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Sierius Soleren

A 'Veteran' mercenary with a tailing trail of woes and foes. But through the hurt and hate, a steel heart has been forged, and this ragged man trods on today.

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a character in “Gunship: The End of Peace”, as played by Vio-Lance


Name: Sierus Sevien Soleren
Nickname(s): Triple S, Sierus, Blackfox (known only by his ex-crewmates)
Age: 39
Race: Human
Position on Daedalus:


Eyes: Crystaline Jade Green
Hair: Dirty, Messy, and Crimson
Skin: Light, might even be palid.
Height: 5'6
Weight: 140
Build: Short; slender. Fairly muscular.

Physical description:
Sierus is an odd sight to behold. The man is rather miniscule, and small looking at first. His dirty red hair is messily held on top of his head, reaching his chin almost at some points. It chaotically runs across his head in every direction. The only thing keeping his hair from flopping down in front of his eye is an odd, palid green bandana. A black eyepatch covers his right eye, implying that he has lost vision out of said eye. And it is true in the fact that he lacks an eye. His apperal is no less odd than his head's appearance. He wears a dark red sleeveless trenchcoat-like jacket, that comes down to the hems of his boots. He leaves the jacket open, to allow it to flutter in the breeze, and keep him cool. The jacket is actually thicker leather, and moderately weighty for someone unacustomed to it's weight. Under this, he has a white swashbuckler's shirt. A red sash ties off as his belt, and leads down to a pair of dark brown breeches, which cover down to mid-shin. From the start of his boot up, he seems to have wrapped his legs in red and white striped cloth. His boots themselves are deep brown, and show a good bit of tear and wear. What stands out most about him, is that he is missing his right arm. It looks as if it were cut off from the shoulder, or something. The right sleeve of his shirt is tied off in a knot to show this. His remaining hand is covered by a thick leather glove. If one were to see him without clothing; they'd be bombarded with his story-telling body. Scars cascade and dance around his body, showing wounds from blades and projectiles of many kind. His toned body, despite lacking an arm from the shoulder seemed to bear a muscular hint of brawn. It would be a safe assumption that he could hold himself up with just one arm.


Horseplay and all-around silliness.
A scuffle every once and a while.

Boring people
People without a sense of humor.
Naval Officers
ANYONE whom has anything to mention of his son.

Least to say, what ISN'T quirky about Sierus? Althought serious ones are that despite having only one arm, it doesn't seem to hamper his balance. And being one eye'd only seems to hamper his sight lightly.
His personality slightly 'unstable' or 'unreadable'. He just likes the thought of being colorful.

Losing his other arm or eye.
Cramped, closed, and otherwise condensed places. Although Sierus excells at toe-to-toe fighting, he can't help but feel that inclosed spaces are not his friend.
Captain Keedar
Explosives. Things that go boom usually die.

Personality description:
On top of his charmingly weird appearance, he has a personality to match. He's always the funny guy, making "cute" jokes, puns, and is always the one trying to make the situation brighter by making humorous comments. He always has something colorful to say too. His 'optimistic' attitude has gotten him into trouble some time or another; but it's not like he's a real trouble maker. He just likes to enjoy himself; weither that be gambling, drinking, or fighting! He loves music as well, and anyone gifted with a musical instrument is instantly favored. He often hums or whistles music when alone, or when it's too quiet. He can't stand silence. He's always prone to break it eventually. Sierus usually deals with things as they come, honstly shrugging off all but the most serious problems, acting as if they were not urgent or vital. But his relaxed, more 'calm' nature settles into the air quickly. It easily gives him the air that he has things under control, and the situation can be handled. This matches his attitude of, "All things can be solved; it's just that time is indefinite."

In combat, Sierus is quite serious, although you could never tell; his outward acting doesn't differ a bit. Witty; calm; usually about to make a pun. He does take particular care never to underestimate his foe, nor does he let them find bravado in their preferred field. He has a habit of interrupting key moments. All beneath it, however, a beast does lie. A beast fueled by fear for life. Created through strength of will to survive. Not a raging fighter, but a noble end. Sierus seeks the quickest way to resolve a problem. And if that means that one life must end so more can prosper, than so be it. Despite being a pirate, Sierus is quite noble.

Secretly, Sierus has a mild attraction for Shi Huang. She is cold and serious, while not exactly Sierus's type... but he has seen so many things in her that he sees when he looks in a mirror.


Melee: 9 - Again, being a grand martial artist, even with one arm, Sierus can deal with multiple threats with just his bare hands. He can also use most melee weapons proficently.
Range: 4 - Without his beloved 'Princess', Sierus's ranged ability is greatly hampered. It's not that he's a bad shot, or that he can't throw weapons... he just doesn't have any in his disposal.
Machinery: 2 - Sierus is lucky to find an 'On' button on any recent technology.

Cruel Cutlass
A smaller, lighter verision of a typical pirate armament, Sierus carries this weapon on his hip, burried deep within his coat. The weapon is about twenty-eight inches in total length, made from thick refined steel. The cruel curve near the front of the blade makes lopping easier while up close, and a tad easier to parry. Meanwhile, the tip of the blade is curved as would be a scimitar, and has superior edge still at the very TIP of the blade as well. This doesn't mean, however, the middle straight of the blade is any less sharp. The sword fighting style is odd; looks unorthidox even. But it actually balances out Sierus very well, and allows him to fight in a very quick, relentless fighting style specializing in parrying, then delivering a few quick wounds before going back on the defense.

Piper's Knife
A simple, short knife, usually kept in Sierus's boot. It got it's name from a rather colorful event; a piper whom turned out to be an assassin. Sierus quickly made friends with with man, eventually winning the knife from him in a contest of dexterity.

Clothing/Armor: Sierus wears one thing, and one thing only. His typical outfit. This may bring questions of hygene, but it sure doesn't bring question of effectiveness. While the casual inner clothing does very little to protect him, it's that notorioius thick cloth jacket he wears that brings up a lot of protection. While it doesn't seem like thick cloth would be much armor, it's not ment to be an armor. The cloth is light, and doens't hamper mobility. It's used to give illusion. Since it hangs loose on him, it makes him seem bigger... makes him have more presense. While in truth, it's just jacket. The jacket can be used to minorly harm (via buffeting), although this method couldn't stop a child, it does make for a good distraction. Having one arm also makes it rediculously easy to slide in and out of it. He can throw the at enemies to distract them, or wrap it around their bladed weapon to make it less lethal. A favorite tactic is to let them attack him first, so he can dodge, and let them snare themselves. His remaining arm, is covered in thick leather. Closer to hide, really. This allows him to use is forarm for somewhat a shield against one-handed bladed weapons... although he'd dare not try and stop a two handed blade. And his hand is covered in a thick brown leather glove.

Tools: N/A


(Since he has an implied history, I'll only be noting things of importance....)

He was once in the top-ten martial artists of his time. He MIGHT have been #9, but that doesn't matter. He was top ten! This was because of his youth, in which he grew up sharing a house with a monk, whom practiced martial arts.

As he turned 23, he was named the most skilled martial artist in his city, and 9th most skilled multicity. Though, like the rest of the martial artists, he was overshadowed by the higher numbers.

At 25, he had met up with Amiliea, a fiery-hearted gunsmith, whom crafted him 'Princess', his beloved revolver. The two also would create his one and only son, Reuben. Sierus would not stay...

When he turned 26, he abandoned his career and joined a pirate crew that raided other ships. He left Amiliea for her safety from captain Keedar. He was noted as the infamous "Blackfox", because he had slyly talked his way out of getting the death penalty, and shortly after escaped from prison. During this swarthy life of a pirate, his right eye was slashed out.

As he turned 30, his right arm was literally blown from it's socket by a cannonball from another pirate ship. This crippled, and eventually was the untimely end of his pirating career, as his captain didn't want to "Babysit" him. This also smashed his dreams of playing the acordion to tiny pieces.

At 35, he had overcome his adversity of being "crippled". He was practicing frequently on his own free time, and still does.

In the last chapters....

Sierus learned the exsistance of his son. On the very ship he was on. He tried to develop a good relationship... and it didn't work very well.

Reuben was lost amongst the crowds. Sierus enters a brief state of depression.

Sierus dellusionally believes that Reuben is still around (although he WAS, Sierus was indeed dellusional), and ends up going on a rather mild slaughtering spree in the prisons. During which he loses 'Princess'.

Now, Sierus doesn't do much. He's still in the crew of the Daedalus, but doesn't much care for any of the crew other than Shi. However, he isn't a paid mercenary anymore. He views the Daedalus as some kind of sacred home. He in fact, pays the captain to let him stay. Reasons are unknown, but he seems to have a strong attachment to the ship.

So begins...

Sierius Soleren's Story