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I Know We'll Meet Again

I Know We'll Meet Again


In the summer of 1941 romances are formed as friendships are tested and strengthened, yet no one knows what is just waiting round the corner for these friends as America is thrust into another world war. (Remake)

2,074 readers have visited I Know We'll Meet Again since Calvazara created it.


We'll Meet Again...


It’s May 1941, with Europe in the depths of a Second World War, America is trying with all its might to keep well clear whilst still trying to help it allies, sending them bullets, bombs, food everything thing they need to help keep Hitler at bay.

The Summer of 1941 was also significant to a group of six friends from a small town in South Carolina, called Bedford Falls as it was the beginning of the rest of their lives. Freshly returned home for the summer from college, these friends reconnect, romances are formed as friendships are tested and strengthened, yet no one knows what is just waiting round the corner for these friends as America is thrust into the grips of yet another war. What will happen to you is unclear, whether you will survive the war remains in the hands of something far greater than any of us, yet you remember the song, the song that will make even the bleakest of outcome look optimistic…

We'll meet again
Don't know where
Don't know when
But I know we'll meet again
Some sunny day
Keep smiling through
Just like you always do
'Till the blue skies
Drive the dark clouds far away

So, will you please say hello
To the folks that I know
Tell them I won't be long
They'll be happy to know
That as you saw me go
I was singing this song

We'll meet again
Don't know where
Don't know when
But I know we'll meet again
Some sunny day
Keep smiling through
Just like you always do
'Till the blue skies
Drive the dark clouds far away

So, will you please say hello
To the folks that I know
Tell them I won't be long
They'll be happy to know
That as you saw me go
I was singing this song

We'll meet again
Don't know where
Don't know when
But I know we'll meet again
Some sunny day...

The town of Bedford Falls, South Carolina is a beautiful and bustling little place with plenty of places to keep the younger generations happy and entertained; even if you leave you will always find yourself drawn back to the little town. Once a small, dusty farming town which relied on local produce to survive but the war in Europe seemed like a blessing in disguise for Bedford, when a local tycoon opened up an ammunition factory on the outskirts to sell to the allies. The factory brought many jobs and helped the town flourish into a booming haven. Many new businesses opened, such as restaurants, dance halls, pictures, bars, shops, anything you like, they have or is being built.


Female One: Evelyn Jackson
Female Two: Rosie Foster
Female Three: Valerie Legendre

Male One: Alexander Caine
Male Two: Fredrick J. Herrmann
Male Three:Austin Macomber

Character Skeleton:

Appearance: (Please include a realistic image)
Skin tone:
Other aspects of your appearance: (anything i have missed really)



Are you returning to Bedford Falls?
If YES where have you been? (University, Travelling)
If NO what are you doing in town? (Job, Etc)
Thoughts on the war In Europe:

The Rules

1# No playing god!
2# Posts must be at least a paragraph (five decent sentences)
3# Only join if you are okay with strong language, violence and sexual situations
4# Only join if you can stay committed to this roleplay as it will be a long on-going one.
5# No Killing off characters
6# I am the GM so what I say goes
7# Remember your characters are in prison, play them true!
8# Not everyone has to like each other
9# Post regularly, if your are going to be gone for any significant length of time then PM me please.
10# I'm not mean, honest and I want you guys to have fun with this, I am always here if you have any questions, so post in the OOC or PM me.
11# Keep active in the OOC

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors

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Evelyn Jackson, 14th May 1941.

Driving down the long, dusty back roads of South Carolina a familiar warming feeling swelled in Evelyn’s heart, she was nearly home, finally after two years in war torn England she was home. As a girl she had loved Bedford, there were so many places for her too run and explore yet as she grew she couldn’t help but feel like she had outgrown the small town. When her grandmother had given her the opportunity to go and live in London she thought it was just too good to pass up, it was an adventure that was for certain yet seeing houses levelled and lives lost by Hitler’s bombs made her anxious most of the time that the next bomb would hit their home.

Yet she couldn’t help but smile at the British morale, even in the midst of all that carnage they still laughed and joked, it was truly a remarkable sight to behold and she admired them for it. Deciding to return home had been a difficult decision, she had been extremely conflicted, she knew her parents worried deeply about her and wanted to put their minds at ease yet she was passionate about her work at the hospital but she supposed she had, had enough of blood, guts and men dying, it was tiresome, disheartening yet rewarding work.

As she turned onto the road that would lead her into town a smile graced her beautiful face, hearing a low bark come from the seat next to her, letting out a low chuckle she took a hand off the wheel and petted Spud’s head β€œnearly home baby” she cooed looking into the rear-view mirror and glanced at her other two dogs, Jasper and Loui lay across the back seat, shaking her head she silently cursed herself for being so soft with her boys. Evelyn would be the first to admit that the journey would have been far easier if she had sent the dogs over first but she couldn’t bear to be separated from them for that long, she knew it sounded ridiculous but they were like her children.

Welcome to Bedford Falls...

Upon seeing the sign her heart leaped and soon after it the town came into view, it looked exactly the same if not a little bigger and busier, driving down the main street she pulled up and cut the engine before stepping out of her car, smoothing her dress as she went, a smile plastered on her face she looked around to see many more stores than before and a whole lot of new faces, it use to be a place where everyone knew everyone but now it seemed to have boomed in a mere two years.

Evelyn was suddenly aware of a flash of black darting passed her, looking down she saw Jasper, her black Labrador that she rescued from London dart down the road, ever since she had gotten him he seemed to have mastered the art of escaping. β€œDamn it!” she cursed chasing after him down the road β€œJasper!” she shouted after the dog with a slight groan of frustration β€œStupid dog” she mumbled, chasing after him as fast as her heels would allow.

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Character Portrait: Evelyn Jackson Character Portrait: Alexander Caine
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Alexander Caine, 14th May 1914.

Alex tapped his fingers on the steering wheel of his red 40 diamond T flatbed pickup truck, the radio crackly, but working. Beads of sweat stained his forehead, sunburn on the apples of his cheeks. Today had been his first day back at work, he had only gotten back this morning, and they made sure to start making up for lost time as soon as possible. His job consisted of a few key parts; starting to put together the pieces for the houses, carrying them from the work zone to the export zone, and then driving how ever long it took to deliver them to the proper client.

His eyes zapped back and forth across the road as he road through the center of town, towards his house. Alex gave his head a small flick, swishing his hair out of his eyes and father onto his forehead sideways. He used his left hand to wipe away the sweat still on his face, then turn down the window, sticking his face out slightly to get a cool from the fresh wind. "Woohoo," he said to himself, a smile coming to his face thanks to the natural summer air. That's when he saw her.

Alex would recognize that blonde hair and creamy complexion anywhere. It was Evelyn, chasing after a dog coated in black fur. Alex gave a slight chuckle to himself, pulling to the side of the road a few yards from her car, and grabbed the colar of the dog she was chasing, petting his head. "Would you look who it is," he said, giving his five start smile. Evelyn was one of his best friends, and had been for quite some time. She was a great girl, as were all of their friends, and it had been a big deal that they were all gone this summer.

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Character Portrait: Fredrick J. Herrmann
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Freddie 14th May 1914.

Stiffling a yawn, the boy named Fredrick slowly rolled over in his bed and pushed the curtain away from the window. He was met with a familar picture, the McCowlly's house across from theirs, the large tree that sat inbetween the Herrmann's and the Gordon's yard and the far away bark of a talkative dog who had just woken up. He yawned again; this time not able to hold it, and sat up to feel the morning sun on his face. Birds chattered nosily inside the canopy of the big tree, and a memory found it's way through the weaves and thoughts of his mind into his head. He remembered Mr. Gordon's son...ah...what was his didn't matter, Fred was too young to remember him anyway, but he remembered him and Mr. Gordon's son climbing the tree and tying up a rope swing for Freddie's little sister Leslie. A smile plastered on his face when he also remembered his mother yelling for him to get down because he'll hurt himself; he never did when he climbed that old big tree, Fred liked to think that the tree was looking out for him.
He stood up tiredly, stumbling a bit before grabbing hold of the window sill and leaning on it, letting the Bedford Falls sun wash over his body. He did his morning routine when he was a kid, never used to early mornings and hard labor, but at the farm he was up before 5AM working in the frosty air. His knee cracked and he sat with a thump rubbing it, stop complaining, he thought, don't muck up today, it's supposed to be a good day.
Once satisfied with enough coaxing, his knee let him stand and dress lazily. Freddie never put much thought in what he wore; there was no point, it would just get dirty by the end of the day. He didn't think he owned one shirt without a stain or a sewn hole.
The blue shirt he wore with plain brown pants would have to do; it was the best clothing he had until he got into town to buy more.
He made his way down stairs and saw his mother fixing a curtain, she hopped up when she saw him and embraced him happily "My, my, it's been such a long time since I've seen you walk down those stairs," she smiled "And how are you feeling? Would you like some breakfast? Your dad has gone to work and your sister is off with her friends...Fredrick it's so nice to see you!".
Freddie laughed and went to the kitchen to grab a piece of fruit "I'm fine mom, I might go into town today, I need some clothes that touched." he bit into the apple and felt good about the day.
"Well could you get some more bread while you're there? We don't need eggs, did I tell you Mrs. McCowlly over the road got some chickens?" she rambled.
"Gosh mom, only got home yesterday and you're asking me to do your bidding! Haha, don't give me that look, of course I will," he kissed his mother on the forehead and walked to the front door while she just tittered and watched "I'll be home a bit later".
Walking into town felt like just a few steps; unlike when he was a kid, he would complain because town was far away. Fred felt different somehow, he didn't feel like the kid he used to be...despite him growing up, there was something different.
He kept his head held high and trotted into the beautiful streets of Bedford Falls.

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Character Portrait: Evelyn Jackson Character Portrait: Alexander Caine Character Portrait: Austin Macomber
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He couldn't believe that he was back after two long years of studying abroad. Would his old friends still remember him? Austin shook the thought away. Of course they would. They had been friends since they were children. It would be hard to forget over a decade of memories, wouldn't it?

The sun was shining brightly and he turned on the radio. His car was brand new and he took great acre of it. It had taken about ten months of over time to save up enough for this. Of course, ten months wasn't quite that long when he thought about it. Having a job as residency paid better than most jobs out there and he wasn't even a full doctor yet.

Welcome to Bedford Falls

Austin had to crack an excited grin at that. He hadn't been home in forever. How much would his sister have grown? She was about a teenager now. Then he saw a car pulled over and slowled down his own to see what was going on. He got out and approached it hesitantly. But what he saw made him scowl. These two dogs must be overheating. Even though the weather wasn't that hot yet, but he was sure the dogs would have liked to stretch out their legs. Austin looked around for the owner but didn't really see anyone. He ran a hand through his blonde hair and went back to his car and got some rope.

"Don't worry, guys. Let's just go for a quick walk, okay?" His voice was gentle and coaxing and the two dogs let him tie the rope loosely around their collars. He looked down the road and saw a truck of some sort. Maybe they knew where the owner could be? He started walking down. The two animals seemed to be enjoying themselves as they padded on ahead of him. Maybe he was an idiot for wasting his time on someone else's animals. Maybe the owner would try to sue him. He rolled his eyes. Money ws getting tighter and tighter and people were trying to sue each other for the tiniest things. It had already happened to him twice. Both times he had been released with an apology from the judge. Ridiculous, really.

"Slow down there, would ya?" He chuckled softly as one of the dogs strained and soon the other was as well. "Fine, fine," HE started jogging and with his long legs, it was easy to keep an easy pace with them.

Then the dogs started barking. Austin tilted his head slightly and widened his eyes as he recognized the two people. What a coincedence. It was Evelyn and Alex. Two of his best friends from a while ago. Would they remember him? He hadn't seen them in two years after all... He held tighter onto the ropes. Wouldn't want to scare his two friends, now did he.

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Character Portrait: Evelyn Jackson Character Portrait: Alexander Caine Character Portrait: Austin Macomber Character Portrait: Rosie Foster
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Rosie was sitting in the passenger’s seat in her father's blue car. His window was rolled down half way but Rosie who didn't want to ruin her hair had kept hers up. Her father had tried to keep a conversation going but it didn't work so well, Rosie would always answer way too long answers that would be impossible to respond to. Rosie always talked too much, especially when she was excited. She was of course excited right now; she hadn't been home in nearly a year. She missed home and thought of it a lot when she was at university. She wanted to become a teacher though and it was her choice to leave home.

Welcome to Bedford Falls

She smiled at the sign. She had seen it so many times but this time was more special than the last time she saw it. She wasn't sure why but it was. Her father looked over at her with a questioning look, but Rosie just shrugged.

Finally the car pulled into the drive way and a little girl came rushing out, her little ringlets bouncing with each step. She hugged Rosie, and then Rosie picked her up and said, "Hello Marry." Marry just hugged her again. Rosie walked up to the house with Rosie in her arm, and then put her down to hug her mother. "Rosie you look like you've grown up! I love your dress too," her mother told her. Rosie looked down at her dress, she has bought it in New York City where her college was located. "Thank you mamma," she replied with a smile.

Rosie looked around at the neighborhood until her eyes landed on Evelyn, Alexander, and Austin. It had been a long time since she saw then, she waved hoping they would notice her, but then she decided to go over. "Hello,' she said when she got over there.

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Character Portrait: Evelyn Jackson Character Portrait: William "Bill" Williams
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Bill Williams was having the time of his life as he flew lazily over the South Carolina countryside. He had gotten up early that morning to prepare himself for this trip and now was flying his yellow Piper Cub home. Below him he could see his hometown spreading out before him. He could recognize the Welcome to Bedford Falls sign, the cars driving past it looking like little toys. It was hard to tell for certain, as he had never seen Bedford Falls from this perspective before, but the town seemed to be busier and more prosperous than the last time he'd seen it. He could clearly see the reason for this prosperity, a big ammunition plant just outside of town which had provided jobs and a much-needed economic boost for the region.

Lining up along Main Street, Bill nosed his plane over into a dive, pulling up at rooftop level and buzzing the town. There was no malicious intent in this action, and it never even occurred to him that there was even a slight chance of scaring some of the resident. Close to the center of town, Bill half noticed a young woman chasing a dog down the street, he pulled up, wiggling his wings in greeting to the people below. Gently turning as he climbed, Bill started looking for a place to land. There was no airport or airfield near the town, so this had been the biggest difficulty Bill had faced when planning his trip home, but he had found a solution. Old Man Sanders, a cantankerous old fellow who's family had lived in the area longer than anyone could remember, had agreed to let him use one of his unused fields as a runway and an old barn as a hangar. Mr. Sanders was an ornery old coot, and not particularly well liked by the rest of the town, but Bill had somehow befriended him when he was little. As Bill came into land he could see Mr. Sanders standing next to his old Model T, scowling furiously at the incoming bright yellow plane as if it was some unexpected and unwelcome visitor. As Bill touched down with a slight bump he couldn't help but laugh a little at the sight. It felt so good to be home.

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Character Portrait: Austin Macomber Character Portrait: Valerie "China Doll" Legendre
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"Leave me alone!", a white blonde medium short curly haired young woman shouted to Mr. Noel Daniel Legendre, her father. He looked back at her and rolled his eyes, his arms tightly set on his broad chest, "I'm tired of you running away from what you really need to do! You know what I am talking about, young lady!", sternness in his voice, his authority resolute. Mrs. Lillian Eva Belmonte Legendre, her mother, budded in, "Noel, stop being so hard on her....", she then was cut off, "No mama, don't you dare stick up for me! I'm a grown woman!", the young woman cut in, causing her father to be even more infuriated.

"Don't you talk to your mother like that!"

"Stop screaming at her!"

"I'm tired of fighting with you, pa. I'm out of here!"

The young woman quickly walked out of the large manor, slamming the door behind her. Both her parents slightly jumped at the harshness she done with the door, "I'm tired of her nonsense, Lilly, I really am....", Noel commented, highly aggravated at his daughter. Lillian, on the other hand, stuck up for her, knowing that her daughter was grown enough to have a voice, "I'm tired of you two fighting.... She just came back from New York and you already picking one with her", she replied, putting her hand on his shoulder as the two watched their daughter, from the large bay window, fume down the large driveway, disappearing from sight.

A little later.....

The young woman sat in the town's large park, watching people walk by her. A tear almost came down her face but she successfully resisted the urge to let it fall. She was a fighter not a weakling! She didn't let anything get her down, standing strong and tall!.... That kind of attitude was what she got from her father. The both of them shared so many similarities that her mother called them "hardheaded twins". How ironic.... Oh! We forgot to introduce her name.... If we must, we shall.... It was the very beautiful and very talented Valerie "China Doll" Legendre.... The nickname dubbed by her musician buddies. The group was called Fourplay; the band playing solely smooth jazz. Their lead singer was none other then their "China Doll". They took New York and, ultimately, all of USA and war-torn Europe by storm, gaining massive recognition and fame. Even Cole Porter, himself, sampled one of their songs, The Way You Love Me, in one of his musicals hit Broadways as the theme song. This helped boost them into celeb status, now recording songs for a huge music company called Starlit Records. All of this was nice for Valerie but she needed a break from the glitzy glamour and fame, choosing her hometown as a getaway....

But her guess was thought wrong in choosing the choice as she was coldly greeted by her father and him not liking her as a famous singer. Throughout her first hours being home, the two fought head-to-head, trying to win over the other.... How petty was that! Not to mention, he wanted her to marry a man that she didn't love, that being the main reason why she moved away from home.... Let's not get into the "marriage of convenience" because it depressed her so much.... Valerie crossed her arms and continued to slouch against the wooden bench, her skirt sliding up her silky ivory thighs, involuntarily. A man passed by and whistled at her, now exposed, nicely shaped legs. Valerie quickly sat up in her seat, pulling the hem of her skirt down, "What the hell are you looking at, you perv!", she shouted causing everyone to stare at the man in disgust. All too quickly, the man walked away, embarrassed at Valerie's retort against him. That'll teach him! Speaking of her skirt, Valerie was dressed to the "nines": a cream white skirt suit, cream white diamond bow high heels, a matching hair pinned-to-the-side laced hat, and a matching diamond studded purse. Her platinum jewelry was tucked away inside her purse, not wanting to wear them at the moment.

Back to Valerie, her mind drifted to a close friend of her's that she secretly had feelings for: Austin.... They were really close, growing up together since she moved from New England to Bedford Falls, South Carolina when she was ten years old. He helped her adjust to the town and even stood up for her when she was bullied by some of the boys in school. To her personally, Austin was the closet person she had and confided into, no one else closed to her like that. Austin still had a lot of friends remaining close to them as well but Valerie wasn't that close to them, remaining as an acquaintance. It wasn't because she did't like them or thought that she was better then them, it was only because she had an underlying shyness towards them that she still couldn't shake off. She wasn't much for a large circle of friends, liking only one close friend, Austin, to accompany her life.

Out of the corner of her right eye, Valerie saw Evelyn, Alexander, Rosie, and....Austin talking to one another. Her cheeks, secretly, turned a light shade of pink as she quickly got up from her seat going out of their peripheral view. Valerie wasn't ready to face the group just yet, shying away to a nearby fountain. She hid behind it, watching them with a curious eye. They all still looked the same as she last remembered, noting only a few changes on their persons.... Old amours thoughts of Austin instantly came in her mind causing her to blush harder. Why was she thinking of him that way when he didn't care to think of her like she did? This really boggled her mind, thinking that she left all feelings for him behind when she left Bedford Falls.... But since she came back so did the feelings too.... "Why in the hell did I choose my hometown as a vacationing resort.... My father greeting me with a fight and now suppressed feelings for Austin resurfacing up.... What's next!?!?! Ugh! This is really killing me!", she thought aggravated, continuing to watch the group meet up, going over old times together.

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Evelyn sighed a breath of relief as a young man grabbed Jasper's collar bringing the dog to a halt, hurrying over she knelt down lightly holding the dogs head, she scratched behind the labs ear "don't ever do that again!" she scolded lighting with a small chuckle.

"Would you look who it is."

Hearing the voice she looked up at the man who had stopped her dog with a smile, boy did that voice sound familiar "Alex?" she asked rising to her feet "Is that really you?" the excitement rising in her, she had not seen her friend in two years, she hardly recognized him, he sure looked different if it hadn't been for his smile, blue eyes and voice she had to admit that she probably wouldn't have noticed him. Always one for a hug Evelyn threw her arms around him out of joy "oh Alex, I have to admit I never thought I's see you again!" she exclaimed so overjoyed that she barely noticed the plane fly low overhead, if it wasn't for the sudden gust of wind blowing her hair and dress.

Hearing barking from behind her head whipped round quickly and saw a man walking Spud and Louis "What are you doing with my dogs?" she demanded to know, placing a hand on her slender hips but as her eyes traveled up to his face her expression softened slightly "Wait, Austin?" He didn't have time to answer here when she noticed a brunette woman walking over to them, whom she recognized immediately as Rosie Foster, who had perhaps changed the least out of them all, looking at them all she let out a small laugh, feeling slightly overwhelmed "Well..." she simple muttered unable to find the words.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Jackson Character Portrait: Alexander Caine Character Portrait: Austin Macomber Character Portrait: Valerie "China Doll" Legendre Character Portrait: Rosie Foster
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Austin was surprised.

"You're dogs?" He wrinkled his nose. "Well of course I had to take them. They were just sitting in the car." He grinned at her. "And yeah. It's me, Ev."
He followed her gaze and let out a loud laugh.
"Well. if it isn't the whole group!" Austin handed the ropes to Evelyn before turning to greet Rosie with a warm bear hug.
"Gosh. Rosie. You've grown mighty pretty." He released her and patted Evelyn's shoulder. "Can't say the same for you, though." He winked to show he was kidding. Evelyn had certainly grown to be a very gorgeous woman. A huge difference from the lanky girl back then. It made him chuckle at how much all of them had seemed to change. Still chuckling, Austin turned to Alex.

"And you." Austin grinned. "How've you been?" It felt so great to back among his closest friends. At his university, he hadn't had any time for friends and socializing. It was just studying and studying all day long. He wasn't able to keep in touch with them and now that he was here with them, it made him realize just how much he had missed his friends. "It's so great to see all of you guys again."

The sun was bright, the breeze was cool... What a great day this was turning out to be. Maybe returning to Bedford Falls was the best thing he could have done. He felt lighter and happier than he had in weeks. Months even. Now all he had to do was see his mother, sister and Valerie. Then this day would be complete.

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"Gosh. Rosie. You've grown mighty pretty." Austin had told her before releasing her. She gave him a little grin then said, β€œI don’t think I’ve grown at all.” That was true, she didn’t think that she had changed a bit. She wished she would have though, that would be nice. She was turning 20 in a matter of days and she still looked like she did at 16.

Rosie looked around at everyone. Her old friends that she had missed so much. It felt good to be home, well just for the summer then she would be heading back to New York and study again. When she was done at her university maybe she could come back here, she thought but then quickly changed her mind. Her friends would be in other places anyways, and she really liked the huge city more than here. This place was home, but so way New York.

Rosie wondered why everyone on was here. She knew that they had all moved to different places after graduation. Rosie was the only one that wanted to become a teacher. They all had plans for their futures without each other in them. β€œSo how is everyone?” asked Rosie. That was all that she could think to say.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Jackson Character Portrait: Alexander Caine Character Portrait: Austin Macomber Character Portrait: Rosie Foster
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Alex embraced Evelyn as she hugged him, lifting her off the ground softly, then turing to watch as she flipped around to see someone holding dogs. As she spoke, Alex's eyes drifted to the walkers face, a smile cascading over his. He watched Evelyn's reaction as she realized who it was, then following her eyes to Rosie, standing behind Austin, looking nearly the same with a slight change to her features.

"And you." Austin said, grinning. "How've you been?"

"Pretty good. Yourself?" He replied, turning to Rosie as she spoke. She had grown pretty, even if she hadn't changed much. She had always been pretty. So had Evelyn. Come to think of it, their whole group had been. They had been a pretty solid group. Looking at the few of his friends that were standing there, and he realized what it would be like when they were older, when they no longer kept in touch, and when one of them got married. Would the others be invited? Would they even remember each other's names?

But that was too far away, and there was no need for him to think about that now.

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"You're dogs?" He wrinkled his nose. "Well of course I had to take them. They were just sitting in the car." He grinned at her. "And yeah. It's me, Ev."
He followed her gaze and let out a loud laugh.

Evelyn's eyes narrowed "Well if this one didn't enjoy running, they wouldn't have had to stay in the car" she muttered slightly annoyed before grabbing the robes out of the mans hand.

"Gosh. Rosie. You've grown mighty pretty." He released her and patted Evelyn's shoulder. "Can't say the same for you, though."

Evelyn rolled her eyes, Austin had always been one to insult her and she had long ago learned not to let what he said bother her "And your still as charming as ever" she replied with a roll of her eyes.

Wrapping her arms around Rosie she hugged her best friend dearly "It mighty good seeing you Rosie" she smiled before pulling away "All of you" she added turning to the rest of her friends "London was so dull without y'all" Evelyn muttered her thoughts suddenly drifting back to the rubble lined streets and the high pitched wail of the sirens, a quick shiver ran over her before a smile appeared on her face as the thought passed as quickly as it came.

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"It mighty good seeing you Rosie" Evelyn told her. Rosie was glad to see her too. "London was so dull without y'all" Rosie had almost forgotten Evelyn had gone to Londan! She wondered what it must have been like. Rosie had been following the war from New York, but she couldn't imagine what it must be like, being there. She has heard stories of people going though, one stuck out in her mind. Beth, a lady that owned a bakery in New York, her husband went to Germany and never returned. Poor Beth she was so lost without him. Rosie knew that Evelyn most likely wouldn't even want to talk about her trip there, so Rosie just forgot about it.

"We should all go do something together sometime, something run," said Rosie. She really just wanted to spend time with everyone, she didn't have many friends in New York, she missed the people she grew up with.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Jackson Character Portrait: Alexander Caine Character Portrait: Austin Macomber Character Portrait: Rosie Foster Character Portrait: William "Bill" Williams
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Mr. Sanders had been kind enough to have the barn doors open, allowing Bill a taxi the plane right in. Hopping out of the cockpit Bill walked over to the still scowling old man.

"So that's the newfangled deathtrap your parents told me about," Sanders said gruffly.

"It's about as safe as that deathtrap of yours," Bill responded, jerking his head at the Model T. Reaching into one of the numerous pockets of his denim flight suit Bill grabbed his wallet, handing a $10 bill to Mr. Sanders. "Here's the first months rent."

Sanders harrumphed loudly. "Whatever you say you hooligan. Grab your stuff, I'll give you a ride into town."

As Sander's started his Ford, Bill headed back to his plane, grabbing a suitcase and a duffel bag from the back of it and closing the barn. Putting his luggage in the back of the car, Bill climbed into the front passenger seat and removed his leather flight helmet.

"You've never seen your folks' new place yet have you?" Bill shook his head. "I would've stayed in a proper house myself, but I guess whatever works for them." Bill's parent had moved from their house into an apartment on Main Street. The bottom floor was a small dress/laundry shop his mother ran while the top two were the families living quarters.

The short drive to down was taken in silence, something that suited the two men in the car. Bill spent most of it gazing idly up at the sky, lost in thought. They never stayed consistent, flitting from subject to subject seemingly at random, though flying and the war in Europe were the most frequent. He also couldn't help but wonder who how much the town had changed, which of his peers would be there and which wouldn't, and working what people would think of him now that he was a pilot. Or if they'd think about him differently at all. For all who knew he might forever remain that strange little guy he'd been known as in high school to his former classmates.

"Well we're here." Sanders said abruptly as he stopped the car in front of a small storefront with a simple sign reading Williams Clothing. "And lookee there. It looks like even more of you hooligans are back home. So much for a quiet summer."

His train of thought broken, Bill looked down and spotted the small group of young adults Mr. Sanders had indicated. Climbing out of the car Bill smiled and waved awkwardly in case any of them looked his way, his heart skipping a beat as he saw Evelyn Jackson was among them.

"I'll be back sometime tonight to work on a few things," Bill informed Mr. Sanders as he grabbed his stuff from the back.

"Come and go as you please. You can do most anything you want as long as you get me my rent." Putting the Model T back in gear, Mr. Sanders laid on his horn to make sure Evelyn and the others knew he was coming leaving Bill standing there on the sidewalk.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Jackson Character Portrait: Alexander Caine Character Portrait: Austin Macomber Character Portrait: Valerie "China Doll" Legendre Character Portrait: Rosie Foster Character Portrait: William "Bill" Williams
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Valerie then jumped slightly when a car horned, announcing to the others that it dropped someone off. Valerie narrowed her eyes a little until she saw another familiar face, Bill. He must of had came back from flying which he normally did mostly on a daily basis. This was now or never for Valerie so she came from behind the fountain, fixing herself and hair up, walking out of the large park.

The group continued to speak to one another until Valerie walked across the street, announcing herself, "Hey everyone! It's nice to see all of you again!", she surprisingly loud. She hoped that she didn't seem too eager or nervous, keeping her cool in check. "Good thing I know how to keep myself together....", she thought trying to keep her nervous attention off of Austin who was also among the group.

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Freddie walked quickly into town, overjoyed to see how the town had changed. Not much had, actually, except for a few new buildings here and there, some done-ups and new people he had never seen before. Bedford Falls had certainly grown.

He wasn't paying much attention until he saw a group of young adults conversing. Fred could've sworn he knew some of them, but their names had lost him...they were old classmates of his, he knew that but...peering closely while still walking he mananged to pick out who each familiar face was, perhaps mixing up names a bit. They were all good friends as kids, he was in the same class as them and sometimes even hung out with their friend group, but Freddie was always quiet as a kid, he never knew what to say or do around other children. Even now he was tossing up between saying hello or walking past...he didn't know them very well, they probably had this meeting planned and he didn't want to ruin--
"Ouch..." Fredrick groaned and rubbed his head "Of course I would walk into a pole". Feeling flustered, he kindly refused passerby's help up from the ground, great, he thought, just what I need my old classmates to see...that I am still as clumsy as ever. Slowly he stood up, feeling the headache at the back of his mind trying to make it's way through. I work at a farm for 3 years and I still manage to hurt myself, Fred sighed, looking up in hope that they didn't notice the commotion.

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Evelyn jumped slightly at the sound of the car horn beeping, looking behind her she saw none other than her shy old classmate Bill Williams, it was hard to miss the handsome chap from her childhood, heck it was hard to miss any of her old classmate, they were an oddly attractive bunch to say the least "Billy!" He soft voice called out excitedly as she waved at the boy, no man from across the road waiting for him to cross the road over to their little group.


The man's voice momentarily caught her attention, looking to her left she saw a man fall to the ground, her nurse instinct coming into practise she hurried over and knelt beside him "Are you okay? Is your vision blurry?" she questioned looking into his eyes to check his pupils, noticing there was no difference she smiled softly "Well you seem to be okay" she stated. Evie rose with him and the longer she looked at him the more his face became familiar to her, until it dawned on her "Fredrick Herrmann?" she quizzed.

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Fredrick jumped at the sound of a womans voice, he had hardly noticed her asking him questions. His head wasn't completely right at the moment, but he thought again and doubted it ever was. Laughing in his mind he glanced towards her and noticed her properly for the first time, she was very pretty to say the least, but something in her eyes reminded him of when he was a kid. He guessed she was a classmate of his, her face and blonde hair was recognisable, but for some reason he couldn't put a name to her.

"I'm fine," he laughed, slightly flushed and embarrassed "I walk into poles all the I mean, I don't do it on purpose...a-and I'm not stupid or anything. What I mean know what I mean." He was making a fool out of himself and he knew it. What is wrong with me? he grumbled in his mind, I'm not usually like this, guess I haven't conversed with a lot of people for a while though.

Freddie looked at the blonde girl closely, her kind eyes made him smile. He suddenly remembered who she was...well, sort of.
"Sorry, what was that? Am I Fredrick Herrmann? Yes, that's me. S'a pleasure, and you must be...Evie? No...Jackie? That isn't it either...I remember you, though." he kind of felt sheepish for not remembering her name, but he was always awful with names.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Jackson Character Portrait: Alexander Caine Character Portrait: Austin Macomber Character Portrait: Fredrick J. Herrmann
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Alex watched the situation, all the class mates coming at the same time. It was rediculous, to say the least. But the summer has just started, and the day is young. He thought, smiling, and walking over to Austin. "You thinking what I'm thinking? We need a proper reunion." He said to his friend, watching Evelyn run to the aid of some other person. Getting a better look at his face, Alex was able to recognize that it was Fredrick Hermann, an old class mate of theres.

"Her name's Evelyn Jackson." He said, a smirk coming to his face. They lived in a pretty small town, how could he forget her name? But then again everyone went to our school, so I guess it makes sense, he thought, still watching them.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Jackson Character Portrait: Alexander Caine Character Portrait: Austin Macomber Character Portrait: Fredrick J. Herrmann
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"I walk into poles all the I mean, I don't do it on purpose...a-and I'm not stupid or anything. What I mean know what I mean." Evelyn couldn't help but laugh slightly at the man in front of her "well I can't say it's never happened too me" she admitted with a kind smile before chuckling lightly at the memory and the bruise that accompanied the collision.

"sorry, what was that? Am I Fredrick Herrmann? Yes, that's me, s'a pleasure, and you must be...Evie? No...Jackie? That isn't it either...I remember you, though."

"Well I should hope you do! We did go through high school together" she laughed "Her names Evelyn Jackson" Alex voice came from behind her, smirking over her shoulder at him she turned back to Fred with a sile "you were right the first time"she laughed. Before turning back to Alex "that sounds like a great idea! What shall we do?" she enquired.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosie Foster Character Portrait: Fredrick J. Herrmann
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Rosie was just listening into everyones conversations. Fredrick Herrmann had just joined them. She was surpised that they where all here at once, she thought she would be the only one. Now it seemed like a class reunion. She couldn't help but smile. At this moment life seemed so right. They where all together again. She also fought the urge to hug all of them. It seems strang but she really does, she didn't have many friends in New York, only the lady that owned the bakery and a girl in one her classes. No one was all the friendly too her in New York either, she had gotten very homesick soon in.

Fredrick didn't remember Evelyn, so Rosie didn't know if she should say hi too. She though it might be rude not to say hello so she said to Fredrick, "Hello Fredrick, I wouldn't expect you to remeber me, but I'm Rosie," she gave him a little smile. She was suprised that everyone else remember her, she always though they would forget about her after the first year. It also helped that she hadn't changed much though.

"You thinking what I'm thinking? We need a proper reunion." Alex had told Austin. Rosie wanted to turn and agree but, she had just spoken to Fredrick and it would be rude to go talk to someone else with a reply.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Jackson Character Portrait: Alexander Caine Character Portrait: Austin Macomber Character Portrait: Rosie Foster Character Portrait: Fredrick J. Herrmann Character Portrait: William "Bill" Williams
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"Billy!" Evelyn called out, waving to him. Waving back he walked over to the small group, deciding his luggage would be safe where it was for the moment.

"Ouch..." Bill saw another class mate, Fredrick Herrmann, walk into a pole. Billy resisted the temptation to laugh, he had done that often enough back in school. He couldn't help but smile as he listened to him stammer at Evelyn's inquiry if he was all right. He would have done the exact same thing if the situation had been reversed.

Reaching the group Bill put his hands in his pockets, his flight helmet still tucked under his arm. "So, how's everyone doing." He said conversationally to try and make sure they avoided any awkward silences.

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"We should go bridge jumping." Alex said, a smirk on his face as he nodded a hello to Bill. "Pretty well. When'd you get back?" He asked, his smirk turning to the natural smile that was recognizable. He had missed these people so much, for most of his life, they had been his everything, and now, all of a sudden, here they all were together again, after being apart for a year. It seemed like an extremely strange coincidence that they were all in the same place, at the same time, but it certainly wasn't a bad one.

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"We should go bridge jumping."

Evelyn raised an eyebrow, releasing a short sharp laugh "Dare I remind you what happened last time we did that?" she asked slightly amused, however it had been a long time since she had done anything that adventurous and thrilling like bridge jumping "On second thought that, sounds fun, I'll bring a food hamper" she smiled.

"So y'all in?" she enquired looking around the group.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Austin Macomber Character Portrait: Valerie "China Doll" Legendre
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Austin was just listening to the others talk. It felt really nice and it was just like old times again. He nodded at Alex. He was entirely right.

Then he saw a face that made him burst out into a bright smile.

"Val!" He walked up to her and opened his arms and hugged her tightly. She was gorgeous. The two had always been good friends. Then he pulled away, though he kept a casual arm around her small shoulders.

"Bridge jumping? I'm in." Austin turned to Valerie. "You up for it?"

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Character Portrait: Fredrick J. Herrmann
5 sightings Fredrick J. Herrmann played by Kiyokojordie

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Re: I Know We'll Meet Again

Hey, just thought I'd check to see if there was any interest in reviving this RP, or turning it into a 1x1. I really loved the characters as well as the setting, and I hate that it seems to have died. Sorry for not posting this sooner, life got busy.

Re: I Know We'll Meet Again

I'm waiting for Alise to post...

Re: I Know We'll Meet Again

I'll post sometime this afternoon/evening. I was just hoping we might get at least one more post between my previous one.

Re: I Know We'll Meet Again

Come on guys get posting again!

Re: I Know We'll Meet Again

jigokunoshinzo it's not letting me accept it for some reason

EDIT: Nevermind it's finally worked you are now free to post :)

Re: I Know We'll Meet Again

Okay! I have just sent in a blank character sheet so I will be able to play her character. She's gotten better... she just can't stand bright lights at the mooment.

Re: I Know We'll Meet Again

I'll just post it one here, just that basically you are welcome to play forevers character whilst she is recovering, which I hope is soon, so it will be great to have you onboard!

EDIT:Sorry Kiyo that was suppose to be sent to jigokunoshinzo, got momentarily confused! haha, it happens a lot ;P

Re: I Know We'll Meet Again

Sorry I didn't get it, can you send it again?

Re: I Know We'll Meet Again

I hope she's okay also and kiyo I have sent you a pm :)

Re: I Know We'll Meet Again

I hope she will be okay. I wish her well!

Re: I Know We'll Meet Again

foreverxraining is at the hospital now and she's really sick... so she won't be able to post for a while...

She asked me to play her character and I am an experienced roleplayer but she says she understands if you would like to find a new player

Re: I Know We'll Meet Again

All posts looking great :) Looking forward to developing this RP!

Re: I Know We'll Meet Again

I posted too! Sorry if the post is a little thick and long, haha. :P

Re: I Know We'll Meet Again

Posted. Here's hoping know one got too freaked out by the clueless fly boy ;)

Re: I Know We'll Meet Again

I'll post when two or three more posts go up! ;)

Re: I Know We'll Meet Again

Then there can be a fourth female now?

Re: I Know We'll Meet Again

Character submitted, let me know if there is anything you would like me to change :)