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From Desolation We Rise

From Desolation We Rise


A nuclear attack has ravaged America, leaving it's inhabitants insane or struggling to survive.

2,042 readers have visited From Desolation We Rise since KaiyaFierce created it.



From Desolation We Rise

This morning you woke up without a single memory to your name, heck, you didn't even have a name. Just a blank canvas, a terrifying abyss painted only with your feelings of the moment and thoughts of the immediate future. Hard to imagine? Take a man, a random passer by, strip from him his memories, those from the day, those from the previous months, years, leave nothing - not even the slightest glimpse of the past. You forget that with memories goes the man's affection or dislike for those in his life, every great love and every seething hate, all of it gone. Not only this but without knowledge of what he does and what he has done you take away the very assurance of what he is. You've removed all the layers, all the lessons learnt and are left only with the core of his being. The primal, uninhibited part of him that is nothing but a ball of instincts and personality. Scary, isn't it?

After waking you look around the room you're in, it's plain, with little furniture but the single bed you're lying on, a chest of drawers and a beeping machine you're connected to via wires. The smell of medicine and bleach is strong in the air, not that you recognise it, though the hairs that rise on the back of your neck and the increased thump of your heart alerts you to something amiss. Within a minute of your waking, three men walk in, two of which look like they belong a few rungs lower on the evolution ladder, the third holding a chart. The latter walks over to you with a pacifying smile on his face, his eyes lacking anything but clinical interest as he studies the machine by your side before asking you to answer a few medical questions. You're then asked to follow him. Worried but curious you comply, following him and the two gorillas down glistening corridors, all of them an exact replica of the one before. The man you've spoken to, a doctor your blank mind whispers, opens a door out onto a bare room filled with nothing but several rows of chairs, all of which face a podium at the front of the room. Behind the podium, upon the wall, hangs a buzzing plasma screen showing a single image. You feel a tug in the back of your mind, a chill that sends shivers across your skin, frightening ripples in an otherwise still pond. You don't know what it is, you just know that it terrifies you.

You take a seat, noticing a few others sprinkled throughout the room, all of them uneasy and sickly looking, the confusion in their eyes a mirror of your own. Eventually the room seems full and you look to the door, waiting for somebody to arrive, the man from before perhaps or another official. A bang makes you turn in the opposite direction, to the podium, and standing behind it is a large man you can't believe you previously missed. He's not tall but thick, muscles bursting from beneath the constrains of a camouflaged jumpsuit, his hair thick but greying and his face lined with premature wrinkles and scars. He looks at each of you in turn, his very presence demanding silence before finally he speaks:

"Welcome to Phoenix Island, you wanna know why it's called that? Because just like a phoenix you will fly from the flames of your old lives and rise up once again, triumphant and ready to do your country proud. You think i'm kiddin'? Tell me, son, what's your name? That's right you have no fucking clue, do ya? No, course you don't. You have all been chosen because you in some way offer your country something special, the radiation gas that has turned the rest of this damn' nation into freaks has somehow turned you into some kind of fuckin' spideyman. Oh don't worry my little lovebirds, you signed up for this yourselves, you just don't remember it. Why?

Well that's simple enough. You know what's a person's greatest weakness, do ya? It's their past. People just can't let go of what they've seen, the horrors they've witnessed - the pain they've experienced. Humanity wraps it's grubby little finger's around memories and just won't let go.We are conditioned by what we see and do, by the people we meet and the emotions they envoke, we - all of us - are a product of our surroundings. And the world at the moment, it ain't so great a place to grow up in, heck, it's hell on earth. Something happened to each and every one of you that made you sign up for this, something so terrible you wanted it erased from you completely, and we did that for you. We wiped your slate clean. What do we get out of it? We get to mould you into the people we want you to be, the soldiers we want you to be. That clear enough for you, sweethearts? Or would you like me to tattoo it straight into your fucking forehead? No? Then let's move on.

Upon entering the facility you will have been given a package, please open that now, in the package you will find a file with your names on - no, not your old names, new ones that have been selected for you at random. Open the file. Written inside is a list of physical data, weight, height, your strengths and your weaknesses. Memorise these - espescially your weaknesses. A man is only as strong as his greatest fault. Moving down the page you will find a list of your, uh, little 'talents', at least those that you informed us of when joining. In training you will test these skills, discover your limits, so on. At the bottom of the page you will find a private message you have written to yourself, it varies from person to person, and yes that is all of it - don't come bitchin' to me if your previous self only left a few sentences. In fact, don't come bitchin' to me at all. I'm not here to hold your hand, you'll either cope or you won't. Those who don't cope however will be released out beyond the Barren Wall, we can't have information about what we do here leaked to those in the city. The Barren Wall? Of course, you won't understand what's going on here, will ya? Well don't you worry your pretty little heads about that, turn to the second page of your file and you will find a summary of recent events.

I will say this. The world is in a state of disaster - in October, in the year 1962 Cuba released nuclear missiles that desolated Central America. The devastation did not stop there however, those who survived the attack became effected by the radiation, in ways previously unknown to science. There was the usual symptoms, vomiting, diarrhea, fevers, cancers, seizures, but it didn't end there. Mutations happened, special powers, extra limbs, inhuman strength, things that would make your goddamn skin crawl. Insanity was also a major problem. Paranoia, schizophrenia, antisocial behaviour, borderline personality disorders, depression - increased aggression levels. All those with mutations are affected mentally in some way, some less, some more. Coastal cities seemed to survive the attack, with low levels of the affected, and for a time all survivors headed there. But then the looting began, people killed in the street by strangers, vicious murders in broad daylight - something had to be done. We built the Barren Wall around what was New York City, made a fortress to protect us from those living out on the Plains. What happened to those infected living in the city? They were culled. Don't you dare look at me like that you sonuvabitch, I bet you were on the front fucking line. Those, likes yourselves, who showed no signs of 'dangerous' psychotic disorders, were given the option to join us here. We took each and one of you out of the dirt, we wiped away your filthy pasts and gave you the chance to be something great.

And what is it you'll be doing? Why you'll be protecting your sister, scraping vermin from the gutters and ensuring that what is left of our sweet country returns to it's former glory. That's right. You'll be fighting the Affected. Smile, sons of bitches, there's no turning back now."

Welcome to 'From Desolation We Rise'! This roleplay is based in the year 1987, twenty-five years after America came under fire of nuclear weapons and what we now would call the Cuban Missile Crisis. However, in this alternative timeline the Cuban Missile Crisis was not averted. Central America was obliterated, leaving behind only what is now referred to as 'The Plains', a humorless reference to a century ago before America's West became inhabited. Back then it was just acres of dry land with little vegetation, and untamed wilderness that was thought to be incapable of supporting civilisation. If only. The Plains now is nothing but a wasteland, miles of desert with the only relief the skeletons of previous societies, whatever could escape the blast. Over the years the radiation from the bomb set to work on the land, killing off all but the most hardy of lifeforms, mutating those that remained. Vicious beasts roam the wilderland now, always hunting, always hungry. What of higher lifeforms? Oh, humans still exist, if you can call them that. Monsters made of men that are driven insane by the radiation, by the constant fight for survival, desperate and vengeful - relentless in their pursuit of flesh. The Affected.

The coastal settlements survived for the most part, their inhabitants escaping the worse of the radiation, and at first this is where everyone flocked. The authorities, the emergency government put in place, tried to police the streets, to stop chaos from flourishing, but of course they failed. The Affected who'd moved to the city, even those who initially seemed passive, would eventually succumb to their mental illnesses. Nobody was safe, women, children, even the elderly didn't escape the violence. Blood literally ran through the streets, body parts littering alleyways, looting and hysteria rife even amongst the 'Normals'. Well you heard what happened next from Officer Vaughn. The 'Barren Wall' was built around New York City, everybody who were affected too strongly by the radiation forced outside of it, and the city itself renamed - Sanctuary.

Why has other countries not intervened? After the attack the Cuba-Soviet alliance only grew stronger, forcing the rest of the world to abandon all contact with what was left of Northern America - to the point that the borders to Canada and Southern America are now heavily guarded with miles of barbed wire. Those left in the USA, are on their own. Remember, the attack on the USA changed everything, no historical events have happened in the same way. Life after is different, darker. Religion amongst the survivors of the ordeal have been forbidden from practising their beliefs, the government anxious that no civil wars erupt, the punishment for breaking the new law is death - an act that has and will be carried out if necessary. Sanctuary, though a haven from what's outside the walls, is still a city fighting for survival. Money is sparse, with gangs ruling the streets and few leaving the house after dark. The Affected that survived the cull prowl the streets at night, many working for the aforementioned mobs, scraping a living through using their powers to steal and kill for money. The government realised that something needed to be done, a squad put together that could truly combat this new threat, restore peace to the city. So Ellis Island was torn down, a high tech training facility built upon the land, a place where a new level of soldiers could be bred. It was renamed Phoenix Island. This is where the beginning of the roleplay is based, where you will return for safety and where you will recieve your orders - from Officer Vaughn, and above him, the mysterious General.

Welcome to New America - let's see how long you'll survive.

[I'll probably add to the above with more information further on in the roleplay, when more information becomes needed.]

Character Sheet

It's important to remember that because of the altered timeline, things will have progressed differently, the technology will be changed - those that may have invented something may not have been born, or may have been killed or Affected. The very land has changed. Your characters should reflect this new status quo as much as possible, I am completely happy for you to let your imagination run wild as to your characters backgrounds, how they've been effected by the radiation. Surprise and impress me!

Below is two character sheets. One is the first page from the file, mentioned in the speech above, containing your physical data etc. The second is the page containing your biography, mental state and health - things only those in charge of Phoenix Island would know. Throughout the data, at whatever pace you wish, this information can be returned to your character, in the form of dreams or flashbacks - maybe even Officer Vaughn will tell you himself, though that'd be a cold day in hell. Have a read through your rules before submitting a character because there's more information there. One last thing: Though your characters mind has been wiped they retain knowledge of what the things around them are, they will also have knowledge of any skills they might have, though not how they got it. For example upon picking up a gun they would know how to fire it, how to aim, and retain their previous talents with it.

Code: Select all
[font=Courier New][size=110][right]Image Here[/right]
[b][u]Data of Recruit #[Enter Number of Choice Here][/b][/u]
[b]Nickname:[/b] Obviously this is from your previous life in the city - perhaps it could reflect what you did then?
[b]D.O.B:[/b] I'm happy for this to be anything under the age of thirty-five.
[b]Eye Colour:[/b]
[b]Hair Colour:[/b]
[b]General Appearance:[/b] Here include any effect the radiation may have had on you physically alongside the rest of your description.
[b]Skills:[/b] Human skills e.g. Knowledge of Martial Arts/Guns/Knives, Mechanics.
[b]Mutation Effects:[/b] Here any mutated powers they have. This could be ESP, element manipulation, levitation - run wild with it. Though if you overpower your character, I will NOT accept it.
[b]Weakness(s):[/b] List several. These could be personality or physical faults. Please make these rival your previously mentioned strengths. The stronger the powers you've given your character, the larger their faults should be.
[b]Private Message:[/b] This is what your character wrote to it's 'new self' before having he or she's mind wiped.[/font][/size]

Code: Select all
[font=Courier New][size=110]
[b][u]Data of Recruit #[Enter Number of Choice Here]: Authorised Access Only.[/b][/u]
[b]Personality:[/b] This will be part of what your character has told the PTF (Phoenix Training Facilitation) and part observation.
[b]Mental Disorders:[/b] This could be anything, antisocial behaviour, agoraphobia, selective mutism - any psychological disorder. List as many as you want, but don't make your character so severely effected they can't act with a resemblance of normality. Try to be inventive and original with this.
[b]Biography:[/b] What secrets do they have in their closet? Be as detailed as you choose, but at least two paragraphs please.[/font][/size]

[I'll submit my character tomorrow, give something for people to compare to - but please message me about anything you don't understand!]

As I say in the rules, I may allow a certain few to play as one of the Affected in the city, or one of the Normals, but I would expect a pretty impressive character idea if so, and an idea how they would fit into the plot. In the case of one of these characters, i'm sure you'll be able to edit the character sheets to fit.

I look forward to roleplaying with you! Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Toggle Rules

1.Godmodding is a no-no. I don't care if your character is so powerful they're shooting black holes outta their ass, do not abuse other character's freedom. Some people find godmodding confusing, there is a fine line from taking the lead in a situation and taking control of a situation. So here's a simple scenario for you:
Scenaro A: Bob throws a Jedward CD at Melvin, hoping to knock him off his feet.
Scenario B: Bob throws a Jedward CD at Melvin, knocking him off his feet.
Scenario A allows the other character, in this case Melvin, to either take the blow or dodge. In Scenario B however the other character, our friend Melvin, isn't given that choice - this, my loves, is godmodding.
2. In the roleplay, I would prefer for you to play one of the new recruits on Phoenix Island, because then the characters can meet and bond as quickly as possible. This would also mean they start off in a fairly equal position in life. However, if you'd like to play one of the Affected in Sanctuary and you can submit an interesting and well thought out character i'll allow it. I'll also allow one person to take the position of somebody
further up in the military food chain, though I will be in control of the General.
3.I reserve the right to deny your character if I think you're level of literacy isn't quite what i'm looking for. I'll be expecting each post to be at least
a few paragraphs long and with passable spelling/grammar. If you aren't capable of that, then I will deny your character. I'll also deny the character
if I think it's too generic, overpowered or similar to other already existing characters - so before applying, read what others have submitted.
Though I do promise that if I deny your character I will PM you explaining why - it's a pet peeve when people don't.
4. I will not reserve spaces - no need, I plan on leaving it open for as many to join as they like.
5. Here's a great idea - before posting, READ what OTHERS have POSTED. This means far less misunderstandings, smoother gameplay and
better communication between characters. I know sometimes the idea of trawling through posts is a little daunting, espescially the longer ones,
but it pays off and i'm sure you'd enjoy it - I know I always like reading RPs, even if i'm not involved in them.
6. The RP is third person, like most on the site.
7. Please don't be offended if I, or others in the RP, offer constructive criticism. This isn't people insulting your work, it's them trying to help you
improve it - make it the best it can possibly be. So no snapping at others or behaving rudely, if you take it too far I will ask you to leave the
game. I recommend you PM the other players if you have a certain problem with them and work to sort it out.
8. The final and most important rule is this: Have fun. The whole point of roleplaying is to provide an enjoyable hobby to those who like
writing, and i'm hoping my roleplay can contribute to that fun. There is a plot, but that doesn't mean characters can't have their own subplots, their
own personal dramas - just try not to lose sight of the bigger picture. And with that, thank you for reading through the rules and I look forward to
roleplaying with you! :)

Browse All » 5 Settings to roleplay in

North America

North America by RolePlayGateway

What is left of the USA after it was ravaged by nuclear warfare.

The Plains

The Plains by RolePlayGateway

Barren wasteland.


Sanctuary by RolePlayGateway

A city struggling to survive, rife with criminals and always on the verge of anarchy.

Phoenix Island

Phoenix Island by RolePlayGateway

The training facility and base for those from the Phoenix Squad.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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While she was pacing, Cat didn't realise that Arborly left, but she did know that something needed to be done about both the puddle of blood and the sick girl who made it. The redhead stopped pacing long enough to see both the girl and the golden man she was talking to sit down against a different wall. Cat considered getting assistance, but who would she get assistance from?

Vaughn was way too into that magazine of his, and he did say he didn't want anyone asking him questions. She wasn't sure if that was because he didn't know any more about them than they did themselves, or he was lazy, or simply didn't care. He probably does care about his paycheck though. Did she know what a paycheck was? The word was really plain but it seemed to be important. Maybe she would get a paycheck too for fighting the Affected. That's what he said they're supposed to do, right? She wasn't sure she liked that idea yet. For now, she hoped there wasn't a lot of blood.

Other than The Boss, as Scales identified him, there wasn't a lot of other people who she would consider. It seemed that most of them didn't even notice the girl. They were all wrapped up in their partners. She snarled under her breath and looked back to where she saw Arborly and he wasn't there. That didn't make her feel any better either. She was taller than most of the women and girls here, but the guys were a different story. She could count on one hand how many were notably shorter than her; about half were her same height, within an inch either way; and the rest were notably taller. A few of those were unnaturally tall like Arborly, but she couldn't see him through the mass of bodies. Maybe he was sitting down too.

Cat sighed and gritted her teeth, before heading over to Scales and Pinky. It was Pinky's turn to show off her stuff, and Scales watched just as starry-eyed as she was a few moments ago. The tall redhead gagged again, but tapped Scales shoulder. "How bout you use your cute li'l bubbles on that puddle over there," Cat indicated the blood.

"I can do more than make bubbles. If I wanted to, I could drown everyone in this room. Bubbles are just easiest, but that doesn't mean they're cute and weak. Besides I thought you didn't want anything to do with me, sweets." His voice was harsh, but he flashed his perfect white teeth in a smirk.

Cat snarled again, but she didn't act on her temper and said simply, "My name is Cat and I have claws. I could use them to tear you to pieces, but I don't want to right now. Don't make me change my mind." She flashed said claws and repeated her request.

His eyes grew wide in fear and she grinned, while he responded, "Sure whatever you say, sw- I mean Cat." He did so, while Pinky glared at them both.

"Thank you..." She paused so he could tell her his name.

"I'm Henry, but please call me Hydro, and this is Jenna."

"Nice to meet you," She said pleasantly and offered her hand to him with sheathed claws. He refused to take it, but that didn't surprise her. She did just threaten him. The blood was cleaned up, and then she needed to figure out what to do about the sick girl. She again considered taking a chance with The Boss. She could simply ask him where the doctor went after he walked her to that meeting room, just like she was curious. Surely, that couldn't make him mad. Catalina nodded, confirming the perfection of her plan and then she strode confidently over to the corner where he sat with his magazine.


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#, as written by Lashun
Kasna smiled, hearing the worry in William's voice. It was sweet that he cared or at least acted like he did. She rested her head against the wall and closed her eyes to make the room stop spinning.

"I'll be fine, thank you.." She chuckled. "However, if I pass out, I'd call a nurse." She laughed nervously at the thought. Blood lose was never fun, but, compared to everything else going on, it could be the funniest thing in the world. The bandages on her hands were becoming even more soaked in blood. She was becoming dizzy, and the room started to spin faster. She groaned; she felt sick.

"Maybe....we should start calling that nurse.."

Did I really use that much blood...? she asked herself. That wasn't even the biggest weapon I can make... Well, I did leave an open scaaaaaaa..

Her body leaned away from William and hit the ground. "Blood.. I need..." she panted.


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William may have or may not have really cared about Kasna, but he certainly didn't want her dying in front of him. The Prophet stood to his alarmingly large (but still human) height, and called out in a booming, conversation-ending voice.


He quickly went back down to his knees, taking Kasna's hand and massaging it, knowing enough to know that squeezing it would only pump more blood out of her already weakened body, and with the state she was in, that wouldn't be even remotely beneficial to her. He tried to support her, holding her up, even with the blood dripping all over his shining skin. It created an eerie, reddish glow around them, not so much hellish as simply bizarre; Will supposed that he could add walking lantern to his list of powers, but he had much more important things to deal with. He leaned in close to Kasna, and spoke again, more quietly.

"Come on girl, ye can't give up. Tha nurse be on her way. Ye'll be fine, ye will. Concentrate on stoppin tha' blood, if ye can."

The setting changes from The Earth to Phoenix Island


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#, as written by Cypher
Arborly had been dozing, the files spread out in his lap, when William's shout went up from the crowd. Although there had been a lot of shouting going on, none of them carried the same urgency as this one, and the room went, for the most part, into a stunned silence. The explorer's hand shifted to his first aid pouch as he stood and moved, again with unnerving silence and accuracy, through the crowd to the source of the shouting. The dirty-looking tunnel rat gave William a gentle shove to the side, holding up his medical pouch as he looked at the fainted form of Kasna.

'This could be a problem,' Michael thought, slowly kneeling down in front of Kasna and opening his pouch. The bandages he had applied previously were soaked through, the padding rendered useless but the Ace bandages holding them in place still effective enough to be used. Although most modern first aid techniques said that it was bad for the person performing first aid to remove dressings soaked through with blood, Arborly was raised on the school of thought that any garment soaked through with anything wouldn't be able to absorb and would therefore be useless. Pulling two more pads from the kit - which, Michael noted with slight dismay, seemed to contain less and less - the explorer gestured for William to come over. In his slow, plodding voice, Arborly said:

"Apply pressure to her forearms... Not enough to stop bloodflow entirely, but enough to... Slow it down." Waiting patiently, the explorer readied the gauze pads, prepared to work quickly to prevent any more blood loss. As a precaution, he removed and prepped two more pads, just in case the bleeding was worse than it looked. This was unlikely, and Arborly hoped it wouldn't be the case, but a tiny little thought wormed up through his subconscious at that moment. A voice; strong and commanding, carrying a light accent that the explorer couldn't pin down, said "Rule One: Better Safe than Sorry." He didn't know who this voice belonged to, or where it came from, but it made sense, so Arborly followed this simple creed.

The setting changes from Phoenix Island to The Earth


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The two made an odd combination. Dirt-covered, dusty looking moleman, and angelic golden giant... but William didn't mind. He would work with Vaughn himself if it meant saving Kasna, whom he found at the very least an interesting girl, and quite possibly more as well. She was too young and sweet to die, so he followed Arborly's instructions, applying (what he hoped) was the right amount of pressure to her forearms. Will then looked up at Arborly and nodded, giving him a tight little smile.

"Thank ye. What now?" was all he asked, keeping it simple in such a crisis situation.

The setting changes from The Earth to Phoenix Island


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#, as written by Cypher
What now then, indeed? Arborly waited a moment as William seized hold of Kasna's forearm. As he watched the bloodflow slow slightly, the explorer smiled. It wasn't much progress, but still a great deal better than the previous torrent of blood flowing out of her hands, so he would roll with it. If only he had...


The word wormed up from his subconscious in the same way as the previous statement had. Where the hell was this voice coming from? Who did it belong to? Something was strange about it, indeed, but for now Michael just went with it. "Keep up the pressure." Arborly said in his slow manner, moving over to his first aid bag. He briefly picked through the contents, and found that (unsurprisingly) none of this mysterious "coagulant" junk was in there. So he returned to Kasna and William, and then quickly undid the Ace bandages holding the sodden padding onto her left hand. Moving quickly, Arborly wringed out the bandage as quickly as he could, then swapped out the gauze pads, discarding the soaked one as quickly as he could. He secured the double-layer of gauze pads tightly with the length of bloodied bandage, then moved on to the other hand. His fingers, although not the most graceful instruments of dexterity that humanity had ever engineered, quickly undid the clasps holding the Ace bandage, then swapped out the gauze pads in the same manner as he had before. He clipped the Ace bandages down tight, then gestured to William to loosen his grip. "But don't let go completely," he advised, "or else she'll bleed worse. As I said before... Don't cut blood flow, but don't just let her bleed out, either."

The setting changes from Phoenix Island to The Earth


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Relaxing his grip on Kasna, Will looked away from her again and up at Arborly. He studied the explorer openly, making no secret of his attention. This man was an enigma, and Will didn't believe in enigmas. Everyone was readable, if only you knew how to look past the surface and at the true being underneath. So Will tried to strip the man bare of his tattered appearance and soft, almost hesitant voice. He looked beyond the obvious apprehension of physical contact, and tried to see. The prophet didn't know where this impulse came from; the same mysterious source as his premonitions, most likely. And just like those premonitions, Will had no idea what the information he learned actually meant. It was all well and good to be able to read the future, (whether he could control it or not,) and to read other people... but if he couldn't even understand what he found out, then what use was it?

He grimaced slightly, the twist of his lips probably barely obvious to Michael. Then Will redoubled his efforts. He slowly, again, examined every aspect of the mystery man... and came away with nothing useful, once more. He frowned in frustration, but it appeared that at least for now, this particular ability was not going to help him. Later, though... yes, there would always be a later.

Will looked back down to Kasna, resting one hand gently on her forehead while holding her forearm gently with his other hand. He smiled reassuringly down at her, hoping it might help her, before he looked up once more and smiled slightly at Arborly. "Thank ye. Ye probably saved 'er life there, sir. Ah'm sure tha gal would love tah know her saviour's name...?"

The setting changes from The Earth to Phoenix Island


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#, as written by Cypher
Arborly tilted his head over to where William had spoken from. He was squatting, bent-kneed, directly adjacent to where Kasna sat unconscious, his arms crossed upon his knees. The action of turning his head, combined with the shape his body was twisted into at the time, made him look a bit like an owl.

"I am sure that's not entirely necessary," Arborly said, but after a few moments he managed a shrug and a slight scowl. "But... My name is Arborly. Michael Arborly. I..." What could he say to describe his abilities? He refused to call them 'powers', he couldn't do something as magnificent as throw gouts of flame into the sky or turn invisible at the snap of a finger. So what could he say? "... I find things."

It was an apropos description of what he could do, and also of what he had done in the past - what existed beyond the blank slate that his mind had been turned into.


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Cat stopped halfway when the golden man shouted and rubbed her ears again. She didn't like blood and she didn't like shouting. There were two things she learned about herself today. She turned around to shout back that finding a doctor was what she was trying to do, but she soon realised that wouldn't be necessary, because she heard Arborly's hesitant voice giving directions. Another thing she knew was that she didn't like dirt either, but she was glad that unkempt guy was there at the time.

Since the ruckus should have grabbed the boss' attention, she backed away so she wouldn't be too close when he started shouting too. Right now she really wanted to be alone, out of the crowd and the noise that was bound to start again. After the golden man shouted everything was so silent, she wondered if her ears were no longer working. Even in that silence, she could still hear the two men's voices. They carried a little in the silent metal room.

She sighed, which also sounded terribly loud to her, and wove through the gawpers toward the men and unconscious girl. Once the blood was cleaned up, nothing seemed to bother her. She was getting a bit tired of the plain grey walls though. Once she knew where to find her room, she would splash paint all over it, or anything colorful she could find. Apparently, she also knew what paint was, but she didn't know how useful that information would be right now.

Finding her way through the people, she stopped and stood by them. The girl looked as white as the sheet she woke up under. Cat shivered at that thought. It frightened her but she didn't know why, just like that picture in the meeting room. "She should probably be in a bed to rest," The pale redhead stated simply. She tossed her head over her shoulder in the boss' direction. "If he ever lets us out of this room."

The setting changes from Phoenix Island to The Earth


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"Thank ye, Arborly was it? I'm William, tho iffen ye like, ye can call me Will." The giant smiled, relaxed now a bit more since Kasna was out of immediate danger. He stood to his full height, and stretched his legs and arms out, yawning a bit. It occured to him that he was a mite sleepy, but the situation warranted him staying awake for a while longer. As the redhead approached, Will's attention shifted over to her. She was another of the ones that he'd noted as being... unique. Important to Vaughn for some reason, and therefore, important to the prophet as well.

"She should probably be in a bed to rest, if he ever lets us out of this room."

Will nodded at that in silent agreement before speaking up, eyeing her for a moment first. "Aye, ye be right there lass. Kasna needs a bed, and sooner rat'er than later. Ah think that convincin our boss should be my next step. Do ye two mind watchin the girl while ah do so?"

He grinned at both of them, hoping for a yes so he could go give Vaughn a piece of his mind for not having a nurse around for these sort of situations. With this many powers in one room, it was almost inevitable that someone would end up hurt... and not being prepared for that spoke of either a massive lack of resources, (which was doubtful,) or a severe lack of foresight. The latter, Will could more than likely help with.

The setting changes from The Earth to Phoenix Island


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Cat crossed her arms over her chest because she wasn't comfortable being stared at, even for a moment, but she listened carefully to the golden man's strange accent. It was still difficult to understand, though this time she managed to get his main idea. He agreed with her and was offering to tell the boss if she would stay here with the sick girl. She shrugged her shoulders. Why should she have a problem with that? In fact, it was better that someone whose hearing wasn't so sensitive to deal with the old man who didn't seem to know how to speak at a reasonable level.

Maybe his ears didn't work very well. She chuckled a bit to herself at that thought, and quickly returned to seriousness. "I wanted to talk to him myself before you shouted and Arborly here offered his services, " she paused and nodded to the twisted up figure of said man. "...but I really don't care who talks to the boss." Then she decided to take a seat beside the girl while still remaining a safe distance from the unkempt character. She acknowledged Arborly had a worthwhile skill, but she still didn't like dirt or blood. "If you want to talk to him, go right ahead," she continued, since she wasn't sure the golden man understood that she wanted him to tell Vaughn that they needed to get this girl someplace else.

The setting changes from Phoenix Island to The Earth


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#, as written by Lashun
"WE NEED A Nuurss...." were the last few words that Kasna had heard before blanking out. She lay in the silent darkness for a while, feeling herself slipping out of consciousness. She felt a numb-tinkling sensation fill her body; the "pins and needles" started to annoy her. She wanted to shift, but she had no control over her body. 'At least I'm not dead..' she thought. She let herself fall deeper into the silence, hoping that the sooner she'd "fall asleep", the sooner she could wake up.

After what felt like hours, she soon heard voices in the distance. The voices were faint and muffled so she couldn't quite understand what was being said. She tried to focus more, in hopes to point out a few of the words.

"....Michael Arborly..."

'Who's voice is that...? That doesn't sound like-'

" me Will..."

'Oh, there he is.. who's is this Arborly guy..?

"...If you want to......go right ahead.."

'A girl? Did she help me, too..? I've got to see these people!'

She groaned and fought harder to pull herself awake. She tried moving and managed to wiggle her fingers. 'Yes! Now, if I can just..say something..'

"Wh...Who's Arborly..?" she uttered weakly. It was a bit embarrassing for that to be the first thing to come out of her mouth, but it was something to let her new friends know that she was okay. She tried opening her eyes, but quickly closed them, due to the bright lights. "Gah..I could've sworn it was a lot darker than that in here.." By the sound of her raspy voice, you could tell she was forcing it.

The setting changes from The Earth to Phoenix Island


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#, as written by Cypher
'Oh... This one, back again.' Arborly thought to himself as he heard Cat's somewhat familiar voice lilt through the small crowd that had gathered around Kasna and the giant. The explorer felt the tiny hairs on the back of his neck bristle as the group grew further larger. He felt that he would have to vacate soon, for fear of panicking a bit. People didn't appeal to him at all, for some reason. Which was odd - everyone else in the room seemed plenty social; it was just him that seemed to stick to the edges.

He was about to make his way back to those beloved fringes of society when the girl stirred. He caught the movement of her fingers from the corner of his eye, and then her voice - faint and raspy, but nonetheless there - met his ears.

"Wh... Who's Arborly..?"

Without turning, Michael raised a dirty, blood-stained hand, splitting it in a "v-for-victory" gesture so that Kasna could tell who he was. He went about zipping up his medical bag for a few moments without noticing that Kasna's eyes weren't open. He grunted out a simple response - "I am Arborly" - then busied himself inventorying his medical bag. He was almost out of gauze pads, and there was indeed no congealant. His Ace bandages had been severely foreshortened by Kasna's wounds, but he still had a good amount of the stuff. As long as nobody else bit their hands open and bled everywhere, he reckoned he would be fine.

The setting changes from Phoenix Island to The Earth


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#, as written by Lashun
Kasna rose her hand to shed the light from her eyes; she wanted to see this Arborly. She manages the catch a glimpse of a silhouette of the "V" that he made with his middle and index finger. She smiled, finding comfort in the sign. As he eyes began to slowly adjust to the light, she could finally see everything around her. A young woman that, for some reason, resembled a cat; Will, the golden man that only a blind man would miss; the surrounded worried (or just nosy) people, and a grungy, yet gentle, dirty, familiar-looking man.

So his name is Arborly...

She sat up. "You're the guy that helped me earlier..!" she exclaimed in mild shock. She bowed her head to hide her pink-tinted cheeks. " T-Thanks again.."


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Smiling casually, Will nodded down to Kasna. "Ye'll be alright with these two Kasna, they'll take good care o' ye til we can get ye a proper med bay. I'll be back lad and lasses." With that simple sentence, the giant of a man slowly turned and made his way towards Vaughn at the center of the room. He strode purposefully, his earlier smile replaced with an unreadable (he hoped) blank expression. He pushed, not ungently, past a cluster of men and women demonstrating their abilities to one another and eventually wound up in front of their supposed leader. Nodding once to the man, Will gave him a quick once-over and then stared him in the eyes as he spoke.

"I dun' know how ye could be so careless as to oper'te without any sort o' nurse on call with this kinda bunch in the room, especially knowin' many o' the powers tend towards violence." The stare of a golden giant as tall and large as he was not easy to ignore, but just to be sure, he also took a step closer before continuing. "I highly suggest ye put an end to this business and tell us what's about, and ye get a nurse in 'ere to help out that poor lass in the corner."

He did not move back after speaking, simply resting his gaze on Vaughn and daring the man to react negatively.

The setting changes from The Earth to Phoenix Island


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Catalina watched the exchange between the girl, Kasna, and the two men. Arborly reacted as she expected from her short contact with him. He did what he had to do and then returned to his own business. She didn't have any prior contact with the golden man, but she had been watching him. So far he was incredibly annoying, though he did have some sense. He asked for, no more like demanded, assistance when Kasna collapsed and now he was going to get help from the one person who hopefully can do the most good.

Kasna woke up, which was probably a good thing, but she was still unwell as noted by her raspy voice. Again that reminded Cat she was thirsty, that was the word she looked for when she felt she needed water. The girl sat up and Cat reflexively reached out to rest her callused hand on Kasna's forearm. The redhead's palm and fingertips felt slightly rough, but her touch was very gentle. "Take it easy. You don't want to hurt yourself." she whispered in a soothing tone like a mother would to her child.

She didn't understand why she reacted that way and nor did she spend a lot of time thinking about it. She did feel a need to think about it, but couldn't put a word to that feeling. They had no memories except of the present, but she at least had nagging thoughts of something more.

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North America

North America by RolePlayGateway

What is left of the USA after it was ravaged by nuclear warfare.

The Plains

The Plains by RolePlayGateway

Barren wasteland.


Sanctuary by RolePlayGateway

A city struggling to survive, rife with criminals and always on the verge of anarchy.

Phoenix Island

Phoenix Island by RolePlayGateway

The training facility and base for those from the Phoenix Squad.

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Maria de Luca
Character Portrait: Michael Arborly
Character Portrait: Kasna Serje


Character Portrait: Michael Arborly
Michael Arborly

The explorer formerly known as Dean Coverly.

Character Portrait: Maria de Luca
Maria de Luca

Now, Maria Pheron.


Character Portrait: Michael Arborly
Michael Arborly

The explorer formerly known as Dean Coverly.

Character Portrait: Maria de Luca
Maria de Luca

Now, Maria Pheron.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Maria de Luca
Maria de Luca

Now, Maria Pheron.

Character Portrait: Michael Arborly
Michael Arborly

The explorer formerly known as Dean Coverly.

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North America

North America by RolePlayGateway

What is left of the USA after it was ravaged by nuclear warfare.

The Plains

The Plains by RolePlayGateway

Barren wasteland.


Sanctuary by RolePlayGateway

A city struggling to survive, rife with criminals and always on the verge of anarchy.

Phoenix Island

Phoenix Island by RolePlayGateway

The training facility and base for those from the Phoenix Squad.

Phoenix Island

Sanctuary Phoenix Island Owner: RolePlayGateway

The training facility and base for those from the Phoenix Squad.


North America Sanctuary Owner: RolePlayGateway

A city struggling to survive, rife with criminals and always on the verge of anarchy.

North America

The Earth North America Owner: RolePlayGateway

What is left of the USA after it was ravaged by nuclear warfare.

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Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

*pulls a shovel out of infinite pocket* Perhaps I should dig you out as a Christmas present.

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

still another two weeks passed with no new posts. Perhaps this is dead *sighs*. I wanted to do the missions though.

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

Since your last post, Cat generally said go ahead and talk to Vaughn about a doctor and a better place to recuperate; Kasna woke up and asked who Arborly was, and Arborly introduced himself in that order.

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

Yikes, super sorry guys. A bunch of time went by without a response and I stopped checking because stuff got SUPER busy with school, with exam season and papers due et all.

Many apologies. Any chance of a quick recap?

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

I'm still hoping Ironbrow would do something, but I don't know what's up. If he doesn't respond, I'll have Cat change her mind or something like that, since even if Kasna's awake, she's not out of danger yet.

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

Should I..go ahead and post or...?

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

He could, but it would be a bit out of character, since Arborly does his best to avoid people. He seems completely apathetic most of the time, but he does seem to care when people get hurt though, so it might not be that out of character.

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

Well, I posted to move things along a bit, if you want I could go ahead and talk to Vaughn in lieu of Ironbrow.

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

I was waiting for Ironbrow also, since Will was the one volunteering to speak to the Boss. If you have plans for said boss to do something about the commotion then it may not be necessary. I guess it's back to more waiting. *sighs and puts head in hands*

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

Sorry I haven't posted, I've been waiting on Vyral...I'll message him tomorrow to see if he's still in it and if not I'll get going xD

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

I've posted~! I hope everything runs a bit more smoothly now~

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

I'm still in the roleplay as well. Now that finals are over and our winter break has started, I'll reply a lot faster. :D

But, first, I gotta get home >>

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

I'm still involved with the RP, but I've been overwhelmed by schoolwork recently and as such my time on the computer has been limited. So I'm not out of the RP; I just have certain priorities that come first.

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

Well according to Rpg's definition of role-plays it isn't dead. I consider it a slow-moving rp, which isn't a bad thing. It gives more time to build up the setting and characters. Maybe I should have had Cat finish her intent to ask Vaughn about a doctor. Skittish kitty results in nervous character. The real live cat I based her on is both skittish and demanding at the same time.

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

Oh Fyre it's fine! I promise you that at least on my part, I'm not ignoring you :') I think everybody has just become busy with different RPs and I've considered this to be a tad dead. Is anyone else still playing?