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Dungeon Crawlers

Dungeon Crawlers


You are in a party of adventurers who take on quests for money. The more the quests the more they find about about villains. They now face death, weird monsters, mental maidens and more.

1,605 readers have visited Dungeon Crawlers since Aniihya created it.


You are in a nation called Silvera and you are in a party of adventurers who take on quests for money. Most of the people in the party have little to no experience and tend to overestimate themselves. This causes your party to perish often but luckily there are resurrection shrines in each village where you are reborn with your equip. As more quests are done, more experience is made and the closer the party comes to knowing about villains and how much influence these have. What will happen with them? And will you survive the weird monsters, bandits, mental maidens and manipulative people?

Silvera is a nation ruled by a council of nobles. It is known for its many dangers, dark forests and fooling landscapes (as a field area with cows and beauties most probably might in fact be very dangerous).

Time: Medieval fantasy
Equip: No modern weapons. Just medieval weapons, magic and armor (leather, plate, chainmail etc)
Playable races: Nearly any except for sparkling vampires.

Character sheet:

Clothing (eventually armor too)
Skills (a maximum of three main skills)

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#, as written by Sench
The group's battle against the creature was getting more and more ridiculous by the moment. When fighting a massive enemy that you couldn't hope to damage significantly by conventional means, it was usually a good idea to fight a war of attrition, so to speak. The wounds they could deal wouldn't significantly slow a hulking thing like this down much, but if they placed their attacks correctly, they could cause it to lose a lot of blood. That was what Beleth was aiming for with her spell; no matter how big, if a creature bled, then it could die from blood loss. Of course, this thing was just a head with legs, so there was no telling how its body functioned at all, but the same principle had to apply.

Unfortunately, just as it started looking like they were getting somewhere, the creature suddenly healed its wounds and got back on its feet, almost good as new. Beleth could only blink as she cancelled her spell, cursing about having uselessly wasted so much power. How could this thing just heal like that? There were plenty of creatures that had a strong regeneration ability, closing up wounds right in front of your eyes, but they couldn't just very well turn it on or off, it was working constantly. This thing, on the other hand, wasn't healing at all at first, but then it recovered from all the damage they dealt up to that point in almost an instant. She heard Belen shout at her to kill the thing, but she was in no rush to do so.

Sure enough, she could probably do it, if she killed herself in the process. But was it really worth it? Even if she was immortal in a way, dying didn't feel good at all. In the end, she wasn't even sure she would be able to take this thing down, since it could obviously handle much more than her own body. The archer tried to sweeten the deal, but it was insignificant. Her companions would probably disagree with her, but hey, she was a demon, she didn't much care if the whole town got leveled. Besides, it seemed as though some unseen force was orchestrating the whole thing to the end of letting Ea snack on one of her teammates.

Just as she thought that, Zenin took a bad fall and volunteered on being eaten. She didn't know what was going through his head at that time; hell, even if she died, if Ea ate her, Beleth would come back and unleash whatever sick torture she could imagine upon the little demon in her next life. In any case, the woman pigged down on her teammate and went super saiyan got a sudden burst of power as a result. In complete disregard of all common sense, Ea whizzed past the creature and sent the several ton thing flying with a strike of her hammer, which was apparently made of reinforced adamantium and had some sort of massive force field around the top. As an added insult to the laws of physics, not only did she jump fast enough to catch up to it, she also stopped at a precise spot in space. It seemed as though all the buildings around the place were in cahoots with her, since not a single one collapsed when the creature was smashed to the ground with enough force to leave a hole, even though earlier they were falling left and right from being kicked by it. For a moment Beleth decided it would all make sense if one considered the spherical objects of a magical nature and immense power that belonged to a dragon or something, but where such a weird thought even came from, she had no idea.

As Beleth set the creature on fire at the request of her demon teammate, she wondered about the whole thing. Once again she got the nagging feeling that the fight was ridiculously linear and nonsensical. If that thing could regenerate having lost most of its blood in a matter of seconds, why would it die from being set on fire? As awesome as fire was, it didn't exactly work that quickly. Yet the creature seemed to be dying, for good this time. It was almost like they were not supposed to be able to defeat it until certain conditions were met and a cool cinematic was shown, but now that it happened, the monster turned into a wuss. The young woman sighed; what the hell was in that drink?


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#, as written by Aniihya
(The grog was laced with LSD!) The monster had problems getting up and as its wounds started to heal, it stopped somehow as if it couldn't heal anymore.

-Short commercial break-

A boy sitting at a table says: "Mom what's for breakfast?" "Well, son. I found this cereal in the supermarket today. It's called Dungeon Crawlers the cereal. With all you favorite characters from it. Like Belen, Zenin, Ea, Beleth, Yauz, Aurora (who has not yet appeared) and Chaos with their first opponent as a big ass marshmallow (comparative similarity)." The mother said. Then the boy said: "Oh boy!" And dumps some in a bowl. The monster marshmallow comes out in a plop. The boy tries it finds it to be semi-delicious.

The next moment, the monster is sent flying through their home crushing them underneath. And angered Ea jumps on the monster hitting it with massive force saying: "Why wont you die!? Someone burn this thing!"


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Character Portrait: Aurora Gem
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#, as written by Honey
In the evening air of Villsdale in a calm yet busy plaza, little violet stars the size of teacups were twirling and shooting little, safe sparks in silver and white as a crowd gathered about to watch. The stars twisted and whizzed and whirled, one spinning like a spinning wheel through the crowd, hitting a little boy in the stomach and dissolving into a glitter rainfall. Voices near the back of the crowd buzzed, trying to get a better peek at this entertaining magic.

"Who is it that's causing this?" A gruffy, elderly man questioned, stroking his beard.

"I've heard from a woman closer up that it's a young witch." Replied a younger gentleman.

Indeed, if one were able to wriggle their way through the thick onlookers, one would find young Aurora Gem running her slender fingers in circles as the stars shed glitter and sparks and twinkling lights, shooting up into the air and back down, sending one to orbit up around her head like a shooting star halo. Her attire was just as interesting as her show, a worn, patched dress that hung to her knees in ridiculous shades of sharp, royal purple and sunshine yellow and tongue pink, and if one were to look closely one could see star patterns stitched in. Her black hair shone with violet sheen from the stars, giving her an even more mystical appearance, truly the stereotypical look of Silvera witches.

Before her feet, a pointed, black witch's hat was filled with gilded coins, approximately 30 golden pieces, which was pretty good for being out here in the plaza for the last hour or so. She had left the inn only hours ago to buy more cloth and some food that she planned on sharing with her adventurers party, however, when she arrived at the fruit stand the prices had increased since someone informed the seller that most fruits were out of season at this time. So, after buying a few yards of fabric and to satisfy her grumbling tummy, she plopped down on the street on her off day and started a little show. That melon would be so sweet and ripe when she got back to eat it...

There was suddenly a crash in the distance, one that startled Aurora enough to cause her star auras to dissolve into glittery powders and disappear. Not that anyone in the gathering had noticed. All heads were turned to the north were the crash had come from. Aurora didn't look up until she picked up her money-filled hat, shaking the coins to the safety of the bottom of the hat. What she saw when she did look up made her gasp and eyes widen like baby blue crystal plates.

It seemed a huge shadow had blocked out half of the sky, leaving part of the plaza in darkness. The people around her finally gripped their senses, seeing what the shadow was before she could, screaming and dispersing into chaotic sprints for safety. Aurora blinked and strained her eyes to see what it was, already knowing it wasn't anything good. She dumped the coins into her dirty little bag and placed the hat on her head, jogging down the street as to get closer and return to the inn. Perhaps they knew the cause of this.

She began to run once she caught two heinous-colored eyes in the black massive shadow that was silhouetted by the sun. Being as thin and stick-like as she was, she could sprint as quickly as a tornado can suck a leaf into its center. She made it to the inn soon enough after, seeing her companions in the street before the building.

"What's going on?" She cried, face stricken with confusion and panic, counting and recollecting those who were out here about to fight this beast. Obviously, Aurora's question was not of top concern as the monster attacked, destroying homes and crying out in a horrible noise that made Aurora cover her ears and wince. Knowing the competency of her team, she ran inside to throw her money-filled bag on the table, looking around to see a frightened barkeep, saying over the destruction in the background,

"It'll be okay! My friends can take care of this! We're adventurers!" She gave a thumbs-up at the end of this, then, with a nod, she went back outside to do what she could to assist.

As the monster destroyed, attacked, screeched, Aurora did as much as possible to help, shooting glowing, violet auras shaped like blades at the creature's "feet", trying to keep back for the others to get in and kill the monster, growing excited and jumping and clapping at Belen's hits, then deflating as the creature returned to stance and continued on. In futile attempts, even causing Ea to consume Zenin, something Aurora caught sight of and squealed and covered her eyes, turning away, it seemed this monster was indestructible, taking the battle across town.

"Oh, my Artemis, how are we going to kill it?" She knew better than to take Lady Artemis' name, but she was growing ever more frightened and frustrated. She returned to the inn, looking around for her bag, an idea showing clearly in her expression. She spotted Chaos at the bar, confused why he wasn't out there using his EVIL powers to take the enemy down. She debated going and speaking with him, but shook her head as she grabbed her bag. The monster outside was a giant, and, due to lessons from Mama Gem about her cousin Leo the Half-Giant, she knew a thing or two about giants. In her bag was a little vial of a seasoning called, "Pompaqa", something used in witches' cooking that often enhanced magical abilities on a minor scale and acted on the body in the same affects of alcohol. Whenever her cousin Leo came over to visit, her mother always told her to not touch the Pompaqa in the low cabinet lest she spread the cherry-colored powder to Leo, which in turn could be deadly to his health. If this monster was full giant, then she could be able to kill it by smearing the powder on her hands and touching it. If only partial, she could at least sicken it, which would make it easier to fight.

Sprinting down the street yet again, winded already, she took the cork of the vial off with her teeth and rubbed the Pompaqa on her palms, holding them together so it didn't blow off. Once she found the monster laying in the rubble of a demolished house with Ea over it, shouting about how it wouldn't die, Aurora grinned proudly and called back,

"Ea, I have an ideaaaa~! I've got Pompaqa! It's a witch thingy, just watch! Keep it downnn~!" She maneuvered through the debris, hopping chunks of house like stepping stones, until she approached the monster, trembling as it was readying to get back up. Fear spread all through her like electricity, but she was already this close. She continued forward, frowning with obvious terror, face pinched, yet she held her hands out far, inching closer and closer until her palms made contact with the beast's skin.


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#, as written by Aniihya
"Sorry, Aurora. But Pompaqa probably will not work since this creature might be gigantic but no giant. I need something to burn it, smolder its flesh and make sure it cannot regenerate. Do you have a bottle of oil and black powder? If I could dump some on it and get it to consume some black powder, it might combust and burn to the ground. It would be worth a try." Ea said. The monster drew its attention toward Aurora, but Ea could fling it away with a strike of her hammer. "We have two choices: Burn it or draw it out of town since if I use all my power to kill it, then I might end up killing half the town with it."


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By this time, from the many spells cast trying to keep adventurers spry and the monster locked down (to no avail) he had lost much energy, probably more than he should have in the first place, his vision was going fuzzy and he was quickly stumbling along through the debris that the monster had left behind. He would've retched at the sight of Ea devouring Zenin like a hungry beast, but he was too tired to process anything at the moment. He eventually made it to the crater of the now burning body that was the monster they were "fighting." Hm, he thought to himself. "I bet I could rust the thing to bits if I tried hard enough." He offered up, it would certainly be faster than burning the thing, though he was surprised it hadn't asphyxiated yet. His scythe reverted to normal and he sheathed it. To be honest!, he didn't think he could muster anything past a minor life draw or a small heal to ease pain a little.

He took a quick note of his comrades, all of them didn't show any outward signs of exhaustion, except him. He only had a few moments before bad karma started to take its toll. The small area that he stood on collapsed and he took a huge dive at the burning figure, he kicked and struggled and managed to stop just short of the large bonfire. "Does ANYONE have a rope that they don't need?" He yelled up at his party. If not, he would have to climb his way up from the bottom, not a fun task. "Oh, and hi Aurora, where ya been?!"


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#, as written by Honey
Fear abruptly engulfed her as her mind made the connection that her plan wouldn't work, already starting to scramble away from the beast, pressing herself against a partly erect wall of a nearby house. She heard Ea's instructions and thought, positive there was oil but not black powder in her rugged, dirty bag. Again, tense panic gripped her, trying to fight such as she dug into her bag, feeling fuzzy objects and two glass bottles. She continued to slip away from the beast, pulling both out. Both were unlabeled, clear liquids. Now behind another section of the destroyed walls, she shot around to call out to Ea,

"I think plan B is the best one right now!"

She ducked back behind the wall, terrified enough that she had forgotten the fact that she could simply manifest a bit of black powder into her palm, running and skipping about to get to a safer distance to attack.

As she prepped herself for such, she caught sight of another of her adventurer crew, Yauz, advancing towards the area. She slung her arm outwards towards the creature, hitting it with a thin, silver aura like a whip, hearing it snap against its flesh. She went for doing such again when Yauz began plummeting for the flaming body, letting out a little yelp, and flinging her arm back behind her, uncertain truly on how to help him out. Whip could equal rope. Although half-afraid of hitting him with it, she jogged over to where his voice came from and tossed the illuminated aura out to him, replying to his greeting,

"Just relaxing, I guess.", ending such with a nervous chuckle.


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#, as written by Aniihya
As Ea heard that Aurora didn't have the black powder and recommended Plan B, a smile grew on Ea's face but it wasn't the good kind of smile. It was twisted, wicked and full of blood lust screaming for violence. So Ea began to wildly beat on the beat hoping not to make the earth rumble so that buildings wouldn't collapse. The monster wasn't moving anymore but Ea didn't want to risk it not being dead. "I will finish it off, to save you guys the pain." Ea said and laughed psychotically. The monster was beginning to turn into a blue paste. A white light came from it as if its spirit was free from its body. Ea stopped and turned around: "Now to the townspeople for letting such a poor girl turn into this thing." She felt like she could just go and pillage because of the possible injustice the town has done.


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#, as written by Smith
Belen lay on the floor where he had fallen. In his mad dash, the archer had tripped and tumbled on to the cobbles, saved from being crushed only by Ea's explosive burst of power. The sky spread out before him, and as each ragged breath came, Belen tried to muster up the strength to stand. It would not come so easily...not after what he'd witnessed. Belen squinted against the glare of the sun and decided to close his eyes as he contemplated.

First of all, why did Ea's race not rule the planet? If all it took was a corpse to bring them to the level of a demigod, the cannibal-people should have conquered Silvera and all beyond it centuries ago. He could see Ea tearing through a small army on her own, so why did she decide to live life as a sellsword?

Grunting with effort, Belen brought his battered form up from the ground. After getting his feet under him and dusting himself off, the archer glanced at Beleth. He had a million things he could say to her at the moment. Sarcastic comments, an angry outburst, maybe even a punch to the face, although Belen was not one for striking women. All of it, however, could be traced back to the woman dispersing the energy of her own spell as Belen practically begged for her aid. He'd watched the glow that suffused her hands fizzle out and the look of quiet contemplation on her face wax in the face of such a hardy foe. Beleth had been ready to watch him die simply because she did not think the beast a surmountable obstacle, or whatever reason she could conjure for her lack of action. Oddly enough, Belen walked right on by her.

He passed Chaos along the way. That warped little weasel was as much to blame as Beleth. Not acting at all was just as bad as doing something and then giving up halfway through in Belen's book. What made things worse, was that they were supposedly the two best offensive magic-users of the group, for miles even. The fact that they were next to useless irked Belen to no end. Yauz helped, but draining life one iota at a time was not quite as visceral as a flaming sphere to the chest. Belen spat and moved to retrieve Zenin's armor and weapons, still stained with chunks of the changeling's viscera.

It did not take long to find Ea's mess. She'd blasted the beast in to a depression in the town square. Belen scoffed; she was mindful of property damage? He stopped near Yauz and Aurora, trying to catch Ea's eye as she wailed on the monster.

"So," Belen said, flipping one of Zenin's daggers, "You knew then. That fire would burn it down?" it was more of a statement than anything. There was no room for dispute in his tone, as he figured the situation was plain enough to piece together, even for the child-minded Aurora and Chaos. "So you could have gave the order for fireballs, firebolts, lightning blasts, heat waves, fel-flames, bloodfire, any of the thousand-thousand fire spells that Chaos and Beleth could muster between themselves from the very beginning. You could have...but that wouldn't have been fun. Is that it?" Belen absently wiped off some of Zenin's blood that had rubbed on to his tunic. "You needed an excuse to eat someone, so you conveniently left that part out."

A stare, dark and accusing, was all that passed between Belen and Ea for a moment. He looked askance at Aurora, but he had no words for her. It would have been easy to admonish her for her blatant tardiness, but she was was easily the weakest magician of their party. He doubted she would have done much of anything anyway.

Carrying what he could of Zenin's remains and gear, Belen made for the local church of Nakal. It would take everything he earned from the mission, but Belen was dead set on getting Zenin resurrected by the best the town had to offer. Belen cringed. Zenin had more courage than he...there was always a great chance that the Gods would not allow your soul to return to the physical plane...resurrection would be a far more commonly used service if it were otherwise.

Symbols drawn in the blood of the fallen adorned a runic circle near the center of the church. Men in blue and black robes chanted so softly that Belen could not make out the words, but the power behind them was enough to make his teeth itch. In only a few minutes, the spell was complete, and light poured from the dias, bleeding in to what little was left of Zenin.

Belen leaned forward in his seat, eager to see if his ally would return from the Nether in one piece.


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Character Portrait: Chaos E. Destroyer
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#, as written by Waenos
Chaos kept drinking his ale while watching the battle. He noticed Aurora, whom he had conveniently forgotten about before due to the fact that her existence had been concealed by higher powers, yet was now suddenly remembered again by all the members of the group, jumping into the fray. Now that he suddenly remembered her again, he thought she was a sweet girl, with great potential for EVIL. She'd need some training before her potential was realized, however.
And then Zenin was eaten. It was always a bit disturbing a thing to watch, but at least it seemed like Zenin had given Ea permission to do so. So it wasn't that bad. He did hope that the girl would eat something else instead. Like cookies. His cookies would surely have a similar effect. Well, a bit too late now, perhaps, since Ea already had eaten the shapeshifter and gone Super Saiyan had her massive boost in power. In that state, she truly was powerful -not as powerful as Chaos, of course, who was EVIL, but still powerful.
Suddenly, he realized something. Cheered by this idea, Chaos stood up and headed over to the large bag where he kept his belongings. Since he definitely did not have any broken bones, moving was not an issue. He went through it for a moment before taking out a positively EVIL looking small jewelry box, made of ivory with silver engravings, decorated by ornate carvings. It looked ridiculously valuable. And EVIL, of course. Smiling EVILly, holding the box in his hands, he headed out of the inn.

The battle had already ended. His minions had won, as expected. They were his chosen minions, after all, so there was no way they would lose. Though he had considered the monster a potential minion as well, so it may not have been an easy fight. In any case, they had won, so there was something he needed to do.
He walked towards where his minions had assembled, slowly -which was certainly not due to pain or anything of the like. He was EVIL, after all. He arrived, and took an EVIL pose. He quickly looked them over, and realized that Belen was not there. And neither was Zenin, who had been eaten, obviously. Well, he'd have to deal with them later. This was too good an opportunity for him to pass up. He took a deep breath, and then spoke with a loud voice, making sure they, and all the people around them, heard him clearly. And with an EVIL, well-practiced voice, different from his usual one.
"Well done, my minions. You are to be praised. For the great EVIL you have committed, you will be rewarded." He showed them the box he was holding, and opened it, showing them what was inside. "You may take one." Then he hesitated for a moment, and when he continued speaking, he had reverted to his usual tone. "Or two, if you really want to. Maybe even three. I wouldn't want you to be unsatisfied."
Inside the very expensive-looking jewerly box were cookies.


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#, as written by Aniihya
"But we didn't know from the very beginning of the fight that burning it to the ground would be necessary. Ha ha!" Ea said to Belen. He then seemed to have walked away.

Then Chaos came along and said something about "his minions. Ea was angered by hearing the word "minions" again. So she punched Chaos. "I am not your fucking minion and you arent an evil overlord. You are just a pathetic loser who does nothing to help the group and you call yourself evil because it may raise your self worth, but I just think it is a delusion of yours and annoying!" Ea said with an angry voice. "Now do not bug me with your presence, you adolescent imbecile. You are officially the groups pack mule!" She then turned to the others and said: "Why do we still have him in the group! He never fights and ends up hurt or dead. Then he annoys us with stuff like how evil he is, when he is not!"


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Zenin had never spoken to anyone who had been resurrected, or even someone who met death for a moment only to be brought back to the plane of the living for whatever purpose was left for them in this world. He had sacrificed himself after doing all that he could against a creature he'd never even heard forgotten rumors about because he and all his skills and worldly knowledge had been useless against such a beast. Now he drifted in the shadow. He had no form, no body at all to speak of, just a voice, his own, and sight, even though he had no eyes. Was he a ghost, a spirit, a phantom on the black wings of the night? He didn't know.

If his sacrifice had been in vain, he didn't know. If he had saved the rest of his companions, he didn't know.

Around him, the shadows began to darken and swirl, as if to surround him, and for a moment he believed he was being sealed inside some dark coffin. Would this be the final end for the doppelganger, lost to the Shadows which he had served for so many years? He could almost feel what was left of him being torn apart.

But then, quite suddenly, there came a blinding bright light. It was just a pin prick at first, a nail hole in his coffin, but soon it began to grow, brighter, larger, banishing the shadows which guarded his soul. Now he could see though his own eyes, see his hands before him, his legs below him, and knew himself to be whole once more. Whatever the shadows had taken from him, this light was now returning. But then, it wasn't a light, or not just so at least. There was something there, a figure, which as it came into better view he recognized from places of worship as the god called Nakel, whom he believed to be the god of light and life restored. Did that mean someone was bringing him back to the world of the living? Or was this something else? Was it that maybe his time was simply not over and he had more to do?

Suddenly, he felt cold, and the lights were not as bright as they had been only seconds before. As his vision cleared he could hear low voices, chanting something he was not meant to hear. Above him was a ceiling. There were windows but no light came through them. Candles were lit all about him.

Sitting up slowly, the chanting ceases, and something it wrapped around him. Looking about he can see his leather garbs and daggers, looking further he can see a rather battered and tired looking Belen in the corner, watching. A priest lends him a hand and lets him stand, helping him into the robe which had been draped around his shoulders. The fabric was soft, warm. Looking down at his hands he realized he was in his natural state. His skin was a pale grey, his hair a stark white, his eyes black. So far he had let none of the others seem him in this state, and after a moment he quickly changes back to his usual look.

"You brought me back?" Zenin asks cautiously, pulling the robe tighter, watching as someone comes with a cloth and bucket and begins cleaning his belongings.

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Silvera by Aniihya


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Character Portrait: Ereandrill Strangelight
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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ea Matan
Character Portrait: Zenin
Character Portrait: Yauz Orthum
Character Portrait: Aurora Gem


Character Portrait: Aurora Gem
Aurora Gem

"I don't see why you're upset.. I just turned him into a dog.."

Character Portrait: Yauz Orthum
Yauz Orthum

What? Sorry, I was asleep...

Character Portrait: Zenin

You'd be surprised what all the shadows can hide

Character Portrait: Ea Matan
Ea Matan

You know the cuter the guy the better he tastes.


Character Portrait: Yauz Orthum
Yauz Orthum

What? Sorry, I was asleep...

Character Portrait: Ea Matan
Ea Matan

You know the cuter the guy the better he tastes.

Character Portrait: Aurora Gem
Aurora Gem

"I don't see why you're upset.. I just turned him into a dog.."

Character Portrait: Zenin

You'd be surprised what all the shadows can hide

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Character Portrait: Ea Matan
Ea Matan

You know the cuter the guy the better he tastes.

Character Portrait: Yauz Orthum
Yauz Orthum

What? Sorry, I was asleep...

Character Portrait: Aurora Gem
Aurora Gem

"I don't see why you're upset.. I just turned him into a dog.."

Character Portrait: Zenin

You'd be surprised what all the shadows can hide

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Most recent OOC posts in Dungeon Crawlers

Re: Dungeon Crawlers

OMG, sorry for being away so long, I still have tons of stuff to do over the weekend. I finally have time to check in and say I'm still here so yeah. I should be able to get back to posting by Sunday evening.

Re: Dungeon Crawlers

So, um.. I was going to stick with this, too, but I have an in-real-life reason on why I'm backing out. I've been procrastinating on a huge literature summer assignment that I have to finish if I want to be in Honors, so.. I'm out. Also, the angered air kinda put me off. Even though I agree with the others on its "Japanese anime" quality, I for one expected it since I've role-played with you before. But I was going to stick with it anyway because I expect it will get better. Yet I've got 2 weeks to read Huck Finn and write a 400 word summary on that and another book so.. Good luck with it, guys. c:

Re: Dungeon Crawlers

Well normally if a creature regenerates itself rapidly, it is rather obvious to either burn every last cell of it or turn it back to a protein mass. Plus my character told the other characters as soon as she got an idea to burn it! So dont give me crap about, "your character didnt tell us early enough"! I only know that my character was overpowered, the opponent was far too strong and that I wish that I had an online dice generator to eventually play by pen & paper roleplay chances to avoid such overpower. In the future, I will have to tell you ahead of time on infos of the creatures and opponents that aren't so "clear".

Re: Dungeon Crawlers

Yeah, you got more than a bit carried away with that fight. If there was a known weakness to the creature, you should have let us know some how, either through one of the characters having creature lure or your own telling us as soon as it was known to her.

I was debating on leaving the roleplay too. I love the idea you put in the Intro, but so far this has been nothing like it. It has been fun, at points, but you've made your own character way more OP then you let on that a character could be made, and that creature was way too over the top for a first encounter. I sacrificed Zenin hoping to have things end quickly afterwards, but with what looked like 6-8 posts after that it looked like that was more or less for nothing as well.

Having said all of that though, I do think this can be a good roleplay. I'm sticking to it, for a while yet at least, but you need to tone down everything, and give us more info on what's going on. I know as the GM you can have whatever happen, but even so, our characters will have knowledge of the world that could help and might know at least something about what's going on.

Re: Dungeon Crawlers

Sorry. Think I got a bit carried away. But it isnt like your character didnt contribute towards defeating the enemy. But anyways, I will make future opponent easy enough for everyone to have their good part on its defeat. And I feel better, if you tell me about whats wrong or any concerns that seem unfair instead of stopping to post because then I know what I need to change.

Re: Dungeon Crawlers

Mm, yeah, Sench has the right of it.

I was on board with the biting comments and disregard for the happiness of the party and whatnot, up until the first encounter turned out to be a freakish Japanese myth creature...then the onii-chan and onee-chan...then the whole putting the battle on rails. It was made painfully clear that we would not defeat the monster until your character got to eat one of us.

I mean, it's cool to set objectives that have to be completed in a certain way, I do it all the time, but forcing other rpers to take a backseat is kind of suckish.

Soooo...yeah. I think i'm dropping out. Somehow I feel worse about announcing it than if I had just silently stopped posting. *shrug*

Re: Dungeon Crawlers

What? D: Please dont leave. The next opponents it wont be so. I promise. But to Smith yeah I will edit my post so that my character responds to yours.

Re: Dungeon Crawlers

On topic, seems like the fact Beleth set the monster on fire was also ignored.

Anyway. I haven't posted in a while, and here is the reason. This is far from how I imagined this thing, and I just don't feel like continuing.

Most of it is quite enjoyable, but then there's the part where we get ridiculous over the top OP anime physics, and that really doesn't sit well with me. I could get over it, but what's the point when everything that happens seems to be for the sake of emphasizing how special a particular character is?

Sorry guys, I'm out.

Re: Dungeon Crawlers

...he accused of of getting her rocks off by purposely not telling anyone about the fire thing just so she had an excuse to eat someone...

Smith wrote:It did not take long to find Ea's mess. She'd blasted the beast in to a depression in the town square. Belen scoffed; she was mindful of property damage? He stopped near Yauz and Aurora, trying to catch Ea's eye as she wailed on the monster.

"So," Belen said, flipping one of Zenin's daggers, "You knew then. That fire would burn it down?" it was more of a statement than anything. There was no room for dispute in his tone, as he figured the situation was plain enough to piece together, even for the child-minded Aurora and Chaos. "So you could have gave the order for fireballs, firebolts, lightning blasts, heat waves, fel-flames, bloodfire, any of the thousand-thousand fire spells that Chaos and Beleth could muster between themselves from the very beginning. You could have...but that wouldn't have been fun. Is that it?" Belen absently wiped off some of Zenin's blood that had rubbed on to his tunic. "You needed an excuse to eat someone, so you conveniently left that part out."

A stare, dark and accusing, was all that passed between Belen and Ea for a moment. He looked askance at Aurora, but he had no words for her. It would have been easy to admonish her for her blatant tardiness, but she was was easily the weakest magician of their party. He doubted she would have done much of anything anyway...


Re: Dungeon Crawlers

She didnt ignore him, the only interaction I saw was: The stare. And why Ea's people did not rule the planet? Have Belen ask Ea himself. There will be an answer.

Re: Dungeon Crawlers

I almost regret having Belen storm off in the face of such AWESOME CONFECTIONARY PROWESS.

Also, was my post not seen, or did Ea ignore Belen, or what's up with that?

Re: Dungeon Crawlers

My character just punched your character for saying "minions". :P

Re: Dungeon Crawlers

As an Out of Character note, the cookies Chaos makes really are delicious. Very delicious. Unnaturally so. The best in the world, by a wide margin.

Re: Dungeon Crawlers

We might just have him idly follow the group like an emotionless zombie.

Re: Dungeon Crawlers

Yay, I get to start implementing bad luck! Also, rememeber Aniihya, you have control of Yauz after Saturday on le east coast. Or I may kill him and have him resurrected later, I don't know yet.

Re: Dungeon Crawlers

Hey not all the characters are as good as they see themselves to be, just like how Chaos is evil but only in his dreamworld. By the way, Zenin come back in one piece from the Nether. It probably would get too ridiculous if the priests would resurrection him inside-out with Zenin screaming "KILL ME!!".

Re: Dungeon Crawlers

Oh, just a heads up, not ragging on anyone in particular with my post. It's just a rant from Belen's narrow point of view. Well, except for the stunt Ea pulled. That's some morality sh*t we gotta deal with.

ALSO. Hai Honey!

Re: Dungeon Crawlers

Well, I wasn't exactly sure what is looked like. I mean, I imagined it like a giant slimy blob creature, but then I remembered one post included it was blue, which doesn't really help my brain in relation to any other features, especially since the image of the monster included in your post didn't show up, just that annoying little clear box. So I kind was like, "Well, I'll just try this, and if they don't like it or if it doesn't make much sense, I'll edit it all". Urgh, so I'll change it if you wish.

And I think bandits would've been a lot better for a first task. A lot easier. Plus, bandits are classic. (;

EDIT: Never mind about editing. Just gonna.. write up a post in helping bait the monster. Okay.

Re: Dungeon Crawlers

Though a large monster is not automatically a giant. And the monster is able to regenerate, so to kill it, it must be completely destroyed, either burn or turn into pulp. Man, I should have done a bandit raid as first opponents.