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Hidden Hopes

Hidden Hopes


When one slips up and the world finds out they have to die or hide. Which will you choose? {We are open and need players}

2,167 readers have visited Hidden Hopes since ScarnyLuv created it.



One day the world found out that there where odd people out there. The government wanted to do tests on them but they fled to quickly. Most anyway. Some where caught. They where kept in perfected cages. Testing on them constantly. They would occasionally be stumbled upon by humans. Some where with them some where there enemies. Either way they had to move. Some humans traveled with them making up a fourth of the populations. Many had scars because these creatures had short tempers. Some call them shape shifters. Some call them werewolves. Either way they could shift into wolves at anytime they wanted. One day the older wiser ones found a spell. They could finely settle and have a final home. The spell made anyone without the gene pass right through and go to the other side. They could expand anytime they want as they grew larger. Do you choose to join them?


Ariana, Blair

Pack Mother(s):



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Werewolves by ScarnyLuv

The name of the spell used around there land. Where they got there names.

Main Pack House

Main Pack House by RolePlayGateway

This is the main pack house where the alphas and betas live where meetings and most meals are

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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the blondie sat there watching everybody fill in. Honestly, Blair wasnt that hungry sonshe turned down the food. She leaned back and rested on her elbows, with a sigh. The beta blinked, waiting fir somebody to say something.


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Character Portrait: Rex Dawson
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Rex paced up and down in the cave. Then, he had enough of it and ran out of the cave, letting the rain soak him. He changed back to human form.


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Character Portrait: Conor Aberson
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The dark haired boy backed against the alley wall as the two men walked towards him. So close, he thought. He could smell the pack from here.

He had been running for two years, ever since him and his mother had split up from the rest of his family, trying to find a way to the Pack House. They had never even been sure if it was real, but it had been their only hope. Well, his onl hope, now that his mother was gone. That awful night when-

He stopped himself from thinking about it. He was already doomed, cornered up against the wall. And why? Just because he was differenet, wasn't human, wasn't them. They were treated worse that animals. You don't kill dog just because they aen't human, do you?

He had, of course, heard why they had been discovered. Because of one selfish, idiotic wolf had decided to tell a human. That was the number one rule, and the kid had broken it. Never trust a human.

He was snapped out of his trance when he heard the men whisper something to each other. One of the men took out a dagger, the other a whip, and Conor immediately transformd into his black, husky wolf from. He stood on his hind legs as he backed up, until his back hit the wall. The men approached slowly, and Conor lunged.

He tackled the man with the knife, who went down immediately, sprawled on he floor. He just had time to stick the dagger into Conors paw before Conor dug his teeth into the mans neck. He turned to the other one, ignoring the pain in his paw, and just pushed the man back before running.

He had amost made it to the woods when something hit his hindleg and he let out a howl in pain. He fell to the ground, lying on his back, and saw the man with the whip standing over him. The man gave a grin, a crazy glint in his eye, and prepared to lash the whip again.

Something rammed into the man from behind, and the two things went down. There was a whimper, then a scream, and then- nothing. The man was dead, but the 'other' thing was alive.

"Watch it, kid, or you ain't gonna' last long." The voice was husky and old, definitely a male. As the person walked forward, Conor could see it wasn't actually a person after all. It was a wolf.
"Who are you?" Conor asked him suspiciously. The wolf chuckled. "I'm Dark," he said in response, as if that answered all his questions.
"Dark? That's your name?"
"It's my chosen name."
Conor nodded slowly, though he didn't really understand what he meant by 'chosen name.'
"So why haven't you gone to the Pack House, yet?"
Dark looked at the sky, as if lost in thought. "I help newbies like yourself make it there, instead. I'll be fine."
"Does the Alpha know?"
"Easy with the questions, kid."
"Well, do they?"
Dark just shook his head. "Now go, kid. You never know when another human is gonna' come."
Conor nodded his agreement, and ran into the woods.


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Character Portrait: Conor Aberson Character Portrait: Colby Anderson
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The teenager had been taking a walk through the woods.

The past three and a half years she has been doing this.

Yes, she had reached cities. Yes, she slept. But, for the past few years, ever since her parents were killed and she escaped that... facility... she had been on the move. Searching night and day for the one save haven for her kind. Whether it was real or not was another story, but it was still worth a shot.

So, the auburn haired girl walked through the woods in her human form, her shoes making little noise on the brush that was scattered across the forest floor. The occasional crackle of dried leaves, or snap of a branch that either she, or some critter made kept her on guard. Then, suddenly, she heard a piercing howl. It sounded frightened, and also a bit pained. Taking this into consideration, she decided to go check it out. So, Colby took off at a steady jog, and mid step propelled herself forward in a flash of new reddish white fur and green eyes, sprinting towards the noise.

Colby skidded to a complete stop when she almost flew forward from tripping over a body. A human. Her eyes grew wide with suspicion, but not shock. They seemed to be holding a whip. The girl picked up a scent. More wolves. But the scent was different. A werewolf. Like her. So, she followed the scent, and hid stealthily in some undergrowth, her sharp eyes spotting a jet black wolf, and another wolf. Colby had a talent of remaining unseen, which saved her life when she escaped... If only her parents had that gift as well... they would have all been together...


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Character Portrait: Conor Aberson Character Portrait: Colby Anderson
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Conor had just ran past the first tree in the woods when his nose picked up the scent of something. Another wolf. He shifted immediately, but held a wary pose. "Hello?" he said quietly, almost a whisper. "Anyone there?" I should go, he thought. Leave this werewolf. They can find their own way back. He took a step further into the woods. He was so close, the smell of the Pack House was overwhelming. "Show yourself."

I'll give them one chance, he decided. If they didn't show themselves, he would leave. Simple as that. He got ready to run, and ready to shift too. What if the humans had gotten some 'wolf perfume?' You could never be sure with them.


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Character Portrait: Conor Aberson Character Portrait: Colby Anderson
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Good... this wolf isn't just the average... she concluded and still took precautionary measures. But, Colby did reveal herself. Now that the bushes moved whenever she moved, you could see the faint red and white color from her coat. Then, she just broke through, paws making no noise on the ground. Colby moved slowly, ready to fight or bolt if he wasn't as

Maybe he was trying to find the Pack House too! A new surge of energy blew through her at the thought, and she spoke up, brave, and strong, but still feminine. "Who are you?" she asked.

"And, do you have any idea where the Pack House is?" she decided just to throw the question out. If he understood her, then most likely he was trying to find the same destination.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conor Aberson Character Portrait: Colby Anderson
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"Who are you?"
Conor opened his mouth to reply when the girl blurted out, "And, do you have any idea where the Pack House is?" The question caught him off guard. So he didn't have to be wary of her.

As soon as the question escaped her lips, he calmed down. "Conor Aberson, werewolf," he said in response to her earlier question. "And about the pack house, can't you smell it?" He raised his head. "Smells like it's pretty close, perhaps even just through the forest." He couldn't help himself, the thought of somewhere he could call home again made him smile. "So, who are you?"


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Character Portrait: Conor Aberson Character Portrait: Colby Anderson
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Well, now she feels stupid.

yes, Colby did smell an unusual scent A cross between people and wolves, but how was she to know it was the Pack House? She had never been there before. "Oh, um, I knew that..." she said, trying to cover up the fact that she truly didn't. Colby indeed did have sharp senses, but just didn't know that that was the Pack House.

Then, this, Conor kid rebounded her question back to her.

"The names Colby. Obviously, werewolf." she replied with a bob of her head, the universal gesture to hello.

Colby had an odd name. It was kind of a unisex name, and those are common, but Colby isn't. Some say she has a guy name, some say the guys Colby has a girl name. It was a 50-50 deal. But, anyways, the girl shook her coat clear of twigs and leaves that had blew onto it from hiding in the brush. Deciding it wasn't worth it, she just shifted back to her normal human form, running her hand through her dark auburn hair to get any tangles out of it.

Along with her casual look went a simple tank top, and some washed out denim cut off shorts and black sandals. He wore minimal makeup. Yes, being a girl, she learned how to make natural makeup from the objects around her. She didn't want to look like crap and people be suspicious. Cause you know, a 15 year old girl wandering the streets and woods alone isn't creepy at all, right?

(TANK- ... VariantID=

SHORTS- ... VariantID=

BELT- ... VariantID=

SHOES- ... VariantID= )


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Character Portrait: Ryla Aberson Character Portrait: Zak Malkanese
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#, as written by Ellixs
Zak followed Ryla back toward the pack house,
besides the rain something troubled him,
toward the edge of the forest the animals were fightened something had scared them (Dead man).
Zak looked around him and took a deep sniff, nothing, all seemed calm.
"I've spent too long running" Zak decided,"I need to calm down, dim my sences slightly."
He trotted up to Ryla and brushed alongside her.
"Besides" He thought "I don't need to worry anymore."


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Character Portrait: Rex Dawson
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Rex ran and ran, he seems to be troubled by something, something he doesn't even know. He didn't even knew that he was leaving the safe zone. He was headed for danger. When he got into the streets, he changed to human form.


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(Where'd everybody else go...? Waiting for Grumpy to post...)


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{I dont know it sucks}


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Character Portrait: Ryla Aberson Character Portrait: Zak Malkanese Character Portrait: Conor Aberson Character Portrait: Colby Anderson
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(Sorry... :/ I kind of forgot about it for a while... :L)


"The names Colby. Obviously werewolf." Conor gave her a grin, and nodded back at her. "Well, we'd better get moving, I suppose," he said awkwardly. He shifted to wolf form again, it would be quicker than human, and without waiting for the girl to follow, shot off into the woods.


Ryla gave Zak a smile. "I wonder why Scarny has asked us to come back," she muttered. She looked around the room as the wolves entered, giving a friendly nod to each of them.

(Super short post, but I have an excuse... headache! :L)


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Character Portrait: Rex Dawson
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Rex through the alley and onto the street. It's mostly deserted and quiet. Rex walked slowly, then he felt someone following him. He fastened his pace until he was running. The person was still following him. He quickly turned into an alleyway and ducked. The person passed by. "Phew, that was close," said Rex.

(Sorry, haven't been on for awhile, exams are coming :( )


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Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige Character Portrait: Blair Downy
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Scarny finely stepped up to the stand once she thought everyone was there. "Thank you everyone for coming. I would like to make a formal apology to one of our members. Some inappropriate things happened and I would like to say I am sorry" She shifted slightly. "Moving on. Is there anything that you guys are concerned about?" She waited for a response.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryla Aberson Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige Character Portrait: Zak Malkanese
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Ryla grinned at Scarny's words. "Ooh! Me, me!" she said eagerly, raising her hand. She took a deep breath. "A new pack member!" she squealed, pointing to Zak. "He's called Zak, and, um..." she smiled shyly at him, and decided not to mention the 'blind' thing. She didn't know if he wanted people to know or not. "Anyway, I found him in the woods - like, half dead. But I gave him a squirrel that I hunted myself, and then he ate it, and he was fine!" she grinned proudly. She was too young to realize that this may come across as 'show-offy.'


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryla Aberson Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige Character Portrait: Zak Malkanese
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Scarny smiled at the eager little child. "Thank you for telling us. Welcome to the pack Zak." She smiled kindly at the other child. Then she motioned for Ryla to sit and turned back to the crowd. "Is there anything else concerning anyone else . . . Or that you just want to announce?" She winked at Ryla when she said that.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Colby Anderson Character Portrait: Blair Downy
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Immediately, Blair knew who Scarny was talking about, and she merely gave an accepting bob of her head, still sitting with her knees pulled to her chest, and her chin resting on her knees lazily.

She sharply nodded, and switched wolf again mid step, and propelled herself after him, easily catching up and blowing past him. But, that didn't last long, because the young wolf skidded to a halt when she found it.

The Pack House.

She knew it was it because of the fact there were a lot of other werewolves by the scent of it. She froze, not knowing if they would attack or leave her be. Her emerald green eyes were wide and innocent.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryla Aberson Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige Character Portrait: Conor Aberson Character Portrait: Colby Anderson
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Conor froze when they arived at the Pack House. What now?
He took a deep breath and jogged into the Pack House, still in human form. He looked over at Colby, who had arrived just seconds after him, and gave her a slight nod, before turning to the Pack.


Ryla smiled at Scarny and sat down when Scarny motioned for her to. Then she heard someone enter the Pack House. She turned around to see a large black wolf enter the room. Her mouth opened into an O shape in surprise. She ddn't recognise him, which meant another Pack member!


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryla Aberson Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige Character Portrait: Conor Aberson Character Portrait: Colby Anderson Character Portrait: Blair Downy
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While Conor was in his human form, Colby decided to stay in her wolf form, just to take precautions. But, soon, she spotted a girl who seemed excited they were there. Maybe even glad. So, she assumed it was okay for now. So, while she was mid-step, she turned human, ran a hand through her auburn hair, and blinked, unsure of what to say.

The sound of footsteps, or paw steps, whichever, sounded, and Blair turned around to see a boy and a girl, around the same age. Fifteen? The pretty blond gave a welcoming smile as they seemed friendly. She gave a nod and turned back to Scarny, awaiting what she was going to say.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryla Aberson Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige Character Portrait: Zak Malkanese Character Portrait: Conor Aberson Character Portrait: Colby Anderson Character Portrait: Blair Downy
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#, as written by Ellixs
Zak looked carefully at each pack member as they sat in the pack house , He nodded to Scarny as Ryla indtroduced him, blonde, with a scared face Scarny carried the scent of an alpha yet seemed unsure of herself.
Then he scented somthing else two werewolf, approching fearfully. He watched as the first a black wolf, cross the doorway and catch Ryla's attention, then Blairs as another, a boy in human form entered.
Blair was watching Scarny, and Zak too turned to her so as to see what she would do.


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Character Portrait: Rex Dawson
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Rex got up from the ground. Quickly, he shifted to wolf form and ran back into the woods. Just as he was about to reach the woods, he heard a gunshot and a sharp pain on his right hind leg. He gives out a howl for help. Then, he saw two figures approaching him. He thought:"This is it, if they get me I'm dead for sure."

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Werewolves by ScarnyLuv

The name of the spell used around there land. Where they got there names.

Main Pack House

Main Pack House by RolePlayGateway

This is the main pack house where the alphas and betas live where meetings and most meals are

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Character Portrait: Zak Malkanese
31 sightings Zak Malkanese played by Ellixs
Pack Cub (nearing adulthood)

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ryla Aberson
Character Portrait: Ariana Di-Santo
Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
Character Portrait: Liam Pretige
Character Portrait: Conor Aberson
Character Portrait: Rafe Soar


Character Portrait: Conor Aberson
Conor Aberson

Pack Newbie

Character Portrait: Rafe Soar
Rafe Soar

Pack leader

Character Portrait: Ryla Aberson
Ryla Aberson

Pack Pup

Character Portrait: Ariana Di-Santo
Ariana Di-Santo

Pack Beta

Character Portrait: Liam Pretige
Liam Pretige

Pack Outcast

Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
Scarny Pretige

Pack Leader


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Werewolves by ScarnyLuv

The name of the spell used around there land. Where they got there names.

Main Pack House

Main Pack House by RolePlayGateway

This is the main pack house where the alphas and betas live where meetings and most meals are


The name of the spell used around there land. Where they got there names.

Main Pack House

Werewolves Main Pack House Owner: RolePlayGateway

This is the main pack house where the alphas and betas live where meetings and most meals are

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