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Finally the Summer is Here

Finally the Summer is Here


Its time for summer vacation finally those ten months of exams, teachers and homework are over. A group of friends decided before the summer flies by them to take a trip together and have some fun.

1,758 readers have visited Finally the Summer is Here since Team Forwood created it.



Lazy Days
Beautiful Nights
Best Friends
Hot Guys
Sexy Girls
Schools out
Summer's in

Summer Vacation Is Finally Here !!!!!


Its finally summer and school is finally over. August is in and a group of friends has only one month left to party it up before September sweeps in and sends them all back to school. After working through the beginning of summer and not getting much out of it a group of high school friends decided they need to get away. Lucky for them one of the friends has a rich relative with an unoccupied vacation home and with that the teens convince their parents to let them go to the beautiful Sunshine State of Florida and live it up in Miami.

The House


~ 10 Bedrooms
~ 12 Bathrooms
~ Kitchen
~ Dining Room
~ Living Room
~ Billiard room
~ Laundry Room
~ Gym
~ Study
~ Wine Cellar
~ Home Theater
~ Bowling Alley
~ Indoor/Outdoor Pool and Jacuzzi

Characters Needed:

4 needed to started, 10 is full.

If more than nine people want to join I will let other people join as people the group met while on their vacation or like potential love interests and such.

Character Application:

Appearance:(real pic)

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


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It was July 31th the day before the start of group's vacation Christina sat on her living couch legs stretch out laying on top of on of her suitcases. She had her iphone 4 in hand the cars were going to be arriving in front of her house in about fifteen minutes to pick up her friends and take them to airport so they could board their flight to Florida. Usually around this time she would be taking a flight to LA to stay with her aunt but being wealthy comes at cost and instead of being able to hang out with her niece for the month of August her aunt was away doing something that she going to be making money out of. At first Christina was upset as that was going to leave her home working her summer job but after an outing with friends and finding out they were all bored and upset with the way their summer was going she got an idea. She called up her aunt and pitched the idea of her and her friends using her aunt's vacation house for the next month, of course her aunt was little hesitant but she was able to guilt her into it.

She tossed her phone down on the couch beside her she had just finished texting her friends to bring their luggage over. Christina could hear the sound of her mom's heels walking across the wood flooring as she entered the living room, she had on her uniform which meant she was heading to the hospital but before she left of course she just had to have "the talk". Before she could get out a word Christina cut her off "Mom do we have to do this ever summer before I go". Her mother sighed rolling her eyes "In the past years you weren't just going off with a bunch of friends to live in a mansion unsupervised" she said racing around the room collecting various items. "Yeah before I was going to stay with aunt Naomi. Trust me you should be happy am going with my friends" she said sarcastically standing up "Look mom am going to be fine okay. Am seventeen. Its time to cut the cord" she said walking over to her mother and placing a soft hand on her shoulder. Her mother gave a small chuckle moving her daughter's hand "Are you sure you have everything ? I mean do you have your passport ? Your ID's ? You-" Christina her mother off again "Mom I have everything okay. I have my luggage all that legal stuff the tickets the money and credit card you gave me and any and everything thing else I'll need. Now get out of here before you late for work" she said picking up her mother's car keys off the end table and putting them in her hand.

After their goodbye hug Christina ushered her mom to the door and once she saw the car pull off she gave a small sigh of relief. She loved her mother but sometimes she was just a little to clingy for her to handle. Christina walked over to the couch and got her phone sliding it into her back pocket she went to the kitchen to make herself a small snack for the trip because she did not do airplane food.


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Izzy held the blackberry in her hands, shocked at the message. Slipping it back into the pocket of her black jeans, she went to inform her mother that she would be spending summer vacation at Chrissy's aunt's vacation home in Florida. It took a lot of convincing but her mother had finally gave in and let her go. Under one condition- that her older brother, Adrian came with her. Iz wasn't too happy about having her older brother, her guardian and protector come with her. She felt as if she didn't need a baby sitter, no matter no much fun Adrian is. Isis popped her cheeks and ran back upstairs to pack essential things for the trip. She packed clothes, a unfinished piece of artwork that she's been working on for the past few days, her sketchbook; the one that was consistently being used, images falling out, random notes being glued in. After she was done with packing, Izzy quickly got changed into her comfy airport clothes. She had put on denim cut off shorts, a navy blue tank top from Abercrombie and a thick, brown braided belt. Her long hair was in a side fishtail braid, one side red and the other blonde.


After Adrian got the news that he would be spending another summer baby sitting his older sister, he didn't know how to feel. Izzy would be turning 16 in few days, he felt as though she didn't need his supervision 24/7 anymore. Dismissing those thoughts, he walked calmly upstairs to pack.

Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad idea. Adrian loved to party, and what place better to party then somewhere on a beach in Florida? It might even be fun, his sister hung out with the pretty girls, so it would't be boring. Plus- a mansion. Who would be able to resist living on a mansion for summer break doing nothing but hanging out?

Adrian smiled to himself, feeling more happy that he was going. As an adult would do, he went over their money, cards, passports and all of that kind. He grabbed the car keys and headed off to the airport with Isis sitting in the passenger seat.


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Christina had two grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato before she heard the horn beeping outside, she put the other two on a plastic plate and stuck them in the fridge her mom could heat them up and eat them after work. She went outside and saw two taxis one being the car she was going to ride in and the other being the van her luggage was going to be riding in. Some would say that she may have over packed but she didn't care she had already called dibs on her aunt's master bedroom and the best thing about that room by far was the walk in closet that was just calling her clothes to it. While the two taxi men extorted her luggage to the taxi Christina ran upstairs and grabbed her ipad 2 that she in her room charging. The flight to Florida wasn't going to be to long but in case she couldn't get to sleep she would need something to keep her occupied. She had the spare charger already packed up so she grabbed her headphones off her dresser and raced back downstairs. Today she was wearing a white tank top with a turquoise juicy couture sweat suit over it and her white flip flops, her hair was in a side pony tail and her sunglasses rested on top of her head. As she walked out of the house she locked it pulled down her shades and walked to the taxi, it was time to get this vacation started.

Christina was the first one to get to the airport she sat in the waiting area waiting on the others. She had given all of her friends their tickets in advance just so she couldn't be held responsible for anyone but herself. Usually Christina wasn't eager to board planes because for some reason it seemed like she always got the middle seat and was stuck squished between two strangers for hours, but this time thanks to her dear auntie her and her friends would be heading to Florida in a first class plane only to be picked up in a limo that would drive them to their home away from home for the next month. After going through scanning and checking on the flight Christina sat back and put her headphones in her ear as she waited for the others to show up.


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After a quick drive to the airport, Adrian parked his 2010 Toyota in the giant, cold parking lot. He was relying on his mother to come and pick it up to take it home. Isis was the first to get out of the car and put her black hoodie from Pink on. Adrian followed her outside, tugging on the sleeve of his blue sweater to try and generate some heat. It was chilly with fast winds that made their hair fly around.

They walked into the airport, getting some awkward glances by security and passing strangers as if they were about to do something mischief. Adrian was the first to pass through airport security, being followed by his sister. He saw Chrissy and nudged Isis, "Isn't that your friend?" He asked.

Izzy ignored him, running up to Chrissy "Hey!" She gave a big smile compared to her brother's sarcastic smirk as if he was a little kid who had just done something naughty and got away with it.


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Christina hadn't heard Isis but she caught sight of the red streak blonde running over to her. She pulled the headphones out of her ears and stood up "Izzy!" she yelled as her friend her. She gave the girl a hug before taking a step back "So who's ready to party it up in Miami" she asked in her cheery voice as if she didn't already know the answer. She saw Izzy brother in the distance and shouted to him "I don't bite you know" she said sarcastically as if somewhat insulted by the distance between them. She looked over at Isis "Well not unless he wants me to" she said in playful seductive hushed tone laughing afterwards, "Anyways I see you have a baby sitter this summer. Lucky for the both of you your brother is hot otherwise I might of been upset about this" she said jokingly sitting back down in her seat. "We have light a good twenty minutes or so before our plane gets here so am praying that the others get here in time because I will not miss my flight to sunny paradise that is Florida".


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Isis smiled. Her brother and herself both sat on opposite sides of Chrissy. Adrian had a witty look on his face, while Isis had a more calm, happy smiled. Adrian turned to Chrissy and smirked, "I know i'm hot." He said in a deep husky voice. Isis shot daggers through her eyes at him for making an awkward moment. She nudged Chrissy, "Don't mind him. He had extra coffee this morning which means extra arrogance." Now it was her turn to smirk while Adrian rolled his grey eyes.

"So, are you excited for my 16th birthday? I can't believe it....owning a license that's actually legal!" Izzy smiled, feeling anxious.


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Christina glanced at Adrian as he took a seat on the opposite side of her there was a small pause then in a deep husky voice she heard him say the words "I know I'm hot." she laughed and turned so that she was facing him "Yeah well you maybe hot but guess what ..... am hotter. Just wait till you see me in my bikini"she said with a smirk of her own. She felt Izzy nudge her and turned her back to Adrian she loved the flirtatious way they joked around with each other, she wondered if this summer would turn that joking into something real. She put the thought out of her mind and laughed at Izzy's comment "Don't mind him. He had extra coffee this morning which means extra arrogance." Christina nodded "Really and I thought that was just your brother being his regular cocky self" she saw a smirk appear on Isis face "So, are you excited for my 16th birthday? I can't believe it....owning a license that's actually legal!" Izzy smiled and Christina giggled. "You know am excited but I can bet your excitement tops me, your cheesy smile tells me that. This will probably be your greatest birthday ever the main reason being no parents! We have the freedom to do your party up to be the best party of the year. So any ideas ?"


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Adrian chuckled at Christina's comment, "Can't wait." He said with a wink. He slid further down the plastic seat, and did his manly version of crossing his legs.

Izzy laughed and nodded "I really am excited." She grinned and thought about the question. Isis shrugged, "I don't know, surprise me. Just make sure it involves hot lifeguards, fireworks and maybe you can get into your aunt's wine cellar." She raised and eyebrow and smiled innocently. "Oh... don't forget the Happy Birthday sign." She said, joking around.


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Christina ignored Adrian and thought for a moment about Isis party. "Well considering the things you want at your party am thinking a night time bonfire or something beach themed. We could invite some hot lifeguards I could buy some fireworks that when they go off it will say Happy Birthday Izzy in the sky. Or something along the lines of that I don't really no we could get some ideas from the others". She sat back in the plastic blue chair and folded her legs pretzel style "And as for the wine cellar you know that's the first thing am breaking into when we get to that place. And hopefully and everyone isn't to jet lag when we get there we will be hitting the clubs all night long" she said with a smile she couldn't wait to see what the party scene in Miami was like.


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Isis nodded, "I like the firework idea." She chuckled, "Yes, let's just hope that your aunt left the key around somewhere in the house." She tilted her head to the side, "Clubs in Miami. It better be what I expect, nothing like the crappy place back at home." She smirked, a mischievous glint passing by in her eyes.

Adrian had finally snapped out of his thoughts and back into reality. "That reminds me, where will we be staying? I would prefer a room with a nice view, maybe even across from yours." He jokingly wiggled his eyebrows.


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"Well lets hope we can make the fireworks happen then. I don't know what to expect of the clubs in Miami but I would bet that there better than any of the clubs out here. My cousin has a lot of friends in Miami and he texted me a list of the hotspots in Miami that he hooked us up with." she said with a smile "I get to know people who know people" she said jokingly.

"That reminds me, where will we be staying? I would prefer a room with a nice view, maybe even across from yours." Christina laughed and turned to Adrian "We will all be staying in my aunt's beach side mansion. There are ten bedrooms and twelve bathrooms so no one has to room with anyone and everyone has their own private bathroom. I didn't really bother planning out everyone's rooming situation which seeing as you weren't really invited I guess makes you lucky. Now if your lucky enough to get a room anywhere near I don't know" she said with a grin.


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Isis chuckled, "Yeah I bet you do." She smiled until she heard her brother asking about the rooms. Adrian raised his eyebrows "Maybe I could share one?" He asked, making his eyes look all big and shiny.
Isis poked Chrissy, "Or maybe we could just leave him on a freeway and tell my parents that he enrolled himself into a college?"
Adrian gave her a dirty look, "Partying without me would be no fun. Admit, every party needs at least one hot guy." Adrian stood and flattened out his blue sweater. " "I'm gonna go get some coffee. Any one want anything?" He asked, scanning the airport for a Starbucks. Izzy punched his arm, "It's right there." She pointed to a small kiosk with a large line forming. "And get me a hazelnut espresso. Chrissy do you want anything?"


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"Maybe I could share one?" he asked Christina shrugged "Its bad enough your here babysitting your sister I really don't think she wants to room with you as well" she said as Isis poked her "Or maybe we could just leave him on a freeway and tell my parents that he enrolled himself into a college?" she laughed "Yeah like your parents would believe your brother got into college" she said jokingly. "Partying without me would be no fun. Admit, every party needs at least one hot guy." Christina nodded "Well that is true. To bad for me and Izzy we haven't had much luck finding one" she watched Adrian get up "I'm gonna go get some coffee. Any one want anything?" He asked, scanning the airport for a Starbucks. Izzy punched his arm, "It's right there." she said pointing to a small kiosk with a large line forming. "And get me a hazelnut espresso. Chrissy do you want anything?" Christina nodded "Just get me white hot chocolate. I don't need any caffeine in my system".


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"Whatever you say, Miss." Adrian smirked and turned to walk to long line at Starbucks.
After a long wait, he was finally the one to order. He looked at the girl at the counter and smiled, "One white hot chocolate, one hazelnut espresso and one vanilla latte please." He said, talking sweetly.
He paid the $9.65 for the drinks and tried to find his way back to Chrissy and Izzy through all the people bumping into each other, clearly in a rush. Adrian had succeeded in pushing his way through the large numbers of people. He stood in front of the two girls and handed them out their coffees.
"Hope you enjoy it. That wait took me ten minutes." He sat back down and sipped his coffee.

Isis grabbed her coffee and smiled at the delightful scent. She took a small sip first, trying not to burn her tongue. She smiled, realizing that it wasn't as hot as she had expected. She started drinking her hazelnut espresso.


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"Whatever you say, Miss." Adrian smirked and turned to walked away Christina turned to Isis and laid her head on her shoulder "I want to get to the sunny beaches of Florida already" she said in her joking whiny voice. She sat back up and looked around the busy airport there were a lot of people coming and going and soon she would be going somewhere too. She looked at Isis "I say the first thing we do when we get to the mansion is bust into our bikinis crack open a bottle of wine and jump into the jacuzzi." She was looking forward to relaxing her summer away. Ten minutes later she saw the figure of Adrian reappear through a sea of people he handed the girls their drinks "Hope you enjoy it. That wait took me ten minutes." she giggled "You know I will. Thank you AC" she said with a smile. Christina love hot chocolate especially when it was made with white chocolate and she loved how they also added the whip cream. She blew on the hot drink softly then took a sip "Hmmm I love hot chocolate" she said putting the cup to her lips and drinking more.


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Isis smiled, "Can't wait to try some of your aunt's expensive French wine." She smiled, finishing up her drink. "When it gets dark we should have a bon fire on the beach with Italian champagne. It's delicious." Izzy licked her lips, getting off all the white hazelnut flavored foam.

Adrian nodded and leaned back further in the seat. "I hope your aunt has a big stock of cognac, Chrissy." He chuckled, rolling out the "s" in Christina's name. He finished his coffee and tossed it in the trash that was near him. Adrian stared at the floor for a while, almost as in a trance. Lots of things were on his mind, so much that he hadn't stop to think about all of the people walking. A loud stomping of heels had finally brought him back.


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"Can't wait to try some of your aunt's expensive French wine." Isis said with a smile as she finished her drink. "When it gets dark we should have a bon fire on the beach with Italian champagne. It's delicious." Christina nodded "Well lucky for us my aunt is a big wine drinker. She has wines from all over am talking France, Spain, Italy, Greece and every other country in the world that produces wine." she licked the whip cream off her fingers and stood up walking over the trash can and tossing the cup inside. "I hope your aunt has a big stock of cognac, Chrissy." Christina walked back over to her seat and sat down "I am sure you won't be disappointed Adrian" she said swinging her legs over his lap. She sighed "I wondered if the others will even make it to the airport or if it will just be us three flying in today. Lucky for them they can exchange their tickets for later flights but am still hopeful they can here before we take off".


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Adrian chuckled, tapping on her foot. He smiled, "They better get here fast, I can't wait to see hot girls in bikinis from Miami." He said, giving a crooked smile.

Isis raised an eyebrow, "Pig!" She laughed, tugging on the ends of her fishtail braid. She titled her head to the side and threw her empty coffee cup at Adrian. She smirked, "Throw it out." Izzy commanded.

Adrian bumped the back of his head against the plastic chair, letting a few strand of golden blonde hair fall over his eyes. He flipped them out as he caught the empty cup in his hands. "I've been practicing my Bieber flip." He smirked and aimed the cup for the black trash can. He threw the cup out, watching it circle around the edge of the trash can a few times before finally landing at the bottom. "That's two points for me."

Izzy slammed her head back against the head on the chair and pulled out her purple Blackberry, checking the time. "Hey Chrissy, what time does the plane board?" She asked, digging through her navy and white duffle bag. She pulled out the strawberry gum and popped it into her mouth.


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"They better get here fast, I can't wait to see hot girls in bikinis from Miami." Adrian said, giving a crooked smile. Isis raised an eyebrow, "Pig!" she laughed Christina shrugged "I won't lie am really looking forward to watching buff half naked tan guys run across the beach. I think the best part of it all will be watching their abs glistening in the sunlight when they come out water" Christina smiled delightedly at the thought. She was snapped back into reality when she saw a cup fly pass her "Throw it out." Izzy commanded her brother. Adrian bumped the back of his head against the plastic chair, letting a few strand of golden blonde hair fall over his eyes. He flipped them out as he caught the empty cup in his hands. "I've been practicing my Bieber flip." He smirked as Christina laughed "Don't be mocking Justin okay the boy has really grown up since he first came on the scene. Now he is all good looking and unfortunately dating Selena Gomez, but its whatever I guess they kinda look good together". She watched Adrian shoot the cup into the black trash can "That's two points for me." Christina rolled her eyes sarcastically giving a small clap "Well congratulations to you I can just tell that was so hard to do" she turned her head to Isis as she asked about the plane Christina turned on her ipad and looked at the time then turning back to Isis she smiled holding up her hand "Five minutes to go" she said clearly excited.


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Izzy smiled, feeling her body shake of the excitement. She opened her mouth to say something, until a thought made it's way to her mind. "Do you think the others will be able to make it?" She frowned, wanting to see her other friends.

"Great...more of the pep squad." Adrian waltzed into the conversation. "By the way Chrissy, Bieber is a stupid little boy who can't even be compared to my godly body." He smirked, pointing to himself. "Would you rather have a little boy or a beyond hot man? Hmmm..?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.


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"Do you think the others will be able to make it?" Isis asked and Christina just shrug "I have no idea. I really hope so I mean I texted everyone this morning my guess people either over slept or .... something. Am not really stressing it thought they can always exchange their tickets and come days from now and at least am not going to be in Florida all alone." she said with a smile. "Great...more of the pep squad." Adrian said interrupting the conversation "At least the pep squad was invited and didn't just invite themselves" Christina rolled her eyes looking at him "By the way Chrissy, Bieber is a stupid little boy who can't even be compared to my godly body." He smirked, pointing to himself. "Would you rather have a little boy or a beyond hot man? Hmmm..?" He asked, tilting his head to the side Christina laughed shaking her head "First off Justin is not a little boy he is seventeen which makes you like what a year old them him and myself. And if were talking in regards of men vs boys I guess neither of you will win that category" she said taking her legs off of Adrian. "We should start moving you have to give your luggage over so they can store it inside the plane and then we should head to the gate" she said standing up.


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Isis smiled standing up and stretching her arms, yawning. "Alright." Izzy said, picking up her duffle bag and sliding it over her shoulder. "Adrian you're going to carry my bags. Kay?" She stated, sliding her indigo suitcases over to her brother.

Adrian sighed, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. "Sure, thanks for asking." He said, sarcasm at the tip of his tongue. He picked some lighter, smaller bags and used the wheels for the heavier, larger bags. Adrian walked over to the long line to get the suitcases weighed and boarded on the plane. He waited in the long line, but finally made his way up front to the secretary. She weighed the bags and he sighed the stickers for identification to be put on the bags.

Izzy checked her phone again, "Three minutes." She said, tapping her leg.


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Isis smiled standing up and stretching her arms, yawning. "Alright." Izzy said, picking up her duffel bag and sliding it over her shoulder. Christina grabbed one of her duffel bags and put it across her shoulder she picked up the other two and one on each shoulder and grabbed the handles of her two suitcases on in each hand. When she had all five items of luggage secure she looked at the brother sister pair "Adrian you're going to carry my bags. Kay?" Isis stated, sliding her indigo suitcases over to her brother. She heard a sigh escape Adrian as he rubbed his hand on the back of his neck. "Sure, thanks for asking." he said in clear sarcasm. "Come on guys we don't have much time left" she said turning from the two and walking towards the boarding area, the line was on the long side but it moved quickly considering this was an airport. She gave her luggage in after Adrian once their stuff was all done and sticker-ed she watched men come and take their stuff to put on the plane . She watched back to Isis who was checking her phone "Three minutes." she said tapping her leg, Christina laughed "Chill Izzy. We board the plane in three minutes it doesn't soar into the sky in three minutes".


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Izzy laughed, putting her phone back into the pocket of her demin shorts. "I know, I know, I'm just excited." She smiled walking to their gate.

Adrian followed behind them, putting the bags down while the workers got ready for people to board the plane. "That was an amazing workout." He said, dramatically wiping off invisible sweat of his forehead.

Izzy started tapping her foot again, a bad habit she developed as a child. She only tapped her foot when she was anxious, bored or impatient, and right now she was all of the above.


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Christina followed behind Isis walking to their gate their were only a couple of hours away from Florida and she couldn't wait. "That was an amazing workout." Adrian said from behind the girls she turned her head and saw him dramatically wiping invisible sweat off his forehead she giggled "I think you should start thanking Isis for keeping you in such good shape" she said jokingly. When they got to the gate Isis went right back to foot tapping Christina just shook her head Isis foot tapping was like a three year old sucking their thumb, a very bad habit. A couple of minutes passed and the women working the gate started letting the people board the plane, Christina gave the women her ticket and with a nod from the lady was ushered forward.

First class defiantly looked a lot better than coach, the black and red interior looked really cool. Christina took a seat by the window and waited for Isis and Adrian as she watched people board the plane.

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Finally the Summer is Here. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

Quick Buy (Items Most Recently Listed for Sale)

Open Stores

View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Christina Torres
Character Portrait: Isis Valentine Shudder
Character Portrait: Adrian Christopher Shudder
Character Portrait: Blake Weston


Character Portrait: Adrian Christopher Shudder
Adrian Christopher Shudder

"I'll be your best bet."

Character Portrait: Isis Valentine Shudder
Isis Valentine Shudder

"I'm here to have fun and live my life, not entertain you."

Character Portrait: Christina Torres
Christina Torres

"I can't wait to get to my aunt's vacation house and party it up with my besties"


Character Portrait: Christina Torres
Christina Torres

"I can't wait to get to my aunt's vacation house and party it up with my besties"

Character Portrait: Adrian Christopher Shudder
Adrian Christopher Shudder

"I'll be your best bet."

Character Portrait: Isis Valentine Shudder
Isis Valentine Shudder

"I'm here to have fun and live my life, not entertain you."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Christina Torres
Christina Torres

"I can't wait to get to my aunt's vacation house and party it up with my besties"

Character Portrait: Adrian Christopher Shudder
Adrian Christopher Shudder

"I'll be your best bet."

Character Portrait: Isis Valentine Shudder
Isis Valentine Shudder

"I'm here to have fun and live my life, not entertain you."

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Finally the Summer is Here: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Finally the Summer is Here

Re: [OOC] Finally the Summer is Here

... Are ya'll ever gonna post?!?! xD

Re: [OOC] Finally the Summer is Here

Sorry am not good at keeping up with ooc's but I posted in the rp for whoever wanted to go next.

Re: [OOC] Finally the Summer is Here

Alright (: Welcome back (:

Re: [OOC] Finally the Summer is Here

Its cool, and sorry for not posting in a couple of days I was busy with family and friends but am back now and am gonna go post.

Re: [OOC] Finally the Summer is Here

Sorry I took so long, I'm busy.... my first post is kkinda bad but I'll try to kick it up a few notches (;

Re: [OOC] Finally the Summer is Here

Yeah were all high school friends.

Re: [OOC] Finally the Summer is Here

Hey, I'm about to submit a character. All the people already know eachother in the RP, right?

Re: [OOC] Finally the Summer is Here

Seeing as we now how our minimum of 4 people I will start the rping and do the intro post. This doesn't mean that the rp is done accepting people because we are defiantly still open for more people. The more the better =D Basically the people in the rp will pretty head to Florida with my character and people who join later will arrive alone or with other people who join around the same time. I don't know.

Re: [OOC] Finally the Summer is Here

Great ! I am glad to see this rp is starting to take off.

Re: [OOC] Finally the Summer is Here

Cool I can't wait to see your character

Re: [OOC] Finally the Summer is Here

I'll make a character for this! :D

[OOC] Finally the Summer is Here

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Finally the Summer is Here"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.