upcoming discoveries of Dr. Albert, but Aragon did not really want to know anything about the doctor who discovered a machine that would put people in a reality of sleep. Instead he would worry about his own work, playing with the virtual technology that had changed him from nobody to a millionaire. Once the report finished, the women went on to talk about the new disease that had taken America by force, Dreamstosis. It was just another type of disease that took those in their sleep and kept them in that state till they eventually died. He honestly did not care about that either. He put some of his tools away, shutting down his computer that he had been working on the next Fantasy Core video game. He started toward the bed, clicking a button to shut all of the blinds on the windows.

Eventually, sleep took him, and he became comfortable. Then his eyes fluttered open, the world around him was completely engulfed in beautiful green grasses and tall brown trees that seemed to go on forever into the sky. He turned his head one way, then the next, not exactly knowing where he was. Was he not just in his bedroom in Lexington? He shook his head. "This has to be a dream..." he stated, pushing himself away from the ground and to his feet.

Aragon shuffled through the forest, trying to make sense of where he was; even the light breeze against his skin was so real. He turned his amber eyes from one spot to another and kept moving his hand through his long black hair to keep it out of his face. He had not tried Dr. Albert's machine, he did not need to, for the docs current patients it was for people who could not sleep at all. He sighed, Dreamstosis was suppose to take people who were asleep, but he had not been around anyone who was exposed to the disease so why would this happen to him?

"You to?" a velvet voice whispered over the spring breeze, and a man with messy brown hair stepped out from the brush. "I'm not use to having strangers in my dream..." he said softly, his brilliant blue eyes staring at the man. Nathanial stared at the Native-American man with curiousity, but did not move to stand closer to him.

"I'm not use to strangers being in my dream either... what gives?" he asked, looking the man over, then noticing that he was squinting, like the light hurt his eyes or something to that effect. "Are you okay?"

"Yea... I'm not use to seeing so many bright colors... it really hurts..." Nathanial responded, and then glanced around, turning his back to Aragon. "Where are we, do you think?"


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#, as written by kobochi
Eve finally got home from work and turn on the TV, she was not really looking at it or paying much attention, but it was something she always did when she got into the house. She started fixing herself something to eat when she heard about a new disease called Dreamstosis, she stop what she was doing for a moment, she had heard some people at work talking about it, from what she heard it made people who fell asleep stay asleep, in a dream state until they died, she returned to what she was doing not giving it much thought.

After she was done eating she changed the channel to some music "Enough news" she said as she got up of the table taking her plate to the dishwasher, feeling really tired from an early morning and a busy day, she turned off the TV and headed to her room, taking her shoes off and letting herself fall face down on the bed, "I shouldn't sleep now...I wont be able to sleep in the night" she said trying to convince her sleepy self of staying awake, but she only kept getting sleepier, "I shouldn't sleep in the night..I wont sleep now.." she kept saying now as she was now falling into deep sleep.

In her sleep she started to hear the sound of water as if a small creek was near, then the sound of wind ruffling the leaves of a forest, she sighed "so relaxing" she thought, but only when she felt a bug on her nose was when she open her eyes, to see a green carpet under her, instead of her bed. Quickly she sat up and looked around, not sure what to make of what she was seeing, looking a bit further she discovered the creek, standing up slowly she noticed how real everything was "Am I really dreaming?" she asked herself noticing the forest that surrounded her.


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Aragon shrugged his broad shoulders, how was he suppose to know? He watched the other carefully, "What do you mean it hurts?" he asked, stepping deeper into the forest. "It is only light and color." He said, his voice holding a little rudeness to it as he spoke, though he did not mean to come off as such. Nathanial took in a deep breath, perhaps this was just another one of his bad dreams.

"I'm blind..." he said solemnly, "I'm not use to light and color... it really hurts my head..." he stated softly, walking after the other, not really wanting to get lost out here in the woods. He would not have minded if he knew what forest he was in on America's soil, but for some reason he did not feel like he was in America anymore, but in one of Albert's crazy machines for some made up world. "You would not suppose that Albert has something to do with this do you?" he asked quietly.

"Albert?" the man glanced back at Nathanial just before tripping over Frost. He landed heavily on his side almost hitting his head on a rock. "Shit..." he hissed, rubbing his head gently. "What the..." he opened one eye to see the girl just as Nathanial bent over and offered her a hand.

"Are you alright lass?" he asked.


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#, as written by kobochi
As Eve got ready to get up she felt a bump on her back and saw a dark skin man falling over as she stopped moving completely and just watched in what suddenly appeared to be slow motion and as he hit the ground everything went back to normal speed, Eve left out a somewhat tardy gasp of surprise, then she realized there was another man offering his hand to help her up, she took it. She was still a bit shocked from the sudden falling scene and the two guys, "Are you alright lass?" Eve brushed her hair out of her face "I'm....fine....why are you here?" she asked looking from one guy to the other then she left her eyes on the guy that tripped just moments ago "Are you ok?" she asked him. She felt confused, this was way to real, and that lead her to think that perhaps she was no longer in her bed but somehow she had been taken someplace else. She noticed some grass on her black skit and brushed it off. Eve felt a bit surprised by the blue eyes of the guy that offered his hand and the amber yes of the guy that had tripped, they contrasted each other so much.


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Aragon nodded his head, running his hand over his head once more and flattening his long black hair. "Yea I'm good..." he answered, pushing himself away from the hard ground to a firm standing position. "That hurt way to much for this to be a dream, I'm going to be super irritated if this Albert guy you mention is behind this." His voice was a little raspy from his anger. "I mean who does he think he is just using us as an experiment!"

"Don't jump to conclusions," Nathanial waved his hands before his face and took in a deep breath. "It was food for thought, I was not exactly saying that Albert put us in his machines, I mean Albert is from D.C, and I live in Ohio, there is no way he managed to get me in one simple night," Nathanial responded.

"Ohio?" Aragon kicked a stump near by and then held it in his hands as he cursed to himself. "You've got to be kidding me, if I'm back in Ohio I might as well shoot myself now."


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#, as written by kobochi
"Albert?" Eve asked not knowing at the moment what where they talking about, but then she remember, she had heard something about that man in the news, "The doctor?" she thought as she heard that one of them was from Ohio she looked at them, "I'm from Texas, and I'm sure I was at my bed before I woke up here..." she said as she looked around hoping to see someone else, perhaps someone that could explain, but the place looked vast and she couldn't see another soul near them, she sighed and looked back then suddenly fear hit her as she remembered something else she had heard in the news" You don't the dream sickness?" she asked them holding both her hands pressed against her chest.

Eve took a deep breath trying to calm herself, the blue eyed boy was right, they didn't had to jump into conclusions, perhaps they knew more about the subject that she.


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"Texas?" Aragon glanced over at the woman, then back at the man. "This is crazy. We can not all be in the same dream and live states apart. I mean I'm from Kentucky... I was working on the next virtual game pack when I passed out. So explain to me then, how the hell did I get here?"

Nathanial rubbed his temples, the lights and colors of the world were really messing with his head. He had been so use to everything being shrouded in black. "Look... ummm..."

"Call me Arrow," Aragon answered, not trusting these people with his real name. Even if they were just part of his imagination.

"Arrow," Nathanial sighed. "You need to calm down like Ms..." he glanced over at the younger woman. "Dreamstosis?" he was suddenly caught off guard has his hearing caught up with his thoughts. "You think we might be in Dreamstosis, I doubt that. The records we have in Ohio are that the people are having nightmares, at least the brain waves that they radiate during treatments are those of fear or anger. Unless we are all scared of strangers and a forest, I doubt we are infected with the dream disease."

"You've got to be kidding..." Arrow rubbed his head, a frown coming to his face. "Dreamstosis... we're going to die now."


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#, as written by kobochi
"Texas?" Eve nodded when the man with amber eyes asked, and he said he was from Kentucky and a virtual game developer, she really had no way to explain why they were there so she kept quiet when he asked for a explanation, she really had no idea how could three people who had never met end up in the same dream. The man of blue eyes seemed to have a head ache, "Look... ummm..." - "Call me Arrow" She looked at him as he was giving a nick name instead of he real name, well it was not that surprising, she wouldn't want to trust a couple of guys she just met her real name, "Arrow, You need to calm down like Ms..." she got snapped out of her thoughts as she realized he was talking to her "Frost" she said not really having time of making a nickname up, so she gave her last name, of course they didn't know that. The blue eyed guy explained why it couldn't be Dreamstosis, she felt a bit of relief, but still a bit nervous as the guy who asked to be called Arrow mentioned dying, she got her hand into a pocket in the skirt but found nothing, "o great my cell is not here..." she sighed, she had the habit of checking the time often when she was a bit skittish, "Maybe... maybe there is someone else here?" she asked looking at them, "perhaps we are not the only ones in this dream?"


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Arrow glanced over at Frost. "Yeah, perhaps there are other people here... we can't be the only three wondering around these woods." He glanced about the woods, then noticed a path forming not too far away from them. "So... ummm." he averted his eyes back to the blue-eyed man. "What do we call you?" he asked, then pointed to the path.

"Fox..." he answered, then followed the other man's finger. "Looks like a lead, we should stick together for now, who knows what will happen if we don't."


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#, as written by kobochi
Eve felt shivers as she saw a path forming among the woods, almost as if answering her imply of looking for more people in the same dream, she looked at the blue eyed man as he said to call him fox, "Arrow and Fox" she repeated in her mind so she wouldn't forget.
"Looks like a lead, we should stick together for now, who knows what will happen if we don't." she agreed with him giving a couple of quick nods, she couldn't keep her eyes away from the path as fear seemed to be getting stronger, she took a moment to breath deep, "control your self, is only a dream" she told herself as she clenched a fist a stood tall trying not to show that she was scared, "you are used to new places, relax". Eve sighed and relaxed a bit starting to feel a little better.


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In response to everyone's fear the wind began to brew around them, skimming through the trees and roaring over their voices. Fox realized that this would be the start of a very bad storm. "There is a storm coming, lets get to the path and see if it will take us to some shelter." He shouted over the wind. Arrow shook his head, he hated storms. He trotted over to the path, then paused waiting for the other's to follow him.

"Ms. Frost..." Fox held his hand out to her with a small smile. "We have to find shelter."


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#, as written by kobochi
Eve felt the wind growing strong quite quickly, she held her hair and skirt down, but then decided on just the skirt, she looked at Fox as he called to her
"We have to find shelter." and noticed his extended hand, she grabbed it as the both of them started to walk -"yes!"- she tried to answer back, but the roar of the wind ate the words as soon as they came out of her mouth. She held his hand with a tight grip, perhaps a little to tight for comfort at times, the last thing she wanted was to get separated with the storm, she noticed the dark storm clouds as they approached, she felt worried but decided not to think about her fears, if this place was able to create a path out of them voicing they need to find something, she was not voicing any fears, and if possible she was going to avoid thinking of them.


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Arrow was already ahead of them on the path, though he stopped now and again to make sure that Fox and Frost were able to keep up with him in the awful wind. As they continued down the path it began to sprinkle, then it began to pour down on them. "Some dream!" Arrow shouted out in frustration. He then mumbled to himself. "It can conjure up a path, and a storm in minutes but not a freakin' house? This is impossible!" The last part he shouted again, but the wind came through and gobbled his words as if he never said them to begin with.

"Look!" Fox's voice came over the wind. He pointed in a general direction where an entire village was shining over a small hill. "A village! There might be an inn!" He called out to Arrow, who by then began to jog in that general direction. Fox continued to follow, they were almost there. The wind was getting stronger, and tougher to fight against as they grew closer to the village. Then they were there, the rain clinking against the glass windows and wood of this medieval town. Arrow was at a door, a sign above him saying Scotworth's Tavern. He opened the door, waited for the other two to catch up before stepping inside.


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#, as written by kobochi
Eve heard Arrow scream something but she only heard the word 'dream', he was probably complaining about the climate, she saw that it seemed he was still shouting something but she couldn't hear a thing, she could hear Fox "Look!", she looked at the direction in where he was pointing, she could see lights "A village! There might be an inn!", Frost was so happy of finding a place were they could find some shelter, she tried to keep up with them as the wind grew stronger.

Frost was soaked when they got close to the village, the strong wind made the rain painful as it lashed against her skin and face, it was cold and painful she just wished they could get there faster, she looked at the village as they entered, it look...old, as they got to were Arrow was she read the sign 'Scotworth's Tavern', she was so cold she was shivering and her lips were turning blue. She quickly followed Arrow inside the inn.


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Arrow, unlike Frost who stood near the entrance, walked up to a counter and asked the man who was clean bar glasses if they could have a room for the night. The man nodded his head and told him that because of the storm the rooms were free to travelers. Arrow was happy to hear that something positive for once considering that none of them probably had the correct currency for this village to begin with. He grabbed a room key. "There is only one room left, we'll all have to share. He said their are clothes in the closest we can change into." He stated, kinda surprised that a tavern this old would even think of keeping clothing stocked up in their rooms for rain storms, then again it seemed like a good idea if they had no cars.

"Alright, lets get changed, start a fire and figure out what is going on." Fox responded, starting for the stairs then paused. "Where is the room?" And just as he asked about it a small trail of golden dust started up the stairs to show them where they needed to go now. "This is crazy." He shook his head, not exactly sure what to think about his dream.


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Arrow, unlike Frost who stood near the entrance, walked up to a counter and asked the man who was clean bar glasses if they could have a room for the night. The man nodded his head and told him that because of the storm the rooms were free to travelers. Arrow was happy to hear that something positive for once considering that none of them probably had the correct currency for this village to begin with. He grabbed a room key. "There is only one room left, we'll all have to share. He said their are clothes in the closest we can change into." He stated, kinda surprised that a tavern this old would even think of keeping clothing stocked up in their rooms for rain storms, then again it seemed like a good idea if they had no cars.

"Alright, lets get changed, start a fire and figure out what is going on." Fox responded, starting for the stairs then paused. "Where is the room?" And just as he asked about it a small trail of golden dust started up the stairs to show them where they needed to go now. "This is crazy." He shook his head, not exactly sure what to think about his dream.


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#, as written by kobochi
Frost tried to hug herself as she walked across the room to the stairs, the promise of dry clothes made her hurry a little, as she got close to the stairs she got startled as a thunder shook the glasses of the Inn, she looked at the path of golden dust "So we follow the golden road?" she said as she looked at the dust that seemed to shine even in the dark corners, she followed the guys into a middle sized room, it was completely dark except for a corner were a candle lamp lighted the place, there was a chimney with logs in it but no fire. She looked at the closet were she supposed the clothes were, "I'm going to take a look" she said pointing at the closet and looking at them as she walked to it, her hair was dripping as she wished she could just wake up.


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Fox nodded, following the golden dust all the way up to their room, which was a little cozier than thought it would be. Of course it was just a bit small for three people, but big enough that none of them would be uncomfortable. He went over to the fire when Frost indicated that she was going to check the closet, and began to work on the logs to light up a fire. He had one going a couple of minute later.

"Well, was he right? Are there clothes in the closet?" Arrow asked, waiting patiently by the door, which he had closed behind him. He was not looking in her direction just in case she found clothing and decided to change. "If so I would really like to get in something dry and warm." He stated. Fox nodded his head in agreement, he would also like to be in some fresh garments instead of his soggy clothing that stuck to his body now.


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#, as written by kobochi
"Well, was he right? Are there clothes in the closet?" "If so I would really like to get in something dry and warm." Eve looked at Arrow, yes there are, come look and pick something up, she said as she took out some clothes out of the closet, most of them seemed to be wool tunics and pants, but she didn't mind wearing them, however they were very odd looking, she found one that seemed it would fit and looked around for a place to change, perhaps a bathroom, but she found no other door, but instead she spotted a biombo, she was nervous, after all she didn't know the two guys she was traveling with, what if they tried something? She sighed, the cold she was feeling was to much to keep thinking about that, she looked at them and pointed "I'll change there" she said and quickly made her way behind the biombo. She stood still for a second making sure she didn't hear any steps approaching, and quickly started to change, as se took off her clothes she got colder and started to shake a bit violently, but it passed once she got the dry clothes on her self, "Can I come out?" she asked in case they had taken that time to change as well.


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Arrow and Fox had gone through the closet around the same time. They found grey-green tunics that would work well for them for now so that they could stay warm by the fire. Because they were both men though, they did not mind privacy, only turned their backs on one another while the woman dressed behind the biombo. Once they were finished they both hung their clothing close to the fire so that it could dry when they heard Frost's voice over the thing she was dressing behind. "Yeah we are finished..." Fox responded, staring into the fire with some confusion. He knew what a fire was, but staring at it just made him wonder if that was what it truly looked like. This world could just be a bunch of lies that his mind was now filtering through.


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#, as written by kobochi
"Yeah we are finished..." Eve heard Fox answer and she came out of the biombo carrying her wet clothes, she saw where they had placed theirs, so she went ahead and placed hers near the fire as well, taking care not to put to close. The wind and rain were still strong as she looked out a window in the room only to see a curtain of rain that didn't let her see an inch away from the glass, she sighed and looked back at them "So what do you guys think we should do?" she asked as she found a spot near the fire and noticed Fox staring at it "Are you ok?" she asked hoping he was not getting to overwhelmed by the situation, she was hoping they would have an idea of what to do next since they seemed to know a bit more about the dream disease and the doctor with the dream machines, now that she thought about it, she wondered if the man that had given them the room was real.


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"I'm fine," Fox responded, he was just overwhelmed with all the visuals. He had not seen anything for years now and then this dream, it was all to real so he did not know it was really a dream or not. "We should probably figure out if any of this is real. I'm sure we are all trying to figure out if we are real to one another, so perhaps we should be a little more forward with one another."

"What is that suppose to mean?" Arrow answered, he sat on the bed. "You want us to tell you stuff about us so that when we wake up we can contact one another?" Arrow asked him. "Because if you two are real I don't know if you can be trusted, what if you are thieves that managed to get in my dreams and you want to know how I built my video games that everyone around the world that plays virtual reality love."

"So you are Aaragon?" Fox asked. He had heard his cousins talking about the man who created the virtual reality video games. "I'm not sure of your last name, but my cousins speak of you like your some god." He stated, then sighed. "That makes you a real person. Which means we are for sure in each other's dreams," he turned to Frost. "How about you. You said you were from Texas... what do you do there?"


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#, as written by kobochi
Eve listened to what they said, apparently one of them was real, according to him, he was the famous video game creator, but then again she had never seen a picture of the guy, so how did she knew it was really who he said he was? she was thinking of this and staring at Arrow, not intentionally but she was, "--You said you were from Texas... what do you do there?" she snapped out when she realized Fox was addressing her she shifted her attention to him and tried to figure out if she had missed something important from the question, but it seemed she had gotten the important part, "I'm... in the media business" she said not sure if she should give any information to them, "What about you?" she asked Fox, since she didn't know anything about him yet, she was worried still about all this dream thing.


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0.00 INK

"I'm a vet, for exotic animals. I work mainly at zoos, but I try to stay home as much as possible with my horses. They don't like me leaving them very often, so I tend to be a stay at home kind a guy." He stated, answering her question. "Perhaps we should get some rest and see if we are all still here in the morning?" he asked.

"Now that you mention it I am getting a bit tired, are we suppose to feel like that in our dreams?" he asked, not sure that was normal for the dream realm.

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View All » Add Character » 3 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Nathanial Alex
Character Portrait: Aragon Ramair
Character Portrait: Eve Frost


Character Portrait: Eve Frost
Eve Frost


Character Portrait: Aragon Ramair
Aragon Ramair

"Dancing heals the soul"

Character Portrait: Nathanial Alex
Nathanial Alex

"This is what you call color?"


Character Portrait: Aragon Ramair
Aragon Ramair

"Dancing heals the soul"

Character Portrait: Nathanial Alex
Nathanial Alex

"This is what you call color?"

Character Portrait: Eve Frost
Eve Frost


Most Followed

Character Portrait: Aragon Ramair
Aragon Ramair

"Dancing heals the soul"

Character Portrait: Nathanial Alex
Nathanial Alex

"This is what you call color?"

Character Portrait: Eve Frost
Eve Frost


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Re: [OOC] Dream or Reality?

Sorry I took so long to answer xP

Re: [OOC] Dream or Reality?

Alright. I look forward to seeing what you post on Saturday. I've already put up the first post.

Re: [OOC] Dream or Reality?

Thanks, I'll have him up by Saturday at the latest.

Re: [OOC] Dream or Reality?

Great Zane-Sapphire, I will leave the spot open for you then... and Kobochi, I've read your character. I have approved you. I will put the first post on tomorrow sometime, be watching for it. ^.^

Re: [OOC] Dream or Reality?

Made a character ^-^

Re: [OOC] Dream or Reality?

I'm gonna make a character for this role-play.

[OOC] Dream or Reality?

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Dream or Reality?"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.