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Mika Sakuragi

"A soldier I was born, and a soldier I shall die. Finding the thing worth dying for is all that matters."

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a character in “Eternal Darkness”, originally authored by Dynamite, as played by RolePlayGateway

So begins...

Mika Sakuragi's Story


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Character Portrait: Kiyoshi Tsuji Character Portrait: Mika Sakuragi
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Kiyoshi sighed, placing the paper he held in his hand, down upon the cherry wood of the desk. His sister had finally left to Vasilios Nero's home where she was to be kept. He allowed a frown to pull on his features when he thought about it, and the decision his father made. He still couldn't understand why his father would do such a thing, offer his daughter as a means of appeasement to another vampire. He understood Nero was a rather powerful pure-blood, but he did not know just exactly how powerful the man was. Then, there was the matter of his grandfather. He had shuddered, visibly, when the thought had crossed his father's mind to present his sister to his grandfather, and it was a sickening thought, almost. His grandfather was not a patient nor benevolent man. He knew Raamah's outlooks on half-breeds and humans, and he did not wish his sister upon that.

He could not understand a lot of the way pure-bloods thought, really. Dhampir or human, they were more than just mere cattle. In fact, they were not cattle at all. Did they not see, they were all the same? They all bled, and granted, vampires had abilities that humans lacked, humans were still quite as capable and resourceful that they could sculpture something along the ways if they needed to. They could defend themselves if they truly thought about it. Regardless, Kiyoshi banished these thoughts as he took a soft breath. He was finished with most of his paperwork and arrangements for meetings. Speaking of meetings, he had one coming up in an hour or two. He couldn't remember really. Meetings were never truly his forte as they had always brought up uncomfortable topics.

This particular meeting was to be about the current situation on the human population. After vampires practically enslaved them, humans were becoming fairly scarce. If they were to keep the humans from becoming extinct, they needed to find a new source of blood. It has been long outdated, and an unnecessary practice of feeding off of a loved one, that the idea doesn't seem as second-natured as it once had been. For a moment, a vision flashed over his eyes, a woman with bright golden hair and deep brown eyes, filled his vision. He remembered this woman, her scent, her touches, everything that was her, he remembered. She was a human, that much had been painfully obvious, but she was also someone whom he had trusted.

A mistake that would have cost him his life if it were not for his guard, who now stood beside him as he walked aimlessly down the hall. He glanced at her from the corners of his eyes, and offered a gentle smile. "Are you well, Mika?" he spoke as if he were addressing another of his rank. Though he was not, Kiyoshi was not a man who would be so fickle as to hold rank above all others. He saw a person, not a title, and he regarded everyone as such, using more familiar suffixes when the time came for it for others. "I hope all is well with you," he added.

Mika Sakuragi was not, as a rule, a very talkative person, perhaps something she had picked up from her father, Rikichi. She was sparing with her words when they were needed, and generally did not speak when they were not. So it was most often in silence that she followed her charge, Crown Prince Kiyoshi, around to his various appointments, meetings, and various court events, no louder than the shadows with which she could blend. And she was his shadow, really, because where he seemed to radiate light and charisma, she was rather plain and darkly-hued by comparison. It suited her well enough—like Rikichi, she was of the opinion that she was not meant to be admired or even really looked at. The more people who failed to notice her, the better she did her job.

When the prince vacated his desk and headed towards the meeting, then, she did not initially speak. His movement seemed less purposeful than usual, but if she had an opinion on this, Mika did not voice it. In fact, she was surprised when he addressed her, and not in the pleasant way. Perhaps she should not have been—he had always been like this, speaking to her as though she were someone of importance. It made no sense to her. She was, put simply, a lower being, and held a lower status besides. Even her father’s station was not hers to claim, because he was not her father by blood, but by kindness and his mercy. Many dhampir were not as lucky as she was, to be raised by someone that loved them, and she had never let this go to her head. She still had no rights in this society, and she was tolerated only because she was the very best at what she did and bore her servitude with grace and no presumption.

But she could not very well refuse to answer, because he was the prince and she was a member of the Guard only. She kept her eyes moving warily as they walked, always looking for the faintest sign of danger. She’d once thought that he was safe in the company of someone he loved, and she had been very wrong. A foolish girl’s mistake, and one she would not make again. He was never safe, and it was her job to make sure that the danger was dealt with before it reached him truly. “I am as I have always been, Your Highness. Your concern is kind, but wasted on one such as I.” Her words were dull, flat in tone, and they betrayed nothing, except perhaps a mild discomfort with being the subject of anyone’s attention or concern, however small or brief.

“I believe your meeting is down the south corridor, Your Highness.” He was walking in the wrong direction—she got the sense that he was not presently very mindful of his surroundings. Mika knew him well enough to understand that he was probably thinking of her, then, and she tried to ignore the vague stab of guilt that lanced her with the realization. It never failed.

Kiyoshi smiled gently at her response. Shaking his head lightly, dislodging a few stray strands of platinum hair in the process. She was always like this, no matter how often he spoke with her. She always responded with short, curt answers, nothing more and nothing less. There were times where he wished she would just open up, just a bit, to him at least, and say what she truly felt. He was not a telepath, and he could not read her mind. He did, however, audibly sigh when she referred to him as Highness. Were they not friends? She did not have to address him as such. He turned his gaze to meet the profile of her face, studying her for a second before turning his attention back towards his destination.

"Mika, you do not need to address me as 'Your Highness'. You are allowed to call me by my name," he spoke, though it was said in a tone that would give her the choice to do as she pleased. If she continued to call him Highness, then he would not stop her. She was free to make her own decisions, and part of him was grateful that she had that day. Instead, he simply smiled softly at her statement. "My concern is freely given to those who deserve it. If you deem it unworthy of being wasted on one such as you, then I am afraid that I cannot agree. You are my guard, and my friend, Mika," he spoke, his voice laced with truth.

"Do not think of yourself so lowly. You and I are the same, are we not?" he questioned, though he knew it to be redundant. She would disagree, as she always had, but somehow, he could not bring himself to frown at the thought. He blinked a bit owlishly when she had spoken they were headed in the wrong direction. "I suppose it is," he replied, turning to face her. He glanced down the opposite direction, then towards the direction he had originally been walking towards. "I think they can handle the situation without me. I quite enjoy our little walk," he stated, smiling before continuing to walk down the wrong direction.

Mika’s lips pursed in obvious disapproval of her charge’s choice of action—while it was true that the meeting could be handled without him, he seemed sometimes blind to the influence that he really had. Good influence, though she would never admit such a thing out loud. Even when they would not be swayed by his words of equality and sameness, as she was not swayed, they were often forced to gentle the measures they would have passed because of his presence and his power. That he was not going meant there would be no such mediating influence. Still, the meeting was on a relatively minor manner, and she supposed he must understand what was politically necessary much better than she ever would.

She could not understand his insistence on these matters. He always seemed intent in reminding her that she was allowed to use his name, but that was ridiculous. He might allow such things, but that did not mean that the rest of them would, that his father would. If the King caught a mere dhampir addressing his oldest child by his first name
 she doubted even her father and the prince together would be able to save her. It verged on treason by some interpretations, and the King was not known for his charity regarding the rules. That comment, she chose not to answer—her response would be obvious enough when she continued to address him by his formal title. They were not friends. They could not be. He was friendly to her, but he was friendly to almost everyone. She took this as an indication of his nature, not of their relationship. And she was always formal, besides. Life would be easier for both of them if things stayed that way, so she did not understand his insistence to the contrary.

There was one thing, however, that she would say, for she could not say nothing. He would allow it, of course, but that did not mean it would be proper not to answer him. “Your Highness, we are as different as night and day. You are the Crown Prince of the entire Castle-City and everything beyond it. I am a half-human abomination with nothing more to speak to my merit than my skill in this one thing that I have sworn myself to do. Nobody but you has ever seen fit to forget this.” Perhaps the one liberty she did allow herself to take with him that she would never have with another was to speak completely frankly. She didn’t share her personal feelings with him, as a rule, but she did not generally sugar-coat what she did say, either. It wasn’t really in her personality to do so unless she absolutely must, and so this was the one way in which she allowed their relationship to be different than that which she would have shared with any other pureblooded vampire.

He should have known better, he really should have, by now. She would never budge from that facade of hers, and she would not address him as anything other than 'Your Highness'. It only caused the frown to return to his face, though he walked a few steps ahead of her so she could not see it. The heave of his shoulders, though, was an indication that he was indeed frowning. Night and Day? Then what was he? As far as he could tell, she was the Day, he the Night. He sighed softly, tilting his head slightly behind him to glance at her.

"You are many things, Mika. You are my guard, my friend, a warrior worthy of her merit, and most of all, my savior. You are not an abomination, but a blessing. If it were not for you, I would not be alive today, Mika, so thank you. For being alive, for being my blessing," he spoke, turning his attention back to the front of him. He meant every word he spoke. If it had not been for her, he would have died at the hands of the woman he loved, thought he loved. It was why she was his savior, his blessing, because without her, he wouldn't be here.

Mika realized belatedly that she’d actually stopped walking, stopped breathing, when he said that, and she hastened to catch up, padding noiselessly over the carpeted stone. Nobody but her father ever spoke so kindly to her, and she found it perhaps more shocking than she should have, coming from him. But His Highness was kind to everyone. It was that realization that allowed her to return to her normal frame of mind. Saving his life had simply been the natural course of her duty. There was no need to thank her for it. She chose not to think about the pain of the moments afterward, when she had cast her dagger at his feet and knelt, brushing her hair to the side and exposing the back of her neck.

She had fully expected to die, then, but he had not killed her. It would have been within his rights—it was always within his rights to kill her. But in that moment, he’d had a reason to. Whatever her motivations, she’d killed his lover. Had her own actions not shocked her so much, that dark, fearsome thing that she had become to do it might have done worse. She’d been expecting death, and instead he’d allowed her to keep her life. He’d even insisted on keeping her as his guard, which made even less sense, because those events were always in the air between them now. Their rapport was not the formal, but still congenial, one between her father and the queen, nor even the more informal one between that worm Atol and the King. There was always that unspoken series of events there, because they had never spoken of it. She would not dare, and she doubted he would ever want to. It didn’t take a telepath to understand that he mourned her still, even five years later.

Still. “I believe, Your Highness,” she said quietly, as impassively as she could manage. “That you are mistaken about which of us saved whom.” But then she sealed her mouth shut, and would speak no more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haruka Tsuji Character Portrait: Rivka Atol Character Portrait: Haruki Blake Character Portrait: Raamah Atol Character Portrait: Kiyoshi Tsuji Character Portrait: Mika Sakuragi
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Nero looked across his desk at his ward. The girl’s posture was perfect, and proud, her chin lifted stubbornly against any possible resistance he might offer, as though she still expected him to reach his limit with her, after all these years. Of course, she was not entirely unjustified. What she purported to be doing was dangerous to her, and those were usually the only decisions on which he cared to voice his dissent. He knew not how it had happened, and he didn’t really care, but she had somehow become something indispensible in his life, something that he didn’t wish to be without. She was the only such person, though he would also admit to some level of respect and fondness for Rikichi. “You are certain?” he asked, sipping his tea.

Aurelia blinked. She’d honestly kind of expected him to tell her how stupid this idea was, and frankly, she sort have would’ve agreed. It had been only three days ago that she had announced to the entire High Council that she spoke now not only for the humans and dhampir they had silenced, but also for one of their own, the Vigilante Einar. And to prove it, she’d happily told Chancellor Schrodinger and Lord Blake to check their coffers this morning. She was sure Einar’s work would be the talk of the events tonight, if he’d succeeded. If he hadn’t just been setting her up. But no, she believed him. This was as much his chance to prove his intentions to her as it was hers to prove herself to him. “Yes,” she replied firmly. “I’m representing more than myself tonight, and if any of this goes sour, I don’t want it reflecting badly on you.” Going as his companion, as she always did to such events, would unfairly associate him with what she was doing.

“When have I ever cared how what you do or say reflects upon me, Aurelia?” he asked her quietly, and she looked down at her hands. He finished the tea in his cup, then set it down with a soft clinking. He thought that perhaps, though she did not realize it herself, she might be seeking a degree of independence from him, a way to pursue her goals that was not entirely reliant on his protection. She would always need someone’s help, because she was one human girl in a world that would as soon see her consumed as elevated the way she should be, but perhaps this was simply Aurelia making the attempt to grow up, as it was called in common idiom. He wasn’t entirely sure he liked it, but that would not stop him from accepting it.

“Very well.” She would attend alone, and so would he. It was beyond unfashionable, but it wasn’t as though he really cared.

She brightened, her expression morphing into a lovely smile, and it was then that Nero realized for truth that his ward was an adult, and a beautiful one. It only made him
 uncomfortable. He knew well enough how pretty things were treated in this Court—one had to look no further than his own houseguest to get an idea of that.

“Oh! And I know! You can take Haruka instead of me. I’m sure she’d want to go!” Vasil’s left eye twitched just a shade. She was sometimes so very spot-on about people, but here he was afraid she was highly mistaken. If Haruka wanted to go to her father’s birthday celebration, then he was an archangel.

Still, she was looking at him with such optimism that he could only sigh. “You can make the suggestion if you like, Lia, but I doubt very much she will be inclined to accept. Do not let my status trouble you—if I really wanted someone to go with, I would find someone.” There weren’t exactly a small number of females with impeccable pedigrees or otherwise who’d trip over themselves to be his date to such an event. His houseguest would be a much less odious companion than any of them, but unless she had any desire to go, he would simply attend by himself. The constant flirtation that this would open him to would annoy him, but he would live. There were very few events that the entire Court was required to attend, but the King’s birthday celebrations were one of them.

He wondered for a moment if Hajime would actually take his wife this year or honor some other woman with the distinction. He’d taken concubines before—nobody cared, though a few would pity the Queen for a while. He wasn’t sure why; knowing the King, the woman was probably happier dealing with his company as little as possible. Maybe if the prince went by himself, as he usually did, Nero would have a few less bottom-feeders to deal with. Nothing enticed a leech quite like the promise of a crown. Rikichi and his daughter would be busy, he had no doubt.

Mika frowned at herself in the mirror. Requiring even the Guard to wear formal attire was ridiculous, especially the few females that served as part of the number. At least the men could wear dress uniforms, but no, the women had to actually wear gowns. Absurd. She’d skirted the very edges of the requirements by choosing to wear a kimono rather than a ball gown as such. It was only barely any easier to move in, but it would come off quicker if she needed it to—and she was wearing much more practical clothes underneath the white silk. The garment was patterned with silver leaves, denser at the bottom and wrists of the thing and scarcer as the eye traveled upwards. It was a subtle pattern and should not draw much notice, though it did wink softly in the right lighting. Unfortunate, but unavoidable. She’d clipped her short hair up and out of the way with a comb her father had given her, nothing more elaborate than redwood inlaid with a little white mother-of-pearl, so it matched the kimono.

It was annoying, but it would do. More importantly, she had to go find His Highness. She had not been informed whether he would be escorting anyone to the events this evening, though she expected not. He never had, since she had died. This made her job at once harder and easier. Easier, because nobody would be attached to his side the entire night and thus require extra attentiveness. Harder because that meant a lot more people would be trying to approach him. Council members could be snakes, but Court women were sometimes very shrewish. And they could get closer than a man could without provoking any suspicion but Mika’s. It made events like this one the bane of her existence as a guard.

Reaching the Prince’s door, she knocked thrice, then stepped back. “Whenever you are ready, Your Highness,” she said simply. She had the distinct feeling it was going to be a long night.

Haruki Blake was not happy. However, his countenance and mannerisms displayed anything but. His suit was crisp, clean, black and contrasted the cyan color of his hair. The four gemstones emblazoned on his cheek glittered. For a second, his crimson eyes regarded his reflection, sighing through his nose softly. He had no wish to attend the king's birthday celebration; in truth, Haruki never wanted to be within a mile of the man, but he had little choice.

Though if he were being honest, he had even less desire to go with the woman he would be escorting. Scarlet Latoya was perhaps the worst of the harpies in court, and Haruki knew very well that she was actually after Kiyoshi and not himself. Not that he cared. Any man could have this woman, but she was a popular figure, and he had to make the right impression, the opposite one of what he felt.

So, he currently found himself surrounded by people, each one chattering aimlessly on about absolutely nothing, it gave Haruki a headache. And Scarlet was the worst one. She was yammering on and on about how she was so sorry he had been robbed earlier that day. Her voice was light and sweet, and covered in a sickening honey that was horrid at covering up her contempt and her desire. He cared little for the woman's whimsies.

Rivka on the other hand was seated on the King's left, as was her rightful place. She had a smaller throne next to his, and was seated there as normal, the silver of her gown setting her bright red hair alight, and bringing out the silver undertones of her eyes. Still, this was the last place she wanted to be, especially with the blonde whore sitting on her husband's lap. She very rarely thought so of such people, and she could hardly claim to love her husband, but she at least was respectful of the fact that she was married to him. Well, she would also be killed if she was unfaithful, whereas the king could do as he pleased.

She allowed herself to sigh once, setting the smile back on as yet some other Noble came and gave their respects. Her eyes wandered the crowd, noting that her son had not arrived yet. That did not surprise her, and she was certain that every eligible woman in court -and some not so eligible- would flock to him. It sickened her slightly, knowing that they only wanted his status. She had no wish for her son to wind up like her, or worse, like her husband, though she didn't have much worry over that. Kiyoshi was nothing like his father.

Kiyoshi sighed, running a hand through his tangled locks as he tried to fix them. It wasn't a surprise, he'd normally had trouble with his mangled hair, but usually he managed. Taking a deep breath, he released it slowly as he let his hand fall to his side. He glanced at his attire, his eyes roaming around the white shirt, though shirt was perhaps the wrong term to use for it. His pants were neat, ironed out, and straight legged, black in color, and made of the finest fabric he owned. He did not like his choice of clothing; it wasn't comfortable, but he tolerated it. He tolerated it because it was his father's birthday today, and he had to make sure he looked his best. His eyes glanced over towards the door where the distinctive knock from Mika, signaled her approach.

"Mika," he began, pausing in his words slightly as he regarded her form. Even after all the years that passed, she attending his father's birthday with him, and at one time her, she never failed to dress her best. For a second, he thought he felt his heart skip a beat, but he simply ignored it and smiled softly at her. "You look lovely, Mika," he stated, exiting the room and closing the door with a soft thud, before walking in front of her. He turned his attention back to her when a thought struck his mind. He normally would not have bothered, because he knew what her response would be, but he'd ask anyway.

"Care to join me?" he stated, offering his arm out in the process, waiting, watching her and gauging her reaction. His eyes lit up slightly at the possibility that she would take his arm, however; he wasn't waiting on bated breath...or was he? He couldn't tell any longer.

Haruka had sneered, unintentionally, at Aurelia's suggestion. She had no desire to accompany Nero to her father's birthday celebration. The man was boisterous and obnoxious, and she would flat out tell him if she saw him again. She had no desire to do so, however; she also had the desire to infuriate him, to make him pay for offering her as a peace offering to Nero. She did not understand why the vampire took her, if she could read anything by the conversation they had had. She would not have been offended if he had declined, however; she didn't care much at all to begin with. She would have made life hell for Raamah all the same. At least with Nero, she had a choice, or so he seemed to say.

She sighed through her nose before glancing at her wardrobe. It consisted of all of the outfits she owned, some more formal than others, and knowing her father, it was supposed to be formal. She grabbed one of the gowns, a red Cheongsam, and placed it upon her form. The red was enough to contrast against her skin, giving her hair a boost in the illumination it held while the gold embroidering settled nicely. There was nothing too extravagant about the gown, and she had intended it to be that way. Though somewhat formal, it was still slightly informal, and she knew, without a doubt, that her father would be furious about it. It caused a small smirk to cross her lips, a dark light highlighting her eyes in the process.

"Soon, dear father, soon," she spoke to herself before exiting her room, and making her way to find Nero.

Nero, as it turned out, had unintentionally dressed to match. His suit was a crisp, pristine white, the shirt underneath it deep red, and the tie black. He raised a brow upon noting that Haruka appeared to have accepted Lia’s proposal after all, but he actually managed a sly quirk of the lips when he caught on to the game she was playing. Her garments just barely skirted the line of what was acceptable for such an occasion. It would be enough to make a stickler like Hajime quite upset. Unfortunately for the King, there was no longer a damn thing he could do about it, unless Nero allowed him to. “Playing to win, I see,” he observed neutrally, smoothing out the traces of his amusement. He’d been serious when he said she was free to do as she liked.

He did not offer his arm—though she was going as his companion, he did not presume to force the conventions of such a thing upon her, and instead they simply walked side-by-side until they reached the grand ballroom where the events were being held. There was not a small stir as they were announced—he was a rare sight at court functions and she entirely unknown, though the recognition of her half-blood status did settle on a few faces once they got a decent whiff. Nero simply matched his pace to hers and descended the stairs, taking up residence in his usual place for such functions. He did not bother to go greet the King—the man was clearly occupied enough at the moment. Haruka was of course allowed to go wherever she wanted to be for the moment, though he doubted she would find very much hospitality in this room.

Aurelia was already present, resplendent in a floor-length gown of soft blue, simple by comparison to most of the women, but in Nero’s rather biased opinion, she wore simple with more elegance than most of the harpies wore all the jewels they could afford. He’d grown rather tired of all the posturing, and it was indeed not long before he was surrounded by his own flock, inflated beyond the usual size because he seemed to be splitting the Prince’s usual horde with Lord Blake. Just barely resisting the urge to roll his eyes, he resigned himself to an evening he would dislike.

Mika stared with a rather dumbfounded expression at the arm that was being offered, and not in the way that women were usually dumbfounded by the prince, either. She was honestly having difficulty discerning on what planet in the cosmos this could possibly be considered a good idea. It was not outside the realm of protocol for a person of status to take their Guard to such an event as a formal escort had they no other choice. It was considered acceptable, if not preferable. Better than being without an escort, and somewhat convenient when close protection was necessary.

But Guards were usually nobles at the very least. Very high-status ones, at that, usually the second or third children—sons, mostly—of High Council members. Two of them, the ones who guarded the King and Queen, were purebloods themselves, of impeccable lineages both. For him to show up with a dhampir, and her of all of them
 it was simply unacceptable for someone of his stature, and he should know this by now. Pursing her lips, Mika shook her head and folded her hands into the sleeves of her kimono.

“You are not thinking this through very well, Your Highness,” she said bluntly. “Such a ridiculous notion would not only destroy your already-damaged reputation, but also infuriate your father. Please proceed as usual.” She didn’t say it, but Hajime could and just might have her killed for daring to presume. So she followed him, in his shadow as always, and was glad when she did not draw too many ill looks for her placement. Most of the harpies had learned to accept her presence by now, though that was not to say that they didn’t sometimes try to drag him away for more
 private moments. It usually fell to her to provide a rescue when they did, something she had become rather adept at.

Inside the ballroom, she noted the monarchs on their thrones, the woman on the King’s lap, and Atol and her father flanking the thrones of their respective charges, in the deep blue and silver of the Guard’s formal uniforms. She thought it suited her dad quite well, and envied him the permission to wear pants. She much would have preferred to be in such getup herself. Both stood at parade rest, their hands behind their backs, watchful of the well-wishers that came to greet the monarchs. Another day, another insufferable social event


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiyoshi Tsuji Character Portrait: Mika Sakuragi
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Kiyoshi merely sighed in defeat when Mika refused, telling him he was not thinking properly. Perhaps, she was right. His reputation was damaged simply because he was not one to follow his father's rules per se. While he did still obey, there were certain things he forgot to care about, or at least things he was supposed to care about considering his title. One of those things was regarding status above anything else. He was supposed to put pure-bloods above nobles, and nobles above dhampirs and humans. Humans were to be regarded lowest of the low, and had no special meaning to them. They were simply supposed to be a means of a food supply. He sighed softly when they finally arrived in the ballroom of the castle. He spotted his mother sitting by his father, and offered her a small smile, and immediately he was swarmed.

He blinked as he stared at the women who seemingly appeared out of nowhere, each one already talking in their tongues of seduction (one he wasn't quite aware of really) and smiled at each one gently. He was too kind to these women, he had been told that many times by his sister, and by his guard, however; it was the only thing he could do. He could not simply brush them off, however; he couldn't exactly not interact with them. Though he could interact with others, just to ease the situation, but the swarm made it difficult to move. The official dance wasn't to start until a few minutes, however; other dances had already begun, and he had been asked more than once for one. He glanced towards Mika, and then towards the group.

"I am feeling a bit underweather, perhaps later?" he spoke, though it was spoken with a hint of lie, he was telling the truth. Gatherings like this only made him feel slightly ill if only because of the nature of it. Sometimes he wondered why his father even celebrated his birthday. The man was older than dirt, and really, if he wanted to hold such a thing, he could have just used the excuse and throw a ball, as he always did. Kiyoshi slumped his shoulders, for barely a second before regaining his posture. It wouldn't do him any good to appear without the grace he was required to have.

If she didn’t think it unprofessional, Mika might have scowled. Events like this were horrible, and not just because of all the posturing and condescending looks she would get. She didn’t care about any of that—her job was to protect His Highness. A job that became much, much harder when he was swarmed by buzzing wasps like these. Any one of them could have a poison stinger, and she’d have mere seconds to spot it and react, because they were socially allowed so close to her charge. Ironically closer than it was proper for her to be, save in emergencies. So she watched like a hawk, arms loose at her sides, one tucked slightly back into the sleeve of her kimono, where she tucked several throwing knives and senbon needles.

The one thing she did not allow was for any of the wasps to obstruct her line of sight on her charge. That was absolutely vital, and honestly there were so many of them that she was concerned she might miss something. Seeing little other choice for it, she sighed softly through her nose, her eyes shifting until what had been a dull black was a vibrant mixture of violet and electric blue, faintly aglow. The ability allowed her not only greater perception in general, but also some limited precognition. It had saved his life once before, and it might well do so again. It didn’t cost her any energy to use, really, she just disliked how flashy it was, how noticeable. If there was anything Mika wasn’t, it was flashy. Not like these people, with their brightly-colored silk and the jewels glimmering at throats and wrists and ears.

She couldn’t see anyone attacking him in the near future, so she allowed herself to relax just enough to cross her arms over her chest. When His Highness glanced back at her, she only raised a brow. It certainly wasn’t her job to make excuses for him if he didn’t want to participate. She did feel bad for him, constantly swarmed like this, but it was partly his fault for being too polite to all of them. People like Nero had the same problem, but that man was so apathetic that eventually, all but the most persistent gave up over the course of the night. Nobody gave up when the prince managed to make them all feel special. If he bore that burden, it was only because he chose it, so her pity for his predicament was rather limited. Especially because it made her life harder, too.

Kiyoshi kept his talk formal, polite, and very limited when the women began speaking with him. He took his time with each one, answering their questions as best as he could, and keeping away from the more personal questions. They were all interested, he knew, of what his relationships were, and he could see the desire, the lust behind their eyes, that it almost truly made him sick. There was only one person who dared to look at him and see him, and he would have given up everything for her, including his position as heir. He would have given her the world, if she'd have only asked for it.

But it was that memory that he banished from his thoughts as quickly as they had come, the gentle smile still present upon his face. When he had enough room to actually breathe, he excused himself from the crowd and fled to the confines of a table, taking a much needed breath in the process. Really, these women could be suffocating, but he wasn't one to deny anyone, and so the problem lay with him. It was his fault, and he knew that. But how could he have the heart to turn people away, even when he knew that most of them did not have the best of intentions for him? He simply could not. He glanced at Mika, having noted the change of color to her eyes, and he rose a brow.

"Are you well, Mika?" he finally questioned. It did not take a telepath to be able to read her mind, nor an empath to see that she was clearly displeased. He did not blame her though, for feeling that way. Crowded ballrooms were always a bane, and if he could have, he would have chosen not to attend his father's birthday. This day was for him, not Kiyoshi.

If she’d been able to read the direction of his thoughts, Mika would have disagreed with him. Not even she had really seen him, because if she had, she’d never have tried to kill him. Of course, she would never have dared say such a thing, and she could only suppose he was thinking about her from the look on his face. He never looked so melancholy for any other reason. It was an expression she had put on his face, when she’d killed her. Mika was the reason he did not smile. Some savior she was.

She blinked multifaceted eyes at him when he turned to inquire as to her health, then simply shook her head. “I am not the one who has to deal with them, Your Highness. Well
 not unless they attempt to become hostile.” In which case she would happily deal with them. Mika was not vindictive, as a rule, but she had been on the receiving end of sneers, condescending looks, and backhanded comments about herself for the better part of her life, and it only became worse when she’d taken this post ten years ago. Not that he knew, of course—they did it out of earshot of him, and she’d never tell. It would just give him another excuse to worry, and he did too much of that already.

“Would Your Highness care for some refreshment?” She wasn’t a servant, and bringing him things was definitely not her job, but
 she couldn’t help but feel a little bad for him, so she offered anyway. Honestly, she hoped Haruka was having a better time annoying her father than they were right now, because she was just beginning to remember how miserable these parties were in addition to being a pain.

He sighed, shaking his head politely to decline Mika's offer of a drink. Sometimes, it pained him that she was still so distant to him, even after all these years she has served as his guard. He understood the need to be distant given their rather vast background differences, however; that did not mean they could not at least be friends, and that was what he wanted. But he was only fooling himself into believing that she would eventually consider him more than just someone who needed to be protected. Instead, he turned his attention out into the crowd and spotted his sister with Nero. They seemed to be having a conversation, and he was snapped out of it when the official dance began.

"I do not feel comfortable dancing with any of the women here tonight, and I would feel much safer if you would do me the honor of dancing with me, Mika," he stated, standing up from his chair and offering his hand. Truly, he had no desire to dance with any of the women here, and his mother was currently dancing with his father. His sister, though adept in dancing, would not want to dance and so, his only option was Mika. He knew she would be displeased about it, however; he knew that she would not be able to refuse either. There had only, so far, been one attempt at his life, and if he chose to dance with someone in such a close proximity, there was no saying that they wouldn't, indeed, succeed if they wanted his life again.

"You cannot protect me from afar if I am dancing with one of the others, and it would do well for the both of us. I, to be protected, and you, to be as my bodyguard," he continued, something of amusement dancing behind his eyes before disappearing just as quickly. It was hard to notice it was there, but she would have seen it.

Mika did not look amused. For a moment, she stared at the proffered hand, a small crease appearing in her brow. She could see the logic in it, but she knew the logic wasn’t the whole reason he was asking. If it had been, she might not have felt so dubious about accepting. He wanted away from the wasps, and she could understand that, but
 she sighed through her nose, closing her eyes for a moment. When she opened them, they’d returned to their dull black color, the vibrancy fading from them as she regarded him flatly. She couldn’t really refuse, even if she did think this was another ridiculous overture of friendship on his part.

One day, he’d stop trying. She wondered whether she would be relieved when that day came, or in despair.

Shaking the foolish thought from her head—of course she’d be relieved—she curtsied formally and accepted the hand, laying her small, roughened one into it. She may not like Court, but she knew all the manners and the procedures. This much, her father had been certain to teach her. He’d also taught her how to dance, just as he’d taught Haruka. First as something to aid in her fighting, and then for its own sake. “If I don’t show up tomorrow, it’s because His Imperial Majesty has had me executed for daring to accept this, you know.” she said flatly, allowing him to lead her to the floor. It went without saying that she’d probably have a few wasp-stingers aimed at her, too. That was just how the political game was played.

Kiyoshi smiled when she took his offered hand, and led her to the dance floor. He chuckled faintly at her statement. She was right, perhaps. His father wasn't exactly known to be so accepting of half-bloods, however; she would also be doing him a favor. Though she would not realize it, she was staving off the women who his father had not particularly been fond of. Regardless, his face did darken a shade, though, at the thought. His hand reflexively held hers a little tighter than necessary before it relaxed again. She was his guard, and his friend, even if she did not consider herself so.

"Father is a bit harsh, but he will not have you sentenced to death. There can be no other who can be my guard and do their job as splendidly as you have. And I will not allow him to. It is the one thing I can do is ensure that punishments are not so harsh. But you will not have to worry about that," he spoke, his voice low and calm. He was the only reason why most punishments were not as harsh as they had once been, could still be, and it brought him a sense of relief to know that. Perhaps, one day, the throne would be his, and he could right the wrongs his father has done to the world.

It would take time, and time was all they really had, but he would do it. Until then, his job was to maintain those who wished his father dead. If he could keep punishments as lenient as possible, it would prove to keep most humans and others from rising up and starting a war. But if things continued as they were, Kiyoshi was afraid that a war would be brewing soon. "There will be nothing to worry about, Mika," he stated as they danced to the song. He'd make sure of it.

It was a little uncomfortable, dancing in this fashion. She was not one for doing so publicly, and there seemed to be more touch involved than she’d recalled. Perhaps it was simply because she was at ease with her father and Haruka, her only other dance partners, in a way she was not at ease, could not be at ease, with him. There was too much necessary formality in the structure of their relationship, so she was bound to be uncomfortable when it softened even a little. But at the very least, she didn’t have to think much about the dancing itself—that was so easy it was automatic. It was clearly the same for him. Mika sighed through her nose. She wondered if he even realized it was the first time she’d touched his person since she’d been bodily shoving him out of the way of a poisoned knife.

“It’s still highly irregular,” she pointed out, feeling the back of her neck prickle with the intensity of some of the stares she was getting. This was so inconvenient—he always made her job harder than it had to be. Then again, she couldn’t exactly blame him for this one—it wasn’t his fault that he was the prince, and that would have been enough to earn her the ire of many a wasp, even if he were hideous as an ogre, which he was the furthest thing from. But that wasn’t his fault either, so she tried not to blame him.

The sleeves of her kimono fluttered with their movement, and she raised an eyebrow as some poor unfortunate woman tripped over the hem of her own dress. From the smell, she was already a little too far into her cups—this event was miserable for other people besides them, after all. Some of them dealt with that less well than others. Most of the rest navigated gracefully past, and she righted herself quickly. Mika didn’t understand the point of dresses, really. “And there is always something to worry about, with you,” she replied frankly. It was true—he might be a good influence on things, but not everyone appreciated him for that. It led many of them to assume that he was soft and easy to take advantage of. In some ways, he was, but not in others. It was Mika’s job to be firm in his stead, when it came to certain things, but she was of no help in the shark tank that was the High Council. It did worry her sometimes, but she was rather surprised she’d admitted to it.

"Perhaps, but even so, irregular as it may be, it is only one dance," he spoke. He focused his gaze from her to the crowd around, and mentally sighed at the stares Mika and himself were receiving. He knew this would not make her job any easier, however; he did not particularly wish to indulge any of the others around. Most of the others were a little off, which honestly perplexed him sometimes. How was it that a vampire could become intoxicated when their metabolism was so high? They had to indulge themselves more than the average human, of course, but just how much more? He shook the thought from his head as another fell victim to the whims of intoxication, and shifted slightly.

"Is that concern I hear?" he spoke, his lips tilting up in a small smile before it disappeared. "My apologies then, if there is always something to worry about. I shall try to make things smoother for you, so that you will not have to work so vivaciously," he continued. When the song ended, he bowed slightly, formality of course, before regaining his posture. "You have my thanks, Mika," he spoke as he led her back to the table, once more surrounded by the wasps.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haruka Tsuji Character Portrait: Rivka Atol Character Portrait: Haruki Blake Character Portrait: Raamah Atol Character Portrait: Kiyoshi Tsuji Character Portrait: Mika Sakuragi
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Minus a few nearly-scandalous incidents, which were actually fairly normal, the ball itself proceeded without a hitch, at least until it was almost concluded. Nero felt the disturbance in the minds surrounding the room, in the human servants that no one noticed, the ones who kept the wine goblets full and the food trays circulating through the crowd. His own metabolism, being not vampiric, had long banished the toxins in the wine, but now that the night was winding down, those who had eaten or drank anything were beginning to feel the effects, and what had seemed an innocent case or two of strange drunkenness revealed itself to everyone else as what it really was: a poisoning, by precisely the people who went always beneath notice.

Within a few minutes, the majority of the guests were unconscious, and he was willing to bet that no few of them were dead. So the Hunters had finally developed a toxin that could kill vampires, at least when ingested in large amounts over a short period. It was truly unfortunate for the partygoers that indulgence was the fashion, and restraint unusual. Of all those who had attended, perhaps a quarter were left standing: he recognized among them the Councilmen Blake, Schrodinger, and Dane, the Queen, most—but not all—of the guards, including Atol, Rikichi, and Mika, the Prince, and of course Aurelia and Haruka, among other assorted guests.

Unfortunately for the Hunters, the King was impossible to kill, to anyone but him, really. It was part of their contract. As such, while the man should have been comatose from the toxin, he was angry instead, his face flushed ruddy as he stood from his throne, glaring thunderously at the situation. Nero watched the gears in his head turn, and then something click as he reached the correct conclusion, or a version thereof, anyway. “Guards. Arrest the servants. All of them.”

Nero sat back in his chair, folding his hands together and holding them just beneath his chin. For all that the king sat on the largest chair at the highest point in the room, it was Nero who most appeared to sit a throne, simply by unconscious body language. He did not know this about himself—as a rule, he was not very introspective, preferring to keep his focus turned outwards to what happened in the world. Not that he interfered of course—and he would not now. He read the concealed reluctance in Rikichi’s eyes as easily as he read the much more obvious glee Raamah was displaying, and the other guards seemed to have little opinion either way, though Mika hesitated for the briefest moment to leave her charge’s side.

It didn’t take long for the humans to be rounded up and corralled in the center of the room. Rikichi and Mika, along with about half the others, retook their posts thereafter, the others remaining to ensure that none attempted to flee the King’s particularly-depraved brand of “justice.”

“Do any of the Council wish to speak on what is to be done here?” Hajime asked. It was traditional to give the affronted a say in the punishment of those who offended them, especially if status favored the victims, as it did in this case. Seeing as how most of the actually affronted were either unconscious or dead right now, the Council was an acceptable stand-in. Nero, for his part, said nothing, merely watched with the eyes of a hawk, curious in a detached sort of way to see just what would happen.

As a rule, Haruka had not partaken in any of the refreshments provided at Hajime's party. She simply did not have the desire to dine with the ones she despised. She had remained where she was, sitting at the table with Nero when it happened. A majority of the king's guests were fainting, and she could only pull her face into one of mild shock. It appears that there was something in the refreshments, and judging by how some of the guests were disappearing, whatever it was, had killed some of them. She took in a slow breath as her eyes glanced towards where her brother was, watching and reading his expression.

Kiyoshi's expression had pulled back into a slight frown, watching as the guests fell. This did not bode well, and indeed, it had not. Hajime had immediately ordered that all of the servants, the human ones at that, were rounded up. He frowned slightly. Some of them appeared frightened, others appeared ready to accept whatever fate was going to be bestowed upon them. He knew exactly what the council members were going to say, and were Kiyoshi a part of the council, he would have spoken against it. Crown prince he may be, but that meant very little to being King or part of the council. He was just for show, nothing more. He frowned slightly, making to take a step, but a quick look from his sister caused him to stop.

She shook her head softly, a light frown covering her face. She too, knew the fate the humans would share, and her brother, should he speak about it, would not be spared any mercy for repercussions of his audacity to speak out. Some of the humans were innocent. They were just a typical servant who went about their job, however; that would not save them. Their fate was sealed the moment they were born human. Still, she could not keep the animosity from rising from within her as Kiyoshi allowed a small frown to mar his lips.

Rivka's mouth set in a grim line as she watched the guests fall, dropping like flies. Her stomach twisted, but she, as always, stayed put, and said nothing. It was not her place, even if she believed that the servants had nothing to do with this. She clasped her hands in her lap, the only outward sign of her inner turmoil the fact that her knuckles had gone white.

Raamah, on the other hand, wore a rather horrific grin; his King had given him an order, and of course he would oblige. He had to, after all. He himself, however, did not move. The lower guards would be responsible for the rounding up of the servants, as well as Thanatos. With a jerk of his head, the familiar clacked out of the shadows, snapping at a few of the humans who at first didn't listen. The skeletal creature stalked the line of humans in front of him, empty eye-sockets seemingly gazing at them.

The Lord Blake crossed his arms, looking as grim as the Queen; he too, however, said nothing. While he was the king's advisor, and could talk the man into just about anything, it would look inherently suspicious if he talked him out of this. Haruki had no wish to watch these humans die; it went against everything he stood for as Einar, but of one else knew that he was Einar, and therefore, the Lord Blake was expected to watch.

So he would.

Fortunately, there was one person technically on the Council who had no reputation to protect and had never hesitated to speak treason, when it happened also to be truth. Aurelia’s expression was positively thunderous, and though her nose wrinkled slightly when the smelly
 whatever-it-was passed her by, she drew herself up to her full height immediately thereafter and strode out into the middle of the floor, standing between the dais and the gathered humans. The King’s expression darkened to match, and they glared at each other for several seconds, both knowing very well what was coming. It had happened more than once before, for different reasons.

“How dare you,” Aurelia said, her voice low and shaking, not with fear, but with rage.

Hajime blinked, leaning slightly sideways on his throne so that his jaw was braced on his fist, looking down at her with all the disdain he could muster. Considering who he was, that was quite a lot. The foolish creature never withered beneath this, however, and it rankled him that he could not simply have her killed with the rest of the servants here. But unfortunately, he was forced to extend her the opportunity to speak, as she was Nero’s proxy for the Council seat he occupied. That didn’t mean he had to make it pleasant. “Oh? I rather think I can dare anything I please, human. I am, after all, the King. And you, my dear, are a filthy, dirt-blooded wretch. Look around you. This poisoning was clearly carefully planned, and would have required the cooperation of many people, working beneath the notice of my guests. The only ones beneath us here are like you. What defense can you possibly muster against the crimes that have been wrought here?”

Aurelia lifted her chin, and the glare she gave him was hard and flinty, as if something might catch fire from the hard spark to it. “For all of them? I muster no defense. Someone was clearly responsible for this, and that person or those people should be punished according to the severity of their crime.” She did not believe in using death to achieve equality, and she was firm on this matter. “But for each of them? You have no idea who did this, or even if it was any of these people at all. The responsible party could have left long ago, and you would have no idea. To punish them all because someone did this is ridiculous, and cruel. Furthermore, even if you desired to do that, they should be given a proper trial, as anyone else would receive under suspicion of the same.” She was sorry for the deaths that had occurred this night, she really was, but proceeding in this way would rectify no wrongs, and only create more.

The King sneered down at the girl, his lip lifting slightly to reveal the barest edge of fang. It was meant to intimidate, but she never once dropped her eyes from his. She didn’t even blink, just stood protectively before the huddled humans, no few of whom were looking at her like she was an anchor in a storm. In truth, she was probably the last hope they had, and even that hope was pitifully small. The King certainly appeared unmoved. “And the actual members of my Council?” he asked, flatly ignoring her. These people had whatever rights he decided they had, and right now, they had none. A few spoke, voicing the general consensus that he should do as he liked. A few of the more bloodthirsty suggested immediate execution. Dane, the soft sympathizer, pointed out that there really was not very much evidence as to who was responsible, but in the end, he disclaimed it by noting that it was, in fact, the King’s decision to make.

“It looks like you’re outvoted, girl. How’s that for democratic process?” She’d advocated such absurd notions in the past, and he enjoyed the way her face flushed a deep pink with her anger, several shades darker than her exotic hair. The King smiled wickedly, leaning back in his chair.

“Raamah, how would you feel about carrying out two dozen executions right now? Rikichi, restrain Nero’s pet; I’d hate it if everyone’s favorite nuisance got in the way.” Actually, he’d love it, because then he could have her killed accidentally, but he was not brave enough to attempt such a thing with Nero watching so sharply from his corner. Hajime could never help the slight flare of jealousy that the other man’s commanding ease produced. It was why he’d written the clause into the contract where the Devil had to publicly defer to him at events like these. He did not assume for a moment that because he did not appear to have any interest in the proceedings that he would not be instantaneously involved if the Rose was threatened in any way but verbally.

Rikichi moved to restrain Lia as Raamah descended the dais. Under the guise of stooping to lock her hands together with one of his own, the man leaned close to her ear and spoke so softly that none but she could hear. “I am sorry, Aurelia.” She did not respond, but he could feel the fine tremor that wracked her frame as, one by one, the humans were killed, right there on the ballroom floor. She stood otherwise stock-still and forced herself to watch every one of them. She did not flinch, she did not shout, she simply stood and made herself see, the tears coursing down her face absolutely silent.

Haruka felt a tremor run down her spine, her anger flashing before her sapphire eyes at the way her father addressed Aurelia. Truly, the man was becoming unbearable, and she knew then it was a poor decision upon her part to attend this party of his. She watched, unable to tear her gaze from the humans that were slaughtered one by one, not a single one spared. Something pulled at her chest when she spotted the pink-haired girl's tears falling down her face, and Haruka felt the need to do something. Hajime's reign of terror must be put to an end. Her eyes narrowed at her father, but she made no other hint of her anger.

It wasn't fair, that these humans were being slaughtered in the way they were. They deserved better than what Raamah was dealing, even if they were innocent. He was the type to draw out an execution, even if it was just by a mere second or two. Torture was his specialty, and he would let some of these humans die slowly. Her fists clenched tightly together, and it took every ounce of restraint she had to keep from going up to her father and committing treason right there and then. She'd find a way to remove that man from power, even if it killed her.

Kiyoshi, however, looked on sympathetically, watching and wincing as each human was dealt with. He took a slow breath, the smell of blood putrid to his nose as it filled the area. He was surprised that some of the vampires had enough restraint to not attack the humans themselves and just drain them. Hajime went too far, this much he knew, and he stared into the eyes of each human that died. He watched the life flee their eyes when they were executed, and it felt like a small part of him was dying with them. He couldn't explain it, however; to each one he mouthed an apology. It was subtle, hardly noticeable at all, but would be noticeable to the humans.

He sighed deeply, shaking his head as the last human fell to Raamah. This night could not possibly be worse than it had started off with, but knowing his father, there was bound to be more.

Lord Blake, too, was apologizing, but inwardly. On the outside, he looked bored. But he felt his heart go out to the humans, and to Aurelia. She was brave, but a fool. This was beyond cruel; it was pure madness.

Raamah had grinned when his king had ordered the execution of the humans. "With pleasure, Your Grace." He had descended, and drawn his greatsword. He'd considered simply stopping their hearts, but this needed a bit of a more graphic display, and so one by one, he beheaded them as he forced them to kneel in front of him. To make matters worse, Thanatos followed him, eating a part of each corpse, his long tongue stained red with their blood.

There was quite a bit that Rivka could watch, but this was not one of them. This was simply wrong. So she dropped her eyes into her lap. But she could still hear it, and smell it. This would be something she would not forget. It was the price she paid for being Queen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haruka Tsuji Character Portrait: Mika Sakuragi
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Haruka shifted her foot, sliding it so that it was further in front of her, and her body was leaning back. She held the tessen in her hand, twirling it in her hand before she slid her back foot forward, bringing the fan down. It was relatively easier to practice her skills now that she was no longer in that man's household. She had the privacy of practicing alone, or on the rare occasions that Mika would visit, she would practice with the other dhampir. Granted, she was not as good as Mika, though trained by the same man, she still appreciated the other woman's help.

It made settling into Nero's household easier as well. She had kept her word. She hardly made an appearance, only when she was needed, however; that did not mean she kept to her room. Indeed, she often wandered about the estate, leaving his side alone and exploring the other parts that were open to her. She had often taken to the library, reading whatever piece of literature he had that she had not read before. She sighed softly, pulling back in her stance and straightened out her posture. She tilted her head, rolling it around until she heard a satisfying crack in her neck. She stretched out her arm before assuming the first position she had moments ago.

A soft pree sound, somewhere between a purr and the sort of noise a dove would make, greeted Haruka before she could repeat her kata, and a twin-tailed kitten came scampering for the white-haired woman, gathering its legs underneath it and springing to land on her shoulder. Behind it, at a much more sedate pace, followed Mika, shaking her head faintly at her childish familiar’s antics. Laika liked nobody quite so much as she liked Haruka and His Highness, though the kitten’s obvious crush on her father was a little bit mortifying. The black-and-white creature rubbed her cheek against Haruka’s, blinking large red eyes up at one of her favorite people.

Mika’s lips pursed, her eyes narrowing with faint disapproval. “Nuisance,” she said flatly, folding her hands into the somewhat belled sleeves of her casual yukata. It was worn much more loosely than she usually would, because the uniform black of a tighter, more combatively-oriented outfit covered nearly every inch of her visible skin, and so the yukata, itself dark blue with a red lily pattern, was more for the sake of putting other people at ease than anything.

Her familiar stuck a tiny pink tongue out at her. “Drag,” she replied primly, but Mika only rolled her eyes. Honestly. How she’d ever wound up cursed with such an immature creature for a familiar, she would never know. She chose to ignore Laika and spoke instead to the other woman.

“Hello, Ruka,” she offered, her mouth turning up at the corners. Mika wasn’t much of a smiler, even when she was pleased or happy, as she was now, to see her friend. She didn’t have many of them—in fact, Haruka may be the only one there was. She was aware, of course, that the woman was His Highness’s sister, but she was also as Mika was, someone’s unwanted half-blood child, and both of them were Rikichi’s daughters, in the only way that mattered. She considered the other woman to be her younger sister, and that bond curtailed any concerns she might have had about relative status. “Hard at work as usual, I see.” She paused a moment, not really sure how to ask the question, but in the end, she did so as bluntly as she said basically everything else.

“How are you finding it? Living with them?” She’d been a bit concerned, though not overly surprised, when she heard where Ruka was going to be living now. She had no idea what kind of person Vasilios Nero was, really, and she hoped the situation wasn’t too hard on her friend. Ruka would be the type to beat the snot out of anyone who tried to treat her like a whore, but she wasn’t so sure her friend’s considerable strength would make any difference against a man like that. She’d only been near him once or twice in her life, but it wasn’t hard to feel the sense of power he exuded. It felt almost familiar to her somehow, a disturbing sensation if ever there was one.

If Haruka was ever the type to smile, she did not show it often. Smiles were reserved for those she loved, for those she considered family, and for those who had earned it. As it were, one of those people, one of which she considered family, appeared. The smile etched slowly upon her face as she raised an index finger to scratch Laika underneath the chin. Besides her own familiar, Haruka enjoyed Laika's company and would often keep it whenever she still lived within the palace walls. She was a bit upset that she couldn't see the familiar as often now, but the visitations were always pleasant when the familiar tagged along. She turned towards Mika and offered the woman a smile.

"Work? More like child's play," she stated, a smirk pulling at her lips in the process. She sighed softly before shaking her head. "Good to see you as well, Mika," she finally greeted her friend. She folded the tessen back and placed it into the flap of her kimono. "It is...pleasant?" she replied, more as a question than an answer. She didn't exactly know how to answer the question given to her, however; she wasn't lying either. It had been pleasant for the most part, and no one had bothered her.

"I do not see much of Nero, and Aurelia is pleasant company to keep. She is spirited for a human," she corrected herself before shifting in her posture. "What of you, Mika? Is Kiyoshi still as insufferable?" she questioned, a hint of amusement in her tone as she quirked her lips into a light smirk.

Mika rolled her eyes and shook her head slightly. If there was one place she felt comfortable expressing her full frustration with her charge, it was ironically enough with the one woman they would both feel comfortable calling sister. She frowned a little, then puffed out her cheeks for a moment, expelling a gust of air. “Insufferable is the right word,” she agreed. “Sometimes I believe His Highness intends to make my life as difficult as possible.” Things would perhaps only be more difficult if he were like his father, letting any pretty thing too close of she did nothing more than bat her eyelashes. It also would have disgusted her, so she supposed she should be thankful that his worst vice was actually a virtue in most situations.

“He’s too nice to people.” Even to her.

Nevertheless, she chose not to linger on the topic. She had no doubt that she could rant for an hour about all the ways His Highness’s mannerisms made him more difficult to protect, but she was not overly inclined to do so. Complaints or not, she liked her job and she was glad to have it. She felt useful, being able to protect someone so important, and more than that, so good. It made her feel like there was a tiny shred of hope left for the world, and she was the one who got to keep it from harm. It was both nearly frightening and also gratifying. She may not be able to do much, but she could do this. In fact, her days off, like this one, could often be the most stressful of all, since one of the other Guards was in charge of watching him. She took exactly the number of days off she was required to, and no more. She wasn’t sure she trusted all of the others to do her job, because not all of them would see things as she did, and none of them knew him as well as she did.

“But I’m glad things are pleasant, or close enough.” Mika sank gracefully to the ground, laying back in the grass and staring up at the sky for a while. “I was worried, you know, when I first heard. He doesn’t exactly have the clearest reputation.” In fact, pretty much everything about the man was shrouded in mystery. Haruka could have been through anything for all she knew. Apparently, nothing bad had happened though. Maybe it made sense
 her father was friends with Nero, sort of, and she doubted very much he’d bother spending time with anyone who was really a terrible person. But how someone treated a fellow pureblood lord and how they treated a dhampir were often very different things.

Haruka's smirk morphed into a large grin at Mika's reply. She knew that all too well. Kiyoshi was insufferable, but not so much so that it was painful. Perhaps she was right, he was too nice to people. But then again, rather he be nice than have turned out like their father. Her eyes narrowed at the mere thought of him and she let an exaggerated sigh escape her mouth. Some things would never change about her brother, that much she knew, and one need only look at his guard. She was a dhampir, that alone should have caused enough reason for her father to deny her the privilege of guarding the crown prince. If Hajime had his way, it would have been a pure-blood, one of pedigree and prowess on the battlefield, that would have been Kiyoshi's guard.

"Who does? All reputations are tarnished by lies, and perhaps by some truths. The only way to know a reputation is true is to see how that person interacts with the world around them. Different body language is often shown when they are engaged in conversation with others," Haruka spoke, her voice flat. "But I cannot say for sure what kind Nero is of. I do not interact with him much, and when I do, it is usually met in silence in the library," she continued, taking a seat next to Mika on the ground. She glanced towards Laika then, a small smirk pulling at her lips.

"Have you finally succeeded at eating Bibi? I haven't seen him the last few days," she questioned the familiar. She knew Laika and Bibi were friends, but she had found it amusing how the two-tailed cat would often have the small canary bird in her mouth, chewing on the bird in the process. Her face pulled into a frown when she noted the expression Bibi would be wearing in the process. "That bird is odd," she mused aloud.

“Yeah, well
 so’s his creator,” Mika replied with a matching smile. She rolled over onto her stomach and ran a hand along Laika’s back, prompting the twin-tailed kitten to expose her belly to her master, and with a heavy sigh, Mika rubbed her there. “If you ate him, I’m going to poke you till he comes back up again,” she threatened flatly. If one did not know Mika as well as Haruka and Laika did, she probably would have come across as serious.

“I did not,” Laika replied indignantly, though she was enjoying the petting far too much to do anything more than lash her tails and nip playfully at Mika’s callused fingers. “He just made a new friend lately. Stupid bird,” she groused, and Mika snorted. She didn’t really ever laugh, but her amusement was evident enough here. It was pretty clear that her familiar was jealous of this new friend of Bibi’s, which frankly served her right for being such an attention hog. She had to learn to share.

“Oh? And who’s his new friend?” Mika asked, her tone deceptively bored. It wasn’t unusual for the canary to take a shine to people, but he rarely left Ruka for long.

“I’m not telling!” Mika rolled her eyes, then blew into one of Laika’s large ears in retaliation, causing the familiar to squeal, a sound which trailed off into a bubble of giggles. She scrambled to her feet and ran to hide behind Haruka, peeking out from around the other woman’s side and poking her tongue out at her master.

“I’m sure it’s nothing too terrible. Bibi’s a bit silly, but generally a fair judge of character, I think.” Standing, Mika stretched her arms high over her head, then withdrew a tessen about the size of Ruka’s from her sleeve. “You know, I bet if we did this in Nero’s gardens, we could use swords. I doubt even the king is brave enough to put a spy in there. For now, though
 shall we dance?” There was a faint glimmer of amusement in Mika’s void-dark eyes.

"Serves him right if he did get eaten," Haruka replied, rolling her eyes with a grin. "And even if she didn't eat him," Haruka began, poking the familiar on the cheek, "you should still poke her." She pulled her finger away from the familiar, raising a brow at Laika's choice of words. A new friend? Odd, Bibi didn't really take to people so often, and usually the ones he did, Haruka would know about them almost instantly. Is that why he had kept their connection cut? She shrugged her shoulders. He, just as any one else, was free to do as he pleased. She just hoped he wasn't going to cause any unnecessary trouble in the long run.

"The man would be incredibly foolish to try to send spies in Nero's place of residence, but you are correct. We can dance in the gardens," she spoke, her lips pulling into a light smirk. It had been a while since they last danced together, and to be honest, she missed it. "Just do be careful. I wouldn't want you tripping over that pretty kimono of yours," she stated, teasing Mika in the process. She knew Mika could hold her own, and they could both shed their kimono's in favor of what was underneath. Something more flexible and easier to work with. They, after all, did not hold back when they danced.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rivka Atol Character Portrait: Mika Sakuragi
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Asilian

Mika followed the Queen as mutely as she tended to follow the Prince, feeling the particular burden today of doing a job different from her usual one. It was not more or less important, as far as she thought, but it was different in the sense that she had no basis for knowing what was expected of her, save perhaps that she would have to be absolutely flawless as a Guard. There was no way her father was anything less, and it was his job she did today, protecting Her Majesty in place of His Highness, who had chosen to make a visit out to where the humans lived today, ostensibly to learn more about the business side of running the Castle-City and surrounding areas. She knew why he really wanted to go, and though she rather wished she could have gone with him, she knew for a fact that her father wouldn’t let anything happen.

If there were safer hands to be in, Mika had never encountered them.

Which left her feeling rather unbalanced in her own task. How did one match such a stellar Captain? Even if he weren’t her father, that much would still be incredibly difficult. The change in her routine was making her systematically doubt things, too—if she could not match her father, and she could not, how could she in good conscience act even in her usual capacity as His Highness’s attendant? He required and deserved the very best in protection as well, and she was not. She always felt a little bit inadequate, when it came to things like this, but not usually so keenly as she did now.

There was a break in Her Majesty’s schedule at the moment, and Mika cleared her throat softly. “Your Majesty, the next hour is free. Forgive me my ignorance, but is there somewhere you would care to go until your next engagement?” The frankness in her tone that she used with the Queen’s son was still present, but muted, so that she was straightforward but not quite blunt in her manner.

Honestly, it felt a little...strange not having Rikichi by her side; not that she minded having Mika as her guard, the girl was a wonderful soldier. But after seven centuries, one got used to having a certain person in their vicinity. Rivka sighed slightly, her meeting with Chancellor Schrodinger leaving her more than a little...uncomfortable. Usually the man was not so bold, but it seemed that the lack of the Captain's presence had allowed him to show more confidence.

Shrodinger had, for years, shown signs of desiring Rivka, but had never done more than make a few shady comments towards her, while she always ignored his advances. She started slightly when Mika spoke to her, and she smiled at the woman. "I generally retire to the gardens for tea."

The Queen made her way to her usual spot, the sevant already there with the teacup. Rivka smiled kindly and nodded, signaling their dismissal. For a long while, the three of them sat, or stood, in Mika's case, in relative silence. Natara had flown down from the tree she had perched in, sitting tall and elegant next to the Queen, the two of them looking both exotic and regal.

"So tell me, Mika. How does my son fare, these days?"

Mika shifted slightly in her stance, though not even the durable fabric of her uniform produced a noise. She was well accustomed to being absolutely silent, so this was something more habit or reflexive than planned. It wasn’t that she minded talking to the Queen, or even answering the question, she just
 wasn’t sure how much His Highness would want her to say. So when she answered, she spoke of her own observations only. At least that way, she would not be inadvertently breaking his confidence or something.

“His Highness works himself very hard,” she said quietly, her eyes moving seemingly randomly from one point in the area to the next. It was important to not stare at one thing and thus lose focus, but to move in patterns could be just as dangerous. “From time to time, this wears even upon him. However
 I do not believe there is any reason for excessive concern. At least not regarding his physical condition.” What she did not say was perhaps as important as what she did, but she wasn’t one to answer beyond the scope of what she was asked. Perhaps
 perhaps if Her Majesty continued to question, she would say more, but
 for that question, she felt she had said enough.

The Queen and her familiar may have had a definite sense of the dignified and the otherworldly about them, but Mika felt as she always did that she was very much apart from that picture, from this place of royalty and the kind of timeless, exotic beauty the members of such a family held. That was not so bad—she detested being looked at, anyway, because she was always afraid that someone, perhaps quite by accident, would see. She did not desire to be seen. Her father had already managed it, and sometimes, she suspected Haruka had, too. But that was enough. It did not take much to understand that the Queen suffered for always being watched, and Schrodinger had only made the case obvious. Of course, Schrodinger was like that, generally, but still

There was a wry smile on her face as Rivka regarded the girl out of the corner of her eye. So astute, so attentive, yet so very...reserved. It was not all that hard to see why her son favored this woman's company over all others; it was much the same reason that she herself favored Rikichi's company. "I am his mother, child. I will always be concerned about him."

That was in every bit true, even if Kiyoshi was no longer a child and did not need his mother hovering about him. Well, she'd never hovered about him, but she had always, and always would, care for him, in every sense of the word. "Kiyoshi has always worked himself to the breaking point, a habit that I am afraid he inherited from me."

Natara's ears pricked forward, the familiar glancing over to the small cluster of bushes not far away. Rivka herself had already picked up on the person hiding in them, and she sighed softly. Another attempt on her life? She wondered if people truly wanted her dead or if they were trying to hurt the King. If that was their angle, they were going at it wrong. She was fairly certain that her husband wouldn't even bat an eye if she were to die.

"Hm. It seems that we have a guest, Lieutenant."

While Rivka would have preferred to simply dispatch the person herself, it was not quite her place. She also would not kill whomever it was, and that...was not looked upon fondly, showing an assassin mercy. So, she would let Mika handle it.

Mika had noticed as well, but it had been impossible to tell whether she was dealing with a voyeur or an assassin, and so she’d quietly activated her eyes, looking a few moments into the future. As soon as she confirmed what she needed to know, she drew a long-bladed dagger from her uniform’s sleeve and threw it with a certain kind of uncanny, pinpoint precision. There was a cry from the bushes, and she melted into the nearest shadow, reappearing beside the foliage in less time than it took to blink an eye, tilting her head as she looked down at the woman.

Brown hair, blue eyes, medium build, relatively short. Armed, and though she would have missed with the senbon she carried, she would have attempted to kill the Queen, and that was rather the important part here. Mika’s dagger had landed solidly enough in her shoulder to stake her to the ground, but it was not a fatal wound. Considering the obvious accuracy of the young woman’s aim, that was clearly intentional. Unearthly eyes blinked down at the woman, who was making small pained noises as she tried to remove the dagger from her person, glaring up at the Guard. “Traitor,” she hissed. “Servant of the false King, and you knowing what he does to those like us.” The woman was also dhampir, at least from her scent.

Mika’s lips twitched in a mirthless approximation of a smile, and she reached down, yanking the dagger from the woman’s shoulder. “I know that quite a bit better than you do,” she said simply. “Though you may wish to have your eyes examined. This is not the King. What justice is it to kill someone else for his perceived crimes?” The question was rhetorical; she expected no answer, and she kept her words sufficiently far from actual sympathy. She would not kick the woman when she was down or call her names—that was not in the nature of being a Guard. She acted exactly as far as was required to neutralize the threat to her employer, and that was all. The rest of that nonsense could be left to the King’s interrogators or Atol. Her father found it distasteful, and she was of the same mind.

A sharp, trilling whistle served as signal, and no more than two minutes later, two regular patrol guards had formally arrested and charged the woman, dragging her off to the dungeons to await the King’s justice. It might have been more merciful to just kill her, but that was not Mika’s decision to make. She had not fought after she was subdued, so there was no need to kill her. She still remembered the last time she’d taken a life—it was not an experience she desired to repeat unless absolutely necessary. Wiping down the blade of the dagger, she returned it to its sheath, then retook her post behind and to the left of the Queen.

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty, but I’m afraid we do not.” She blinked at herself then, regretting he dry joke. It was something she would have said to His Highness, but she didn’t know the Queen—it was probably rather unwise.

Rivka did not move at the woman was taken care of; a part of her sorely wished the woman had been wiser, but then, the Queen could not blame her, really. Hajime was not...she stilled her thoughts. Not even thoughts were safe in this world, whether she had her mind blocked or not. Despite herself, Rivka found herself chuckling at the young woman's comment.

"So it would seem. Thank you, Lieutenant." She stood up then, one of the servants coming over to remove the empty teacup. "Come, it is time I met with the Lord Blake. At least he has the decency to not leer at me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiyoshi Tsuji Character Portrait: Mika Sakuragi
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0.00 INK



He’d been working too hard.

Mika knew this perhaps better than anyone. She certainly knew it better than His Highness did, and even if he was aware, it was unlike him to admit it, so there was a bit of a conundrum there. Fortunately, she was allowed some control over his schedule, and she took advantage of it, planning weeks in advance to make sure that this one day was completely clear of any obligations. She’d felt a bit bad overscheduling him slightly yesterday, but if he’d noticed, he hadn’t said anything, probably assuming that it had to be that way in order for everything to get done. Which was true
 if one chose not to count today. Mika was quite determined not to, as a matter of fact, and so though she dressed as she always did for her job—in the standard Guard uniform of black edged in crisp white with a green band around her arm marked with the crest of the Royal Inner Security Force—she breathed a small sigh of relief that she wouldn’t be stuck in meeting room after meeting room today.

It was definitely true that she had arranged this for him and not herself, but at the same time, she was resolved to make the most of it as well. She honestly had no idea what His Highness would do with a full day off, as she’d never seen him take one, but it would definitely be more interesting to find out than to listen to the finance minister drone some more. She really wasn’t fond of politicians.

She was outside the Prince’s door at 6 sharp, as she always was, but it was generally protocol to wait for him to exit rather than knock. The off-shift guard nodded to her and took his leave as she arrived, and Mika stood in his place, folding her arms behind her back and standing straight. Truthfully, she occasionally broke protocol and knocked in the rare case that His Highness seemed to be running late, but there was no need to do that today, as there was nothing to be late for. Not that he knew that yet, of course—he usually didn’t know his agenda for the day until she told him in the early part of it. It struck her that she might have overstepped herself, and a flicker of hesitation entered her expression before she smoothed it out. No, she was justified. It wasn’t like she’d cancelled anything, she’d simply scheduled things carefully. And surely, he was not at his best working so constantly. Especially as busy as it had been lately, with everything going on in Court.

The King had declared martial law, meaning that there were strict curfews for everyone. Apparently, he was seriously on the hunt for the mysterious Vigilante that the Rodanthe girl knew. He’d put the city on enforced hours in an attempt to curb activity at the untoward hours, but the problem was, the Vigilante didn’t always hit at untoward hours. Working exclusively in daylight would have meant he was likely a pureblood or a dhampir, and those groups were too small to hide safely in. But he didn’t move at night, because that was when everyone was about and awake. Instead, he chose mornings and evenings, just skirting the borders between light and dark, but also within the regular hours of some people. So more than anything, the martial law was inconvenient, and there were those who were very displeased, though few dared say so out loud. That kind of thing could get you accused of sympathizing and beheaded. Like those servants.

Mika suppressed her shudder, just as she had on the day. For now, she would put such thoughts from her mind. She had no idea what she would do if she ever came face-to-face with the Vigilante, but she’d probably never have to find out. Better just to not think about it.

If he had a day off before, Kiyoshi could not recall them. There was a reason why. He was the crown prince, and they did not get days off. He couldn't afford one either way. The moment he did, new laws and rules would be created, and he wouldn't have a say in them. He wouldn't be able to make them lighter than they were and the punishments were always death. The last two laws he had managed to reduce the severity of the punishment, breaking them down to just a flogging, or if they were lucky, a removal of a limb; usually, it was the hand. Still, it was better to be deformed than to have death, or at least that is what he thought. Perhaps, in these times, it was best to have death than to still live. He would never truly know.

He cracked one eye open, glancing at the ceiling, or what passed for a ceiling, and sighed. It was morning, that much he knew. His internal clock never let him sleep past a certain time, and it was always going off around six o'clock in the morning. There were days where he would only sleep three hours max, but for someone of his heritage sleep mattered very little to him. He couldn't afford to do so. Pushing himself from his bed, he readied himself for another day of meetings, counsels, and a plethora of potential pure-blood brides. Ever since he had shown no interest in doing such a thing, they only became more determined to be his. Most were for political advancements, most were just hungry for power. The small portion of them, however, were after him, which confused him.

Why would they just desire him? There were plenty of other eligible, more appealing pure-bloods to choose from, and he passed it off as just another whim for power. Once he was properly dressed, his uniform in place, he opened the door to his room, and blinked owlishly at Mika, who stood outside of it. He should be used to this by now; she was his guard. He offered her a curt nod of his head and a small smile. It was always so easy to smile in her presence, and he had never, not once, had to force it. Not that he minded, it was hard to smile nowadays with all of the fuss and executions that had taken place over the last few days, weeks even, after the martial law was declared.

"Good morning, Mika, how are you faring?" he questioned, his eyes dancing with a bit of humor before it disappeared. "What is the first course today, Mika?" he questioned, glancing at her from the corners of his eyes as he walked ahead of her. She always had his schedule, or at least seemed to know it anyways, and he often relied on her to tell it to him so that he would be prepared for whatever may come. Usually, he had a notice, or a summons to a specific location that was specifically for him, however; there was no such thing for him today. Maybe she would know?

It was always the same question. How are you faring, Mika? As though how she felt or thought or wished had importance. Perhaps, to him, it did. But it shouldn’t. She shook her head slightly, answering as she usually tended to. “I am as I have always been, Your Highness,” she replied, falling into step a natural pace behind and slightly to his left. She was watchful as always, but not so much so that she failed to hear his question, and though it was brief and miniscule, the corner of her lip twitched. It wasn’t even certain if it was the beginning of a smile or just a random flicker, and he wouldn’t see it anyway, but it was there.

“Actually, Your Highness, there is nothing for you to do today. The Council is not meeting, and all relevant legal and political discussions were scheduled for other days this month. As it happens, Your Highness is free to spend the day in whatever way is preferred.” Her tone didn’t vary from her usual businesslike one when she said it, and in fact, she made it sound very much like a coincidence, and not something she had arranged two months in advance. With a schedule like his, it took that much planning.

Kiyoshi stopped rather abruptly. He blinked owlishly at Mika and tilted his head to the side, allowing a brow to ascend his forehead in a questioning manner. He had the day off? That...seemed odd. There was always something that needed to be done, surely she was jesting? He blinked slowly, still trying to process the information. Well, if that was the case, then he would have to occupy himself with something. It wasn't often he got a day off, and with that in mind, he allowed a slow smile to creep across his face. It was one that spoke of uncertainty, hard to read, and allowed nothing of what he was truly thinking to pass through.

"Well then, if that is the case," he spoke, resuming his strides in the process. "If there is no agenda, then we must make one. And because it shall be Mika's day, where does she wish to go?" he questioned, the smile never leaving his face. He knew she would decline, say something along the lines of Whatever his Majesty suggests, but it did not stop him from asking. He wasn't going to give her choice in the matter either. Perhaps she'd like to go down to the market, or something of the sort. It's been a while since he actually went there, however; he was going where she wanted to go today. If it was his off day, he was going to spend it with her in whatever she wished to do. It wasn't easy, after all, being his guard.

She had considered the possibility of something like this happening, though that was not to say she was pleased about it. Unlike his Highness, she occasionally got days off, perhaps one every other week, during which the Day Guard would take over at night and a third relief guard would take the easier day shift. Mika’s lips compressed into a thin line, and the expression on her face very evidently conveyed disapproval. Nevertheless, she had learned long ago that His Highness could be just as stubborn as she could, so she had something of a plan for this eventuality.

Her priority was, of course, allowing him the opportunity to rest, but in the sense that he should do something leisurely and free of the need to interact overmuch with anyone who required him to put on his court face. Her first thought had simply been to invite him to the home that she and her father shared, but that would be highly inappropriate and easily misinterpreted for something it was not. She had no desire to put either of them in that position. “If Your Highness is going to insist, and I suspect that you are, please follow me.” With that, she set off down an ill-used side hallway, the floor under their feet not worn as smooth by passage over time as some of the others were. The marble was still largely pristine white, broken only by light grey veins here and there, and it lacked the ornate archways and ostentation of some of the larger passages in the Castle-City.

The room she led him to was at the very top of a winding staircase, which led up one of the palace’s more minor towers. The ceiling here was comprised entirely of panes of glass, offering a clear view of the night sky, and a good third of the circular wall was also simply class, a large, heavy drape pushed all the way back. “As you may be aware, many of the sections of the Castle-City are ill-used or abandoned entirely, because the population failed to grow to projected levels. Additionally, certain sections are more desirable to live in due to their proximity to Court. This is such an abandoned place.” The floors here had transitioned to a reddish hardwood, by and large bare, though one section of the room, close to the window, had a small seating alcove, and another section held a few bookcases.

The most obvious feature of the room was a piano, however—and it was truly a master work instrument. A full grand, the wood was lacquered black, the keys well maintained despite obvious age. Mika had actually been doing that for a couple of years. Though she knew not how to play any of them, she could maintain several kinds of instrument, and tune them also. His Highness actually had a talent for this particular sort of music, one of many things that Mika knew about him but did not particularly recall learning. With a job like this, she just tended to pick things up. “If indeed it is my choice, I would like to spend a bit of time here.” Of course, it was for his sake that she had chosen it, but she refrained from saying as much. The room had reminded her of him as soon as she came across it; she thought perhaps it might be good for him to know where it was.

Kiyoshi smiled at his victory, and did as she told him. He followed behind her, an odd notion as it was supposed to be the other way. It didn't bother him as much, though. He kept his distance though, not out of necessity, but because if he walked any closer, the few people inside would misinterpret it for something it was not. Though he often placed her in uncomfortable positions before, he had no desire to do that now. He remained quiet as she spoke, leading him through the Castle-City and to a room. Inside, a ghost of a smile spread across his lips as he spotted the piano. It had been awhile since he last played, perhaps about a decade ago, or was it half a century? He couldn't recall.

He glanced at Mika as she spoke. "If that is what Mika wishes and desires," he spoke in an answer to her statement. He smiled softly, allowing the fatigue of the years to finally show behind it as he walked up to the piano, caressing it softly as he lifted the lid that covered the keys. For a moment, he wondered if he could still play it? If he couldn't recall how long it's been since the last time he played, could he still play at all? "Shall I play something for Mika?" he stated, allowing the smile to pull into a smirk. Without hearing her answer, because he was pretty sure he knew it, he sat at the keys and pushed one, listening to it produce a sound before continuing.

The song he chose started off slow, melodic before it bled into something a little more dark. His facial expression had changed from the soft appearance it held, and it pulled into a fine line, his lips pursing together in the process. It, in a way, was conveying what he could not put into words. It was a song of dark hope, but hope nonetheless that perhaps, one day, things could be different. As Rikichi had told him, things change. Sometimes slowly, but they still changed. Perhaps he was a fool for believing in such a thing, however; he did believe Rikichi's words. Though time moved slowly for one such as he, he would have to make a move eventually. Not now, it was too risky, however; sooner or later, something was going to give, and he wouldn't allow it to be him. And for the moment, he was too caught up in the piano to notice Mika still standing there.

Well, it wasn’t as though she was doing much to be noticed. Mika was very good at fading into the background when she so desired, and she saw no need to make her presence obvious right now. Music could be very cathartic to some people; even her, actually, though she would never mention this to him. Knowing His Highness, she would be bothered until she shared, and that might embarrass her a little more than she could rightly handle. Maintaining equilibrium was important for her job, so it would be unprofessional to get too flustered.

She did listen, though, and quite intently at that. Emotion could easily be conveyed through playing, and she had a feeling she knew what he was trying to say with it. It was not something she could easily acknowledge or answer, and it certainly wasn’t her place to agree or disagree or offer unsolicited counsel, but she at least was a rather good listener, and that was what she did, at least until it came to an end. “Your Highness is very talented,” she said quietly, inclining her head slightly. She was not one for effusive praise or flattery for its own sake; though she knew the Court words, she preferred to use her own whenever possible. They were less
 elegant, perhaps, but at least they were honest.

The Guard moved to the large window for a moment, lacing her hands behind her back, and looked out the window. Perhaps the thing she liked most about this room was the view. It was so high up that she could see for miles. The ruined landscape of earth was visible in the distance, but closer up were the palace gardens, the cultivated, fertilized fields, and most importantly, a wide horizon of stars. But it was not wise to linger with her back to her charge for too long. Mika could see her own eyes shift colors in the glass, from a dull dark grey to a vibrant mix of blue and purple. This way, it didn’t really matter which way she was facing, and since nobody else was here, she didn’t have to worry about too many questions.

Mika pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. It had fallen out of her small bun, which unfortunately happened quite a lot. She picked out a few of the visible constellations, then sighed slightly and turned around, letting the color fade from her irises. “Now that I have had a turn, perhaps His Highness would like to take one?” It seemed like it would appeal to his sense of fairness, to alternate in their choice of destination. Anything to make sure that he did get to choose something would probably be fine by her, honestly.

Mika's voice cut through the silence like a hot knife through butter, bringing him back to reality when she spoke. He shook his head faintly, regaining his composure as he smoothed out the lines of his face. He blinked slowly, closing the lid to the piano with a soft thud and stared at it. Talented, was perhaps not the right word he would have considered. He smiled though, and turned to face her. His eyes softened for a fraction of a second, and for a moment, he wondered if things would have been different. Different if she had not been his guard, and that she had not tried taking his life. Would... he paused and shook his head, banishing the thought from his mind.

"Of course not, Mika. I have no desire to be out and about if this is my free day. I have a feeling the vultures will take the opportunity to whisk me away from you if we left," he spoke, a hint of teasing laced behind his voice as he shook his head. He was faintly serious though. The moment he stepped outside, he knew that most of the court members would still assault him, throw daughters at him, throw proposals of different parts of the Castle-City for him to consider, and he had no desire for either. Most of them caused a shudder to roll down his spine. There were not a lot of things Kiyoshi feared, however; most of those were things he'd take into consideration of fearing. Perhaps not the proposals so much, but the daughters and assaults did.

"Though, perhaps a walk through the castle gardens would suffice. It is still out of view of the public and it will be an easy enough task to keep guard. And there are a few new flowers in bloom. I'd like to see if they are well," he finally stated, rising from the bench on the piano. This was his day off, meant to be enjoyed, but he couldn't help but want her to enjoy it as well. If he could make this day a little easier than most, he would do it. Even though she was granted days off, he still wanted her to enjoy it as well. He owed her that much, even after what she did to save him.

Mika’s lips pursed faintly; she had not meant to suggest that he force himself to go somewhere unpleasant or public. Which were basically the same thing to her, but she would have endured it without complaint. Her preferences were irrelevant, and they always would be. It was funny, that she understood this so easily and it seemed to utterly fail to compute with him. Well, perhaps that was because he was a better person than she was—she knew that with no doubt whatsoever. In the end, he simply decided to take a walk in the gardens, and this, she had no objection to. She wouldn’t have objected to much, but the gardens could be genuinely pleasant.

“As you wish, Your Highness.”


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Mika grimaced as she was forced to bring the long knife up to block, bracing her wrist with the opposite hand. Her father was simply incredibly strong, and it was a quality she could not hope to match. Her litheness was her only chance in a fight like this, though he was also deceptively graceful. Moving her foot back a few inches, she sank into the shadow, his sword passing through her now-intangible form. As quickly as she could she jumped from the practice yard wall’s shade to his own, reemerging and slicing downwards with the live steel. He didn’t even need to look to lift his bokken over his shoulder, and he knife bit into the wood, hitting the soft metal core and stopping there. He used this to his advantage, whipping the blunt blade around and wrenching her weapon from her grip. It went flying off his weapon to hit dead center of a throwing target some hundred feet away, the handle wavering with the force of the hit.

She was barehanded now, which, while not necessarily a disadvantage for her, decreased her reach even further. His was much greater, between the length of his arms and the measure of his bokken, but she had been compensating for this much at least since she was very small. At least she was no longer backed up against the wall. Free movement was important, but his earlier aggression had managed to catch her off-guard—he usually took a more defensive approach and allowed her to set the pace of the fight. Not today, it seemed, and she was enjoying the new challenge, a small half-smile plastered to her face. Her father’s grin had a feral edge to it, an expression he wore in the presence of nobody else, since it only appeared in challenging fights. Even if he was checking his blows, she was no mean opponent, outclassing most of the nobles and soft-bred purebloods she served.

Mika’s life had been a constant fight for her right to exist, from day one. She knew not whose child she was, but Rikichi had seen fit to raise her, for one reason or another, and he knew well that a creature like her, caught between two worlds, would always have to prove herself, time and again, in order to be allowed to keep her life. A life that was seen as lower than his, or that of any without the taint of humanity in their veins or their genes. Rikichi had known that the best way to ensure her survival was to make her so good at something that she became almost irreplaceable, dhampir or no. Given what he knew how to do and to teach, the fighting arts had only seemed appropriate.

She lunged for his midsection, but her fist met the flat of his bokken instead, and he forced her into a backflip, putting pressure on her with his superior range. Mika jumped, landing on her toes on the wooden sword itself, then again, twisting her body in midair so that she landed facing his back. Rikichi’s smile inched wider, and he whirled, bringing the weapon around with him in a cross-slice for her left shoulder. Mika, however, caught the sword, and the telltale blue-violet of her eyes indicated that she’d seen it coming. It was only fair really—his truesight was not quite the same as her Eyes, but the effects in this situation were similar. Pushing up on the bokken with her palm, she stepped in, successfully getting in under his guard and landing a hard hit at the center of his chest. He took a half-step back to compensate, taking the weight off his other foot and using it to kick.

So, in a manner much like this, he’d trained her for years, the latter part of them alongside the King’s own bastard daughter, and he had shaped her as carefully as he knew how into the kind of person who would survive in a world as hard and cruel as this one. The consummate combatant, stronger than she knew and dutiful, but armed also with the words nobility would require of her, the homages to title and station ready to her lips, because there were times when these things would protect her more thoroughly than any blade ever could. He knew this well, the power of words. It was one reason why he used so few of them. She never had, either, and though with those she knew well, she was blunt, and sometimes even funny, she guarded her tongue well around everyone of whose intentions she could not be so certain. He suspected she even held back with those she trusted, aside from himself and Haruka, her surrogate sister.

Just because she knew an attack was coming did not always mean she could do anything about it, however, and his heavy boot caught her in the shoulder, dislocating the ball and socket joint, bringing forth a hiss from Mika’s lips. She retreated far enough back to pop it back into place, but he pressed, and within a few more moves, the point of the wooden sword rested at the hollow of her throat. Silence fell, the sound of her uneven breaths and his steadier, but elevated, ones, the only sound in the yard. Brilliant jewel-eyes faded into black as they kept contact with deep indigo, but as always she took a pause before speaking. Her pride as a warrior was not bent easily, and she never gave in right away.

“I yield.” But even her pride was reasonable. Rikichi lowered the bokken, replacing it at his belt next to his flute, and Mika went to retrieve the dagger from the target, sliding it back into the sheath she kept strapped to her forearm, usually concealed beneath a sleeve. As she wore only her more fitted combat garments today, however, the scabbard was over the thin black fabric rather than under it. “You’re not usually so aggressive, dad,” she said, more observationally than anything, though Rikichi could hear the question in it.

He shrugged. “Not all of your opponents will be defensive.” Mika nodded, accepting the explanation with ease. Usually, she could rely on Haru to be a bit more aggressive when she needed to practice against that, but even so, the change in routine was welcomed. It would stop her from growing complacent.

The two fell naturally into step as they headed back to Rikichi’s section of the Castle-City, entering though one of the many doors outside-in and taking a left. They also maintained rooms in the barracks, but as a member of Court—though not of the Council, for obvious reasons relating to conflict of interest—Rikichi had what was essentially an estate within the larger complex, his near the eastern portion of the City. It was well-maintained, but quiet. Most of those who visited Court on a daily basis lived to the south, including the Royal Family. The streets were all but abandoned, as sunset was still an hour or so away, and most of the court would not wake until after that. Mika and her father were always up this early—working as a Guard mandated that one be prepared to relieve the day shift and accompany one’s charge however early they should choose to being their activities. She was at the Prince’s door at six o’clock sharp every night, which was right around sunset most of the year.

For a while, there was a comfortable silence between them, then Mika ventured a question. “The declaration of martial law
 what do you make of it?” She was curious to know his opinion. While Rikichi was not generally a political man, something like this affected everyone, and there was a difference between not expressing one’s thoughts on some matter and not having them. Her father was intelligent enough to think at surprising length about these things, and catch implications that she in her youth might miss. But he rarely spoke of such things to anyone but her and presumably his friend, Vasilios Nero.

Rikichi considered his words for a few moments before he spoke them. He was aware that they were not being spied upon, thanks to his truesight, but all the same, being in the habit of guarding one’s words was wise, all things considered. Even so, he gave her the truth of it. “Truly? It is inconvenient. The curfew patrols are stretching our forces thin, and the new recruits won’t be ready for regular duty for another few months yet. I’m already dealing with nobles complaining that bodyguards aren’t as readily available for occasional use as they once were.” If a member of Court felt that he or she needed extra protection for some reason, it was common to rent a member of the Guard. They were honestly the best trained fighters out there, and Captain Rikichi had a reputation for expecting absolute honor from his men and women, meaning that even such short-term protectors were not likely to take bribes from some rival wanting the guard out of the way for an easier shot at a target. The other options were few, and none of them were as good.

Besides, having someone in the Guard uniform at your side doubled as a status symbol—generally it took both considerable wealth and the favor of the King to be able to have one around, even for a short period. Rikichi had to admit that he wasn’t overly fond of his highly-trained professionals being touted around like trophies or hounds, but it made them a good living, and considering that most of them were younger children of noble families who would never inherit, it allowed them their own status and considerable income, a chance to make an honorable name for themselves. In the end, that was worth it, he thought.

“As for how I feel about it personally
 I think the King, as always, has his head so far up his own ass he wouldn’t see reason if it danced stark naked in front of him. But that’s nothing new.” Mika snorted, a smile playing at the corners of her lips, and he chuckled to see it, laying a hand on her head and ruffling her short hair. She really was his world, his daughter, and it pleased him to see her happy, even in such a small way.

“I’m telling Haruka you said that. She’ll love it.”

“Yeah? Tell her to come visit while she’s at it. Or maybe I’ll see her when I go to see Nero next.” He’d have to make a point of it, actually; he wanted to check on the woman and make sure she was all right. Haruka didn’t really need anyone, but he liked her to know that he was there for her if she ever wanted roughly father-shaped help. Or friend-shaped help, whichever. He wasn’t too picky about it, in the end.


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Character Portrait: Haruki Blake Character Portrait: Kiyoshi Tsuji Character Portrait: Mika Sakuragi
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#, as written by Mihael


Kiyoshi stared at the papers in front of him, allowing a sigh to pass through his lips as he leaned back in his chair. Another law to be passed, this one small and simple, yet powerful in its own right if it were to be passed. Control of lands was not something a Noble should possess, whether or not they were pure-blooded or not. Technically, the King still controlled all lands, however; because it was a vast territory, more of the more prominent pure-bloods were given governance over the territories to ensure that each one remain loyal to the King. He would put that one at the very bottom of the stack.

He glanced out the window, watching as the last remaining hours of sunlight disappeared into the distance. He turned his silvery gaze to his guard, and pursed his lips together silently. Haruka's words rang through him, and for once, he had tried to heed them. He had stopped pestering Mika into calling him other than your Highness and had left the woman to her own, however; he did not stop from trying to make her feel comfortable enough around him to make her at least smile. He glanced away from Mika and back towards the new set of papers in his hand. Perhaps he should pay a visit to his father's adviser. The man, Haruki, would one day be his adviser; it was time they had a little talk.

"Will you inform Mr. Blake that I wish to see him?" he stated, turning towards Mika. It would be easier to have the Blake pure-blood come to him rather than Kiyoshi going to find the Blake pure-blood. Not that he couldn't have, it was simply a matter of preference. For one, any conversation held between the two would be kept private. No one would speak of their meeting, and Kiyoshi would speak nothing of it. It, after all, was just a simple meeting between future partners if he had to look at it one way.

Mika did not enjoy leaving him to his own devices even for short periods of time, but this was sometimes necessary. At the very least, she was uniquely-suited to doing it. A glance down the fabric of fate with her eyes informed her that he would be safe if she left him, and she’d keep them active until she returned anyway. Once she formed the intention to go find Haruki Blake, they also showed her meeting the man in his office. “Yes, Your Highness,” she told him simply, dipping into a bow so as to turn and take her leave. There was always a guard posted at the door here when Kiyoshi was in, and unlike her, he could not simply leave. She gave him a look as she passed, one that caused him to straighten his already very neat posture and snap her a salute. The implication was obvious: if anything happens to him, your life is forfeit.

That was just a simple truth of their jobs, but in Mika’s case, it carried a personal touch as well. She had not worked this hard for this long to protect him only to have him die. Especially not because some other guard didn’t do his job properly. She may not have been his friend, not as he seemed to wish, but Mika was, when he was not looking, incredibly protective of him, beyond, perhaps, what a Guard was required to be. All of them must be willing to give their lives in service. What she was willing to give was much more than that.

Not even she knew how far she’d go, but that thought didn’t bother her. Not in the slightest.

She made her way to Lord Blake’s more public office, and though the guard recognized her at once and let her through, she had a bit more trouble with the staff. It took them a little while to figure out that yes, this particular dhampir was authorized to convey the will and requests of the Prince, and so they had dame well better let her through, else it was really him they were presuming to delay. When she finally was admitted, she fell automatically into another bow, then straighten and spoke briskly. “Lord Blake, His Highness the Prince wishes to see you, at your earliest convenience.” A flicker in the colors of her eyes. “I will remain and escort you at such time as you deem appropriate.”

She already knew when that was going to be, after all.

Haruki had been aware of when Mika had entered his office, forcing himself not to roll his eyes as his staff gave the woman grief over her status. Honestly, could they not see the uniform? He really did not enjoy keeping most of the people around, but he had to in order to keep up appearances. As the last of the Blake family, he had an image to maintain. He glanced up as Mika entered, the pen never stopping as he scratched away while she spoke. He was not surprised to hear the summons; it was high time he'd had a conversation with the Prince anyhow, for varying reasons. He waited a full two minutes before actually replying to her, standing up as he did so. "Of course, Lieutenant Sakuragi." He pulled on a jacket, and then without a word to any of the other servants, he left with her, Xeno by their side.

Haruki sat down across from Kiyoshi, thinking not for the first time just how much the boy looked like his mother. His coloration came from his father, of course, but his facial structure was undoubtedly Rivka's. He raised his scarlet eyes, a smile not unlike the one he wore around the king plastered to his face. "You wished to see me, Your Highness?"

Kiyoshi stared at the papers in his hand still, debating with himself whether or not to place them at the bottom as well. Most of the proposals were absurd, granting more power to the Nobles and leaving little to no room for the humans or dhampirs. If things continued this way, there would be no power for the humans or dhampirs. What little power they had would be stripped from them and they would be nothing more than slaves. Not that Hajime would complain, his father would probably enjoy that. Kiyoshi sighed a little harshly than he had intended to, glancing away from his hands to spot the door opening. Haruki walked in and the door was shut behind him, Kiyoshi offering a small smile. "Yes, I did," he responded, turning so that the Blake pure-blood had his full attention.

"You may call me Kiyoshi, Haruki. We are speaking as one friend to another. There is no need for formality here," he really didn't like being called that. If he could convince at least one other person, who wasn't his sister or mother, to call him Kiyoshi, he'd consider it a small victory. "Tell me something, Haruki," he began, lacing his fingers together as he leaned his chin upon them. "What do you think of the King's current constitution? You are free to speak freely. I assure you, what is said here will never be repeated out of this room," whether or not Haruki would believe him would be up to the Blake vampire. But Kiyoshi meant his word. Whatever Haruki had to speak, it would be safe within these walls. He would not fault the vampire for speaking ill of his father; less than half of the vampires, or general people, had less than pleasant things to say about Hajime.

Haruki's eyebrows raised. It had been a very long time since anyone had called him by his first name. A small smirk appeared on his face though, at the Prince's comment. Free to speak? No, not even here. Haruki of all people knew that even the walls had ears; he was the one who put those ears there. But, he wasn't going to let Kiyoshi know that.

"And what would you say, Kiyoshi, if I told you that the man was a sadistic sociopath and that the Vigilante had the right of things? Would you believe me if I told you I knew who the Vigilante was?" He was interested in what he would say. He would never let on that he himself was the Vigilante, would be interesting to say the least what Mika would do with the supposed information, let alone the Prince.

"I would have to say that I agree," were the first words to ring from Kiyoshi. He closed his eyes briefly, allowing a moment of silence to come between them before continuing to speak. Kiyoshi was no fool, he knew what type of person his father was, however; his father was still King. "As for whether or not I believe you into knowing the identity of the Vigilante, that is a question I could ask of you. Would you believe me if I told you I did? Even if you did know, you would not give up the information so easily, nor would you have even mentioned it without prior reasons. I believe you, though, regardless," Kiyoshi spoke, keeping his eyes closed in the process. Kiyoshi believed Haruki. He believed the man knew who the Vigilante was, however; it would be wise not to mention it in the halls.

"I am completely aware of how my father is, what he is capable, and the multiple crimes he has committed against the kingdom. I am aware that the Vigilante is in the right for doing what he does, I just wish there was more that I could do to help in those efforts. I'm afraid I'd only make it worse if I were to be involved, but," he spoke, cracking his eyes open, meeting Haruki's rubied ones. If he could, he would have helped in the efforts of the Vigilante, however; the moment he became involved, his father would know. That man was like a shark, smelling blood the moment it tapped the water's surface, and Kiyoshi would only make things worse than they already are. Let alone, he might actually get the Vigilante caught. That was not a thought he wished to entertain.

He's eyes flickered briefly towards Mika, a thought crossing his mind. If he couldn't help directly, perhaps he could help indirectly. Of course, this would require consent from her as he did not wish to put her into anything uncomfortable. "Perhaps there can be a way for me to assist in other ways," he stated, removing his gaze from Mika and returning it to Haruki.

If Mika understood the implications of what was being discussed, and it was fair to suppose that she did, she made no comment, nor indeed did she so much as look directly at either of them. The amount of treason being slung around in this single conversation made her nervous, but not because they were being watched. She knew that, for now at least, they were not—her truesight was a useful talent that way. That said
 if it was so easy to speak of here, there was always the chance of a slip-up elsewhere, and she did not trust Haruki Blake, regardless of whether his claim to know the identity of the vigilante was true. One could keep that kind of secret for any number of reasons, and not all of them were in keeping with the Vigilante’s own stated goals, even.

But it was not her place to speak here, and so she did not. Her fate was decided beside that of His Highness—if his father ever decided that his indiscretions were too much, she would die defending him. If he ever ascended the throne, she would guard him from behind it and to the right, as the king was guarded now. Whatever came in between would come to the both of them at once, as well. She accepted that her end was not hers to choose, but his, whether he fully realized that or not. The people who got to make their own choices did not often recognize that others were not so burdened, after all.

Haruki's smile only inched wider, and Xeno raised an eyebrow at him. He was aware of what his master was thinking, and the wolf sighed. "It really is a wonder how you have not been caught before now, Haruki." Even as the wolf spoke, the man sitting across from the Prince was changing. Turqoise hair became as black as the sky they walked under, and the gemstones emblazoned on his cheek vanished. Only his eyes remained the same.

Haruki leaned his head in his hand with an almost bored expression. "And your reaction if I told you I am the Vigilante? Though I prefer to be called Einar. Congratulations, the two of you are the first to actually know just who I am. I suppose the question is now, what do you plan to do with the information?"

His eyes flickered to the side to the direction of Mika. "You can draw all the steel you want to, my dear, but slaying me will do little good. I'm not so stupid that I would come here as myself. Cloning is simply just another tool at my disposal. I honestly cannot tell you when the last time my actual self attended a meeting or Court function." He smiled wryly, his gaze returning to Kiyoshi. "Besides, what on earth would I possibly gain by harming the Prince? He is not my target, he never has been."

Xeno shook himself slightly. "You could have at least warned them, idiot. Clone or not, that wasn't very smart."

In point of fact, Mika had drawn steel the moment he started changing, unaware of what was going on, her lips pursed in displeasure. Even when he spoke, she made her point most eloquently by throwing the dagger she’d withdrawn from her sleeve, catching half an inch of raven colored hair and nothing else before it thunked into the opposite wall. Her eyes changed colors so that they were bright and luminous, and she could see that his claim about his own unreality, his cloning was true, now that she knew what to look for. “That fact is irrelevant,” she said simply. “It is not death specifically that I desire. This clone is the thing that could pose a threat to His Highness, as such, it is my immediate concern. Well
 it and the familiar, but he at least seems to possess the unfortunately-rare trait of common sense.”

Her eyes narrowed, but whatever she saw by glancing down the lines of possible future seemed to appease her, because her posture eased slightly. “Lucky you,” she said dryly, referring to the fact that he’d not attended a Court function in person for that long. They had to go to all of them as themselves.

Frankly, she trusted him no more now that he revealed himself than she had before
 well, perhaps a little more. They could ruin him if they spoke of what they had seen. She was rather surprised he trusted them that much, but then
 trusting His Highness was not so hard. She was generally beneath notice, and even were she not, it was obvious enough that her loyalty was only to the Prince, not the King. It was about as safe as such a bet could become. His argument regarding his gains, however, she dismissed. There were plenty of reasons to harm the Prince—she would know that better even than His Highness himself, because she had to be prepared for all of them.

Still, now that the potential threat was not an actual one, she took a step backwards and resumed her post at the heir’s shoulder, or rather somewhat behind and to the right of it.

Well, that was certainly unexpected. Kiyoshi had not anticipated Haruki's movement, and was left in awe to stare at the transformation in front of him. His hands retreated to his lap, watching as Haruki's sea foam colored hair took on an inky appearance. The jewels upon his face disappeared, and his eyes remained the same. He blinked slowly at Mika, who had thrown a dagger towards the other male, causing Kiyoshi to frown lightly. He couldn't blame her, really. Haruki had just transformed in front of them, claiming to be the vigilante. She had every right to be defensive about it, however; there was no need for the dagger. He remained quiet, listening to the banter between Mika and Haruki until it quieted down.

"Trust is a rare thing these days," he finally spoke, releasing a deep breath as he leaned back in his chair. "Though curiously, all the same, I do not blame you for not attending the meetings yourself. They can be a little, boring," Kiyoshi continued as he glanced up at the ceiling. It was odd that Haruki would reveal himself as the Vigilante, however; who was to say that he wasn't? A nifty trick to change his hair and appearance, but who was to say that he was truly the Vigilante? Regardless, Kiyoshi was going to stand behind his words. "Then tell me, Einar, how can the prince be of service to you?"

Einar only smiled before shifting back to his original appearance. "For now, Kiyoshi, I'm simply going to ask you to keep this between us, for reasons I'm sure you can understand. If something comes up, can always contact me. Just leave me a note, and I'll find it. I have no preferences to those that I help; you need only ask."

He stood up then, smiling at the two of them before dropping his head slightly. "Your Highness. I wish you a good day." He and Xeno left then, a small smile on his face. This was getting so very interesting.


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Rikichi resisted the urge to run a hand down his face. This was the fourth week in a row the King had had them out on double patrols, looking still for the Vigilante. Many of his guards were getting tired, and even he was beginning to feel the lack of sleep a bit. Their kind did not require much, but he’d been getting next to none, between his nights guarding the Queen and his days on these damned extra rounds. Mika was in the same situation, as was Raamah, but everyone else, he’d been rotating a bit more, so that they could sleep at least once every two days or so. Things were especially tense this evening, as Aurelia had announced today in a Council meeting that Einar was going to hit something else tonight, though she’d not specified what. It left Rikichi in a rather awkward position, all things considered.

He didn’t want to arrest Haruki, because to do so would stop not only his progress, but possibly reveal the Queen’s complicity in the whole thing, It was certainly well-enough known that they were friends to cast suspicion of some kind on her, and Rikichi wasn’t having that if he could avoid it. What happened to him was of little consequence; she, however, was incredibly important. So he’d kept the most competent guards, as well as the most loyal to Hajime, with him, in hopes of explicitly not running into Lord Blake that day. With luck, he’d be able to get by any of the other patrols with a little thinking and stealth, both of which he seemed to be quite capable of.

His daughter walked beside him, seemingly lost in her own thoughts, though he knew that looks could be deceiving in regards to that—Mika was always paying attention to her surroundings, even when she didn’t look it. He’d have asked for her help, if he wasn’t against bringing her in on the treason as well. Her eyes would make it difficult to accidentally run into the man, but that was an advantage he would simply have to go without. The range of his truesight would be enough
 if he could get through the night without any of the men getting overzealous.

Contrary to popular belief, or what would be was it well known that Haruki could produce copies of himself, he had actually run out of them. He could only produce seven at a time, and those seven were out on their own agendas that he'd set them on, each with a different disguise that were nothing like Haruki Blake or Einar. So, unlike any other run he would normally make as the Vigilante, he was, in fact, himself.

That alone was enough to put him more on edge than normal. But, he had a goal, and that was what drove him forward. Regardless of what he'd told Rikichi and Rivka, he did quite enjoy taking from Hajime, and what better to take from him than his lovely prisoners, specifically the ones who had the ability to fight.

The patrols were heavy, which was truly unsurprising, all things considered. Hajime wanted him dead, after all. But then, he hadn't remained on the loose for two-hundred years by sheer luck alone, either. It took him no time at all to duck around most of the patrols, and this time, he didn't bother staying out of Rikichi and Mika's range, either. He knew of their little gifts, but seeing as the both of them knew his actual identity, it was one less obstacle for him to avoid.

But he had overlooked something this time. It was unlike him, honestly. Had he not given Aurelia the advice to turn in the opposite direction when she smelled death? But perhaps it was because of his preoccupation with his thoughts. All he was aware of was that he had not smelled Thanatos before he'd been spotted, and the familiar was faster than he had any right to be.

Einar dodged, and only barely. The problem was, Thanatos would alert Raamah to his find, and that was a fight that Haruki was not prepared for. So, he ran, but not before the familiar had managed to draw blood from his forearm. That was another bad situation, the creature knew what he tasted like now. Einar cursed under his breath, ducking down an empty corridor before melding into the shadows. At least there, not even Thanatos's nose could follow him. But it didn't make his escape any easier.

He was slowly being cornered.

He had to scoff. Rikichi was right, he'd been a bit too reckless this time.

Unfortunately for all involved, just before he merged with the shadows, Einar made a small noise. A noise that was heard not only by Rikichi and Mika, who both knew who it was and would rather have pretended they didn’t hear, but also by the other guards with them, particularly zealous individuals eager to deal out the King’s justice. In all the Guard, there were only three of these, not counting Raamah Atol who was in things for himself as always, and all three of them were on this patrol. “Sir!” one of them said sharply, turning with his fellows in the direction of the sound, and Rikichi had no choice but to nod. Get out of there, Lord Blake, he thought to himself as the three took off running, he and Mika not far behind.

The smell of blood would occasionally hit the air, and when it did, the shadows seemed to wobble, making Einar’s progress easy to track, something his men took to with great enthusiasm, like hounds that had scented the fox and were now baying on the trail
. And it wouldn't be too long before he was treed, if the amount of blood finding its way onto stone floors was enough to go by.

The patrol turned a corner when it happened—Einar simply fell out of the shadows, right into Mika, who reacted immediately, catching him before he fell, murmuring something into his ear so quietly Rikichi had to read her lips to know what it was—don’t fight me. He immediately had to wonder if his daughter could see the truth just by looking; perhaps some possible future had Einar losing his disguise? There was also the possibility that she’d known beforehand, but he had no idea how that could have come about. If Mika knew, it was likely because Kiyoshi knew, and if so
 that had implications that ran deep. But there was no time to think about all that now. One of his guards was raising his sword to strike the Vigilante, and Rikichi intervened, stopping the blade with the fingers of his left hand.

“Sir, what are you doing? This man is a traitor to the King!” The guard, Jardin, protested, and Rikichi’s eyes narrowed.

“No,” he corrected, “he is suspected of being a traitor to the Crown, and will stand trial for that, after evidence is gathered. He has not earned an execution now, of all times, and you will remember that, Sargeant.” Jardin looked peeved, but also appropriately chastised, and lowered his blade. “Now, we will be escorting him to the prison, so let’s go.”. They’d also be trying to heal that wound, though why it was not simply mending itself was unclear. There were few beings capable of dealing such a blow as that, and Rikichi thought he might know which one was responsible.


The patrol reached the prison, Mika half-carrying the still-bleeding Einar, though she went to lengths to avoid looking like she was supporting him in any way. “Lieutenant—bandage the wound as well as you can. Sargeant, fill out the arrest paperwork. Corporals Kaiser and Hofstadr, guard the cell. I’m returning to the scene to begin documentation.” Putting himself in charge of evidence collection was the best way he knew to make sure this didn’t link back to the actual culprit, but Mika would have to get him out of there. What looked like a fatherly hand on her shoulder was actually his opportunity to slide a small skeleton key under the collar of her uniform, and he exchanged a look with her that she clearly read, because she gave a minute nod, setting the prisoner down on the cot in the cell.

With a clinical eye, she turned the wound over, activating her eyes as though to examine it with them. What she was actually doing was looking for possible ways to get him out of this alive, futures in which he survived and she didn’t lose her head for helping him. “Looks like you’re in a bit over your head, Vigilante,” she said, raising a brow. It was an invitation to speak, to try and communicate without making it obvious to the other two guards what they were doing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haruki Blake Character Portrait: Mika Sakuragi Character Portrait: Rikichi Sakuragi
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#, as written by Asilian

Einar grit his teeth, pain lancing through his arm as Mika looked the wound over. It had been a wonder he hadn't passed out, honestly. Mika had not needed to tell him not to fight her, he wouldn't have been able to even if he'd wanted to. He watched her with a wary look in his eye.

"You'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Sakuragi?" There was a bite to his voice, but it was more from pain than anything else. Though, the other guards interpreted it the way he'd meant them to; appearances were everything, and someone like the Vigilante would be against the guard to the bitter end, especially someone who was half-human, regardless of her actual intentions.

Wounded though he was, he'd not missed the interaction between father and daughter, and that peaked his interest. In his condition, he'd be in no shape to go anywhere, Thanatos's abilities would make sure of that. A spasm ran through his arm, and he somehow managed to keep his head, and his disguise. The problem was, he wasn't sure how long he'd be able to keep it. Damned familiar...

“Would I?” Mika replied coolly. “No, I think not—I know how to pick my battles, and this is a fool’s errand if ever there was one. Freeing the King’s prisoners is not a very smart idea.” The emphasis on the words was incredibly slight, but it should be enough for someone like him to pick up on. It was her way of saying that she intended to free him, or at least, help him free himself. She examined the wound without so much as blinking, then took the bandages one of the other guards grudgingly handed her, wrapping them tightly around the wound. It wasn’t going to stop the bleeding, not if this was what she thought it was, but it would at least slow it down. She didn’t have any talent for healing others, nor did her father. She hoped he had somewhere else he could go for that, else their efforts would mean very little in the end.

“For your trouble, you’ll be first getting a cell like this one, always guarded by two, until your trial, and then I expect they’ll execute you. The King doesn’t much go in for mercy to traitors, you know. There’s nowhere to hide.” She met his eyes, then flickered hers to the blonder of the two guards, indicating that he’d be the one she would take out first, and that the second, he’d have to deal with as soon as she had. Fortunately, they shared an ability to travel in shadow, so as long as Hofstadr saw his friend go down before he felt any damage, she could hide as Haruki dealt him a blow and got himself out.

“That makes sense, I hope?” She said, speaking not of her words, but of the plan she’d hidden within them.

Einar smirked slightly. "I'm impressed that I'm that important. It's such a good feeling to be in the King's good graces." He rolled out the shoulder she'd bandaged, closing his eyes as she did so. This would be heavily touch-and-go, as the amount of blood he'd lost was nearing the level of being rather dangerous. Luckily, she'd done an excellent patch job, and she was also going to provide him with a replenishment source.

The actual passing of the key was easily a sleight-of-hand as she pretended to recheck the bandages, and from there he simply waited. Shadow-travel could be a useful tool, when one's opponents had no way to counter-act it. He tested his reflexes, pleased to find that while they had slowed somewhat, they were still a notch and a half above the two gurading the cell.

Another handy thing about shadow-travel was that those who had the ability could sense others when they used it, making for very organized coordination, such as was the current case. So when Mika took out the first one, he didn't hesitate to cover the other's guard's mouth before sinking his fangs into his neck from behind. The taste was vile, but he would have to deal; he needed blood to replace what he'd lost, and this was his only viable source.

He regarded Mika silently for half a second. "Not smart, indeed, Sakuragi. But I thank you nonetheless."

Kaiser and Hofstadr both saw her leave, and then both fell to someone slinking through shadows. None of them would have any reason to suspect her, and though Hofstadr was now dead, apparently, Kaiser would be able to testify that the Vigilante was responsible for the jailbreak. “Don’t mention it, Blake. And I really mean that—don’t mention this ever again, not even to His Highness. That’s all the thanks I need.” The less he was involved in business like this, the better. She got her hands dirty so that his stayed clean—that was how this worked. He could organize all the food shipments out to the humans that he wanted. When it came time to do something morally dubious like this, she fully intended to keep him as out of the loop as possible, and her father, too.

“You’re still going to need someone to get that looked at though—I can’t help you there, and if it keeps bleeding, Hofstadr’s blood won’t make a difference.” She turned to leave, then paused. “That’s a skeleton key—it works on pretty much any door in this place. It’s a copy of my father’s, one that shouldn’t exist. Don’t lose it. Watch yourself, Blake. If it had been anyone but us, you’d be dead right now.” She inclined her head slightly, then vanished back into her shadows, heading for the scene of the capture to inform her father of what had happened before someone else discovered the bodies
 or Kaiser woke up.

Einari shook his head slightly, a smile on his face as he, too, melted into the shadows. It was amusing, how father and daughter were so very alike in personality. Though, he supposed that was because they were related. Or at least, Rikichi had raised her. But she was right, he did need to get this wound fixed. Hofstadr would be enough to get him through the night along with her patch job, but no further. He needed actual healing, and he wasn't sure--

His brain ground to a halt then, remembering certain information that Xeno had relayed to him of a common accquaintance that they shared. His smile inched wider. Well, she certainly wouldn't be happy to see him.

So it was with an award-winning smile and a flourish that Einar knocked on Aurelia Rodanthe's door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haruka Tsuji Character Portrait: Mika Sakuragi Character Portrait: Aurelia Rodanthe
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#, as written by Mihael


Mika leaned back into the grass, folding her hands behind her head and one leg over the other. The night was a warmer one, as far as they went, and the moon was almost full, granting them plenty of illumination. It was one of her few days off, today, and so as usual, she was spending it with Haruka, since her father was still on duty. She was fortunate that she’d already known the kind of hours that were required of a guard when she’d signed on for the training—a lot of the noblemen’s sons who took up the job didn’t realize that their shifts were rarely shorter than a full twelve hours if they were working personal security. Worse if you happened to be guarding someone as important as the Prince. It wasn’t uncommon for her shifts to be sixteen or even eighteen hours long. She just
 followed him around, lived out the day as he did, albeit with less talking and more guarding.

So the occasional off day, something her father had mandated for everyone but himself—naturally—was something to be savored. Not because she disliked what she did, but because she rarely had any time for herself. Her off hours were a mix of training and resting, and Mika knew she was lucky that four hours of sleep a day was plenty for her. She was also lucky that the sun didn’t hurt her any; it was one of the requisites for guarding anyone pureblooded, because their business could and did sometimes extend into the daylight hours. In most cases, it wouldn’t be an issue, just because of the protection the Castle-City offered from the sun, but if someone had a meeting in the gardens, for example, well, the extra protection a noble would have needed was not permitted to a guard.

She and Haruka had trained a bit, and now they were just sitting in the grass and enjoying one another’s company, or at least they had been, until Mika scented someone else approaching. Roses and honey—she had to admit, it was a very potent smell. She knew just enough to understand who it belonged to, as well. Sitting up, Mika peered down the garden pathway. A head of pinkish hair confirmed her hypothesis, and she blinked dark eyes as the girl approached. She could smell something else too—cookies?

“Hello,” Aurelia said cheerfully, nodding to both Mika and Haruka. “I had leftovers from my visit with Miss Rhi today, so I thought the two of you might like some? Vasil’s not around, and I don’t want to accidentally eat all of them myself.” Mika blinked again, this time in mild surprise, before turning to her friend, as if to ask if this was an ordinary occurrence.

Haruka was still unused to feeling the way she did, as if she were impenetrable, invincible. It was foreign to her, and she wasn't entirely sure if she would get used to it. She wasn't even sure if she had made the right decision, to give up her soul for something such as power. What was a soul when power was given in return? She was no fool, she knew she wasn't invincible, and neither was her father, however; the feeling, she didn't like it. Instead, she had spent most of her time training either in solitude, with Mika, or occasionally her familiar. Bibi wasn't a creature, oddly, of violence nor combat, but he was still his master's creation. He could be what she needed him to be. It was a way to work out the knots that seemed to form as well as an opportunity to test out her new limits.

She would never do that with Mika though. If she couldn't control her gift, she didn't want to be responsible for hurting her friend. And she didn't want that on her conscience either. She and Mika currently sat in the gardens, enjoying the silence between them when a familiar scent captured Haruka's attention. It seemed to do the same to Mika, as the dhampir sat up and turned towards the spot where a tuff of pink hair could be vaguely seen. A small, half smile crossed Haruka's lips as she too, rose from her spot, watching the human girl with a bit of curiousness. The smile blossomed on Haruka's face when Aurelia spoke, and raised a brow in slight amusement.

"Good evening, Lia. And you speak of it as if it is a bad thing to eat it all yourself," Haruka replied, her smile faltering mildly into a light smirk. "Though, I will say, if you cannot find Val, he will be missing out," she added, shrugging her shoulders while rolling her eyes. She had honestly began to fancy Aurelia's cooking, and could see why Nero had enjoyed it (even if he rarely showed it). It was something she had come to appreciate about the human girl whom she shared a home with. "What have you brought us today?"

Lia grinned. “Val? I’d pay to see his face when you call him that.” The question recalled her attention to the basket in her arms, however, and she glanced down at it. “Let’s see
 there’s cookies, and raspberry strudel, and
 oh! Blueberry muffins.” Setting the basket down, she knelt beside it and started rummaging through, pulling out plates of the aforementioned items and laying them out on a short patch of grass.

“Did you make anything that wasn’t a sweet?” Mika asked, slightly disbelieving at the variety of confections the girl was producing from the basket. She made all of these to visit one person? No wonder there were leftovers. At that, Lia looked up and smiled sheepishly, shrugging as if to say she wasn’t all that sure. She appeared to remember something, though, and stuck her hand out.

“You must be Mika! I’m Aurelia, but please feel free to call me Lia. Lots of people do.” Mika looked down at the girl’s hand for just a moment, somewhat surprised. It was not just anyone who would voluntarily spend time with a dhampir, let alone two. People tended to view them as abominations on both sides. Apparently, this young woman meant what she said in the Council meetings, about everyone being of equal worth. It managed to startle her more cynical side, and she cautiously reached to shake the proffered hand. Lai didn’t seem to notice her hesitation, and simply smiled all the brighter.

“I’m glad I ran across you though—I was looking, but I don’t have a very good nose or anything like that.” She tapped hers as if to emphasize the point, rolling golden eyes at herself. She really did have an unusual coloration, this girl. It bordered on unnatural. The strangest vampires ever got was the trademark blue hair of the Blake family, but even they had normal enough eye color. She’d never seen pink hair before. “I was hoping I might be able to ask a favor of you, Haruka. If you don’t mind, that is.”

Haruka laughed in amusement as she watched Aurelia and Mika interact. Haruka was used to it by now, having lived with the girl for a few months now, she couldn't keep track of time really, and she had never been one to care to begin with. People were free to think what they wanted of her, so long as they didn't actually bother her. She usually would let people say what they will, however; that didn't always mean she held her tongue back if they said something a little...uncalled for. Haruka raised a curious brow at Aurelia's next statement though.

"A favor? Of me?" what could Aurelia possibly need her for? It was a little odd, and caught Haruka completely off guard. She remained quiet, rolling the inquery around a few times before blinking slowly. "What assistance can I be of?" she finally stated. She wasn't entirely sure she could assist Aurelia in anything really, but if the pink-haired girl needed her help, then she would give it. "I do not guarantee, however, that I will be successful in helping you," she added, as an after thought. If Aurelia still wanted her assistance, who was she to say no?

” Aurelia fidgeted a bit nervously, chewing on her lower lip. How was she supposed to explain this? It seemed to be against her very nature, but she was swiftly realizing that she was going to need the help, or else she might not last long enough to do what she was supposed to accomplish with this life. This one chance, however short, she had to make things better. “I was hoping that you could teach me how to fight.” A pause. “I’ve seen you practicing with your tessen. I might not be a fighter myself, but I know what it looks like—that’s not just dancing. I know it would be really obvious if I started wearing a sword or something. But a fan? Nobody would know, and
 I’d feel a little safer.”

Maybe it was something about the fact that even Einar had been injured in the work that they did that led her to believe she would need to know. She knew she’d never be strong or fast compared to a vampire or a dhampir like Haruka, but she didn't have to be the strongest or the fastest. She just had to know enough to give her a fighting chance at getting away of the worst happened. She knew that Nero protected her, but she didn’t want to make that any harder for him than it had to be, and even he couldn’t be everywhere at the same time. She wouldn’t want him to be, either—he deserved to live his life the way he pleased, and not have to chase after her every time she was at risk for a mishap.

Fight? She wanted to learn how to fight? Haruka allowed the genuine look of surprise to cross her features, and she didn't bother to cover it up. Why would she want to learn how to fight? She was protected by Nero, regardless of what she did. Or at least she was certain that no harm would befall Aurelia unless someone wanted to deal with Nero. She blinked slowly, allowing the rest of the information to settle in before she glanced towards Mika. The only reason Haruka knew how to fight was because of Mika and Rikichi. They had both taught her, though she wasn't much younger than Mika. Still, that did not change the fact that Aurelia wanted to learn to at least protect herself, something Haruka could respect. Standing from her spot, she dusted her clothes off before turning towards the pink-haired girl.

"You are correct that no one would assume a fan could be a weapon," she stated, bringing forth her own tessen and tossing it towards Aurelia. "Dancing and fighting are one and the same. If you can dance, you can fight," she continued, ushering for the girl to stand. She then glanced towards Mika. "Care to help in this process?" she asked, grinning at her friend. It would, perhaps, be better if there were two people to show Aurelia rather than one to try and teach. Learning was not something that could be done overnight, and without doubt, Haruka knew it would take some time, however; Aurelia was bright. She would catch on quickly.

Mika raised an eyebrow as Aurelia hurried to stand, gripping the tessen all wrong. Bright she may be, but it was till going to take some work to train her. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt,” she said mildly. “Someone has to stop you from teaching her all your bad habits, after all.” the oldest of the women smiled slyly, only teasing her friend, and withdrew a similar object from her own sleeve.

“Let’s get started.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiyoshi Tsuji Character Portrait: Mika Sakuragi Character Portrait: Vasilios Nero
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Nero raised a perfectly-arched brow, giving the message in his hand another perfunctory reading. Well. This, he was quite certain, was highly irregular, which really only served to make it interesting. He was not in the habit of answering summonses, nor making social calls, but he decided to put those general policies aside in the interest of, well
 interest. Folding the short message in half, he tucked it in the inside pocket of his pristine white suit jacket, then eyed the messenger who’d brought it to him. Red eyes met deep black ones, and though most people did not or could not hold his for long, Mika seemed unperturbed. The girl Rikichi had raised was a most peculiar case indeed, though he doubted very much that anyone save he knew quite why.

“I believed you were the Prince’s bodyguard, not his messenger. Do you often make deliveries?” There was something loaded into the question, though his tone betrayed nothing but idle curiosity. Mika continued to stare flatly back at him.

“Only the important ones.” The reply was so blunt and utterly devoid of emotion it could almost have come from him. The corner of Nero’s mouth ticked upwards by the tiniest fraction, and he stood in a flowing, graceful motion, reaching for the cloak on the coat rack in the corner of his study. He’d perhaps have asked if she were concerned about leaving her charge behind, but he knew something very few people did: what her eyes could really see. If she was here, the Prince was in no danger for the time being. It had been wise, he thought, to put the girl with Rikichi then. It kept her near Kiyoshi now, and it was about the best place for her, though neither of them knew it at this moment.

“I’m flattered.”

“Don’t be. It’s important because of what it’s about, not who it’s to.” Honestly, most other noblemen probably would have snapped at her for that, or reminded her of her place, but she knew through Haruka that this man would do no such thing. It perhaps made her tongue a little too loose, but Mika wasn’t one to pull punches unless she had to. Besides, something about him unnerved her. Deeply, like something about his presence pulled and tugged at something beneath her skin, something she could not name. Her Eyes were clearer when he was near, but her mind felt somehow more befuddled, like her emotions got closer to the surface, and that was dangerous, even if she was only imagining it.

With Mika in the lead, the two made their way back to the Prince’s office, whereupon she knocked sharply and opened the door to admit Nero, who stood slightly behind the chairs arrayed in front of the man’s desk. He did not bow—he bowed exactly once a year, and not to this particular member of the family—but he did incline his head ever-so-slightly in greeting. “I must admit, an invitation to visit was not what I expected when you sent the little wolf to my doorstep, but
 here I am. What would you ask of me, Your Highness?” The title was inflected not with deference, but with the faintest touch of humor, as though he found something about the situation to be subtly amusing to him. What it was, he did not care to explain.

Kiyoshi sat, staring at the stack of papers that seemed to be growing. His eyes were half-lidded, and his focus going in and out. He was a little pale, more-so than usual, and he yawned. He had not realized the decrease in energy he had was due to a little detail he had neglected to see. Haruka had been taking a lot more blood than she normally had. It was odd to him, because there had never been a time where she would intake so much. For a brief moment, a thought that actually frightened him, he thought that she was with child. A vampire would only take more blood than necessary when they were with child, however; he was quickly able to deduce that that was not the case. He knew it couldn't be anything else. She hadn't increased any activities, though she had been acting a bit strangely.

There was, perhaps, only one person who could possibly know what ailed his sister, and it was why he had sent Mika to ask the man to come. Whether or not he accepted the invitation, Kiyoshi would not put it past the man. As far as he knew, they were both busy people, though he knew not what exactly Nero did. The man was connected to his father, that much Kiyoshi knew, and Nero now housed his sister in his residence. In a way, that was their connection. He shoved the thoughts away, trying to focus his attention back on his paper work. He didn't need to fall further behind, however; the sharp knock on his door, and Mika and Nero's entrance, caused him to turn his attention to them.

"And one you need not have answered," Kiyoshi replied, a tired look flashing across his face before it smoothed back out. He glanced towards Mika briefly before turning back to Nero. "Apologies, I am afraid my fatigue has affected my manners," he stated, leaning back a bit further into his chair. For a moment, he forgot what he was going to ask the vampire. The sudden closing of his eyes, however, reminded him, and he opened them back up.

"Has anything changed about Haruka? I am afraid you are the only one who has been near enough to her that I assume you might know. She's...been taking a lot more than usual," he finally stated. And it was slightly true. Mika had visited Haruka occasionally, and he wasn't exactly sure how much time Haruka spent with Aurelia. Plus, he wasn't going to ask the pink-haired girl about it without first consulting Nero. He didn't want to step on any boundaries, and he respected the man to an extent.

Well, she was sustaining a number of newly-enhanced capacities now—it was perhaps to be expected that her need for the energy to do that was increasing. Nero studied the prince for a moment, taking in the clear signs of fatigue. Clearly, the boy was her only source of intake, and at this rate, she’d probably kill him eventually. This was simply what happened because she had the new set of circumstances. If she actually took to using the power she’d been granted, it would grow worse. This was one of the side effects of the deal—such power was not meant for creatures such as she. It would continue to overtax her. Whether she would survive that or not was something he neither knew nor cared about, and she had made it clear that she did not either.

But it would seem that her half-brother did. Lifting a brow, Nero crossed his arms over his chest, not defensively, but simply as a matter of habit. “A rather nonspecific question. The answer to it happens to be yes.” He did not elaborate, however, and for a moment, there was silence.

“Yes how?” Mika said, a little too sharply. Normally, she wouldn’t have interfered at all, but this was her best friend they were talking about. And besides that, the new circumstances were taking a serious toll on the Prince as well. Every time she used her Eyes, it seemed like there were more possible situations in which bad things happened to him—either because he was overtaxed or because he was caught somewhere weakened and without her. She’d stopped taking days off in recent weeks, though she hadn’t mentioned it, acting as though it were perfectly ordinary for her to be around seven days a week, nearly eighteen hours a day. She might be losing a little sleep, but not as much as she would be if she kept seeing him maybe getting killed when she wasn’t there.

His condition was therefore of paramount concern to her, and she wasn’t going to mince words in getting to the root of it. Haruka may not have even noticed what she was doing to him, because she didn’t see him so often, and he put on a show of being hale and whole when she did. But Mika knew better, and this could not continue as it was.

Nero flicked his glance to her for a moment. “That is not for me to say. Is there something else you would like to ask me, or are we done here?”

Kiyoshi shook his head faintly. Well, Nero had answered the question, albeit not entirely fully. But Kiyoshi would not say anything further about it. It would, however, leave him curious as to how his sister had changed. Perhaps he would consult with her about it, at least now that he knew. His eyes flickered to Mika when she spoke, and he pursed his lips together. She was worried, that much he could tell. Whether she was worried about him, or his sister, however, was something he could not tell.

"Mika," he started, however; he returned his attention back to Nero. "I will not ask more of you, or take more of your time, however; I do have a request. I do not know what has changed about my sister, and I know you will not say. I will ask her, eventually, but," he paused, trying to find the words to speak without them coming out jumbled and confusing. He'd done that in the early morning when he was addressing a noble. He hadn't realized how tired he was then. As much as he didn't want to, he needed the help. He wasn't certain how Nero could help, but something spoke to him, telling him that he could.

"I do not know how, but if it at all possible, is there a way to help get her thirst under control? It...would be pleasant if she could, however; I do not expect anything more. Thank you Nero, if you wish to leave you are free to do so," he continued. Nero was not obligated to come, and he wasn't obligated to stay. Kiyoshi had been glad, however, that he chose to come, and now he had a bit more information on what was going on. If Nero couldn't help, then he would simply have to find another means of keeping his sister from attacking someone. He didn't want that for either of them, really.

Nero’s head tilted faintly to the side, and he considered the request for a moment. The man’s politeness didn’t really affect his consideration; he had the tendency to mind neither manners nor rudeness in address, really. Better rude than stupid, in all truth. “There are two solutions to the problem,” he said flatly, then blinked, the tiniest of motions quirking the corner of his mouth upwards. “One of which I believe she would refuse to consider.” That, of course, would be the taking of his blood, as it would keep the hunger at bay for significantly longer with less. Of course, he wasn’t inclined to give it away regardless.

The other option was entirely impersonal, which he had a feeling she would prefer. It did not, however, have the most pleasant taste. “As it happens, the other would be quite feasible. I am not, however, in the habit of doing things for free.” His eyes flickered to Mika for a brief moment, and she might have been imagining it, but she thought she saw the gold in them light up somewhat, as hers did when she was using her powers. It was gone in just an instant, though. “My price for this is simple: when the time comes, do not hesitate.” A pause. “Cryptic as it sounds now, you’ll know what I’m talking about when you need to. When you do, don’t second-guess yourself. Act with your first instinct. That is the bargain.”

Kiyoshi blinked. A bargain? He listened as Nero continued to explain, and in a way, he could understand. Why give away something for free when one can obtain more? Still, whatever it was Nero wanted, Kiyoshi would make it so. There were two things to help his sister, though he did not know what they were, Nero made it clear that whatever one of them was, Haruka would not take it. He could only assume that it meant the intake of another source, and Nero would be correct about it. She wouldn't take another source, and she had voiced that plenty of times before.

"I do not expect anything to be without price. It is how things are now a days," he stated. "Then I give you my word. When the day comes, I will not," he continued. It did not sound like much of a price to be asking for, however; Kiyoshi knew that there would be more to it than a simple promise. He could not see the future, but he was not ignorant to the challenges that each day brought, and would continue to bring for the rest of his years alive.

“So shall it be,” Nero replied, and there was something very final in the way he said it. The fulfillment of that promise would involve no small amount of risk to the prince—he was curious to see what the man was made of. Especially considering whom his father was. If he did not keep his end of the bargain, well
 it would just be one more thread in the weave this world had become, meritless and obscene. Inclining his head a second time, Vasilios turned to depart, pausing only momentarily t turn back over his shoulder.

“You may want to consider finding another source of sustenance, yourself. It does not do to bleed in front of sharks.” The metaphor was clear enough—any weakness in front of the Council would be seen as a prime opportunity to be rid of him, either politically or in a more permanent sense. That one piece of advice, he was willing to give for free.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiyoshi Tsuji Character Portrait: Mika Sakuragi Character Portrait: Aurelia Rodanthe
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Aurelia trailed after Mika, a look of slight perplexity written over her face. It was true that she’d met Kiyo before, and found him to be an astoundingly-kind person, especially considering what his father was like, but then, she could make more sense of it now that she’d met the queen as well. None of that quite explained, though, why he wanted to see her. They might get along just fine, but the prince was a very busy person, and she had her fair share of other engagements as well most of the time, and those lines usually only crossed at meetings and more official functions. Still, he’d sent Mika all the way to Nero’s quarters to retrieve her, so she would certainly oblige.

At first, she’d been surprised to see Mika without Haruka, and she wondered if maybe she’d forgotten a scheduled lesson or something. But the other woman was wearing the black and white of the official Guard uniform, and so she swiftly deduced that Rikichi’s daughter was visiting her on business, something which turned out to be correct. She glanced at Mika’s back, tilting her head slightly to the side. She always used a minimum of words, and even her body language was guarded. Right now, her posture was upright and perfect, but she still managed to move with the predatory grace of something feline. She was a bit of an enigma, really—no amount of observation seemed inclined to reveal what made her tick. Perhaps seeing her in this context, at her job, would reveal something she did not otherwise display.

They bypassed many members of the Prince’s administrative and support staff on their way through his offices, and Aurelia knew she got a few dirty looks, but most of the concentrated disdain seemed to be focused on Mika, who either did not notice it or was completely impervious. Lia was betting on the latter—there was no way one didn’t notice that many people glaring at you. Still, not all of them did, and everyone got out of her way when she walked past, respectful of her position if not of the one who occupied it.

“We’re here.” Mika said suddenly, pulling to a stop. Aurelia did the same behind her, and Mika knocked on the door sharply in a distinctive pattern. “Your Highness, I’ve brought Lady Rodanthe.” She pulled open the door, nodding for Lia to enter before her, which she did, smoothing down the lines of her white dress.

Lia chose not to curtsey, instead offering a small nod and a big smile. “Kiyo. It’s been a long time.” Perhaps not for him, but it had been almost two years ago that they met for the first time, and after that, their interactions had been sparse at best. “How have you been?” She seemed genuinely interested in the answer, more than basic courtesy demanded she be.

Mika, for her part, closed the door and retook her place standing behind the Prince’s chair, and to the left.

Things were getting worse. People were starving in the lesser parts of the Castle-City, and Kiyoshi was worried. Though he chose not to display those emotions, for what they might cause within the staff. If they knew exactly what the Prince was going to do, he knew for certain he would not leave unpunished for it. That is why he chose her. He had to trust someone who was not also his guard and protector, nor his flesh and blood. If he could make this work, in some fashion, then it would benefit not only those who were currently suffering because of his father, but also it would benefit them. His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar knock at his door, and Kiyoshi allowed a small smile to grace his features. "It has," he responded, glancing subtly towards Mika before giving his attention back to Aurelia.

"I have been as I always have; busy," he stated, but the slight quirk of his lips wasn't too hard to notice. He folded his hands in front of him, blinking slowly before releasing a deep sigh. "I hope things have been well with Haruka. She speaks fondly of you, you know," which was saying a lot compared to the things his sister usually said about most people. Still, this was not the reason as to why he brought her here, and he had very little precious time to convey his message. He motioned for her to sit, and waited untill she did before continuing. "I know it seems a bit odd for me to summon you here," he began, closing his eyes in the process.

"I have a favor, actually, to ask of you. If you should so be inclined to do so, though, it would be...," he trailed off, searching for the proper word to say what he wanted to. "It would beneficial to all who were involved," he finally stated, opening his eyes to hold Aurelia's gaze. Of course, should she decline, it would be of no consequence to anyone, and he would simply have to figure out a way to do it himself without being caught.

"But I shall leave the decision up to you should you wish to hear what I am proposing."

Aurelia studied him for a moment. The way he danced around the actual topic, she supposed it would likely involve some level of danger, either for herself, or possibly for Einar. Lord Blake—she was still having trouble getting used to the fact that they were the same person—had told her that Kiyo and Mika both knew of his dual identity, and so she was left to assume that he was going through her as an intermediary because it would look very strange for him to meet with his father’s adviser and not make any progress on those awful arranged marriages that rumor had it was in the works for him. Plus, it was better in general if Haruki didn’t look too close to the prince, who was known to be a bit softer than the average pureblood on humans, to say the least. Nobody had forgotten his doomed love affair with that woman, after all.

Her, though, well. She could be talking about anything with him, and if the suspicion fell that something was going on, it would be easy enough to believe that it was all her doing rather than his. Scapegoat was a role she’d been playing most of her time in court, and she was certainly willing to continue to play it if the results were something good. Kiyo had a good heart—she fully believed that. But he also needed to maintain his position as well as he could, not only for himself, but for the cause. She was much more expendable in that sense.

Nodding once, solemnly, she spoke. “I want to hear it. I’m sure you’ve noticed by now, but potential danger isn’t usually a deterrent for me.” She caught the faintest flicker of something on Mika’s face, just a barely-there upward tilt to her lips, but then it disappeared.

Unlike the barest flicker across Mika's face, the one across Kiyoshi's was much more noticeable. The frown, however, had also flickered across his face. "Be that as it may, I wish it were for you," he spoke honestly. Brave, he'll give her that. She had more spirit in her than any other human he had met, and he wasn't entirely sure if that was a good thing, or if it were something that should raise concern. It was a known fact that his father was not particularly fond of spirited humans. If Haruka's mother was anything to go by, and what he had did to her. It wasn't a fond memory, nor was it one that he wished to repeat upon anyone else, least of all to Aurelia. He knew, somehow, that Nero wouldn't allow it, though, so at least she would be spared for the time being.

"I am aware of your connection to Einar, and the purpose and drive he has. I wish to help," he began, pausing only to pull back and lean in his chair. "We have supplies, food that we vampires do not need," that much was obvious. Though they could still dine on such things, it wasn't necessary. Food wasn't something they needed, and it was a simple fact. "I have managed to arrange a convoy for him to distribute amongst the people in the lower parts of the Castle-City. But in order to do so," he paused again, keeping Aurelia's gaze to ensure she understood what he was asking of her.

"I need your help in doing so. It won't be easy, and there is a chance that you will be caught, however; should you be caught, say nothing. I will take full responsibility of whatever happens. I am asking a lot of you, Aurelia, however; I do believe you are the best person for this job," because he had to have faith in her and her own abilities as a human.

Food. Such a basic thing, but one that oftentimes, those living outside the City had to do without. It forced them to sell each other to the vampires, just to eat, perpetuating the cycle of slavery and giving it a sense of legitimacy that was only an illusion. Whatever the reason, nobody had the right to own anyone else—this was as obvious to her as the fact that the lived and breathed. She glanced from Kiyo to the more stoic and unreadable Mika, but even so, she felt she understood the other woman more now. Someone like this, who occupied such a position that it should be impossible for him to see the suffering of those his world told him were beneath him
 that was exactly the kind of person worth devoting oneself to.

Haruki was like that, she realized suddenly. She’d known, of course, that in the abstract, Einar was a decent person, but she’d not realized until just recently how high a position he occupied. To be able to look past that and see how people suffered for the same system that gave them both so much power
 she was grateful there were people like that in the world. “Nonsense,” she replied quietly, smiling again. There was something serious about her demeanor all the same, though—she was most certainly not joking around. “I will always take the responsibility for my own actions. If I don’t do that, then they don’t mean anything. As good as it is to have allies who understand us and care about us, we humans have to play our part in our own freedom as well. And if that means that I have to get hurt a bit well
 better me than someone else.” At the very least, she could lean on Nero and her friends to protect her from the very worst.

But she would never let them take the blame for her, even if they kept her alive afterwards. “I’ll do it. Just tell me what you want Einar to know and what I’m to do, and I’ll take care of the rest.” She paused for a moment, folding her hands in her lap. “And Kiyo? Thank you. For caring. It’s easy to forget, sometimes, that we’re not in this fight alone.”

Kiyoshi allowed a brighter smile to cross his face, shaking his head softly in the process. Of course she would say as much. "You will never be alone as long as you know where to look," he spoke simply, and he would make sure of it. They would never be alone. He would help as much as he could from the shadows, away from the prying eyes of his court, so that no one need suffer any longer. He only wished his father would open his own eyes and see. But to make such a wish as that was asking for a miracle.... and miracles did not happen quite often.

"You are quite welcome, Aurelia," he added. He bequeathed the information to her, telling her what she needed to know, where to be, and at what time. Once everything was arranged, he dismissed her, sending her back on her way under the eye of Mika. He sighed softly, leaning against his chair as he glanced out the only window to his room. The sky seemed to be a brighter shade of gray than he remembered it.