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How to Break A Dream



a part of How to Break A Dream, by Chono.


Chono holds sovereignty over Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,162 readers have been here.

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Earth is a part of How to Break A Dream.

6 Characters Here

Greyson Jun [43] "I'm so shy now I wear sunglasses everywhere I go..."
Alexis Penhold [32] Alexis is a rather clumsy and shy girl in charge of Tainted Memories memorabilia production. She also sings.
Kelis Harrison [22] Sweet and Sour
Natsu Jun [0]

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Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Akira Shingo
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Who are you and what have you done to me? Why do I keep seeing you? My past that lingers and haunts me. By the years, it feels it grows stronger.


Had he only hear Grey's voice by chance and grabbed him without actually doing do? Was this still a dream? He could have sworn he heard Grey's voice call out in sorrow and pain. Was he hurt again? This was all he could think as he kicked the last cover off him.

"Ooff" A gust of air flowed out of Aki's body as Grey almost squashed him to death. Wrapping himself into Aki's body, neck and all. For a moment, he was going to thump him on the head and call him a Baka. But something about this felt like that was an unnecessary action. So instead he softly patted Grey's head, but the moment Grey hit Aki's neck with the nuzzled, he freaked out.

"G! Enou-" Before he could finish yelling, Grey's nose hit his soft spot right in the middle of the neck and shoulder. And like that Aki gripped down tightly into Grey's hair and pulled down on it, arching his back a bit. As fast as he could he bit down on his lip hard enough it bled in order to bite back a moan. But it was no use and it started to sound like a whimper.

Aki's heart felt like it was about to explode. He wasn't use to this from Grey. Sure he was used to little contact from him every now and then. And he was used to be the one clinging onto Grey, it was something totally different if Aki was in charge of the actions. This though, this was different, it was much too sudden and Aki was not prepared for it.

When Grey exhaled against his neck, it caused him to shiver like a virgin girl. Was he still sick, was this why he was so sensitive? Or was it because Grey was being weird? The second he felt Grey's hand slide down to his stomach and touch what little flesh that showed, it caused Aki's heart to stop for a brief moment that felt like ages rather than second. He couldn't think or move or even breathe right.

As he was about to say something, Grey's voice put a knot in Aki's throat. His voice was shaking and held eagerness in it. The last time Aki remembered this voice was the day Grey lost his lover and he stayed out all night drinking. Aki was with some other friends at the time and found him on the floor. This voice brought back memories that Aki could care less about. That stupid hags face flashed in and out of his mind just as quick as she left and abandoned Grey. She was nothing but a wrench, soulless goon.

When Grey shifted a bit, it snapped Aki back to reality. Aki was in a situation that he didn't know how to get out of and wasn't really sure where it was leading either.

"Greyson." Aki's voice was meant to be as sassy and loud as always with confidence, but this time it came out as a whisper, a whisper that one would use just before a kiss. But when his eyes locked onto Grey's red ones, this made Aki's mind race and he mentally slapped himself in the face.

Quickly he shoved Grey off of him and started to stumble as he rose from the bed to quickly. With a loud thud, his knees hit the floor and his hand caught on the bedside table. And his free hand gripped his spinning head. "Too hot. It's too hot!" Aki looked around and noticed the window that was cracked a bit and started to crawl to it and tried to lift himself. The glass was cold, he managed to press his blushing cheeks against it and to close his eyes. His mind was running much too fast first thing in the morning. His hot breath brushed across the cold glass, heating it up.

When his eyes fluttered open, he noticed that the world outside was full of a white fluffy cloud of snow. The light made the snow shine like crystals. And the trees blended in perfectly with it all.


This was Aki's favorite time of the year. It was the one part of the year that meant Christmas and Snow and what Aki loved most of all, the amazingly cold weather. If there was ever a person called Jack Frost, Aki was him. He lived for this time of the year. For him, this was his summer.

"Winter." Aki's eyes grew soft and loving. This made his bright blue eyes turn into the color of glaciers. That clear blue ice color of water frozen. His red cheeks cooled down and he had gotten his normal pale color of skin that matched snow, but it never changed the color of his pink lips that always seemed he was wearing lipstick. His fingers slid down the glass, touching the morning frost on them. This gave his fingers a cold chill that ran through his body.

And before anyone knew it. Aki pulled away and grabbed a hold of Grey. Yanking him along with him as he ran out the room and down the stairs. It wasn't long before he slid the sliding doors open to the living room and was standing barefoot in the snow that fell onto the porch. Wiggling his toes in the coldness he giggled and flapped his arms.

"It's so cold G-Chan!!" His smile was like a little kid on Christmas with a bunch of presents. Picking up a handful of snow he threw it up in the air, in which fell onto his head and shoulders, bare-skinned shoulders. Mainly because Grey's shirt was way too big for Aki and always slid off of his shoulders. If it were a good thing, Aki would have stripped naked and started snow bathing. He wanted to so badly, but resisted.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hana In Lee Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Kelis Harrison Character Portrait: Akira Shingo Character Portrait: Alexis Penhold
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#, as written by Chono



"Beauty is harsh."



His red eyes were steady as they were filled with Aki’s vanilla scent, and his thundering heart-beat. He was keenly aware of the effects it was having on Aki. He slid his hand into the space his arched back created, taking that moment to pull him closer and remove any inch of space between them. It was cute, the way he became so frantic in his arms. Whimpering. Shivering as if suppressing some stronger desire down. Guilt settled into his stomach. He shouldn’t be teasing him like this. He was just a kid. He nuzzled into his neck further, his lips barely grazing his cheekbones.

"Greyson." Aki's voice came out as a smoky whisper. He shifted, lifting himself onto an elbow, laying the other hand over Aki’s waist. His eyes slid lazily over Aki. A kid. Their eyes locked and a spark exploded. Aki shoved Grey off before it could ferment. What had he been thinking before? Grey was staring up at the ceiling now, a little clueless with a distant gaze in his eyes. Hmm…he couldn’t remember.

Aki started to stumble as he whipped up from the bed. With a loud thud, his knees hit the floor and his hand caught on the bedside table. And his free hand gripped his spinning head. "Too hot. It's too hot!" Grey shot up worried only to see Aki pressed up against the glass like a child peering into his favorite candy shop. He arched an eyebrow.

"Winter." Aki sang.

“Really now? And here I thought it was summer,” Grey rose to his feet with a smirk, fiddling with the trim of his robe. Out of nowhere Aki lunged forward and took Greys hand, yanking him to the depths of downstairs. Where the girls lurked. He winced.

“WOah. Hold up, what’s the rush? he had been hoping for some time to regain his composure, talk with Aki. Apparently that wasn’t going to happen. And he still felt rather snappy. In between his thoughts he had gone from being in his room to standing in front of the sliding doors; the boy who was stuck in bed with a fever before now wiggled his toes around in the cold snow, giggling, flapping invisible wings into flight. The color drained from grey’s face. He became white-faced.

"It's so cold G-Chan!!" His smile was so innocent, so childish, like every first snow day when the two of them went out together as kids. Grey would sleep over at Aki’s house the night before, they’d stay up and talk about lore. Aki wasn’t too interested in it, but Grey was, which was enough to make the boy spam him with impossible what if’s that Grey humored. But this wasn’t those days. Aki had just gotten over a fever. There was no light behind his eyes as he watched Aki. He said nothing, only stared stonily ahead of him as he pushed forward through the snow. His expression was worse then blank, his nails dug into the palms of his fist, his shoulders stiff and angular with rage.

“Get back inside.” When he reached Aki, he flung him up to his feet by the wrist, “Now.” He growled. He hauled him back inside of the house, taking little care, despite his worry for his health. He slammed the sliding glass door shut behind him. “What do you think you were doing? You just got over a fever, Aki.”


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hana In Lee Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Kelis Harrison Character Portrait: Akira Shingo Character Portrait: Alexis Penhold
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You are you and I am me. We are different much the same. It gets scary sometimes.


"Get back inside." Grayson had picked Aki up before he could respond back. "Now." The growling tone through Aki off guard a bit. The reason Grey was so mad didn't hit Aki until he realized what happened. "What do you think you were doing? You just got over a Fever, Aki." And there it was folks, Frey's mother tone that he'd get sometimes. But this only happened mostly with Aki alone.

Sighing, he folded his arms over his chest. "I might have been sick, but when has the cold ever affected me in any way?" (OOC: Sorry wasn't sure how you held him. So I'm assuming in a cradle position.) "Grey." Reaching up Aki patted Grey's cheek. "You can relax now or get some sleep. I feel much better. Thank you. You worked hard enough."

Wiggling a bit. "Is there anything to eat? I'm starving!" He was hoping a change of subject would be good for Grey. But it was perfect timing too because Aki's stomach growled loud enough it turned his cheeks red again. It even made the Chicken's head pop up. Oh yeah, he was laying on the Piano, sunbathing. "If I don't eat anything soon. I think you'll have to worry about me dying of starvation instead of being sick. Right Chicken?" Chicken nodded his head to him as a right.

"That sounds like a great idea. Grey, hurry up and get some food into him. He hasn't eaten since yester afternoon." Are came up and adjusted his tie soon after putting back on his glasses. "In fact maybe we should all eat. My treat. Let's go down to the roman shop. I'll reserve it for all of us. Be ready in 40 minutes."

The sounds of food Aki's mind drift off into the land of foods. It was much like Wonderland, but Foodland instead. Everything was made of food, and I do mean everything. The mad hatter was there along with his little friends that sat at the table. But of course Aki was Alice, but just a male and not a female oh and he looked like himself but wore victorian clothing that were red and black. Very stylish if you ever asked Aki what happens in his head.
"Akira, I see you are back to see me once again." The mad hatter smiled and then took a sip of his tea. ["Would you be joining us today?"

Aki shrugged. "Sorry not today. But maybe next time."

"I'll hold you to that then. Next time it shall be." He waved his fingers and Aki snapped back into reality.
Ok so maybe Aki wasn't right in the head. But what single child ever is? He had to have some kind of entertainment whenever living with his Grandparents and having Grey gone. It's a bit sad but true. To top it off before that living with how he was, well that was worse.

Taking a glance out the window from where he was he frowned and started to bit his lip to hide it. He looked as if he was a kid being punched or was abused by a big mean bully, who had just taken his lunch money. Though, of course, if that ever did happen to Aki, he'd just get even with physical abuse.

I suppose he did still feel a bit under the weather, but he still wanted to go outside even for a little while. The snow was like Catnip to Aki. An addiction that was hard to get away from. Too bad Grey was a party pooper.

Without realizing it, Aki had mumbled the words 'Party Pooper' out loud but kept his eyes locked dead on with the snow as if he hadn't said anything.