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Dominic Carver

"All this crap about love is making me more annoyed that I haven't found it myself yet."

0 · 819 views · located in New York, New York

a character in “Give Me Your Love”, as played by JokerofSpades



Name: Dominic Michael Carver. Unlike many of the Archers, Dominic has only changed his first name once, opting to forget his past name all together. His first name was Roger Anderson of Cornwall.
Nickname: Domo is a nickname. Nick or Carver if people are really desperate. As you may have noticed, nicknames don't entirely work with Dominic. Perhaps it is the name, maybe not. Whatever is the case, nicknames suck.
Role: Archer 1.
Age: 24 (540)
Sexuality: Dominic would consider himself adventurous, but still rooted to his heterosexuality - when he is actually a closet bi-sexual.


The thoughts of love
Being loved
Crazy ideas
Watching others argue
Being brash
Loyalty (I fell for that trap once, not again.)
The Sirens
Secrets and secretive people
Snobs in any form
The attitude of ‘Holier than thou’
Heavy music of any kind (metal, rock, grunge, the list goes on).

Pnigerophobia, Fear of Being Choked or Smothered - while the neck is an insecurity unto itself, Dominic freaks immensely if someone even moves to touch his neck in any shape or form. Mostly due to his death, but also because of an accidental choking as a child.
Thanatophobia, Fear of Death - Dominic was faced with death multiple times throughout his life, which rooted his paranoia of the unknown. It certainly didn’t help that his death was prolonged, planned and violent.
Contreltophobia, Fear of Sexual Abuse - There is always this lingering fear to Dominic, which makes him much more hesitant about sex than others. There is always the fear that he will be abused through sex somehow which freaks him out.

Find Love, Dammit - After 500 years, Dominic is starting to really feel the need to find this elusive thing called love wherever he can find it - even amongst humans. Now Dominic knows it is forbidden, but does he really care? He would gladly be erased from time and history if he was able to find love - and he isn’t exactly quiet about it. Sure, he was married when he was really alive, but that wasn’t entirely what he would call love.
Stick Around - Sort of a secret/dream if you will, but Dominic desires to stick around for a bit, but not for the reasons like that silly Claude.

The Open Book - In case you haven’t noticed, Dominic is horrible at secrets, even with the ones he wants to keep about himself. His personality simply doesn’t allow it. So everybody knows basically everything about him, well except...
Uncertainty - To put truthfully, Dominic is uncertain of whether or not he wants to get the hell outta dodge. See, he absolutely hates that Cupid kept him alive for the sole purpose of making other people happy when he isn’t very happy himself. Yet after his first contract was fulfilled, Dominic got curious about this crazy thing called love, and decided to stick around - much to the shock of many. The other motivator? While he wants out, he sees quitting as a form of death, and that is a no go zone.

To keep this brief, Dominic is a brash, loud lad who refuses to be silenced, yet still comes off as a complete goofball.

Being blunt is his forerunning trait, but it isn’t something that Dominic wholeheartedly controls; it just comes naturally and without warning. He isn’t always trying to be rude or nosy, but Dominic is always saying what comes to his mind before he can really think it out. When he does think it out, he will always stick by his original point, even if he does admit that he feels bad or wrong for saying it. His constant ‘speak first, think later’ attitude makes him great for striking up conversations with others and while he is on the hunt, but usually hinders his progress with the humans. Call it the scale just balancing itself out.

What it can’t balance out is his naturally goofy persona. He likes interacting with people, even if they don’t like interacting with him, and just likes to talk. His conversations can either start weird, become weird, or end messed up: it makes first impressions so much easier when they place themselves into only two categories (those that hate his guts and those that find him enjoyable).

Dominic, while being slightly obnoxious and ignorant, is a trustworthy and oddball underneath. He has a policy of never lying to another, whether it is behind their back or in their face. His trust is hard to earn though, as he has gotten burned one too many times by letting his trust give way to loyalty - more on that in his history. Granted, his honesty has gotten him into many troubles throughout his history, especially when he came out saying that he actually harbored a great dislike for Cupid and the whole set up of ‘falling in love with a human makes you go poof’ shindig.

Let’s go into that shall we: since Dominic isn't quiet about what he dislikes, his anger can also be fairly whimsical as well. Not to mention his selfish streaks - Dominic likes to keep his physical things to himself, while only giving words to others. Regardless, his anger is rooted from his deep grudges that he refuses to give up. His grudge against Cupid for picking him, for instance, or his grudge against authoritarians who like to think they know what is best - his biggest grudge is against that stupid King Henry VII, but more on that later.

Overall, Dominic is an oddball that loves to be goofy, have fun, and be honest while trying to keep a selfish, obnoxious attitude to himself and failing.

Snarky | Unapologetic | Blunt | Goofy | Honest | Skeptical | Vindictive


Dominic was born in the beautiful county of Cornwall on November 29th, 1473 to a sailor and his wife. While he was an only child, he was technically the 5th kid of the family, as the other 4 had died due to multiple circumstances. Regardless, the kid who was actually called Roger grew up on the sea. All his young life, Roger learned of the ways of the mistress of the sea - fishing, sailing, navigating, and overall being a skipper. Truth be told, it was a fairly uneventful childhood besides a few points.

First was that he had only a few friends growing up, which suited him fine as the optimistic yet rude, youth. However, while playing a game, his one friend grabbed around the neck, pretending to catch a witch and smother her to death. What resulted was Roger nearly dying, and his extreme paranoia of his head began. Next was his accidental run in with a spear, which could have killed him had it not missed his heart and nicked his shoulder instead. Finally, Roger married the local hothead Amelia when he turned 17: but he didn’t really love her. No, he simply found her extremely attractive, and his parents were getting irate about him not having a kid yet. So of course, over the next 7 years Roger sired 7 children to which he felt more towards than his wife, who didn’t feel much for him either - her parents were the same as his, so he seemed like the best candidate to make good children Odd how these things work out.

Ignoring all of those points moves us to the greatest movement of the time: the Cornish Rebellion of 1497. Most of Cornwall was fed up with Henry VII taxing them heavily just so he could fight off some northern barbarians, to which the Cornish people couldn’t care about. So under An Gof, some 15 000 Cornish folk marched towards London peacefully (well, almost), including one Roger Anderson. However, when they reached London was when things went south: fast.

Before combat, they lost 5000 men to various reasons, and Henry was serious about wiping them out: who else would send 25 000 soldiers to deal with 10 000 peasants? So the massacre ensued with numbers varying on the dead. When ordered to surrender, Roger refused, which caused him to keep fighting, but ultimately be mortally wounded. The last thing he saw was a horse seemingly mocking him before he blacked out.

When he awoke, Roger found himself in London, captured by a knight that planned on using him as a slave. Roger was openly mocked as being a Cornish man who dared to attack London, a weakling. He tried to contain himself for his survival, but ultimately his instincts won out and he viciously attacked the knight that ‘owned’ him, which resulted in him being slotted for hanging. Before he could get there, though, the knight and a few of his friends came by to utterly destroy his body, spirit and mind. By the time that he was dragged to the pedestal, not much of a man was left. The lever was pulled, gravity acted, and Roger gave out a scream before the air was taken from him, and he was executed.

However, Cupid thought that the Cornish man would be a great candidate for an Angel, which Roger immediately mocked at first. However, realizing that he was now alive and his fear of death was finalized, he changed his name to Dominic Carver, and that was that. [Sort of a WIP]
Place of Origin: Cornwall, England.

Cupid Form:
Since Dominic's emotions, honest and attitude run wild, Cupid gave him the form of a burning flame, cool to the touch and invisible to the eye.

Theme Song:
[url=LINK TO SONG]What song do you think explains you?[/url]

So begins...

Dominic Carver's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrienne DeLuca Character Portrait: Dominic Carver Character Portrait: Robyn Simmons Character Portrait: Claude Barker
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Today was not a great day for Dominic. He awoke to the noise of the city, something that he should have been accustomed to by now: yet here he was, yelling at the honking car on the street below him to shut up. After getting and returning the finger to some random person, Dominic pulled his window shut and heaved out a sigh. It was too early to be awake, especially for a guy like him: he liked to be awake by roughly noon, while it was still morning. See, Dominic easily adapted to the culture and lifestyle of the people he lived with, which was why he was stuck downtown in a standard appartment instead of Claude in a condo. To Dominic, he liked to keep the illusion that he was just an average joe in the world: it just somehow made his work with his charges easier. He couldn't do the mysterious like Claude, or the caring like Ilya, so he opted to be the normal yet odd goofball type instead. Not that it mattered much to him, he still hated his job, regardless of how much he worked at it some days.

So Dominic got a shower and got out just as fast to stare at himself in the mirror. He wasn't admiring himself, just thinking. His rugged features still looked the same, his dirty blond hair was the same, his stubble half-beard was the same; yet he felt different all the time. Why was he still on this rock of a planet, anyway? He should have been dead years ago, when he finished his first charge. So why hadn't he moved on and been free of a job he hated? Dominic couldn't answer that question honestly - there were too many things that he didn't understand. Like how he hated death, yet also hated his job, which caused his first problem. How he hated the idea of being tied down to another, yet was a closet romantic at the same time. Just who was he? Dominic kept staring at himself, hoping to find an answer, until the steam from the corners of the mirror cleaned up completely. Even then he kept staring at himself with skeptical eyes before shaking his head and muttering a bit before briskly walking out of the washroom.

Getting dressed before grabbing his wallet, phone and keys, Dominic headed towards the door to leave. His first stop? Coffee - sure, he was a kid of England and they drank tea, blah blah blah no. Dominic was no kid of England, he was an adult of nowhere; he had his own tastes, and his own way of life. Granted, his Cornish accent still lingered so he had to tell people that he was from Cornwall, but other than that he kept no ties to his past. Besides, coffee helped him function as a human being in the mornings. So he shut his door behind him and locked it, coffee his clear intention.

In truth, he was quite fortunate. His apartment was near the hear to downtown NYC, where a Starbucks was just on the corner. Sure, he had to deal with crazy drivers honking and screaming 24/7, but it was a minor inconvenience - even if he didn't make it sound like it was. He finally exited through the narrow corridor onto the busy street into the sun, and began his short walk. In truth, it was quite hot for a sweater and pants, but Dominic was a little odd that way. Sure, a few people had tried calling him greasy for it, but he just laughed at their apparent methods to bring him down. Besides, the temperature of the world rarely affected him in a large enough way that he had to care about dressing for the weather. So he finally made it there after a short walk, and turned to enter the cafe.

He watched as a girl with fire red hair exited into a camaro, and continued on unfazed. Life kept going, why should he stop for anybody else? So he got in line and played the waiting game, until he finally got to the front. Of course, the irony was the fact that Cupid and Claude were both there, but Dominic didn't know that: heck, he liked to keep interaction with those two knobs to a minimum on good days. So oblivious to their presence, he got to the front and ordered to a barista with the name Adrienne. She was cute, but he really didn't care much right now: if he was to find Cupid and get his next charge, he needed to be focused. Getting sidetracked just made the annoyance just that much more long.

But he still gave her a smile as he walked up to the counter before speaking. "I'll have a venti mild, nothing in it." Yes, he knew it was weird to ask a Starbucks - famous for their expensive and confusing coffee brands and blends - for a straight black coffee. Thing was, that was his drink of choice. He really didn't need much in it to be happy. Now, granted he did have a second favourite, but that was when he was feeling absolutely fantastic: and the name of said blend was ingrained in his mind, yet was more confusing than ever. If Dominic had to explain, it was a double sugar caramel cappuccino with extra cream, foam and double espresso shot. A mouthful, but delicious all the same - it was like a sugary, caffeinated explosion.

Regardless, he simply waited for the girl to respond by pulling out his wallet and getting ready to go.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrienne DeLuca Character Portrait: Dominic Carver
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"Venti caramel machiatto," Adrienne called out and the blonde customer she remembered from earlier appeared. Adrienne smiled briefly and bid her a good day before going back to making drinks. After sampling a few drinks, Carmen began to feel bad and wanted to help. So, a quick lesson on the register, and Carmen was taking orders. She was even managing with the food and was a big help to Adrienne, especially seeing how one of her co-workers were late.


"Okay, switch," Adrienne called and she and Carmen switched places. Carmen was still new to the drinks, but the only way she could properly learn is if she had more practice, so there she was. She made the first drink quite alright if Adrienne was going to be honest about it. As she was finished with another order, she heard - above the noise - another customer come up the register.

"I'll have a venti mild, nothing in it." Adrienne looked up for a split second at blue eyes before going back down to the register, typing in the order. She was unfazed by his ordering a black coffee. Plenty of people did that. Now, how he could stomach black coffee without any type of sugar or even cream, Adrienne couldn't fathom.

But she wasn't about to question him. She glanced over her shoulder at Carmen, "Venti mild, Car." She turned back to the male with a smile, noting his attractiveness with the quickest of glances. "2.25 please."