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Hunter's Will...



a part of Hunter's Will..., by Zaria.


Zaria holds sovereignty over Oxa, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Oxa is a part of Hunter's Will....

7 Characters Here

Trap [90] A man driven by revenge.
Maple [89] ā€œI do it for the fun.ā€
Davin Gregory [88] A man trained to take down the beasts that go bump in the night.
White [86] White is what you may call me, I don't care about it but I care about avoiding needless bloodshed.
Asteridax Nazeric [18] He is not a man. He is a weapon in human form, at the ready to be pointed at the enemy.
Shay Meiher "Black" [4] Why do they seem to be more intelligent every year? - Always thinking she is.

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Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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ā€œFor the love of all that is holy,ā€ Maple mumbled, rubbing her forehead. White was right: Maple wouldnā€™t say she has a professional demeanor, but this was something else. ā€œLook,ā€ she said, casually putting a hand on each Trapā€™s and Davinā€™s arms, being unable to reach their shoulders. ā€œAt the end of the day, if we have to, we can put down a vampire. So, if you want,ā€ she hesitated, bouncing up and down, not looking anyone in the eye. ā€œAs long as Iā€™m compensated, I can try and win her for it for you. That way, you two can relax and plan how to keep this from all going wrong.ā€


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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Trap laughed maniacally at Davin. ā€žYou don't understand! I knew you wouldn't! That's hilarious! I'm wasting my time with you! You seem not to know what loss is, you moron! You only think of counting your money at the end of the day! I've lost my wife an unborn child to them! You know nothing, hunter!ā€ He hold his tears back with all strength he had left. He turned towards the cage and pointed at the vampiress. ā€žThey are all the same!ā€


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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#, as written by Zaria
Suddenly calm White, lunged towards hand and grabbed him, pulling closer, his face so close she could feel his breath.
Then she started to slap him with open hand, each cheek getting redder with each hit.
ā€œYou bloody idiot, do you think your wife would like what youā€™re doing?ā€ It was too much for her, this idiocy had to stop, and if necessary she will wake him up by force.
She stopped after a short moment, catching attention of some hunters, and some of them laughed at this situation.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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0.00 INK

#, as written by sifsand
"ENOUGH!" He stabbed his blade into the ground next to them, hoping this would put an end to their squabbling. "Never doubt my intentions, though I hunt for money this is all in the name of justice and to put and end to the suffering of others. As for you...." He paused for a second looking at Maple "That would be the most foolish thing you could ever do."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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Trap held his cheek for a brief moment, shocked with the emotional reaction of the vampiress. She was right, she even seemed to understand him. His tears ran down his cheeks, not stopped by his will. He lowered his head, looking at the base of the cage bars. ā€žYou're right, I'm a messā€ he muttered. He then turned around to Maple. ā€žI'm sorry. Let's win this together, so we can finally be done with this.ā€


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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#, as written by Zaria
She stopped after a short moment, catching attention of some hunters, and some of them laughed at this situation.
White looked at him with disbelief. She really wanted to get out of the cage and slap him, long time it would last.

ā€œYou are an idiotā€¦complete idiot that wishes well to all, yet sucks at so many levels.ā€ She saw him as terrible talker, and now it made sense why these two were so far away from others, though cross weirdo isā€¦more annoying than the other one.

ā€œIf he continues with his rant, I promise to kick some sense into himā€¦so you want to put suffering to end, and serve justice? Stop acting like that, youā€™re a disgrace to what you say in this very momentā€ Her eyes cold, she would do everything to keep that promise, even breaking those bars.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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Maple folded her arms again and gave Davin a sideways look. ā€œSo far in my life, it probably would be, but the stiff is right,ā€ she said, indicating White. ā€œYouā€™re both lacking in some basic level-headedness and if you donā€™t shape up, you wonā€™t be able to pull it off.ā€ She sighed, then addressed Trap. ā€œSo, whatā€™s your plan?ā€


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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ā€žThere are usually two tournaments during the Festival. One where the schools present themselves, and on the other day one where three hunters team up with each other and try to win the price. But I'm not sure which tournament has our midget vampire as a priceā€ he looked at White.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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#, as written by Zaria
It annoyed White, being called midget all the time by him.
ā€œIā€™m n-not a midget you bastardā€¦ā€ She muttered loud enough for them to hear.
She had a vague idea in which tournament she was main prize, but anyone wanting to do it would have to be nuts.
ā€œTournament of Thousand Cutsā€¦ā€

OOC ā€“ Feel free to come up with what that tournament is, or Ark or me will come up with it :)


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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#, as written by sifsand
"The one where you have to slay dozens of small monsters at once? Are you certain of that?" Davin though he never actively participates in these tournaments knew them well from being a spectator to them. His life before his gladiatorial training was of him watching these hunters in envy of their skill.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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ā€œIā€™ve heard rumors about that one,ā€ Maple added, fiddling with her necklace. Her face had lost most traces of irritation and was now just deadly serious. ā€œSomeone I used to fight with did it, and they said by the time it was over, he was in so many pieces that they could barely scrape him up into the coffin. Then again," she continued as an aside to herself, "he was an idiot."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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ā€žAh, so that's what they've planned for this year. What a coincidence. This tournament will be now easy as pieā€ Trap laughed. ā€žEvery year they're asking me to prepar the field for the tournament, knowing that I don't have a team to participate. I'm going to surprise them. Also, you see, the monsters aren't actually real monsters, more like magical projections. I'm the guy that prepars what type of magical environment the Grounds are showing and I know the guy who creates the monstersā€


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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Maple stretched, cracking her back. ā€œMake it simple then. I donā€™t know about you, but I like space and as little extra nonsense as possible while Iā€™m working.ā€ Well, she had wished to get back into her dueling days, and here she was, rigging one. Wouldn't her mother would be proud of her, if her mother was proud of anything she did? "But will they let you compete if you design the thing? Or are we going to have to scrounge up somebody else?"


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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0.00 INK

#, as written by sifsand
"don't be too sure about that, I once saw a man tore to pieces by a pack of bloodthirsty gnomes. They may look small and harmless but in numbers they can overwhelm just about any foe." He lifted up a sleeve to show a scar on his forearm, a rather nasty bite left behind by the teeth of one of them.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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ā€žActually, that's a good question. But most of them don't even know how I look like, only the masters do. And even if I would end up banned, I could always give you a map for the shortcuts between areas and with useful hidden things I put in the areas. You see, every area has a magical effect, some type of barrier. You can't cross it until all monsters in this area are dead. Or use the shortcut. It's mostly a dead tree trunk very close to the barrier. And items I put here and there are usually traps designed for certain types of monsters, poisons, potions and crossbow bolts or arrows.ā€ It was obvious that Trap loved working with the machinery and bragging about his little surprises.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zaria
ā€œTrap the brag masterā€ White chuckled, for it was fitting. He seemed to have a knack for traps, and traps, true master of traps.

The other one, mighty cross manā€¦tough fighter with not so tough emotional stability, and past. Last, maybe swift and deadly female happens to have some family problems, White couldnā€™t find a nickname for herā€¦not yet.

ā€œ Crossie, Bragie, and who are you again? No offenseā€¦ā€ She looked at fencer.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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ā€œFine.ā€ Maple jabbed her finger at Trapā€™s chest. ā€œBut just so you know, if it comes down to a ban, I donā€™t know anything about this.ā€ She shot White a look of some confusion and suspicion when she started talking. ā€œNameā€™s Maple,ā€ she replied, a little cagey. ā€œAnd before you try giving me a nickname, Iā€™ve heard them all.ā€


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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ā€žIf I'm not allowed to join then it'll be okay for you to use my map. The participants should be using everything they can to win the tournament, especially the environment, that's why I have to prepare the hidden places. Most of the participants however, have no idea they can use it and that these arrows they've stumbled on are there on purpose, not because someone accidentally dropped themā€ Trap explained calmly. He knew all the rules, he wasn't going to make them lose because of rule breaking.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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Maple wanted very much to protest further. She didn't like the idea of slinking around like a weasel, but for now it seemed like the most reasonable course of action, so she kept her mouth shut about it. Plus, even if it wasn't the most honorable way to deal with it, she'd still have beaten it. It was better than anyone she knew could say. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's sign up."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zaria
ā€œSure go on, sign in with this crazy idea, Iā€™m sure Braggie here has no plan b if everything goes wrong, but why would you care, itā€™s fun right?ā€ She asked, trying to be sarcastic.

She didnā€™t like it either, but no better idea existed for now.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple Character Portrait: Asteridax Nazeric
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0.00 INK

ā€žShut up, midget vampire. No one asked your opinion now, also, we're doing this to get you out of here.ā€ He looked at Maple. ā€žI need to prepare a map for you. I guess I'll go find some parchment and a person you can use as the third team member if I'll be excluded. Also, it's getting pretty late, so I'm going to invite you for a dinner. Guess we're all a bit hungry.ā€

Trap showed his new comrades the way to a tent, where his acquiatance was preparing food. He then went towards a merchant's cart, knowing that he could find his writing utensils there. A shiver ran down his spine, when he noticed some movement within his eyes range.

He shook his head. Since the moment he woke up after killing all vampires ten years earlier, he had acquired some sort of sixth sense when dealing with people with murderous intentions. He then knocked on the shield to announce his arrival to the merchant and bought parchment, an inkwell and a pen to write down everything he knew about the field.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple Character Portrait: Asteridax Nazeric
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Maple gave White a sideways look. ā€œThatā€™s about it, yeah.ā€ She bent and cracked her back again while Trap spoke. ā€œIā€™ll eat any meal you want as long as youā€™re paying, she said, swaggering toward the food tent. The stools inside were certainly made for taller people, so she had to hop to get onto one. Waving her hand to attract his attention, she ordered, telling the man serving food that it would be courtesy of ā€œthe tall guy with the bear helmet.ā€ She leaned her elbows on the counter and her head on her hand.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: Maple Character Portrait: Asteridax Nazeric Character Portrait: Shay Meiher "Black"
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zaria
White once again was called midget, and her so called "saviors" decided to eat something.

This binding spell was tiring, and she was hungry. Possibly they wonā€™t care - is what she thought, Braggie and the one who heard them all seemed to get along, but that Crossie guy seemed to be in conflict with Braggie.
Everything unsure, so unsure that White was simply tired of it, wondering what to do next ā€“ annoy people or simply observe those who hide in shadows.

ā€œWhat an annoying day, Iā€™m hungry too, and people feast and enjoy all kinds of food in front of me, itā€™s so unfairā€¦ā€


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple Character Portrait: Asteridax Nazeric Character Portrait: Shay Meiher "Black"
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Maple chewed on a chunk of poultry, but it was seasoned heavily enough that she couldnā€™t tell precisely what it was. Still, it was quite good. Her mind wandered back to the vampire in the cage. Maple thought she seemed like trouble, with her inflammatory little remarks and condescending attitude.

She called over the server, removing her earings and passing them on as insurance that the bill would be payed. Giving a message for Davin and Trap, saying whereā€™d sheā€™d gone, she took up her bowl and spoon and headed back to Whiteā€™s cage.

Maple gave White a cool once over. She certainly wasnā€™t a midget from the hunterā€™s perspective, she was actually quite a bit taller than she was. She seated herself comfortably on the ground a few feet away from the cage. For a few minutes, she sat and took her time finishing her meal. When she did speak, she didnā€™t look at White. ā€œWhatā€™s your plan? And before you say anything, I know you want out: I may notā€™ve gone to school, but Iā€™m not a moron.ā€ She stirred her fork through the remains of cubed meat and vegetables. ā€œBut what are you going to do?ā€


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davin Gregory Character Portrait: Gregor Darkfaier Character Portrait: Trap Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Maple Character Portrait: Asteridax Nazeric
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#, as written by Zaria
Sudden interest from Maple woke White slightly, she blinked few times before replyingā€¦

ā€œAs you said I want to be free, beyond that Iā€™m hungry and tired.ā€

White had to say what she had in mind, or Maple wouldnā€™t give up ā€“ at least thatā€™s what White thought
ā€œAbout my planā€¦ when time is right Iā€™ll just leave, simple as that for hurting any of you is simply bad for my health, in a long run.ā€

She sighed.

ā€œWith all hunters gathered in this place, only big commotion would be enough for me to make an escape. I guess you know what I mean by that, and Iā€™m not one that will cause itā€¦

White smiled, to her each hunter was a simple puppet in a grand scheme of others, only difference was that this puppet was alive - which soon may change for many, if not all.

ā€œI pity you hunter, though at the same time I am astonished.ā€ With it White stopped smiling, and looking at Maple.

White looked behind Maple. Focused she was on a black haired female with seemingly glowing purple eyes, female wore simple robes and carried no weapon, at least no weapon that could be seen. Black smiled at ā€œMidgetā€ yet said nothing. Shayā€™s right shoulder marked with symbol of Endless school, school that is supposed to be gone.

She kept on smiling as she raised one hand, gesture of waving came just before Black disappeared - when one man obstructed Whiteā€™s view Shay was simply gone.