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Jettan Xaviers (Jet)

"Did you just challenge me? Ha! Don't make me laugh? You- against the Amazing Jet?"

0 · 116 views · located in Isallia

a character in “Falsum Duomum”, as played by Season of the Star


Body Type: Jet is rather short for his age, standing at four and a half feet. His body may be small and scrawny, but he believes it formidable for his ability. He has built his body up as much as he was able to, and is relatively clean-cut as a result. Though he isn't freakish in the muscle tone, it is enough to make him appear his age instead of the excess youth his height implies.
Face: Jet has large, vivid green eyes and long eyelashes for a male. His lips are fuller than most males as well, causing a harmless appearance. Indeed, most would see these traits as a sign of innocence were it not for the cocky grin he tended to keep his lips fixed in. His eyes also have this same sort of upheld superiority in them, with that slight tilt in the chin causing him to appear to look down on everyone else.
Hair: Jet's hair is a golden shade of blond, not entirely blond, nor as dull as dishwater blond either. In the sunlight it appears to have a slight sheen of gold. In an average-lit room, however, it may appear nearly brown if one didn't look closely. If one were to brush out his hair, they would find it coming down at least below his shoulders, but he has never put much thought into brushing it- much less cutting it. Rather it sits on top of his head in a mess, coming down just below his ears in a shaggy mop.


Jet doesn't care about others, to put it mildly. His ego makes even him- in all his height- appear to look down on everyone else. No matter what rank they are, this hot-headed egotist will boast his own greatness to the skies. No one even has to be around for him to talk himself into a big head. He does not get insulted easily for this reason, and will shrug it off as simply "the naive stupidity of others who are not able to appreciate true genius if it stared them in the face".
In part, his obsession with his self is what fuels his fight within the Battle Royale. Without showing it, Jet is afraid that he will die without making a difference- without his name being known. This is his greatest fear, so he attempts at anything in order to make his name have its place among the revered. He talks himself up, and lets everyone else know of the expectations he gives himself. This is how he views it, despite others seeing it as being overly cocky and egotistic. He will do anything to win the games, not caring what happens to him in the end. As long as he had found himself able to win, his goals will be accomplished. Within that end, he will have no problem handing himself over with that same cocky grin on his face.
In addition to his ability to be self-absorbed, Jet is very hyperactive. If you are able to achieve getting his mouth to close for longer than ten minutes, or leave him speechless for any amount of time; you have achieved a large feat yourself. He always has some smart quip or downgrade for others in order to heighten his own standing. He seems to take no mind to making himself look like a fool, and his witty comebacks are his only hope for making others look like fools as well.


Jet's muscles are able to move faster than most are able. Due to this, his muscles had torn themselves apart on multiple occasions. Over many injuries with such mutations, his muscles built up endurance against the movements, enabling him amazing speeds. However, the ability drains energy from him quickly, and can leave him passed out for days if he prolongs the use. To combat the great loss in energy he sustains, he must eat a large sum of food- in which he downs fairly quickly as well.


Jet has had a fairly normal past for a long while. He had a family of a mother, father, and sister- all in which were tested negative for being Flawed. He was a boy who was looked down upon quite literally for his size. He was a scrawny kid, and was easy to kick around for a time. However, his anger drove him to get into fights often- which was the beginning of his cocky nature. He didn't want to be known as the tiny child that anyone could manipulate. He wanted to be God over all, and so he began to fight back. One just didn't sit around and allow the blows to come, in his opinion. They waited, then struck the moment their enemy opened up a defense. He quickly grew a reputation alongside his new found speed and personality. He was Jet- the Almighty Jerk!
It was during one particular fight that Jet first noticed his amazing speed- at age twelve. His muscles had been bruised due to the encounter of the short blast of speed, but he knew something was going on. As he secretly trained this ability of his, he worked out the tears in his muscles and finally found himself confident enough to use it in battle. The first time he had used it to win was his last victory before he was tested to be a Flawed. As the test came up positive- he had no choice but resign and conform to the laws he was bound by.

So begins...

Jettan Xaviers (Jet)'s Story