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From Desolation We Rise

From Desolation We Rise


A nuclear attack has ravaged America, leaving it's inhabitants insane or struggling to survive.

2,061 readers have visited From Desolation We Rise since KaiyaFierce created it.



From Desolation We Rise

This morning you woke up without a single memory to your name, heck, you didn't even have a name. Just a blank canvas, a terrifying abyss painted only with your feelings of the moment and thoughts of the immediate future. Hard to imagine? Take a man, a random passer by, strip from him his memories, those from the day, those from the previous months, years, leave nothing - not even the slightest glimpse of the past. You forget that with memories goes the man's affection or dislike for those in his life, every great love and every seething hate, all of it gone. Not only this but without knowledge of what he does and what he has done you take away the very assurance of what he is. You've removed all the layers, all the lessons learnt and are left only with the core of his being. The primal, uninhibited part of him that is nothing but a ball of instincts and personality. Scary, isn't it?

After waking you look around the room you're in, it's plain, with little furniture but the single bed you're lying on, a chest of drawers and a beeping machine you're connected to via wires. The smell of medicine and bleach is strong in the air, not that you recognise it, though the hairs that rise on the back of your neck and the increased thump of your heart alerts you to something amiss. Within a minute of your waking, three men walk in, two of which look like they belong a few rungs lower on the evolution ladder, the third holding a chart. The latter walks over to you with a pacifying smile on his face, his eyes lacking anything but clinical interest as he studies the machine by your side before asking you to answer a few medical questions. You're then asked to follow him. Worried but curious you comply, following him and the two gorillas down glistening corridors, all of them an exact replica of the one before. The man you've spoken to, a doctor your blank mind whispers, opens a door out onto a bare room filled with nothing but several rows of chairs, all of which face a podium at the front of the room. Behind the podium, upon the wall, hangs a buzzing plasma screen showing a single image. You feel a tug in the back of your mind, a chill that sends shivers across your skin, frightening ripples in an otherwise still pond. You don't know what it is, you just know that it terrifies you.

You take a seat, noticing a few others sprinkled throughout the room, all of them uneasy and sickly looking, the confusion in their eyes a mirror of your own. Eventually the room seems full and you look to the door, waiting for somebody to arrive, the man from before perhaps or another official. A bang makes you turn in the opposite direction, to the podium, and standing behind it is a large man you can't believe you previously missed. He's not tall but thick, muscles bursting from beneath the constrains of a camouflaged jumpsuit, his hair thick but greying and his face lined with premature wrinkles and scars. He looks at each of you in turn, his very presence demanding silence before finally he speaks:

"Welcome to Phoenix Island, you wanna know why it's called that? Because just like a phoenix you will fly from the flames of your old lives and rise up once again, triumphant and ready to do your country proud. You think i'm kiddin'? Tell me, son, what's your name? That's right you have no fucking clue, do ya? No, course you don't. You have all been chosen because you in some way offer your country something special, the radiation gas that has turned the rest of this damn' nation into freaks has somehow turned you into some kind of fuckin' spideyman. Oh don't worry my little lovebirds, you signed up for this yourselves, you just don't remember it. Why?

Well that's simple enough. You know what's a person's greatest weakness, do ya? It's their past. People just can't let go of what they've seen, the horrors they've witnessed - the pain they've experienced. Humanity wraps it's grubby little finger's around memories and just won't let go.We are conditioned by what we see and do, by the people we meet and the emotions they envoke, we - all of us - are a product of our surroundings. And the world at the moment, it ain't so great a place to grow up in, heck, it's hell on earth. Something happened to each and every one of you that made you sign up for this, something so terrible you wanted it erased from you completely, and we did that for you. We wiped your slate clean. What do we get out of it? We get to mould you into the people we want you to be, the soldiers we want you to be. That clear enough for you, sweethearts? Or would you like me to tattoo it straight into your fucking forehead? No? Then let's move on.

Upon entering the facility you will have been given a package, please open that now, in the package you will find a file with your names on - no, not your old names, new ones that have been selected for you at random. Open the file. Written inside is a list of physical data, weight, height, your strengths and your weaknesses. Memorise these - espescially your weaknesses. A man is only as strong as his greatest fault. Moving down the page you will find a list of your, uh, little 'talents', at least those that you informed us of when joining. In training you will test these skills, discover your limits, so on. At the bottom of the page you will find a private message you have written to yourself, it varies from person to person, and yes that is all of it - don't come bitchin' to me if your previous self only left a few sentences. In fact, don't come bitchin' to me at all. I'm not here to hold your hand, you'll either cope or you won't. Those who don't cope however will be released out beyond the Barren Wall, we can't have information about what we do here leaked to those in the city. The Barren Wall? Of course, you won't understand what's going on here, will ya? Well don't you worry your pretty little heads about that, turn to the second page of your file and you will find a summary of recent events.

I will say this. The world is in a state of disaster - in October, in the year 1962 Cuba released nuclear missiles that desolated Central America. The devastation did not stop there however, those who survived the attack became effected by the radiation, in ways previously unknown to science. There was the usual symptoms, vomiting, diarrhea, fevers, cancers, seizures, but it didn't end there. Mutations happened, special powers, extra limbs, inhuman strength, things that would make your goddamn skin crawl. Insanity was also a major problem. Paranoia, schizophrenia, antisocial behaviour, borderline personality disorders, depression - increased aggression levels. All those with mutations are affected mentally in some way, some less, some more. Coastal cities seemed to survive the attack, with low levels of the affected, and for a time all survivors headed there. But then the looting began, people killed in the street by strangers, vicious murders in broad daylight - something had to be done. We built the Barren Wall around what was New York City, made a fortress to protect us from those living out on the Plains. What happened to those infected living in the city? They were culled. Don't you dare look at me like that you sonuvabitch, I bet you were on the front fucking line. Those, likes yourselves, who showed no signs of 'dangerous' psychotic disorders, were given the option to join us here. We took each and one of you out of the dirt, we wiped away your filthy pasts and gave you the chance to be something great.

And what is it you'll be doing? Why you'll be protecting your sister, scraping vermin from the gutters and ensuring that what is left of our sweet country returns to it's former glory. That's right. You'll be fighting the Affected. Smile, sons of bitches, there's no turning back now."

Welcome to 'From Desolation We Rise'! This roleplay is based in the year 1987, twenty-five years after America came under fire of nuclear weapons and what we now would call the Cuban Missile Crisis. However, in this alternative timeline the Cuban Missile Crisis was not averted. Central America was obliterated, leaving behind only what is now referred to as 'The Plains', a humorless reference to a century ago before America's West became inhabited. Back then it was just acres of dry land with little vegetation, and untamed wilderness that was thought to be incapable of supporting civilisation. If only. The Plains now is nothing but a wasteland, miles of desert with the only relief the skeletons of previous societies, whatever could escape the blast. Over the years the radiation from the bomb set to work on the land, killing off all but the most hardy of lifeforms, mutating those that remained. Vicious beasts roam the wilderland now, always hunting, always hungry. What of higher lifeforms? Oh, humans still exist, if you can call them that. Monsters made of men that are driven insane by the radiation, by the constant fight for survival, desperate and vengeful - relentless in their pursuit of flesh. The Affected.

The coastal settlements survived for the most part, their inhabitants escaping the worse of the radiation, and at first this is where everyone flocked. The authorities, the emergency government put in place, tried to police the streets, to stop chaos from flourishing, but of course they failed. The Affected who'd moved to the city, even those who initially seemed passive, would eventually succumb to their mental illnesses. Nobody was safe, women, children, even the elderly didn't escape the violence. Blood literally ran through the streets, body parts littering alleyways, looting and hysteria rife even amongst the 'Normals'. Well you heard what happened next from Officer Vaughn. The 'Barren Wall' was built around New York City, everybody who were affected too strongly by the radiation forced outside of it, and the city itself renamed - Sanctuary.

Why has other countries not intervened? After the attack the Cuba-Soviet alliance only grew stronger, forcing the rest of the world to abandon all contact with what was left of Northern America - to the point that the borders to Canada and Southern America are now heavily guarded with miles of barbed wire. Those left in the USA, are on their own. Remember, the attack on the USA changed everything, no historical events have happened in the same way. Life after is different, darker. Religion amongst the survivors of the ordeal have been forbidden from practising their beliefs, the government anxious that no civil wars erupt, the punishment for breaking the new law is death - an act that has and will be carried out if necessary. Sanctuary, though a haven from what's outside the walls, is still a city fighting for survival. Money is sparse, with gangs ruling the streets and few leaving the house after dark. The Affected that survived the cull prowl the streets at night, many working for the aforementioned mobs, scraping a living through using their powers to steal and kill for money. The government realised that something needed to be done, a squad put together that could truly combat this new threat, restore peace to the city. So Ellis Island was torn down, a high tech training facility built upon the land, a place where a new level of soldiers could be bred. It was renamed Phoenix Island. This is where the beginning of the roleplay is based, where you will return for safety and where you will recieve your orders - from Officer Vaughn, and above him, the mysterious General.

Welcome to New America - let's see how long you'll survive.

[I'll probably add to the above with more information further on in the roleplay, when more information becomes needed.]

Character Sheet

It's important to remember that because of the altered timeline, things will have progressed differently, the technology will be changed - those that may have invented something may not have been born, or may have been killed or Affected. The very land has changed. Your characters should reflect this new status quo as much as possible, I am completely happy for you to let your imagination run wild as to your characters backgrounds, how they've been effected by the radiation. Surprise and impress me!

Below is two character sheets. One is the first page from the file, mentioned in the speech above, containing your physical data etc. The second is the page containing your biography, mental state and health - things only those in charge of Phoenix Island would know. Throughout the data, at whatever pace you wish, this information can be returned to your character, in the form of dreams or flashbacks - maybe even Officer Vaughn will tell you himself, though that'd be a cold day in hell. Have a read through your rules before submitting a character because there's more information there. One last thing: Though your characters mind has been wiped they retain knowledge of what the things around them are, they will also have knowledge of any skills they might have, though not how they got it. For example upon picking up a gun they would know how to fire it, how to aim, and retain their previous talents with it.

Code: Select all
[font=Courier New][size=110][right]Image Here[/right]
[b][u]Data of Recruit #[Enter Number of Choice Here][/b][/u]
[b]Nickname:[/b] Obviously this is from your previous life in the city - perhaps it could reflect what you did then?
[b]D.O.B:[/b] I'm happy for this to be anything under the age of thirty-five.
[b]Eye Colour:[/b]
[b]Hair Colour:[/b]
[b]General Appearance:[/b] Here include any effect the radiation may have had on you physically alongside the rest of your description.
[b]Skills:[/b] Human skills e.g. Knowledge of Martial Arts/Guns/Knives, Mechanics.
[b]Mutation Effects:[/b] Here any mutated powers they have. This could be ESP, element manipulation, levitation - run wild with it. Though if you overpower your character, I will NOT accept it.
[b]Weakness(s):[/b] List several. These could be personality or physical faults. Please make these rival your previously mentioned strengths. The stronger the powers you've given your character, the larger their faults should be.
[b]Private Message:[/b] This is what your character wrote to it's 'new self' before having he or she's mind wiped.[/font][/size]

Code: Select all
[font=Courier New][size=110]
[b][u]Data of Recruit #[Enter Number of Choice Here]: Authorised Access Only.[/b][/u]
[b]Personality:[/b] This will be part of what your character has told the PTF (Phoenix Training Facilitation) and part observation.
[b]Mental Disorders:[/b] This could be anything, antisocial behaviour, agoraphobia, selective mutism - any psychological disorder. List as many as you want, but don't make your character so severely effected they can't act with a resemblance of normality. Try to be inventive and original with this.
[b]Biography:[/b] What secrets do they have in their closet? Be as detailed as you choose, but at least two paragraphs please.[/font][/size]

[I'll submit my character tomorrow, give something for people to compare to - but please message me about anything you don't understand!]

As I say in the rules, I may allow a certain few to play as one of the Affected in the city, or one of the Normals, but I would expect a pretty impressive character idea if so, and an idea how they would fit into the plot. In the case of one of these characters, i'm sure you'll be able to edit the character sheets to fit.

I look forward to roleplaying with you! Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Toggle Rules

1.Godmodding is a no-no. I don't care if your character is so powerful they're shooting black holes outta their ass, do not abuse other character's freedom. Some people find godmodding confusing, there is a fine line from taking the lead in a situation and taking control of a situation. So here's a simple scenario for you:
Scenaro A: Bob throws a Jedward CD at Melvin, hoping to knock him off his feet.
Scenario B: Bob throws a Jedward CD at Melvin, knocking him off his feet.
Scenario A allows the other character, in this case Melvin, to either take the blow or dodge. In Scenario B however the other character, our friend Melvin, isn't given that choice - this, my loves, is godmodding.
2. In the roleplay, I would prefer for you to play one of the new recruits on Phoenix Island, because then the characters can meet and bond as quickly as possible. This would also mean they start off in a fairly equal position in life. However, if you'd like to play one of the Affected in Sanctuary and you can submit an interesting and well thought out character i'll allow it. I'll also allow one person to take the position of somebody
further up in the military food chain, though I will be in control of the General.
3.I reserve the right to deny your character if I think you're level of literacy isn't quite what i'm looking for. I'll be expecting each post to be at least
a few paragraphs long and with passable spelling/grammar. If you aren't capable of that, then I will deny your character. I'll also deny the character
if I think it's too generic, overpowered or similar to other already existing characters - so before applying, read what others have submitted.
Though I do promise that if I deny your character I will PM you explaining why - it's a pet peeve when people don't.
4. I will not reserve spaces - no need, I plan on leaving it open for as many to join as they like.
5. Here's a great idea - before posting, READ what OTHERS have POSTED. This means far less misunderstandings, smoother gameplay and
better communication between characters. I know sometimes the idea of trawling through posts is a little daunting, espescially the longer ones,
but it pays off and i'm sure you'd enjoy it - I know I always like reading RPs, even if i'm not involved in them.
6. The RP is third person, like most on the site.
7. Please don't be offended if I, or others in the RP, offer constructive criticism. This isn't people insulting your work, it's them trying to help you
improve it - make it the best it can possibly be. So no snapping at others or behaving rudely, if you take it too far I will ask you to leave the
game. I recommend you PM the other players if you have a certain problem with them and work to sort it out.
8. The final and most important rule is this: Have fun. The whole point of roleplaying is to provide an enjoyable hobby to those who like
writing, and i'm hoping my roleplay can contribute to that fun. There is a plot, but that doesn't mean characters can't have their own subplots, their
own personal dramas - just try not to lose sight of the bigger picture. And with that, thank you for reading through the rules and I look forward to
roleplaying with you! :)

Browse All » 5 Settings to roleplay in

North America

North America by RolePlayGateway

What is left of the USA after it was ravaged by nuclear warfare.

The Plains

The Plains by RolePlayGateway

Barren wasteland.


Sanctuary by RolePlayGateway

A city struggling to survive, rife with criminals and always on the verge of anarchy.

Phoenix Island

Phoenix Island by RolePlayGateway

The training facility and base for those from the Phoenix Squad.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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Vaughn eyed each of the recruits as they filed out of the room, all of them clutching their files to their chest and looking even more dazed than before, not bothering to veil his obvious contempt. It's not that he' got anything against the new recruits in particular - he just isn't fond of the human race in general. A lifetime of working as a hired gun can do that to a man. He knew that most of the shuffling mutants before him would be weeded out before the week is up, begging to return to their former life, instead thrown out to feed the Affected. Vaughn liked that. If you haven't got the guts, than you're going to lose your guts. He almost smiled at the idea, but let's not get carried away. A few of the new soldiers caught his eye, something about the way they carried themselves perhaps, or the jut of their chin - whatever it was, they would need to be watched further. He glanced down at the clipboard in his hand, scanning the page with it's attached photos for those passing in front of him. Alex, Maria, Michael, Isaac, Catalina, Kasna, William. Yes, he'd certainly be keeping an eye on them. A boy with a tuft of blonde hair and a goofy expression tripped over himself passing Vaughn, sending a splash of acid shooting from his fingertips onto the tip of the officer's shoes. Vaughn looked down, watching the tips of his army boots begin to melt away. He looked up. "You're going to pay for that."


The new troops were lead into a large gymnasium, the wooden floor gleaming with polish but the walls thick metal, like the gutted insides of an aircraft hangar. Piled against one side of the room were thick, dark blue training mats and on the far end several tables lined with assorted objects. Everybody more or less milled into the center, nervous conversation spreading like a virus through the group, avoiding only the most sullen faced. Maria leant against one of the clear walls, her sunglasses pushed firmly down over her eyes and her eyebrow raised as she watched the others, sceptical of all the budding friendships. She didn't have anything against being friendly, she could be as a nice as the next girl, she just wasn't comfortable with wandering up to a stranger when she was still a stranger to herself. So instead she watched, ignoring the funny looks she was getting from some of the other recruits, used to standing out. Maria couldn't help wonder what the other's powers were, there was the odd visible mutation throughout the group but for the most part they just looked like normal people. A teenage girl with dyed pink hair gave her a wave and Maria supressed a shudder. She may not be able to remember before this morning but she was damn sure she wasn't a fan of pink. Luckily she didn't have to go through the bother of purposefully ignoring the girl, or flipping her the finger (whichever grabbed her fancy), because at that moment Vaughn entered the room. The Officer was red in the face, his cuffs rolled back and his shoes...sizzling?

The thickly built man stomped his way to the center of the room, parting the sea of people like some kind of thunderous moses, his expression enough to have even the hardiest of recruits tripping over themselves to get out of his way. Once he had reached the middle, he crossed his arms and looked at those around him for a moment, with an expression of impatience. When nobody began to move he let loose a sigh of irritation before roaring "ALL OF YOU. BACK OF THE ROOM. NOW." Naturally, everybody complied. When Vaughn was satisfied that he had his audience how he wanted it he began pacing back and forth in front of them, his hands linked behind his back with posture that would put a steel rod to shame. "Now, though it is unclear how many of you worms will even survive the training process, for the sake of making mine and the others instructors lives easier you will be split into squads at the end of today. I will witness your powers, how you work within a group and from that decide who you are best fighting alongside. And yes my decision is final. Have a problem with it? There's always the Wall." He stopped and looked at the troops, studying the level of fear in each of their faces before continuing in his pacing once again "To begin with I would like an example of your powers, each of you come up one by one and show the rest of us how fucking special you are. So come on, which one of you has the guts to come up first?" He waited and there was a moment of hesitation, people looking at those next to them, and he opened his mouth to shout again when a voice interrupted him-

"I'll go first." Maria called from her place beside the wall, frowning at the glances and murmurs she recieved, "Might as well get this shit over with." Pushing her way through the group she came to stand beside Vaughn, removing her glasses with one hand and feeling a little twinge of satisfaction when even Vaughn looked shocked. "So what...I just start?" Vaughn frowned at her before letting loose a bark of laughter and moving to the corner of the room "Good call Einstein." Maria ignored the jibe and looked around the room, unsure how best to show her 'talents', it wasn't as if she had any trucks to lift or slabs of steel to crush. "Any time sweetie!" Vaughn called from where he stood, laughing at his joke and frowning at those standing near him until they joined in nervously. Maria bristled with irritation, cracking her knucles before turning to the thick metal wall behind her, "Right away, honey." she growled before taking a few steps back. One, two, three. She took a few jogged steps lead up before sending a punch slamming into the wall, feeling the metal buckle beneath her knuckles before standing back to admire the damage done. The wall looked like a truck had smashed into it, the metal caved in to the point that Vaughn would have been able to climb into the hole and flick through one of the macho magazines he clearly reads. The wall gave a moan and she flicked a nervous glance at it before turning back to the group, thankful that it hadn't fallen. I mean, she knew that the file had said she was strong - but this? Where did it end? How much was she capable? It was kind of terrifying. "Oh and my file said I can create electricity or something..." she said, a hand placed aggressively on her hip as she surveyed the group before her "...but I'm not a performing monkey, i'm sure that - here she nodded her head back at the hole in the wall - "will suffice."

She made her way back over to her spot against the wall, shrugging off the whispers and giggles, "Did you see her eyes? And what was that thing with the wall? Why is she even allowed in here, she's clearly Affected." Maria pulled her glasses back out from the pocket of her denim shorts, quickly slipping them over her eyes before taking a few deep breaths. The anger rising up inside her at just these few pathetic remarks was...scary. She had nothing to compare the emotion to, this was all brand new after all, but surely she shouldn't this furious just because of a few whispered jibes? She didn't give a crap what these people thought really, and yet her hands were actually shaking with anger. She wanted to punch another hole in a wall, heck, she wanted to punch another hole in a person. Her file, where she had left it on the floor, reminded her of what Vaughn had said about the Affected ..."Paranoia, schizophrenia, antisocial behaviour, borderline personality disorders, depression - increased aggression levels." She pushed the thrill of fear out of her mind and focused on the scene before her, curious to see who would be the next one up, what their powers would reveal. These were the people she'd have to fight alongside, risk her life for, she should probably stop imagining decaptitating them.


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"I'll go next." Will stepped forward, offering himself up for the chopping block before anyone else could. He didn't know if that was normal behaviour for him. He didn't know much of anything about 'him' at the moment, and figured that perhaps the best way to learn would be to demonstrate the one thing he was certain had not changed; his supposed powers. So he continued to move to the front of the room and the crowd of recruits, his eyes darting from one to the next, taking them in. They were certainly taking him in. A giant of a man, golden-skinned... he looked more like a servitor of the Lord than an Affected bastard, but his remarkably different skin could hardly be ignored. "What the fuck is up with him?," he heard one murmur. Another responded, dazed, "I don't know, but I don't think I even care. I like him." He stepped slowly forward the last few paces.

Then something inside him simply clicked - he fell onto his knees abruptly at the moment he had truly reached the front. A slight silence ensued, with the jeers from the other recruits fading as the possibility of danger and death flashed before all their eyes.

But William Hood was not dead. Nor even in any pain, or any form of danger. He was lost within the depths of his own mind, recalling his gift. Images flashed past, and he desperately tried to hold onto one, onto any of them... and, through partial dumb luck and partial skill, he succeeded in grasping one. And, with herculean mental effort, he tore it through the veil that had dropped over him, speaking the words before he even stood. "Ye think my gift rings false, that it is merely theatrical skill, but ye also ken that there are seven in this room that will succeed. I do not know their names, only their faces. Mine be among those faces." He struggled to his feet, his sharp green eyes opening wide. He cast a glance at all those around him, his expression unreadable, completely neutral. As he recognized the faces he had seen, he offered each the most barely perceptible of nods.

"If ye'll be needing further demonstration, ye'll need to ask nicely now." The trance had passed. A wave of conflicting emotions overtook him, as the use of his power seemed to release a floodgate deep inside him. He managed to remain on his feet this time, but the barest hint of a smile touched his lips, curving them into something that struck even the most heartless of those in the room with a twinge of appreciation. Vaughn seemed not to care, and he likely didn't. Not about the theatrics, at least, Will knew. He did, however, care a great deal for the power that the prophet, (as Will named himself,) had displayed. Reading into the man's expression, Will suspected that he was trying to think of potential military application... and there was something more. But he could not read that deep. Not without knowing the man. Giving his long red hair a shake, he purposefully strode back into the crowd. A man such as he, however, found it very difficult to remain invisible in a crowd... especially one that gave him such admiring looks and some frankly open stares.

The setting changes from The Earth to Phoenix Island


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Catalina stood in the back of the crowd, flexing her fingers, and before she knew it her pale blue gloves were fraying. She saw the shorter woman with solid color eyes punch a hole in the wall, and shivered. Not only did the pale redhead see the damage, but she heard the metal creaking as it buckled. Soon after a golden man stepped forward, and said something she had a hard time understanding. Vaughn now waited impatiently for the next person, and it looked like she would have to be that person. She didn't know how to show her powers though, nor did she understand what at least one of them meant. Her bare toes curled up and a twitch started in one of her long muscled legs. The one thing she knew she could show became the one thing she wanted to do.

Placing her folder perfectly squared where the floor met the wall and well out of the way of other people's feet; for even if she didn't know why she couldn't stand for it to get messy, she finally pulled away and stepped forward. "I'll be next." On her way up, she peeled off her frayed gloves and tucked the remnants in her darker blue sash belt. Slowly it was revealed she had no fingernails or even the nail beds to show she ever had any, just strange vertical cuts on the tip of each thick finger including her thumbs. She pushed her headband back and flexed those fingers again, exposing copper-colored claws sticking out from each of those cuts or pockets really, as she poised to run.

Ignoring any comments, she retracted her claws and ran full tilt from one end of the room to the other, since she was supposedly faster going in a straight line. She felt energy and power in every stride, and whooped occasionally to release it. Hair and clothing fluttered in her wake, knocking the hat off a boy. The hat drifted in her path, but almost before she realized there was an obstacle, she was over it. "Maybe that's what cat-like reflexes mean," she thought out loud. Without knowledge of what a cat actually was, she could not understand what was like a cat.

She thought she got another hint when she stopped right in front of Vaughn without ever appearing to slow down. Her porcelain pale skin barely flushed from the exertion, but her breathing was a bit faster. After a few moments to get her breath back, her golden eyes met his completely normal ones and she stated carefully, "My file also says I can hear sounds other people can't and see perfectly on a dark, cloudy night, but I don't know how to show those things." When he made no comment, she retrieved her file, and returned to the back of the crowd.

The setting changes from Phoenix Island to The Earth


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#, as written by Vyral
Warm air enveloped him fully; each gust like a comforting hand sweeping over his body. He opened his eyes slowly, the bright light of the mid-morning day a stark contrast to the gloom of Sanctuary. Dusty ground crunched beneath his boots as he began walking forwards, and little vegetation save dried-out brown weeds survived in the wastelands. For miles there was nothing but desert stretching outwards beneath almost cloudless skies. The sun shone relentlessly, its heat almost unbearable. Already he felt thirst drying his throat, and sweat beading on his forehead. He reached the top of the mound and looked out ahead of him. Sanctuary loomed in the distance, its bleak walls rising out of the wasteland, towers cutting the landscape behind them apart like jagged blades. It was supposed to be a safe haven, but for Isaac it felt more and more like a prison.


He could feel Vaughn's eyes boring into him from across the room. Teeth grating together, he lifted his head just enough to lock eyes with the Officer, barely concealed contempt clear on both mens faces. The pale young girl loped delicately back into line, but his gaze was unwavering. Vaugn's face twitched, and he could have sworn the guy was amused. It was only when he realised the rest of the crowd had stepped back that he understood. It looked like it was his go next. His fists were balled tightly by his sides, and he could feel his nails digging painfully into the flesh of his palm. His eyes were still set on Vaugn, who appeared to be growing ever more impatient. Isaac took a sidelong glance across the other faces in the room; his irritation remained for all of them. Almost all of them had danced to Vaughn's tune without a semblance of dignity. It pained him that he would have to do the same. For now.

"Get a move on, prince-!" Vaughn's voice pierced his reclusive bubble. He looked back at Vaughn again and smiled.

There was an explosion of noise, and the air seemed to expand rapidly outwards as though filled with some invisible force. Before Vaughn could even finish his sentence Isaac had his nose pressed against the Officer's, a mischievous smile dancing across his haggard face. The force of his movement had been for show. This time when he flashed back into place there was only the tiniest of breezes swirling around his clothes. He let out a long breath, anger subsiding.

He cast another look across the faces around him. He could remember a few whom the golden-skinned man had identified. The first girl was one of them - the one with the freakish eyes. He set his gaze on her for a long moment, then took in some of the others. He wondered how many of them he would see again; how many would share his opinions and how many would share Vaughn's. If he tried to leave he wondered who would come with him, and who would stop him. While these thoughts coursed through his mind the wounds on his hands healed over.

Fear was the next thing to enter his mind. Fear that he might never be able to escape. Fear that he might slip away before he could.


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Will couldn't help but ponder those around him. He bore them no particular animosity, but all the same, he found most of them boring. The only ones that struck his interest were those his gift had highlighted in his mind. He studied them carefully, watching as one by one, they slowly stepped forward after him. The girl who might be more of a cat than a human interested him; she seemed to move at simply unnatural speeds, and watching someone who looked human do that was frankly a little disturbing. His gifts though, he thought to himself, were surely no less strange and weird to the rest of them however. He became engrossed in this idea, considering himself from the viewpoint of those around him. Some were easy, on the surface at least.

Vaughn was impartial. Difficult to read. He seemed to dislike each of them, but Will was almost certain that was a facade. A curiousity, that man.

The rest of the men and women around him were difficult, more because there was so many than because he did not know them. He would have to wait til an opportunity to be in a smaller group presented itself; then perhaps he could figure out more.

He was so deep into this thought process that he almost missed the teleporter. The loud bang, for lack of a better description, startled the golden-skinned giant, making him flinch a little. He had not expected that. His silent return was even more interesting. Clearly he had control over the noise, and had wanted to spook everyone. Especially Vaughn, Will figured. As Isaac returned to his place, Will shook his head genially, shaking out all his thoughts, and laughed, a booming and friendly laugh that was infectious enough to make several of those boring folk near him join in.


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#, as written by Lashun
Kasna fanned herself with her files as she watched those who had come forward to show off their strengths. Despite having to deal with the body heat within the crowd, she was enjoying the show. Strong men..well,women, psychics, cat people, and teleporting magicians –

It's almost like we're a bunch of circus freaks...

She frowned at the thought. It seemed insulting, especially since there wasn't anyone smiling. There wasn't much to smile about, it seemed; the projection of the explosion must have affected everyone's heart, she thought. However, the β€œmeanie”, Vaughn, looked like he'd crush anyone's spirit any day or EVERY day, if he wanted. After a moment, she sighed and put her headphones over her ears to continue listening to the song that was playing when she had woken up:

β€œ...Face and hands.
Rid me of your problems
Do all that you can,
Keep me in a daydream,
Keep me goin' strong,
You don't wanna save me,
Sad is the soul....”

She closed her eyes, started nodding her head to the beat with a smile and started singing along, calling attention to herself quite a bit. Vaughn glared, becoming agitated by the girl. Whether it was the smile or the...β€œhead-banging”, something about her demeanor got under his skin (not that it took much or anything, anyway). Others seemed to notice the hateful glare of the officer and started to back away from Kasna, leaving her out in the open; it's her turn now.

Kasna opened her eyes after noticing that it had gotten a bit cooler around her and looked around. She jumped seeing the officer nose to nose with her - his cold stare make her freeze in her tracks. Once Vaughn opened his mouth, Kasna quickly took off the headphones then turned off the music player that was on her wrist. β€œM-My turn, right?” Chuckles and giggles rang out from the crowd and Vaughn growled. He turned and headed over to where he was before without another word.

After her incident of terror was over, she glanced at her file one last time before setting it down on the floor beside her feet. She looked at her hands nervously for a moment, thinking on what exactly she should show them. Her heart started racing; she started to panic. Before she could even have a chance to lose her mind, Vaughn voice blared out from behind her. β€œTODAY, DAMMIT!!” She jumped again.

I guess I am taking too long... Ah, hell, I'll just wing it... She bit down on her index finger until it started to bleed. The crowd could see a small glint of light reflect off of the tip. She did the same with her other finger, then slashed both backs of her hands. Blood streamed heavy down her knuckles and fingers, but didn't reach the floor. In fact, the blood quickly started to curve three inches away from her fingertips and began to outline a spearhead. More blood β€œcolored” in the outline, then started to harden and turn to iron. Kasna didn't notice the fearful yet mystified looks from the peanut gallery as she started to demonstrate her martial art - her turns, kicks, and slashes were so swift and fluid, it was scary, yet beautiful to watch.

She soon stopped, just before her blade touched Vaughn's throat. She gasped, quickly withdrew her hand, and hurried toward back to the crowd with her head down... and a stream of blood trailing behind her.

The setting changes from The Earth to Phoenix Island


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#, as written by Cypher
At the farthest southern point in the knot of recruits, Michael Arborly was doing his best impersonation of a potted plant, or some other innocuous piece of scenery. He had just paid witness to the best that the group had managed to scare up so far - a psychic, apparently some sort of red-haired fortune teller type, a girl with strange eyes who caused severe structural damage to an inoffensive piece of wall, a girl with cat's eyes and (if she was to be trusted) cat's reflexes, a man with the power to control wind, and a girl who could make swords out of her own blood. A disturbing talent as far as Arborly could tell, but presumably useful in multiple situations - not the least of which being in a fight.

The girl with the blood-swords was making a bee-line for the group against the back wall of the gymnasium, near where Arborly stood. Keeping his mouth shut - as was his nature - the explorer began to search the myriad pouches on his clothing, one by one, until he came up with an old first-aid kit; one of multiple useful things he had found on the combat harness that he habitually wore fastened over his leather coat. From the pouch he produced a roll of gauze bandages, several cotton pads in sterile pouches, and a utility knife to cut the bandages into manageable strips. As he returned the pouch to his combat harness, he wordlessly stepped away from the ragged group of men and women that had surrounded him, his feet gliding across the floor of the gym - an act that was seemingly impossible, given his rugged, utilitarian footwear.

One of Arborly's hands moved up from his side, and siezed Kasna's forearm with a firm grip. The other hand set about the business of dressing the wounds on the back of the girl's palms, first setting down the cotton pad, then adding a somewhat tight wrap of gauze bandage, which he secured with what looked like office staples. His movements, although not graceful or well-practiced, were quick and efficient, and soon he had finished his business. Moving ghost-like across the floor, Arborly began to return to his place against the wall.

He was about halfway when Vaughn noticed him beating his retreat. "Hey you! Cassanova!" The commanding officer shouted in his rough voice, obiously directing his shouts towards Arborly. The explorer stopped for a moment, turning his head to the side and in the general direction of the officer - although he wasn't looking directly at him. "Yeah, I'm talking to you," the soldier barked.

Arborly turned, still saying nothing.

"Strong silent type, eh?" Vaughn growled, evoking a few sparse, airless laughs from the people against the far wall of the gym. Arborly shrugged. Vaughn scowled and generally looked cross, waving Arborly to the front of the room. A moment of panic crossed Michael's mind - how was he supposed to prove himself? He couldn't really do anything. He couldn't dent a wall or make a deadly weapon out of his own blood. He couldn't summon the wind to do his bidding, or show the future in a few words. He could barely load and fire a gun. So what was he going to do?

Arborly stepped in front of Vaughn, who - despite Arborly's large frame and fair height - seemed to tower over him as a skyscraper would look down on the streets below. "So what do you do?" Vaughn asked, in a half-mocking fashion. Arborly, despite his evident reservations, spoke his next words calmly, in his usual slow, careful fashion - as though he was looking for the word even as he said it: "I'll need you to turn off the lights and step into the crowd."

Vaughn sneered. "And what are you going to do?" He said, laughing. "Go off and piss yourself in a corner?"

Arborly's gaze was defiant. "You're going to hide. I'm going to find you."

Vaughn stared, his sneer frozen on his face. "Fine," he finally grunted, "I'll bite." Arborly nodded and closed his eyes as Vaughn turned out the lights, then made himself scarce, fading into the crowd effortlessly.

Arborly opened his eyes. The world was tinted in deep shades of black, the gray shapes of people visible amongst the ebon shroud of darkness. The explorer stepped out into the crowd of new recruits, boring a hole straight through them, until he caught sight of a camouflage jumpsuit and Vaughn's confident face. One hand reached out and settled itself on Vaughn's shoulder.

"Found you," Michael said. Vaughn's face didn't change expressions as he nodded, dismissed Michael, and went to turn on the lights. This time, Arborly returned to his portion of the group unimpeded.

The setting changes from Phoenix Island to The Earth


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A talented bunch, just as Will originally thought. He'd been right in the men and women he had marked. Though some of them seemed young, he had no illusions that all the people in this room were old at heart. They had all suffered, all been through hardships... inevitably, anyone that lived through the nukes went through terrible things. To truly want to forget, want badly enough to submit to this organization, the crowd here had gone through more tragedy than anyone should be forced to suffer through. With a figurehead like Vaughn, the pyschic didn't need his own talents to realize how committed this organization was to success. Vaughn sprayed about contempt the way, say, a skunk sprayed stench. Neither the soldier nor the skunk were particularly pleasant to be around when spraying, but at least the skunk had control over it. Will suspected Vaughn did not, nor did he care what others thought of him. An effective breaker of men and women, but no true leader.

Vauhgn did not interest him anywhere near as much as the two most recent individuals to step forward. Also people he had picked from the crowd, they both very quickly displayed why. The girl's unique talent drew Will's attention; she would be a deadly warrior, if trained right. She clearly was not a killer, not yet at least, but a warrior... that was far more likely. She was also pleasant to look at; many of the females here were, actually, he noted. Between her ability and her beauty, he realized he needed to have words with her. A shy, introspective girl like her could be easily influenced, and while that was not his exact goal, he did want to ensure that nobody came to dominate her will and take the role of an idol or master in her eyes. So he slowly began making his way through the crowd, which parted before him easily; his massive size and stunning golden skin more than likely aided this, he thought to himself as a wry smirk formed momentarily on his face.

As he strode towards her, his thoughts changed direction, even if only briefly, towards the other man that had stepped forward. Cassanova, or so Vaughn labeled him. Will thought it might be amusing to continue calling him this. Often men as silent and clearly intelligent as he attracted many women, quite unintentionally. And the man's reaction to such a nickname would tell Will a great deal more about him. His eerie silence and ability to track even in the pitch black were not combat skills, but neither were they skills that would find excellent use outside of a battlefield. The man, then, was an oddity; while clearly wanting to avoid attention, he would have to work harder than most to stay valued and appreciated. This place would change many of them, he was certain.

His thoughts nearly carried him past his destination, but he shook himself out of his stupor, clearing away the murkiness from his mind. He stopped right next to the small (compared to him) girl, who had replaced her headphones. He was unsure if she had noticed his approach, as she failed to look up at him even though she must have noticed his presence next to her. A giant with skin that shone like the sun was a little hard to avoid. So he cleared his throat, and slowly, carefully, tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hello, miss...?" He smiled, a clear and encouraging sign he wanted her to introduce himself.

The setting changes from The Earth to Phoenix Island


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Maria watched as one by one the others showed their talents, a myriad of freakish powers that left the watching crowd whispering and shuffling to see more. They didn’t bother concealing their interest - of their disgust - at times there was even a smattering of applause, though it was obvious whose powers stood out from the rest. The girl whose blood turned into weapons, the guy who could teleport, the glowing BFG, the list could go on. Those whose powers were just a little more unique than the rest. After the β€˜Cassanova’ (at said remark Maria couldn’t help an amused smile creep onto her face), played blind mans bluff with Vaughn, she watched from her place against the wall as the golden boy from before approached the blood girl. Maria raised an eyebrow at his advance, his eyes alight with a glint that even in her current blank state she knew meant a little more than friendly advance. In the background a few of the more hesitant people in the crowd had taken to the stage, their talents impressive enough but nothing like the first handful. Clearly balls and mutation powers came hand in hand.

Vaughn who had been watching the procession with an almost comic look of boredom, yawning regularly and his eyes glazed and dull. Though they weren’t quite through the rest of the number he suddenly burst into action, striding to the front and sending the young woman standing there flying back into the crowd ”That’s enough of that bullshit! You get the picture I’m sure.” Glaring at the crowd for an uncomfortably long moment, seemingly pondering what to shout about yet, he eventually growled ”I want everyone to pair up, do some practise, work out the kinks. I’m sure you’re all just be best pals.” With that he let loose a final snort of disgust and sloped off into the corner of the room where a chair and a copy of GUNS magazine rested. Maria grinned. She knew it.

She looked round as people began pairing off, some more comfortably than others, her eyes quickly scanning the faces. In a slow, thoughtful movement she removed her sunglasses with one hand and ran the other through her blonde pixie crop. There was no point hiding it, if she was going to have to actually interact with somebody than they’d have to get over her eyes. Instantly she felt slightly more uncomfortable, anxious to get back under the slightly darker and infinitely safer protection of her shades, but outwardly showed no sign of hesitation. Chin held high she waited against the wall, refusing to make the first move, but her face wiped off it’s usual signs of aggression. Eyes downcast she waited for everybody to pair off first, for the remaining guy or girl who’d drawn the short straw, uncomfortably aware that she was hardly prime partner material. Not that she cared or anything, no, of course not. She kicked the back of her pumps against the wall behind her, accidentally gouging another hole in the metal. Of course not.


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#, as written by Vyral
People begun shuffling about almost instantly. If it wasn't for the tragedy of their situation, Isaac would find the fact that all the pretty girls got snapped up like kippers by a bear. What the hell [/i]is a bear[/i]? The thought disturbed him a little, but he pushed it aside. The tall golden-skinned guy made a bee-line straight for one of the girls. Isaac already had an instant dislike for the guy. It was irrational, but something about the guy just drove up his hackles. Shit, he might even start hissing. The brief chuckle - Was that me? - startled him. He hadn't laughed much since he had come around in the medical bay. A teenage girl who had been approaching him - She had Telekinesis... - stopped when he started laughing. A muscular young guy swept over almost instantly. This time Isaac didn't laugh.

He turned around, scanning the rest of the crowd. His eyes swept over a short, stocky guy with a broad grin plastered over his face. Isaac didn't remember seeing him, but the guy reminded him of a boiled sweet. Sickly sweet and ugly. The thought didn't fill him with much joy. The guy strode over with a clammy - Isaac just assumed this, however - hand outstretched and -

Isaac slipped out of the crowd with minimal fuss, re-appearing at the edge of the group with the tiniest of breezes ruffling his clothing. He turned around before the confused looking man could locate him again. At which point he realised he was about a foot away from the petite blonde who had gone first. Startled, Isaac took a few quick steps backwards, barely able to cover his fluster. Shit. Now I have to speak to her. He had been hoping to avoid pairing up entirely.


The lack of enthusiasm in his voice was startling evident even to himself. A pang of guilt struck him unexpectedly, and he relaxed a little. Take two.

"Hiya," - Still a little forced, but at least amicable - "My name is Isaac... and I'd appreciate it if we could just act like we are getting along so that prick doesn't bother me - us - I suppose."

He sure hoped he was right about the girl being as displeased with this place as himself. If not, he was going to have to do some explaining to Vaughn when she spilled her guts about his foul mouth. As an instinctive after-thought, Isaac stretched out a hand.

"Try not to break it."

He hoped the joke didn't give her ideas.


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After the girl who made weapons from her own blood demonstrated said power, Catalina felt like she couldn't breathe. Her claws came out again as she tightly wrapped her arms around herself, squeezed her eyes shut, and faced the wall. Blood! Why did it have to be blood? She shuddered and grimaced when an acidic taste burned the back of her throat. She didn't notice much of anything after that, but she jumped when Vaughn shouted again. The old man was always shouting, and it was not pleasant to her sensitive ears. She shook her head and rubbed her ears, sans claws. The foul taste faded for the moment, but still she stared at the red puddle.

She resumed flexing her fingers until a slightly taller man snuck behind her and said in a very strange voice, "Hey, sweets." Immediately, she spun around, with claws exposed, and hissed at him. The guy wisely backed up, and she saw he had blue scales on his face and hands. "Whoa, sweets! The boss..." He flicked his thumb in Vaughn's direction, and continued, "The boss says we're supposed to pair up to practise."

"Don't call me that! If you continue, I want nothing to do with you." To confirm her point, she rammed her shoulder into his chest to push him out of her way and marched down to a pale and unusually tall guy who seemed to be avoiding people. Well she didn't feel like being around people right now either, especially people who called her "sweets." She growled under her breath as the name passed through her mind.

When she got closer to the abnormally tall man, she noticed he looked unkempt and her hands started twitching again. She wrinkled her nose and looked back over her shoulder at the blue-scaled guy, but the pink-haired girl caught him before she could change her mind. Both of them were smirking at her, which didn't improve her temper. Turning back around, she sighed to calm down. Her fingers didn't stop twitching though. "Hi, mister, I'm Catalina. And you are...?" She didn't reach out to shake his hand like some people would, but she was trying to be pleasant.


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#, as written by Cypher
For a while, Arborly stood off to the side of the group, undisturbed. As always, people gave the unimpressive tracker a semi-wide berth; not because of any specific deformity or sense of foreboding, but rather that he was just the kind of thing that was ignored and given space - like any piece of furniture. He stood in silence, observing the dregs of the group go up and strut their stuff, remaining stoic and unmoved by the displays.

Then Vaughn gave the order for people to group off and mingle. Arborly, by nature, avoided this command like the plague. No-one approached him, and he remained in his spot, not speaking and barely moving. He seemed to blend in with the wall behind him, in fact, literally becoming a part of the scenery instead of looking like one. His sharp eyes observed the crowd for a while, before finally losing interest. The explorer slowly leaned back against the wall, until eventually he fell into a doze. He stayed like that for a while, just resting his eyes and thinking, when a voice split into his conscience.

Arborly looked up. A girl with red-blonde hair stood before him. Something about her seemed familiar, but the explorer couldn't quite place where he'd seen her before. Arborly gave the girl a flat look, slowly coming to terms with the fact that yes, indeed, she was talking to him. More specifically, she expected a response. Unfortunately, she wasn't going to get much.

Michael pushed off the wall slowly, his back popping. "Arborly." He grunted simply, also not extending his hand. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he finally acknowledged that she was the girl that came directly after the golden giant. The one that could run really quickly. He wasn't realy impressed.

The setting changes from Phoenix Island to The Earth


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#, as written by Lashun
Kasna sighed as she merged with the humid crowd again. She looked down at her feet nervously, hearing the whispers and murmurs of the crowd. She didn't want to touch her music player with her blood-soaked hands, so there was no music to drown out the hateful voices from the peanut gallery. Feeling herself lose her mind, she shut her eyes and started to breath heavily; the heat from the people around her wasn't helping either. She started shaking.

I've gotta stay calm.... I've gotta...

She jumped when she felt something grab her arm. She fearfully looked down then froze, seeing a young man starting to patch up her cuts. Fear turned into flattery and she smiled. She didn't realize that she was staring the entire time until he started to walk away. She blushed, slightly embarrassed about the situation and opened her mouth to speak, hoping that saying something would make this moment less awkward. Just as she was about the shout a small "thank you"....

"Hey you! Cassanova!"

She squeaked and quickly put on her headphones. Leave it up to Vaughn to make things even more awkward without even trying. She turned up the music and shut her eyes in hopes that the music would drown out her current emotions (and thus, missing the mystery man's performance).

...If I was a sculptor, but then again, no
Or a man who makes potions in a travelling show
I know it's not much but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song and this one's for you...

She groaned inwardly. Dammit, Elton John... She quickly changed the song and absorbed the slightly more comforting tune of Blue Oyster Cult's (Don't Fear) The Reaper.

After a moment, there was a sudden tap on her shoulder. She calmly took off her headphones and turned to look up at her pursuer.

"Hello miss...?"he said with a glowing smile. There was a twinkle in her eyes as she examined this golden stranger. He was gorgeous, yes, but it going to take a lot more than that to impress her... not that she already was. She was more curious about his motives, but wasn't going to show any hateful distrust in him. Instead, she smiled back with a charming smile of her own.

"Hello," she replied. "Oh, and, please call me Kasna. "Miss" sounds a bit too professional." She chuckled, dispelling any tension she felt.

Not long after her reply, Vaughn impatiently announced something about practicing their powers with someone. She bit her bottom lip, scared to lose any more more blood than she already had.


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Tuning out the distractions of the nearby crowd, Will focused all of his considerable charm towards Kasna, a brilliant smile continuing to light up his face as she asked him to refer to her as Kasna and not "Miss." He shook his head in a slight denial, well aware of his appearance and its effect upon the opposite sex.

"I could nae possibly do that, no' under any normal circumstances. But I suppose fer one of yer beauty, I could make an exception, Kasna." The pseudo-psychic knew he was laying it on a little thick, but, with the way he looked, it was almost to be expected. Furrowing his brows as he looked at her, reading the minute gestures and facial language... the way she couldn't quite keep her hands still, how she bit down on her bottom lip, it should've been obvious even without his abilities. She was scared. "Kasna, lass... if ye don't want to demonstrate yer powers, I ken that well enough. It must take a lot out of ye," he said, his face schooled into the very picture of a sympathetic friend, someone that was simply looking out for her best interests. He allowed a bit of worry to creep onto his features, relaxing his brows and opening his eyes a little wider to show his concern. "If ye'd like, I can tell ye what little I ken of my own talents fer now."

He allowed the offer to hang in the air, keeping his mask even as he studied her from beneath it. She was smart. And not simply in the 'I've read a billion books' sense. She knew enough to try and stay distant from him, even with his charming and angelic appearance. He had the feeling, the idea, that people simply felt at ease around him... but this one, she was smart enough to stay on her toes. He suspected it'd be that way with all of the 'volunteers' he'd pointed out in his trance. Kasna, though, she was still affected a teeny bit by his handsome looks. The rugged features of a man, a true man, combined with skin so golden that an angel would be jealous, and flowing locks that highlighted it... he knew he was a damn fine-looking figure of a fellow. And he'd use it.

A hesitant smile slowly appeared on his face, completing his look of concern. He wasn't faking the concern, not really. But neither was he going to willingly show exactly to what depth he felt it. Exaggeration in whichever way he chose, well, that wasn't lying, was it? Not really.


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Maria was waiting semi-patiently for the crowd to thin, leaving a partner she could drag off into a corner and work out a few frustrations upon, when a man came tumbling out of the edge of the crowd. Maria's eyes widened in concern as his eyes met hers. Shit. Maria may not remember what a spoon is right now, but she knew for damn certain that some sort of sonuvabitch of a social convention meant they had to pair up now. The man, after scuttling away before realising he couldn't get away with it, eventually coughed out a manly 'Hi'. The lack of enthusiasm in his voice was honey to Maria's ears. Messed up little puppy she was, she'd rather have to spend time alongside somebody who hated her guts than one of the peppy let's-be-friends clones bouncing around the room. She quirked an eyebrow in amusement as he seemed to clock his own rudeness and try to make up for it with another, less irritated, greeting. She felt a flash of grudging admiration, a sort of recognition of a fellow species, someone else who didn't want to play the game. All around them people were casually greeting each other, ice breaking jokes and pleasantries flying through the air like fluffy bullets - it was enough to make one retch.

He held out his hand, making an apathetic joke about he breaking it and Maria rewarded it with a quirk of the eyebrows and a slightly-too-long glance at his hand before taking it gingerly in hers, careful to put little pressure on it "I wouldn't want to get all the fun out of the way so early." Her voice was dry, mocking but lacking any real vehemence. "And as far as that prick bothering us i'm pretty sure he's too busy with his homerotic magazine in the corner to actually take an interest." At the mention of the magazine she nodded her head towards where Vaughn sat, still flicking through his GUNS magazine, now with a poisonous cigar between his thin lips. Suddenly Maria froze, a sound so violently offensive to her ears that she actually paused mid-mock to stare in the direction. A little away from them, just within hearing distance, stood the golden kid and blood girl, engaged in some postively cringe-worthy flirting. "Oh, beloved sanctuary." Maria growled, as words such as 'ken' and 'lass' sent shudders down her spine "If I 'accidently' cave in a certain area of the ceiling and am forced to go on the run for the deaths of mr and mrs perky over there, will you be alright without a partner?" she asked, motioning towards the aforementioned. The delightful thing about Maria, was she was only half joking.


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#, as written by Vyral
To say that he was relieved by her surly reflection was an overstatement; Isaac hated this place too much for anything it spawned to cause him a mite of happiness. Still though, he was pleased that she hadn't gone barreling off towards Vaughn to pour her heart out. Instead, she took his hand gently and gave it a delicate shake. That sort of bemused him; she didn't appear the demure type - hell, she had her hair cut like a damned pixie (what the hell is a pixie?). He hadn't bothered to look at Vaughn; but the mention of his risque magazine warranted a look. Isaac wasn't sure why, but he felt that something about those details would prove important one day. He tried to imagine why, but his mind threw up a series of blanks; it seemed the sedatives they fed him religiously were still fucking with his head.

It was at this point that he noticed her eyes - he had to admit they were a little unnerving. Like staring into the eyes of a tiger (I know what a tiger is? I'll have to remember that...) who was patiently sizing up a potential meal. He realised he'd had his mouth agape - a display of too much interest, as far as he was concerned - and promptly closed it. Fortunately, the girl hadn't noticed - instead she was staring at a tall, golden-skinned man with a look lurking somewhere between outright hatred and disgust. Isaac found that he was pulling the same face.

When he realised he had laughed he choked, and then looked as embarrassed as a nun on a street corner. He recovered quickly, slipping back into his facade of 'distant, slightly arrogant disapproval'.

"Like I'd stay here on my own. Besides, you might need me to get out." There was something veiled in that statement, but he said nothing further on the topic. His eyes held a dangerous sparkle, though, and his fingers twitched just a little too enthusiastically. He had the impulse to ask if she had been beyond the wall, as he had. Instead he made do with: "So, you going to show off your powers then?"


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#, as written by Lashun
Kasna's eye lit up, relieved once he had assured her that she didn't have to demonstrate her power again and was willing to demonstrate his; she definitely didn't want to lose anymore blood.

"Thanks!" she exclaimed while cupping her hands together and slightly hoping in place. She paused her music in order to give him her full attention. Though she had grown more comfortable around him after his last statement, she still kept a bit of her guard up. Even his attempts to make her swoon went over her head.

"So, your psychic.. "powers". What exactly was your prediction about it?" she asked, referring to his exhibition earlier. As she awaited his answer, she examined him. He was such a glowing mystery to her and she hoped that maybe she could soon get to know the truths behind this seemingly godly man. She was sure that he wasn't completely sincere towards her, since they had just met; she had officially made it a challenge for herself to break his mask.

Her thoughts strayed once again toward another clouded individual - the man that had put the bandages on her hands. She knew in the back of her mind that no one should have power over her thoughts like this, but he was so intriguing. She looked toward the ground for a moment and started to drum her fingers on the matter. Who was he? Did he show his powers to everyone or did Vaughn skip him? Who did he partner himself with? Does he like music? Does he talk? Did he-

She blinked and quickly looked up at her partner again, wanting address another matter:

"You never told me your name."


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"Well, me apologies for that. If, eh, ye'd prefer, I can try 'n drop tha accent. It seems to come 'n go pretty well at random, but I d'no if it be at all natural." Will, while talking, suddenly realized he was losing track of what he'd originally meant to say. He blushed a little, dropping his head for a moment - the rosy hue that lit his cheeks gave him an unnatural look, an almost unearthly one when combined with the golden skin over top. Whatever the colour of his skin, he was still clearly, even to himself, a red-blooded man.

And he was, of course, acting. He wasn't sure who he'd been before this all, but, he did know that he must've been a damned fine actor because that was not a skill one simply learned overnight. He did sincerely hope he wasn't too obvious about it, but, at the moment, he was having enough fun in the moment to not worry about it. This exposed another aspect of his personality he himself wasn't even aware of until that moment. For all the time he'd spent since waking in introspection and deep self-contemplation, he found it very easy to let it all go and make a game out of studying the other person, learning them, and subtly steering the interaction in the direction he wanted it to go. He figured that most of his chosen psychic-picks would be astute enough to notice it, but that didn't stop him from trying, and enjoying it too.

Of course none of this thought showed up on his face, and, like any decent thought, it raced through his mind in a second and was gone. He looked back up at the girl, grinning a little ruefully now; gone was the fake smile. This expression was quite legitimate, even under the mask. He allowed it to slip through, and then responded, a little joke in his voice. "Well, Kasna, me name is Will. William Hood, according to me doc'ments, a'least. But I'd prefer it if ye'd call me Will. And, as for me gift, well, let me try and explain as best as I ken."

Taking a deep breath, he looked around at the crowd for a second, closing his eyes and exhaling. This was all part of the theatrics again, and, as he opened his eyes, he spoke. The accent was dropped, and he seemed relatively normal, except for his radiant skin which caught every little bit of light and refracted it gloriously. "Our friendly Drill Sergeant over there thinks that there are some of us in this room that will succeed, and go further than the others. I don't know how I know it, I really don't. And honestly, I wouldn't call what I have psychic powers; more of the power of prophecy, and even then, only a hesitantly accurate one. This feeling..." He stopped for a second, struggling for words, his lips attempting to shape words that he wasn't sure he even knew or understood. "It just takes me over. And I say what it says. I mean, I say it, don't get me wrong, and I choose to say it... but I think the feeling makes me want to say it. I don't entirely understand it, I won't lie. I don't rightly know if I can even bring it on willingly... it has happened only a few times since I woke up, and each time, well, it'll sound strange... but it chose it. Not me. It brought itself on."

He shrugged helplessly, but knew that revealing as much as he had would make him a fellow victim of this institute. It'd give her something to connect to, a shared problem to bond over. in his mind, he was smiling, though on the outside he retained that lost and dazed appearance that he figured would help endear him to her.

The setting changes from The Earth to Phoenix Island


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"Arborly, nice to meet you." She tucked her file under her arm and clasped her hands together to hide the twitching. "The boss says we're supposed to practise our powers, but I already said I don't know a way to do that. If there was something we could search for, it would be different. These papers here say I can do a lot of things, but not many of them work well in this place." She unclasped her hands, took a step to the side, and spread one of her long arms out in an expansive gesture over the gym. Quickly, she pulled back to face Arborly again and clasp her hands. "All I could think of was running, which was nice for a while, but I don't want to run right now."

Realising she started rambling, she turned away and looked around at the other pairs. The blue-scaled guy was showing the pink haired girl something with bubbles, and she was watching him like he was the only important thing in the world. Catalina gagged at the disgusting display. Unfortunately, most of the others were doing the same thing, except a couple. A dark-skinned guy was talking to the short girl with weird eyes, and they were both making faces at the golden man. Cat chuckled, so she wasn't the only one, but the girl he was talking to wasn't all starry-eyed over him. It was the girl who made weapons with her blood! Catalina shuddered. She didn't want to think of that still-present deep red puddle.

Again she wrapped her arms around herself, and looked at the wall. A nice flat metal wall was much better than a messy, smelly, and incredibly unpleasant puddle. If her hair wasn't red, she might dislike the color. Red, gold, copper, and white were her colors. She was born with very bright colors, but wore darker colors. Turning back to Arborly, she noted his colors were black, grey, and pasty white. All were very bland colors, which makes perfect sense if he doesn't want people to notice him. She already figured that out, but his height was notable. She thought she was tall, but he was half a foot even taller.

She turned away again, realising she was staring, but she was quite certain he was not the most important thing in the world. She didn't think highly of him. He was dirty, and she didn't like dirty. "So what do you do, Arborly?"


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#, as written by Cypher
In response to Catalina's first greeting, Arborly nodded again. He still wasn't relishing the thought of the team exercises; the prospect of teamwork in itself didn't appeal to him, and the fact that it was expected that he speak to his team-mates made it that much worse. In the past, Arborly had found speaking with others an almost painful prospect, and the awkwardness hadn't lessened over time.

The explorer followed Cat's line of sight over to the other groups. A few caught his eyes right off; namely the people who had led the demonstration. The wind-guy and the wall-puncher were off in one corner, looking awkward and not altogether sociable. Arborly felt a mild amount of sympathy for them; although they were making an effort to speak with eachother, they seemed just as antisocial as the explorer himself. In another corner, the blood-girl whose hands he'd bandaged was being hit upon by what appeared to be a red-haired golem of a man with uniformly yellow-tan skin (Arborly refused to call it "golden"). The explorer cringed mildly, watching the exchange drag on for what seemed like hours.

Cat's next question caught Arborly off guard; mostly because he was lost in his examination of the crowd. The explorer made a few lumbering steps as he turned back towards Catalina, then tilted his head slowly to one side as he pieced a sentence together in his head. "I see things," Arborly said finally, "in the dark. And I can find my way very well."

The setting changes from Phoenix Island to The Earth


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#, as written by Lashun
Kasna stared at William's cheeks as they flushed a hot pink across his golden skin. Not only was she amazed by the glowing hue, but blushing was such a human action - it was... weird, seeing him as someone normal. She couldn't help but smile; it was adorable watching him drop his guard, even though it was only for a second. A small part of her wanted to touch them, but she was able to resist, not wanting to come off as weird or give him the wrong impression.

As the man's blush faded away, so did Kasna's thoughts. She listened intently as he began to explain his powers.

"Wow... How do you feel having this power?" she asked. "Have they ever worked against you?" She quickly bit her lip. "I apologize for asking if it's personal..."

She closed her eyes, suddenly felt light-headed, and placed her hand on her forehand while the other reached into her pocket a fished out a capsule with her name on its label. She popped open the capsule with her thumb, removed her hand from her forehead, and opened her eyes to pour two pills into her hand. She put both iron pills into her mouth then swallowed them whole. She stuck out her tongue and twisted her face with disgust as she pout the capsule back into her pocket.

"Pardon me..." she murmured, slightly embarrassed and dizzy. "I need to sit down."

She headed towards the wall slowly, hoping that he would follow.

The setting changes from The Earth to Phoenix Island


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"Then, I guess neither of us can really practise anything, at least until we leave this room, which I really want to do. I want to know where we're supposed to sleep and eat and everything. I know I don't want to go back to that cold room where I woke up." and I really want to get away from the blood. Horrible, terrible blood. She tossed her head from side to side, and clutched her middle. Something very unpleasant was trying to push its way out of her stomach through her mouth, and that acidic taste was back.

Catalina tried to focus on something else, because she didn't want another smelly puddle on the floor. She had a sense that whatever this unpleasant thing was it would stink. Red, gold, white, copper, blue, green, purple, yellow, orange. Each word flashed its meaning before her eyes, unusually bright. She blinked a few times until all the colors settled back to their normal intensity. It appeared to work, but she didn't trust herself to speak yet.

Instead she leaned against the wall behind her and closed her eyes for a moment. Other conversation rolled over her like water, much calmer than the roiling inside her. She let it surround her in a bubble, and hopefully settle her stomach. She licked her lips, suddenly feeling like she needed water. She opened her eyes and glanced around the room again. Vaughn appeared to think something in his magazine was funny. She shook her head, more gently than last time.

Her golden eyes fell on the girl, whose mess troubled her so much. Something didn't look right about her. She looked a little shaky on her feet and put a hand against her forehead. The girl pulled something from her pocket and made a face while swallowing it, but Cat wasn't sure she looked right afterwards either. Cat looked back to Arborly, and then the girl. He was trying to avoid people before she got there, so he most likely wouldn't mind if she left to do something about that girl.

Why should she do something about the girl though? That girl made a mess that she was still fighting the affects of, and to get to her, Cat would have to go past that mess again. "I hate that blood. I can't wait to get away from it. I want to get out of this room with the blood. I want a nice clean room without it." She was muttering mostly to herself and started pacing like a caged animal. "I also want to know what's going on with that girl. But the blood, I hate the blood."

The setting changes from Phoenix Island to The Earth


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Genuinely worried for the girl. Really? Will wasn't sure. He FELT genuinely worried, but the concept of genuine in a mind so used to theatrics was a little bit shaky. He was just about to answer as she popped the iron pills into her mouth, and then as she said she needed to sit down, he followed her over to the wall, stepping along slowly beside her. He squatted a little, helping her settle down on the ground, and then, a bit uncomfortably, sat down beside her. Sitting felt strange, wrong almost, like he wouldn't be able to escape or run if he needed to, but he bit back those feelings and instead, gave her a friendly and supportive smile.

"Are ye going to be okay 'en Kasna?" He coloured his words with legitimate emotion, concern and care in equal measure, at once helpful and worried for her.

Then the Prophet drew his legs in a little, crossing them under him and pondering her question while he still watched her, curious what had been in the pills and curious how much they'd helped the poor girl. At least his powers didn't physically drain him, as hers did.

The setting changes from The Earth to Phoenix Island


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#, as written by Cypher
Arborly watched Cat warily. His booted feet - again, with unnerving silence - began to move slowly across the floor, keeping his back against the wall, propelling him away from the girl. If she needed anything at this present moment, it may have been a shrink.

Eventually, the explorer found himself surrounded by the crowd, hidden within its womb by the mass of moving bodies that shifted back and forth like a single, symbiotic beast. Men and women alike demonstrated their powers - invisibility, levitation, Michael even swore he saw a girl breathing fire - and through it all, the quiet adventurer wove his path, not once coming in contact with a single other person. Eventually, he had crossed all the way to the far side of the gym, looking down at the manila folder he had kept in his hands through the whole experience. (The thought didn't occur to Arborly, but he had been holding that folder when he had sought out Vaughn earlier in the display, as well.)

Arborly sat and leafed through it slowly, examining his psychic evaluation first - that crisp, white piece of stationery with the evaluator's signature at the bottom. He looked it over, bit by bit, shrugging at every new piece of information. These tidbits didn't really interest him one way or another, so eventually he discarded the folder and leaned his face forward against the haunches of his legs, not really thinking about anything, until he eventually fell into a doze.

The setting changes from Phoenix Island to The Earth


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Maria was amused when her reluctant partner released a snort of laughter, quickly stifled, the shame of giving into the β€˜let’s-be-best-pals’ vibes everybody was giving off like a bad case of BO, clearly a worry. Of course physically Maria’s amusement was little more than a slightly smoother forehead, her gaze a little less disinterested and vaguely irritated. He made a comment about not wanting to stay here on his own, and how he could help her get out. His tone was flippant as he said it, almost overly casual, but there was an underlying tension to his muscles that gave him away. ”I’d love to see them try to stop me.” she replied, her voice dry but sincere enough. She was quickly becoming to realise that out of the vast quantities of mutants in the room she was reasonably high up on the pecking order. His reference to how she may need him to get out was interesting. She’d consider it properly later, carefully storing away his silent implications as food for thought in quieter moments.

He asked her if she intended on showing off her powers and she gave a firm shake of the head, ”I think there’s been quite enough of that crap this afternoon. I’m starting to feel like I’m in some sort of twisted Affected beauty pageant. Whatever a beauty pageant is.” she growled, her tone slightly disconcerted at the appearance of yet another strange phrase in her mind. She lazily stretched an arm over her shoulder, rubbing the back of her neck as if to shake off her uneasiness. ”I guess we’d best play happily families in this place until we gain back some of our more necessary memories.” Though she’d used the term β€˜we’ her phrase was mostly rhetoric, more speaking her thoughts out loud than an invitation to debate. Maria was quickly realising she was not one for debate. ”How about you, going to practise your baton twirling?” she asked, tilting her head slightly to catch his reply, her blue eyes flicked his way.

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North America

North America by RolePlayGateway

What is left of the USA after it was ravaged by nuclear warfare.

The Plains

The Plains by RolePlayGateway

Barren wasteland.


Sanctuary by RolePlayGateway

A city struggling to survive, rife with criminals and always on the verge of anarchy.

Phoenix Island

Phoenix Island by RolePlayGateway

The training facility and base for those from the Phoenix Squad.

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Maria de Luca
Character Portrait: Michael Arborly
Character Portrait: Kasna Serje


Character Portrait: Michael Arborly
Michael Arborly

The explorer formerly known as Dean Coverly.

Character Portrait: Maria de Luca
Maria de Luca

Now, Maria Pheron.


Character Portrait: Michael Arborly
Michael Arborly

The explorer formerly known as Dean Coverly.

Character Portrait: Maria de Luca
Maria de Luca

Now, Maria Pheron.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Maria de Luca
Maria de Luca

Now, Maria Pheron.

Character Portrait: Michael Arborly
Michael Arborly

The explorer formerly known as Dean Coverly.

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North America

North America by RolePlayGateway

What is left of the USA after it was ravaged by nuclear warfare.

The Plains

The Plains by RolePlayGateway

Barren wasteland.


Sanctuary by RolePlayGateway

A city struggling to survive, rife with criminals and always on the verge of anarchy.

Phoenix Island

Phoenix Island by RolePlayGateway

The training facility and base for those from the Phoenix Squad.

Phoenix Island

Sanctuary Phoenix Island Owner: RolePlayGateway

The training facility and base for those from the Phoenix Squad.


North America Sanctuary Owner: RolePlayGateway

A city struggling to survive, rife with criminals and always on the verge of anarchy.

North America

The Earth North America Owner: RolePlayGateway

What is left of the USA after it was ravaged by nuclear warfare.

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Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

*pulls a shovel out of infinite pocket* Perhaps I should dig you out as a Christmas present.

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

still another two weeks passed with no new posts. Perhaps this is dead *sighs*. I wanted to do the missions though.

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

Since your last post, Cat generally said go ahead and talk to Vaughn about a doctor and a better place to recuperate; Kasna woke up and asked who Arborly was, and Arborly introduced himself in that order.

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

Yikes, super sorry guys. A bunch of time went by without a response and I stopped checking because stuff got SUPER busy with school, with exam season and papers due et all.

Many apologies. Any chance of a quick recap?

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

I'm still hoping Ironbrow would do something, but I don't know what's up. If he doesn't respond, I'll have Cat change her mind or something like that, since even if Kasna's awake, she's not out of danger yet.

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

Should I..go ahead and post or...?

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

He could, but it would be a bit out of character, since Arborly does his best to avoid people. He seems completely apathetic most of the time, but he does seem to care when people get hurt though, so it might not be that out of character.

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

Well, I posted to move things along a bit, if you want I could go ahead and talk to Vaughn in lieu of Ironbrow.

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

I was waiting for Ironbrow also, since Will was the one volunteering to speak to the Boss. If you have plans for said boss to do something about the commotion then it may not be necessary. I guess it's back to more waiting. *sighs and puts head in hands*

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

Sorry I haven't posted, I've been waiting on Vyral...I'll message him tomorrow to see if he's still in it and if not I'll get going xD

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

I've posted~! I hope everything runs a bit more smoothly now~

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

I'm still in the roleplay as well. Now that finals are over and our winter break has started, I'll reply a lot faster. :D

But, first, I gotta get home >>

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

I'm still involved with the RP, but I've been overwhelmed by schoolwork recently and as such my time on the computer has been limited. So I'm not out of the RP; I just have certain priorities that come first.

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

Well according to Rpg's definition of role-plays it isn't dead. I consider it a slow-moving rp, which isn't a bad thing. It gives more time to build up the setting and characters. Maybe I should have had Cat finish her intent to ask Vaughn about a doctor. Skittish kitty results in nervous character. The real live cat I based her on is both skittish and demanding at the same time.

Re: [OOC] From Desolation We Rise [ooc; OPEN]

Oh Fyre it's fine! I promise you that at least on my part, I'm not ignoring you :') I think everybody has just become busy with different RPs and I've considered this to be a tad dead. Is anyone else still playing?