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Final Fantasy X: Broken Calm

Final Fantasy X: Broken Calm


Long before the events of FFX, another summoner begins his journey from the island of Besaid to bring the Calm. But what his Guardians do not know may stop him from completing the Final Summoning. Forever.

1,455 readers have visited Final Fantasy X: Broken Calm since Everscale created it.


Many years before the events of FFX, a young summoner gathers his Guardians on the Isle of Besaid to begin the journey in search of the Final Aeon. But he carries in his heart a secret which few know. But few who know are aware that it may stop him from ever completing the final summoning; from ever bringing the Calm to bear.
(I will select the Guardian who knows the summoners secret, and tell it to them.)

taken ~The Summoner~ taken
taken ~Guardian 1~ taken
taken ~Guardian 2~ taken
taken ~Guardian 3~ taken
taken ~Guardian 4~ taken
taken ~Guardian 5~ taken
taken ~Girl (love interest of the summoner, becomes the final Guardian)~ taken

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Race: (normal {human?}, al bhed, ronso, guado, etc.)
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Appearance: (include both picture and description)
Personality: (not just a sting of adjectives. Preferably at least two paragraphs.)
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Toggle Rules

1) No god-modding/power-playing
2) Be nice to each other
3) No sexism/racism/homophobia/etc.
4) Don't argue in the rp or OOC threads.
5) Every post must be at least 3 sentences long.
6) Your characters must not mimic a character from final fantasy.
7) Every character must have a weakness.
8) Keep it PG-13.
9) Swearing is permitted, but keep it down. Not every other word.
10) You MUST use the character skeleton. ALL of it.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

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Cynthia looked over at Aeryn, "Why're ya asking me? I'm not exactly the leader here," she said to her. She looked over to see Bell and Edge together and sighed. "You know, the lady is nice neough but is it really good for him to be getting close to anyone at the moment?" she asked the question, directing it to Uskla and Aeryn. "Let alone work with them? I mean I know I'm probably the least qualified of the people here with my memory gone, but since I've known Edge and learned about summoners all I've heard about is a long hard pilgrimmage filled with dangers. Love, travel, and danger don't equal good things on the battle field from the history books and novels I've read." She then sighed and stood up and stretched, "Oh well, death is inevitable for everyone, so time to gog huh?" she asked to no one in particular, and followed uskla with Legion.

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Uskatelm nods his head hearing edge telling them it was time to go. He gets up off the ground, picking up his Katana, and started running following edge.

(Sorry for the short post)

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Edge ran full tilt down into the village, returning shouts of greetings. He didn't stop to bow. He had too much energy.
It was time! He couldn't believe it. His worry had truly been shoved to the back of his mind, by now. He was just excited to be leaving the tiny island of Besaid. They were travelling. They would go to Besaid, Kilika, Djose, Macalania, Bevelle. They would visit Luca, just in time for the blitzball tournament.
He forced himself not to think about the final temple.
Yes. They would also have to go to Zanarkand.
He was running so fast, with so much energy, he totally missed the figure standing in the middle of the entrance to the temple. He slammed into the man's chest at full-tilt.
The man didn't even move, but Edge went sprawling back down the stairs in a heap of arms and legs.
Laughing, Edge untangled himself and peered up at the man with whom he had collided. And there stood Kamon, his oldest Guardian. Perhaps his most trusted.
"Hey!" He laughed, springing to his feet, "Long time no see!"

Kamon lifted one silky white brow, his right hand resting loosely on the hilt of his broadsword.
"You missed training this morning." He observed in a quiet, menacing voice, cutting the formalities.
Edge laughed, fluffing out his long black hair.
"Oh, come on, old man!" He laughed, "We're leaving today! I had to say goodbye to the beach, didn't I?"
Kamon's eyes seemed to soften slightly.
"Naturally," Kamon agreed, then glanced behind Edge, "And how are they expected to protect you if you leave them in the dust?"
"I swear someone just asked me that!" Edge grinned.

(Alright. 1) Short posts are good occasionally, but try to make them longer. Thought is important, and so is description. Use my posts as an example. 2. Can we please post in third person preterit? As in, "He said" not "I said" or "I say" or "He says". 3. Everyone go read Kamon's profile, 'cause your characters would ALL know him. He's sorta been the mentor for everyone.)

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Uskatelm finally caught up to Edge after following him from some time. He stopped after seeing Kamon near Edge and let out a small growl from remembering the last time those two sparred with each other. When he walked up to them he said "hello Kamon," giving him a quick glance before looking at Edge. "shall we wait for the others to catch up, before we head out," he asked Edge.

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"If I may make a suggestion." An unknown man interrupted. "I have a most... interesting offer." He continued, showing no remorse for the already-going conversation he just killed. This man was in fact a Guado, the most ignorant of species. But he had a certain style around him. Something that said he preffered human, and even Ronso company, to that of his own. He also stood quite tall. With only Uskatelm seeing the top of his spikey, tattoo riddled scalp. As he emerged to question the group, he showed himself more clearly, a middle-aged male, looking almost envious to Edge and his friends.

"I come as friend, not foe, but please. Allow me to introduce myself like the gentlemen I am. kotka is the name, and my mother is a dame. Or should be, knowing my heritige. Anyway, I propose I become a guardian for young Edge here, and don't ask how I know the name. Anyone with a pair of ears can know with the fuss you guys make." He stops to chuckle rather awkwardly, and with no one else "getting the joke." Still, the Guado seemed friendly enough, and soon reached his hand to the group, awaiting a response to his newest question...

"So, will you guys take a Guado? Or do I have to report you for racism? That's a joke, by the way..."

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( Excuse me. One of the rules is no god-modding/power-playing. Kamon's reaction to your character's appearance is entirely mine to decide. Please edit your post so that Kamon does not react. And no one else does, either. )

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"Its nice to know I'm not the only one who has interest in Edges safety." Bell said walking up besides Edge and Kamon, she had a natural smile on her face when she walked up to them, the wind blew her long hair, showing the long blue feather earring, that sometimes showed through her hair."Hello Kamon, long time no see, hm?" She smiled at him. She had a feeling that the other guardians didn't like her that much, so to see Kamon was rather refreshing. Uskatelm was between Edge and Kamon, while Bell was standing alongside Edge. It seemed that her fellow guardian was rather kind for having such a beastly appearance, which slightly scared her, but she had a feeling he was going to be more helpful than harming.

 The group was approached by an elderly Guado man, which made her think of her bloodline, which she didn't talk about much to other people besides Edge. Although she is seemingly human, her mother comes from a long line of very well known Guados. Her grandfather fell in love with a human woman, which resulted in her mother being born. Her father was human, and her mother only half human, which is why she looks very much human. She felt as though she'd met the man long ago, but she could quote put her finger on how. While she was in deep thought the man was proposing something. When he stuck his hand out towards them. She waited momentarily, then looked up at Edge. She nudged him with her elbow." Well, say something." She whispered too him, quietly, not wanting to scare the nice guy off.

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Edge tipped his head slightly, raising his eyebrows. Then he turned to Kamon, grinning.
"Well?" He laughed, "What do you think."
Kamon hadn't twitched, hadn't moved a single muscle, since Kotka had appeared. Now he raised his head, revealing his glittering eyes beneath his long silver hair, examining the man.
"He seems strong," He murmured, "His intentions are good."
He turned on his heel, striding back up towards the temple.
"We shall see if Yevon approves." He answered calmly, "We must meet in the temple, anyways."
Edge laughed brightly.
"Come on, then!" He grinned, waving an arm at the others and bounding up the temple steps after Kamon. He ran straight past the Guardian, practically slamming into him in the process. The man would have had his head hit by Edge's arm if he hadn't ducked at precisely the right moment.
"Hurry up, old man!" Edge practically sang as he shot out ahead of Kamon.
Kamon just shook his head and kept walking.

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Uskatelm wondered how Edge had so much energy all the time as he followed him to the temple. He walked beside Kamon but kept his eye on Edge to not lose site of him. "so Kamon," he said "before we leave on our journey how about one more quick spar." He has never won a match against Kamon witch has annoyed him for a long time, but he does respect the fact that Kamon does not hold back when they have fought in the past. He continues to walk beside Kamon until he gets an answer.

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#, as written by Jag
For all the atmosphere of relaxation that had come moments before, Aeryn suddenly felt a pang of intense anger surge through her body for a moment. It wasn't much, but it was enough to spur the young woman into the training she'd received in Bevelle. The rest of these Guardians, for the most part, were just local friends that had decided to pick up a sword. She wasn't sure how things were going to play out with them. Kamon was a different story. He was the only person she'd learned to truly respect so far and, honestly, would trust his word and instructions any day over that of Edge.

That was when the Guado appeared. Immediately, Aeryn didn't like the man at all.

"I don't trust him," she said sneaking up with agile and silent feet behind Edge and Kamon before sliding to the side, never taking her eyes off the man. As the summoner broke into a run, the thief grinned and burst into a spin. In no time she'd not only caught the young summoner but surpassed him. She played to win.

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Edge laughed, picking up the pace. Sure, he wasn't known for his speed; not when compared to Aeryn, at least; but he could run like this for hours on end.
Stamina was where he won out.
He burst into the temple's main room, still laughing, and earning several disapproving glares from the priests. There were shocked whispers from those kneeling to pray.
Edge didn't much care, at all. He was a fighter for Yevon, wasn't he? It wasn't like he was doing anyone any harm.

Kamon sighed softly, setting a finger to his brow.
"That boy is going to be the death of me," He whispered, shaking his head as he watched the summoner he called a son vanish into the temple, "Perhaps, Usklatem, it would be best that we wait to proceed with another duel. Until we can be sure Edge is where he will not get himself killed."

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Uskatem nods his head to Kamon's response."I look forward to it," he said as he walked at a faster pace. When he got to the temple, he decided to sit out side the temple until some one brought him news. He put his back against the temple outer wall, closing his eyes, and taking deep breaths. He started to meditate for the time being.

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Bell walked in a little later than the others, she didn't mind the others leaving her behind. She looked at the people praying, and the priests, they all seemed so peaceful. She thought what the life of a priestess would be like, she would always take it into consideration when she became an older woman---but that would mean she would have to start learning more white magic, which didn't bother her much. She managed to find Edge, and she stood beside him quietly. She folded her arms, she didn't feel uneasy, but the temple did make her feel differently about a lot of things. She thought it would be best to just lay low for a little bit, she didn't know if the other guardians( besides Kamon) knew Edge as well as she did, and it was probably best if they at least built some sort of relationship with him.

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Kamon ducked quietly into the temple, scanning the room for Edge. He was relatively easy to find; the boy tended to prefer brightly colored clothing. He crossed the floor, nodding briefly to the priests.
"Pray, Edge," He coaxed quietly, "It is best to pray before a journey such as this."
Edge glanced at Kamon, but for once he seemed relatively calm. And nervous. He nodded, turning and bowing to the statue before which he stood.
Kamon cast his eyes to Bell.
"Come with me," He murmured, jerking his head back towards the entrance, "I need a word with you. And all the Guardians."

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Whist all this drama was happening, Kotka was in heavy thought. It had been almost a decade since he was last in a temple of the mighty Yevon, and unlike some in the group, he was completly segragated by religion, and also turned off by it. It was actually Bell he was fascinated in. Almost immediately he could tell of her Guado descent, which intrigued his interests. In his childhood, Guado-Human hybrids were seen as abominations by both races, it was also thought by the majority of the Guado that these abominations were sterile. But there stood Bell, fact that this was nothing more than propaganda spread by most likely the religion of Yevon itself. This gave Kotka a feeling of warmth and security, for reasons unknown.

Then there was Aeryn, Kotka quickly picked up on her opinions of him, and surprisingly, pitied her. He too was once an angry young soul like her. Looking for a purpose, or just a "thing" to do. But Kotka knew that it was right for her to accompany Edge, and that she had been potentially saved from the life he once lead. Kotkas' true intentions for joining the gang were still unknown. But for the time being. He played by the rules, and kept himself to himself until he knew the others had accepted him...

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"Mhm," Bell nodded,"let me go get the others, I believe Uskatelm is outside." Bell started towards the entrance to get to Uskatelm. The tall blue creature still worried her because of his appearance, she softly ran her fingers down his furred arm."Kamon wants to speak with all the guardians." She said looking up at him, trying to force a smile on her face."You may continue your meditation if you wish, but please do hurry." She said, before walking back into the temple. Then she went to Aeryn, she had a feeling that Aeryn had no want to want to get to know Bell. Bell had a feeling that beneath the armor and to-self attitude, there was a girl that she would probably become friends with---worried that she was strictly business, Bell didn't approach her as she wanted too."Hey," She said to Aeryn,"Kamon wants to talk to all of us." She said before leaving. Feeling as though the older Guado wasn't getting the attention she needed, she walked up to him."Well," She started, with her hands behind her back,"I'm unsure if you're a guardian yet, but Kamon wants to talk to the guardians. You may listen if you'd like." She told him, smiling. She didn't want him to feel as though he was left out of the circle, so she tried her best to be kinder to him.

Once Bell reached the other guardians, she reported back to Kamon, hoping that they followed her."Kay, I rounded up the other guardians. Now, what did you want to talk to us about, Kamon?" She asked, curiously.

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Uskatelm opened one eye looking at bell. He could tell she didn't like him for what ever the reason, so he nodded his head to her as a way of telling her he understood. As he stood up he wondered what Kamon wanted to talk about with all the guardians. He walked inside to where Kamon and the others were standing.

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(Cynthia~ Where are you~~~?)

Kamon nodded slightly, glancing around at their gathered forces. He had moved several feet away from Edge, both to avoid interrupting the boy's prayers and to avoid the boy overhearing their conversation.
"I need you all to be on your utmost guard," He murmured, "Sea journeys are highly dangerous, for summoners. Sin is a beast of water, and won't object to attacking any ship that passes." He shook his head slightly, "We can't afford to let that happen. If we see Sin, we have to get out of his way. Fast. Edge is not strong enough to compete with that beast just yet."
His voice was grave, serious. He wasn't demeaning his summoner; it was true. Edge wasn't ready for Sin. He wasn't even really ready for this voyage.
But it was time. If he did not journey now, he probably never would.
"Edge's life is always in danger," He continued, "Even when we are not under attack. Even standing here, in this cathedral, there is an ever-present threat to Edge's life. Something which can not be warded off." He looked away from Edge again, sweeping them all with his silver stare, "We can never let him be entirely alone."

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(Sorry my message didn't send when I clicked for it to! >.<)

Cynthia had stopped following behind the others to dry off her clothes, they had still be drenched from Edge dragging her and Uska into the water earlier. She concentrated the hear from a basic fire spell that was extremely underpowered and dried her clothes off. She looked around and noticed how long she had been drying her clothes and then sighed and started running aftet the others with Legion by her side. Soon she found the others near the templed and bolted to them as fast as she could and skidded to a halt and smiled, "Sorry! I had to dry my clothes," she said as she rubbed the back of her head and then shot an 'it's youre fault' look to Edge. "I hope I didn't miss anything too big? Not that I'd really know what was going on anyways...." she mumbled the last part to herself and then looked at all the others waiting for one of them to say something.

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"It's okay Cynthia," Bell said calmly with a soft smile, trying not to worry too much about what Kamon said. She was always cautious over Edge, this just meant that she had to keep her guard up---not only trying to protect Edge, but also protecting herself in the process as well,"We just have to keep an extra wide eye out for Edge and all---saying that he's a little premature when it comes to being a summoner." She said this with caution, trying to find the right word to describe Edge's current state of power. She quickly removed her hand from Cynthia, then looked over at Edge. She sighed before walking over too him.

"Remember when this use to be us when we were younger?" She said getting on her knees bowing her head pretending to pray."We were so young we had no interest in this place,"she giggled,"we'd much rather be out in the fields exploring out imaginations."She stayed silent for a little bit, then closed her eyes."Now, praying is more than important for us. I---I just don't want anything bad too happen too you. But, you have grown strong." She continued, she had flash backs to when they were younger---in the days where they didn't have a care in the world."We should be leaving soon. We have a long journey ahead of us."

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Edge looked up, grinning brightly at her. He didn't act concerned in the slightest.
He was, of course. But he'd never let on to it.
"Of course I'm strong!" He laughed, shaking his dark hair as though he'd been insulted, "I'm a Summoner! With Valefor on my side, I could defeat Sin today!"
He spoke in a loud whisper, so only his Guardians could hear.
Kamon raised his eyebrows slightly at Edge's words.
"Tell me that after you've met him," Kamon advised quietly, "If you can speak for fear."
"I'm not afraid of anything, old man!" Edge retorted, grinning as he got to his feet.
"Sure." Kamon agreed, his voice flat and his face unemotional, "And you didn't used to come into my room whenever you had a nightmare, either."
Edge flushed bright red.
"Don't tell them that!" He protested.
Kamon's lips twitched in a smirk.

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Uskatelm had a small grin on his face as he watched Edge and Kamon getting along. He continued to sit in the back watching thinking about what will happen to the group in the future. As he thought about what could happen the grin on his face faded, and he worried that he wouldn't be able to protect any one when things got out of hand.

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#, as written by Jag
Aeryn had been in and out of temples since the day that she left Luca. For a girl that didn't know a thing about Yevon before that day, she'd been forced to learn everything there was to learn since. Study, observe, practice, study some more. They would have likely made an acolyte of the girl if she could have stayed out of trouble for long. Still, the girl had a silent reverie for places like the Temples of Yevon. It had been...forcefully trained into her.

"Right, protect the summoner. I think that was covered somewhere along the lines when I became a, you know, Guardian," the girl said with a sense of biting sarcasm as the meeting dispersed. She gave Edge a wide birth as usual. The young man's priorities weren't that hard to see and she wasn't about to get in the middle of that mess. Instead, the theif found herself leaning against Uskatelm for a moment before speaking.

"Sometimes I get the feeling that you and I are the only two here with half a wit of sense. And that scares me...a little."

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"Alright!" Kamon called to the room at large, turning from his playful father-son banter with Edge. His eyes connected with the eyes of the priest, and they bowed to each other, "It is time now, for us to go to the docks and begin our journey."
Edge's hand came down hard on the man's shoulder.
"Don't sound so serious!" He laughed, trying to ruffle Kamon's hair. The man ducked out of the way, rolling his eyes at the summoner's antics.
"To the docks!" Edge laughed, and then dashed out of the temple.
Kamon sighed softly.
"Does he ever stop running?" He muttered.

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Bell finished her prayer, and got off her knees, dusting her light blue stockings off."You know Edge," She said walking up to Kamon, folding her arms, shaking her head softly,"Always so full of energy, this will be quite the journey." She giggled before running in her heels after him. Even though some of the others weren't as optimistic as she was, she had a feeling they would keep things interesting. And having a history with Kamon and Edge, she knew she'd at least have a little familiar company to keep her entertained. She loved the way that Kamon and Edge interacted with one another. Kamon was like the father that Edge never had, and she thanked him for raising him correctly. Catching up to Edge was not easy, especially since he was always so jaunty."Maybe we should wait for the others?" She asked him almost out of breathe, lagging behind every now and then trying to re-catch up by quickening her leg speed.

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Character Portrait: Kotka Guado
0 sightings Kotka Guado played by Hides-His-Loot
Vengence is this "old timer's" key. Question is, who or what is the lock?

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Character Portrait: Edge
Character Portrait: Bell
Character Portrait: Uskatelm
Character Portrait: Kamon Leradine


Character Portrait: Kamon Leradine
Kamon Leradine

Just because I'm nice to him doesn't mean I'll be nice to you. So shut up.

Character Portrait: Uskatelm

To prove your self worthy is the greatest honor

Character Portrait: Bell

"Just promise me, you won't jump off of Valefor again."

Character Portrait: Edge

I'll summon your right off the face of this planet!


Character Portrait: Edge

I'll summon your right off the face of this planet!

Character Portrait: Kamon Leradine
Kamon Leradine

Just because I'm nice to him doesn't mean I'll be nice to you. So shut up.

Character Portrait: Uskatelm

To prove your self worthy is the greatest honor

Character Portrait: Bell

"Just promise me, you won't jump off of Valefor again."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kamon Leradine
Kamon Leradine

Just because I'm nice to him doesn't mean I'll be nice to you. So shut up.

Character Portrait: Uskatelm

To prove your self worthy is the greatest honor

Character Portrait: Edge

I'll summon your right off the face of this planet!

Character Portrait: Bell

"Just promise me, you won't jump off of Valefor again."

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Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy X: Broken Calm

Okay, roll call. If you are still around and planning to participate in this game, let's hear from you as soon as possible. If I don't hear from anyone soon I'll go ahead and clear/abandon my character. Thanks.


Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy X: Broken Calm

I get the feeling that this game isn't going to survive. Is anyone around planning to continue with this?

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy X: Broken Calm

back sorry i wasnt here to reply >.< did i miss anything important?

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy X: Broken Calm

Maybe, if we skip ahead to the voyage so that everyone could have something to respond too, things could move quicker? :O


Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy X: Broken Calm

I'm still here. I have posted again because I didn't want a scene between two characters to run off and leave everyone else behind by burying the rest of the IC.

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy X: Broken Calm

Of course.
>.< I'm an Al Bhed lover, in the end, so Aeryn being Al Bhed is perfectly welcome.


Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy X: Broken Calm

I'm requesting to make a change to Aeryn. I'd like for her to actually be an al Bhed or at least half al Bhed.. I think it makes since within her character and could make for some good character interaction. Let me know if this is approved.

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy X: Broken Calm

Nope you all had one extra anyways.

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy X: Broken Calm

Does his mean we gotta wait for a new guardian?

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy X: Broken Calm

@.@;;; Sorry guys for some reason I can't seem to keep up with this rp like I can the others, so I'm gonna withdraw now before Cynthia forms any real relationships. If you want to have her die or just pretend she wasn't there or go missing or something feel free too and don't worry ever I won't be dropping out of any other of you Rps just seems like I do my usual routine and I come back to walls and walls of posts in this one.

Good luck with the rp guys ♥

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy X: Broken Calm

Gotta love the scantily clad and sorry bout not posting quickly past two days, I have a final tomorrow so I've been studying LOTS

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy X: Broken Calm

Bell Update

* Converted to a White Mage---Saying that we were in need of one.

* New and improved Costume! ^^

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy X: Broken Calm

posted ..... i really need to work on my posts....

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy X: Broken Calm

well i was waiting for the others to go >.<
