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Heart of the Wild~Royal Rebellion

Heart of the Wild~Royal Rebellion


In a distant land, animals have become the human's slaves. Flare, the pet jaguar of the princess, sees this and decides it's time to stop. With a new rebellion under her control, the animals will do anything to win back their freedom. (Still Accepting)

1,637 readers have visited Heart of the Wild~Royal Rebellion since dawnfire07 created it.


For years now, animals have been slaves to the citizens of the Cyrem Kingdom. One day, Flare, the 7 month old jaguar pet of the princess, saw outside of the castle for the first time. What the princess had described as a beautiful place was a savage land. People did such horrid things to the animals, that Flare could not describe it with words. After several trips, she came up with an idea. A rebellion! Now, Flare will make an army out of the hundreds of animals in this nation. But first, they must conquer the capital and Flare's home: Sycrem City. The animals will be leaded by Flare, and together they plan to get their freedom back. And they plan to be free again, to live as they used to, whatever the cost. What will you be? A brave animal, fighting for freedom? Or an animal who has been changed and blinded by the humans, who will do anything to stop it?

Character Skeleton

Helpful Fact: (What can you do to help)

Roles Needed

Deputy: Neese--Played by RedWren223

Info-Gatherers: Astria, Balzac, Maya (1 more needed)

Battle Leader: Rorek


Aron (leopard)-open
Kallik (bear)-open
Jaun (Elephant)-open
Cass (Hawk)-open
Sean (Snake)-open
Adraina (Horse)-open
Razor (Shark)-open
Wind (Cheetah)-open
Ryan (Lion)-open
Shadow (Tiger)-open
Lissa (Tiger)-open
Caren (Squirrel)-open
Rini (Rat)-open
Rage (Cat)-open

More to come

Supporters: (Animals helping but not really in the rebellion. Probably better for people who aren't on that much)


Toggle Rules

All the regular rules

Just so you know guys, you CAN have more than 1 character. But you can only have 4. But please, only two ooc's, we really need to get other characters played.Check the Intro page for animals you can be. Choose carefully, because there will always be new ones coming up. Also, you can be a animal just for a few days. That way, all the characters can be played. But ONLY the ones on the intro page that are in bold. The rest are permanant. Message me when you do this. You have to have my permission.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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Kaya was caught off guard by the impact she yelped when she got hit,and when she got back to her feet she relized that it was a fox that ran into her and she felt embarrassed "uh...yeah im ok." Kaya said still a little stocked "it's fine i'm not mad,i should've gotten out of the way. Are you ok?" she mimicked smiling softly


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(No thats just how I interepeted Todd. Later in the movie He was I guess, I was talking more about how he lived on the farm and the man across the road with th hound dogs and stuff lol)

Trini could tell she had offended him, she quickly tried to make up her error.
"im sorry, Ihadnt meant to offend you in any way"
Her ears flattened, great, now she probably had scared him away.
"I ws just trying to say you remind me of my brother, I hadnt meant any type of offense"
She was hoping that he took her apology, but she would understandif he didnt, she often did that without knowing.


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#, as written by Krypt
Todd grimaced, in general he disliked those creatures who seemed to peer into his soul, refusing Todd the ability to hide any of his emotions. Or maybe the fox was just hiding them. "Hakuna Matata." he said as soon as she finished, before continuing his look for an escape. There were some boxes piled against the wall, and if he managed to get on top of the crates he might be able to get to the roof. "So you never told me about what you think of the humans here, I think they are a bit more clumsy than the ones I am familer with." Todd said absentmindedly, growing out of his stutter.

(Heh, guess he is alot more similar than I thought, I just liked the name. Must need to watch the film again.)


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Astria looked at the raccoon, she didn't look too beat up, that was good. "You should have gotten out of the way? Nonsense. I was the one running full speed down the street, I was having a bit too much fun, I guess." She smiled and looked at her feet and back at her tail, "Well I don't think anything is broken or bruised, so I'm good." Astria looked back at the raccoon, "Again, I am really sorry. I hope we can be friends." she smiled, "I'm Astria."


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"same with me,i'm Maya nice to meet cha!" the raccoon smiled friendly " why were you running anyway? is someone chasing you?" she asked curiously


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"Balzac, do you have anything to report? We need to have all important information said at the meeting. Any last minute information would take too much time to pass around. I have an idea. There's going to be a ceremony soon. Only me and a small number of guards will be left at the castle. Some animals will cause a distraction while I will lead a group to raid the castle. Also.... There's something we need. The sacred scroll. It was written by the last kings the day before animals became slaves. There's something very important in it, I just know it. The princess, Azuya, told me that there will be a meeting in the castle between the kings in the different kingdoms. These could be our chances to get information on this kingdoms weak spots. But let's not overdo it. We're not planning to take over, just get our freedom back. That's what this rebellion is all about."


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#, as written by Krypt

Max was genuinely bored waiting for the stable boy to return from whatever humans feel has higher priority over horses, so with a snort, he layed down in the grass. He had a twinge of the tiniest sorts of guilt in the back of his mind for chasing off that fox, er, theif, but he found the best way to deal with guilt was to think about something else. He first thought about how hot steel plates in contact with bare skin can get when you were sitting out in the sun. Thinking about the armour that had yet to be removed did not help, so he thought about he agenda for the next couple of days. He had already protected the palace interest by retrieving Flare...did she come back as she said she was going to? No matter, she's a big girl, he snorted. On the morrow there was another foriegn meeting someplace secret, and no doubt the captain will want to be patrolling on horseback. He sighed, and walked over to the barrel of apples. Not a single one remained. Angry, hot, and slightly hungry, Maximus kicked a hole in the barrel.


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Flare sighed. "If there's something you want us to know Balzac tell Aron. I'll see you tomorrow at the meeting in the alley tomorrow. And with that, Flare walked towards the castle. 'Time to go home.' flare walked to the entrance of the castle, where she was greeted by princess Azuya. "Flare! I haven't seen you all day! You poor thing! Come on, I still want to the gardens with you." Flare walked with the princess to the back of the castle, where the gardens were. 'Sorry I'm gonna have to do this soon Azuya...'


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Astria smiled, this raccoon sure was friendly, any other animal would have made such a big deal about it, but why should Astria be complaining. "Running away? Oh no.. I wasn't running from anyone... I just ran for fun." she smiled, hoping that she'd understand. Running for Astria was almost like a rush of adrenaline - only without the adrenaline. "I actually just finished committing myself to a rebellion." She fidgeted in her place, "So..... What were you doing around here? This place is usually pretty deserted..." she said, because no one ever really walked along this street, Astria ran through here for that very reason.

The setting changes from Sycrem City to Alley


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"It's time." Flare walked out of the castle and headed for the alley. 'Okay, everyone's here. But where is Astria?' Flare sighed. 'Oh well. She's around town a lot, I'm sure I'll bump into her eventually.' Flare then got serious. "Alright, listen up! Tomorrow at exactly 7:00, there is going to be a ceremony celebrating 3 new knights for the castle. This is a perfect time to really get this rebellion into action. There will be 3 groups. One will be the distraction and lead the guards away from the castle, while I will signal for the other 2 groups to come in. The 2nd group will raid the castle. But leave the princess's room alone. As for the third group, you'll come with me. We'll knock out the guards with an ambush and sneak into the throne room. I've heard Azuya talk about a secret passage that leads to the sacred scroll, written by the last king the day before the enslavement of all animals. Azuya always talks about it like she thinks an amazing secret is on it, but it's off limits, to everyone but the king. Even the rest of the royal family is forbidden from seeing it." Flare closed her eyes. That's why I think there's something on it. Something about the kingdom, something about us." When Flare opened her eyes, there was a new flame dancing in them. "Alright, so who's up for it!?" "You can count us in." Flare turned around and gained a shocked expression. "Shadow! Lisa! Stone!" The tigers had come! "What are you doing here?" Shadow snorted. "We decided to help you guys of course. Besides, a raid on the castle? That's something I've been waiting to do since I was born! So where's the meeting place?" Flare was beginning to think they could pull this off. "Meet me at the fountain in Town Square tomorrow. Now back to those groups. Aron and Neese, help me pick. The raiders have to be strong. The distracters have to be fast and quick. We don't want them getting caught before we finish our work in the castle. Also, it might be good if they have a bit of persuasion skills. So the guards won't give up on chasing them. As for my group, you guys are in it. I need animals like you. Quick, sneaky, strong, and quiet. We don't want to attract attention to us by making too muck noise. And there's one thing I'm worried about. We'll have to get past Maximus."

The setting changes from Alley to Sycrem City


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"the humans......Well, lets just say if they stay away from me then im alright, but there are just to many here that want to act cruelly towards us. I know a cat whos fur is DYED, purple and green....The things humans do"
She shivered, humans were okay as long as they stayed far far away form her. Suddenly an Idea formed, that same cat....She couldnt remember the cats name though, had told her of something that was agianst humans, a rebellion or something? She couldnt remmber, but there was supposed to be a meeting somewhere.
"Hey Todd, how would you like to join a rebellion....Against the humans"


Watching the tigers with Slitted eyes the oddly colored feline followed her friend to where the meeting would be held. Any other day she would have been excited about this, but she was still a bit shaky aorund the tigers, they were too moody and unpredictable. But they were valuable assets to the team. She knew of others, many others that could be great if only they joined the fight against the humans. for one, she wasnt sure if trini would show up, she was such a moody little thing it was hard to tell. She turned towards Flare.
"I dont know if shes coming or not but I told Trini of the rebellion.....That is if you know Trini"
She wasnt sure if Flare knew the moody little Foxlet that often wandered aorund, claiming random terratory then abandoning it. She would be a greate fighter, if only she came......


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#, as written by Krypt

Todd had actually been in the process of jumping up to the roof, and when he heard her address him, he turned around sheepishly. A rebellion? Against the humans? Why on Earth would he do such an ungratefull thing, if it wasn't for the humans, he couldn't say he would still be alive. Sure, she seemed to be describing some odd things like dyed cats, but is that really something to make a fuss over. Standing atop the crate, he responded, a bit more confidently because he knew where his heart was on this issue. "You mean you wish for me to go for blood against our masters? The one's who have been protecting, our whole life? Good day to you, mutt." he stated firmly, before jumping on the roof from his high perch. Normally timid in unfamilier atmosphere, Todd had let his true colors shine through. Holding his head up high has he walked along the roof, he knew he served his concience proud.


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Rorek stood in the front of the large group that had gathered. He listened to Flare, and occasionally looked around the various faces. Many were nervous, some looked to be memorizing every point of the plan, some were bored - he even saw one yawn, and some were on their toes itching to get started. The rebellion was a pretty balanced group, that was good. The animals who were quite happy to be here, would help those who were still skeptical. When Flare had finished, Rorek had a big smile on his face. The tigers had joined the group, it was about time. "Flare." Rorek called out, "I'd be happy to take care of Maximus." he said in an almost sinister way. "Or.. If you'd prefer me to do something different..." he said, his words trailing off.


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Flare turned to Rorek. "Well... All right. Just nothing too great okay? He's a good horse, but he doesn't remember what it's like to be free. He's forgotten." Now she turned to the rest. "Right. Trini, Maya, Cass, Rini, and Caren. You're the distracters. Shadow, Ryan, Kallik, Juan, Lissa, Stone, Wind, and Razor are the raiders. There's a stream that leads into the castle and goes through most of it. You can come in through there Razor. Rorek can join the raiders when he's taken care of Maximus. Sean, Neese, Aron, Ryan, Rage, and Astria, you are coming with me. Adriana and Moses are the look-outs. You all got that? Then get prepared. Tomorrow at night we'll meet at the fountain in town square and head towards the castle. When the first fireworks come up, that's your cue distracters. I'll give the signal when it's safe for the other two groups to come in. Adriana and Moses will stand at the gate of the castle and yell to us if someone's coming. Remember, don't take a risk if you don't need to. Let's all give it our best." Flare looked at everyone and jumped onto the roof. 'Let's do this.' She ran towards the castle and scanned it. 'It's not too big. We should be able to finish it within an hour or two. Hopefully, we can pull this off.' Then she sprinted inside and went to her room.


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#, as written by Krypt

As evening turned to dusk, Max looked up towards the sky. Same sky as always, no matter where in the Kingdom he was. No matter if he was on the hunt, in the castle grounds, or out in the woods, it didn't matter. There were always those pink clouds standing against the dusk orange sky. Maybe he should pause and look at it more often, he mused. Never know how many dusk skies you have left. He had finally gotten his armour off, after he litterally dragged the handler here by the boot, much to the relief of him. Made him feel so much lighter, like he could run so much farther. He prefered to keep his saddle on, however. He had had it on him for so long, he had forgotten what it was like to have it off. Yawning, he began to walk into the stable, pausing for a moment to watch Flare run through the gates. So she had made it back. Kind of a long time to be outside for just a walk, and didn't she say she wanted to spend time with the princess? Not good to keep the royals waiting. He sighed. At least it wasn't his head, he tried to get her back. Looking around in the wooden interior, he layed down in his stall. Might as well bed down early tonight, tommorow was going to be a long one.


After his intitial burst of confidence for standing up for what was right, Todd once again realized that he really had no idea where he was going, and he was almost as downhearted as he had been before his encounter with the foxwolf. She was strange, wanting to rebel against the humans. He still felt embaressed for the way he had act towards he at first. But how was he to know how old she was or what she stood for...he wasn't even sure she was a real animal. And she had called him stuttery, the nerve of her! Not like he chose to be like that. In any case, he was almost hit by a large cat as she jumped up on the roof next to him, but she was gone as quick as she arrived. He scanned the area below, where she had come from. He might as well have been looking at a zoo, for all the animals that he saw down there. He wasn't even sure elephants lived in this part of the world, not to mention lions, tigers, and bears (oh my!). Strange, he didn't see any of his kind down there, did that mean he was a foriegner? Of course, he wasn't really sure what to look for, he just imagined a reflection of himself, and saw none. He didn't recognize what most of the animals were, truth be told, because he had never really met that many species in the rural area. Deciding it was best to get involved seeing that everyone there was bigger than he, he continued his sulking way, before shivering for the first time that night.


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#, as written by Cap
Moses nodded solemnly as his name was read out as one of the look-outs. He heard a laugh, and caught a questioning smile from a couple of tigers he hadn't seen before.
He smiled to himself.
He had never been part of an assault before where the commander hadn't at least tried to put him as one of the warriors. Despite his gentle reputation, the mental picture of a powerful, golden lion roaring at the head of a charge often proved too tempting for them to easily pass up. Flare had wisdom above her age, he saw that now. By putting him as lookout, firstly, she showed him that she respected him, and the choices he had made to avoid violence. Secondly, she made use of his powerful roar to warn others, thirdly, it made sure that he was complicit in the rebellion, and finally, it left him in a position to join the combat, if he abruptly decided to do so.

But would wisdom be enough for the jaguar? He would certainly do his best to help the young leader.

As Flare finished up, Moses began to pad over to the new tigers. He wanted to make sure they felt welcome, and ask them about which jungle they came from, who's pups they were. As he took his first steps, however, he saw Rorek heading across his path. "Rorek, my friend, how much you've grown in these past years. I wish you strength and wisdom for this coming trial."


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After reporting in with Aron about the new recruits and how news of the rebellion has slowly spread through towns and sky, Balzac took wing and followed closely behind Flare as she made her way to the castle to announce their next plan of attack. Balzac couldn't help but smile at the crowd gathered to hear Flare speak, it seemed that animals from every walk of life had come to join the rebellion. He was also pleased to see that the tigers from earlier had decided to join,he almost thought that earlier scene would keep them away. He quietly listened in on Flare's plan and thought of what he cold do to help as he failed to hear his name in the list of assailants.

"I guess I could help the lookouts since having a pair of eyes in the sky wouldn't hurt..." Balzac thought as the meeting came to a close. As the crowd departed, Balzac looked for a certain lion. It wasn't long before he found his target. "Moses! How have you been? Any ideas on how we're going to pull this off? Hey Rorek!" Balzac cheerfully greeted both animals as he glided over to the predators and lightly landed on the lion, making sure not to dig in his talons.

(Sorry i reply so late and not very often, but my school's midterms are on tuesday and since i have exams every day until the 28th I'm too busy studying and can't get on until late. But I'll still try to reply as best i can, sorry again)


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#, as written by Cap
Moses' eyes flicked up in response to Balzac's arrival, and his mouth pulled involuntarily into a wide smile. "Balzac, my friend, I thought I spied you circling up there. You really are quite the lookout, but I'm glad you finally decided to drop in on us landlocked creatures!"

As he felt the familiar ruffle of feet resting in his thick mane, he knew that the harrier's appearance had done wonders for the crowd still moving about there. His lighthearted nature, and friendly attitude had endeared him to many, and just having him present and in good spirits had drowned out much of the anxiousness which had been thick in the air before.


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"Well I would grace the land of the flying impaired more often if not for the occasional hungry looks. You know some of these cats, thinking they could make a quick meal out of a nearby hawk or eagle even though we're all supposed to be fighting the same battle. I gotta watch my back or I'll have someone chewing on it, especially around those tigers. I saw them picking a fight with Flare earlier, and if they'll fight with her they could easily be picking me out of their teeth!" Balzac said with laughter in his eyes and a teasing tone in his voice while making sure to add in as many unneeded gestures as possible such as waving his wings in any general direction and swiveling his head back and forth to liven up the tense atmosphere.

"Well on a serious note, what do you think of Flare's plan? Do you really think the sacred scroll can actually help us? It's not that I'm doubting her but if this plan happens to fail or if the scroll is useless it seems as if we've just been wasting our time. Not to mention the humans will be onto us and they won't be too kind about it either..." It wasn't usual for Balzac to worry, but with the rebellion actually making their move, everything seemed too real. Their choices,their consequences, the lives they'll be risking. It is just too over whelming at this point. Guess these could be considered post rebellion jitters.


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A little red flag went up in Astria's mind, she was forgetting something. What was she forgetting? She already messed with the humans for the day. She wasn't hungry, so she didn't forget to look for food. Astria thought back to her conversation with Flare, she went through every sentence she said. That's right! There was a meeting. Astria snapped back to reality and looked at Maya, "Oh crap... I'm sorry Maya, but I really have to go!" she started to run toward the alleyway where the meeting was going to be taken place. "I hope I won't miss too much." she said as she ran.

Astria stopped as she saw the huge group of animals, she walked quietly and tried to blend in like she was there all the time. She made in time to hear Flare, tell her plan, and what Astria's part in this was going to be. When Flare was done, Astria was trying to move through the crowd and get to the front, to apologize for being late, but Flare was gone by the time Astria was in the middle of the group. She sighed, and was about to turn away, but something on the roof caught her eye. It was a rusty-red fox. Astria hadn't seen another fox around here for ages, not that she was in this city for that long. She decided to go check it out, so she manoveured through the crowd and made her way onto the roof where the fox was. She could see him walking away, so she jogged up to him and continued walking beside him, he hadn't noticed her yet. So being Astria, she decided to have some fun, "Well, hello!" she half-yelled and half-spoke in his ear, and she ended with her usual giggle.


"I'm sure I'll get him thinking after we meet." he replied. Rorek would have to be more careful, since Flare cared about him so much. He could pull that off, despite his fearsome reputation. Hopefully it wouldn't take him too long to take care of Maximus, then he could join the raiders quickly and help them out. Rorek turned his head to see Moses, "Ah, Moses. It has been a long time. Thank you. How have you been?" Moses was the only animal that Rorek would speak to in a polite voice, him and Moses had a mutual friendship, they were both fierce animals, although, Moses rarely bares his teeth at anyone. Rorek looked up at the sky to see Balzac calling down to them, and then landing on the lion's back. "Hey, Balzac, still chipper as always." Rorek gave a little chuckle. He listened to Balzac talk about the tigers, "Don't worry about those guys, they're all talk, I could easily take 'em." he said arrogantly. He looked around at the tigers, it didn't look like they heard him - good. Rorek was sure he could take on one, but if their whole group went against him, well, then it'd be his funeral.

"Well there's only one way to find out if this scroll is as important as it's said to be. As for the plan failing, I have no idea. It could go either way, I guess we'll have to count on luck to be on our side." Rorek said simply. "But this plan seems like a good one, and with how big this rebellion group is, it will certainly be easier."


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#, as written by Krypt

Something felt out of place in the midst of the stable, as Maximus looked about. Just another one of those nights that he couldn't sleep on the dirt floor. If only he could go out and sleep on the nice soft grass that he relaxed on during the day time. But he supposed it was for his own good being locked up in here, so that no theifs tried to come in and get ransom for the palace horses. Max would love to see a theif try and take him, he thought with a snort. To even get in the castle, the theif would have to first cross the bridge without being seen by the rangers on the walls, he would have to somehow get the iron portcullis up, break down the heavy wooden doors that were shut for the night, make his way across the open courtyard again without being seen by the troops, before coming to the keep. A lot of effort just to get a horse. So what was out of place? Maybe just his desire for another orb of fruitiness. They better refill his barrel by morning, or maybe he will join that rebellion of theirs.


Since we last encountered the fox, Todd had worked up the nerve to eavesdrop on the animals who had gathered. He had done a double take, deciding that he would listen in to see if any of them were friendly enough to at least give him information about food and shelter. But what he heard was nothing about fresh trout or a nice little nook in a building. Instead, he heard plans of some kind of coup! Staged against the humans of all creatures! When he had heard that shewolf talk of rebellion, all he assumed that she was part of some ungratefull group of mutt halfbreeds that hated humans, but not the whole animal kingdom! Todd had never been so ashamed of being a fox his whole life, being part of this ungratefull group of rabble who revolts against their masters. A thought was planted in his mind to go and ward the guards, their horses anyway, of the imminent attack. It was a bold measure for a little fox, but he just thought of old adage of "fortune favors the bold".

It was while he was moving away down the roof that he almost jumped out of his fur. Hearing the voice from an unknown source, Todd quickly whipped around with all the speed of a fox whose tail was on fire. What he saw, was a reflection of himself. No no, this wasn't a reflection, he never had the word 'gorgeous' pop into his head when he looked at his reflection. After his initial suprise, Todd took a moment to regain his composure. He was looking at another one of his kind for the first time in his life, and he was simply unprepared. When he thought he knew what to say in reply to this random occurance, he blurted out "Your b-b-beautiful". Being as innocent as he was, he did not feel the slightest urge to mentally slap himself in the face for saying that, but instead he dreamily gazed at her.


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When the fox turned around, Astria thought he was going freak out and be really mad at her. She stepped back a bit, she couldn't read his facial expression. He looked really surprised, like he'd never seen a fox before. This guy must've been living under a rock, with the way he reacted to her popping up. When he finally said something, Astria had the same expression as him now. "Uh.. Thank you." she smiled. She looked at him, and her grin widened. He looked so cute and funny when he looked at her like that. "Uh... I'm sorry for sneaking up on you.. It's just that I hadn't seen a fox around here in a while, and I was curious to see who it was." Her tail swished, "I'm Astria."


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#, as written by Krypt

"T-todd" the fox replied with his name, almost instinctfully, but said nothing else. He wasn't totally hopeless as he may seem in this situation, and after the initial suprise began to wear off, he began to put order back into his thoughts. Except...what exactly was he going to do before she showed up? No matter, probably wasn't any more important than where he was right now. At least she had said 'thank you' with a degree of seriousness, most creatures he had complimented in some way shape or form passed it off as sarcasm. She was roughly the size of that mutt he had met earlier, but the fur she wore was of the correct coloring, and Todd concluded that she was in fact of his kind. Kind of strange, to have to perform deductive reasoning in order to figure out if someone else is the same species as you.


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"me? reason..."she said quietly looking down. not wanting her to know this is were her parents got killed. "anyway you said something about a rebellion? against who?"


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Flare was trying to sleep on the on the Azuya's bed when the princess stormed into the room. "Ughh! Daddy still wont let me see the scroll. It's weird, Flare. Yesterday, a man accidentally touched daddy's ring, and daddy sent him to prison. Why? I mean, it's just a ring. It has nothing to do with his life or anything. I wonder why daddy's so protective of that ring." Flare stared at the window and when she turned back Azuya was fast asleep. Flare jumped off the bed and jumped onto the ledge outside the window. 'I can't stop feeling nervous about tomorrow. What if the scroll doesn't tell us anything? What if the guards catch the distracters and the rest of us? And that ring... Great, another mystery for me to find out. Let me see if I can find Neese or Aron. Talking to them always calmed me down.'

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Flare
Character Portrait: Neese
Character Portrait: Balzac
Character Portrait: Trini
Character Portrait: Kaya
Character Portrait: Moses


Character Portrait: Moses

"Patience young ones, justice without temperence easily becomes revenge"

Character Portrait: Kaya

"meh, awesome quote that will go down for generations? no can do. Steal a hair bow from a human girl without them knowing? sure i can do propblemo."

Character Portrait: Trini

really now? Your going to play this game with me?

Character Portrait: Balzac

"Keep your head up and your mind open"

Character Portrait: Neese

Im not your little play thing

Character Portrait: Flare

"We must get our freedom back, whatever the cost!"


Character Portrait: Trini

really now? Your going to play this game with me?

Character Portrait: Kaya

"meh, awesome quote that will go down for generations? no can do. Steal a hair bow from a human girl without them knowing? sure i can do propblemo."

Character Portrait: Neese

Im not your little play thing

Character Portrait: Flare

"We must get our freedom back, whatever the cost!"

Character Portrait: Moses

"Patience young ones, justice without temperence easily becomes revenge"

Character Portrait: Balzac

"Keep your head up and your mind open"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kaya

"meh, awesome quote that will go down for generations? no can do. Steal a hair bow from a human girl without them knowing? sure i can do propblemo."

Character Portrait: Flare

"We must get our freedom back, whatever the cost!"

Character Portrait: Moses

"Patience young ones, justice without temperence easily becomes revenge"

Character Portrait: Neese

Im not your little play thing

Character Portrait: Trini

really now? Your going to play this game with me?

Character Portrait: Balzac

"Keep your head up and your mind open"

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Re: [OOC] Heart of the Wild~Royal Rebellion

K, Heart of the wild~ Royal Rebellion is being re constructed!

Re: [OOC] Heart of the Wild~Royal Rebellion

Hey can I be the wolf warrior/fighter? Does the name have to be Storm?

[OOC] Heart of the Wild~Royal Rebellion

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Heart of the Wild~Royal Rebellion"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.