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Fruits Basket: Next Generation

Fruits Basket: Next Generation


Fruits Basket Rp

2,505 readers have visited Fruits Basket: Next Generation since MoonFox1 created it.


¤ Story ¤

The original Sohmas had all grown old, glad that they had lifted the curse so that the next generation of Sohmas would not have troubles with hugging the opposite gender. Indeed, the next generation did not change in the zodiacs but what they didn't know was that the curse had only been sealed away. The seal was weakening fast and soon after the second generation had all seatled down with a family, their children of the third generation had all changed at birth when their mother or father had picked them up. The seal was very weak and so the new generation is trying their best to find a way to break the seal and really banish the curse out of their lives. Will it work or not, it's all up to you.

Chapter One: Meet the family

¤ Legend ¤

This story begins when the Jade Emperor of the Heavens decided to celebrate his birthday. He invited thirteen animals, each with their unique personality. Whoever was first to the party the emperor held would get to be first in the zodiac. Because of this event the mouse and his good friend, the cat, trick the gullible and kind-hearted ox to bring them across the river. Yet just before they arrived at the shore, the mouse pushed the cat into the water, therefore eliminating his last opponent to get first. Jumping off the ox and ran to the party first, winning first place.

Then came the ox in second place, and then the powerful tiger. Fourth place was granted to the creative rabbit, which was jumping on floating logs in the river to get to the other side. The considerate and kind-hearted dragon, which can both fly and swim across to the other side. The reason for the dragon not being first was because he stopped to help stop a drought; and when he saw the rabbit clinging on to the log, that was stuck in the river, for his dear life the dragon gave a windy huff and blew the rabbit to shore before himself.

Next came the horse that came after the snake. The snakes had slither between the horse’s legs and startle him, so that the snake got sixth place and the horse seventh place. The next three animals included in the zodiac worked as a team. The sheep, monkey, and the rooster were those three animals. The sheep and monkey row the threesome to shore, they used a raft the rooster spotted. The eighth animal became the sheep, the monkey was granted ninth place, and then came the rooster in tenth.

After awhile the dog had finally reached the shore. He have taken longer than he have, since he can swim. The dog came in late because he stopped to take a bath, afraid to pollute the clean water in the river with his muddy body.

As the emperor was about to dismiss the eleven animals, a squeal was heard. The emperor was surprise to see that the pig has made it across. According to the pig he would have been there sooner had he not stop to take a rest. The emperor laughed as he made the pig the last and twelfth animal in the Chinese zodiac.

The poor cat though was not allowed in for therewas no more spots left for him. It became vengeful of the rat, claiming that when the time called for it, thecat would kill the rat and take the place of it.

¤ Profile Skeletons ¤

Please remove the []

Cursed Ones

Name: [name here] Sohma
Age: [Between 13 and 30]
Gender: [Male or Female]
Sexuality: [Heterosexual, Bisexual, Homosexual]
Personality: [How is your character]
Bio: [A bit about your character's life, doesn't have to be filled but put a reason why]
Appearance: [anime image please]
Other: [Like a crush or something or piercings and stuff like that]
Zodiac Sign: [Check if it isn't taken yet]


Name: [Your name + familyname]
Gender: [Male or Female]
Sexuality: [Heterosexual, Bisexual, Homosexual]
Personality: [What your character is like]
Bio: [A bit about your character's past and stuff like that]
Appearance: [anime image please]
Other: [Like a crush of something or piercings and stuff like that]
Knows about the curse: [No unless your character and one of the cursed ones are best friends]


Toggle Rules

¤ Rules ¤

+I want to keep the rooster, dragon, snake, and the dog males
+ No Godmoding, Powerplaying, Mary/Gary-Sueing etc.
+ No Killing...really no killing.
+ Romance is needed here but No Cybering, take it somewhere else or timeskip.
+ Yaoi and Yuri are allowed and very liked here, after all; Love is love no matter what gender and if you ever post something like; Eww that's just sick or gross than I WILL command you to leave.
+ Swearing is allowed, I do it all the time but keep it low.
+ Be atleast Semi-Lit, I really hate the chatspeak with the "u" and "y" those stuff. Type atleast 3 sentences, one-liners kills the whole thread.
+ Do not use asterisks in your posts for actions. Use quotation marks to talk ""
+ This is a long-term RP, so tell me if you're going to leave so I won't have to put you on the black list since I hate putting people there.
+ Use my profile and don't change it.
+ You can reserve a spot if you want to. BUt I only hold for like a hour and a half.
+ You can play 3 characters max. One of them being a Sohma, but that's it, only one Sohma. Though I can make exceptions to those with a very nice profile that has atleast 1 paragraph or is just...interesting for me.
+ Girls can play boys and boys can play girls, it's that simple.
+ I will NOT allow too many girl characters, it's annoying, we need to have at least the same amount of genders.
+ Have fun ^.^

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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Kat laughed and smiled at Hakari. "Of course you can come." Her white kitten batted at the bow Kat almost always had in her hair, keeping it from her face. "Lady is 8 and a half mounths." she said, still smiling.
Lady howled, annoying that Kat was taking so long. Kat looked up quicky, and triped over Lisette


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Hikari grinned a bit and ran to catch up with them, "Yay! I get to leave!" she said with excitement, following behind Raiyen, he was a little scared of dogs, but it was nothing serious, Hikari thought they were cute too, so his fear and love for them balanced out. He folded his arms lazily behind his head, his expression curious, "W-watch out!" he said as he saw Kat falling, he sped towards her and without thinking, reach for her, attempting to pull her back up. The only problem being, he'd turn into a rabbit if it worked.

Haruhi let out a suprised gasp as she fell backwards from the shock of bumping into someone, and she blinked when smoke cleared infront of her, "W-wasn't that a.." she said, having sworn she bumped into a boy, then the fact was solified when she saw the clothes on the floor, "I knew I was odd..but I turned him into a dog?!" she said a bit suprised, her usually calm tone a little paniced. She sighed and counted to three, before reaching her hand out towards him, "Weren't you human?" she asked curiously, the shock and panic gone from her expression, "Who am I kidding.." she said with a sigh, suprised she asked a dog a question.


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#, as written by Megumi
Lisette gulped as she saw a girl trip over her feet. There was so much pressure on her that her head was spinning like fan, all over the place. Lisette was hoping on doing something, but she realized time sped up before she could even get the chance. Before she knew it, the whole hallway was spinning around and poofing about in a domino effect. Lisette was sweating heavily, she got up. "I'm...sorry..!!" She closed her eyes and ran the opposite direction. Sadly, it was all because of her...


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Kat squeeked loudly. She reached for Hakari with one arm, and Lisette's wrist with the other, she fell on her butt, Lisette's arm in one hand, and Hakari cradled in her other arm. "Don't worry, it's my fault. i'm the one who actually made him change. And i'm clumsy."


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Unknowingly Hikari had bumbed Raiyen on the way by. He wasn't hurt, just a little peeved, but that all faded as he saw Kat falling, a boy change into a rabbit on top of the girl, a yelp coming from somewhere else, then out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lisette. Raiyen smacked his hand to his face and shook it left to right. "My family is a bunch of cluts!" He began laughing, as he walked towards the trio. "Um, might I offer a hand?" his face looked all professionally gentlemen like, before cracking a smile. "Lisette! So good to see you again!" With that he launched a purposeful hug to Lisette.

(Sorry I couldn't help it! Oh and if my character gets accepted, I'm going to play the role of the new maid Minto attacked.)


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#, as written by Megumi
Lisette took a deep breath and thought to herself, "I'm not going to run away...". She turned around and tried to make a friendly conversation. "Well, It is my fault too for sitting there...sorry about that." She attempted to make a playful smile, but it probably was just a straight face. Then she noticed Raiyen, and she seemed to remember him. He lifted out his arms and gave her a hug, which Lisette wasn't necessarily accustomed with. "Uhh...Hello.." She tried to smile once again. "Your...Raiyen...right? I think I remember you..."


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Hikari grinned a bit, his clothes on the ground as he looked up at Kat and Lisette, "It's alright!" he said in an exceptionally cheerful voice, hopping off of Kat and jumping around in his animal form, "I actually missed this." he said with a giggle, He jumped back on Kat and laughed a bit harder, "Uhm...can you guys not look at the tree over there for a little while?" he asked sheepishly, "I mean..unless you want to see.." he said with a childish giggle, despite the suggestiveness in his words. He hopped off, tugging his clothes behind him, "Lisette, don't be so hard on yourself~ Do you remember me?! I'm Hikariii!!" he said in a muffled tone, due to dragging his clothes with his mouth.


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#, as written by Megumi
"Hmm..." Lisette thought to herself. She stared a bit at Hikari, and remembered him from when she was young. "Oh yes...I do believe I remember you." She laughed a bit sheepishly. She felt almost embarrassed to the fact that everyone remembered her. She always used to think of herself as a freak, and that no one acknowledged her, but of course, this is her family...

She smiled a bit to herself. Maybe she would enjoy herself after all.


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(OOC: I feel a bit confused, A sohma male hugging a Sohma female has no affect? Ah oh well.)
With a grin Raiyen replied "Well I would hope you remembered me." Looking at the cat hanging around Kat for a moment, he just realized something. "So what brings you here all of a sudden and unannounced? Not that thats a bad thing. More people the better!" Raiyen looked outside towards Hikari then darted his eyes away just as fast as they spotted him. He tried to clear the image then asked "We were just about to feed Lady, wanna join us?" he looked down at Kat for a moment "Does Lady not chase Rabbits?"


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Trixy Kikome:
"This is ridiculous!" the new maid shouted. She could feel the water change to warm finally as her hands rinsed off some of the blood caused from earlier. "I can't believe her." Her eyes teared up again, before shaking her head and glaring. "Shut up and suck it up Trixy." she took a rag and wiped her mouth and eyes. Her gut still hurt from when Minto kicked her. Having spent the last fifteen minutes throwing up, she wasn't in the best of moods either. "Just look at it this way, keep this job, and you could make a profit." She smiled into the mirror, her eyes seemed to glimmer as she reached down to the sink and pick up the ruby ring she had "found" and "forgot" to return earlier this morning.


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((OOC: It confused me when I first watched it. Girl Sohma Hug Boy Sohma = Fine and vice versa. / Boy sohma + Non Sohma girl= poof / Girl Sohma + Non Sohma Boy = poof ))

Hikari grinned a bit, "Raaaaiiyyeeennn loookiiing is incest!" he said as he stayed behind the tree still a rabbit. "I'll change back soon, You can stay in my room!" Hikari stated oblivious to the many things wrong with Lisette staying in his room with him. "C-chase?" Hikari asked nervously.


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Luca simply watched and followed as the series of strange events unfolded before her. Well, not that strange to her, but she admitted her family was weird. Crouching down next to Hikari, she picked up the little rabbit and held him so Lady wouldn't be able to get to him. "Are you ok, Hikari-san?" she said in her whisper-like voice.

[[aww...Lady was my dog's name...she died saturday morning...]]


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Hikari blinked a bit, "Luca-chan I might change in your arms if you do that." he said a bit suprised as she picked him up, snuggling to her as he normally would were he human still, "I'm alright, thanks for worrying about me Luca-chan." he said with as much as a smile as a rabbit could pull off. He blinked , his clothes still held by the corner of his mouth, "If I jump's cause..ya know."

((OOC: I'm sorry D: I had a cat named Loki die recently, I cried for a long time :( ))


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Luca smiled and nodded, understanding. She gently pet Hikari's ears. Hikari was her favorite brother to hang out with, since he was so hyper and happy all the time. It was a huge contrast to how calm and shy she was, but thats why they were close. Taking the clothes into her other arm, the blonde walked back inside and headed towards a bathroom so the rabbit could change back and get dressed in private.


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Kat pet her half-wolf, who wagged her tail happily. her two cats were moewing and hissping at each other, as if they were arguing. Kat giggled at them and hopped up onto a beanch, taking a few steps on it. She was compleatly unaware the wood was rotted untill her leg fell into it. She cried out in pain when wood went into her leg, opening it up. The cats went seilent and looked at her.

[aw, i'm so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1]


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Hikari's nose twitched and he closed his eyes, cuddling up towards Luca, "Luca-chaan you're going to put me to sleep." he said fighting a yawn, "That's soothing." he said with a sleepy laugh, "Wanna play hide and seek after dinner? I'll get the others to play too, you can borrow my hiding spot with me." he said happily, trying to keep things exciting to keep himself away. His eyes looked up at Luca slowly, "You're slowly opening up to people Luca-chaan~"


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The sheep giggled and kept petting Hikari. She rounded a corner and smiled. "Y-You think so...?" she stuttered shyly. Even with Hikari, she was timid. "We can play hide and seek." Childish games always amused her, especially when the whole family got involved.


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(OOC: Wow we are a bunch of cluts aren't we? Haha, oh and that thing about my Maid Trixy [the one minto beat up] I don't know if she ever got accepted, I got the e-mail but shes not on the list, so ignore that post I guess.)
Still standing in the hallway leading outside, he watched everyone leave in opposite directions. He let out a sigh, and his ears popped from the silence. Wow, this is a rare event. he thought to himself, but probably a thought to sudden as he heard Kat yell in pain. "Imaimashii, I spoke to soon!" He sighed and looked out the door window, and spotted Kat by the now broken bench. He opened the door and yelled out "You alright Kat? Do I need to get you some bandages or anything?" He watched and waited for a reply.


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Hikari's eyes widened a bit, "B-be right back Luca-chan!" he said jumping out of her arms, taking his clothes quickly before going into the nearest room, the poof of smoke visable to her as he let of a relieved sigh, "T-that was close.." he said, the shuffling sound of clothes being put on, "S-sorry about that.." he said, his voice almost as soft as hers from his embarrassment. His tone was gentle and calm, something very rare for Hikari, "I think they'd play, Raiyen would get a chance to use his skills. He'd eat that up." Hikari said coming out, slipping his shirt on over his boyish, slightly toned frame, "Should we join up with Kat and Raiyen by the way?"

(Yesh :3 Well..Hikari isn't a klutz, that is, unless he's trying to help someone, he gets nervous and falls almost every time x3)


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Luca nodded and followed the rabbitback to the others. "He would..." A blush came to her cheeks as she thought of what Raiyen had said to her about her hair. "Hikari-san....m-my hair..." The sheep blushed more. "Do you...agree...with Raiyen-san?"


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As Haruhi asked Weren't you human? Masa came up with a little joke and said "NO!' and then he began to bare his fangs and continued to say, in a treating tone so as to sound like a demon, "I AM NO MORTAL HUMAN, I AM THE GREAT DEMON um.. RAGATOGON THE ALL POWERFUL AND I HAVE COME FOR YOUR SOUL MAWHAAHAHA!". Then just as he finshed his gag poof he changes back into his human form, quickly covers up with his hands.


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Luca saw Masa change back and blushed, quickly closing her eyes. This was a reality they had to deal with, but it was still unpleasant to see her family naked when they changed back. At least herself and Hikaru quickly went to find a private place to change back and get re-dressed.


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Raiyen frowned as no reply came. He checked on her again, and she fine in a bloody sort of way. Oh well, I'll just go get some ointment and leave it by the door he thought to himself. Turning back around, he walked down the hall in search of everyone else. He looked down both halls and started toward the main part of the house. "Honestly how does everyone vanish so easily?" he said out loud to nobody but himself. Finally he found everyone "What about rat be gone and souls?" Raiyen stood in the door way with his right shoulder against the frame, and hand in his pocket. The other hand scratched the back of his head.


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Kat attempted to pull herself out of the bench, but couldn't. The wood from the bench was in her leg. "can sombody. . . .help me out?" she whimpered, going pale at the sight of her blood. The more she struggled, the deeper the wood went into her leg.


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Luca gasped at Kat and ran to her, trying to move the wood to allow her to get free, but it wasnt helping. She was quite weak, and began to worry more. "Raiyen!" She called, but even then it was like a whisper. She needed help.

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Japan by MoonFox1


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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Minto Sohma
Character Portrait: Raiyen Sohma
Character Portrait: Luca Sohma
Character Portrait: Shiaro Sohma Toya
Character Portrait: Trixy Kikome


Character Portrait: Trixy Kikome
Trixy Kikome

Just a cute made with an innocent smile.

Character Portrait: Shiaro Sohma Toya
Shiaro Sohma Toya

The head maid in the Estate

Character Portrait: Luca Sohma
Luca Sohma

The Sheep

Character Portrait: Raiyen Sohma
Raiyen Sohma

The Monkey

Character Portrait: Minto Sohma
Minto Sohma

The Zodiac God


Character Portrait: Shiaro Sohma Toya
Shiaro Sohma Toya

The head maid in the Estate

Character Portrait: Minto Sohma
Minto Sohma

The Zodiac God

Character Portrait: Raiyen Sohma
Raiyen Sohma

The Monkey

Character Portrait: Trixy Kikome
Trixy Kikome

Just a cute made with an innocent smile.

Character Portrait: Luca Sohma
Luca Sohma

The Sheep

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Trixy Kikome
Trixy Kikome

Just a cute made with an innocent smile.

Character Portrait: Raiyen Sohma
Raiyen Sohma

The Monkey

Character Portrait: Luca Sohma
Luca Sohma

The Sheep

Character Portrait: Minto Sohma
Minto Sohma

The Zodiac God

Character Portrait: Shiaro Sohma Toya
Shiaro Sohma Toya

The head maid in the Estate

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Re: [OOC] Fruits Basket: Next Generation

Hmm I guess it wouldn't, Oh well, was just an idea. Parents would have no hair left. Haha!

Re: [OOC] Fruits Basket: Next Generation

Raike_Zaiyen wrote:Lol, Ikuto. I just realized we both have green eyes. I'm trying to get this family tree thing figured out so that I'm not calling a 3rd cousin my sister or something. :P We should be brothers haha. Just imagine what the parents were like with 2 homosexual kids? But with how Raiyen is, hes much less pronounced, like the profile says.

Hmm that could work I guess if they're brothers, but would his parental history work with your characters?

here's what I put for his relationship with his parents.
Bio: His mother and father claim to have never had a son. Both of his parents having shunned him for being so carefree and laidback about the curse and his involvement. Hikari has a part time job and is a senior in highschool. He has a few scars, but every time someone asks about them, he politely makes an excuse to get away from them, not wantking to admit his father is the one who placed the marks on him.

Also, they would be odd brothers XD I doubt the parents would be able to sleep at night, "H-h-homo...? SEPARATE ROOMS!" XD

Re: [OOC] Fruits Basket: Next Generation

Really you can't go back a page? Hmm. Well after you disapeared for tea, we all became clumzy klutz! But ya, nothing really overly important. I told Luca to wear her hair down, Hikari turned into a bunny, Kat split her leg open, Someone turned into a dog, and tried to play a prank on a girl who walked in, but changed back to soon. Thats about it. Also I took up the role of the made Minto beat up, so far she just cleaned up in the bathroom and looked at a pretty red ruby ring she stole.

Re: [OOC] Fruits Basket: Next Generation

Lol, Ikuto. I just realized we both have green eyes. I'm trying to get this family tree thing figured out so that I'm not calling a 3rd cousin my sister or something. :P We should be brothers haha. Just imagine what the parents were like with 2 homosexual kids? But with how Raiyen is, hes much less pronounced, like the profile says.

Re: [OOC] Fruits Basket: Next Generation

Okay people what did I miss in the Roleplay since I was out for awhile and this site is stupid because they don't let you go back to a page

Re: [OOC] Fruits Basket: Next Generation

Hmm, your right, it is against the rules to kill. For some reason I forgot. *thonk*

Re: [OOC] Fruits Basket: Next Generation

Raike_Zaiyen wrote:Hmm, I think I know what character to make as my second. Maybe I could play the maid Minto beat up? Maybe the made wants revenge? Its ok if she gets killed eventually btw. I will make a new student at school if she does.

Well you don't need to worry about her getting killed since it's againts the rules to kill.

Re: [OOC] Fruits Basket: Next Generation

Hmm, I think I know what character to make as my second. Maybe I could play the maid Minto beat up? Maybe the made wants revenge? Its ok if she gets killed eventually btw. I will make a new student at school if she does.

Re: [OOC] Fruits Basket: Next Generation

Sent my first Post, and thanks for the help Horseygirl! Oh and how do the rules with posting work on the site? (first time.) Does everyone take a turn, then the cycle restarts? I guess it depends on where everyone is, and how we interact? I might make a second character tomorrow.

Re: [OOC] Fruits Basket: Next Generation

yay! And some of the Sohmas are cousins, some are brother and sister. I'll try to find a family tree

Re: [OOC] Fruits Basket: Next Generation

Hey, MoonFox, or anyone. (Don't want to sound newbish, but..) How exactly are all the Sohmas related? Are we Siblings, Cousins, a mix? Could we get a family tree outlined or something? (Also, I haven't read the manga, so this is probably where my not knowing is coming from.)

Re: [OOC] Fruits Basket: Next Generation

Just to let everyone know also, I started the roleplay

Re: [OOC] Fruits Basket: Next Generation

Thx hun! (Sorry, I'm southern. I say hun. Haha.)

Re: [OOC] Fruits Basket: Next Generation

Hey people Minto(Moonfox1) here to tell you that if anyone wants to makemore characters I don't mind, itwould be cool if minto has conflict with the characters, considering that she is the one that causes most of the problems....even though she is never really there to physically cause it.

Re: [OOC] Fruits Basket: Next Generation

OK, Raike_Zaiyen just click on this link, save, and your all set! ... 3902117154

Re: [OOC] Fruits Basket: Next Generation

Hey horseygirl. Would like nto have my pic converted to an avatar. I'm at school right now. But my pic is on the page. Thanks!

Re: [OOC] Fruits Basket: Next Generation

Hmm...Did anyone take the ox yet? I just submitted my character sheet, but I'll gladly make changes if someone got to me before I did. Thanks! <3

Re: [OOC] Fruits Basket: Next Generation

Moonfox1, is it alright if my character has a grudge against your's, because she had his little sister's memory erased.

Re: [OOC] Fruits Basket: Next Generation

HAI! if anybody wants me to cut their picture and make it into an avatar i wouldn't mind it all. ;) (i do it all the time and it will give me somthing to do)