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"No reason to discus anything at this time so leave me alone."

0 · 188 views · located in Late Medieval.

a character in “Gods; A New Age.”, originally authored by Thorait, as played by RolePlayGateway


God Name: Lahar the soulless (Meaning that he doesn't have what we know as emotion and empathy to other live forms)
Title: God of logic and order
Gender: Neither but most think he's male and because mortals can't think further then a gender has he neither denied or confirmed this.
Alignment: Lawfully evil
God Appearance: Lahar takes the form of a tall man with a slightly thin build but still a muscle lair appearance. A tight business suit is all he wears with a pair of formal seemingly leather boots and his clothes have the exact same color as his skin making them harder to spot. He has build his body to his own desires and he has no desires other than to come over as a serious authority figure and his bald head and with his eye's that emit a white light combined with his silver skin he has done the job. Some call Lahar the soulless star for his pure silver body but logical and cold acts.
Personality: No Personality remains in Lahar other than a desire for power and might, his mind is almost completely logical and intelligence making him act as if he's a machine but with smooth formal movements. He doesn't care about the weak and considers logic as the only thing worth to exist, Lahar also doesn't have any pride or honor making him a ruthless commander and a untrustworthy ally. Maybe a smart god would be able to follow the pure logic that is Lahar and predict what the god is going to do but not many can do such a thing and if they try he will almost always know and when he knows you can consider yourself in big problems even most gods are freaked out by the ruthless intelligent and tyrannical god of logic.
Opinion of mortals: He considers humans and other species as machines made from flesh and he will not see them as beings more as delusional insects
God’s Domain: Lahar has made himself a world of ice and death, you would feel no warmth nor is there any cold or wind only nothing. The ground is flat ice running into a endless plain under a grey cloudless sky with nothing obscuring the view. A mortal would go insane of seeing the endless glass plain filled with endless rows of the solid steel machines each standing six's feet armored in knight armor with a large square shield and a short sword marching over the plain. The army marches in a circle around the only thing that is on the glass plain. The giant silver obelisk reaches higher than any one can imagine filled with the chambers containing machines and factories and Lahars chambers were the god of logic and order watches the world.

Avatar Name: Guardian
Avatar Appearance: Guardian is 9.8 (3 meter) feet tall wearing a shining armor being in the picture. The Guardian is regarded to be one of the best killing machines being stronger than three man and weighing more than a modern day car wile remaining quicker than other armored knight with movement in every joint to every angle with lighting quick reflexes. Guardian wears a knight armor and he has a large square shield and a broadsword big enough to be considered a two handed blade even for his size but he wields it as if it doesn't weigh much. The Guardian is also feared just as Lahar is being incredible tall and deadly make him a physiological weapon with a reputation for brutal murder and victory. He was once a man but after he dead in service of Lahar the god of logic granted him his current body, he isn't build of mechanisms instead he's solid metal movement is done with his power this makes him tireless and even harder to kill because bullets will just bounce of him and he has been known to take a cannon in the face and survive.
Personality: Guardian isn't complete logic because he has desires and wishes, Guardian loves authority and murder having a psychopathic nature and his lack of social skill are also a testament that he isn't the computer that Lahar is instead he's the top point of logic a mortal can achieve having almost no emotion and not the slightest sign of remorse or guilt.
Magic Abilities: Guardian can control iron and other metals meaning he can liquify it and then form it to his wishes making him a creature made of iron very hard to kill because he can repair any damage done to him but Guardian isn't indestructible because as soon as water mixes with his liquid iron then he will lose control because the metal and water seem to disrupt his control other liquids work too but they don't seem to have the complete defastation to his power that water has.

Name of Item:Crystal of Saud Thu
Type: Crystal
Advancement: 10
Power: -
Weakness: -
History: Saud Thu was a Remaire born 1896 years after the great war being one of the greatest opponents of Lahar because he became a avatar of one of the smaller gods that fought against Lahar for control over Alir. Saud Thu was a great wizard but Lahar crushed his army and then pulled Saud Thu into his own realm where the god of logic worked on the stubborn and strong avatar for three years before the man finally cracked. Lahar created the Crystal using Saud Thu's remains giving it to his first avatar as a tool but he didn't allow him to use it instead a hero always was chosen to use the crystal. When Alir crumbled did Lahar take the crystal with him. The present Gods know that Lahar has the crystal and wile they don't know what it can do they do know it's dangerous and the current location is a mystery although there are signs that the crystal has been used.

Hero(es): Remder the Archiver
Personality: Remder controls the great Archive a place of complete silence and order containing the greatest secrets that mortals can gather and the man himself is a clear and sensible person. Remder is also very silent not saying wasted words with a good mind and a very irritating way of acting. He has a reasonable magical power focusing on Telekinesis en other mind powers.

Hero(es): Altrer
Personality: A man of war being one of the greatest generals that Lahar has being strong and stubborn to the core but not stupid. Altrer has a small sense of honer and he's a perfectionist with a though of madness for order but he isn't weak being Lahars hero wasn't luck. Altrer will never relent until he is ordered to and once you trigger hatred that will stay in him obsessing the man forming him into a cold intelligent weapon.

Terrain Preference: Lahar has colonized the island of Remaire being a larger island but the soil is hard but rich in metal, the island is mostly lifeless with the shores being high sharp cliffs raising over the ocean and the inland is mostly the same a plain of cold hard stone and some signs of old volcanic activity.

Name of Kingdom/Empire: Remaire
Capital: The city of Cler
Major Cities: Tros, Kret, Remain
Society: Ramaire is on a cold dead island but it society prospers with the great harbor of Tros in the west serving as the only place were the cliffs give up into a beach so the harbor is also a bottleneck to the rest of the island. After Tros outposts dot the island with the great plains of rocks where cavalries would perish only by the thousands of boulders. But the people of Remaire are cold and logical as there god and they have created fields of the same crop named bloodblossomed being a plant Lahar created. This plant can survive the bare rock and the Remaire have used there knowledge of irrigation to bring up soil and water creating the fields of the red crops that supply them with food, clothes and even building supplies because Bloodblossomed can grow into a tree if left alone long enough. Kret is a fortress turned into a city being a strong seat of power with the cold white stone that is rich under the dark stone that covers Remaire. Remain lies on the eastern border having a great mining system because it has softer stone around it the city is smaller and poorer than the other. Cler rises in the center of the island, the white city is named for the two white walls and the great tower raising in the center of the city being one of the biggest buildings constructed the tower seems to be massive and is known as Asube or in our language 'sword of order' the tower is the palace of the nation. If culture is what you can call the way of living that the Remaire have then it would be effective and cold, the weak die and the strong live. Children are tested at birth and the weak are killed on the spot but nobody protest's because it seems the Remaire aren't emotional at all. The average person is close to a psychopath with no remorse or regret killing when asked and working when there free. Nobody questions the government and things such as Taverns or any other amusement is despised but these cold humans aren't a solitary culture because they aren't hostile to outsiders but the strict laws and the culture keep visitors at bay only a purely business focused trade is happening.

Other: The people of Remaire are genetically emotionless it isn't in the culture but in there genes because they seem to have been altered by Lahar, he seems to have changed parts of the brain making the Remaire more intelligent but less emotional so if a Remaire would get a child with a person outside of the nation then the child would have a 50% chance to be cold and ruthless.


Lahar arrived from seemingly nowhere with a small battered fleet filled with his believers and after a period of hostile contact with other nations that felt threatened by this strange new force and pirates bend on the resources the fleet carried was Lahar forced to embark on the island of Remaire. There he landed six's hunderd of his people and his avatar. The Remaire were pushed away from there landing place named Tros (rock beach) by a larger group of pirates. Lahars remaining ships were sacked and he retreated into the mainland fighting for every step his people had to set until he finally bested the pirates and created Cler were he gathered most of his people creating his own capital. Tros became the great harbor we know these days and Remaire grew into a powerful ruthless nation feared for there ambition and power. Remaire isn't as strong as some nations think the reality is that Remaire really does suffer from there surroundings and behavior being a outcast in diplomacy and largely seen as monsters by other cultures.

So begins...

Lahar's Story