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Heroes Or Ghosts

The City


a part of Heroes Or Ghosts, by partially-stars.


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The City



The City is a part of Heroes Or Ghosts.

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Willow Rogers [84] "The demons in the dark lie again."
Max Carson [83] "Heroes can be found in the most unlikely places."

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2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: apartmentxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow raised an eyebrow as Max started asking about Winter. "Wouldn't have thought it mattered to you," she remarked. She laughed as she implied that Winter had been protecting her from Max. "Okay, first things first, I could hold my own against you, even without my powers. It wasn't you he was protecting me from. Last time, they sent two people after me. And I won, admittedly with your help. So if they were going to send anyone after me, they were going to send more people. I doubt they'd manage to neutralise three of us at once, and you've got to admit that they'd perceive Winter as more of a threat than me. Give me a chance to fry them." The elevator doors opened, and she stepped inside, pressing the button for the relevant floor.

"And, not that it's even important, Winter is... my best friend. I got him out of a couple of tight spots, he got me out of a few, and we've been close ever since. We don't work together all that much, but when we do, we work well together. It's nice to have someone that I can rant to about both my personal life and my... other life. He gets me, like nobody else I've ever met. We're all in this game for different reasons, but Winter seems to be the only one with any idea of what it's really like in my shoes. There's nothing romantic there. We're best friends, and I wouldn't change it for the world." She said. The doors opened just as she finished, and she strode over to her apartment door, opening it and holding it open for Max.

"Welcome to my lair," she teased. "Make yourself at home. I have a blow-up mattress somewhere if you don't want to sleep on the couch. The single chair is mine, and I don't share it. There's food in the cupboards and fridge. I keep my alcohol in that cupboard there, but ask me before you drink any. Everything else is fair game." She declared. "Beer? Whiskey? Red wine?" She called as she grabbed two glasses. "Anything to eat?"

Her apartment was small, but not cramped. Almost everything in it was black or white, and it was furnished relatively stylishly. She liked to think it complemented her personality. And she was suddenly unsure about having this hero in it. There was something about Max. She'd had plenty of strangers over for a night, and she'd had friends bunking on her couch. But Max... this person who had had so much potential, then had turned into a stereotypical hero in the blink of an eye... Willow didn't know how she felt about her.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Willow's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Max smirked and chuckled softly. "I think I could do more damage than you think if I wanted." She said it as more of a joke, but she didn't want the girl to underestimate her. Max didn't know if Willow used an ability, but she could guarantee that she would be able to surprise the girl with hers. Her smile faded rather quickly with the mention of best friends. Dinah.. and Lynx--or Juliet. Dinah was still missing and Lynx...She felt bile rise up as the image of her body flashed through her mind, but she swallowed it back. She would not show that kind of weakness here.

"I know what that's like," she said, trying to keep her voice light. "Knowing someone has your back always makes weights a lot easier to bear." She was silent for a while after that. Her eyes took on the distant, glassy quality that came with burying pain and disassociating.

She was brought back as she came into a slightly small, but well decorated apartment space. Willow walked around and showed her the ropes, but Max was more or less distracted. The words were a distant hum of information. "I can take the couch. It's fine. After all," She said, trying to force herself to smile, "You slept on mine for a night. I think I can sleep on yours for a while." As for the alcohol.. "I'm not a beer or a wine person. I'm much more of a harder liquor drinker when I drink." And man was she feeling like she needed a drink even though she had one only a moment before at the bar.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: apartmentxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Something was off with Max. But Willow really didn't feel like prying, so she just busied herself making drinks. As Max mentioned liking stronger alcohol, she smirked. "Woman after my own heart," she said, without even really thinking about it. She poured the two drinks and brought one over to Max. "Sure you don't want something to eat? I'm pretty sure I might have chips or something. Have you eaten recently?" She asked. Honestly, she was just so used to looking after her friends that it was almost second nature for her when offering somebody drinks. "You know what, I haven't eaten myself in a while. I'll get us some chips." She put down the drinks on her coffee table and went back to the cupboard, emptying a bag of tortilla chips into a bowl. "No dips, I'm afraid. I... need to do some shopping, I think. Don't know if I have enough supplies for two people."

"So. What do you like to do for fun? Obviously it's too late to do any of it, but... seeing as we don't know how long you'll be here, I need to start planning my week. I try my best to be a good host. Need to plan my bank robberies around my guests," she said. She was joking, but she said it with a straight face to gauge the reaction. She needed to know if she'd be judged for turning up in the morning without any explanation for where she'd been.

"And as for food, I... can't guarantee anything, I'm afraid. I've been known to forget to eat until it's midnight and I'm getting drunk with much less alcohol than usual. I'll try and keep to a regular eating schedule. Breakfast is a free for all, no cooked breakfasts usually. Smoothies are my usual to be honest, I can drink them on the way in if I oversleep. Any questions?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Willow's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Max thanked Willow for the drink, the corner of her mouth twitching upwards just a bit at her comment. Willow was so confusing and Max no longer had the energy to figure her out. One minute, she was dark and threatening. Lethal and bright as a lightning bolt. The next, she was friendly--or at least chatty--and considerate. It was like Willow and Spectre weren't the same person, but two separate beings who inhabited the same form. Willow was the friendly one, the one who talked with her over breakfast just days before. Spectre was lethal and questioning, always looking for a threat. She was the one in the bar. Max downed her drink until very little was left and the room started to tilt a bit. "Chips would be fine, thanks." She responded quietly. Max actually couldn't remember the last time she had a real meal. She had been focusing on today to the point she hadn't slept much the past few days either. She needed to take better care of herself... after this drink.

"I mostly do thinks that distract my mind and my eyes. Usually movies, video games, and books. Though, as you know, my collection has thinned as of late." He mouth twitched at the corner again at Willow's subtle joke. While she didn't put it past the girl to do them, she knew Willow would never risk herself being caught before a job like this. So instead, she lifted her glass in a toast and said, "You do you." She finished the drink and placed the glass on the table in front of her.

Max didn't much care about the food situation. If she could find enough to cook with, she would. Smoothies sounded like a good quick plan, but fresh and frozen (meaning bought fresh and frozen for the use in smoothies so they're cold without being watered down) fruit was required and Max wasn't sure Willow would have anything. "I can handle the food if necessary." Was all she thought to respond with. As an after thought, she added, "One day I'd like a hobby that involved creating something. A painting, a blanket... something. So much of my life has been taking things apart, taking people down, losing people, etc. etc. Maybe it's time to create something for a change." Maybe she had too much to drink and it's depressing properties were taking effect. It wasn't usual for Max to drown in the negativity of the life of a wanted hero. Maybe she was just tired of giving of herself for things to work just to have them come crumbling down around her shoulders. In fact, there were times that had literally been the case.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: apartmentxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow shrugged as Max described wanting to make something. "Can't relate. I've always been more of a... consumer, I guess. I just don't have the patience to sit and paint or draw or sew for hours on end. I need to be moving. So, if you wake up at like six a.m and I'm around, assume I'm at the gym or gone for a run or something." She stretched out to retrieve a handful of chips. "As for my schedule, I work five days a week, nine to five. I sometimes go in on the weekend if I get a brainwave or if I'm needed to help with an experiment or whatever, but avoid it as much as possible. I'm owed time off thanks to a crap ton of overtime, so I'm probably gonna take some time off while all of... this," she waved her hand around to indicate her general situation, "is going on. Still, I'm gonna have to go in in the morning to get that sorted out."

As she ate her chips, she checked her phone for any messages. Somebody was going to be into work late in the morning, her landlord had sent the message around to remind his tenants that rent was due in a week... the usual. Winter hadn't texted her to say he was home yet, though, and for a moment she was concerned. Then she let it go, telling herself he'd probably forgotten and would text her later or even in the morning. She'd have to make sure to get pissed off at him though, in these times it really wasn't a good thing to forget to do.

She noticed Max had finished her drink and raised an eyebrow. She knocked back her own, and got to her feet. "You want another?" She asked, picking up their glasses.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Willow's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

A small smile tugged at the corner of Max's lips but it didn't quite fully form. Willow had a busy life, full of people she worked with, friends she cared about, and activities to keep her moving. Max? She went to and from her job at the theater, sat at home among her things, and random did something mindless. She didn't even much have a reason to need the mindless entertainment since she didn't use her mind too much while at work. She said the same things, did the same things... in fact, it only made her want a new job, but she needed the one she had. It payed well and she needed to save up money for medical school. "I pretty much just go to and from work lately. Being a hero isn't a full time job anymore. Its hard to continue working when you have a target on your back and no one to watch it."

She stared down at her empty glass. Another drink huh? She probably shouldn't. In fact, it was probably a bad idea. But, she had made plenty of --what she considered to be--good ideas so she looked up at Willow, handing her the empty glass. The room tilting beneath the seat. "Sure."

She thought a moment. "So I'm assuming I shouldn't leave the apartment. So that means, I'll need to call out of work?" Shit... how am I going to pay rent this month? She laid her head back against the seat. "Got anything to read? Sitting around is going to drive me nuts if I have nothing to do." If only she still had her medical textbooks. She could study up.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: apartmentxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

She shrugged as Max asked about staying put. "Yeah. Or, at least, unless I'm with you. We're gonna have to use the buddy system for a while. Of course, if you decide at any point that you can't possibly stand spending so much time with me, I've got friends I can get to look after you. They mightn't be master thieves, but they're definitely... morally grey." She said as she poured them another drink. She could definitely feel the alcohol in her system now, which meant this would be her last drink. She wasn't planning on getting anything more than tipsy. Not while Max was around. If the girl hadn't tried anything yet, there was a chance she wouldn't try anything at all, but Willow still wasn't planning on getting drunk any time soon.

"So. Max. Shadow. What's your ability? Need to decide how compatible we are as a team," she asked, putting the drink down in front of her guest and sat back down, swinging her legs onto the arm of the chair. "And, out of curiosity, have you any idea what mine is?" She was curious as to whether or not the heroes and authorities in general had any idea of what they were dealing with. It wasn't like she could change it, or was even planning on concealing it. But she just wanted to know if they knew how to fight her, if they knew how to deal with someone like her.

She fished another handful of chips from the bowl and started eating them. Perhaps she'd had her drinks a bit too quickly, because the alcohol seemed to be hitting fast. She definitely needed to get some sleep soon. Turning up to work with a hangover was nothing new, but she really needed to make a good impression if she was about to ask for time off.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Willow's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Max shrugged. "I wouldn't mind the company either way if I'm honest. Doesn't matter much to me if I'm hiding out or heading out. I just can't sit with nothing to do." She fished some chips from the bowl and began to nibble on them. She started to wish that dip was in fact a thing, but she'd take whatever food she could get. And chips alone weren't too bad anyway. The room was starting to tilt around her which meant no more drinks. Even if Max felt the need to forget her problems for a bit. Max was well known for her optimism, but so much negativity can screw with a person. She'd be back to her fine self tomorrow. So she'd at least finish the next drink.

"That's right. You don't know my hero alias. I couldn't tell you at the bar because too many villainous ears." She had thought about telling the girl what it was, but decided--thanks to her alcohol addled mind--to make it a bit of a game. "Tell you what. I'll answer your question, but you have to guess who I am." It probably wasn't best to give the girl so much information about herself. For all Max knew, Willow could still try to turn her in for the last of the money needed to get out of the city.. If she needed any at all. "As for your ability, I don't know. No one does. It's not on any forums online and its not in any police files."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: apartmentxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

"I probably have some books lying around. Can't guarantee they'll be fiction, though. You might end up learning a little more about physics than you bargained for, staying with me," Willow said, shrugging. She didn't have a whole lot of time to just sit around and read. She was always either researching, plotting, or somehow doing both at the same time. She did listen to audiobooks while she ran from time to time, but she never really seemed to read. She'd stopped really reading fiction around the time her brother died. She hated all the happy endings. Even at that point in her life, she felt like she wasn't going to get her happy ending. People like her never did.

Willow grinned as Max suggested turning it into a game. "Ooh, what about a forfeit system? If I guess it, you have to do something. If I don't guess it within a certain amount of guesses, I have to do something." Her grin only widened as Max admitted that nobody really knew what her ability was. "God, I knew I was good, but to even confuse the internet theorists? Really living up to my alias, aren't I?" She said, downing her drink. In reality, it was probably more to do with the incompetence of the police, that they hadn't figured out that the damage done was oddly similar to that of lightning. But still, it was a boost to her confidence, and she was going to take it.

"So, what cunning forfeit can I think of? How about we pick our own? Ooh, we could play it like strip poker. Every wrong guess I have, I have to take off an item of clothing."

Yeah. The alcohol was definitely kicking in now.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Willow's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

The corner of Max's mouth quirked up in a smirk. "Hey, I'm always up for learning new things. I don't know how much physics I'll actually pick up, but its better than staring at a wall all day." She was rooming with a physicist after all. She nibbled on a few more chips before Willow made her idea of a game a little more.. interesting. A guessing game with a twist. "Sounds like it could make for an interesting time." She grinned at the girl. "I think the three strikes you're out rule is fair. What do you think?"

She took another large gulp of her drink, which probably wasn't smart because it was a wit based system and she was drinking away her brain cells. Max couldn't help, but agree with Willow's skills at being invisible. It's what made her one of the best in the business. It's what made Max go looking for her. Max quirked an eyebrow at the twist Willow suggested for the game. Strip Poker style. Oh they definitely had too much to drink, but it was a long time since Max had really anyone around. Let alone anyone entertaining like willow. Anyone truly interesting like Willow.

"Actually that sounds fairly entertaining. So three strikes and you take off an item of clothing. We could always take turns and if I lose, I'd do he same." They were wearing the same amount of clothing so it should be an even match. It should also prove to be... an interesting night.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: apartmentxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow shrugged. This probably wasn't something she'd do while totally sober, but it was relatively harmless. "Okay, so, I'm trying to guess your identity, right? And you'll be trying to guess my ability. I should probably give you some tips and pointers about it, right? So. It's kinda dangerous to use in the shower. Not particularly dangerous to me, because I have a certain immunity to it, but water can be a problem for other people if they're around me." She grinned at Max. Water tended to make her power unpredictable. The static element of it was fine. But if she started throwing lightning bolts... Mm, not so much. It was one piece of information she felt somewhat comfortable divulging, because it wasn't a weakness. It couldn't be used against her. Sure, it was a pain in the ass, but she could work without it.

"So, do you wanna guess first, or should I?" She asked. She wished she had more of this in her life. Just being able to chill and play stupid games. But she knew that this was the only night she was going to get of it in the future. She'd have to be working, studying, researching, trying to figure out what exactly they needed to do to try and save the goddamn city. Tracking down those heroes. Finding common threads, lurking in forums to find out more about anti-super hatred. And then, finding a way to get out of the city once she was done. She was tired of it. Paris had always appealed to her. Actually, that meant she needed to add learning French to her list. Great.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Willow's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Max waited for Willow to start it off with her clue before she gave her own. This game would definitely prove interesting. Once upon a time, Max would've played stupid games with Juliet and Dinah, but now... One was dead and the other was missing and she didn't exactly have a lot of friends these days. It's hard to be friends with those in danger. At least this time, Willow was in the same boat. Whether its because the tide was turning on the villains or because she was helping Max...The thought sent her train of thought to a screeching stop. What if Willow was attacked for meeting Max at the bar? She tipped her head back and finished her drink, her mind turning fuzzy on it's usually sharp edges. Maybe it would keep her from thoughts like that. Thoughts that would send her back to her apartment just to keep Willow safe. She was a confusing, frustrating person, but she brought smiles to Max's face she hadn't felt since she found Juliet's broken body.

A power that doesn't work well in water? Well that... narrowed it down. A bit. It wouldn't be fire, not if water wasn't a huge deal. Max thought about making the first guess wrong, just to make the game interesting, but before she did... "My ability has to do with sound." She said with a smirk. Very few people actually had her particular skill set so telling her right off the bat what it was didn't make this game interesting. Hopefully Willow thought the same and would be willing to continue to play.

As for her guess.. she decided a guess as obviously wrong as that wouldn't be fun and would be obvious to Willow. She thought a little more about it. Maybe it was a trick question and the answer was water? If she had an "immunity" as she called it, maybe she adapted to underwater situations. As for not using it in the shower, she could flood the room and cause massive property damage that she would then have to pay for and that didn't seem Willows style. So as unlikely as it was, Max had to give it a shot. If she was right and never voiced the idea, she'd kick herself. "Water? But before you give me an answer, let me explain. You could adapt to underwater situations so in case it caused too much water to enter an area, you'd be fine. As for the shower, you could cause a whole lot of damage to your surroundings with water that you pull from the pipes." She hoped it sounded smart even if it was wrong. Even with everything, she still didn't want Willow to think she was a child.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: apartmentxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow grinned as Max said that her power had to do with sound. Even if her speciality and field of research was electricity, you didn't earn a degree in physics and be on your way to earning a doctorate without knowing your stuff about sound. She knew a lot more about sound than Max knew about... the cryptic clue that Willow had given her. She ate a few more chips as Max thought. The first incorrect guess made Willow smirk.

"Nope. Decent logic, though, I will give you that much." She said. Surprising for a hero, after the complete stupidity they'd shown following her parents' deaths. Maybe Max would actually be capable of thinking on her feet, and wouldn't need Willow to tell her every single step. "And... as for sound, I'm going to go straight for the obvious one. Sound manipulation. Being able to alter the volume of sound to potentially cause a lot of damage, deflect the waves, convert sound energy into a form that can be used by the human body... fun stuff like that. I think... there was a hero called something Canary with that power, right? But... you also said that they were one of the victims, right? So, you're not them," she mused.

"Okay, hint number two. I am really, really interested in my ability and its properties." She said with a grin. She hoped it didn't give too much away; she almost wanted to drag out this game, just to see where it would go. She was seeing Max again, not Shadow. Max had potential to be all the heroes claimed to be. Shadow just seemed like another one of them, the people that had allowed so much pain to be done and claimed they had done the right thing, even if they hadn't stopped it.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Willow's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

A slow smile spread across Willow's face and she knew she had made the wrong guess. She wasn't too bummed about it. Instead she shrugged out of her jacket and tossed it onto a nearby chair. "At least it was a sound argument." She said with a barely contained smirk. When Willow made her guess, her smile slipped. Not because of the guess itself, but of the mention of Black Canary. Max cleared her throat. "Black Canary has that power yes. And No. I am not her. She's one of the missing. I will say she was a mentor of sorts." She grabbed another chip absentmindedly. "As for you guess. You would be incorrect, but you're pretty close. It's a sound manipulation of sorts, but it's a specific... ability."

Max found her smile again when she remembered the condition of an incorrect answer. Really interested in her ability and its properties. She thought as she contemplated the clue. She knew physics was often based on energy, angles, gravity type junk. She didn't remember a whole lot about it from high school, so she decided to move through this logically. She thought of the shower clue. If it was gravity based that could be dangerous in the shower. And one can be immune. Plus Spectres were ghostly beings who were known to float. Maybe that was it? "It's gravity based. Would make showers dangerous and you could also be immune to its effects causing yourself to levitate of the ground of needed. Which could be part of your alias as Spectre." She hoped that sounded logical. It was beginning to become difficult to tell through her alcohol addled mind.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: apartmentxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow pulled off her own hoodie as Max confirmed that her guess was wrong. She raised her eyebrows at Max's guess. Again, she showed a logic that continued to surpass what Willow had come to expect from the heroes. "Nope. But, again, good logic. I think I need to revise my hypothesis about heroes and logic. They never used to be this logical," she said. The alcohol allowed that much of a slip, but Willow quickly covered that up. "Oh, right, a hint. It's... useful for dealing with security systems for when you're breaking in to places." She added with a grin.

"So, as for yours. A specific type of sound manipulation, huh?" She leaned back and put a few more chips into her mouth as she thought. As a hero, there had to be some kind of offensive property to the ability. Villains tended to be better at using non-offensive abilities, because they were told by the heroes that they weren't going to be useful. Anger fuelled them more than their own abilities.

"Sound wave manipulation. Not sound; you can't specifically alter sounds themselves, but you can use the waves themselves to attack or defend, depending on what you need. Specific offshoot of sound manipulation." She guessed. She had never encountered a hero with that specific ability. Ones with similar abilities, but to be fair, all of the sound ones caused similar problems. She'd taken to bringing ear plugs with her on every single job after dealing with some of them. Knowing the heroes and their abilities really worked well for her, as they allowed her to avoid them.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Willow's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Max felt something like satisfaction rise up in her chest as she complimented her use of logic. She completely ignored the insult that followed in regards to the other heroes, but if Max was being honest, there were too many heroes in the world who fought against the villains of the world just to be famous. They used loud showy moves and were generally... uncreative. She had impressed Willow. That was all she cared about. A wrong answer was also a wrong answer and Max tugged the end up her shirt up and over her head, exposing her simple grey bra and the hard muscles of her stomach. No one ever said stopping crime was for lazy people. It took a lot of muscle to kick some ass. And save people too.

She thought about her next guess, adding the new hint to her information, while she listened to Willow's next guess. She was both disappointed and impressed that this guess was much closer to reality. In fact, she hit the type correctly, but Max was looking for a specific answer. So she allowed a slow grin to form on her face. "Closer. You are correct in type, but how do I do it?" She wasn't sure if that counted as a wrong answer or not so she didn't voice that thought.

She thought about her next guess. The idea that it helped with security probably helped Willow quite a bit as Spectre, but how. Maybe ice? You could freeze over an electronic device and that would make a shower really dangerous if it was suddenly raining icicles, but that was about as likely as fire. She knew she was probably over thinking things, so she tried to go for a more simple idea just using the second clue. Useful for security systems. Well.. she didn't say disable necessarily so maybe it was also avoiding them? Could be invisibility. Also an attribute for an alias like Spectre, but it didn't fit with the first clue. The stored it away for a moment as a possibility. If she was wrong, it only meant she had to take something else off and Max wasn't entirely shy about her body. At least... not at the moment. She was definitely going to feel this tomorrow.

What abilities did he know of? Telepathy? Teleport? Pyrokinesis? Electokinesis-- Her head froze. Electrokinesis, the ability to manipulate and/or create electrical forces. Electricity of any kind was dangerous around water because it was an impressive conductor, also physics based, and it helps to eliminate security systems. "Electrokinesis." She said, slurring just a tad on the Ss. No more alcohol for her.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: apartmentxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow's eyes lingered a little too long as Max pulled off her shirt. The girl was toned and clearly stronger than she looked at first glance. But Willow dragged her eyes away, clearing her throat a little. No. She wasn't going there. Getting involved with a client before the job was done was dangerous enough. She wasn't setting herself up for blackmail or anything like that. And a hero would only make things worse. Because, at the end of the day, Max was a hero and Willow was a villain. When the job was over and the city was saved, they'd go back to being opposing forces. And Willow never let emotions get mixed up in her work.

As Willow declared that she was close, but still not right, Willow shrugged and pulled off her own shirt, showing off the plain black sports bra she'd thrown on that morning, and her own athletic, almost boyish figure. She was comfortable in her own body, and wasn't even mildly uncomfortable shirtless. That probably wouldn't even be any different if she was completely sober either. She thought about the clue she'd been given as Max also thought about Willow's own power. She had just figured it out when Max said just one word. Willow grinned.

"You got it. Shocking, isn't it?" She asked, then laughed at her own joke. "So, do I have to... like, do a strip tease or something now?" She asked, smirking at Max. "And your ability is... sonic scream, right? Which makes you..." she hadn't personally encountered a hero with an ability like that, but she'd heard talk. "Mockingbird."

Mockingbird wasn't exactly one of the most infamous heroes. One to keep an eye on, yes, but not the... flashiest of heroes. Probably one of the actually good ones. More about doing actual good as opposed to intercepting thieves who were just stealing a ridiculously overpriced painting or jewel or something.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Willow's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Max had noticed Willow watching her and Max tried--and failed--not to watch as Willow removed her shirt. She wasn't wearing anything particularly cute underneath, nor was her body all that impressive, but there was still something about the planes of her stomach and the curve of her waist that made Max blush just a tad and look back up to Willow's face. It had been a long while since she had been... intimate with anyone. Male or female. The girl was observant and probably hadn't missed Max's stare. She cleared her throat and allowed herself to focus on the conversation just as Willow made a joke in reference to her ability. And the fact that Max was right.

She felt a large grin form on her face, practically beaming with the fact that not only was she right, but she was feeling comfortable enough with Max again to joke around. She found herself laughing at the jokes too. This was Willow. The girl who hid behind an alias, stole to make certain ends meet, and wanted out of this city so badly. This beautiful amazing city she refused to see. But this Willow, Max wanted to get to know better. "You would be correct as well. Although it's not just a scream. I can sing, hum, whistle. Pretty much anything that involves making sounds with my mouth." It took her a moment before she realized how weird it sounded, but it was too late to take back her words and besides. She was pretty much drunk and couldn't quite be held accountable for what came out of her mouth. As long as she was able to hold in her liquor, it didn't matter to her.

"Mockingbird is correct as well. That's two for two." She leaned her head back on the chair, a mischievous smile forming on her lips. "So since we're both in the same states of undress and we're both correct shall we decide the tie?" Not that Max had any ideas. They weren't even competing, but it was a game wasn't it? Didn't games usually have winners? Her head was spinning wildly now.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: apartmentxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow could feel Max's eyes on her body. She didn't miss the slight blush to the girl's cheeks as she looked back up to meet Willow's eyes either. She smirked, but it felt a tad more forced than usual. In any other circumstances, she knew exactly what way this would go. A large part of her wanted to go down that path. It would only be the one time, right? They were both drunk, they could just blame it on the alcohol. Nothing else ever had to come of it.

But she couldn't do it. She wasn't letting her feelings get involved; alcohol or no alcohol. If she was so drunk that she couldn't really think about it, that was a different situation. But that wasn't the situation. She could think clearly, so she had to think clearly. Max was, at the end of the day, Mockingbird. A hero. She was probably morally opposed to everything Willow did, even if a considerable amount of it was just to pay off loans or to save for a rainy day.

She was jolted back to the present as Max asked her what they were going to do now, considering that they were tied. God, there was so many things she wanted to suggest. But she also wasn't sure that getting any more undressed was a good idea. The temptation would be too strong. So she sighed and glanced at her phone. Her stomach twisted as she saw the absence of a text from Winter. Idiot had probably just forgot.

"I'd love to stay here and play more games, but it is getting late, and I have work in the morning. We'll have to finish this at another time," she said. She quickly sent a snarky text to Winter, reminding him that he'd promised to text her. "Let me get you a few things," she said, getting to her feet. The walk into her bedroom helped clear her head a touch, and she retrieved a blanket and a spare pillow. She needed to stop letting her softer side intervene. She needed to be all Spectre when dealing with this. She brought the blanket and and pillow out to Max. "Can I get you anything else? Water or anything?" She asked.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Willow's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Max could see Willow fighting with herself. It was subtle and she probably only really noticed because Willow had more than a little alcohol in her system. Max waited, a smile on her face, which slipped when Willow suggested they call it a night. Max understood though, especially if she had to work in the morning. Max had the luxury of not working the next day which was a good thing considering she knew she would probably have a killer hangover. There wasn't much in her stomach to absorb the alcohol nor had she had much water. In fact she was thankful when Willow offered her some water.

"Yeah, water would actually be great. Thanks, Willow," she replied as she started to prepare the couch for her stay for the night. Then she went to her bag to get her pajamas. She pulled the shirt on over her exposed bra and slipped it off underneath. As for her shorts... She looked over to Willow who was getting her some water. "Um.. so where's the bathroom so I can finish changing?" She asked, a little less.. polite than she would normally be. The alcohol was really messing with her head. She also needed to know in case tomorrow was going to be as terrible as Max thought it would be. She didn't drink too much for this reason, but all the talk about death and heroes and villains and best friends made Max need a distraction.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxlocation: apartmentxxxoutfit: night | morning


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow nodded as Max asked for some water, heading over to the sink and filling a glass with some water. It was only as she stood in the kitchen that she realised she probably should have at least pulled a hoodie on. She was so used to having the apartment to herself and being able to wander around in her underwear that she had to think about what was the correct thing to do when she had guests round. But, seeing as Max had already seen her in this state of undress, she didn't figure that it was necessary to cover up. She'd just have to remember to get totally dressed before leaving the bedroom in the morning.

"Oh, bathroom? It's, uh, just down the hall. First door to the left," Willow replied as she filled herself a glass of water. She put Max's down on the coffee table and grabbed her hoodie and t-shirt. It was only as she got down to her bedroom that she hesitated, wondering if she needed to say something. "I'll see you tomorrow, 'kay?" She called. Deeming that to be enough, she heading in to the bedroom.

The following day; 4.30

Something was wrong. Winter hadn't texted her back, and Willow was ready to kick his ass. She stormed up the stairs to her apartment, and flung the door open. She threw her lab coat onto the table. "Max! We're going out. I need you as backup. Winter didn't text me back last night so I either need to kick his ass or... kick somebody else's ass." She'd spent her whole work day dwelling on it, to the point where she'd nearly forgotten to ask for time off. She'd been approved for it, but that was about the only really productive thing she'd done that day. She had left early that morning, and hadn't seen Max at all that day.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Willow's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Max thanked Willow for both the water and the direction and waited for her to disappear into her room before she headed down the hall and took the first door on the left. The bathroom was like the rest of the apartment. Neat and modernly styled. Max began to feel a tad self conscious of her mismatched furniture in her apartment, but then she decided she was being ridiculous. Her home had character. It felt a bit more lived in. She changed from her jeans into her shorts for bed, the room spinning slightly as she moved. She had definitely consumed too much alcohol. She stood over the sink a moment, her arms braced on the counter as she waited for the world to right itself. She took a deep breath, splashed some water on her face, and then made her way back out into the living room where the couch awaited her for sleep. "Goodnight, Willow," She whispered to the girl's closed door. Then she climbed into the blankets, downed the glass of water Willow had left on the coffee table, and settled in for sleep.

Max's sleep was a mix of drunken dreams and pitch black silence. She woke multiple times feeling a bit sick and more than a little disoriented, but she managed to fall back asleep each time. One time Willow woke her up before she left the apartment to go god knows where. Max was able to fall asleep then too. It wasn't until about 9:30am that Max woke up and didn't go back to sleep. Instead, she spent the morning lying on the cool linoleum of Willow's bathroom. The cold made her shiver, but helped with the nausea of her hangover. Her head pounded forcefully with every beat of her heart. Anytime she tried to get up and do something more with her life. Her stomach twisted and its contents made their way up her throat. She never thought her first day at Willow's would be spent such a way, but she was reckless. She was unguarded around Willow for whatever reason.

By the time Willow was banging her way through the apartment, Max had managed to make it to the couch without getting sick all over everything, but her head was still pounding. She let out a moan as Willow yelled and threw her lab coat onto the coffee table. "A quiet 'please come with me' would suffice.." she groaned. Even her teeth were throbbing. She peeled herself off the couch and grabbed a change of clothes from her backpack. "Gimmie a minute.." she grumbled as she made her way down the hall and into the bathroom.

She emerged, hooded and sunglassed and made her way towards the front of the apartment where she knew Willow would be waiting. "Alright, lets go." She waited for Willow to move before she muttered grumpliy, "And I thought I was the one with the loud mouth. Jesus.." She rubbed at her temples again.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxlocation: apartment / streetxxxoutfit: morning


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow had known that she had a good alcohol tolerance, but it was only as she saw the state Max was in that she could truly appreciate how good it was. She'd had a slight headache and had been a little a nauseous that morning, but nothing that a bottle of water and a quiet workstation hadn't been able to fix. As Max went into the bathroom to change, Willow rolled her eyes and retrieved another bottle of water from the fridge. She wasn't terribly happy about having to wait any longer, but she also didn't exactly have a choice. She fished two paracetamol from a box out of her bag and left them beside the water, before retrieving some ginger cookies from the cupboard.

Willow straightened up, retrieving the hangover supplies from the counter beside her. She just rolled her eyes as Max made a comment about the loud mouth. "You're definitely dehydrated. Drink the water, take the two paracetamol, and eat those cookies. The ginger will help settle your stomach," she instructed, tightening her ponytail slightly as she pulled her bag onto her back. She pulled the door shut behind Max, but didn't wait beyond that, starting to make her way down the stairs.

"Lucky for you, Winter lives within walking distance. I can do the talking and ass-kicking if he's home. But, frankly, it's not like Winter to leave it almost 24 hours before texting back, so I'm going to assume something's wrong. And in that situation, I am going to need backup, just in case they manage to get a shot of whatever that poison was into me. We're going to have to go in assuming we'll be outnumbered. So you need to hurry up and drink that water, I need you on form to help me out." If Willow hadn't been dealing with somebody who was so massively hungover, she would have been talking at a hundred miles an hour. Even still, it was hard to talk as slowly as Max probably needed, so Willow just prayed she could keep up.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Willow's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Max stared at Willow for probably a solid minute--even as the girl made her way out the door--before she quickly gulped the pills, chased them down with the water, and snatched the cookies from the counter before she moved as quickly as she could to catch up with Willow. "Sorry about all this," she apologized once the hall stopped spinning and she could catch her breath. "I don't normally drink that much." She didn't think the apology was really going to do anything, but she felt bad that Willow needed a back-up and Max.. was a sore choice at the moment. Willow was.. odd. She was cold and calculating, but since Max had come into her home, she had been warmer. Friendlier. Even... caring. Max still remembered how she wanted to get to know that Willow more. She still wanted to.

She followed the girl as she made her way to Winter's house. She didn't want to believe the worst either, but she had jumped to similar conclusions about Dinah and Juliet. Both had been correct. Spectre knew her stuff so she knew that Willow's worry was probably sound. The man hadn't seemed to have had much to drink so a passed out person was not likely to be found at Winter's apartment. Or wherever he lived. Max nibbled on the cookies as they went, the hangover remedies doing wonders already. She just hoped the cookies would stay down. At one point Max had tried to eat some breakfast. Something light, but it just came right back up. After the shit it had been through, her stomach wasn't thrilled at the prospect of a meal. But the cookies were definitely helping.

"Thank you, by the way," she said softly. "I don't think I said it yet. Thank you for helping me. Both with this case and.. curing the consequences of my own stupidity. It's not yours to deal with and yet, you made the attempt. So thank you."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxxlocation: streetxxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow just kept walking, not even glancing behind her to check that Max was following. In any other circumstance, she might have done. But she knew that something was wrong. She wasn't going to say it out loud, but she knew. She shrugged as Max thanked her. Perhaps, again, if she was in a different mood, she would have responded differently. But Willow was scared. Scared that this was somehow her fault, that she'd dragged Winter into this. And when Willow was scared, her walls went down. "Honestly, it all works out in my favour in the end. Turns out I might be deeper in this mess than I thought. And I need you at your best. Not hungover. Or, at least, not so hungover that moving off my couch is a problem," she added, turning to shoot a grin at Max.

Once she got to Winter's apartment, she pressed his apartment number on the callbox, and kept pressing it. When, after a few anxiety filled seconds, there was no answer, she rolled her eyes and took a step back, scanning the door. She could fry the callbox, but there was no guarantee that would let her in. Meaning that she needed to find a control box or something. And then she spotted it. Too high for her to reach, though. She also knew that none of Winter's neighbours would let a strange girl into the apartment. After a particularly obsessive ex, he'd asked them not to, and as far as Willow knew, they all stuck to that.

She tried pushing on the gate in hope of a faulty box, but didn't have any luck. "Okay. I need you to boost me, I need to get a hand on that box there," Willow instructed, pointing at the box in question.